Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/08/30 12:31
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #611

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 611

Today's Topics:
  Gracias Katrina... [ Lori Nelson <amarantATnospamunisono.net.mx ]
  Is this part of the K experience? [ "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca> (by ]
  aura colors [ Maureen Heffernan <morlightATnospammhonlin ]
  Re: K experience? or......what? [ Dharma <annfisherATnospamstic.net> ]
  RE: Is this part of the K experience [ "jb" <janbarenATnospaminfase.es> ]
  good news [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
  k [ "Paul" <paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.c ]
  body mind and soul [ "Paul" <paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.c ]
  Healing of YourSelf [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
  Views on Aura - Part II [ cosmic energy <sciATnospamnde.vsnl.net.in> ]
  Re: warning: negative vibes [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 03:28:31 -0700
From: Lori Nelson <amarantATnospamunisono.net.mx> (by way of sdollarsATnospamis.com.fj (SANDOLLARS (Andree Austin))) (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Gracias Katrina...
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi Katrina,

Thanks for your note.....

It's the only show in town... years ago when I first awoke, and coming
into my Saturn return, my son was very young and I went into a near death
crisis... If it weren't for my fathers wise advice I may not have made
it... He said "look to God, and look at your son". That was a huge
initiation... and transformed every area of my life, resulting in profound
and productive clarity... I was cookin' like a spinnin' mandala-magnet...
once I gained some equilibrium.... And we do dance the spiral...

This last equinox, Beltane, energies came over me that had me in an almost
constant state of ecstacy, my orgasmic energy was off the charts... and I
entered another realm of initiation... I went into a descent that took me
through deaths of another sort, and floored me to the point that friends
were bringing me food.... it stripped my world right into the marrow...
When they say "peeling the flesh"... they mean it... I'm still somewhat
dismembered... and treating myself with this knowlege...

 I am quite aware of my willingness and faith, and the path I've
surrendered to, as well as the pain that leads to this peace. I have no
regrets, one of my favorite quotes is "there are no victim's, only
volenteer's... I understand that the depths I go into and their jewels
are to be integrated. As you must know, the payoff;'s are outragous....

 I'm very well loved and cared for... It's funny, I'm totally the
odd-child to all my friends... So many of them haven't a real clue, they
haven't had the exposure. They are very dear. I try to "keep-up" in that
outside world, but it just ain't me... Yet Grace Abounds... There's some
kind of recognition. I'm very discreet in my practices... It's kinda hard
when you're a walking wave of Kundalini to be unseen... I put on a
baseball cap and my son's clothes sometimes in the hopes of being
invisible, you know, on "those" days...

I'm just "coming out" in the sence of explaining more of what I've been
working with all these years. Some know, but more and more I feel it's
time, and wise, to lay it out simply... I have no investment in being seen
as "normal", an absurd concept from the get-go... Everyone knows on some
level about these things anyway.

I'm in service quite a bit... which accomodates my energies a great deal.
Some of the things and names people address me by bring a grin and
chuckle... I'm delighted with the receptivity and my friends are relieved
to have some way to "classify" me.... Too funny, hu.... It's very sweet
and beautiful to watch the softening around me... I'm seen as the softest,
the most couragous, the strongest, and certainly the most vulnerable... not
to mention a few other things...... What soup this path is...

It's very nice to have hooked up with you all... I don't know that I can
keep up with the corespondance... but it's cool nevertheless...

