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To: K-list
Recieved: 2001/05/15 17:36
Subject: Re: [K-list] Introduction
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent

On 2001/05/15 17:36, Mystress Angelique Serpent posted thus to the K-list:

At 07:21 AM 5/15/01, Gabriel Winter wrote:
>Its been about a week since I posted this, and I recieved a response
>from someone telling me to go find out about this kundalini stuff.

    You were sent to the right place.

>Please know that I am immediately skeptical regarding all of this. I
>am a computer scientist, published author, and entrepenuer. My life has
>been firmly grounded in the measureable qualities of the world so when
>it comes to my situation and contacting groups like this, it is with
>great effort that I allow myself the slightest luxery of trying to understand.

    The skeptical scientist types always have the most interesting -and
difficult awakenings. :)

    Much of our universe is not measurable.. :) Scientist believe in things
they cannot see or touch, too.. and they often end up altering their
conclusions. Just recently they discovered that part of gravity is a *push*
between celestial bodies that is responsible for the universe expanding.
Einstein was right but nobody could prove it till recently. How did he
know? Heh.. because he was using the part of his brain to get information,
that you are resisting getting input from.

   Do you know, he came up with the theory of relativity by imagining what
it would be like, to be a photon? That is the kind of genius you are
tapping into, with these incidents.
    Do a search on the web for Einstein quotes.. he was a very spiritual
guy. If one of the greatest scientific minds of this century was open to
the paranormal, then what makes you so special?
   My favorite Einstein Quote:
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge
is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."

    Kind of describes where you are at, eh? :) Laugh at yourself, it is
healing and dispels fear. You have nothing to fear..

    Here are a few more that fit your situation:

 Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
 -- Albert Einstein

 If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?
 -- Albert Einstein

 Imagination is more important than knowledge.
 -- Albert Einstein

 Not everything that can be counted counts; and not everything that
counts can be counted.
 -- Albert Einstein

 Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
 -- Albert Einstein

 Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
 -- Albert Einstein

    Science is beginning to catch up to the paranormal.. Science can
explain it, but you have to work with a different kind of science..
advanced Quantum physics and chaos theory. I am not a scientist, but I
will attempt to explain what is occurring in some scientific language...
probably someone else can pick up the thread and explain it better.

If you study some advanced physics, you may be able to begin to get a
grasp on what is happening to you. I would suggest you start with Itzak
Bentov's "Stalking the Wild Pendulum", "The Dancing Wu Lee Masters", and
also take a look at the CIA or other case files of remote viewing, ELF
signals, and a book on Kundalini by a medical Doctor, Lee Sanella called
"Kundalini: Psychosis or Transcendence". Some of these books are out of
print, but Amazon.com will search thru used bookstores for you.

You are probably familiar with Einstien's E=MC2? Matter is energy is
matter. Unified field, the same photon can be in several places at once..
and that photon or group of photons can carry information just as a laser
or fibre optic cable can carry information. An electrical current can carry
information just like a telephone wire transmits your voice across the

Your brain and body, and the planet itself.. everything, creates a
measurable electrical field, and you are a transmitter and a receptor. You
are mostly aware of the receptor part.
Intense human emotions leave behind an energy signature that holds
messages/information like a crystal or magnetic tape can hold information,
and it is these subtle messages that are accessed by psychics. Nothing
really so odd, everyone has this potential but most people, like you, have
done your best to shut it off.. however, it is leaking through and your
resistance is only making things more painful for you.
    The difference between the subtle energy and the ordinary electricity
you are accustomed to, is that because of the nature of space and time;
(that they do not truly exist..) these subtle energy messages can move
backwards and forwards through time and space.
    They can be sent and decoded by your own body's electrical field. That
is where this information is coming from. You do not remember the messages
because you have built such a wide barrier between your known conscious
mind and the mysterious unexplored unconscious, that the messages are not
crossing the barrier.

    What is occurring is that when you are in an intense emotional state
your mind and body is picking up these messages. The more intensely
emotionally charged the message, the clearer it registers. In the case of
the car incident you describe, you quite likely tapped into what we psychic
people would call a stuck ghost or psychic imprint. There is an energy
message left behind of the last few seconds of that man's life, or before
the emotional intensity of the crash, that is in that location, on
permanent replay for the sensitive to hear, until the tape wears out.

