To: K-list
Recieved: 2000/04/16 23:38
Subject: [K-list] gurus and shaktipat (long)
From: Divine Goddess
On 2000/04/16 23:38, Divine Goddess posted thus to the K-list:
"----- Original Message -----
From: Collin Ferrari
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2000 7:24 PM
Subject: Reference K-List madness poll and Shaktipat
Hello there,
I am new to the K-List. You said in the last email to the list that
received Shaktipat. I know that Shaktipat to awaken the
Kundalini-Shakti in
the aspirant is used in Kundalini Mahasiddha Yoga, and other similar
My question is this: once you receive Shaktipat, are you required to
be in
the service of the guru who awakened it? I am wondering because I
that receiving Shaktipat with no obligation to a guru, and then
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan would be ideal, instead of
chained to a guru. I am well aware of all the various admonitions that
practicing Kundalini Yoga unsupervised is dangerous. I will
response I get.
Sat Nam,
Collin Ferrari"
Hello Collin,
I decided to share your letter anyway in the public forum because so
many people have strong opinions and comments about this
guru/shaktipat thing and I think it would benefit others.
I can only offer you my experience. Some others may offer you theirs.
Before I had shaktipat, I knew very little about kundalini. What
little I did know was that it was something special that happened to
someone and not very often without years of practice and supervision.
The person who gave me shaktipat had a spontaneous, explosive
awakening of kundalini of his own that put him in bed for almost a
year. When it first began happening he would visit all kinds of
doctors who could not find anything wrong. He was able to tease them
by manipulating an electroencephalograph machine (reads brain waves)
by going in and out of theta/delta at will. I would call him a
charming American western mystic who liked to dress in silk jogging
suits and he had a snow white beard and hair and bright blue eyes. I
don't know the whole story of his process, only bits and pieces but I
do know that during those times he was laid flat in bed in a state of
constant meditation and bliss and when he was called on to teach a
class his condition would recede until the class would finish. He
would slip back into his state of meditation and bliss. As the years
have gone by and his nervous system became more refined he found that
he was able to awaken kundalini in other people. He is very 'juicy'
with kundalini and contagious. Being around him was enough to become
'infected' with k. Myself, Angelique, and other people on this list
are also 'k-juiced' and can cause awakenings and k activity in others.
So, a guru is not necessary for shaktipat. Purists will probably
insist that the 'best' shaktipat comes thru a lineage of gurus.
Maybe...I think God/dess has that handled. It is, IMHO, the best for
you is the way you receive it. I received it in an advanced human
potential seminar in a group of about 35 people. Larry, the
shaktizapper, sat at the front of the room in a chair. He explained
us how Yoga was developed by placing the body in positions in which
the body naturally takes during k movement. He then went into
Nirvikalpa Samadhi and awakened our kundalini by spontaneous
meditation. He meditated us. We didnt do anything but sit there in
chairs. It felt like an enormous snake was moving thru the room and
were caught in its serpentine movements.(My perceptions). Not only
the serpentine energy move thru the room, it felt like it rose up
through the floor, up my legs and into my body. It felt like my spine
was shaking 45 degrees in one direction and then 45 degrees in the
other, like a pendulum. And the vibrations! (It was several months
before my spine quit swaying.)
People in the room were having all kinds of sponataneous
kriyas...giggles, laughter, animal sounds, jerking, body movements,
sighing, moaning.... He meditated us for an initial 10 minutes. He
then let us rest, let us ask us a few question and then meditated us
again for another 20 minutes and then sent us to bed without letting
us ask any more questions. He then came into our dreamtime and the
serpentine energy continued all night. I was hooked. I did not know
what, where, how, or what, but I knew this was home. This is 'where'
was suppose to be, in this energy, whatever it was. This energy
I kept an association with Larry for over several years but there was
no guru-chela relationship. Larry was not very religious at all and
didnt seem to be attached to any one system of inquiry or development
other than discovering who you were, the I AM. Larry still keeps
partial residence in Sedona, Arizona, I think, but I don't know what
he is up to now. He was/is very human and celebrated his sensual
Larry kept no formal student arrangements that I know of and I
discouraged it. In fact, he used to piss some other people off
he would set people off into space on a shakti rocket and then not
look after them. I don't think he was interested in having followers.
So I never thought much about the guru relationship, maybe about 10
minutes, since my 'rebirth'. I don't practice Yoga of any kind
although I think I might sometime in the future. I am an omnivore. I
have a basic familiarity with sanskrit terms but not enough to carry
on an educated conversation. I am not very disciplined so any
spiritual growth I have attained or understanding I have come by is
come by grace alone supplimented by reading books and seeking out
those who are k awake like me.
My meditation is inconsistent as in it is not a daily occurence. I do
have periods where I just sit quietly. Sometimes k meditates me and I
go into spontaneous pranayama. Sometimes I ground myself with Earth
Shakti and see my spine stretching like a golden tube from the
of the earth to the Central Sun and get blissed out for hours not
knowing where I have been. I am partial to the mantra So-Ham in
conjuction with alternate nostril breathing. Being the lazy type I
don't actually close and open my nostrils physically. I visualize the
prana entering one nostril, circulate it up thru the middle of my
brain (around the pituitary area) and then circulate it out thru the
opposite nostril. Then I repeat the process starting with the nostril
i just exited. (sounds complicated but once you get the hang of it,
balances and calms my brain while exciting my k to bliss)and I like
the Fire Breath Orgasm Technique. There are other techniques I use to
go bliss but these are some of the basic ones.
I have received shaktipat from others. I have received from Guru Mayi
in person during darshan and I was online zapped by Grandma Devi at
her site. I have been zapped by Angelique and others on this list,
intentionally and 'accidentally'. I have also received it from
pictures and words.
Regarding the guru question, being obligated to serve the guru who
gave you shaktipat, well....IMHO something that is bestowed by grace
doesnt carry an obligation. I think the greater obligation belongs to
the guru. If i choose to serve someone it's because I love them and
not because I have to.
There are a lot of opinions, like I said about this, and there are a
lot of finer detail that people can go into why one system may be
better than another. There are very educated and knowledgeable people
about this subject right here on this list even if they aren't
themselves. They are the best so ask your questions to the list for
them to see :) For myself, I am on the lazy road to enlightenment
if it is not fun and joyous I will avoid other paths. To each his
Goddess Shakti blesses me in spite of myself :)) For months I had
plagued with severe, continuous ear buzzing and now that has almost
totally gone to be replaced with the occassional fragrance of
beautiful roses as the k energy clears my head.
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