1998/08/25 21:43
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #593
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 593
Today's Topics:
Kundalini symptoms [ "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.co ]
Re: The dogmatic stance of Mary L. R [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
Re: need help [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
Re: Ego [ geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com ]
Responsibility, Rules and Obedience. [ Mike Sullivan <atricossATnospamemirates.ne ]
Responsibility, Rules and Obedience. [ Mike Sullivan <atricossATnospamemirates.ne ]
Re: the name game [ "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.or ]
Re: detaching (was RE: Emptiness...) [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
Light and Love to Mary L. Riley [ nancy <nancyATnospamwtp.net> ]
Re: Responsibility, Rules and Obedie [ mollyrATnospamibm.net ]
Re:UNSUBSCRIBE [ Ktm369ATnospamaol.com ]
Re: Heat and crown chakra sensations [ "Evelyn Niedbalec" <log_me_inATnospamhotma ]
Re: need help [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 18:57:39 PDT
From: "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, hjackson2ATnospamhotmail.com
Subject: Kundalini symptoms
Message-ID: <19980826015739.6354.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
>>If you are really awakening in an uneven manner, then most forms
>>of meditation or 'will based corrections' could be harmful.
>>A top notch healer could help you whether its kundalini, or just
>>the screaming woodies. Such healers are rare.
>What is meant by "screaming woodies"? And is there someone out there
who can tell me if I've got such a problem?
My friend, I was referring to the fact that a lot of men get
erections in altered states of consciousness. That's what screaming
woodies meant.
>>In any case, surrender is different for every person. Inside of
>>yourself you know what surrender means, and probably know of at least
>>one head trip you are playing on yourself that is stressing you
>>out, and is causing a deformation in the flow pattern (of the normal
>>pranas or kundalini charged prana).
>This is what I really need help with. Is it going along the lines of
obedience (*not* to revive an unrelated controversy), or giving up, or
going along with whatever comes?
Unfortunately only you can know if something is 'truly unrelated',
but if its a long term unresolved issue, it could be deflecting
your flow and causing a problem. Now what's more important, your
possible spiritual need, or the percieved needs of another person.
That is also up to your discretion.
>you said - but if I my stomach churns in the morning, for example, I
>just do nothing, or do I react to the feeling, or what else? "Trusting
the process" is something I can easily understand, but applying that is
a little difficult at the moment.
On the stomach issue, if its chronic, I would honestly see a
doctor for an opinion. There's nothing wrong with seeking wisdom
whereever you can find it. Even if its spiritually based, you
will probably get some insight on the exact state of your stomach.
As a possible suggestion, I would like to point out, that if you
are having 'self image issues', you are likely tearing your stomach
center up, as its the center of your opinions about yourself.
How do you feel about the color yellow? If it nauseates you,
or if you feel driven to cool blue or green, you may be
'thinking yourself to unhealth'.
If this is a pure and simple kundalini issue, and your stomach
hurts, then you definitely have things to resolve in your self
image or your heart chakra is clogged, so the kundalini is
rebounding back down and getting you on the up and the down swing.
I'm just throwing out possible ideas.
Warm wishes for you!
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Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 22:13:50 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: mollyrATnospamibm.net
Cc: shawebbATnospamyhc.edu, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The dogmatic stance of Mary L. Riley
Message-ID: <a07c1d5c.35e36f61ATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 8/25/98 7:18:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time, mollyrATnospamibm.net
<< but I do not care to correspond on a hostile forum, one where a few hostile
games players interrupt efforts of others to speak what they have to say.
I don't feel this is a hostile forum -- maybe an honest one. When you
insist upon giving your views on a public forum, you cannot expect others to
NOT give their views of the same subject! And you will find, that sometimes
not everyone will agree with you, and sometimes they will (and sometimes
nothing is said). What's the big deal? So they didn't agree with you? So
Please tell me why you felt the need to defend your views?
I would hope that if I say something that you don't agree with, you would give
your perspective -- this is a country of free speech, thank God. How can we
ever learn new ways of thinking unless we share our own views and experiences?
