Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/08/29 10:29
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #608

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 608

Today's Topics:
  Re: August? [ "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotm ]
  Change of E-mail [ James Castro <jeclftATnospamearthlink.net> ]
  Thank-you [ flutter <lydiamATnospamflash.net> ]
  Our views on AURA [ cosmic energy <sciATnospamnde.vsnl.net.in> ]
  Re: Our views on AURA [ Harsha <hlutharATnospambryant.edu> ]
  Re: August? [ MoonrisempATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: K experience? or......what? [ Dharma <annfisherATnospamstic.net> ]
  Re: Ego [ "Zack Kaplan" <zkaplanATnospamnycap.rr.com ]
  Bible (was Re: Ego) [ "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no> ]
  Re: Bible (was Re: Ego) [ jane <bigeyesATnospammindspring.com> ]
  Re: Thank-you [ fredaann2ATnospamjuno.com (freda ann) ]
  Re: Thank-you [ "Zack Kaplan" <zkaplanATnospamnycap.rr.com ]
  Fair Thee Well... [ dax23ATnospamjuno.com (Ahau Akbal) ]
  Re: Bible (was Re: Ego) [ onarresATnospaminreach.com ]
  Re: Bible (was Re: Ego) [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 15:14:32 PDT
From: "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: MoonrisempATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: August?
Message-ID: <19980828221432.17762.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>I was th one that said I was moving to the west. I do not remember
saying I
>would not feel so tired. I feel much lighter under the wide open skies.
I feel
>very closed down here in the east. Jacksonville, FL. We are at sea
level here
>and it is hot and humid. I went to New Orleans recently and it was even
>humid and hot. They told me that it was below sea level. I have a
theory that
>the higher you go, the more open and the lighter you feel. It is from
>experience that I speak. I feel more alive in AZ and that is where I am
>relocating to in Oct.

Forgive me if I happen to have a short memory. :-)

But you know, I also read some books where they say there are energy
fields, power spots, etc. - I hear stories from time to time where
people move to these mainly remote locations, just to take it all in!
My guess is - and I have to admit that this is not original thinking or
anything - is that these places hold that much power because there
aren't so many people living there. And if there aren't that many
people, there aren't that many negative emotions to go around and rub
off on others. And that would mean people wouldn't feel so tired.

I don't really want to repeat my experience; it would just sound like a
broken record. But I wonder still why certain places do different
things to different people.

>Also, I am about to start to teach my last basic astrology class here
in Jax.
>I agree with Mystress. August is the Lion (Sun) and Virgin (Mercury).
>is the symbol of Harvest. What you put out there returns to you. I have
>times of the year too that are really signifcant to me also.

I can't argue there, I know little of astrology. But I was only kiddin'
around earlier. One day though, I pray hard that it falls on weekend
when I don't *have* to go to work: Valentine's Day. Can you imagine how
many times more depressed I leave work on that day every year?

- Hudson

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Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 15:39:37 +0000
From: James Castro <jeclftATnospamearthlink.net>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Change of E-mail
Message-ID: <35E6CF38.37254D78ATnospamearthlink.net>

Could you please change my address to jec6471ATnospamhotmail.com.


Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 17:10:52 -0700
From: flutter <lydiamATnospamflash.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Thank-you
Message-Id: <199808290012.TAA24440ATnospamendeavor.flash.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Thanks to all for such a prompt response about my "stuck in a rut" message.
Your messages really made me think. I do realize that I need to work hard
for what I want. I am a mother of 2, I am a full time student and I work
full time also. So I do know what hard work is all about. I guess with my
busy life I was trying to find instant gratification. This has made me
think about changing my lifestyle a little bit so I will have time for this.
I will make those changes starting right now. Thanks again for your support.
Oh by the way I will be gone probably until Tuesday.
So I will have to unsubscribe for now
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 06:34:53 +0500
From: cosmic energy <sciATnospamnde.vsnl.net.in>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Our views on AURA
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Respected Brothers/sisters and most Seniors:

