Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/08/26 18:37
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #598

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 598

Today's Topics:
  Re: E-mail address, drawing energy/b [ b bah <happyhunaATnospamyahoo.com> ]
  Subject: Re: Responsibility, Rules a [ Mike Sullivan <atricossATnospamemirates.ne ]
  Re: Something funny - at last! :) [ "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotm ]
  Re: warning: negative vibes [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: healing [ Amanda Dine <amandadineATnospamozemail.com ]
  re: head explosions and knocking sou [ "b bah" <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com> ]
  Re: Ego [ "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotm ]
  Re: warning: negative vibes [ hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Ba ]
  Re: healing [ nancy <nancyATnospamwtp.net> ]
  Re: Ego [ "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotm ]
  Re: Responsibility, Rules and Obedie [ "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotm ]
  Re: warning: negative vibes [ "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotm ]
  re: head explosions and knocking sou [ Marybeth Gottshall <kmgATnospamtaconic.net ]
  Re: head explosions and knocking sou [ "Rev Denise L. Koons" <htminATnospamptdpro ]
  Re: head explosions and knocking sou [ "Rev Denise L. Koons" <htminATnospamptdpro ]
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 15:19:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: b bah <happyhunaATnospamyahoo.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: kundalini_pATnospamonelist.com
Subject: Re: E-mail address, drawing energy/blessings from sun
Message-ID: <19980826221917.29637.rocketmailATnospamsend1d.yahoomail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

---Shamanic Scene <shamanicsceneATnospamyahoo.com> wrote:
> I am far from S.F. very far.
   " very far"? as on another continent??
> Here is a little something I came up with.
> Hands up, palms recieving light from the sun.
> Foot down grownded to earth (barefoot in the sand or ground at noon
> would be great).
 YES!! The first time I did something similar I was in my backyard (no
privacy as i have no fences). But I perhaps instinctively streched
arms out (body/arms forming a "Y") and mentally asked for Healing
Energy from the sun. am always barefoot unless i'm driveing
shopping,in resturants etc.

> Facing the sky with eyes closed you ask for the blessings and the
> bliss to come.
> Again YES!! Seems to work with eyes open(not looking up of course).
But feels much better w/sun on face and closed eyes!
 Thank you, will have to ask for B&B. When I have done
this my hand chakras vibrate and become wide open, sometimes
accopanied by what I call warm fuzzies.

I'm sorry, I don't understand the following. Are you
 slowly spinning like an Indian Dervish, or just makeing small(short)
turns, alternating direction?

> The energy moves in cicles and your body will not be felt anymore when
> you find out that tight turn to left turns t right and so on, so on...
Wow! Have never even in altered states not been at least partially
aware of body, even when teachers , friends, or acquantances tell me,
"You're OB" come back" or ground yourself! yo're OB! Strange never
know, can"t feel the difference in or out.

> Goes though the throat and joins there, then through the heart and
> careeses it and down both channels go till the sun from the sky in you
> left hand is the ground on the earth from the foot in the right.
 Sorry, am confused again, starting with " go till the sun... to foot
in the right" Could you please explain this?

> Right!
> So much Love
> S.C.
 dear S.C. You can also do this with the moon, altho the reaction i
get isn't nearly so strong, more of a soothing feeling. But if You are
a guy and macho you
might not want to do this wher you could be observed.

> Tell the others.
I will including the list master for the muchmore list
at Onelist. I would post directly to muchmore but for some weird
unfathomnable reason, onelist removes a second (copy) post to them. Go
> ---b bah <happyhunaATnospamyahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> > Intriguing address. Do you give workshops?, classes?or lecture? Are
> > you in the S.F.Bay Area??
> >
> > Barb, in concord
> >
> >
> > _________________________
> > Get your free ATnospamyahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
> >
> >
> _________________________
> Get your free ATnospamyahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Get your free ATnospamyahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 02:38:31 +0400
From: Mike Sullivan <atricossATnospamemirates.net.ae>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Subject: Re: Responsibility, Rules and Obedience.
Message-id: <35E48E65.86CE7184ATnospamemirates.net.ae>

OOPS! I sincerely apologise for taking up valuable computer band-width
and wasting members valuable time by the double posts on the above
subject. I tremble to think that I may have incurred the wrath of
Mystress Angelique. Honest, Mystress, I wasn't trying to fuck with the
list computer, for I know that this likely to incur a fate worse than
death! I regret that I'm still trying to get communication with the
list by the short-and-curlies. I'm sure that you will all be very
pleased to hear that I now think I have succeeded. So no more double
posts ---- I promise.

