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To: K-list
Recieved: 2003/12/22 03:14
Subject: Re: [K-list] woe
From: hbrost

On 2003/12/22 03:14, hbrost posted thus to the K-list:

Dear Deepak,

No answers have I, and can only comment on your questions from the results of my journey so far, but after reading your email I must ask you if you are aware of your being led by your ego and not your "inner Self."

Your Self only wants peace. Your ego maintains that it will find happiness in the material world. Denying yourSelf pleasure and bowing to the ego are one in the same, believe it or not.

Do we really need another person in this human world to make us "happy" and ...what? comfortable, secure? If we rely on our egos, probably yes. NOT to say that being with a most compatible partner is not the goal of every human mind and body, but...how do we live within our own skins without a partner and still find peace, inner joy?

What have you experienced from falling in love? Falling in love? ;-) It felt wonderful tho', right? What if one could learn to fall in love with oneSelf, with life, with simply the knowledge that this love exists within us in unimaginable vastness? Deepak, it is there for the taking and believe me, denying yourSelf will get you no-where. Accepting what is out-there, and out-ward is only that of ego. Extending what you have inside (love) and letting it land where it may...may bring joy!

Tomorrow do just one thing for yourSelf. Whatever. Paint. Take a hike. Sign up for a course in ...singing. Do something YOU enjoy that has a creative bent to it. See how you feel. Prepare and enjoy a special meal. Watch a funny movie -- by yourself. And perhaps, go to the market and SMILE at someone and see how they respond.

I hope this helps. All of the above helps me.

Love to you,


i try self- inquiry, try to maintain my sense of self
and always try to see how i could be responsible for
creating the situation. I feels empowering, but i cant
seem to change the patterns i seem to have set....
I dont know why i go thru these periods of self hate
and loathing....if only i could clear that....
im totally disillusioned...i have written a lot of
times before too...always with similar queries, got
answers at times but mostly didnt.
Please someone guide me...i wait with an open mind.
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