1998/08/28 11:52
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #606
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 606
Today's Topics:
Re: Energy Up...Energy Down [ "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotm ]
Re: Energy Up...Energy Down [ "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.co ]
K experience? or......what? [ "Kat" <KcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca> ]
Bummer [ "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com> ]
Kundalini - heart, and flow. [ "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.co ]
Re: Wars On Higher Planes [ "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.co ]
"insomnia" [ Andrew Alcott Shaver <ashaverATnospamumich ]
Re: K experience? or......what? [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
Re: Stuck in rut [ "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.co ]
Affirmation [ "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com> ]
Re: Energy Up...Energy Down [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
Re: Ego [ "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com> ]
Re: warning: negative vibes [ "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com> ]
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 09:58:34 PDT
From: "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Energy Up...Energy Down
Message-ID: <19980828165834.8124.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
>I just wanted to share with all of you that I have been experiencing
>fluctuations with my energy. I am just starting to see the pattern. It
>is like a great rush and then what seems to be downtime is in fact just
>time to adjust. But I guess I get so used to the rush that when it
>settles I feel like I am lacking energy.
>Can anyone relate?
Been there millions of times. For me it's about half dozen times a day.
But each time I think I'm getting more energy in meditation, it's never
more than the previous time. I fix that with a meditation in the
morning - I take a bus followed by subway to get to work - and then
drink up enough caffeine before getting to the really serious work. Of
course, the lack of good sleep is to blame for me, but the kundalini is
supposed to fix that to some extent.
>I require more meditation time. When I do not take enough time to
>meditate I loose sight of my direction, my blessings and I start
>thinking about trying to run the show instead of surrendering to the
Late in the evening I may doze off trying to concentrate on something.
Recently, I decided to not fight that and just let it happen, focusing
on the idea of being refreshed afterwards. Upon waking back up fully
1-3 minutes later, I get a temporary boost of energy.
Two things come to mind as I wrote that:
1. I think now I know why my "guided" meditations failed a couple of
years ago. I was reading books which had visualizations and stuff, and
my attention was focused on that rather than the end results. I don't
know how you meditate, but the saying "keep it simple" helps. I don't
bother the books too much now, and I just focus on the end results -
calm emotions, cleared mind, that kind of thing. The rest is already
taken care of.
2. Does anyone know of better way of dealing with night time fatigue?
I'd rather deal with a longer-lasting solution if possible.
- Hudson
Web server (n.): One who gives away nearly invisble
appetizers during the course of a formal dinner.
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Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 10:16:54 PDT
From: "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, lafayetteATnospamglobalserve.net
Subject: Re: Energy Up...Energy Down
Message-ID: <19980828171654.3200.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
You will find that all of spirituality functions as a wave,
with 'ups' and 'downs'.
Lots of folks (myself included) see most of manifest reality
as a wave (I'm talking about all the spiritual planes too).
The point is, that if you crave the 'ups' you are on a drug trip.
Its when you find the 'up' as beautiful as the 'down' that you
will be ready for an entirely different perspective on things.
My 2 cents.
>From kundalini-l-requestATnospamlists.execpc.com Thu Aug 27 21:58:06 1998
>Received: from lists.execpc.com (methos.execpc.com [])
> by mailgw00.execpc.com (8.9.0) id XAA06119;
> Thu, 27 Aug 1998 23:58:04 -0500 (CDT)
>Resent-Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 23:58:04 -0500
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> Thu, 27 Aug 1998 23:58:04 -0500
>Message-ID: <35E63C1F.26EBATnospamglobalserve.net>
>Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 01:12:00 -0400
>From: Denise Lafayette <lafayetteATnospamglobalserve.net>
>Reply-To: lafayetteATnospamglobalserve.net
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0 (Win95; I)
>To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
>Subject: Energy Up...Energy Down
>Resent-Message-ID: <"pjnhoD.A.HKE.Xjj51"ATnospammethos.execpc.com>
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>Resent-Sender: kundalini-l-requestATnospamlists.execpc.com
>I just wanted to share with all of you that I have been experiencing
>fluctuations with my energy. I am just starting to see the pattern. It
>is like a great rush and then what seems to be downtime is in fact just
>time to adjust. But I guess I get so used to the rush that when it
>settles I feel like I am lacking energy.
>Can anyone relate?
>I require more meditation time. When I do not take enough time to
>meditate I loose sight of my direction, my blessings and I start
>thinking about trying to run the show instead of surrendering to the
>Peace Love and Light
>Den Den
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Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 13:22:44 -0400
From: "Kat" <KcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: K experience? or......what?