>I don't want to get involved with that hostility and therefore exercise my
"right" to
keep quiet.
At least on the point that was being discussed!
>If Nancy really wants an answer, sure I'll answer her. Her post was
perfectly in order, but the posts of Sharon Webb and the serpent were not.
Unfortunately, they were given the gift of honesty and no fear in speaking up.
Some people don't like that as they are used to people being dishonest with
them and not speaking up. Actually, they (we) were responding to your
response 'back' to Sharon.
Did you ever think -- just giving you an alternative point of view here --
that when you post your opinions/beliefs/views here, that others, too, have a
right to post theirs? The opinions are not to argue with, unless you so
choose too (at your own risk!) -- it is JUST their opinion. Had you not
argued the other point of view, none of this would have occurred. (well, she
said I was wrong, so I gotta argue back and tell her she is wrong AND mean for
not agreeing!...) No you don't!
A fire not tended too will eventually go out....
> At the end of the day it appears this list is someone else's game and it's
a game that I don't want and that doesn't want me
No games being played here.... Just someone's opinion which you chose to argue
with. This list has been a true blessing to a lot of people, and gives great
growth to those who choose to grow from experiences rather than get their
feelings hurt and not learn a darn thing. I'm sure if you give the list a
chance, you will find yourself growing in ways you never could before.
Much Love to you, and I truly hope you stay,
* The odds against there being a bomb on a plane are a million to one, and
against two bombs a million times a million to one. Next time you fly, cut
the odds and take a bomb *
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 22:20:54 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: arieATnospamihug.co.nz, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: need help
Message-ID: <5fe31e4e.35e37107ATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 8/25/98 8:13:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, arieATnospamihug.co.nz
<< I have practice meditation for quite a while and yet I
have not have real positive result from it. I don't know what cause it nor
how to overcome it. Can somebody help me to overcome this....Thanks >>
Are you doing any kind of spiritual study along with the meditation?
* My mother says to look for a man who is kind....
That´s what I´ll do....
I´ll find somebody who´s kinda tall and handsome *
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 21:24:29 -0700
From: geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Ego
Message-ID: <19980825.212430.3246.1.Geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com>
The human ego-based experience is both beautiful and tragic. Much is
gained from the journey home, but something is lost as well. To be part
of th drama of life, to fall in love with someone, make friends and
enemies, to rise and fall, to deal with new challenges everyday, to have
a part in the play, it is wonderful. Unfortunately, it does involve
suffering and we get tired of the game. But we all did choose to be
here. It is like Studio 54 in the late seventies, everyone wanted to be
a part of the action.
And look at our incredible diversity. As we evolve we lose much of what
makes us different. I think we were racing to get here and now were
racing to leave. I think it is OK to say that in this moment the world
and everyone in it are perfect in every way.
There is nothing that exists that is not ordained by God.
Many blessings,
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Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 06:33:37 +0400
From: Mike Sullivan <atricossATnospamemirates.net.ae>
To: kundalini-l-dATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Responsibility, Rules and Obedience.
Message-id: <35E373FE.3CB6FD53ATnospamemirates.net.ae>
I have taken the liberty of using a new subject heading, rather than
keeping to the ongoing subject "More about the swirling funnel", for I
think that the questions regarding responsibility, rules and obedience
are a subject in themselves, and go far beyond any obedience to the
kundalini sensation. I also think that this is a subject which is of
critical importance for the world as a whole.
Basically, I agree with much of what Mary L. Riley has said in recent
posts, excluding the bit regarding obedience to kundalini, which is
something for discussion among those having, or seeking, the kundalini
I have noticed the great number (I would say the majority) of people on
the Internet, who strongly object to ANY idea of rules and
responsibility. This is particularly true of those living in America.
They seem to think that no rules should be imposed upon anyone, and that
this is some sort of slight on their freedom and independence. They
also totally reject ANY idea of judgement of another person.
In any civilized society, no matter what its size, there has to be
rules, or else there is anarchy. Such rules should be for the benefit
of the society as a whole and agreed and accepted by the majority, even
though the rules may conflict with the ideas of some of the members.
