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Member Polls and Surveys.

Religion Poll


Poll question:

What religion were you "born into."

What religion (if any) do you ascribe to now.

Dear list,

One thing I love about this list. They just love to give straight "yes and no" answers! LOL!

Twenty-nine people responded to the religion poll. Thanks everyone!

19 of those responding were born into Christian or part Christian households
8 had no religious upbringing or households or part atheist households
2 people were born into a Jewish or part Jewish household
1 person was born Buddhist
1 was born Muslim

(Some people were born into a household of differing religious beliefs which accounts for the numbers not adding to 29)

Now it gets interesting!

10, the largest number of respondents, chose a synthesis or mixture of various religious and/or spiritual elements.

6 said they were Christian. (5 remain Christian. One person became Christian after growing up non religious.) Another person chose Gnosticism, the mystical form of Christianity, as part of a synthesis of religions.)

5 answered none to the question. (But 4 expressed interest in spiritual views and various religions . )

2 said that they couldn't label what they believe (2 others said it transcended dogma or was impossible to define but mentioned other religions or beliefs putting them in the synthesis category)

1 remains Buddhist (7 others mentioned Buddhism as part of a synthesis of religions or beliefs)

1 New Age (4 others chose new age as part of a synthesis)

1 chose Judaism (qualified), (one other chose the mystical Kabbala form of Judaism as part of a synthesis.)

1 called herself spiritualist

1 spoke of belief in life force

and 1 Tantra.

If one includes synthesis or mixture of religions, the numbers are as follows:

14 people mentioned searching various paths/religions
8 mentioned Buddhism
7 Christian or part Christian (including 1 Gnostic)
5 New Age
5 no religion (sometimes qualified with spiritualism or synthesis of other religions)
4 defies label or transcends dogma
3 In part Hinduism
2 In part Pagan
2 mentioned life or life force
2 Jewish or in part Jewish (including 1 kabbalah)
2 mentioned spiritualism
1 in part Taoist
1 Tantra
1 Siddha Yoga
1 non dualist
1 humanist
1 in part Theosophy
1 in part mystic/metaphysical

Thanks for taking part in yet another fascinating poll! footer links for polls section
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Kundalini by Sharon Webb.spacerblank Some caution is recommended when dealing with Kundalini.
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Footer img by Sharon Webb. Cadeucus anim from
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