To: Molly Riley,

Top of the morning to you Molly (or maybe Gudday, ow yr going mate), and
thanks for your fast response ---- I love applause! However, you
copying my original message, in its entirety, to the kundalini list
(apart from the copy sent back to my private E-mail) compounds my above
mentioned error. Like me, you've probably actually kissed the Blarney
Stone, but I'm certain that the kundalinites (I like that term) do not
want to read my words three times (if at all!) So please delete
original messages, or you will get us both shot be Mystress!

By the way, I assume that your calling from somewhere in the Far East,
or Perth Australia?

To: Kevin (Pure Heart),

I was most interested to hear you say " How do you feel about the color
yellow? If it nauseates you, or if you feel driven to cool blue or
green, you may be 'thinking yourself to unhealth'." Can you please tell
me where this idea stems from?

I support your agreement with Kevin ("fosterx2"), when he warns of the
dangers of sublimating the ego too greatly, least we become a lump of
unambulatory jelly. We are here to gain experience, and someone with no
ego doesn't even know they are here! Fully understanding one's ego ----
now that's something different.

To: Hillary (Druout),

I cannot speak about self-healing using kundalini, and will leave others
qualified to respond on that. But I can assure you that self-healing,
using the power of the mind, is perfectly possible, and has been
reported by a great many.

To: Nancy,

You ask, "Do you think we create what we think about? Or do you think
we think about that which is already created?"

My answer to that would be: We create that which we think. However,
some things may be created by unconscious thoughts. Also, every one
else's thoughts have an effect on what is created. Remember also, that
this can happen in non-linear time, which makes it impossible for our
linear-time brains to work out which came first, the thought or the
creation. So be careful what you create with your thoughts ---- it may
come to pass!

As you say Nancy, your ability is diminished by any doubts. If you
think that you cannot do something, then you will not be able to do it.
Having someone else thinking strongly that you can, helps tremendously.

I myself have been experimenting in a small way with ESP via the
Internet, and had some small success. I like your idea of imagining
that you are writing an E-mail, then sending it off in your mind.
Regarding the "feeling" which you mentally attached to your posting, I
doubt that many will even try to pick up your ESP message, however I we
have a go. Please wait a minute. Hmmmm! I'm afraid that not much is
coming through. I feel that on purpose you kept your message very
simple. I'm afraid that all I'm getting is a pleasantly warm brotherly
feeling ----- love----- a table with something on it ----maybe a colour
------something, or someone, oriental ----- water -----waves (although I
think that the last three feelings could be coming from somewhere
else). I'm afraid that it's not very specific. Still, in the
circumstances, that's not surprising.

Very best wishes,

Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 15:43:48 PDT
From: "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Something funny - at last! :)
Message-ID: <19980826224350.24594.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

This is so cool - I knew this for months.

> "If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has,
> we would all be driving twenty-five dollar cars that got 1000 miles
> to the gallon."
> In response to Bill's comments, General Motors issued a press
> release stating:
> If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be
> driving cars with the following characteristics:
> 1. For no reason whatsoever your car would crash twice a day.

Actually, GM asked if people wanted their cars to crash twice a day.

Here's more for you:

* People would HAVE to buy Microsoft Gas (tm).
* All governments would actually *get* subsidies from Microsoft.
* If the car came down with a virus, you'd have to take it into Norton
General Hospital.
* Car98 would be bundled with the Rand McNally global positioning system
- the new Explorer.


- Hudson

Web server (n.): One who gives away nearly invisble
appetizers during the course of a formal dinner.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 18:45:48 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: warning: negative vibes
Message-ID: <2b122a20.35e4901dATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 8/26/98 4:09:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us writes:

<snipped a bunch of really good grade A whining>

How wonderful this is! That you can create such drama in your life is a
marvelous thing!