    I am ADD too.. and under intense situations, we ADD people get
"blink-outs", like a temporary state of clinical detachment that we are not
really aware of, and looks to other people like daydreaming. Where our
minds go during these "Blink-outs" is to a vast creative place in the
creative, unconscious parts of our brains where there is a lot of
information available, such as the collective consciousness and the subtle
messages of the energy fields, that is not available to the normal
consciousness. It is a type of very short term catalepsy or catatonia.
Hypnotic trance.
    I experience it as my consciousness actually leaves my body and goes
somewhere else to fetch information on how to deal with the overload.. and
my breaker switch is set at a much lower stress threshold than yours. For
me it happens dozens of times a day, without a ripple. You don't want to
hear that, but...Einstein pretending to be a photon.. same same. You are
not going crazy, you are accessing genius.. but it will not show itself as
that, till you learn to trust it.

Using this facility, I regularly access true information that I could
not possibly, logically know.. and I have been doing so, my whole life. I'm
used to it, depend on it. I am doing it now, writing to you, tapping into
the words you need to hear to come to terms with your process. Hell, I'm
not a scientist, I'm an artist with a basic high school education and 2
years studying theater in University.. telling you about Quantum physics!
    I know it, experientially, as Einstein did. Translating an experience
into words, tho, is something else. I could write the Unified Field theory
if I only had the scientific vocabulary to express what I know. I cannot,
that kind of language makes my ADD brain fuzz out.
 Kundalini facilitates genius. You are blessed!

>What I have is a legitimate, medically documented problem without a known
>cause or cure, and this problem is causing me some very bizarre "paranormal"
>experiences which frighten me very much.

    Well, it is your fear that is making it so unpredictable and hard on
you. If you can loosen up on the fear, then you have a much better chance
of making some headway with adjusting to these events, and *perhaps*
learning some control over them.
    Cannot really promise control.. :) There is some part of your mind that
wants you to expand your horizons, about what you think is within human
potential.. and until you surrender to that and find out what it is trying
to tell you, these events will continue to be difficult. When you do give
in and really listen, you will be in a position to negotiate, and
eventually, these same gifts will come to serve you. Imagine having some
programming error solved by a blink of intuition?

    Feynman used to do exactly that. Read his autobiography, it is a
hoot! He solved the Challenger mystery, worked on the Manhattan project, -
great geniuses use intuition to resolve what logic cannot comprehend. All
science is based on such intuitive leaps that are later verified with
    The gift you are manifesting is an aspect of creative genius. You are
not feeling it like that, because of your fear of it.

>I am still experiencing these episodes, I don't know why or what they
>are, but they scare me and I have no control over them and I just want
>to know what they are and how to control/stop them.

    Some control will come, some time after you stop fighting them.
Surrender to accepting, then you will be in a position to negotiate a
truce.. :)

> Along with the feeling
>of recognition for that familiar place, setting, or object, I get a slight
>tensing of my stomach muscles and I feel a slight pressure in my sinuses.

    The back of your sinuses holds an area that is very receptive to these
subtle messages.. especially the emotional content. The stomach muscles
tightening is related to the fear you have about the experiences, which is
imprinted in your body- memory.

    Intelligence is not limited to the brain. Every nerve in your body
holds memories, and so does the fluid around your cells. Altogether, these
parts of your nervous system is estimated to hold a trillion times the
intelligence of the conscious part of your brain that you are aware of.
These odd insights are truly coming from the smarter part of your
consciousness. You can trust them!

>I'll wonder why the object looks familiar and I'll concentrate for a
>minute on trying to remember why when *WHAM*, it hits me like a Mac Truck.

    You get a feeling of what we call "resonance", which comes from your
unconscious telling you to pay attention.. you ask, and it answers.. what
is wrong with that? Yeah, the Mack truck effect is a problem, but it will
fade when you stop making such a fuss.

>Physically, I get an intense pressure in my sinus and behind my right
>tear duct that feels like my eye wants to pop out. Muscles tighten in
>my stomach, throat, and groin, and I often get a tingling sensation along
>my scalp and the back of my neck.

    Sounds familiar to me, but if I describe it in the language of what
chakras are being affected, you won't understand me.

> They are overwhelming
>in that I have to stop and often kneel on the ground and wait for the
>images to pass. Lately, if they occur while I am driving, I must often
>pull over becuase its difficult to concentrate on my driving.

    They are mostly overwhelming because of your fear.. set the fear aside,
and you will find them much less traumatic.

>I just don't know what to think. As I said, I am not sure I believe in
>much paranormal stuff, but I am getting nothing from the medical community.