Big Blessings,


My deepest sorrow
from where it springs
lifetimes of heartbreak
opening rings-of awakening
as Christ incarnates
invitations extend
to what ends-I truly cannot say
but that moment by moment
day by day
all I can do
is say yes as I pray
weep and surrender
for I Am the Temple
My Master must enter

Lori Nelson
      copy right 98'

>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 03:29:30 -0700
From: "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca> (by way of sdollarsATnospamis.com.fj (SANDOLLARS (Andree Austin))) (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Is this part of the K experience?
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi All,

Last night I was in a very lets say hmmmm scared mood. Scared of my
future......I wanted to return to what I understood. I know this was wrong
but I allowed my fear to get the better of me. I agreed to go out drinking
with a friend of mine....we ended up leaving after just a few drinks because
......not that I told her this as she would not of understood.....I could no
longer handle all the emotions I was picking up from the people around me.
I knew that most of the people in the bar even though they were smiling were
in fact very unhappy people. My friend then asked me if I wanted to go to a
singles dance. I figured what the heck and I agreed to go.

Now there I had a lot of fun. I have not danced in more then 10 yrs.
Some people here were upset as well and lonely but most of them were just
enjoying the dancing. Now this is where the experince came in that was
strange to me. As I was dancing I could acutually feel the flow of the
music and also the emotions of the person that I was dancing with. It was
while I was dancing that this incredible feeling of joy rushed through my
system and I understood why I could not go backwards! I could not return to
a world of negetiviity when there is a world in front of me that is full of
wonderful discoveries. Yes some of them will be painful and I am sure that
I wonder once again where it is that this K is taking me but to even
experience that joy for a brief minute or second of our times just makes it
all worth while. Is that feeling of oneness that I felt there for a few
moments the drinks that I had or did it really happen and if it did was it
part of the K? The feeling was like I had become one with everyone in the
room and we all became one with the energy around us. We were all flowing
to a tune that we could not hear unless we wanted to. It was wonderful! Is
this part of the K experience as well? If it is then I guess its not so bad
to go through the pain!

In L&L & Understanding,

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 06:35:47 +0000
From: Maureen Heffernan <morlightATnospammhonline.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: aura colors
Message-ID: <35E8F2C3.D0CD29D7ATnospammhonline.net>

Magne Aga,
> Magne: < The apple represents the pineal gland !
     "And if thine "eye" be single and full of light then the whole body
is full of light".
  <Some days ago, I healed a person from drug abuse. His abstinenses for
heroin and amfetamin disappeared momentarily. A miracle ! - people say.
But, I myself cannot heal myself.> How true! I was once the conduit for
a healing of someone using heavy cocaine but when it comes to healing
my bum shoulder??
<While healing persons aura's, I see colours yes. But I do not
them fully anymore.>Any good book can explain the colors but maybe
you're going to deeper levels and colors of comrehension, Maybe you're b
eing tuned to feel the colors or somethin deeper.
 < And for those interested in Christianity: The disciple Thomas
represented these chakra, mentioned in the Tantra tradition. > That's
why I so love this Antioch tradition I'm in. It's of Thomas who went to
the Malabar coast and we are of the Malabar Rite. Imagine my suprise at
reading the different sacraments and coming across the one for healing
that works with the different chakras. Same "stuff", different label.
   <we are stupid on a more advanced level !> This I like a lot.
It keeps us from arrogance.
So, get on a really big swing and enjoy the ride and the recess.The bell
will ring for class soon enough.
More Light (and colors) to you.
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 05:49:42 -0500
From: Dharma <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: K experience? or......what?
Message-Id: <l03010d03b20ed2416d9eATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi Kat!

>>Unusual sounds are pretty common with K. Nothing to worry about. :)

>How about the sightings of black type shadows floating around? Is this part
>of the K as well?

Sure, K. is energy, and a lot of things can be powered with that energy.
These black shadows are not something I see. But your next letter sounds
like you're opening up your perception on the astral level, sensing
emotions etc. much more. Chances are, the black shadows are astral too.
If they're not bothering you, why worry? Just something around that you
didn't see before. :) Maybe Angelique can tell you more about them.
>>Should you answer the phone? Why not, if you can? If you see/hear things
>>symbolically in meditation, you might see a phone you could answer. But
>>you don't seem to need this kind of symbolic interface to contact your
>>guide. You can probably talk directly with your guide much as you did in
>>the dream, except that it will be more real and less dream-like.
>As I am drifting off into a sleep or just waking up I often will hear a
>voice but when I go to focus in on it , I can no longer hear it. Sometimes
>I hear a voice that seems more like a thought.....is this one of my guides?

