To: K-list
Recieved: 2003/04/03 19:24
Subject: [K-list] Brain Anatomy and Physiology.
From: SAC
On 2003/04/03 19:24, SAC posted thus to the K-list:
> Message: 1
> From: "elargonauto" <elargonauto AT_NOSPAM>
> To: "David Harrell" <godchild_777 AT_NOSPAM>,
> <k-list AT_NOSPAM>
> Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 03:41:59 +0100
> Subject: [K-list] RE: Decontraction/CSF
> With the brain is exactly the same.If you stop forcing it at
> it start releasing tension
> through tiny movements.
There are no muscles inside the brain but one reason movement is felt is
the movement of fluid caused by varying electromagnetic currents in the
brain. I call it 'shifting'. This particularly happens and is felt when
belief systems are changing. Also the brain is part of the CNS or
central nervous system. It is contiguous with the spinal cord.
The different brain coverings, like the dura mater, encase the brain so
it floats in cerebral spinal fluid. These coverings, there are three
main ones, known as meninges extend and protect the spinal cord. Pushing
on the spine can influence fluid movement in the brain. Many people
carry tension in their back which can influence hydrostatic pressure in
the brain.
> When you are tense you don´t act freely and there are a lot of
> things that get stuck. When the
> tension release all that stucked movements release somehow. That is
> the brain does.
Tension is usually a full body phenomenon and may be felt more strongly
in one place than in another. The only time one can feel anxious is when
one is tensed. It is impossible to feel anxiety when we are relaxed.
That is what made Valium so popular. It is just a muscle relaxant.
> > and when the blocks are
> > >gradually freed SCF (spine-craneal-fluid) start circulationg freely
> again.
> > >As I have read originally all
> > >the brain is whased by this liquid.
> > And what is special about this fluid? Don't our brains already
> this
> > fluid?? (I've read that the normal human brain is 80% water.)
Nope, fat and cholesterol as was already mentioned. That is why brains
are such a delicacy to eat. And glucose, or sugar, is it's main energy
source. I have forgotten how much energy the brain consumes but it is
ridiculous in it's proportion to the rest of the body.
> Yes it does. But when the brain accumulate enough tension the
> circulation of this fluid> start to be interrupted. The kundalini free
all this blockages returning> everything to the starting> position.
The brain is surrounded by the skull which is composed of 8 cranial
bones and the vertebral column surrounds the spine. There are muscles,
ligaments, and tendons that work together over the cranium and are
attached up and down the spine.
Cerebrospinal fluid is similar to blood plasma and is produced in the
center of the brain in it's ventricles. "It flows through the ventricles
and subarachnoid space, then returns to the vascular system through
arachnoid granulations. The flow is cause by the pressure difference
between the vascular system and the subarachnoid space. The fluid serves
as a shock absorbing medium, provides an optimal chemical environment
for production of action potentials (which is necessary for movement
that one feels in the brain) and is a medium of exchange of nutrients
and waste products between the blood and nervous system".
> This not a magick liquid or whatever. Is something you can
> information about easily.
> > I would love to hear a real scientific explanation for K, but I
> think
> > this theory is even remotely scientific!
> If you want to wait until all the scientific agree in
> you´ll need something to sleep
> some hundreds years. If you get the appropiate point of view
everything is
> quite obvious and
> intuitive. There is no need to understand it to the milimeter. I even
> would say that the trick is to
> understand that all kind of manipulations only lead to disaster.
Kundalini has been demonstrated to show movement up the spinal column
and into the brain as a voltage wave of electromagnetic frequency. It
has been measure as such by a device developed by Bob Dratch who is a
scientist living here in Colorado. He also has a website. Do a search on
his name.
There is a lot of scientific research being done on the phenomenon of
kundalini and energy. I would go to the Kundalini Research Foundation
and start there. Do a search on it.
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