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To: K-list
Recieved: 2000/05/02 12:16
Subject: Re: [K-list] Shielding
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent

On 2000/05/02 12:16, Mystress Angelique Serpent posted thus to the K-list:

At 02:00 PM 5/2/00 +0200, Mario Floryn wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>How can I protect myself from sucking up other people's karma, or against
>energydrainings. Sometimes my energy levels are very low.
Hello, Mario:
There are a lot of different ways to sheild yourself from the
Tantric empathy that is a side effect of K., but quite simply, if the
empathy is "As Goddess Wills", then they won't work.

   Sometimes it is better to make an attitude change, and look upon these
incidents as an opportunity to do some "Karma Yoga" and get some Karmic
brownie points.
   "What you resist, persists", and "what you put out comes back
multiplied", to throw some cliches at you. :) So, resisting the empathy
sometimes gets nowhere, but choosing instead to process the Karma you are
given, is choosing to invest in your own growth, and it will increase your
energy by the Laws of Karmic return.
 As a general rule, if you are feeling other folks stuff, it is because
"Goddess did it", empathy comes from Her, it is part of your experience
unity with All that Is. No point to resisting that, it is part of your
K-fired path of Spiritual growth. By clearing the stuff you feel, you are
helping yourself, and someone else to heal, to grow and feel better.
"Service to other" is a basic rule of spiritual growth. Think of the
empathy as Goddess offering you an opportunity to serve Her will.

 Quite often, as the stage of K. you are at, the only stuff you will
feel from other people, is stuff which is resonant with your own
unprocessed issues. Goddess uses "other people" to help you locate and
clear your own unprocessed emotional baggage. All that you see, is yourself

Eventually, the K. process will be done with you, you will run out of
your own "stuff", and at that point, other people's "stuff" won't stick
anymore, and it will feel good to be around people again.
Like me, you will be able to play "Karmic Vampire" for the fun of it,
and not because it is a necessary mercy for your own comfort and wellbeing.

   This essay, is a basic explanation of what I do, in the Karma munch chat
parties, and when I do healing. It's really very simple. Anybody can do
it, I've taught it to people who were not awakened, as well.. but, I most
often end up teaching this, as an act of mercy to people like you, who are
finding the empathy a torture and need to know the way out.

How to do it:
I most often use the phrase, "Goddess please take this, it is a gift
for you. Thankyou very much.", or some variation of it.

   Quite simply, Goddess owns everything, so thinking some stuff is "yours"
is the illusion of ego. Your ego is the veil of separation that makes you
think you are not part of Goddess, and it is made of the fear-based crap we
call Karma. All you have to do, to clear it, is to give it back to Goddess
by acknowledging that it is Hers.
Almost any way you imagine giving it back, will work: you can imagine
zapping it with white light ot purple fire, you can imagine feeding it to a
giant invisible T-Rex, you can ask the angels to handle it.. whatever you
believe in, will work.

   First, look inside of yourself to identify the stuff, by it's emotional
quality, shape, where the pain is located, etc. You don't have to know all
the details about it, wanting to know can be an ego-trap.
  You do have to get a sense of what it looks like, or where the feeling is
located, so you can mentally point to it, when you say "Please take THIS".
   It may be "this sadness", or "this anger", or "this ineffective
thought", or "this habit".

   You have to identify what you are giving up, in some way. You cannot
simply say, "Please take all my Karma". That won't work. Free Will is
Goddess law, the stuff was created by individual acts of free will, it must
be released the same way. Bit by bit, as it shows up to be cleared.

This "giving up stuff" process is what is meant, by the Kundalini
imperative of SURRENDER. Give it all back to Goddess, surrender it to Her.
   Simply feel it, or see it, and get the shape of it. Not usually a
recognisable shape, pain and emotions in the body seldom come in neat
rectangles or dodecahedrons..:) Usually it will be an abstract thing like a
glob in a lava lamp.
   Quite often, as you trace the shape of it you will find that it is wired
right into one of the energy meridians, and there will be a line of
sensation you can track down the front of yourself to your feet, and up the
back again, or up the front and down the back.. it is rooted into a path
that makes a complete wavy vertical circiut of your body. If you can get a
sense of that whole circut, you can clear it all out at once.

