To: K-list
Recieved: 2001/05/05 20:11
Subject: Re: [K-list] My story ....Peppers dreams
From: Pepper J. Baxter
On 2001/05/05 20:11, Pepper J. Baxter posted thus to the K-list: I went through all those things. Waite until you start hearing people
thinking as thought forms translate into sentence form that you actually hear
as if they were talking out loude to you. They are! They don't know you can
actually hear them. A curious thing,...when you get to that point where they
could be considered at your mercy because of these actual powers you now cannot, or is it, "will not" ...take unfair advantage of others.
Nor will you even consider judging, condemning, cursing, hateing, nor
anything of that order that I may have forgotten to enter here. You will look
at others problems with quiet compassion and try to help aleaviate them some
by way of words of understanding, confidence, and healing by touch etc. I
lost all that in the 70's. Be rest assured that to get to that spot "God"
will test you, and if you pass or if you don't you will for sure be aware of
being shown your degree of faith at each time you miss the mark, or hit it
perfictly. That way you have a measureing stick to measure your balance until
you get it right. God is not going to give anyone a place of that kind of
power unless they are pretty well deserving. I don't mean in an egotistical
way, but in handing over to you a huge responsability, and complete trust
that takes much thought at times, and spure of the moment thought at other
It would be good to meditate on these things so you can learn to ask the
correct questions in so many areas. Most of it will just seem to come to you
out of thin air, and be shown to you as you grow. It would be good to keep a
journal about every thing that happens as it happens.
Main thing, "BE HAPPY!", and stay that way regardless of people telling you
thngs like, "Your so nice that people run right over you, and you shouldn't
letem!" Here I was serving people in so many ways, and loving it while this
man kept planted seeds like that in my subconsciousness. He meant well but
you know what "they say" about that!
Lots of little things took their toll that way, and it all finally just drug
me right on down, and into the muck-level world of the mundane human race.
(Because I allowed myself to listen to someone I was in love with, and who
was more blind than anyone else, and eventually as well as myself.)
>From that I learned that there is "love", and there is "LOVE!
So I was back down to the level where everyone has the mentality of a
mushroom and don't know it. The average person has no idea! The only
difference was that "now" I was aware of another world and realized for sure
that it was more real than what humanity thinks of as real.
Instead of asking to begin with,...I would recomend to stay quiet and listen
to what "God" may be wanting to tell you. Then you can start asking questions
as you get the hang of it!
I hope I am helping you to see that it seems like hard work Only the staying
aware is hard at first until you get a toe hold. Still, better keep an eye
out anyway or something will pop out and say, "I gotcha!"
It is so interesting, and awesome at times. However don't "awsome" yourself
out too much or you will go to a "duh" idiot place.
Just don't get afraid and blow it. If you are going towards some "wrong way"
you will be shown, and helped for a reasonable amount of time before you get
the axe! Just kidding. Actually it would be you yourself who gives you the
axe if it came to that. It's like a high wire act. As long as you walk the
line not hurting other people or self (I've got a thearie on this thing about
"not hurting others physically, nor mentally" thing, (like if none of us are
real???) but I think I will keep it to muself until I can think on this a bit
more.) you will have plenty of rope to do your thing, and have lots of fun as
well. But if you get a big ego-head... your shoulders will not be able to
hold it high anymore, and back you will fall.
(I saw myself depicted in a dream with a huge head shaped like a top like
kids used to spin back in my school days. It was mounted on a little, tiny
body sitting in a wheel chair.) I had a real ego prob at the time, and was
being shown this! That happens to many people because it keeps you from being
in control of your self, and your life. As long as a person is in honest to
god control of their life for real there will be no prob. When you become
unsure of yourself the wolves, and buzzards smell it, and come in for the
kill and take their portion of what ever it is they want from you. Lot's of
people never rise from this and remain devistated existing like vegetables as
gray people.
Every kind of being has a role in the play for various reasons. Opposits also
exist as well while a person finds themselves on that level. Just not as
many. Thats when you find your true friends so to speak.For not many want to
be touched by that level even to help pull someone up, and out of the muck.
They fear being contaminated, and also drug down.
Experience,...what would we do without it!
You will have to start all over again if you don't watch it!. You may not
figure out what all went wrong at the time of the fall back down into
humandom???level, but as you return to that prior "up-place" again you will
have found probably more than one reason. Then just do it right this time.
Hopefully you will hang in and not fall the first big-time time. (Or have you
had others?)
You realize that I am only coming from my own experience. So just use it as
extra input to watch out for in case you have any similarity's maybe.
At times when my mind runs on, and on in it's neg monkey chatter I look
around to see if anyone can hear my mind in this really big mess, and that
usually stops it right there. If I hadn't had the ability to hear others
thinking at one time in the past...I wouldn't have believed it to be
deffenetly true, nor would I look for it in crowds a lot, out of curiosoty.
