To: K-list
Recieved: 2003/05/06 03:57
Subject: Re: [K-list] RE: Cycling of the Kundalini - Karma Resolution
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent
On 2003/05/06 03:57, Mystress Angelique Serpent posted thus to the K-list:
I was off celebrating Beltaine last weekend... thus, the delay.
At 02:56 AM 28/04/03, Bhavin Desai wrote:
>You may know the famous curse "may all your karmas come to you in the
>next seven days". This means that all good/bad karmas, which may take a
>lifetime to experience in the normal and natural course of events, would
>have to be experienced in seven days!!! This would be unbearable for
>most ordinary people.
I have heard the curse as "May you clear all your karma by next week,
and become enlightened" and I use it to explain why trying to push
Kundalini too fast can cause psychosis, even suicide. Fools rush in... I
mention it on the warning page on the Gateway site, in fact...
>Swami Ji once told Jack and John (my teachers) that what they had
>experience in a year was equivalent to the resolution of a lifetime's
>worth of karma.
Yes, it is possible. It can go even faster... with surrender.
Discomfort is caused by resistance. Your attachment to intellectualizing is
>My understanding of what is meant by Swami Ji being able to "burn your
>Karma" is as follows. He first makes an analysis of the good/bad karma
>of the individual. Next he analyses the capacity of the individual.
>Then he makes certain situations and circumstances available that will
>assist in resolving the karma. This also involves ensuring that other
>people who are bound in to the individual's karma are also available in
>the environment. If this process is done slowly it is difficult, but
>bearable. If this process is done quickly then it is almost impossible
>and unbearable. I have had the latter form.
This understanding... he did not say this to you. He did not teach you
that it was like this. You assumed it, intellectually, analysing in
hindsight. : )
Yes, that is how it *appears*, but how it actually IS, is different.
Opposite, almost. You have projected your own analytical thinking process,
onto the Master.
Consider the process of "analysing". It is an intellectual, thought
process. The Master has a silent mind, and simply *knows* whatever is
needed to be known, in the moment. So he would not be "analyzing" the
karma, or the individual capacity. He would not be "ensuring" anything. Ego
does that, enlightenment trusts Goddess to provide.
Your understanding is essentially correct, except... you give too much
credit to the Master! Heh. I understand, that is how it appears, like the
Master is arranging everything and pulling all the strings, but ... that
part of the work is "Goddess has it handled". The Shakti field of the
Master, plus your willing surrender sets up the ripples for the
synchronistic circumstances for resolution. The Master's job is to stay in
the moment, without expectations... be the support person, and guide you
through the experiences that come up. There is no "ensuring", and no
"Analyzing." Those are ego ideas.
The high vibration space of the Master's presence, and the surrender of
the student giving their power to the Master, creates the ripples of
synchronicity that arranges the events of unfolding. The Shakti field
pushes up the stuff that is to be released, and the order of the karma
coming up to be resolved is actually designed by the Divine
Beloved/unconscious self of the student. The Master follows, while
appearing to lead. You need to follow, to get results... but you are
following the Divine within the Master, a reflection of your own Divine Self.
When I make what I call a "Karma vampire agreement" with someone, the
arranging of circumstances for karma coming up to be released happens
automatically, synchronicity handles it, and my job is to be the support
person, guiding the resolution and telling people what they need to hear,
to release or resolve. I am guided in how to handle them, but the arranging
of circumstances just happens, naturally as a side effect of the Shakti
field. The Shakti field of the Master, enhanced by the surrender of the
chela does the work, the Master simply surrenders and allows. Flows along
with the process.
Often, I am given a choice whether to play the game/role with them...
or the student appears in response to some stray thought of my own. A few
months ago, I was complaining that we had too few traditional Kundalini
scholars on the list... :) Hello! Welcome...
Certainly, it does appear to the seeker, that I have analyzed
everything and am pulling all the strings in a miraculous and Godlike way,
and that gives them more faith to follow... by your faith, are you
healed... but analyzing is an intellectual process, thinking things out,
like you do. A master has a silent mind, and simply *knows* whatever is
needed to know, in the moment.
Your description makes it sound like the Master plans everything out in
advance... does not work like that. *Could not*, if the Guru is to stay in
the moment and not have expectations or attachments. Expectations and
attachments in the Master's mind, sabotage the process by creating
blockages that prevent the karma flow dynamic, and make it dangerous for
the Master. That is part of why so many Gurus die of kidney or liver
failure/dis-ease. Stuff getting stuck in them.