Message-ID: <001501bdd2a8$78996760$40e6d5d1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Hi All,
I really hope someone believes me on this and helps me....if they can.
I cannot ignore this any longer! I do not understand it but I know what I
am seeing and I know there is no possible logical explanation for this!
My computer ......yes please do not laugh........is doing things completely
on its own! An example.......today went on line to send some email. Now
note......I am physically pushing a button that says that I want to
connect........then I am not touching anything......the computer completey
on its own goes into email and sends out the messages! and then deletes a
message before I can even make out who it is from.......when I check out the
delete file nothing is there! this in not the first time this has happened!
and it is driving me right up the wall! Not in the way of fear but now
another person is going to think that somehow I am responsible for something
that I am not.
Oh and just so that I don't overload the list with messages......I also as
of yesterday I have begun hearing a ringing noise like a telephone that is
not being answered. over and over and over again. Then it will
stop......and then it will start again. sometimes loudly and sometimes very
low.......I even checked our telephone a few times as it was loud enough to
convince me it was really happening. I had a dream a while back where I was
talking to a person that was very important to me ......to make a long story
short with the help of a friend and going into meditation I was able to
discover that this dream was not a dream. It was the spirit within me
guiding me in new knowledge.......So should I be answering this phone that
is not there? and how would one do that?
In L&L & Understanding,
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 13:24:25 -0400
From: "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com>
To: "Kundalini" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Bummer
Message-ID: <001f01bdd2a8$b5191320$5e589cd1ATnospamcathyber.TOMEN.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Yesterday, on the way to work, I saw a huge sign that read Deepak
Chopra would be amongst those scheduled to speak LIVE at Radio City
on September 12. There was a number to call for tickets. I stopped
right in my tracks, dug out my notebook and wrote down the info. I
work right across the street from Radio City Music Hall! Boy was I
happy. Then I realized that my son's tee ball picnic was switched to
that date, and my in-laws would be in town to boot. Sudden joy
turned to disappointment.
Deepak - how could you bum me out like this!?
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 10:26:16 PDT
From: "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com>
To: KcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca, serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Kundalini - heart, and flow.
Message-ID: <19980828172616.2476.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
Nice post mistress.
I see so many 'cerebral posts' - mine included sometimes, that
I just love it when heart is shared.
I mean, 'head' keeps us between the goal posts at times, but
its 'heart' that takes us home.
As regards to Kundalini, I never seem to hear people mention
anything but 1/2 of the cycle - the earth power coming up through
the feet.
Yes, I feel that flow very much so, I can't even cross my legs
for long without getting 'burned'.
But lets not forget that the 'upper kundalini flow' comes down
in response to the dance of the flow of the earth.
Until the upper flow is active, you arein the preparatory
stages - waiting to be fertilized.
> Oh, Kat, yer a sweetie. Yes it can! Kundalini is Earth energy, and
>more you are "hooked in", the more you will change with the seasons,
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Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 10:36:56 PDT
From: "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, madammumATnospamptialaska.net
Subject: Re: Wars On Higher Planes
Message-ID: <19980828173656.22200.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
The 'mask self' that you have carried along with you since about
forever doesn't like 'light' intruding in on it.
Love the negativeness remaining in you, embrace it, name it
George. (as in the Marvin the Martian cartoon with Bugs Bunny -))
The only battle you have to worrry about is the one you have
created for yourself since forever.
Sure there is 'negativeness' and there are 'evil beings' but the
universe is a gentleman/woamn and doesn't intrude on the part
coming back to rhythm with the whole.
Its in the rules, only your personal demons have power over you,
because that's how you have set it up.
Rarely do I sign off with 'love', but I feel your pain, having
not been away form there for long myself!
Love to you,
> Sometimes I am convinced that when sensitive people get to the point
>of spiritual dharma & glean some amount of inner strength - like they
>are "okay" & strong for awhile with a pure heart, the dark forces
>& manifest through other people & influence events to attack them &
>drive them back down to inefficacy...
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Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 13:37:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: Andrew Alcott Shaver <ashaverATnospamumich.edu>
To: nancy <nancyATnospamwtp.net>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: "insomnia"
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.95.980828133439.3979B-100000ATnospamqbert.rs.itd.umich.edu>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, nancy wrote:
> Thanks for the idea, Angelique. Next time I am tossing and turning, I won't
> call it insomnia; I'll call it my vision quest!
Yeah, it's been now a week and a half that I have been
living on 3 hours of sleep per day, except for one 8-hour sleep
shift, and guess what? I've never had more energy in my entire life.
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 13:35:44 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: K experience? or......what?