Now let's end this really sad show and begin a fabulous extravaganza with a
fantasy happy ending!

Thank God you know how to produce, direct AND act soooo well. You go girl....

Mucho Love and good thoughts to you in your upcoming Academy Award Winning
Comedy Fairy Tale and starring role.... if anyone can do it, I know you can!


* If you are going to wallow in self pity,
  can you at least wait until I'm liquored up? *

Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 10:11:47 +1000
From: Amanda Dine <amandadineATnospamozemail.com.au>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: healing
Message-ID: <35E4A443.C7401F37ATnospamozemail.com.au>

Hi Paul,

Yes energy can be sent.

I'm new to the list, but I've done distance healing work, and had it done for me
by others. It works very well, the only drawback I can see in it is the belief
of the person being healed. I'm in Australia, and I've cured headaches in
America and England, and helped people with breathing difficulties. My English
partner (he lives there) is the only person I know who can take a headache, or
backache from me, and a group of us on another list got together and removed a
'curse' from someone in Argentina, with immediate and visible effects, described
by a friend of the person being healed.
So I am a great believer in the power of the people <g> and prayer.

Best wishes

Paul wrote:

> People asking for prayers and people asking for energies and healings
> and wellwishes. I am sure I am not the only one that wonders if such
> things are a little spiritually romantic, but I would like to know if
> such a thing is possible. Can one person bring about a healing in
> another? Can energy be sent? Is "energy" a buzzword?
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 17:21:17 PDT
From: "b bah" <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kmgATnospamtaconic.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, K_goddessATnospamonelist.com
Subject: re: head explosions and knocking sounds
Message-ID: <19980827002118.2795.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Hi M.B.,
 I had the inside the head experience. 'don't think i'd call it
explosions tho. I just felt the energy whizzing around, bounceing off
inside of skull. No, didn't actually "feel", but somehow sensed this. No
feeling when energy zoomed up lenght of spine and into head either,only
the sense of unbelieveably fast motion, accompanied by warmth. Not heat
as I have read about , just slightly warm.
 I have heard knocks, always in groups of three, (and felt) on
bottom-most cervical vertibrae(at the top of shoulders). Also heard at
our side door when half asleep, antique sheep(possibly goat) bell ring
three close together distinct rings.
 DO you , Msy. Angelique, or any other K-lite have an
opinion/explanation for this?????
     Love, stay happy, barb,

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 17:24:29 PDT
From: "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Ego
Message-ID: <19980827002430.14931.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>way or another. So tell me why are you so sure that there is evil
that it
>does exist?
>Mind if I quote you if I like your answer?

You can try to quote me if you want, but I'd rather quote myself.

Let's try this logic exercise:

1. God exists (duh!).
2. God is the Creator and holds the truth.
3. God created angels.
4. .: (read, therefore) angels exist.
5. God creates nothing *but* good.
6. One angel disobeys the will of God by attempting to put himself above
God (this was taken from Revelation, but assume it is true if you don't
know about it).
7. .: The angel tried to establish a lie.
8. .: God casts the angel out of heaven to keep #2 valid.
9. Lie is opposite of truth.
10. .: Lies are not good.
11. .: God did not create lies. (see #5)
12. God created people (see Genesis).
13. People were given power by God to name animals and other objects.
(see Genesis for this also.)
14. Ideas are objects.
15. .: People were given power by Him to name ideas.
16. Adam & Eve ate from the forbidden tree, after being tempted to by a
lying serpent (BE CAREFUL!).
17. .: They believed the serpent.
18. .: They believed a lie.
19. .: They believed in something not good.
20. .: They saw things good and evil.
21. .: They recognized their mistake.
22. .: The concept of evil exists.
23. .: Evil is not good.
24. .: God did not create evil.