Could be! The higher communication actually works by people receiving
ideas. Some people get the idea directly, and then they have to struggle
over how to express it in order to write it down or tell anyone else.
Other people have a kind of instant brain translation that puts the idea
into sounds, usually words, voices. Other people's brain translation puts
the idea into visual images and they see pictures, symbols, etc. A friend
of mine used to see what looked like a ticker tape scrolling across in
front of her visual field, and the message was printed on it in words.

When I first began hearing voices regularly, I was walking in the park,
thinking. I had a flash of intuition that answered something I was
thinking about, heard the statement in my voice in my head - I often do
that. Then I had another intuition and another one. About the fourth time
I began to get the feeling that something strange was happening with all
these answers coming so fast. And I wondered if it was always my own voice
I was hearing. So I just asked, "Is this somebody else talking to me?"
And I heard, "Yes." So then I just had to learn to tell when it was me and
when it wasn't. In those days I used to talk to a small group of sources,
and each voice sounded different to me, so I could tell by the voice who it
was. All a matter of brain translation. And occasionally I would see
something symbolic instead of hearing.

Now my perception is a mixture. I may hear some of it, see something, and
grasp some of it as an idea, then flounder with how to express that. It's
kind of difficult to write that mixed stuff down - often I just compromise
and write down the gist of whatever it was about. And I think, even when
it's words, I'm becoming more aware of getting the idea and instantly
getting it into words.

It helps if you have a method for getting yes/no answers - finger signals
or muscle testing. Sometimes if I see or hear something unusual, I ask my
guide, "Was that a message?" Or "Did you say that?" If the answer is no,
then it was just a stray bit of dream stuff or something - not to worry
about. :)

>>Using a tone as a focus for meditation is a good way to do something else
>>than think - to meditate without thought without trying to _stop_ the
>>thoughts, see? And for me it's a useful substitute for the music I usually
>>hear in my head. Opera is glorious, but a simple tone is usually more
>>beneficial for meditation. :))
>I sometimes can hear music but no radio is on. It is usually a beautiful
>sound but when I go to try to hear it better it disappears.

If you're actually hearing it in your ears, maybe using the tones will help
the music to get stronger too.

The music I hear doesn't seem to be in my ears; it's in my head. I
starting playing the piano and reading music before I was six, so I can
look at a piece of music and hear it all in my head without going to the
piano. Beethoven was composing music when he was stone deaf! He heard it
in his head.

I'm not always aware of the music that's playing in my head - I just don't
always pay attention. But it can be very beautiful, and useful too. If my
body gets going very fast and I have too much energy, I usually find
there's some very fast, rhythmic music going, and if I make it change into
a slow piece, it helps to slow down the whole body.

In meditation it can be a distraction, although I have had moments when my
guide just enjoyed it along with me. :)) But it's kind of frustrating to
be trying to get into meditation for several minutes and then realize
you're listening to "99 bottles of beer on the wall..." The pure tones do
work as a substitute for distracting music.

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 13:50:10 +0100
From: "jb" <janbarenATnospaminfase.es>
To: "K. list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>, "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
Subject: RE: Is this part of the K experience?
Message-ID: <000e01bdd414$b99f4820$53f14dc3ATnospamjb>
Content-Type: text/plain;

>I could no
> longer handle all the emotions I was picking up from the people around me.
> I knew that most of the people in the bar even though they were
> smiling were
> in fact very unhappy people.

Jan: What is called "normal" life, is life composed of opposites like
pleasure and pain. For many this continuing succession is a bore or a pain
in itself. Your observation, that the people in the bar are unhappy is
correct: they know that when they are home again, life is gray as before.

