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Everything is as it should be, and always has been e=MC2
Pleasure and Pain are both just sensation and therefore the same Joy is universal except that not everyone is aware of it
It is enough simply to BE.


1) There is a form of bliss that doesn't belong to senses and mind.
2) I know nothing.
3)There are still body-feelings remaining and the process has to be repeated at a much higher energy-level. This time, it will be hard so do your homework.
4)There is "something" which is "my" essence and the essence of everything, it has no limitation (and almost instantly, it became "experience").
5) What could be "done" is "done"; the fire will burn out by itself.


There be emerging in me awareness a sense that, while me does see you an' me, we two are of one "Feel."

All is One
Everybody has the same Self
"me" is just a little bundle of functions, doesn't exist as an entity
Consciousness (with a big "C," aka God) "generates" itself through consciousness expansion as we experience it on the material plane (sorry, can't describe it better than this -- I don't understand it!)
Creation is the body, the embodiment, of God
Enlightenment is natural and inevitable as God draws God into God


awe of knowing that ALL is as it should be.

this is the only way it *could* be; like a complex three dimensional puzzle where if you take out one piece, no matter which, the whole lot collapses.


There is only ONE self and we are IT.


1. There is some truth in everything but no group, person, or entity has it all correct (as if correct even has any meaning)-
1a - Simon says - beware of those who claim to have any understanding -
1b - Every 'holy book' will slip in passages with no Simon says preceding it -
2. 'Heaven' or a state of Bliss would be a boring place to spend an eternity or even a whole vacation.
3. There are 'spiritual' forces/energies but no God as used by most traditions-
4. Light only exists in the context of Dark
5. If there was no deterrence - we could not grow in spirit
6. There is an I and an i and a me and a Me - we are part of the whole but still distinct - merge with the universe but maintain your self -
7. Every blessing is a curse and every curse a blessing - or we grow more by our difficulties and mistakes and trials and tribulations then by our bliss and joy
8. It is never enough to just be - the human soul seeks to discover to create to do - the path of inaction is the dilemma that Arjuna faced on the battlefield -
9. However, when nothing is done nothing is left undone - the action flows from a higher self a non-questioning self - if (IFF)in that state then it is enough to just be - an active flowing just being -


God is Love
It's the Energy of the Universe!
Don't forget to remember the Present


read all the writing on your inner walls
give some attention to the course of the world and its people, but not much
be very, very funky
let it rip
outdo yourself
on purpose
because you like it
be not afraid
cuz you have got all the love of the universe inside of you
explore art and music in full
be good


"what remains when the ego goes?". Awareness!!!.


All is truth. It just depends on your perception.
Everything we understand is pointless. Everything we don't understand but know anyway provides true insight.
What we think of as nothing is something. What we think of as something is nothing. If we stop thinking, we can begin to transcend the dueling nature of duality.
Everything that we put into words makes the meaning dense. Stuff of spirit is so rapid, it's hard to grasp even a sliver of its clarity in the physical dimension.
We've created our lives with our thoughts. If we want our lives to change, we need to change our thinking.
Life can be frustrating because we can never completely know why things happen the way they do. Life would be boring if we could completely know why things happen the way they do. Stop thinking about it applies here too.
"I" really doesn't grasp anything. It keeps us busy with the endless chatter, worries and doubt. Thank you for your comments, "I." Now let melive my life.


I also believe we are all crystals, and that God is the light we reflect, as through our different facets.
My latest "understanding" came last night, and (for me) it was a biggie:
God is a hierarchy.
A while back, I remember sharing with all of you when I came to understand that "I know nothing". I love that one.


...From that vibe nothing is random, it all follows patterns too complex and too simple for the rational mind to follow. It is an "understanding", as the thread has been, lately. Didn't respond to that thread coz I didn't know where to begin.. I am so used to odd info incoming. Writing to someone the other day, I suddenly understood why the Mayans did mock


I got an understanding a while back that I couldn't have a great faith without also experiencing a great doubt. Now I look on these periods of faith-doubt as nothing less than the pulsation of the All itself. I also suspect sometimes that huge movement happens during the dry times and that we are protected by our numbness lest our frail little bodies fly apart in feeling intensity! Doubt can belong to the ego, but doubt can also reflect surrender and faith


"The students should know that if one has to ever choose between a teacher and Truth, one should always choose the Truth ..."


What was God's answer?

There were four "words"... the lightning was the first. They were words to me... communication... any attempt to translate into English words is inadequate to express what that was like... but as near as I can manage, here's what was said:

Lightning I AM Thunder I am power... majesty Silence I am peace Gentle rain (comfort) I am a loving parent ***

I had a guide once whose response to me protesting to me having free will was..."yes you have free will and occasionally you're even silly enough to TRY to use it."


One that stands out was a clear white light ( I know that sounds contradictory) standing very peacefully between the two - so peaceful as to be "nothingness". I asked what it was and it answered Love. I knew this was Love of the Highest order.


Yesterday I was having a very strong experience in meditation. Complete Earth was a big balloon, and I am on that balloon. And guess what. There is only one felling about that, what is hit me in the head. Every single being on Earth, even a tree, was doing exactly what they decide to do. This was very clear felling that everybody on Earth HAS DECIDE THAT DO WHAT THEY DO, but many people don't remember what they decide.


Now there is no understanding. There is only Love.


I had this vision i want to share:

Kundalini Started in the center of the earth (our power which sources the solar plexus) and ended in the sun in a rush of unlimited love which keeps life going.


Goddess once told me: become a flame, then the fire will never burn you.


I have no two cents and no understanding of anything at this time, but... 4. Light only exists in the context of Dark

Light itself is not visible. Only if 'something' reflects it, it can be seen and behind this
'something' appears shadow.


time does not move, it is always 'now'; and there is no temporal consciousness upon which (and with which) one could contemplate such a concept as 'time', for in that mind one is beyond time, memory, and the potential to doubt or question anything. And that is the deeper meaning of the term 'I Know'.


I came to a greyish,misty white substance and rested here.I had never experienced love and bliss that I could ever recall in my life but yet it didn't appear to be unfamiliar at all..I have no other word to explain this other than I was in the bossom of God.It communicated to me from being,not thought or perhaps some finer level of thought or telepathy and this is what it said.

It said what you are experiencing is what you are and what everyone else is and it is all part of me.I said I will teach you but you have to listen,Listen,Listen closely.

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