To: K-list
Recieved: 2001/09/10 11:52
Subject: [K-list] MBTI Poll: Results; Numbers and Comments
From: Druout
On 2001/09/10 11:52, Druout posted thus to the K-list: Subj: MBTI Poll: Results; Numbers and Comments
Date: 9/10/2001 9:29:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Suzanne V. Brown)To:
CC: (Suzanne V. Brown),, **Overall Results - Numbers and Contributers' Comments**
Our collective sample across five groups (3 combined) included a
total of 65 volunteer participants over 7 days. Total sample responding per
group include: 14/80 Eheshare, 15/60 Pulse, 23/552 Kundalini Gateway, 5/206
Sacred Kundalini, and 8/448 for HarshaSatsangh.
With Hillary's permission, I have included Kundalini Gateway, Sacred
Kundalini, and HarshaSatsangh in the following overall profile called simply
"Kundalini" 36/1206
Thus, contributers of Hillary's three groups we will call "Kundalini,"
Sharon's group for Pulse, and Suzanne's for Eheshare. Any duplicate
reports across groups that we could determine were included in Eheshare
results, since a few participants kindly offered their profiles to more
than one group. Exceptions are Hillary's profile which was included in
Kundalini and Sharon's included in Pulse.
Tallies- Grand Totals of all 65 participants....
E 13 I 52
S 8 N 57
T 25 F 40
J 15 P 50
INFP is group profile ACROSS ALL respondents.
Further analysis = total summaries of the groups responding as shown:
For EHEshare totals of 14 responding:
E 0 I 14
S 2 N 12
T 8 F 6
J 5 P 9
INTP is group profile of "EHEshare" respondents
For PULSE totals of 15 responding:
E 4 I 11
S 0 N 15
T 3 F 12
J 2 P 13 INFP 7
INFP is group profile of "PULSE" respondents
For the three Kundalini lists of 36 responding:
E 9 I 27
S 6 N 30
T 14 F 22
J 8 P 28
INFP is group profile of "Kundalini" respondents.
Sincere attempts were made to provide a further analysis of gender by
profile across all three researchers amongst our contributing groups.
However, based on the relative anonymity of "names" disclosed by Internet
users, the best we can offer is that approximately 2/3 of the respondants
are women and 1/3 are men. In addition, we realize that there may well be
duplicate entries, using different names, that cannot be avoided via
Internet contributions even within a single group. Furthermore, all
collective data have been hand-tallied because Suzanne still hasn't learned
to use spreadsheets! :-)
***Reflective comments by participants regarding "test:" ***
Salutations, names, and gender not included
Contributed by Suzanne and the EHEshare group:
Suzanne comments: On this test, I was a clear INFJ. On the long -form
Myers-Briggs my E/I leaned more toward the E, and T/F leaned more to F, but
nothing was clear cut for those preferences. These personality/
temperament surveys I have taken and administered various forms, including
"fun forms" for about 14 years. I thought that my J had become more P (it
has). The iNuitive is still my strongest factor, yet it is those times of
Sensing the immediate NOW that give me those most mystical connections,
especially with the beauty of outdoors, communing with nature.
INFJ. You may have already recorded my category, which is the same as
yours, but this is in case you didn't.
INFP for me. It's pretty close.
Interesting! I come out ISFJ on this little test -- on the full
Myers-Briggs, I come out ENTJ/ENTP (I'm right on the J/P border). I
have a hard time with the condensed version of it. Many of those
lists, half I VERY much had from one, and half VERY much from the
other -- choosing either of them was half-wrong. Still, I like fun
little tests. :-)
Wow, this is a talkative group this week (or maybe always is, my experience
here is pretty short). I'm trying to catch up. This one's a pretty quick
one to respond to, so I'll do it first. I was curious too as to how many of
us actually went and took that little test. I did. It came out a little
different than when I took the long test but I think just because it was so
short--no option for splitting. I came out an INTP on this short web test,
but on the long test came out an INTP/J.
Interesting that 2 men are INTPs, while 3 women are INFP's... will be
interesting to see accumulating and final results. ALL introverted and
intuitive perceptives....but modes differ slightly. Hmmmmm.
Wonder what else might be in store.... can't ALL be so similar. CAN we???
I am an INFP
I've taken the long and short forms several times. Administered by pros. I
always come out the same one. INTP.
Ah god, is this synchronicity? We're having exactly the same discussion on
another discussion list. First of all, I am a INTP female and I personaly
know a few, I also know several INFx males. My stand is that tests are all
biased because of semantics, ie words don't have the same meaning for all
people for most of the meaning is derived from one's experience. And there
is such a strong bias introduced by social values and expectations!
Results for personality test: INTP ... ( It's Not Theoretically Possible )
For the MBTI poll I can tell you that my preferences are a definite INTJ.
Like SuZ, I have worked with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
professionally. Over the past 17 years I've provided about 60 workshops and
numerous seminars and presentations to a variety to groups. On this list I
would be classified a "lurker" because I rarely respond to the many
interesting posts, however, an intense work schedule keeps me on the
sidelines. In about 18 months I expect to retire, which should liberate a
little more time to become a participant.
I just tried the short version of the MBTI and came out as INTJ. I've never
been through the full typography set, and would welcome a pointer to a full
version of the questionnaire.