Based on a large number of personal letters from List members and their
friends seeking information about utility, method of sensing and some
other questions on AURA etc, we are placing here our views in brief, based
on our practice. Those who are new or have some or good knowledge of any
topic covered in our letters may please resist for some time till we offer
the final information letter ending topic KUNDALINI. May be your immediate
question is covered in forthcoming letters. We are well aware that a good
number of List members(around 15) are very senior in List and have vast
knowledge on almost all spiritual topics, therefore we request them to
please ignore this. We pay our grateful thanks in advance for their
courtesy this way. Our little practice in field of healing does not stand
anywhere comparing to their intellectual capacity . How we can be unaware
of this fact !

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<OUR VIEWS - (I)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Cosmic, Divine, Spiritual, Reiki, Prana, Chi, etc. are the different names
given to the energy which is most important for sustenance of life on this
earth. Great saints of all times, like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Guru Nanak,
Sai Baba, are depicted with a halo (aura) around their head and rays
emerging from their raised palms. These rays blessed & healed people. In
India, the traditional way of blessing the youngsters is to place the palm
on the crown chakra (this is the main entry point for Cosmic Energy). When
this is done with purity of heart & mind, the receiver often feels the
vibrations. This is practiced even today, religiously.

What is AURA?
The Human Energy Field or the "aura" is the manifestation of universal
energy that is intimately involved with human life. It can be described as
a luminous body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, emits
its own characteristic radiation. This energy field is intimately
associated with health. Any disease first affects the aura, much before (3
to 6 months) it manifests in the physical body.

A proficient healer can sense/or see the aura to say where in body the
trouble is, on the other hand the dis-eased person and his physician will
refuse to accept this. From auric to physical level, it takes 3 to 6
months for a problem to appear when any diagnostic tool or the sensory
organs may probably notice this. Sometimes healer will inform the troubled
spot which the dis-eased person will not believe, unaware of the fact that
actual pain and cause of pain may be at different places in a body.



Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 23:26:35 -0400
From: Harsha <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>
To: cosmic energy <sciATnospamnde.vsnl.net.in>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Our views on AURA
Message-ID: <35E774EB.964D8FA7ATnospambryant.edu>

cosmic energy wrote:

> Respected Brothers/sisters and most Seniors:

Harsha: Hi respected cosmic energy. Perhaps it would be more efficient if you
posted the information you want to share on a web page. By the way I have had
several persons write to me about all this. One person told me that you, cosmic
energy, had read the person's aura and suggested that the person had various
physical problems and was fat as well. This person claimed to me that she was
quite skinny. My question is, is it possible to make huge mistakes in reading
people's aura and diagnosing their physical problems over long distances or is
this a totally fool proof method. Common sense would suggest that one see a
health practitioner if one is suffering from illness. My apology if this
offends you.

God bless everyone.
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 23:41:52 EDT
From: MoonrisempATnospamaol.com
To: hjackson2ATnospamhotmail.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: August?
Message-ID: <a9184f23.35e77880ATnospamaol.com>>


Yes, I can relate to the Valentine Day blues. I also have to be careful for
what I ask for though. This past year I accepted a date from this man that I
only liked as aa friend and it was on Sat. which was Valentine's Day! I did
not know at the time. I went out with him anyway. He had higher hopes if you
know what I mean. It did not work out the way he wanted.

I also read a few different articles about power spots and Sedona AZ has a
line to all the power spots and sacred sites. I have been there 2 or 3 times
and love it there and I am real sensitive to energy and feel the vortexes. I
think most people that go there can feel it. They are different and some come
out towards you, some go straight up, some are powerful, some are subtle. I
always feel like I am taller and freer in the west. I enjoy that feeling.
Also, I find there is more openmindedness in the west compared to the East. Of
course that is my experience. I was in the Navy for 13 years and moved around
a lot and visited a lot of places. I lived in CA for a number of years before
going in the Navy and my family moved some when I was younger. Iceland was
another vortex area. It was real noticeable to me.

