1998/08/28 09:59
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #605
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 605
Today's Topics: Re: kundalini [ lydiamATnospamflash.net ]
Stuck in rut [ lydiamATnospamflash.net ] kundalini [ eggers ]
Re: Stuck in rut [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ] Re: Stuck in rut [ "Sen Ashanka" ]
Re: Wars On Higher Planes [ Dharma ] Re: August? [ "Hudson Jackson II" ]
Re: Love, Consciousness, and the Unm [ "Wonderer" ] Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 06:48:46 -0700
From: lydiamATnospamflash.net To: Zarko Kecman
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: kundalini
Message-Id: Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
types="text/plain,text/html"; boundary="=====================_2369651==_.ALT"
Dear Zarko, Thank-you for sharing your experiences. I am just learing about
Kundalini. Stories like yours help me to learn more. Peace to you my friend,
flutter At 11:01 AM 8/28/98 +0200, you wrote:
English is my second language. Please don't be reproach on my knowledge
>of writing. >
>Ok beautifully people. There is my story. >My name is Zarko Kecman. Born on 06 September, year 1974 . Almost
20 >years live in Yugoslavia (Country in South Europe). Now, the place
is >still same, but war was break a part my Country.
> >My first love was computers, and then I start the quest for God
and >cosmically questions 'Who am I', meditation or what ever you
call >spiritual quest.
> >Surfing the Internet and BYB sites I was found this conference.
>Practicing meditation for close seven year in active way my first
>contact with kundalini is on year 1994. I have luck. >You can imagine my happiness when I found this forum.
> >I wish to tell everyone my story, and others people tell to me his
story >but I won't push so hard. For the first time I want to explain one of
my >experiences what is not unusually in normal life. I want to se is
there >anybody have same, or close enough experience.
>I want to se is this only my imagination or is this really experiences.
>First I want to tell that this experience is hard to describe even on my
>mother language. On English will be most harder. >
>First time I have this experience is when I have 10 years and is
>repeated on next 3 year almost everyday. Sometime I stay in this
>experience almost all day. When I enter in this condition (I don't know
>how explain in other way) I am in body, but I don't feel my body. It's
>something beautifully. It's something strange, something what build fire
>in me even now, rising my energy up and up. I see my body, I feel my
>body on other way. It's million and million of cube, million and million
>of spiral what is around me, in me. I am this thing. You see this maybe
>on TV. Million of cube and molecules and spirals intersections each
>other. Imagine you are in middle of it. But what is strange you don't
>have body. You are those things. >When I touch my fingers I make a cosmic move of this things. When I
am >standstill they stay standstill. When I move my mind or even
think >something they start to move around and around me. In my head what
is >not my head any more but my consciousness is here is sound of million
of >insects. This is enough. I can't explain with word so close.
> >I wrote about this because before six month I have same experience
after >meditation but very short time. About 20 seconds.
> >Second experience is happened in bus from Belgrade (major city of
new >Yugoslavia) to my live city before 3 month and it was little afraid
me. >First I want to tell that I was know before I enter in bus that
this >evening something will happened to me.
>I was slept in bus. After some time I was wake up, but I was not really
>wake up. I was see people in bus and everything but not with my eyes.
>Now I was fell my body but I was in my body and can move trough my body.
>There is atomic bomb in me. There is fire in my. Every move (or I think
>a move some part of my body) causes atomic energy from all my body in
>this part. A move my lips. My God I was think that my lips will explode.
>Fast I move my mind to something else. In same time I see people in bus
>but this is background. Every my mind about something create this. I
>imagine Shiva. Here is it in front of me, every detail. What I ever
>imagine there it is pulling behinds bombs of energy. I am afraid to
>move my finger or anything because this make fire in this part. I don't
>know when this is finish. Seems I was slept again. Even now I don't know
>what happened to me. Is there anybody have same filling mail me please.
>Maybe this is only my imagination but very real imagination. >
>Third experiences happened in my home. I have fight with my wife (not
>psychically). In one moment (terrace door was opened) I SEE MYSELF going
>down in bad condition. I say 'NO'. Something tell me 'Look trough the
>door.' There was a tree. There is nothing unusually but there is
>something esoteric in air. This esoteric thing kick me like bullet in my
>head. >Next 3 day I was mad. There not bad thing. Everything was
beautifully. >People around me, my friends was think that I am mad or something
like >that, because I was told to everyone who I know, what happened to me.
I >was spoken to my parents, my wife, my bestmen, my brother, my
good >friends. Found understanding with only one man who practice
meditation >about 20 years. He was told me that this is 'kensho'. But even now
I >make a 'click' in my head and enter in this condition. And
then, >everything is beautifully. But this 'click' demand a lot of energy
to >use. It's too simple that I can only smile. I can't even sleep. I
won't >sleep. I feel God behind me putting his hand on my shoulder.
