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1998/08/31 08:09
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #614

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 614

Today's Topics:
  Re: Is this part of the K experience [ Siva <guardianATnospamxtra.co.nz> ]
  What about love? [ geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com ]
  Re: Is this part of the K experience [ David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net> ]
  Re: critter dreams [ "Mel August" <bodacia31ATnospamhotmail.com ]
  Re: Kundalini - heart, and flow. [ "Evelyn Niedbalec" <log_me_inATnospamhotma ]
  Re: What about love? [ "Paul" <paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.c ]
  Re: Is this part of the K experience [ v <vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net> ]
  Re: warning: negative vibes [ Dharma <annfisherATnospamstic.net> ]
  Re: Is this part of the K experience [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: K experience? or......what? [ "guy johnson" <tantriciskATnospamhotmail.c ]
  Re: K experience? or......what? [ Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iis ]
  Good Bye for a while [ OneBeingATnospamt-online.de (Dancing DaxAn ]
  Re: Is this part of the K experience [ "guy johnson" <tantriciskATnospamhotmail.c ]
  Loving and Being Love [ Harsha <hlutharATnospambryant.edu> ]
  Re: Loving and Being Love [ Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iis ]
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 13:52:33 +1200
From: Siva <guardianATnospamxtra.co.nz>
To: "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>, <vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net>
Cc: "jb" <janbarenATnospaminfase.es>, "K. list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience?
Message-Id: <199808310146.NAA08130ATnospamsmtp2.ihug.co.nz>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi guys

I found my believe structure break down totally, as I have questioned
I find I have no more belief but rather what I feel is right, if that is
called a belief..I don't know.
Perhaps a better way to rephrease it is we no longer have any belief but
rather we only have the truth, and I guess truth is a belief.


At 22:10 30/08/98 -0400, Kat wrote:
>Hi VC,
>>I have been having to reform my belief structures from being immune to
>>evil by the protection of THE LIGHT, to noticing the subtle & not so
>>subtle effects of evil in a larger sense, manifest by affectations in
>>people absent from their bodies (like on a computer i.e.) & the workings
>>of machinery or breaking down & sabotage affects thereof!
>I am having to reform all of my beliefs! I think this is one of the
>reason's I having been feeling lost for some time now. Ever time I think I
>have come up with the answer it disappears and the search begins again.
>Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me but could you expand on them a bit
>more? I think I am missing some of the points that you were trying to get
>across to me.
>In L&L & Understanding,
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 21:27:42 -0700
From: geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: What about love?
Message-ID: <19980830.212742.3262.0.Geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com>

I posted a message implying that because evil can't be scientifically
measured it is just an opinion. Well, what about love, does it exist?

There is a kind of attachment that is "I love the way you make me feel".
This is not love. It is craving for someone much like a craving for ice

There is a peaceful, joyousness that comes from experiencing the
interconnectedness of life and there is quite a bit of serious research
out to prove love is the basis for all things. I don't want to address
this form, however, it is too big of a topic at the moment and for this

There is k energy expressed through the heart chakra. This is a
vibrational energy that you can feel. I first felt it at 22 in a
meditation class. We sat in a circle and projected love at each person
one at a time. This is love that you can share. Anytime during the day
you can bring energy to the heart and send it to others. If you have
trouble with this, think of a person or animal you really care about and
start with them. Once it is flowing, it is easier to send it to others.
This makes a good meditation. It is not limited to time or space.
Eventually, it becomes automatic and doesn't need a thought.

  I don't know if this type of love can be scientifically measured, but
it is my opinion that it exists as a vibrational energy. I imagine it
could be proven by 100 people sending love each day to 20 out of 40
hospital patients in a blind study. I have never felt an "evil"
vibration. I have seen people with unclear, chaotic energy. They
weren't evil, just unloved.