Responsibility should be accepted to obey the rules of the society and
to judge those who fail to obey the rules. Anyone failing to accept
this responsibility, has no right to be a member of the society.
However, if anyone objects to the rules they should try to get the rules
changed, and one of the rules should be to protect this freedom to try
to change the rules. None of this implies blind obedience, but rather
mature responsible behavior. If anyone believes that rules are not
necessary, just try driving your car down the wrong side of the road!
I think that the present attitude among so many freedom advocates is the
root cause of so much violence in our Western societies today. So, the
next time you hear of someone shooting innocent people, and ask, "Who is
to blame". Maybe the answer is, "You are", by advocating freedom and
not accepting your responsibility to obey the rules and judge those who
don't ------ think about it!
By the way, I experienced the horror of the 2nd. World War. Which, was
in large part, due to people not accepting responsibility for judging
the actions of others. The Nazis were not the only ones at fault.
Sorry for being so down to earth, but this is a subject, which I am
convinced is of critical importance.
Michael (Himself)
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 06:36:05 +0400
From: Mike Sullivan <atricossATnospamemirates.net.ae>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Responsibility, Rules and Obedience.
Message-id: <35E37494.677A7C76ATnospamemirates.net.ae>
I have taken the liberty of using a new subject heading, rather than
keeping to the ongoing subject "More about the swirling funnel", for I
think that the questions regarding responsibility, rules and obedience
are a subject in themselves, and go far beyond any obedience to the
kundalini sensation. I also think that this is a subject which is of
critical importance for the world as a whole.
Basically, I agree with much of what Mary L. Riley has said in recent
posts, excluding the bit regarding obedience to kundalini, which is
something for discussion among those having, or seeking, the kundalini
I have noticed the great number (I would say the majority) of people on
the Internet, who strongly object to ANY idea of rules and
responsibility. This is particularly true of those living in America.
They seem to think that no rules should be imposed upon anyone, and that
this is some sort of slight on their freedom and independence. They
also totally reject ANY idea of judgement of another person.
In any civilized society, no matter what its size, there has to be
rules, or else there is anarchy. Such rules should be for the benefit
of the society as a whole and agreed and accepted by the majority, even
though the rules may conflict with the ideas of some of the members.
Responsibility should be accepted to obey the rules of the society and
to judge those who fail to obey the rules. Anyone failing to accept
this responsibility, has no right to be a member of the society.
However, if anyone objects to the rules they should try to get the rules
changed, and one of the rules should be to protect this freedom to try
to change the rules. None of this implies blind obedience, but rather
mature responsible behavior. If anyone believes that rules are not
necessary, just try driving your car down the wrong side of the road!
I think that the present attitude among so many freedom advocates is the
root cause of so much violence in our Western societies today. So, the
next time you hear of someone shooting innocent people, and ask, "Who is
to blame". Maybe the answer is, "You are", by advocating freedom and
not accepting your responsibility to obey the rules and judge those who
don't ------ think about it!
By the way, I experienced the horror of the 2nd. World War. Which, was
in large part, due to people not accepting responsibility for judging
the actions of others. The Nazis were not the only ones at fault.
Sorry for being so down to earth, but this is a subject, which I am
convinced is of critical importance.
Michael (Himself)
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 21:50:06 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.org>
To: Paul <paulwestATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: the name game
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.980825214839.13343A-100000ATnospamwinc0>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
On 25 Aug 1998, Paul wrote:
> Are you suggesting you are the absolute? Why do you need to suggest
> that?
um, i didnt say that, you did. ok mr freud, what floats your boat on the
absolute. hmm???
dont go putting words in my mouth. i dont like that. its rude.
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 18:17:14 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: "Kat" <KcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
Cc: "Kyira Korrigan - DTI,MF" <kyira_korriganATnospamdynapro.com>,
"kundalini-l" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: detaching (was RE: Emptiness...)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Kyira wrote:
>>You're being counselled to "detach" from your emotions? I don't think
>>that detachment is necessarily the correct path...are you being
>>councilled to let go of attachment?