> >I have so different experiences, I can't now wrote here all of
these >experiences, like I know that I am not my mind, I am not my body, I
am >not ma feeling. Just I AM. But how. How. Theoretically you know this
but >in one moment after meditation I lie, and then somehow I KNOW THAT I
AM >NOT MY FEELING AND MY MIND. The feeling was gone but I STAY.
>Wonderfully. >I Want to share my blood, my flesh, my mind, myself with anyone
who >share same way. There is doesn't matter job, life, wife, my child
(don't >get me wrong, I love everything and somehow I have understanding
for >other people) or anything without quest of yourself. Life without
this >quest doesn't have sense.
>What you wont to do in this life. After all you will die. >
>I love all you people. You are beautifully. Just keep searching. Never
>end to make questions to yourselves. WE ARE IMMORTALS. >
>Sincerely yours Zarko Kecman, icemanATnospaminecco.net >
>P.S. Please don't tell me that I am mad. :)) You won't tell me anything
>new. :))) >
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 06:55:27 -0700 From: lydiamATnospamflash.net
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Stuck in rut
Help!! I need motivation. For some reason or another I can't seem to stay
motivated enough to practice Kundalini daily like I should. I very much want to knowlege and insight on all of this. It's as though I have
something inside of me making me feel complacent about where I am spiritually. At first I was excited about what I had found with Kundalini
and now it is like I have gone back to sleep inside. What can I do? Also, do certain food cravings like sugar and carbohydrates have anything to do
with this? flutter
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 98 09:33:08 CDT From: eggers
To: Subject: kundalini
Dear Zarko,
Welcome to the list. I don't think you are mad at all. I think you will find that many people on the list have had experiences similar to yours. The
kundalini experiences are different for everyone, but I think many of us have come to this list as part of our attempts to understand kundalini's often
strange manifestations, and ways to integrate this process and our growing spiritual insights into our lives.
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 11:04:17 EDT From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: lydiamATnospamflash.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: Stuck in rut
Message-ID: >
In a message dated 8/28/98 9:57:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time, lydiamATnospamflash.net writes:
< Help!! I need motivation. For some reason or another I can't seem to stay
motivated enough to practice Kundalini daily like I should. I very much want to knowlege and insight on all of this.
Good Morning Flutter...
I don't think any of us can motivate you. It's your decision to make. What
is it you want, REALLY want? Once you figure that out, then just do it.
Back several years ago, I would meditate and study sporadically. Probably what you are doing now. I finally realized that what I wanted more than
anything was enlightenment! (gotta admit tho, that I didn't even know what that meant, and still trying to figure it out).
Soooo I made a decision to reach enlightenment. How was I to get there? (I
didn't know). I began by making a decision to make time for my 'spiritual life'. Prior to this, I was trying to fit my spiritual life into my busy
life. Now I try to fit my busy life into my spiritual life, if you can understand that...
I then made a decision to wake up at 6am to meditate and study - spent an hour
before I started my day, which usually began at 7am. That hour was just for me and for my spiritual life. It wasn't long (2-3 weeks if I recall) before
I was jumping up at 6am anxious to get started... Pretty soon, I was waking up at 5am to give myself 2 hours time.
Being your basic obsessive-compulsive, pretty soon this 2 hours turned into 3,
then 4, then 5, then thru-out the day. Of course, waaaay too much and I learned from this about balance (and still learning). Of course, I had an
unbalanced awakening because I was unprepared and ignorant of everything that occurred.
The point I'm trying to make is that once the decision and goal is set, your
mind will do whatever it can to reach it. There will be nothing stopping you. You will motivate yourself, not looking to others to do it for you.
> It's as though I have something inside of me making me feel complacent about
where I am spiritually. At first I was excited about what I had found with Kundalini
and now it is like I have gone back to sleep inside. What can I do?
Like I said, figure out what it is you REALLY want. If you don't know what that is, go within and ask for clarity - you may be surprised at what you
find. Everytime I search within for the Truth, I am always amazed that it is usually the opposite of what I thought!
>Also, do certain food cravings like sugar and carbohydrates have anything to
do with this?
If you think it does, it will. It never crossed my mind that it would stop me
from anything, so therefore it didn't.
Take charge! Your mind controls your body, not the other way around. Your body is only acting the way you've chosen it to act. Quit being a wimp and
take charge of whatever it is you are wanting. I challenge you (and me)....