Message-ID: <00b301bdd2aa$49d65b20$69d11fa8ATnospamsharonwe>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Kat wrote:
>My computer ......yes please do not laugh........is doing things completely
>on its own!
I won't laugh. I dedicated one of my books to my computer. The dedication
reads in part, "To Algernon...for his startling, but serendipitous
When I was working on chapter 3, I attempted to moved one phrase to the end
of a sentence. Imagine my surprise, when my computer decided on it's own to
scoop up an entire scene from that chapter (not the scene I was working on,
BTW) and insert it into chapter 2. Well, I was pretty upset when I thought
of all the work I'd have to do to set things right again. I opened chapter
2, and to my amazement, found that the scene worked much better there than
it did in chapter 3...so I left it. :-)
As far as your question, "is it K experience or what?" I am more inclined
to think of it as magic. :-)
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 10:46:46 PDT
From: "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, lydiamATnospamflash.net
Subject: Re: Stuck in rut
Message-ID: <19980828174647.10150.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
Some of the most profound spiritual people on the planet have
picked a single concept, like 'love the darkness in myself
and others' and practiced it all their lives -- no other practice.
People that focus like this often (usually) become quite
beautiful beings.
Oh by the way, you can't 'practice Kundalini' - when she(he) -
see earlier post is active, she practices you.
Just a comment that might be of use.
>From kundalini-l-requestATnospamlists.execpc.com Fri Aug 28 06:56:55 1998
>Received: from lists.execpc.com (methos.execpc.com [])
> by mailgw02.execpc.com (8.9.0) id IAA20234;
> Fri, 28 Aug 1998 08:56:51 -0500 (CDT)
>Resent-Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 08:56:51 -0500
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>From: lydiamATnospamflash.net
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>X-Sender: lydiamATnospampop.flash.net
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 4.0.1
>Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 06:55:27 -0700
>To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
>Subject: Stuck in rut
>Resent-Message-ID: <"Ell89C.A.mPG.ecr51"ATnospammethos.execpc.com>
>Resent-From: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
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>Resent-Sender: kundalini-l-requestATnospamlists.execpc.com
>Help!! I need motivation. For some reason or another I can't seem to
>motivated enough to practice Kundalini daily like I should. I very much
>want to knowlege and insight on all of this. It's as though I have
>something inside of me making me feel complacent about where I am
>spiritually. At first I was excited about what I had found with
>and now it is like I have gone back to sleep inside. What can I do?
>do certain food cravings like sugar and carbohydrates have anything to
>with this?
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Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 13:52:12 -0400
From: "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com>
To: "Kundalini" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Affirmation
Message-ID: <004501bdd2ac$96aa6840$5e589cd1ATnospamcathyber.TOMEN.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain;
I've finally gotten the next lesson on Cause & Effect. My Higher
Self gave me this information while I slept last night.
(Recall the Planting the Seed discussion). Summarized: This is the
realm of Cause and Effect; a.k.a. the Realm of Probability. The
Godhead, the unmanifest, "lives" in the realm of Possibility. All
things are possible. In Cause & Effect, we have to create a
Probability. That is Planting the Seed. Creating a probability,
means leaving the door open for God to operate. (Science has
recently discovered that God operates through chaos.) An amusing
story to illustrate this: A man who prayed ceaselessly to win the
lottery. Finally, after many years of not winning, in anguish he
called to the Lord "Why do you never grant my prayer Lord?". The
heavens parted and a booming voice answered "Try buying a ticket."
This requires an Affirming Action: Affirmation. When one prays for
help (with whatever), that is the purpose of saying "Thank you". It
is an act of faith, a small one; that Thank you acknowledges to God
that we have faith the request will be granted.
When I have used Intention and Desire, I have noticed that when I
feel certain that my Intention was released properly, I behave as
though my request were already a certainty. For example, I once did
not want to go on a certain business trip, because it meant 9 hours
of travel to a remote destination. I did some very intense Intention
and Desire, and feeling good about it, told my co-workers what I had
done, and that I would not be going. A few days later, my boss (who
knew nothing about this) came to me and confessed he had overspent
the travel budget and cancelled my trip. The people at the "remote
location" still suspect I did something to get out of the trip. Are
they right? I "did" nothing, yet I did.
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 22:06:56 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: lafayetteATnospamglobalserve.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Energy Up...Energy Down
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 01:12 AM 28/08/98 -0400, Denise Lafayette wrote:
I am just starting to see the pattern. It
>is like a great rush and then what seems to be downtime is in fact just
>time to adjust. But I guess I get so used to the rush that when it
>settles I feel like I am lacking energy.