Contributed by Sharon and her Pulse group:
Sharon notes:
When I took the test I was strongly pulled on the last category to choose
the A rather than B choice...but A just doesn't fit anymore. Over the last
ten years I am far less judgmental than I was. My K awakening...or at least
what I call the "explosion" took place over four years ago, but looking
back on it, there were many signs that something was going on for much longer.
also took the test and am an INFP, but don't think this test is nearly as
accurate as the Myers-Briggs in typing personalities...have given the
Myers-Briggs for years and other psych/management tests so have some
background to base this on...I was 50/50 on many of the questions as I am
sure some of the rest of you were...maybe broken down to 8 questions it
would have been more accurate...not sure what the criteria was for
splitting the test as they did...was fun journeys to you all,
I got INFP "I Never Find Perfection". I have to say, I rate 4 out of 5 for
how accurate the description was, but really it was almost 5.
All of that applies to me too! Well, maybe 3.5 - 4. The description "I
Never Find Perfection" I find a little ambiguous. No, I don't find
perfection, but then I'm not expecting to. Like a true Sethian, I don't
believe in it <g>. And while I'm not seeking it, I am, of course attempting
to move in that direction, in terms of 'value fulfilment'.
I am an INFP as well ,Hmmmm... Perfection is a misnomer anyway !!
Another ENFP here, although I'm a borderline INFP. I've taken the longer
version of the MBTI many times in the past; the paperback book version is
called _Please Understand Me_ and goes into much more detail on the various
combinations (NF vs. ST, etc.).
ENFP here...but i must admit...i had a hard time picking a column at
times... and i still do not see myself as Extroverted as others (as well as
this test) seem to......
I'm definitely I and N, almost exactly in the middle for T-F, but leaned
slightly toward T, and for the last letter I was J, but the other side was
appealing there too. In, sum, INTJ but almost INFJ. cheers...
I repeated the test, as we discussed, and I put more effort into it this
time. I'm surprised to find there aren't any points raised that I disagree
with. It feels a bit strange being nailed by a four question test.
"all we ever wanted was everything..."
Easy test. I've known I was an INFJ for years. First took the Meyers-Briggs
years ago as a manager and then had all the folks who worked for me take
it. I really used the results in making sure everyone who was with me was
suited to our particular gestalt energy. Not everyone was, since most of us
were introverts. We had one real extrovert and I ended up letting her
transfer to another unit with more outgoing, people-focused members. We
were all happier for it.
Sharon also remarks that: "The rest of the respondents just posted their
scores without comment."
Contributed by Hillary and her Kundalini groups:
We did an informal poll a while back on NDS [Non-duality Salon], tho it
involved an even longer test. We had something like 9 out of the 12 people
responding were INFP. That was pretty unusual, because that type is the
least frequent to turn up in tests of the general public. If anything it
proved then we were more interested or willing in taking personality tests.
:) Maybe more people will take your shorter test.
I'm an ENFP, and my F/T scores are very close, so I flip to ENTP pretty
often. Lately, my E/I preferences have also been close, so I think I am
"centering" myself, preference-wise. I thought the poll was *far* too
simple. In most MBTI tests you answer a lot of questions because the degree
to which one is predisposed to a certain type has a lot to do with how the
type is manifested in the person's behavior. The granularity of the test
is important to pick up nuances and avoid broad categorizations of people.
Even the popular Keirsey Temperament Sorter has 80 questions, which is
barely enough to get a sense of the depth and complexity of each person's
preferences. It would be much better for your friend to take each of her
column pairs in the four questions and break up each single question into a
whole lot of little comparisons. She could easily create, say, 40
questions, and it would give her much more on the distribution of type
preferences across each of the types. Of course, being an NFP/NTP, one
would expect me to think that way...*laugh*
I came up as an ENFP, a slight change from a few years ago when I came up
as INFP.
I first took the full-length Myers-Briggs when I was 18 and I've done it
several times since; I had always been an INTJ but am now borderline
introverted/ extroverted and feeling/ thinking. The J is moving towards the
middle too, but slowly. I really value considerations of feeling, and I've
made conscious efforts to develop F skills and priorities. The I moved
towards the E as I became a less repressed person.
... a relatively silent member of Harshasatsangh. I have been familiar with
the MBTI for a long time.. and think this shorter version is interesting..
a fairly good synthesis. Yet like generalized astrology.. it leaves out
many factors. Still, it's somewhat relevent in giving people a mirrored
assesment of their way of processing information. Interestingly for me.. I
seem to have changed 'type' dominance over these past years. For most of my
life I've been an INFP (I was one of the ones G. referred to).. though I
just tested as an ENTP, which seems a bit more accurate at present (though
I still, most of the time, think of myself as a contemplative who likes a
lot of alone time). Years ago I wrote an article about "Intuitives and
the Internet". I think it is a medium which appeals to and affords a
certain freedom for Intuitives. Perhaps, after years of being iNtuitively
met through this medium, I have relaxed the "I" (introvert) and become a
bit more of an "E". I also think that 'inquiry' has a way of losening the
'self-construct' oriented in feeling. Relative to your friend's question,
I'd say that Perceivers are likely more drawn to nondual orientation; and
may open to Awareness through the mind of the Heart, or the Heart of the
mind (F,T). I'd be surprised if many sensor-judger types showed up in
spiritual circles.. but hey, I'm open to reconsidering! <smile>
I just took the test, and I don't think it was worth much - for me, anyway.
The first one was hard to decide, and after that it was just completely
arbitrary. :)) I'd read one line and think, "Okay, it's A." And then the
next line: "Oh well, it's B." And then the next line: "Can't pass that one
- it's A." And so on. :)))) I think it's awfully simplistic. Reading
through it, I realized that I'm not the same in regard to all things. I
like planning and lists for
certain things - and that frees me up to be spontaneous about the rest. My
husband said I'm an intellectual perfectionist, and I think he was right
- but I'm certainly not a perfectionist about anything else! If you could
see this room right now, you'd agree with that! :)))))) P.S. Oh, it gave
me an ISTJ, for whatever it's worth. :))
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