>At 04:04 PM 25/08/98 -0400, Kat wrote:
>Yes I am being councilled in this way. I am feeling more confused by the
>day. I am being told that thoughts are things and that we need to detach
>from them, and that feelings are things that we have to detach from as well.
>That to attach to feelings or thoughts one stops oneself from being able to
>continue on their path.
Let me see if I can explain it... objects and opinions, and feelings.
They can be separated from each other, and examined separately. The
reason for examining them, is to clean your Karmic Closets: do you still
want to hold onto these opinions and feelings, do they serve you, do they
serve others?? Are they yesterday's news?
Object: Cup with some water in it.
Opinions: Cup is half full, cup is half empty, cup belongs to me, cup
belongs to other, cup I stole from other for revenge, cup my Grandmother
gave me when I was 6. Wish the cup had beer in it, happy the cup has water
in it, looking for the waiter for a refill. If you are dying of thirst in
the desert, the cup will feel differently than if it is being left behind
after you pay the tab.
The sense input of your eyes seeing a cup, patterns of light bouncing off
your retinas upside down, gets turned right way up by your brain, and
filtered through all of your ideas about cups, and water and fullness and
emptiness, and all of your experiences of this cup and others like it,
before it registers on your brain as "Cup with water in it".
Your opinions and feelings about the cup are based more on your past
experiences, than on the object itself. If it is a cup you stole from work,
and if most of the water it recently held just spilled on your keyboard, ..
you will probably have an emotional reaction, and a lot of opinions.. these
things will shape your experience of the objects and the events.
If you are caught up in their noise, then you are unlikely to hear the
still small voice saying, "So and so has a better keyboard than this one,
that they are not using, and want to give away. Call them up.." The chatter
interferes with the quiet voices of synchronicity that are everywhere to
guide your way.. so life is a much harder struggle, than it needs to be.
Ego keeps itself separate from Divine grace and abundance that Is..
The objects and events themselves, outside of your reactions to them,
just ARE. They are not good or bad of themselves, in the NOW, but only
become so, through your judgments and opinions of them. It is the collected
opinions of things, that make up the contents of your ego, your personality.
It is the opinions you hold about life, that give you the labels you
bear.. Christian, Nazi, saint, sinner.. your ego is who you think you are,
and your personality is made up of your opinions about things.
I like to say, "Opinions are like ass holes. Everybody has them, and it
is mostly shit and hot air that comes out. Good thing too, or we'd get all
bloated and toxic and die.. shit itself, is mostly useful once it has been
returned to the Earth and composted, to become the potential food of new
Reacting by having a fit and getting upset by a wet keyboard will not
make it become a dry one again, any quicker, and it will stress out your
being and use up a lot of energy. The dance of ego reflex is very tiring,
and noisy.. all that negative energy and mind chatter!! It weights you down
so you grow old and die.
Re-Acting= acting again as previously.. from a reflex that is based on
opinions of past events, what happened before, and how you felt about it
then.. and not what Is, in the now.
Connection to Eternity, synchronicity, Divine Abundance, is in the Now,
When your head is stuck in the sands of time of the past, like the
ostrich that thinks it's perceptions are what Is, then that is where you
are. Not in the Eternal Now.
Disassociation itself, is not good or bad, either, it simply is. What
makes you fear it, is events of the past. There is disassociating from
shock, and there is deliberately disassociating to observe yourself
The difference between rape and sex is whether you want it to happen, or
Detaching, is gently, deliberately disassociating from yourself from your
thoughts and emotions just enough to observe the re-action dance of
thoughts and feelings that are playing out in the movie of your life, from
the perspective of director, instead of performer. Do you like how the
performance is proceeding, or do you wanna yell "Cut" and do it
differently? That directors chair in your mind, is the seat of the power of
your Free Will. The actors are caught up in the emotional drama of their
roles, the script dialogue of their opinions. They cannot see the whole
scene as it is playing out. The director can.. the director is the
Witness", the Zen state of mindfulness, observing. It is the director who
unifies the performances.. by seeing the "Big Picture". God's eye view.