The intent of my first post was to explain why God does not create evil.
The person I replied to did not say it didn't exist; we agree that it
does to an extent. However, I do disagree on its source. That's the
point I'm trying to show. Now, if you have brave through the proof,
great. Now you know where I'm coming from. Some of my statements may
have been out of order as this is a haste job, but the bottom line still

May the clouds of confusion now disappear!

- Hudson

Web server (n.): One who gives away nearly invisble
appetizers during the course of a formal dinner.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 19:28:35 -0500 (CDT)
From: hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
To: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: warning: negative vibes
Message-Id: <199808270028.TAA26357ATnospamdfw-ix13.ix.netcom.com>

You wrote:
>My husband is supportive, but if I quit my job the power balance in
>relationship will undergo changes I know I will not like, capice?
Lots of possibilities here, at least to me. This is a juicy area after
my own heart, i.e., the richest potential for spiritual work is usually
the closest and often ignored in favor of wandering in ethereal realms.

Why not work to make the power balance equitable whether or not you're
employed? Why not take yourself THAT seriously and insist that your
husband do so also? Why does earning money, by itself, matter more
than your having a life that is completely gratifying to you? Why not
(to echo Nancy and tg) make this happen starting now since the
opportunity is here and you have your anger to energize you? Forgive
me if I'm just projecting my own area of work onto you, but I have come
to suspect that our relationship to our spouses is a pretty good
reflection of our relationship to God: there can be respect, love,
devotion, surrender to divine passion, mystery and so forth, or there
can be vigilance, holding onto control, wariness, secretiveness and
assumptions that everything that can be known is known. I just figured
out the other day that neither God nor my husband (being the Same
Thing, of course) probably feel the same way about my getting pissed
off as I do. This was a revelation!!

The job's not important. You are. Love, Holly
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 18:49:37 -0600
From: nancy <nancyATnospamwtp.net>
To: kundalini-1 <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: healing
Message-ID: <35E4AD1E.D7943504ATnospamwtp.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

Amanda Dine wrote:

> Yes energy can be sent.
> Paul wrote:
> > People asking for prayers and people asking for energies and healings
> > and wellwishes. I am sure I am not the only one that wonders if such
> > things are a little spiritually romantic, but I would like to know if
> > such a thing is possible. Can one person bring about a healing in
> > another? Can energy be sent? Is "energy" a buzzword?

Paul knows this. He knows how to send his energy and to get others energy to feed
him their energy. Paul, what are you really asking?

I think sometimes you write things like this to see if anyone can pick up on you
screwing with them. You are a very intelligent person, Paul. I think sometimes that
life bores you so you have to stir things up to keep yourself entertained. How do I
know this? Because sometimes I like to do this too.

I know I'm going to probably draw a lot of outrage at my blunt comments to you. But
I really think you've grown to like me smacking you aside the head! :-)

Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 17:53:48 PDT
From: "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Ego
Message-ID: <19980827005348.19562.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>>>There is nothing that exists that is not ordained by God.
>>Evil exists, and yet God has not ordained that.
>Why not? Surely He ordained that we should have the free will to create
>good and evil. How would you know light if you did not have darkness to
>compare it with?

That's not quite right. Sure, we have free will, but it came with a
responsibility. Just because we have free will doesn't mean that God
ordained disobedience. That's the responsibility; to be obedient. Read
the Book of Genesis and you see the lesson plain and clear.

- Hudson

Web server (n.): One who gives away nearly invisble
appetizers during the course of a formal dinner.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 18:02:19 PDT
From: "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Responsibility, Rules and Obedience.
Message-ID: <19980827010220.29420.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>I think that the present attitude among so many freedom advocates is
>root cause of so much violence in our Western societies today. So, the
>next time you hear of someone shooting innocent people, and ask, "Who
>to blame". Maybe the answer is, "You are", by advocating freedom and
>not accepting your responsibility to obey the rules and judge those who
>don't ------ think about it!
>By the way, I experienced the horror of the 2nd. World War. Which, was
>in large part, due to people not accepting responsibility for judging
>the actions of others. The Nazis were not the only ones at fault.