For example:
If I tune in on you, the first thing I feel is a blockage on the right
side of your power chakra, at the base of the rib. A glob of junk, like a
mashed lemon tucked in under the rib, like it's in the bottom of the lung.
>From there, it goes straight down into the curve of your hip, curves around
and down the front of your right thigh.. at the knee it turns and goes down
the inside of your calf, then turns again at the ankle and goes across the
top of your foot to the second toe.. around the end of the toe, and across
the instep in a diagonal line, comes up around the left side of your heel
to go up the back of your leg, and is especially sore at the back of the
knee..(knees are associated with fears of moving forward) It goes up the
back of your calf, and makes a diagonal line again inside your buttock to
come out at the center of the small of your back.. which tells me your
second chakra is involved, also.. the power issue is also a scarcity issue.
>From there it goes up the spine a bit then across again to the back of
where I first identified it.. (this is kind of hard to type, coz I'm used
to seeing the whole circut at about lightspeed )
   It dodges back over to your spine and follows the right side of your
spine behind your heart chakra (love is involved with this issue,
resistance to loving) from there it goes diagonal again to make a sore spot
under the shoulderblade. From the shoulder it makes a branch going down
both sides of your right arm that I'm not going to type out the path of..
(arms are associated with actions in the world, this part of it is
connected to your feelings of helplessness) from the point of your shoulder
it follows the muscle up the back-right side of your neck. It makes a
circut of the side of your skull, following the curve of your ear but 3
inches away from your ear, following that ridge of your skull, to your
temple. From there it goes in behind your eye (unwillingness to see)
touches on your inner ear and the hinge of your jawline (stubbornness,
resistance) It follows the jawline toward your chin, but before it reaches
your chin it makes another turn and does down the right side of your
throat, and the right side of your heart chakra again. Where your ribs
divide it follows the curve of your rib back to where I first located it.

   See, the circut is not straight, it follows a winding path front and
back of you on that side. You probably have a matching one on your left
side.. but one example is enough! I hope you don;t mind me using you as an
example like this.

   I followed the path of it, partly by "seeing" the lines where it flowed,
but mostly by feeling a "tracer" of electical sensation Goddess provided
for me to follow. A slight pain, if you like, but very mild, just enough to
feel the pattern but not really uncomfortable. Now I can see/feel the whole
circut at oonce, I can surrender it all on your behalf. Otherwise, it's
kind of like a weed: you cut the top part off, and it grows back from the

As a shortcut if I am in a hurry, sometimes I will say, "Goddess please
take this (the bockage) and everything connected to it, (meaning, the rest
of the circiut) .. wherever it exists. (in time, space, other people)
Thankyou very much."
   The shorcut works, but it is better to take a moment and get a mental
sense of the whole pattern.

   If the stuff is persistent, then sometimes there is a message in it, and
you will need to look at it more closely to find out what it is trying to
tell you. Once it has delievered it's message, it will depart on it's own.
   When I say "look at it", the most effective way to do that is to ove the
seed of consciousness into that location. Somewhere in you, is the spark of
light that is the essence of your beingness. When we say some people "live"
in their heart, or some people "live" in their lower chakras, that is what
is meant.. where their spark/seed of consciousness is located. It can
travel outside of the body too.. where ever your focus is, there you are.
Simply imagine a spark of lght that is you, moving into the core of the
pain or emotions. It is an eye of perception.
   You can talk to your blockages, too.. Get grounded, and ask them what
they are for, what they are trying to accomplish, then affirm "Goddess has
it handled" and send them into the Light.
I use a simple phrase, and I will teach it to you.

   (Goddess, please take this _____ , it is a gift for you. It's Yours.
Thank you very much.) say it aloud, if you are alone, and hold out your
hands as if offering a gift. Thought-word-deed is stronger than thought
alone. If you are aroundother people, simply say it mentally.
   Then it is ver important to distract yourself from the bloackage by
focusing on your breathing and think of your feet, so your attention to the
stuff is not an attachment. Often, you will spontaneously sigh it out,
aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh.. releasing.
Every part of this phrase is important, and I will explain why.

   "Goddess".. -> insert Divinity of your own choice, here, it doesn't
matter if you say Goddess or God or Mary or Krishna or Jesus, or T-Rex or
"My unconscious".. whatever.. what matters, is that you choose to give it
to whatever you have faith in. Faith is the mustard seed that works miracles.

   Ten years ago, before I got into the paradigms of K., I mostly worked
with creative visualization. I was annoyed because my clever mind was very
good at reversing and undoing my visualizations of release.. I needed to
find a way to clear stuff so it would stay gone!! So, I asked myself what
would be a form of destuction I would consider "permanent", and my mind
responded that if a T-rex ate something, it would be gone forever.. no
getting stuff back out of a dinosaur's gullet!! LOL!!
   So, I created/attracted an invisible, magical Tryannosaurus Rex to eat
all the negative crap I didn't want anymore. I'd simply hold out my hands
like a bowl, and imagine the stuff pouring out of me onto my hands, then
hand it over to him for a snack. He loved it, it was his favorite snack
food, and he always belched and did a little tap dance to say thankyou. He
looked like a real T-rex, but he behaved like a Disney cartoon.
Non-threatening and very polite.
   I have introduced him to hundreds of people, so feel free to call on
him, if you like.. Sometimes I'll even send him off on his own to do house
clearings, eating entities and poltergiests, etc. Watching a T-rex hunting
down entities and crunching their bones is quite a sight to see!!

  Years later, I got on the net, and read about the evil Draconian Alien
lizard beings who supposedly provoke mischief because they feed on our
negative energy, he showed up and waved and smiled at me..:) He's a
Draconian? OK.. LOL!!!
I figgered, the Dracs may be here to snack on our crap, but we are
pretty good at doing our own mischief, and blaming them for the messes we
make, is a cop-out on our free will responsibility.
   I like to compost and recycle, everything is food for something.. Worms
eat my newspapers and vegetable garbage, crows eat the protien leftovers
that the worms don't, and Draconian Lizard aliens are welcome to eat my
negative emotional junk!! LOL!!