Another way to detach, it to imagine you are watching it from a comfy
chair on the moon, or to think of whether it will make a difference, in 100
You will find this difficult to do,if you are not grounded. The less you
are grounded, the more the reflex dance of emotional opinionated
ego-reactions will rule you. Get grounded most simply, by shifting your
attention to your breathing. Humans are not good at *not* thinking of
things, because what is repressed comes up stronger.
Try not to think of Zebras for 10 minutes.. ha ha betcha ya can't..
instead, the harder you try *not*, the more you will find your mind
bombarded with more and varying images and thoughts of Zebras, than you
possibly thought it could contain. Whatever you give your attention to,
increases, even if you tell it *Not* to. "Not" has no meaning outside of
duality, your unconscious doesn't understand negative concepts, and nature
abhors a vacuum. It hears "Please do not" as "Please Do..." That is why
affirmations are always stated in the positive.
Substitution tho, works great. If you give zebras no importance of
repressing, have no opinions about them, and think about breathing,
instead, or go have lunch.. then you won't be haunted by technicolor zebras.
Sometimes, with emotions, it is best to do a focusing game I have
nicknamed, "Name the Dragon". In stories, if you can learn the name of the
dragon, then you have power over it. Detach from emotions by going into
them, experiencing them fully, and naming them very precisely. Feel the
emotion in yourself, immerse yourself in it, and find it's name. Try out a
few names, when you get the right name, you will feel a distinctive "shift"
in your body, as the emotion releases and departs. Bye, Dragon. Next
dragon, please.. underlying the emotion that has just vanished, will be
another, different emotion. Name it, also. Peel away the onion layers of
dragons, until there are none left. Then they are gone and won't ever come
There ya go. detachment 101.. for the class on grounding..
The grounding visualization for awakening Kundalini is at
Please visit this page when you have 20 minutes to relax
and do the meditation, as the page is "charged" with Shakti
and keyed to be released by your free will choice to visit the page.
Blessings, Mystress.
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 21:32:23 -0600
From: nancy <nancyATnospamwtp.net>
To: mollyrATnospamibm.net, kundalini-1 <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Light and Love to Mary L. Riley
Message-ID: <35E381C4.F688F55ATnospamwtp.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
mollyrATnospamibm.net wrote:
> I do not have any intention to reject Nancy
??? You were rejecting me??? Gosh, and I was behaving myself!!! :-)
> If Nancy really wants an answer, sure I'll answer her. Her post was
> perfectly in order, but the posts of Sharon Webb and the serpent were not.
> It is also possible that Nancy just wanted to express her alternative point
> of view and does not want an answer.
People are just expressing their points of view. How is their point of view out
of order and your point of view in order? Sharon challenged you on your
obedience perspective. Angelique suggested you try out your obedience by being
considerate of other list subscribers. I was just probing. Lighten up, Mary. You
are welcome to express yourself. We are welcome to probe and challenge and point
out areas where you are inconsistent. It's dialogue!
Light and love to you, Mary,
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 11:18:01 +0800
From: mollyrATnospamibm.net
To: atricossATnospamemirates.net.ae
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Responsibility, Rules and Obedience.
Message-ID: <35E37E69.BE18B4BATnospamibm.net>
Though I never said anything about obediance to Kundalini, I applaud you for
highlighting the importance of responsibility. It's a key part o growing
up, though, perhaps, a painful part for some. Your message on the subject
is helpful
Mike Sullivan wrote:
> I have taken the liberty of using a new subject heading, rather than
> keeping to the ongoing subject "More about the swirling funnel", for I
> think that the questions regarding responsibility, rules and obedience
> are a subject in themselves, and go far beyond any obedience to the
> kundalini sensation. I also think that this is a subject which is of
> critical importance for the world as a whole.
> Basically, I agree with much of what Mary L. Riley has said in recent
> posts, excluding the bit regarding obedience to kundalini, which is
> something for discussion among those having, or seeking, the kundalini
> experience.