It is more that Goddess arranges it and I am shown the role I am to
play in the unfolding, and I stay detached, fluid to be responsive to the
nuances of unfolding. Having a plan or expectations becomes a place of
resistance that messes up the flow. I may be shown some things about how
the game will unfold, but I cannot attach to it, there are always
surprises. The Master is not the puppet Master, but the puppet! :)
Surrender is the challenge.
Sometimes the role is difficult, even uncomfortable and sometimes it
does involve not being so nice... :) but it all works out, so long as I go
with it and they surrender.
For me, it is *unethical* to allow the seeker to continue to think I
set up everything, once that game is done, as you are continuing to think
about your Master. It makes me too Godlike in their eyes, and it is harder
for them to eventually let go and find Goddess in themselves, and transfer
their devotion to that. The hierarchies that allow karma to flow uphill in
this way are functional, they make the magic work, but eventually they must
be set aside if the student is to attain Mastery, themselves. The more
exaggerated the hierarchies are to begin with, the harder it is to let them
go later.
Giving responsibility to the Master, is functional but it also giving
power away, and if held beyond its usefulness, it disempowers the seeker.
It is harder for them to find the power within themselves, and see
themselves as the cause of their own results. Responsibility has to be
given back, once the roles have served their purpose.
In your mind, you have given him all the power, and so you have not
realized the same power within yourself. I am giving the
power/responsibility back to you, by explaining...
It appears that the Master is leading but it is really following, one
step ahead. Surrendering to the needs of the student, and to their own
inner guidance, transparently. The Master is fluid, responding to what Is,
to subtle signals from the seeker that the seeker does not know they are
giving, and from the Master's inner guidance about what to do... and often
there is no analysis at all, the response happens from a Zen space of no
thought, the transparent vessel acts with perfection, in the moment. Even
the process of noticing what is to be cleared, is not a matter of analysis.
Goddess will make the stuff very obvious to draw attention to it. Annoying,
The magic comes not from taking responsibility, but from accepting it
and then surrendering it. "Goddess has it handled." Surrender does miracles
that the conscious mind could never arrange. I refer to it as "using the
smarter part of your mind. The infinite part, that does not need to think,
to know. Your intellect may be vast, but it pales to insignificance
compared to the cosmic consciousness.
What I wrote about education vs. experience, is part of the blockage
that limits your awareness, and your more recent posts have laid out the
rest of the story... in response to my asking Goddess "What is that about?"
and getting the answers from inside and from you! :) Charles asking the
question that prompted this post from you... all part of the process,
Goddess has it handled.
Your intellectual analysis of the karma clearing process has made
Mastery appear to be a challenging responsibility beyond what any human
being would want to take on! Good heavens! :) No kidding, you resist!
So, just as your Master's students denied the Niddhi of wealth because
they did not want responsibility for handling it, you have denied the
Siddhi of awareness out of not wanting the enormity of responsibility that
your intellectual analysis has told you that it is. You have all kinds of
excuses and justifiers that your ego is presenting, responsibilities,
etc... but they are an ego smoke screen.
It is time for you to set that aside, and become a Master in your own
right. You will be an excellent one! Your Masters have died... who will
carry on the lineage?
Even so, only the most deeply held karmas need that sort of
resolution, much of the lighter stuff just blows off like lint, in the
Presence. That is the point of seekers meditating in the Presence. The high
vibe Shakti field presence of the Master does it, autopilot, so long as the
Seeker surrenders to the hierarchy. Surrender, receptivity, the willingness
to follow.
Teamwork. One ox can pull 1000 pounds, two oxen can pull 5000
pounds... so long as they are pulling in the same direction, one following
the lead of the other. Where two or more are gathered... you give the
Master your power, and the Master is empowered to heal you. By your faith,
are you healed.
Karma follows responsibility, and your giving him that much
responsibility made the process flow. Now you are at the point where you
need to move beyond the hierarchy, to continue to grow, and I could do the
thing of telling you that I saw you and drew you here for that purpose...
:) On one level it would be true, The K-list functions to do that... but I
prefer to hand responsibility to Goddess, or to your own guidance drawing
you to where you need to be. In that way I give your power back to you.
>In terms of my personal experiences, I will give you a general idea of
>the process, since otherwise I would have to write a book. The process
>clearly would be different for different people, depending on the
>various factors indicated above.