Katharine: [...] Is that feeling of oneness that I felt there for a few
> moments the drinks that I had or did it really happen and if it did was it
> part of the K? The feeling was like I had become one with everyone in the
> room and we all became one with the energy around us. [...]

Jan: Oneness is the goal of K., the state that is arrived at is (one of) the
state(s) of nonduality. In nondual states the "I" is missing. It is a
permanent state of Bliss. What you had could be called a "preview". I hope
it gives you the courage to "go on".
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 13:41:49 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "Kundalini - L" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: good news
Message-ID: <00e701bdd41e$68498d00$d44695c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Some of you may remember I asked for healing for my cousin Steve,
who had cancer. He has had no treatment for the last 10 months and
looks as healthy as can be.

He writes:
"I'm really well just now, been off treatment for 10 months and am
stable! Just had a great holiday in California and New York."

Many thanks for your prayers and efforts.

(unsubscribed - but thought you might like to know . . .)
Date: 30 Aug 98 15:30:05 +0000
From: "Paul" <paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: k
Message-Id: <OUT-35E96FFD.MD-1.0.paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


It's funny but I don't think there's a decent smiley to convey
sobreity or sombre mood.

Anyway, I have been having very active k just recently. I hadn't
really noticed it at first, just sort of happened. Maybe I am used to
it or something.

A few strange things have happened. The other night I went into the
kitchen and then returned to the living room. Suddenly my sister and I
heard running water, and on investigation the hot tap in the kitchen
was running on full. Nobody had touched it. A couple of days ago I
went to play a CD which I thought I'd put into the hi-fi. I went
downstairs to get some food and on my return I tried to play the CD.
It wouldn't play, because it wasn't in the hi-fi anymore. Out of
curiosity I checked the cd-rom that is attatched to the computer and
the CD was there. I swear I have no memory of putting it there,
although I can't say for sure that I didn't.

Not so long ago I was sitting in the living room one afternoon and the
television was on. Suddenly it switched itself off. At least that's
what I remember of it, it might have been that the volume came on on
its own. Bit hazy about that one. In the past other things have
happened which maybe I dismissed.

Yesterday when I got up I was in a well bad mood. It made me see how
pointless the mood was and by the end of the evening I was in a very
peaceful state seeing the truth in some falseties. Settling down to
sleep my left leg was doing something. I notice these activities are
subtler lately. Like they are sort of low-volume. Maybe I am not
proving to be such a resistance. I had one of those things crawling on
me sort of sensations, on my head a couple of nights ago. I didn't do
anything about it. Last night I had various hot-spots and especially
my whole head seemed to be doing something quite subtle.

I have been having very few dreams recently and have not had any real
inclination to recall any of them. It's quite a change considering how
regularly I have done that for many years. On affirming all this
though this morning I had one very strong dream in which I was a train
and yet inside it and outside it and it flew through the air and
crashed to the ground on the rails and continued on, a few times,
until the last time it missed the rails. I then set about freeing the
passengers. It wasn't a tragedy. It was like landing on a new planet
to start a new colony. Bad attitudes of nationality and racism that
were present had to be rejected because it was a whole new ball game.

I've had a few sudden spontaneous intuitions lately. It is always
usually in the form of a word or words, probably because almost all of
my talking occurs in my head so that's the established route of
sensitivity. One little thing I have just felt is a kind of `link'
like a pathway of energy, from my brow chakra to the crown chakra,
like a lightening bolt but not very strong. I keep getting very hot
spots in my back/spine directly opposite the heart. And what somebody
was saying of seeing black things moving about I have seen for quite
some time now. I was bothered that maybe their blackness was evil to
start with but I don't know that they are important as such.