I am sure not all people feel these vortexes. I think the k opening has helped
with sensitivity to all around me. I also use Reiki and do bodywork which also
tunes me in.

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 00:47:04 -0500
From: Dharma <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: K experience? or......what?
Message-Id: <l03010d00b20d34085999ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi Katharine!

>Oh and just so that I don't overload the list with messages......I also as
>of yesterday I have begun hearing a ringing noise like a telephone that is
>not being answered. over and over and over again. Then it will
>stop......and then it will start again. sometimes loudly and sometimes very
>low.......I even checked our telephone a few times as it was loud enough to
>convince me it was really happening. I had a dream a while back where I was
>talking to a person that was very important to me ......to make a long story
>short with the help of a friend and going into meditation I was able to
>discover that this dream was not a dream. It was the spirit within me
>guiding me in new knowledge.......So should I be answering this phone that
>is not there? and how would one do that?

You must be very happy to have this contact with your spiritual guide!
That's the important thing that's happening. Strengthen that as you can.
Expect more contact with your guide in meditation, be open to hearing that
voice. When it's more conscious, it won't seem like a dream.

Unusual sounds are pretty common with K. Nothing to worry about. :)

Should you answer the phone? Why not, if you can? If you see/hear things
symbolically in meditation, you might see a phone you could answer. But
you don't seem to need this kind of symbolic interface to contact your
guide. You can probably talk directly with your guide much as you did in
the dream, except that it will be more real and less dream-like.

What I've been doing with ringing and tones in my ears is using them in
meditation; you might try it. Go into meditation, and then focus on the
tone you hear. Don't think about it or try to do anything else at the same
time; just rest, breathe, listen to the tone. Get into it, vibrate with
it, be that tone. One note is a different vibration than another; the
wave-length is different. (Maybe somebody else can explain that better. :)
Find that vibration and be there.

Using a tone as a focus for meditation is a good way to do something else
than think - to meditate without thought without trying to _stop_ the
thoughts, see? And for me it's a useful substitute for the music I usually
hear in my head. Opera is glorious, but a simple tone is usually more
beneficial for meditation. :))

Using the tone that's loud in my ear(s) at the moment seems, in general, to
have good results, to lead me in good directions. I really can't be more
conclusive than that, except to say that I have NOT had any bad experiences
from doing this. Why not try it?

Better still, when you're in contact with your spiritual guide again, ask
him! :)) Best advice you can get!

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 08:47:44 -0400
From: "Zack Kaplan" <zkaplanATnospamnycap.rr.com>
To: <onarresATnospaminreach.com>, "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com>
Cc: "Kundalini" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Ego
Message-ID: <005f01bdd34b$380c9ac0$72a1d2ccATnospamzack.nycap.rr.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;

please change my addressto

-----Original Message-----
From: onarresATnospaminreach.com <onarresATnospaminreach.com>
To: Wonderer <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com>
Cc: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Date: Friday, August 28, 1998 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: Ego

