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Spam and Viruses

Think you received spam or a virus from You didn't, but it might look that way.

It has come to my attention that viruses and spammers often use the Kundalini gateway (and some related domains) as a fake alias in the "from" field of the posts.

Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to stop them, but rest assured that if you received spam or viruses of any type, they did not come from this domain.. here is the proof:

The IP address of this domain is

If you look in the extended header of the virus/spam post, (check your email program's help file to find out how) you will find that the email comes from a different IP address than this one.

This is a spiritual website, and we take care to adhere to the highest standards of internet safety and ethical nettiquite.

The only people who receive mail from this domain are people who have voluntarily subscribed to the K-list, (link that word to the FAQ) or people who emailed one of the auto responders, or the moderators requesting information about the list or website.

We do not have viruses, send spam or posts with any kind of attachment. The K-list and auto responders send mail plain text only, and there are filters in place to screen out list mail that contains attachments, html or styled text. We take care to spam proof every single user address in the K-list archives, to protect our users and list members from the spam bots who would harvest their addresses for spam lists. The server is secure and cannot be hacked by anyone who would use it for spamming or mischief.

However the domain has been around for many years. It is in the address books of many people ... people who may get viruses, and viruses often use a random address from the infected person's address book to spoof the "from" field.

Spammers are unethical and will fake any return address, and seem to prefer to fake the addresses of websites that are ethical and have no history of spamming, because those sites are not on the spam lists that block them.

Unfortunately, while modern spam filters use the IP address of known spammers, some older spam filters still look at the forged "from" field... and so it is possible that the may show up on some spammer lists and be unfairly blocked.

We can hope this will not happen, but unfortunately it is beyond our control. footer links for polls section
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Kundalini by Sharon Webb.spacerblank Some caution is recommended when dealing with Kundalini.
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