Yes. The Serpent travels in a sine wave, like a biorhythm. There is a
peak of energy that breaks up karmic issues and stuff, then a lower place
as they come up to be processed and released, and your body catches up,
then builds up again, to another Dose of Shakti. As the blockages and karma
are cleared, the flow becomes more consistent, the downs are more up, and
the ups are transcendent.. the sine wave climbs the mountain, two steps
forward, one step back. ...but it always flows with the Earth, like the
Time spent in meditation is time spent processing. The stuff comes up to
be released consciously, instead of having to show up as an issue in your
life. Free will.. you have to give your being permission to give up the
Meditation is a way to consciously surrender to the K.
BB. A.
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 14:17:49 -0400
From: "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com>
To: <onarresATnospaminreach.com>
Cc: "Kundalini" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Ego
Message-ID: <00aa01bdd2b0$2ad7ba60$5e589cd1ATnospamcathyber.TOMEN.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain;
You wrote:
Jesus was the first Adam which all appeared at the same time in
different locales and different races of man... don't get trapped
into the idea that there was just one Adam, and that all men came
from him whether they be black, red, white, brown or yellow. Didn't
happen that way. He shared the spirit - soul of each one of the Adams
I don't get this part. Unless, you mean all men (and women) are
unified in the Christ consciousness, as well as Jesus, the Christ.
Also, I have read that scientific evidence has been found (based upon
studies of DNA) linking all humans to a common ancestor. Maybe the
bible is BOTH symbolism and literal. After, all, the very poetic
verses advising a young man to get his life together before its too
late, before "you hear the snap of the silver cord", does sound like
symbolism doesn't it? However, when you are dead, that silver cord
snaps louder than a shotgun. Lets not forget also, that Noah's ark
was found atop Mount Aararat.
You also wrote:
Now comes the backlash from the Christian coalition - have at it
K-lites, it doesn't push my buttons one way or the other... I give
you my system of belief, if you like it - take it, if not - throw it
to the Cosmo, we are each possessed of free will and thought.
We've all been down this path before, pros and cons. Mystress is
right, if you want to be chewed up a bit, stick around, if not -
cancel the discussion of Bible quotes, meanings etc., we all know who
interpreted it. A bunch of people who really didn't speak Old Hebrew
anyway, and a phrase was inserted here an there by some well meaning
priest who thought it would clarify the meaning to the average
person, when the scribe had already changed it by not translating it
correctly to begin with...
If you want to continue with spirituality, kundalini, the symptoms,
results or whatever, great! If you want to discuss the Bible, there's
another place to take it... find it on Spiritweb, there you can
discuss the Bible to your heart's content, or until the cows come
home, whichever you like. Lotsa luck!
light dor
If one wants to discuss spirituality, how can it be considered
healthy to censor discussion of the Holy Bible? If you're not
interested in bible discussions, isn't that just the same as when
Paul said he isn't interested in Yoga discussions? You know where
the delete button is too.
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 14:35:15 -0400
From: "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com>
To: "jb" <janbarenATnospaminfase.es>, "K. list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>,
Subject: Re: warning: negative vibes
Message-ID: <01d301bdd2b2$9a810400$5e589cd1ATnospamcathyber.TOMEN.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain;
How about the Americans with Disabilities Act? (Requiring reasonable
accommodation for Americans with disabilities) Perhaps you should
ask your doctor to write a note describing your need for breaks due
to your condition. Also, assuming your boss is not the Principal,
and that you've been there long enough for tenure, why not ask to see
the Principal. Ask why you've been subjected to such conditions, and
show the note.
Don't forget to pray and affirm before the meeting.
Maybe your boss isn't as powerful as he/she thinks.
-----Original Message-----
From: jb <janbarenATnospaminfase.es>
To: K. list <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>;
amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us <amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Date: Thursday, August 27, 1998 1:41 AM
Subject: RE: warning: negative vibes
>> [...] And I can no longer eat or drink anything while I work at my
>> because it is forbidden in the library. I am hypoglycemic and this
will be
>> a major problem for me.
>> My ADD makes it near impossible to concentrate on anything with a
>> of yabbering kids, not to mention that they are now free to come
up behind
>> me and look over my shoulder at my computer screen and make
comments about
>> it whenever! [...]
>Jan: Is the USA a free_enough_country to consume little raw garlic
>while working? No one will hardly notice, unless they come close to
>As garlic contains carbohydrate, it will have a favorable effect on
>hypoglycemia. It will guarantee a few meters of privacy and if you
>produce a note from your naturopath, perhaps a return to the former
>situation. (In my native country, this would be a successful
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