Love and blessings to all,


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Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 23:07:10 -0400
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience?
Message-ID: <35EA135E.3434ATnospammail.snet.net>

Siva wrote:

> Perhaps a better way to rephrease it is we no longer have any belief but
> rather we only have the truth, and I guess truth is a belief.

As you believe so it is for you.
I don't believe in truth.
The moment I do I cannot know it.

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 20:38:37 PDT
From: "Mel August" <bodacia31ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: fredaann2ATnospamjuno.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: critter dreams
Message-ID: <19980831033837.26029.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>Mornin' Kfolk,
>I have been having dreams which I cannot find -in my understanding- the
>symbolizm for. If any of you out there can shed some light on these the
>imput would be most welcome.
>Last week I had a dream where a crow took my left eye. He didn't eat
>he just took it.... kinda snickered at me and flew away.
>Night before last, I dreamt of salmon, one of which was white, and it
>me, this was not uncomfortable,,, and I began to "see" with his
>eyes...this salmon was like a person, he talked with an accent,
>or Irish? sorry, I am not too up on languages anymore than I am on
>animals.... but the salmon was a jokester, he had a tale about every
>and cranny of the streams he took me through,,,, mostly gossip about
>other fish and stuff.... very strange..
>Just before waking to go to work this morning I was dreaming of deer or
>something, (I am not sure, I think it was a deer, but I suppose it
>have been another animal with long legs and short hair,,, I know it ran
>really fast, even with me hanging on for dear life to its bare back!)
>I have no idea where these animals are coming from, I am not overly
>of animals, dont get me wrong, I dont dislike them either, I just dont
>pay much attention to them....
>Also, yesterday morning while taking my dog, Katie, a 12 yr old, bird
>chasin' near blind terrier mix, out for a walk in a nearby field, a
>of all things flew towards us,,,,,, Katie saw it and instead of barking
>or trying to run after it she sat down and watched it! The crane flew
>right at us, circled us once and then landed not 10 feet away.
>I dont recall seeing cranes around here much anymore, I used to when I
>lived a few miles away however, we had one that used to catch fish and
>eat them on the dock in the back yard,,,, yuck, always left a nasty gut
>Anyway, I am a little confused about these animals and birds, I recall
>someone had put up a link to animal symbolizm a while back if anyone
>that link still perhaps they could send it on to me,,,,, it would be a
>start anyway as I have NOT a clue what any of this is about.

Crows and Ravens are symbols of the Goddess Morrigan...a Celtic goddess
of sex and death. To me the crow taking your eye...is your way of
telling yourself to leave behind the vision that no longer serves you.
The salmon is also an ancient celtic critter...one of the oldest and
wisest of the messengers...and a true guide though sometimes hard to
understand. Deer or stags are also strongly celtic in nature. You may
want to get a set of the Druid Animal oracle cards...I believe they may
give you a better picture than I could. But I can tell you that you've
started on a wonderful journey...enjoy the voyage.
Blessed Be...

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Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 20:57:52 PDT
From: "Evelyn Niedbalec" <log_me_inATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini - heart, and flow.
Message-ID: <19980831035753.3004.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

> That's the fun thing about K... no two awaken the same. Best to be
>careful with the sweeping generalizations.
> I was playing with the downward flow as a little Catholic grrl in
>making the place light up, instead of listening to the mass.

Can I ask what you mean by "making the place light up?"

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Date: 31 Aug 98 05:05:23 +0000
From: "Paul" <paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: What about love?
Message-Id: <OUT-35EA2B32.MD-1.0.paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


[You wanting to use science to find out if there are such things as
evil, love, god, etc]

> I have never felt an "evil"
> vibration. I have seen people with unclear, chaotic energy. They
> weren't evil, just unloved.

So are you viewing `evil' as a kind of `thing', like via the way that
it is portrayed in stereotypes, the devil, hell, viscious
misdermeanour sort of thing?

