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To: K-list
Recieved: 2001/12/15 08:08
Subject: [K-list] Re: Rapture and Gandharvas
From: lionessbleu1

On 2001/12/15 08:08, lionessbleu1 posted thus to the K-list:

Dear Emily,

I have had experiences of this. Bliss and joy are almost common and nonstop=
 states for me the 'older' I grow in K.

--- In Kundalini-GatewayATnospamy..., "emilybATnospams..." <emilybATnospams...> wrote:
> Some people mention on the list that they experience bliss. I've certainl=
> been experiencing many blissful states.
> Yesterday, I experienced what I can only call RAPTURE!


 I couldn't find rapture again. It even made me depressed
> on my way home, like life had no more meaning once I'd experienced and lo=
st> that rapture.

It comes it goes and it comes again. :)))) Everything cycles....

> I spoke to my friend who is guiding me through all this K stuff and he sa=
id> that the Hindus call these beings the Gandharvas. After our talk, he wro=
te> to me the following:
> -----------------------=
> We have talked about these ³Gandharvas². May be you can find more on the=
> net. This is not a new experience for some, although it is a rather rare> =
occurrence, it takes a certain degree of refinement of the nervous system> =
to be able to reach that level of sensitivity. In the Scriptures there are> =
many references about them. It happened spontaneously as you noticed, and> =
did not last long, but long enough for you to register the experience and> w=
ished it could have been longer. The question to ask here is:² Who is this>=
 ³I² who can say ³I experienced this², who is this ³I²? You have noticed> a=
lso that if you go into the experience, you loose it. This is a
> conditioned reflex to go into the subtle experiences, this is how the sen=
ses> perceive, we are so conditioned by our senses that when in the subtle r=
ealm,> we have the same reflex. However, it does not work, it makes the exp=
erience> disappear! In order to be able to remain with a subtle experience,=
 one must> ³come back onto oneself²! It takes practice. So the Gandharvas =
came to> sing for you, signing with you the songs of gratitude, some do danc=
ing too (> I am not joking, this is true ).

Yes...dancing....yes....gratitude becoming a natural state of being...>
> An other thing you have learned through this is that having oneself in a =
> state of gratitude is one of the keys for accessing the subtle realms and>=
 that is to be cultivated constantly (see later, the pillars ). It is easy>=
 when it is all good and rosy, less when difficulties abound that is why one=
> should maintain this attitude of being in gratitude, starting when times a=
re> rosy so it is maintained when times are less rosy! And of course you ha=
ve> had a direct experience that even rapture brings misery, Buddha was righ=
t> for that part, misery, always misery everywhere! When one gets establish=
> in this ³Witnessing state², than misery, although still existing on the> =
gross level is no more experienced, is just witnessed like a part of any> ot=
her things, this is the beginning of ³Liberation²; when that is> establishe=
d, even the notion of ³I² dissolves. This is where you are> heading for, ju=
st continue to create the habit of putting yourself into the> highest perspe=
ctive and share it with the world with the practice of the> "shower-umbrella=
" breath.

When I am in bliss...the boundaries between me, the world and the universe =
disappear. I don't know where "I" begin and end. I can't find I as a point =
of reference...only as a witness to all the glory of this world.

>Rapture sometimes makes us forget to spread> (should say "to spray") the b=
liss energy all around ourselves, our> environment, and the Universe; some =
call this the "food of the gods".

Opening yourself to bliss blisses out others. They may not know what it is =
that is happening, they just like to be around you. It is how one can truly =
make a difference in the lives on our planet even in our small little corner=
 of the world.
> Feelings: there are: gratitude, compassion, friendliness and truthfulnes=
s.> These are the four pillars of love, the only real basis for relationship=
> -----------------------=
> The lesson that I am learning from this experience is once again, the TRA=
> I remember a friend telling me that he had learned to do yogic flying and=
> that this stopped his evolution for 5 years!! Other friends had related> s=
imilar stories of how they got caught up in psychic phenomena which stopped>=
 their evolution till they could get their egos back under control.
> I had listened and felt sure that *I* would not get similarly trapped. Bu=
t> the weak, childish Ego just loves to think it's special, doesn't it? It's=
> treacherous and full of cunning.

I think, in my opinion, I have found it more advantageous to love my ego an=
d bless it's existence. It helps me function in our world, has kept me safe =
from harm... so to me it is special. At times it just needs to be gently re-=
educated. It helps me to play in this environmental 3D meat suit we call a b=

> Already, I had been battling my Ego since K Awkenening. The Ego is happil>y> jumping up and down screaming: "I am special, I am special". Battling my ego> reminds me of the game for children, where they have to hit with a hamm=
er> various heads popping up from a table. As soon as one head gets hammered=
 on,> another pops up to take it's place.You are special :))))) You are loved, you are unique.

> And now after experiencing the Gandharvas, I know that I will have to pla=
y> this game with even more energy!! "I am NOT special!" I have to remind> m=
yself. There is no "I" except for the Eternal Watcher. I will repeat: "I> se=
e my Divinity in everyone and everything around me".

One of my most transformative experiences was the knowing of my own Divinit=
y. It transformed the way I experienced life and the people in it. It is Nam=
aste come alive. When I was able to love, honor, respect and worship the God=
/dess Divine within I was able then to extend the same to others. I found I =
could not offer to others what I could not offer to myself first.

> I had read in countless books warnings about seeking psychic phenomena. T=
hey> might happen, will probably happen, and it's best to observe them neutr=
ally> and not pay too much attention to them lest one get trapped by them an=
d stop> their personal growth.

Siddhis happen, they come and go, change in quality and character. They are=
 fun toys but they are toys. Being able to move my arm, see a fat furry squi=
rrel outside my window, taste a luscious kiss are all siddhis we take for gr=
anted. Life is one big siddhi. :) It is anything wonderful that happens ext=
ernal to myself.

Life is wonderful.

> May you all experience Rapture! :)
> And may I remain humble and centered and focused on my path.
> With love
> Emily :)

You are wonderful


I love my life.

Living in gratitude,



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