>dor wrote:
>>>Jesus was the first Adam which all appeared at the same time in different
locales and different races of man... <snip>
>>Cathy wrote:
>I don't get this part. Unless, you mean all men (and women) are unified in
the Christ consciousness, as well as Jesus, the Christ. Also, I have read
that scientific evidence has been found (based upon studies of DNA) linking
all humans to a common ancestor. Maybe the bible is BOTH symbolism and
literal. After, all, the very poetic verses advising a young man to get his
life together before its too late, before "you hear the snap of the silver
cord", does sound like symbolism doesn't it? However, when you are dead,
that silver cord
>snaps louder than a shotgun. Lets not forget also, that Noah's ark was
found atop Mount Aararat.
>dor writes:
>How about Jesus as Adam, first soul Amilius shared the soul and spirit with
the other four Adams? Now, Cathy, if you think about it - and what you read
is that Adam was created and Eve was then created from the rib of Adam...
okay, they had children... now who did the children marry? It states the
sons of Adam found the daughters of men to their liking - that would tell
you that there were others about, not just Adam and Eve and their offspring.
So now we find that Adam and Eve had neighbors huh?
>Silver cord: Sure - it's attached to the body, and when it snaps, you leave
the body, end of story for the physical body. It may bend a bit, but when it
snaps - poof you're gone.
>Noah's Ark: To be sure it was found there... but here's the time line;
>1,000,000 - 800,000 B.C. - Early Lemurian development (let's not forget the
Lemurians were mostly spirit).
> 500,000 B.C. - Lemuria was inundated by water, peoples
> 400,000 - 300,000 B.C. - Lemuria inhabited and civilization advanced
> 250,000 B.C. - Second Lemurian catastrophe, possibly by fire
> 80,000 B.C - First Atlantean culture emerged. Final Lemurian
> 28,000 B.C. - Second Atlantean disturbance. Recorded
biblically as the Great Flood.
> 10,700 B.C. - Final destruction and sinking of Atlantis.
> 10,390 B.C. - Final completion of The Great Pyramid by Ra Ta
and Hermes.
>So look at the dates, you'll find others survived the great flood -
Atlantean culture survived as well as other people in the world. Now, as I
said before, The O.T. is a history of the Jewish people, not a history of
the world's population.
>>>dor wrote:
>><snip> If you want to discuss the Bible, there's another place to take
it... find it on Spiritweb, there you can discuss the Bible to your heart's
content, or until the cows come home, whichever you like. Lotsa luck!
>>*Cathy wrote:
>If one wants to discuss spirituality, how can it be considered healthy to
censor discussion of the Holy Bible? If you're not interested in bible
discussions, isn't that just the same as when Paul said he isn't interested
in Yoga discussions? You know where the delete button is too.
>dor writes:
>And Cathy, if you'll remember correctly I also said at that time that
Kundalini Yoga leads some to the awakening of Kundalini. I am sure the study
of the bible would do likewise, however, it is a wide path that is
interpreted differently by a lot of people. King James version - Catholics
were told not to read any other version - why? I wonder, could it be that it
contained the interpretation of the Catholic Church? Now how does one
interpret Kundalini Yoga? Not much you can do with that - sit, meditate, and
absorb... And yes, I do know where the delete button is - and believe me, I
used it a lot, but dear Cathy, no disrespect, but you too know where it is
>There was a lot of bandwidth used in this discussion which I apologize to
everyone that pays dearly for it - and now I refrain from discussing it
further. You've all been patient, and I thank you.
>Blessings dor
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 16:17:49 +0200
From: "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Bible (was Re: Ego)
Message-Id: <199808291520.QAA16267ATnospamumbukta.monet.no>

> The tree represents the life, the trunk is the cerebral spinal column,
the apple is the knowledge and the snake is kundalini -

The apple represents the pineal gland !

> Rather like calling Jesus Christ... it's Jesus the man who followed the
Christ Consciousness, or if you will the Christ path.


> The Old Testament is the history of the Jewish people, whom at one time
were nomads and gathered data for their book (O.T.) from the various people
along their trek. That's why you will find similarities of accounts in many

The Oldests parts of the Old Testament (Genesis for example) is lost ! It
disappeared during wars. It was Ezra who reglued fragments of it, from
private persons. Genesis is, however, an occult work. It's symbolism is
pure occultism. And Adam wasn't a single person; it was used originally as
a plurality form. Adam is the Hebrew for Adi, which means the *first* in
sanskrit. Therefore, *Adah* (female) and *Abel* (male) is mentioned, when
refering to the first humans in texts hidden from the public.

> Did Jesus believe in reincarnation (?) - guess he must have since (a) he
was an Essene (b) he was also, first soul Amilius, Adam, Enoch,
Melchizedek, Joseph, Joshua, Jeshua.