Much Love and Good Luck on yOur Quest to Self, xxxtg
* If you want a kitten, start out asking for a horse *
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 17:36:16 +0200 From: "Sen Ashanka"
To: lydiamATnospamflash.net Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Stuck in rut Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline
>Help!! I need motivation. For some reason or another I can't seem to stay
>motivated enough to practice Kundalini daily like I should. I very much >want to knowlege and insight on all of this. It's as though I have
>something inside of me making me feel complacent about where I am >spiritually. At first I was excited about what I had found with Kundalini
>and now it is like I have gone back to sleep inside. What can I do? Also, >do certain food cravings like sugar and carbohydrates have anything to do
>with this? >flutter
Hello Flutter,
You lost motivation to practice K and you are also seeking help in the same time !!
"I need motivation" seems to me a contradiction in terms. You are
motivated enough to ask for help ... to get you motivated :-?
Maybe you are seeking the sensations of K without wanting to work for it. There are times when no further sensations are felt, or one does
seem demotivated. The aspirant then begins to seriously doubt the very basis of all the spiritual principles and wants to leave and go
away... yet ... something draws him/her back to the same path.....
Do not worry, the very fact that you are asking for help means that you have not lost motivation. Only thing is temporarily you are at a
point where you do not want to work hard for it. Sometimes when we get bored with our job and want to get away from it all, but at the
same time we know that we have to work to keep the green flowing in...
Kundalini, once risen, does NOT go back to sleep. Only thing is that you may not keep feeling your subtle body and the movement of the K
but K is still awake and probably working silently without your being aware of it, so let K do the work needed and then you will come our
strong and cleansed.....
Food cravings for sugar and carbohydrates does not harm if you do not succumb to the temptations. That might not be an issue with K as such,
but might lead to excessive "tamas" (laziness) and low on "satvic" (divine) tendencies. For such situations you must take up some
"rajsic" (active) work, and get over the "tamas" and then reach the state of "satvic". (Very Indian concepts, and probably all persons
familiar with the Indian view would be familiar with this).
Cheers and love to all
Ashanka Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 07:52:14 -0800
From: v To: nancyATnospamwtp.net
CC: kundalini-1 Subject: Re: Wars On Higher Planes
nancy wrote:
> Yesterday, I realized how much I have changed as I was driving home. I > wanted to exit left and was in the wrong lane. So I slowed down to creep
> over to the correct lane. As I turned left, this big bitch in a van started > hollering at me. I couldn't hear exactly what she was saying, but I know it
> wasn't a Dale Carnegie phrase. I looked right at her and flipped her off! > (Probably not advised in LA.) It felt sooo good.
yep, not with "road rage" & other even more fatal forms of total delusion. But yet, *right on!* you got away with it!
thanx for advices & perspectives. I am finding I cannot even look at or think about it or anything this morning without OVERWHELMIMG rage, (or
is it grief?). i shall not go there
ow ow ow... v
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 11:33:06 -0500 From: Dharma
To: madammumATnospamptialaska.net Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Wars On Higher Planes Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>thanx for advices & perspectives. I am finding I cannot even look at or >think about it or anything this morning without OVERWHELMIMG rage, (or
>is it grief?). >i shall not go there
>ow ow ow... >v
Hey, no reason why you shouldn't get it out - cry, yell, kick a pillow
around, hit the bed...
Didja ever try that exercise where you make yourself angry (not hard right now), and watch what happens. Make it worse, feed it, get madder and
madder, and keep watching what happens, how it works.
Sending you the hand positions for clearing emotions. They help, and so does kriya. I think nothing will get rid of it entirely until the
situation is finally cleared up, resolved, ended. :)
Love, Dharma
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 09:43:55 PDT From: "Hudson Jackson II"
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: August?
>Just getting real curious about this subject that keeps coming up.
What >does August have to do with Kundalini? I will be the first to say this
has >been a strange month for me but can this really be all connected to the
>Kundalini Rising?
Sounds like influences from astrology are about to take over the list. ;-)
Seriously, though, I suspect that location has something to do with
helping Kundalini flow. Someone - I can't remember who - on this list said something about moving out West because s/he won't feel so tired.
(If that person won't come forward, I'll assume that I read that post from another list I'm on.) And it felt like I had more energy when I
got up in the morning (more than I'm home) for week and a half that I was Hawai`i.
Any travelers out there have that similar feeling?
- Hudson
Web server (n.): One who gives away nearly invisble appetizers during the course of a formal dinner.