Evil is what you see when you look at things in the wrong way, so it
is only ever inside of you pretending to be projected outside. in a
way fear is evil, but if you view it right it's not. If you look for
the truth OF things, like with science, where you're looking to judge
and evaluate the apperance of something, you find only scientific
truths. Never is any progress made. You only ever see a projection of
the model that is being used to investigate. To see love you have to
stop searching for the truth OF things and start to place the truth
closer to home - with the person who is doing the viewing. So by
looking for truth in a truthful way, using truth as your scientific
investigation tool, you will look at things truthfully and only then
can you see the truth of things. And again there is no change, no
progress, no difference made, because the inside is the outside. The
love within is seen without.

Searching in the context of otherness - the truth is out there kind of
mentality - only allows you to see otherness. If you go about seeking
with rose tinted glasses you only ever see a rose tinted world. I know
that cus I do it. If you go about with a scientific model you only
ever see the scientific model in the world. Wherever in the world the
model turns up the answer of `false' or `negative' (ie does not exist
sort of thing), it is when the model has encountered a part of reality
that is greater than the model, that is beyond the model's
comprehension. Hense if you see something and are afraid of it it is
probably that it is not graspable by your current understanding of
things. It is excluded from your model, your attitude, and so you feel
rejection about it, fear. It can get bad, I know. But never, not ever,
not if you have ego or if you don't have ego, never do you ever see
anything other than what is HERE right now. If ego is here you see
only ego. If love is here you see only love. If a scientific model is
here you see only a scientific model. If ego or that model is here and
you look at the world and your model rejects some part, calls it
exclusive, or your ego rejects it and seperates from it, then this is
testimony to the limit of the model and the ego, not that there
actually is a terribly scary thing that needs explaining, or even that
the scary thing will always be scary or that it is scary in its own
right seperate of your model or your ego. Evil is in your own
attitude. You cannot see it unless you are it. The only thing that is
ever scary in its own right regardless of the way you look at it is
Angelique :-)

There is absolutely nothing for you to aquire, attain, or achieve. As
above so below. As the beginning so the end. Alpha and Omega and all
those other romantic references. If you start going around seeking to
`prove' evil or whatever what actually are you going to do? You cannot
be other than you are at any given time. Do you believe you can have
this super-whammy tool that you're gunna use and its gunna tell you
wether evil is real or not, and this tool has authority, like it knows
everything? It doesn't. If it has the ability to judge or discriminate
or ascertain some `true false' kind of result about anything, it is
incomplete as a tool and things are beyond its scope. So do not lay
such trust in it. You want to believe that some scientific method or
tool is going to give you the absolute answer. It cannot. It's
impossible. To give you an answer of true or false - evil exists or it
doesn't - love exists or it doesn't, you must have BOTH truth and
falsety built into the scientific model. That means that half of the
model is false! It is only because of that fact that the model has any
comprehension of things being false at all. That is the only way it
can possibly say that love doesn't exist or evil doesn't exist, by the
fact of its own falsety. All it ever sees is itself. It is the model
the fails not the reality that is being tested. When there is a belief
to the contrary, that is true evil, deception, illusion, false
authority, pretence, egocentricity, etc.

When you have these attitudes of looking at the world, of searching,
of going to `other' places, of being an authority on a subject, of
having the knowledge and the final judgement and the asnwer you are
being the only kind of evil there is. The great illusion, maya, sleep,
living death. You have to change your model, your tool, the thing that
is doing the investigating. You have to become more inclusive, not
exclusive. Models of exclusion are half wrong, always. In being more
inclusive you have to be more accepting. That does not mean accepting
exclusions, or accepting things for the way that they look when you
are looking at them in an exclusive way with an exclusive ego/model.
You have to look not for truth, but have truth in the looking itself.
Do not think that truth is somewhere other than here. It must start
here. You must first have truth in order to truly inquire into the
validity of truth, wether there is love, ego, evil, god, etc. You must
have the answer before you have the question. This is always the way.
Those who believe that answers come after questions are simply
projecting the questions onto the world and taking a fancy to the
parts of the world that do not undermine the falseness of the
question, that do not question the question. See, when you question
the questioning you find out some real answers, answers not of an
`answer' nature but of a not knowing anything nature, having no
knowledge, having no preconception or memory or aquired mountains of

I just received a message that I must stop now. I hope this did not
move you too much.