Abel, Noah, Khufu, Melchizedek, Moses, Elijah, Zarathustra, Siddharta
Gautama Buddha, Socrates, Jesus, was incarnations of the same Spiritual
Beeing - according to the first christians.

Reincarnation is accepted by more than half the population on Earth.
*Christianity* seems to be an exception. But -

The first Christians believed in reincarnation. Origenes, one of the
founding fathers of the modern Church, eliminated texts about reincarnation
from the New Testament - as a Christian !

Christians believed in reincarnation as late as the 14th Century, when they
was tortured, killed and slaughtered in France - by Christians !

Christians didn't originally look at Jesus as *God*. The semantic of the
statement that he was the *Son of God*, was - according to the christians -
that HUMANITY AS SUCH is a combination of the *Son of God* (our divine
nature) and the *Son of Man* (our mortal nature).

The Dogma that he was *God* appeared when Christianity became a tool of
power of roman tyranns, an institution of the State. From that time, the
word "Catholic" appeared (those claiming he was God), and they began to
slaughter the earlier christians - as christians !

Shakespeare once wrote: The Church ! Where is it ?

>"now they have tasted from the tree of knowledge of good and evil...if
they also eat from the tree of life, they will BECOME LIKE US" (who was God
speaking with? who is us? this conversation is very strange for a
> >monotheistic deity...)

*Us* refers to the 7 Alhim or Elohim - which is certainly NOT Jahve !

> If you want to continue with spirituality, kundalini, the symptoms,
results or whatever, great! If you want to discuss the Bible, there's
another place to take it...

Every exoteric religion is an extorted form of esoteric wisdom. It's worth
to be studied, however, if we go back to it's basics.

Blessings from Norway
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 10:37:47 -0500
From: jane <bigeyesATnospammindspring.com>
To: "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Bible (was Re: Ego)
Message-Id: <v03020908b20dcd877d2eATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

 It's worth
>to be studied, however, if we go back to it's basics.

Last night i had a conversation about this. Going back to basics. The
more i learn the "Bible" i only wish more people, Jews and Gentiles alike,
would go back to basics and study Torah. (what some refer to as the "Old"
Testament....... how condescending in it's implication).

There is a resurgence of the mystical teachings of the Torah that those
studyng kundalini and any other energy work would be utterly amazed at.
"The Way" Jesus followed was the teachings of Torah. It is deep. It is
demanding and has been soundbited in many ways over the years.

Going back to basics could bring about an awesome energy shift in the whole
universe! The Torah was not written for Jews but for Gentiles as well.
The point of it is that Jews were chosen for certain things and Gentiles
also chosen for certain things. If we all did what we were supposed to do
[according to Torah] then we would bring about this mystical energy and
"moschiach" a state of being of total peace and harmony and vibration
levels that we cannot even fathom at this time.

The Hebrew characters cannot be translated into English words because they
are *characters* and also carry numeriocal values that have tremendous
significance and synchronicity. For example...... there are 613 mitzvot
(commandments) that correlate to the exact number of veins and arterieries
ion the body. The Torah is said to be a bluprint for life. There are also
613 characters in the ten commandments. (this is just the tip of the

The Kabballists (mystical Jews) are only recently sharing the depth of
energy (VERY connected to kundalini) embedded in the Torah.

Because of years of persecution Jews , in many ways, have not shared alot
of the mystical teachings. Also, in the Holocaust, 80% of the mystical
leaders were exterminated and it has taken many years to build up the

>From a mystical standpoint i think anyone connected to kundalini and any
other energy and mystical teachings would be greatly amazed to learn what
is truly embedded in the Hebrew words and the teachings of Torah.