People do talk to each other by way of word talking out loude in their heads
with their minds.There are hundreds of them now, and here I am stuck and
don't know which way to turn myself for my own self. They have a type of
light in their eyes I recognize.
I've kept journals about all these things and am writing a book on it. A man
by the name of Dick Sutphan and his wife Tara are travelers in my dreams a
lot. He has "Valley of the Sun" self help vidios, books, and what I call mind
tapes on everything from remote viewing, astral travel, and stop smoking,
lose weight etc., to all kinds of altered states, and a free book on which
altered states are for what type of usees and why. If you'd like the address
I have it around here somewhere. This man has a really down to earth
professional voice that draws you right into what you are learning. If you
want to write for the mag that has all the list of stuff to pick from, try
first the "Chakra Balance" and alignment tape for a month. It's really great.
I've met Dick, and Tara a couple of times at their seminars some time back
and find them so interesting and full of new ideas that work. Ha! I should go
to work for him as his PR man. (I really don't think he needs one though.)
Oh! He has dream tapes too. He lives at Malibu Beach in Southern California.
Actually, when a person gets stationed high enough without having it all
aborted, and what ever one calls it that happens where you have been
summoned, period, on that high a won't have to learn by way of
tape albums. It will all come of it's own accord by way of the Cosmic. I do
know this first hand! And dats da namea dat tune little chickadee! Pepper wrote:
> Hi Pepper:
> I have finally gotten around to checking out your more recent dreams.
> I too see my dreams as clues to my current spiritual state and
> valuable clues to current issues. I think your're right-on in your
> own analysis.
> My dreams have played a very key role in my awakening process to
> date. Each extraordinary spritual experience I have had has been
> preceeded by and followed by intense "teaching dreams". In fact,
> learning to understand the language of dream by studying mythology
> and starting to decipher my own dreams seemed to in trigger/speed-up
> my awakening experience. In retrospect, I think some were designed
> to entice me down this path; others to shock me into attention; and
> some to literally crack me open.
> In the last 3 years, I will have only an occasional "teaching" dream,
> and they help me understand the point I seem to be missing. I
> believe because I am now atively paying attention I am being spared
> the terrifying stuff.
> I don't have the feeling that the dreams are pictures of other lives
> at all, although I do think that either I must be a Native American
> in another life &/or have an indian guide since the Indian stuff seem
> to be a very long-running theme in my dreams. Or, sometimes I think
> that the dreams are just tailored in such a way to peak my attention
> &/or crack me open. During my awakeing period I also had numerous
> dreams of losing my children and then usually finding them again -
> talk about traumatic!
> Sounds like you've already got the hang of it. I have been helping my
> sister and a few others discover the messages in their dreams-and I
> really enjoy it. As with many of my own, sometimes the dreams are
> only fully understood in hindsight and also add further proof
> that we are being guided steadily throughout this process.
> I can relate also to what you said about having been asleep for
> several years. I too have felt like I have been not totally asleep,
> but just taking it slow for awhile. Needing the time to integrate
> new concepts - retraining the mind and convincing it to cooperate.
> For me the initial awakening experience were way too intense to deny,
> and yet what happened was so outside anything I had ever experienced
> that it has taken some time to get comfortable with the new emerging
> me. Now that I seem to be getting more at ease with my new self and
> have suggested that I am ready for a little more,the coincidences
> have started to pick up again.
> I love what you said here:
> "I am thinking now that it is not up to me to make myself responsible
> to be in control of that power. It is up to me to step aside and let
> this inner power release It's blessings into my life and as I touch
> others with my understanding, it will then rub off and start a chain
> reaction."
> YES! I think that is exactly what I need to "Get" next - I am so
> aware of this enormous power, and have been afraid of misusing it
> somehow. In the last few years my remaining doubts have been melted
> away by the manifestation of many of my concious requests of spirit:
> The perfect "at home" job for my husband, new neighbors with kids for
> mine to play with, meeting other people in this process of awakening,
> meeting others who are further along the path.....etc. The speed of
> manifestion has seemed to speed up dramatically lately to the point
> of where on a trip I had forgotten and needed a covered rubber band
> for my hair, and later that evening one was shot at me from who-knows-
> where in the lodge dining area and almost landed in my soup! I have
> become very careful about what I think -knowing now that it is very
> likely to show up,and have been wondering lately, "OK given this
> power, what great things could I do?" But, after hearing what you
> said I realize that this has been still my worrying/controlling ego-
> mind talking. Yes, "step aside and let this inner power release It's
> blessings!"..sounds like surrender...AGAIN.