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 12:27:04 -0400
From: "Cathy Berger" To: ,
Subject: Re: Love, Consciousness, and the Unmanifest Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
xxxtg wrote:
>I, too, began like that... changing the negative thoughts to the
postive with >wonderful results. What a difference a thought makes! But after
awhile, I >grew tired of having to remind myself and change my thoughts
constantly. >There is a sort of conflict if you think about it, with replacing
the negative >with a positive.... It's kinda like seeing two people -- one
complaining >constantly and the other saying all the positive cliche's ALL THE
TIME back to >her. (it gets old). It's like I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW, WILL YOU
PLEASE SHUT THE >HELL UP! (now I was complaining about the optimist!) LOL... Too
much >judgements... I knew there must be a better way as I no longer
wanted to be >in conflict.
You said it. I was "thinking" yesterday, that a stray negative situation can be changed to work with the cycle by putting a positive
"spin" on it. Some cliche's: Take a lemon, make lemonade. If you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all.
Then I thought, too much spin, and one gets stale, like President's
Clinton's "spin meisters" (Ha!). Nobody believes them anymore.
Of course, the next step is to shut up. Learn to shut down the thoughts and observe life. When it gets negative, do positive
things. When you think, and you have a negative thought, recognize it may not be "your" thought, but something you picked up from the
collective pool of consciousness. Reject it, and select what thoughts you want to be yours. [I confess here, the last two
sentences are ideas from the new book I'm reading "The Formula". I'm not done reading it yet, but the book so far is very interesting.]
>And like you, I am open to higher Truths... >
>Love, >xxxtg
> >* Today is the yesterday you worried about tomorrow *
> >
>http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html >
> >
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 11:41:13 -0400 From: "Kat"
To: , , "kundalini-1"
Subject: Re: Wars On Higher Planes Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hi Nancy,V, and All,
>Yesterday, I realized how much I have changed as I was driving home. I >wanted to exit left and was in the wrong lane. So I slowed down to creep
>over to the correct lane. As I turned left, this big bitch in a van started >hollering at me. I couldn't hear exactly what she was saying, but I know it
>wasn't a Dale Carnegie phrase. I looked right at her and flipped her off! >(Probably not advised in LA.) It felt sooo good.
I had to laugh as I pictured you flipping her off! I too had a similiar
experience when visiting with my family. My sister went to pick up her daughter and I went along for the ride. As we started to drive into a
parking lot a man drove his car into the middle of the in/out lane preventing my sister from being able to enter. He started cursing at her!!!
My sister just sat there completely dumbfounded. She did not understand why he was attacking her like that. In the past I would of been furious with
such bad behavior but I broke out laughing and told her just to ignore him as he must be having a bad day. We then picked up my niece. On the way
home driving on a 4 lane road....on the very right side of it.......a car had placed itself half way out into the street from a parking exit. This
forced my sister and others to have to stop in order to prevent an accident. Again my sister sat there dumbfounded because of the actions of this lady.
Well she is no lady....her words might of been in Itilian but it was clear they were not very nice. This lady finally backed up her car and then
proceeded to give my sister the finger!! I looked out the window to see if there was a full moon.....Such angry people! We both looked at each other
and broke out laughing. I am sure our laughter annoyed the lady that was upset. The thing that took me by surprise however that night was noticing
how my sister truly had no idea why people can be such jerks! she has an innocence I wish I could reclaim.
In L&L & Understanding,
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 09:40:42 -0400 From: "Wonderer"
To: , Subject: Re: Love, Consciousness, and the Unmanifest
Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain;
xxxtg wrote:
>I, too, began like that... changing the negative thoughts to the
postive with >wonderful results. What a difference a thought makes! But after
awhile, I >grew tired of having to remind myself and change my thoughts
constantly. >There is a sort of conflict if you think about it, with replacing
the negative >with a positive.... It's kinda like seeing two people -- one
complaining >constantly and the other saying all the positive cliche's ALL THE
TIME back to >her. (it gets old). It's like I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW, WILL YOU
PLEASE SHUT THE >HELL UP! (now I was complaining about the optimist!) LOL... Too
much >judgements... I knew there must be a better way as I no longer
wanted to be >in conflict.
You said it. I was "thinking" yesterday, that a stray negative situation can be changed to work with the cycle by putting a positive
"spin" on it. Some cliche's: Take a lemon, make lemonade. If you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all.
Then I thought, too much spin, and one gets stale, like President's
Clinton's "spin meisters" (Ha!). Nobody believes them anymore.
Of course, the next step is to shut up. Learn to shut down the thoughts and observe life. When it gets negative, do positive
things. When you think, and you have a negative thought, recognize it may not be "your" thought, but something you picked up from the
collective pool of consciousness. Reject it, and select what thoughts you want to be yours. [I confess here, that last two
sentences are ideas from the new book I'm reading "The Formula". I'm not done yet, but the book so far is very interesting.]
>And like you, I am open to higher Truths... >
>Love, >xxxtg
> >* Today is the yesterday you worried about tomorrow *
> >
>http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html >
> >
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