Does anyone have a thing about birds? If a fairly large bird, perhaps
a crow or a raven or seagull flies nearby I always turn to look and I
always seem to associate that they represent spirit. Have you ever
really watched a bird fly. It's quite amazing. I think people usually
look at animals and nature as `objects', or at least that is how I
used to look at it, seeing only the form of the body. But there's more
to it. I think the cats that walk about the local area are probably
more intelligent than I am. Spiders always represented fear to me but
I think I worked right through that and improved the way I treated
them. Apparently it's bad luck to kill spiders. I haven't seen any now
for some while. I was always afraid they were going to jump at me, but
it was only my imagination.

I think that animals and stuff think also, except that they are not
seperated from their thoughts like us bunch of loonies are. Their
thought is the flow of life itself, as is truly ours when we're not
trying to perceive it as other.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 30 Aug 98 15:40:56 +0000
From: "Paul" <paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: body mind and soul
Message-Id: <OUT-35E97288.MD-1.0.paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

Do you ever get the feeling that the whole world the body that you


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 11:38:05 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: magneagaATnospammonet.no, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Healing of YourSelf
Message-ID: <9f85b714.35e971ddATnospamaol.com>>

In a message dated 8/29/98 8:14:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, magneagaATnospammonet.no

<< But, I myself cannot heal myself. I need help from Reiki healers, zone
 therapeuts etc. >>

Well if you think you do you do....

To receive healing for yourself, by yourSelf, is done by seeing the Oneness in
all things. The healing of another IS your healing. This is True Forgiveness
and the end of pain.

What does this mean (I ask mySelf)? When we ask for healing for ourSelves,
you will begin to notice people coming into your life, for one reason or
another -- it doesn't matter what form it is in. It may be an angry person,
or one who is in need of some sort of physical healing themselves... it may be
your mother, a stranger, someone here on the internet...

But this person that stands before you, IS there for you. They have come in
response to your call for healing.

(sigh)... What to do with this person...

First and foremost, Love them. Again, what does that mean?? Ask yourSelf,
what is it I would give to this person, something I would want to keep for
myself, in order that my healing occurs? Do not focus on the form.... it is
the content that counts.

We give in order to receive. Sounds selfish in a way, but it is a form of
selflessness. It is True Seeing -- seeing another as OneSelf -- that their
healing IS your healing.

Ask yourSelf before responding to them.... "how would You have me respond to
them, that I may give them healing and receive this for mySelf." Again, what
is it YOU would want to receive. Do not give anything that you would not keep
for yourSelf.

Much love.... Now really begin being a True Healer.


* I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand *

Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 23:46:51 +0500
From: cosmic energy <sciATnospamnde.vsnl.net.in>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Views on Aura - Part II
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


"A professor visited a Roshi (Zen master) to learn about Zen. The
professor was more interested in talking and trying to impress the Zen
master than in learning. The Roshi poured tea into the professor's cup and
continued pouring until it was overflowing. The professor alarmingly said,
"The cup is full and cannot receive more!"
The Zen master calmly replied, "You are full of preconceived ideas and
opinions. To learn, you must empty your cup ! The professor respectfully
bowed to the Roshi and remained silent."

Aura can be photographed by the Kirlian Camera , which was accidentally
discovered by Semyon Kirlian in 1939 ; seen by the Clairvoyants (Persons
who can perceive a picture in the mind, without the use of normal vision )
and sensed by a good number of healers, like our Guide.