> I have noticed the great number (I would say the majority) of people on
> the Internet, who strongly object to ANY idea of rules and
> responsibility. This is particularly true of those living in America.
> They seem to think that no rules should be imposed upon anyone, and that
> this is some sort of slight on their freedom and independence. They
> also totally reject ANY idea of judgement of another person.
> In any civilized society, no matter what its size, there has to be
> rules, or else there is anarchy. Such rules should be for the benefit
> of the society as a whole and agreed and accepted by the majority, even
> though the rules may conflict with the ideas of some of the members.
> Responsibility should be accepted to obey the rules of the society and
> to judge those who fail to obey the rules. Anyone failing to accept
> this responsibility, has no right to be a member of the society.
> However, if anyone objects to the rules they should try to get the rules
> changed, and one of the rules should be to protect this freedom to try
> to change the rules. None of this implies blind obedience, but rather
> mature responsible behavior. If anyone believes that rules are not
> necessary, just try driving your car down the wrong side of the road!
> I think that the present attitude among so many freedom advocates is the
> root cause of so much violence in our Western societies today. So, the
> next time you hear of someone shooting innocent people, and ask, "Who is
> to blame". Maybe the answer is, "You are", by advocating freedom and
> not accepting your responsibility to obey the rules and judge those who
> don't ------ think about it!
> By the way, I experienced the horror of the 2nd. World War. Which, was
> in large part, due to people not accepting responsibility for judging
> the actions of others. The Nazis were not the only ones at fault.
> Sorry for being so down to earth, but this is a subject, which I am
> convinced is of critical importance.
> Michael (Himself)
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 23:28:09 EDT
From: Ktm369ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Message-ID: <59b6b3e.35e380caATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 8/24/98 6:14:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time, mollyrATnospamibm.net
I will be unable to acess computer for quite some time,please unsubscribe.
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 20:33:10 PDT
From: "Evelyn Niedbalec" <log_me_inATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Heat and crown chakra sensations
Message-ID: <19980826033312.15247.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
Well, if you add in the itching, OBEs, funny lights, headaches, etc, I
would say it's pretty likely kundalini. But mine has been awakening
more or less gradually and only in the last few months did I even know
there was such a thing. I guess I tend to shy away from labeling
things. Just trying to keep an even keel through it all.
>Kundalini? ? ?
>More Light.
>+ Maureen
>Evelyn Niedbalec wrote:
>> I often feel coolness or wetness, tingling, poking, and/or pressure
>> the crown region on and off through the day.
>> I while ago, I had a dream that I was sitting on a chair and the base
>> my spine started getting REALLY hot.
>> I also tend to wake up about 2AM just broiling hot. After about 10
>> minutes, I cool down again and go back to sleep. Also noticed the
>> broiling phenomena right after returning from longer OBEs.
>> -Evelyn
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Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 00:35:41 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: arieATnospamihug.co.nz
Subject: Re: need help
Message-ID: <bb380ef9.35e3909eATnospamaol.com>
This came to me in error. Meant for arieATnospamihug.co.nz....
In a message dated 8/25/98 11:13:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
htminATnospamptdprolog.net writes:
<< Subj: Re: need help
Date: 8/25/98 11:13:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: htminATnospamptdprolog.net (Rev Denise L. Koons)
Reply-to: htminATnospamptdprolog.net (Rev Denise L. Koons)
To: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
your trouble with meditation could be you need cleansing,balancing of you r
chakras,and also you need to detoxify your system,if you havent tried these
i'll help ,get back to me if you want further info ,Rev Denise L.Koons Reiki
Master Heavenly Touch Healing htminATnospamptdprolog.net
-----Original Message-----
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com <ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com>
To: arieATnospamihug.co.nz <arieATnospamihug.co.nz>; kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 1998 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: need help
In a message dated 8/25/98 8:13:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, arieATnospamihug.co.nz
<< I have practice meditation for quite a while and yet I
have not have real positive result from it. I don't know what cause it nor
how to overcome it. Can somebody help me to overcome this....Thanks >>
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