   Anyhow back to the Goddess ... :)

  "Please take this, it is a gift".. we identify it as a *gift*, to be
non-judgmental. All of life is a gift of Goddess, so call it a gift. If you
call it, "This horrible crap" then your negative judgment is an attachment
and it won't clear as easily. If you are judging it, then you are still
attached to it, you are showing that you are not done with it yet, so it
won't go.
  "for You. It's Yours." Affirming that it belongs to Goddess.

   "Thankyou very much" Gratitude is healing, all on it's own. The
secret to discovering "silver linings" is simply to apply graititude.

Richard Bach says: "There is no such thing as a problem without a gift
for you in its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts."
   Louise Hay says: "A problem is just a gift you haven't found a use for,
   I applied that idea to my sadistic nature, years ago, and found a new
career! I went from being a starving artist who was on and off welfare, to
earning $175./hr torturing people who saw my sadism as a valuable gift they
needed to feel.
   I applied it to my ADD too, and went from despair at being unemployable,
to seeing ADD as a genetic marker for a natural Witch. My childhood
daydreaming messed up my school work, but my ability to visualize karma
clearing and heal people, is a gift. It's the same effect put to different
uses. Thinking of "problems" as "Gifts", and applying gratitude is a great
way to get out of your negative ego judgments so you can gain Divine
inspiration about the purpose of what Is.
   Also, "Thankyou very much" acts like "amen", or "So mote it be", it
seals the deal. By offering thanks in advance, you are affirming faith that
Goddess will do as you ask. Faith is the mustard seed.

 Then, breathe and distract yourself from paying attention to what you
have surrendered. Attention is attachment, so metaphorically turn your back
so Goddess can take it when you are not looking. :) Faith again. Trust that
Goddess will take it without your needing to be Overseer to make sure She
does.. :)

Now, you will find sometimes there is resistnce to surrender. You will
think that there are somethings you have to handle on your own, or such an
such an item of Karma was put there by Somebody Important, and it has to
stay put. Nyet! Nicht, nien, not, no, null and void!
   Nobody is more important, or wiser or more powerful than
Goddess/Divinity/Cosmic consciousness, and what is given up to Goddess
comes back better!! If it really is something you need, She will give it a
tune-up in the light and put it back.
   Along the path of your K., you will have to give up *everything*, and so
there is no point to listening to the fear-based reasons of your ego about
what cannot be surrendered. The reasons may seem very persuasive, but they
are BS. Surrender is the imperative. Surrender everything. Goddess has it

The final thing to do, after a bout of Karma clearing, is to give up
the "holes" where the stuff used to be.. (I always think of bugs bunny..
handing over a portable hole.. LOL!!)
  Nature abhorrs a vaccum, and if the empty spaces are not filled with
light, something else will come along to occupy the space. If you do not
fill them with light, then you may be left feeling kind of "empty" and will
go around looking for something to fill you up. Looking for more attachments.

So, at the end, say "Goddess, please take these holes and spaces where
that stuff I gave to You used to be, and fill them with your Light and
Grace". Imagine light coming in your feet and filling the spaces like an
injection mould. The light will go to work restructiring the spaces, and
being Light, it can change into whatever is needed, in the moment.

I sometimes compare light to clay. If you take a lump of clay and make
a cup out of it, and fire it hard, then you have a cup..which is useful,
but that clay no longer has to potential to become a plate, or a vase, or a
sculpture. It's shape has been solidified into form. Making light into a
cup, is how you got all that Karma in the first place. You took Divine
Light and with "good intentions" (road to Hell) of ego, you locked it into
a form. That form may have outlived it's usefullness, you have a cup when
you need a plate.. but you are stuck with it untill you surrender it to
Goddess, so She can turn it back into light again.

   e=mc2 Light, being formless, is like super- clay that can be reshaped
over and over into whatever is needed in the moment. So, when you have
cleared all of your Karma and your body is made of light, your potential is
infinite. You can be and do anything. Limitless.

>Also, I have a constant
>'lightheaded' feeling for over 5 years now. Is it the K. which passes
through? My
>3rd eye is always very active and it seems as if my biological eyes are
>into something.. All advice is welcome.
  Laser beam eyes that project light.. sometimes just looking at
bloackeges with eyes that are laser beams of light, is enough to clear them.
>Greetings to you all (and especially Mystress:-)))
Greetings, and Blessings to you..

Zenia has invited me to join her in chat.. anyone is welcome..
http://www.onelist.com/chat/Kundalini-Gateway Sorry about the Mac
exclusion.. can someone who has a Mac, find us a Mac-friendly chatroom? I'm
on a PC so I wouldn't know if any room works for a Mac or not..

  BTW, please remember to snip your posts, in future.. :)

  Posting guidelines for the K-list are at
When in Rome.. Blessings..



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