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 08:16:53 -0700
From: fredaann2ATnospamjuno.com (freda ann)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Thank-you
Message-ID: <19980829.081654.-259605.0.fredaann2ATnospamjuno.com>

Mornin' fellow K-sters,
I would like to thank all who responded to my "critters" post requesting
information, wholly cow there is a lot goin' on with the animals....
seems I have an awful lot to learn in this area.... this comes at a
pretty good time for me, as I needed something new to dive into. I
suppose I will be digesting this stuff for a while - interesting

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Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 11:28:05 -0400
From: "Zack Kaplan" <zkaplanATnospamnycap.rr.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>, "freda ann" <fredaann2ATnospamjuno.com>
Subject: Re: Thank-you
Message-ID: <009c01bdd361$9e768da0$72a1d2ccATnospamzack.nycap.rr.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;

-----Original Message-----
From: freda ann <fredaann2ATnospamjuno.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Date: Saturday, August 29, 1998 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: Thank-you

>Mornin' fellow K-sters,
>I would like to thank all who responded to my "critters" post requesting
>information, wholly cow there is a lot goin' on with the animals....
>seems I have an awful lot to learn in this area.... this comes at a
>pretty good time for me, as I needed something new to dive into. I
>suppose I will be digesting this stuff for a while - interesting
>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com
>Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 11:23:40 -0600
From: dax23ATnospamjuno.com (Ahau Akbal)
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Fair Thee Well...
Message-ID: <19980829.112357.9846.14.dax23ATnospamjuno.com>

Greetin's List Folks,

Well ye does have a fine list here an' tis been interestin' a
speakin' with ye all. I learned the sometimes Mystress could
mean My-stress dependin' on the status of the psycho-physical
sinewave of the Earth <Grin >, an' Kundalini be more happenin'
than me once did suppose. Me did feel ye heart in this all
an' have been warmed by it. Good journey to ye All... Ahau.
( Me a wavin' me hand back an' forth, and a fadin' into
cyber bytes....)

An me partin' gift to the band width.... <another Grin>

> ,.-'Y _^-,
> ,.-'^H E ,-^ ^-,\
  ,.-'^ R S ,.-^ \|
  \ H E ,.-^ k
   \,.-^ i

 The Love you take
  is equal to the Love
 you make.

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Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 10:00:55 -0700
From: onarresATnospaminreach.com
To: "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Bible (was Re: Ego)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 04:17 PM 8/29/98 +0200, Magne Aga wrote:

>The first Christians believed in reincarnation. Origenes, one of the
founding fathers of the modern Church, eliminated texts about reincarnation
from the New Testament - as a Christian !

Actually it was not Origenes who removed reincarnation from the bible, it
was Justinian (a recent convert to Christianity) along with his wife
Dorothea, and who also dictated several anathemas against Origenes...
condeming him for teaching re-incarnation. Maybe he thought by removing
this from the bible, it would keep the people tied to the church for their
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 13:17:34 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Bible (was Re: Ego)
Message-ID: <c13764a2.35e837aeATnospamaol.com>>

In a message dated 8/29/98 10:22:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
magneagaATnospammonet.no writes:

(?)(Someone):<< the apple is the knowledge and ....
Magne: < The apple represents the pineal gland !

Bzzzzzz! You are BOTH right! A copy of Jeopardy Game is on its way....

An apple is a word. Period. Words are meaningless until you give it a
meaning.... For symbolism, it represents whatever meaning you give to it...
just like life... just like dreams... just like the bible... just like me....

It probably isn't even a word! We just gave it that meaning... (waaaay to
deep for me to think about it!)

Symbolism is another catch-all to being close-minded. You find a word, give
it a meaning (or take someone else's meaning for yourself), and at that point,
you give yourself certainty. This is good as it brings you peace and
understanding. Whoops. Just closed your mind.... Reopen at that time so new
and EVEN MORE beautiful Truths can come in....

Always great hearing from you Magne... You have soooo much knowledge in that
mind of yours, I always learn something from you! Thanks for being here...

Much Love,

  * How do I know anything really exists? *
    Kick it *really* hard



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