Well said. But the other problem is that people just don't seem to care
about much anymore (or the wrong stuff, if at all). Ask people if it's
ok to have a president who lies in court be impeached, for example, and
most will say no because they don't want the economy to be ruined. Ask
them about the lyrics in music and they don't feel like joining any
movement which would help bring about more positive music because they
believe free speech or they feel like businesses won't listen to their
views, etc. People won't change unless something is directly affecting
them (or going to). I guess the law of inertia works on people's
emotions, too!

- Hudson

Web server (n.): One who gives away nearly invisble
appetizers during the course of a formal dinner.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 18:05:27 PDT
From: "Hudson Jackson II" <hjackson2ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: warning: negative vibes
Message-ID: <19980827010528.5680.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>Ready? Okey dokey. Well, my boss has seen fit to deprive me of my own
>personal office space and set my desk and computer out in the middle of
>high school library where everything I own can be molested and rifled
>through by bored and unsupervised students in the morning before I get
>there. Oh goody.

Awwww! Are they downsizing the library? That's injustice!

>It is not helpful. I may be unsubscribing soon anyway due to
>this work thing.

True; you don't want a post containing obscenities and coming from a
dragon get you fired. But that's unfortunate in any case.

Anyone care to get a crusade going? It's time to take back her office!

- Hudson

Web server (n.): One who gives away nearly invisble
appetizers during the course of a formal dinner.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 98 21:13:08 -0400
From: Marybeth Gottshall <kmgATnospamtaconic.net>
To: "b bah" <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>, <K_goddessATnospamonelist.com>
Subject: re: head explosions and knocking sounds
Message-Id: <199808270113.VAA02159ATnospammail.taconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Hi, Barb-

Yeah, I'm still having these. More and more frequently. I just remembered
a dream I had a few months ago when the spinning/twirling sensation and
the knocking sounds started. At least this was the first time I remember
them being together.

I was sitting in a field of flowers and the bluebird of happiness was
flying in rapid circles above my head, making me almost dizzy. Then that
little sucker dropped a rock on my head. BANG! I was insulted, and awoke
with a start.
Now I awaken with the knocking, and/or the swirling and full body
vibrations or OBE experiences almost every night. The knocks often come
in multiples for me, too, but I don't think they always come in threes.

I couldn't tell you what it means -- I read all the postings on the list
and, while I understand and have a deep interest in the concepts being
discussed, I feel like a spiritual infant -- it seems as if the thing
that changes most for me, as the K-energy makes its progress, is the
increasing number of bizarre physical symptoms and wierd phenomena that I
am experiencing.

Or maybe this stuff just goes on in everyone, all the time, and we just
happened to start noticing it and name it. Whaddaya think?

Keep on spinnin'

Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 21:33:29 -0700
From: "Rev Denise L. Koons" <htminATnospamptdprolog.net>
To: "Marybeth Gottshall" <kmgATnospamtaconic.net>, "b bah" <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>, <K_goddessATnospamonelist.com>
Subject: Re: head explosions and knocking sounds
Message-ID: <004001bdd0aa$adb54e00$0629baccATnospamhvnlytch>
Content-Type: text/plain;

HI, I'm not having knocking in my head but have been given some advice here
for my pain in the neck and skull ,I have been ordained under the order of
malchizadek and a reiki master also since I have had the awakenings and also
expierence a panic feeling before things happen ,I have been awaken to a
mans voice saying the mysteries,at present I was learning the mysteries of
the rosary,and I was awakened by the blessed mother 3 ychanges transpired in
my life and I have now had tors ago she was crying in my room since then
amazing changes in my life has transpired,now I'm trying to learn about the
Kundalini since mine is obviously awakened ,I guess I should try meditation
other than just the rosary,Personally I feel your guides are trying to tell
you to pay attention to them ,they are knocking and want you to listen to
yuoor inner knowing,how do you feel about this ? The blue bird brings
happiness!!!! love and light to all Rev Denise L.Koons, Heavenly Touch
Healing Ministries
-----Original Message-----
From: Marybeth Gottshall <kmgATnospamtaconic.net>
To: b bah <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>; K_goddessATnospamonelist.com
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 1998 6:15 PM
Subject: re: head explosions and knocking sounds