> Thanks for your insights,
> Laurel (Crazy Housewife)
> P.S. Sounds like spirit is allowing you to bring your creative gifts
> into full form - Please let me know when you are ready to share some
> of your stories! ld
> --- In Kundalini-GatewayATnospamy..., "Pepper J. Baxter"
> <pjdaveybaxterATnospamn...> wrote:
> > Hi, Even when K. isn't active you should be able to still activate
> healing
> > etc. unless your belief system is limiting you to that idea. Use
> that prior
> > "happening" when K. was in process as a reference point and bring
> the healing
> > and immune system into action just like when K was acting up
> priorly. I know
> > this first hand from back in the 70's before I messed my belief
> system up for
> > many reasons, and barred myself from all that kind of thing. Not by
> your
> > will, but by "Thy Will" be done if we open an inner door and allow
> our God
> > energy to perform for us. I am beginning to understand, though I
> haven't
> > quite got a real handle on it yet, that when we really begin to see
> that we
> > are only a cartoon caricature of the real SELF residing inside of
> us as if in
> > cognito, or at the controls of a skin/bone/hank of hair robot,...
> then we
> > know the "WHO" that is really "The One" in control.
> > I woke up this morning and did a "day off" sort of snooz-in. I
> intend to do
> > this more often for the messages I received were such appetizing
> food for
> > thought!
> > I woke up dreaming that that my partially gone teeth were back as
> if they had
> > never been pulled. But the two front upper teeth had a space
> between them
> > now. Teeth to me are psychological aspects of my inner self, and
> it's growth
> > at intervals that are about to out picture into my waking life.
> (usually
> > within a year or sooner unless it shows I have a "stuck prob".)
> Then I know
> > it will take a bit longer maybe,...depending on diligence on my
> part to learn
> > as fast as possible an understanding that will trigger the needed
> end result.
> > The dream is telling me I'm about to have my Lower/Higher selves
> merge as
> > like in marriage but that I have to gain enough understanding to
> actually
> > trigger this merging myself. I have to totally understand this
> whole concept
> > more than just intellectually. It is what we refer to as God Energy
> etc. who
> > is looking out at the world through your eye sockets. "Whoa!
> There's me as a
> > tree growing fruit within a minute, and a cute puppy levitating,
> and a
> > swimming pool where you can breath under water." "Hey, turn ME lose
> so I can
> > do MY stuff." It is your physical eye balls that see the world with
> such
> > limitations as not being able to breath under water etc.while the
> God self
> > sees the limitless through non- physical inner eyes.How soon will
> be up to
> > me, and my unlocking that inner door, and knocking to release that
> higher
> > power. It has been too awesome to let loose my lock as I have been
> afraid I
> > could not control It's awesome power. Ha! I am thinking now that
> it is not up
> > to me to make myself responsible to be in control of that power. It
> is up to
> > me to step aside and let this inner power release It's blessings
> into my life
> > and as I touch others with my understanding, it will then rub off
> and start a
> > chain reaction.Aren't we all supposed to be doing this very thing!
> > A dream prior showed a shelf cut all along the upper gum ridge and
> a whole
> > upper row of false teeth had been made to set on this ridge by way
> of the
> > gums so that I would need no stickum to keep them from falling out.
> A secure,
> > man made, stable shelf. Then I saw the shelf fastly wearing down
> and my set
> > of dentures sliding off and always slipping as my real gums
> continued to
> > diminish before my very eyes. I got from those symbols that my
> secure set of
> > beliefs about the physical/material world were about to wear away
> and crumble
> > leaving me unstable for the moment until the new set of teeth (new
> belief
> > system) inserts itself. I know it will because I had no signs of
> fear or
> > panic in the dream as at some other times in life in other areas of
> work
> > needing done on the inner planes.
> > I feel at times that anything I have to say is probably absurd,
> boring and
> > stupid after I have the nerve to hit that button and send. I always
> seem to
> > feel at that minute I finally push, "jeeze, maybe I shouldn't have
> sent
> > that." "Nothing ventured, nothing gained. PJB or Pepper
> >
> >
> > RecoveringSerenaATnospama... wrote:
> >
> > > In a message dated 04/26/2001 4:02:41 AM W. Europe Daylight Time,
> > > ggonzalezATnospams... writes:
> > >
> > > > When K is active, a person can - at will - activate certain
> functions
> > > > like a immune response. One thing I have been able to do with
> my K (
> > > > and so far the *only* thing ) is to heal myself (but only on
> one part
> > > > of my body : My throat). I have used a mix of K energy ( I can
> > > > control my K energy, and make it go anywhere in my body ) and
> > > > visualization to activate a immune response when the first
> symtoms of
> > > > an infection show up.
> > >
> > > Hi Gabriel-
> > >
> > > I have learned to quiet my overactive immune system in order to
> stop
> > > flares of inflammatory arthritis. I also learned to relax the
> muscles
> > > around my arthritic joints that were in chronic state of spasm.
> > > This was really important for pain management and recovering
> mobility.
> > >
> > > I did this through visualization. I didn't think of it as an
> ability
> > > that was due to kundalini awakening but that is probably as valid
> a way
> > > to think about it as any.
> > >
> > > Serena
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
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