What experiences synchronicity and the Shakti-field manifests, depends
on what needs to be resolved. I had one student who I ended up shouting
at... not words, but spontaneous vocalizations like Kung Fu shouts, that
would literally knock him flat and make him vibrate. Blasting the stuff out
of him.
I can rarely do them deliberately, they come of inspiration... but when
I was his teacher, they would occur every time we were together. It was
effective, for him and so I was the vessel of that. With others, I am moved
to act differently.
>Being born into a certain family indicates some Karmic relationship with
>the members of that family and relatives (recall the saying "you can
>choose your friends but not your family"). Also throughout ones life
>one will come into contact with various people who have some Karmic
These are often resolved via surrogates, rather than with the actual
individuals. Synchronicity will provide an encounter with someone who has
similar resonant issues, to trigger awareness of the issues and the stuff
is worked out with them, or internally. This is not unusual... there is an
expression, "Your ideal mate will have all the worst qualities of your
parents, so you can work stuff out together." Resonance and synchronicity
draws to us the people whom we can grow from.
>The aim of a Master such as Swami Ji is to ensure that each day there
>are opportunities (occurring naturally, or occasionally with some
Yes!! Naturally!! He does not aim for it, or ensure it. He *allows*
it. Surrenders to being the vessel of karmic release, from a Zen space of
no-thought, no expectations, and Goddess does the rest.
Life is what happens, while we are busy making other plans... I do not
need to create much structure for the students I was working with,
one-on-one. We just did normal things, hanging out, gardening, doing
housework, shopping for groceries, etc... and each day the stuff would come
up through the normal course of events. The lesson structure was provided
by Goddess via synchronicity, all happening very naturally. The Shakti
field does it all, makes the ripples... I did not have to do a thing, but
be attentive to the student and to Goddess within.
With my internet students, it is the same. They choose to take the
course, and they are surprised at how synchronicity moves to give them
experiences that validate whatever lesson they have just read, and how the
questions that come up in their minds in the time between, are often
answered by the next lesson. There is Shaktipat embedded in every lesson,
the process of embedding the energy was part of the course creation... but
if I were to take responsibility for their experiences and unfolding, then
their karma would flow to me. Karma follows responsibility. I tell them,
"the course belongs to Goddess, I am just the vessel of manifestation" and
give them their power back at every opportunity. So Goddess takes their
karma directly, and I can relax and enjoy my own life!
I am available to answer their questions for the first part of the
course, but by the time they are halfway through they usually are in touch
with their own inner guidance well enough to be quite independent. Their
own inner voice responds to their thoughts, and synchronicity provides
validation. Of course sometimes there are students who are lazy in their
disciplines, and continue to want to give responsibility to me... like a
child who still wants to be carried long after they have learned o walk and
grown big enough to be a heavy load. I'll be patient with it up to a point,
but sooner or later out comes the Zen stick, whack whack whack, grow up and
stand on your own two feet!
I have done the whole slave seeker hierarchy Mastery control thing, to
extremes few people experience, via BDSM and sex magic games. I have owned
people, as fully as it is possible to own another human being. Drawn them
into my reality and to the point of being able to telepathically control
their thoughts, feelings and experiences. I know how powerful it is, how
useful... and how hazardous and disempowering it can be, for the seeker.
>for the maximum karma to be resolved. It is not only that
>bad karma has to be resolved, but also good karma.
Yes. People get attached to good karma, wanting to recreate the past...
> Also, for most people, there is no knowledge of the particular
> individual karmas.
True. They cannot see themselves...
>Therefore most people cannot act in a way to reduce or resolve karma.
>Swami Ji can penetrate even to the deep levels of an individual and
>ensure that hidden/latent karmas are discharged, reduced, or resolved.
For me it is more like, I observe a behavior pattern or see a blockage,
(Goddess puts it right under my nose and says "look at this!" ) and I
wonder what it is about, and the answers come in synchronicity, intuition,
and events that unfold. I am shown the role I am to play, and surrendering
to playing it makes the process fairly effortless. I usually do not have to
think of what to say or how to act, it just flows. Sometimes I am given
information, and the knowledge that it is just for me, at that moment and
the time for it to be shared will come up later. Sometimes, years later.
For example... some years ago, the wife of someone who is a good friend
and occasional student was dying of cancer. I offered her some healing, and
she accepted. While doing the work, I was shown that I would not be allowed
to cure her, only to ease her pain a little. I was also shown that part of
the purpose of her death was to set him free. There were some things he had
to do in this lifetime, and his "till death do us part" loyalty to her
would prevent that. I knew the time would come, to share this
information... not just then!