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Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 22:11:29 -0800
From: v <vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net>
To: Kat <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
CC: jb <janbarenATnospaminfase.es>, "K. list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience?
Message-ID: <35EA3E8F.5305ATnospameagle.ptialaska.net>

> Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me but could you expand on them a bit
> more? I think I am missing some of the points that you were trying to get
> across to me.

Hello Kat,
   Yes. I mean that from my experience with THE CHURCH OF DIVINE MAN in
Portland (a training school for psychics), I learned techniques of
grounding & shielding myself with light, & grounding others, & setting
up protective barriers to shield myself from other's energy, as I am an
empath. But I always considered other people's energy as a manifestation
of their psyche, not as evil, or influences outside their nature. In
fact, I remember arguing that by granting something as nebulous &
unprovable as demons credence, one was creating their existance. All
that was neccessary was to refuse to believe in them, or evil, & it
would negate it's manifestation.
   Lately I have been working on an energy level with a gal who also
studied the same techniques more intensively, & it is working with
*beings* - disincarnate spirits exercising influences on people, & even
areas, open to them. And it is affecting changes in people &
environments. It is also bringing out even more unexplainable malice
from some sources; most recently I explained what happened with the
woman who was contracted to train me in web design. To me, there is no
other explanation than she is being influenced by a malignant being,
because there was no previous indication that she intended to rip me off
& slander me; she's been relatively pleasant & I thought we had a good
working relationship. In a town this small, & an island to boot, you
just don't get away with this sort of lying & cheating people. She's not
stupid whatsoever.
   Simultaneously, the lady I've been working with *bounty hunting*
these beings, has also had events in her life escalate unforseenly,
where her boyfriend has had his house repossessed because of the
negligence of an insurance company to make the payments; events beyond
his control, & now he has to go to court & a pile of paperwork.
   I think the times are such, when the veil is thinning, & these
disincarnate beings are around & wreaking chaos & evil in the lives of
people who threaten them & people with a certain level of awareness, to
disempower them & keep them from progressing where they can.
   The rate that the computer, the car, the phone, the machines that I
depend on in my life have all broken down around this "training program"
was too frequent & incessant to just be mere coincidance. Now that I've
managed to overcome all odds & finish the pamphlet anyway, the woman
herself turns on me. I know she takes a lot of drugs & hormone pills for
her age & pain, & also she spends MOST of her waking time ungrounded &
her mind in a computer. She would be an easy target for a vengeful being
seeking to harm me.
   So, I am saying that I now believe that we must girder ourselves
against evil & discarnate beings & be constantly vigilant. Even being
vigilant once a day or so has not been enough!
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 01:13:04 -0500
From: Dharma <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: warning: negative vibes
Message-Id: <l03010d00b20f68f009a6ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi Friend!

>So far I have danced and sang away some of the pain... at the top of my
>lungs and stamping my feet... some of it refuses to melt....

Sending you the hand positions for clearing emotions. Up-stream kriya will
help, too, if you can do that. But nothing will get rid of all the pain
while the situation is on-going.

>I remember
>going through similar stuff around my love relationships... finally
>resolved that when I was 33 years old! Will this work crap take until I'm
>66? Well, social security may kick in then.... and the problem will resolve

I know what you're going through, it's happened to me. What can I tell
you? There's light at the end of the tunnel. But you know that. It's
just so damn hard getting there again.

>Someone specifically sent me "courage," which has helped me to take some
>active steps to protect myself... to let go of some stuff I used to think I

Good! We really don't need very much...

>I feel a descent into the deep coming on... Hopefully I'll come back with
>something useful that I can share.