## Scientific explanations :

# Ancient Indian tradition, over 5000 years old, speaks of a Universal
energy called Prana . This Universal energy is seen as the basic
constituent & source of life .The Chinese in the 3rd millennium BC,
posited the existence of a vital energy called the 'Chi'.
# The vital or Universal energy, perceived as a luminous body, was first
recorded in the western literature by the Pythagoreans around 500 BC . They
held that its light could produce a variety of effects in the human
organism, including the cure of illness .
# The scholars Boirac & Liebeault in the early 12th century saw that the
humans have an energy that can cause an interaction between individuals at
a distance . We sense other's presence in the room without seeing or
hearing them (field interaction) ; we speak of good or bad vibes, of
sending energy to others or of reading each other's thoughts. We
immediately know whether or not we like someone, whether we will get along
with him or clash . This knowing is the harmony or disharmony in our field
# In 1911, Dr. Kilner, a medical doctor found that the appearance of the
aura differs considerably from subject to subject, depending on age, sex,
mental ability and health .
# Some years ago, a group of Soviet scientists discovered that living
organisms emit energy vibrations at a frequency between 300 & 2000
nanometers and they called this energy the biofield or bioplasma.
# In1959, Dr. Leonard Ravitz at William & Mary University, showed that the
Human Energy Field fluctuates with a person's mental and psychological
stability .
# Dr. Victor Inyushin at Kazakh University in Russia suggests the existence
of bio-plasmic energy field , composed of ions, free protons, and free
# Dr. Harry Oldfield of UK, has developed a computer based system using a
Video camera technique, wherein the energy flow from the palms of the
healer entering the energy field of the patient's body, is visible on the
monitor .This revolutionary method is called Polycontrast Interface
Photography (PIP). The image of the patient is seen through a video camera,
linked to a digitizer (an interface device which converts analog signals
from the video and converts them to digital signals for the computer) and
thereafter processed by a computer to give instant energy patterns around
and within the patient.

## There are a few number of people who are gifted with the power of
CLAIRVOYANCE - the ability to see beyond the normal vision. In some it is
innate and in others it is developed over the years. Clairvoyants can see
the AURA and point out the source of the problem. Edgar Cayce was a
brilliant example of such a gifted quality. As per available records ,
there are around 10,000 clairvoyants,in France, who are income tax payers.
In India, there are thousands and thousands - having this capability and
are unknown and unsung.

## There are a good number of people, like our Guide, who can sense the
AURA between their palms. Aura can be sensed by proficient healers if a
person's - photograph / hair / nail / blood drop /handwriting /recorded
voice / a third person imagining him, is made available. The healer feels
the pressure between the palms,as he/she visualises the energy points -
which are related to the organs of the body. Anyone can develop this
capability by regular practice.

There is no miracle in this universe. Everything is governed by the
Nature's law. It is a different thing that we are ignorant of it.

Whole analysis of a person like -health, vitality , temperament - in
relation to amygdala , intelligence, reproductive ability, ESP abilities,
one's past and also future life - in relation to the above mentioned
characteristics; sex of the child in the womb and its health; degree of
Kundalini awakening ; spiritual cord and healing ability of a Reiki Master
and other therapists, etc.


# Practical aspect of AURA - considering the Aura of some World famous
personalities, of different fields.
# What is a healthy AURA ?

# Can the AURA, as photographed by the Kirlian camera,as seen by the
clairvoyants or as sensed by the healers be wrong?


Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 13:43:42 -0500
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
Subject: Re: warning: negative vibes
Message-Id: <l03020900b20f0247e5faATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Thanks to all of you who have responded to me on this issue. The dust
hasn't settled yet. I will keep you informed unless my email account is
yanked out from under me, which may happen at any moment. I apologize for
my brevity. Will send personal replies when I am emotionally able. Even
reading your love and support causes me to have to face the pain and it
seems like more than I can handle except in small doses. Please no one take
my procrastination personally... It is all on me.

So far I have danced and sang away some of the pain... at the top of my
lungs and stamping my feet... some of it refuses to melt.... I remember
going through similar stuff around my love relationships... finally
resolved that when I was 33 years old! Will this work crap take until I'm
66? Well, social security may kick in then.... and the problem will resolve
itself... Gotta live to be at least 99 for all this to work out... gotta
granny 97... about to be put into a nursing home or die to make it more
convenient for my father... too many life issues dovetailing...

Someone specifically sent me "courage," which has helped me to take some
active steps to protect myself... to let go of some stuff I used to think I
needed... and I can feel the love from many of your letters... it is not
wasted... you are all wonderful people.

I feel a descent into the deep coming on... Hopefully I'll come back with
something useful that I can share.

*rambling incoherently*


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