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To: K-list
Recieved: 1999/10/05 03:31
Subject: Re: Visualisations (Was: Re: [K-list] INTENT)
From: Magne Aga

On 1999/10/05 03:31, Magne Aga posted thus to the K-list:

-----Original Message-----
From: Wim Borsboom <aurasphereATnospamhome.com>
To: Magne Aga <magneagaATnospammonet.no>; KundaliniATnospamList-Server.net
Date: Monday, October 04, 1999 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: Visualisations (Was: Re: [K-list] INTENT)

>Dear Magne,
>Appreciate your post.
>Have patience with me, I might just be confused, I am not kidding.
>You wrote:
>>There's a tantric meditation which uses the "mirror" to create and
>>things. (snip) but to call the mirror-meditation a "recent,
>>new-age gobbledegook" is neither correct nor fair.
>Sorry, did not think I was dealing with the 'mirror meditation' or
>commenting on that. Was dealing with how in this new-age-of-late, old
>western guilt ridden morals are sneeking in and retarding effective
>reintegrative and self regenerative efforts.

OH ! SORRY. I haven't followed the whole discussion, or should I say,
haven't seen the context of the discussion. I do fully agree with your
criticism of "moralism". To say that a person's misery is *her/his own
fault* is a typical expression of cynicism, used as an extenuation, a
justification, an excuse for not helping others! To say that: "Well it is
his karma. I do not care, 'cause it's his own fault" is stupid. A person
which developes a disease due to his/her unhealthy life SHOULD be helped by
a medical doctor. I'ts the duty of the latter. And it would be ugly to
preach moral to a person with a disease.

>>There's a tantric meditation which uses the "mirror" to create and
>>things. (snips)
>>Use the mirror to *Recreate Eden*, so to say. What you see, will be !
>In view of my recent post about Adam, Vishnu, Brahman, this might be
>Was not aware that it worked that way, I'll check it out, hope that what it
>implicates is wrong... I wish that what it implicates is wrong...
>What is wrong here?
>You are not a result of my mirrored wishes that you exist now? Are you?
>What am I in your mirror, where did you pull me up from, and why?
>WERE you before I read your e-mail? If so, when were you and where?
>Was Angelique pissed off before I actually read her posting or did she have
>to get pissed off after I read her post so that she had to get pissed off
>before I wrote this. Did you by any chance cause her to be pissed off
>because you emailed me?
>Even though all this may sound fascetious, I would like to give this
>try, I went through this misery before and decided then to throw it out,
>made me feel a whole lot better, well I seem to encounter this again so
>with me....

During my initiation into "holothropic breathwork", my initiator told me
that "WHATEVER YOU EXPERIENCE IS CORRECT". This is a good example, because
the sessions caused dramatic reactions when old frozen emotions was

There is certain problems which cannot be "solved". They must be LIVED. When
diving into the deepest mystery - our very beeing - frozen, forgotten
emotions, thoughts, belief-systems about ourselves and others come up. They
are *unlived* so to say, and in our present culture it is impossible to
*live it out* - to get rid of suppressed frustrations, depressions, anger -
you name it - without commiting crime.

To live out the *unlived* during therapy is a way to release and accept the
*forbidden*, the *dark*, *unaccepted* sides of ourselves without *moral*
viewpoints. To bring in *moralism* during strong techniques are not only
stupid, it's a taboo contradicting every principle of healing.

We are talking about two different themes, it seems. I have a slogan,
derived from my own experiences and the problem of explaining spiritual


What I meant was not to advocate *moralism*. What I meant was that we create
situations - good and bad - by our own visualisations. Do not underestimate
the Power of your own thought forms. We can even cause misery for ourself
without knowing it.

A child can burn itself on the fire because it doesn't know that the fire is
dangerous. And the correct way to tell people that they - unconsciously -
cause their own misery are NOT through criticism and *moral*, but through
loving help.

Let's take a more positive view! Isn't it wonderfull that we do have the
inherent ability to visualize things to happen? Five times, I've saved
peoples life through remote healing, causing a sudden *quantum-leap healing*
of diseases of people who were *doomed to death* by the traditional doctors.

We can cause things by our visualizations without knowing it. And it is
stupid to criticise people - bring in *moral* issues - because they did not
knew it.

+ + +

>>(snip) to perform "astral journeys", to experience out-of-body states.
>I must be pretty darn good at that mirror meditation then :-)

Do you live on a place with a perfect view when looking out of the window?
Let your left hand touch the window, and the right hand your forehead.
Visualize the place you wan't to visit.
Then put your right hand on the window, and the left hand on the back of
your head.
Then put the right hand on the forehead.

Visualize a *vehicle* with an egg-formed shape. It should not have sharpe
edges, in order not to *collide* with things in your environment.
Visualize yourself knocking three times on the door.
Go into these egg-shaped form, and visualize that

When diving into the theta state of consciousness, you will experience OBEs
using these method.

+ + +

Similarily, use the mirror if you want to send a telepathic message.

Imagine the person you want to send the message to. Imagine for example the
person within a store. Visualize yourself going into that store saying
something to that person. Imagine for yourself every details around the
situation too.

Repeat these process two times. That is, after the 3rd visualisation of the
same scenario forget it completly. Do not think about it anymore. Let the
*post office* deliver the message, and do not interfere.

+ + +

>>The mirror in front of our 3rd eye, does not radiate images of its own. It
>>reflects whatever is projected into it.
>Where does this 'whatever' come from? What causes me to project what?
>What would cause me to want see misery or happiness?
>When is that choice made, why?
>I really want to know! Am I asking the wrong questions?
>This is what I live by:
>Love and love only, just saying this makes the nectar flow, bliss
>Love you whole heartedly, You don't need to answer the questions above.

Again, we can ask about things we do not want - and receive them. If we are
worried about certain things to happen, these worries can - eventually -
manifest as real situations, because we have given an *order* so to say, to
let it happen.

The Universal FORCE is completly neutral. It doesn't favorize anyone. During
magic work it only does what you ask about. If you ask about $1 million, but
just specify 1 million (that is, beeing unprecise), maybe you receive 1
million shoes!

>Just before I interjected the paragraph above I wrote:
>The method that we use to recover whatever realms of reality, does not say
>anything about the realms of reality themselves.
>A knife will not say anything about the reality of a loaf of bread.
>After we disect a human cadaver what do we know about a living being?
>I looked to the Buddha to find out about illusion, he was willing to help.
>He eventually talked about 'nothing' and I got some of it.
>Saw that illusion was not nothing. So I dropped it.
>Saw that something was not nothing so I dropped it.... it bounced back up.
>When nothing makes sense, I'll have nothing to drop.
>Leaves me empty handed.
>Love, Wim

Excellent !
When we live the life of Sunnyata - Emptiness - then the mirror is clean.
It's the good old madhyamika way of *Suchness*, the *advocaters of
emptiness* as they called themselves - in their own special sense of humour.

*Suchness* is unexplainable. It is to live the life *just as it is* without
beeing entrapped by names and categories and subdivisions (maya or relative
measurements). Moralism IS maya (relative measurements), since there is
nothing to name or categorize (*good* versus *bad*, *us* versus *them*,
*negroes* versus *white people* etc., etc.).

In Sunnyata - the empty mirror - every man and woman is a crystal, unique,
just in the same way as a snow crystal is unique; not two alike.


And no one - I repeat NO ONE - can replace You in the whole Universe.

When we realize our own unmeasurable value, we drop every categorizes and
are FREE. We are *Such*. A *tathagatha* - in Buddhism - means, literarily,
*one who comes and goes SUCH* in it's own unique, un-categorizeable way.



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