Last fall, two years after her death, my friend was telling me of his
despair and loneliness. He planned to complete on his present projects, and
then commit slow suicide, stop caring for himself till he died of neglect.
That was the moment to share my perceptions.. and he felt the resonance,
the truth of it. Suicide was no longer an option.
A short time later, synchronicity completed the work. He heard the Pope
making a speech, about "the sin of despair" and it resonated all through
him, even tho he is not catholic. He still weeps for her, every day... then
dries his tears and focuses on living fully, to honour her sacrifice and
the Divine gift of his own life.
>I will give just one actual example, as a taster. During my stay with
>Swami Ji, there was another person (not necessarily a Yoga student) in
>the environment. In normal life, there would have been no problems or
>differences of opinion, and that person seemed reasonable enough from an
>external viewpoint. However, Swami Ji probably saw that there were
>karmas to be resolved and arranged certain difficult incidents on a
>regular basis. This is clear in retrospect and hindsight, but it was
>not apparent at the time of the events.
You assume he arranged it, intellectualizing in hindsight. More likely,
he observed it and surrendered it, and Goddess did the rest.
>The process of burning karma strengthens the individual/student. A true
>master is not always "sweetness and light". A true master wants what is
>best for the individual and related karmas. The discipline will be
>difficult/unbearable in the short term, but when one emerges from the
>"fire" then there is greater internal strength and purity.
Yes. Heh. My students can tell you how ferocious I can be, if there is
a need to...
> The
>cleansing and purification of karma is not necessarily continuous, and
>there are often little "holidays" in between in order to integrate and
>absorb the results.
>I hope that this provides a little bit of insight into karma resolution.
I can agree with most of what you say, the missing piece to your puzzle
is your assumption that the Master is the Godlike figure who consciously
sets it all up. It does not work like that, although sometimes there is
some setting up to be done... but mostly, the Master's role is observation,
surrender, surrender, and supporting the process.
I will give you an example. I once had a slave grrl (Slave is the word
I use for Chela, I also have students but I am less intimately involved
with their process.) She was a masochist, and an athlete who was very
accident prone. Always had some sort of injury. I could not help but notice
it! I wondered about it, and was informed intuitively that "accidents" were
the pattern of how she had gotten her masochistic needs met, before she got
into SM and started meeting them consciously. I was also shown that the
endorphin fix was anaesthetic medicine for some deep emotional pain that
was buried.
I was guided to not tell her any of this, but to play with her, once a
week so she was getting plenty of endorphins... (Spankings, whippings,
etc.) making sure that she had some bruises after each session (which she
cherished!) After a few months of this, one night I found myself getting
impatient with tending to her needs, and lost my temper a little bit,
enough to frighten her...
I did not harm her, but I got her attention. Looking at my loss of
temper, I knew that its purpose was to let me know that it was time to go
to phase 2.
I explained what I had been doing, and pointed out to her that during
those months while she was getting her needs met by me, she had had no
accidents! In this way, she could see for herself that her "accidents" were
not accidental at all, they were unconsciously self created medication. At
that point, it was relatively simple to go to step 3 and uncover the
repressed pain she had been unconsciously self-medicating, and resolve it.
She had no memories of her childhood before the age of 12. This
indicates an ego splinter buried within the psyche... which I had been
aware of... and this was the process I was given to draw it out. That
splinter persona revealed itself, and was integrated over the next few
weeks... and the pattern of "accidents" was broken. She was no longer
accident prone, and her masochistic needs are much less. She is still a
jock, but the sports endorphins are enough for her. Normal.
As a usual side effect of such a splinter, her ego consciousness was
male... she dressed like a boy, did not own a skirt. She is a lesbian. Part
of the healing was tempting her into wearing a dress for me. : ) I told
her I wanted her to wear a pink satin princess prom queen gown I had in my
transvestite closet, so we could play "Evil Pirate Captain and captive
virgin princess" ... and then just shut my mouth and waited a few weeks,
till curiosity and desire were stronger than resistance to pink satin puffy
sleeved dresses, and she asked permission to wear it.
When she got an irresistible job offer, on the other side of the
continent, I knew that her training with me was done. Goddess was setting
up things to break her attachment and dependence. We still email each
other, now and then. Love her...
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