I've been all the way down - breakdown in July - and I'm back into the
light but still healing. That's why I have a new name for my new life; it
reminds me that I'm no longer what I was.

I brought something back, too. I asked, "How can I know whether something
is truth or illusion?" I heard, "Hold it up to the light of Dharma." I
could see the light of Dharma streaming from my ajna and starting to shine
from crown chakra. I saw a wisp of illusion, picked it up, held it up
behind ajna to the light, and it shattered! Now whenever I want to know if
something is true, I put it in the form of a statement and see it as if it
were written on a little piece of paper. I hold it up behind ajna, and if
it's true, it holds firm in the light of Dharma; if it's illusion, it
shatters. As Gautama said, the light within you will show you the truth.
Don't trust in anything else, not scriptures, not gurus. Trust in your own

For a little while, the naive woman I was last winter forgot my inward
guidance. She put her trust in a young guru who said they were one spirit
in two bodies, meant to come together again. She became his lover, then
his "spiritual wife," then his student. Danijel began to ask for complete
devotion and surrender, said it was necessary to work with her as a guru.
She didn't understand that meant surrendering even her unconscious to his
direction. He said he was her spiritual guru too, working with her in her
K. meditations, and she believed it. When she was completely under his
sway, he withdrew from her and began a pattern of consistent and vicious
verbal emotional and mental abuse. Finally she collapsed under constant
battering, and the personality went into a break-down; he went off to India
to see his guru, Sai Baba.

The way back was made easier by the realization that the true spiritual
guru had always been within and still was; he was never Danijel. Angelique
sent love and healing; she repaired a frayed power chakra and told me how
to fry the cords to Danijel and reclaim my power. Some problems puzzled
me; Angelique found they were the result of booby traps planted in my mind
by hypnotic suggestion. She used the same power for good and told my
internal guide to remove all suggestions. He found so many that he has
been removing them gradually, and the process is still going on.

Danijel is just too young and inexperienced and has too many problems of
his own to function as a guru. I ask all list members to send him K-fired
love; he needs it.

Tomorrow morning I leave to visit Angelique. Intuition tells her that
realization is coming at a retreat next weekend, and I want to be there.
Now it turns out there'll be a ritual, and she will play Persephone -
carried off by Death himself. She's preparing to die. But there's life
after death - Persephone returns to the earth.

I'll carry you in my heart. You are greatly loved; you are surrounded by
love. Wherever you go, you don't go alone. Reach out for love, healing,
joy, peace - they're all there for you.

Sharing my peace,
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 07:19:44 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience?
Message-ID: <12d3ae5.35ea86d0ATnospamaol.com>>

In a message dated 8/31/98 2:15:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net writes:

< So, I am saying that I now believe that we must girder ourselves
 against evil & discarnate beings & be constantly vigilant. Even being
 vigilant once a day or so has not been enough! >

Fear. Fear. Fear. Fight and protect yourself from the evil ones.

Val, you know better than this!

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

Grow in Love,

* It's easy to forgive those that do exactly what you want them to do *

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 05:48:23 PDT
From: "guy johnson" <tantriciskATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: K experience? or......what?
Message-ID: <19980831124824.123.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Kat wrote:
  I thought that it might have something to do with vibrations. If
>my eyes are closed I can feel objects around me and their weight and
>I use to pretend I was blind and walk around with my eyes closed as a
>Now I do not do this but now I am wondering if this is something I
should be
>practicing after all. Maybe the child within me knew something that I
>know now?