>Hi, Barb-
>Yeah, I'm still having these. More and more frequently. I just remembered
>a dream I had a few months ago when the spinning/twirling sensation and
>the knocking sounds started. At least this was the first time I remember
>them being together.
>I was sitting in a field of flowers and the bluebird of happiness was
>flying in rapid circles above my head, making me almost dizzy. Then that
>little sucker dropped a rock on my head. BANG! I was insulted, and awoke
>with a start.
>Now I awaken with the knocking, and/or the swirling and full body
>vibrations or OBE experiences almost every night. The knocks often come
>in multiples for me, too, but I don't think they always come in threes.
>I couldn't tell you what it means -- I read all the postings on the list
>and, while I understand and have a deep interest in the concepts being
>discussed, I feel like a spiritual infant -- it seems as if the thing
>that changes most for me, as the K-energy makes its progress, is the
>increasing number of bizarre physical symptoms and wierd phenomena that I
>am experiencing.
>Or maybe this stuff just goes on in everyone, all the time, and we just
>happened to start noticing it and name it. Whaddaya think?
>Keep on spinnin'
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 21:38:15 -0700
From: "Rev Denise L. Koons" <htminATnospamptdprolog.net>
To: "Rev Denise L. Koons" <htminATnospamptdprolog.net>,
 "Marybeth Gottshall" <kmgATnospamtaconic.net>,
 "b bah" <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>, <K_goddessATnospamonelist.com>
Subject: Re: head explosions and knocking sounds
Message-ID: <005101bdd0ab$5879bc40$0629baccATnospamhvnlytch>
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-----Original Message-----
From: Rev Denise L. Koons <htminATnospamptdprolog.net>
To: Marybeth Gottshall <kmgATnospamtaconic.net>; b bah <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>; K_goddessATnospamonelist.com
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 1998 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: head explosions and knocking sounds

>HI, I'm not having knocking in my head but have been given some advice here
>for my pain in the neck and skull ,I have been ordained under the order of
>malchizadek and a reiki master also since I have had the awakenings and
>expierence a panic feeling before things happen ,I have been awaken to a
>mans voice saying the mysteries,at present I was learning the mysteries
>the rosary,and I was awakened by the blessed mother 3 ychanges transpired
>my life and I have now had tors ago she was crying in my room since then
>amazing changes in my life has transpired,now I'm trying to learn about
>Kundalini since mine is obviously awakened ,I guess I should try meditation
>other than just the rosary,Personally I feel your guides are trying to tell
>you to pay attention to them ,they are knocking and want you to listen to
>yuoor inner knowing,how do you feel about this ? The blue bird brings
>happiness!!!! love and light to all Rev Denise L.Koons, Heavenly Touch
>Healing Ministries
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Marybeth Gottshall <kmgATnospamtaconic.net>
>To: b bah <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
>Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>; K_goddessATnospamonelist.com
>Date: Wednesday, August 26, 1998 6:15 PM
>Subject: re: head explosions and knocking sounds
>>Hi, Barb-
>>Yeah, I'm still having these. More and more frequently. I just remembered
>>a dream I had a few months ago when the spinning/twirling sensation and
>>the knocking sounds started. At least this was the first time I remember
>>them being together.
>>I was sitting in a field of flowers and the bluebird of happiness was
>>flying in rapid circles above my head, making me almost dizzy. Then that
>>little sucker dropped a rock on my head. BANG! I was insulted, and awoke
>>with a start.
>>Now I awaken with the knocking, and/or the swirling and full body
>>vibrations or OBE experiences almost every night. The knocks often come
>>in multiples for me, too, but I don't think they always come in threes.
>>I couldn't tell you what it means -- I read all the postings on the list
>>and, while I understand and have a deep interest in the concepts being
>>discussed, I feel like a spiritual infant -- it seems as if the thing
>>that changes most for me, as the K-energy makes its progress, is the
>>increasing number of bizarre physical symptoms and wierd phenomena that I
>>am experiencing.
>>Or maybe this stuff just goes on in everyone, all the time, and we just
>>happened to start noticing it and name it. Whaddaya think?
>>Keep on spinnin'


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