    Of course not, 90% of the medical community is just as frightened of
them, as you are. They share your prejudices.
    They don't scare me at all.. they are indeed paranormal experiences,
and it would serve you well to set aside your blind skepticism and begin to
look at the considerable, respectable research into the paranormal that has
been going on in the last 20 years. If you skip all the new agey spiritual
stuff, you will still find considerable scientific research that verifies
the existence of the paranormal and has theories about your experience.

>The fact is, as interesting as these episodes may seem, they frighten
>me. I am frightened becuase I know they are not normal, and I don't know
>if maybe I am sick, mentally ill, or going insane.

    None of the above!! Really! Relax!
    You are simply tapping into some lesser known aspects of human
potential. Perfectly natural!
    Normal? Well, remember that "average" IQ is 100 points, and the
benefits of being "normal" quickly begin to fade. How about extraordinary?
Gifted? Change your paradigms, set aside your fear. Think of it as some new
scientific puzzle to study..

> I am frightened because
>they seem to be becoming stronger and more overwhelming and I worry that
>one day I won't come out of them.

    That will not happen. Really. We ADD people cannot sustain catatonia or
trance, unless we find something unusually fascinating.. and since your
awake consciousness is not getting input of the events, that cannot happen.
Even after you break through that barrier, it still cannot happen. It is
self limiting by the duration of your potential for ADD hyperfocus. How
long can you engage in a single activity, like reading a book before you
have to do something else? Your events cannot last longer than that... and
most likely they will stay shorter because they are more intense than
reading a book.

>I am scared because I wonder what will
>happen if they hit me in while driving but I can't pull over?

That is something to consider. The events are getting stronger and
more frequent, precisely because you are resisting them. Your body mind,
your unconscious is trying to show you something amazing, and every time
you resist, it shouts louder trying to get its point across. It has taken
you how many years before it got desperate enough to risk your life to get
your attention? It is smart enough not to harm you, but it needed to scare
you into being desperate enough to break out of your skeptical mind set and
consider alternate explanations... to get you to listen!

   You need to do an about face in your attitude, and learn to listen.. and
I would suggest you engage the services of a good hypnotist who has some
familiarity with Kundalini, so you can learn to make contact with the part
of you that is manifesting these events. There is one, on this list..
possibly several.
    If you do so, then you can negotiate with it, and probably trade a
cessation of the events while driving in return for receptivity to them at
some other time.. like, before you go to sleep at night when you are safe
in your bed.
    Can you turn them off altogether? Not likely.. it is no accident that
your body has driven you to seek help in the last place you want to.. among
a bunch of people who are psychic and familiar with paranormal
experiences.. but, once you understand what is going on, most likely you
will not want to shut it down. It is a gift.

>Am I going crazy?

    Absolutely not.

>Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?

    :) many times, tho not so extreme, because I am not afraid of it. I
trust myself, I trust the wisdom on my unconscious mind. The talent that
frightens you so badly, is something I tune into deliberately, many times a
day. I am so accustomed to knowing things that have no logical sensory
basis that I am used to it, I use it just as much -if not more than- my
regular 5 senses, and only notice how odd it is, when around people who
are not so gifted comment on it.

>What is it?

    Possibly Kundalini, especially as the events are associated with
tingling in your groin. Certainly psychic, paranormal experience.

>Why is it happened to me?

Probably because of your difficult childhood. You learned to access
your other senses, instinct and uncommon knowledge, in order to survive..
but due to your resistance, the information is coming through as a
difficult, frightening experience.
    Animal instincts. Our ancestors had these talents, took them for
granted, but the age of Reason shut the door, and now it is opened again,
in you. In me, in most of the 600+ people on this list... and the 1200+
people on the related lists. Globally? Way more people than you'd guess.
Let me check: Intuition tells me 1/2 to 2/3 of the global population
has had some kind of paranormal experience, and the numbers of people
having regular psychic events is 1/10. Most folks don't talk about it,
because they are afraid of judgments of insanity, like you. In my personal
life, 95% of the people I know have regular psychic events, and are
accustomed to it just as you are used to your nose.

>How can I control it, stop it,

    "Whatever" is the key. First, you must surrender to it. Trying to stop
it or control it has only made it more difficult and unpredictable, eh?
This is coming from a part of your mind that is so much more intelligent
than your conscious resisting ego, that you have no hope of winning over
it.. because it knows that your stubborn resistance does not serve your
highest good... and It does! Makes logical sense to let the smarter part of
your mind make your decisions, right?
    You have to learn to co-operate with it. I suggest you find a
competent, open minded hypnotist so you can enter into a dialogue with this
hidden aspect of yourself, and find out what it wants.


    Don't be. You are fine, and getting better!



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