Dear Katharine: The walking around with eyes shut was a primary way i
entertained myself as a child. I also walked around in the woods on
paths, eyes shut, running through sections, buzzing with this security
which I cannot aptly put into words. Guy also shared this form of play.
Wonder if it is an indication of our deeper, prior knowing, or past life
proof of sensitivities all ready attained? Thank you both for sharing
about the music/vibration experiences... these too are familiar, but
different. The more I hear, the more it is clear that the details of
our paths are personal, but the patterns and shifts share a very similar
peeling away and transformation of the two-dimensional world we are
handed as children. light and great love to you, katrina

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Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 18:16:57 +0530 (IST)
From: Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in>
To: guy johnson <tantriciskATnospamhotmail.com>
cc: kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com,
Subject: Re: K experience? or......what?
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.980831181343.22843B-100000ATnospamBhaskara>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I also love to walk with eyes closed and humming mantra and i always
find myself on the line of symmetry on the road i.e. exactly in the
center of road. Yeah i too can feel that something is there near me with
eyes closed.


On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, guy johnson wrote:

> Kat wrote:
> I thought that it might have something to do with vibrations. If
> >my eyes are closed I can feel objects around me and their weight and
> size.
> >I use to pretend I was blind and walk around with my eyes closed as a
> child.
> >Now I do not do this but now I am wondering if this is something I
> should be
> >practicing after all. Maybe the child within me knew something that I
> don't
> >know now?
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 14:56:48 -0700
From: OneBeingATnospamt-online.de (Dancing DaxAne)
To: Kundalini List <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Good Bye for a while
Message-ID: <35EB1C20.3DC1801FATnospamt-online.de>

Hello to everyone!

I just wanted to give everyone a hug ... I will not have the time for to
read or answer mails and therefore will unsubscribe. But it is only for
a while. I will tell you when I am back!!! I really love this list! You
are all so wonderful and it is beautiful to be in contact with you.

Byebye for now .... love and light Ane
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 06:41:11 PDT
From: "guy johnson" <tantriciskATnospamhotmail.com>
To: vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience?
Message-ID: <19980831134111.558.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Dear Val: The compassion and understanding that come when we realize the
things that we perceive as evil always hold a lesson for us, about
ourselves, feels true to me. Paul addressed this issue pretty
thoroughly in his most recent note, and I only feel it important to add
that love is the fascia which connects us. Anything else is a
distortion of that love, and our challenge is to face those deep fears
and limiting beliefs which keep us separated from that love. I am an
incest survivor, and carried terrified and totally defensive beliefs
about the untrustworthy nature of the world in general and people in
particular. These beliefs were so ingrained I had to reach the point of
breakdown before I could see them. I don't question your friend's
ability to effect change in environments or in the fields around people,
but I do believe we are called on to experience, feel, and with the
compassion and understanding that follows, move past or through the webs
of intrigue and crises which keep us battling. We always have the
choice to see our lessons and take responsibility for them, which is a
very private, personal integration, IMHO. Maintaining the energy of
vigilance against anything is incredibly draining. I wish for you
peace, with much love and light to you on your path, katrina

> So, I am saying that I now believe that we must girder ourselves
>against evil & discarnate beings & be constantly vigilant. Even being
>vigilant once a day or so has not been enough!

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Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 10:27:44 -0400
From: Harsha <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Loving and Being Love
Message-ID: <35EAB2E0.C4CDE3B3ATnospambryant.edu>

Harsha: Living life, Meditation and the awakening of Kundalini Shakti may bring
up things from the unconscious which may take some time to integrate at the
conscious level. So we are bound to experience pain and suffering from time to
time. Sometimes it may be intense and difficult to bear. Following the
philosophy of universal love and non-violence and keeping the company of wise
and peaceful people is the best antidote. When we go in the basement of our
lives, we have to take a light with us. Let it be the Divine Light. With the
heart melting in love for the Supreme Divinity that is Ever-Present and
Omni-Present, let us be still and silent and send good feelings and good wishes
to all living beings. God bless everyone with everything that is best in life
and with peace and joy and satisfaction. God bless all at all times. God bless
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 20:14:47 +0530 (IST)
From: Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in>
To: Harsha <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Loving and Being Love
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.980831201410.23913C-100000ATnospamBhaskara>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Harsha that was a very enlightening and loving post.



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