1998/08/24 17:43
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #587
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 587
Today's Topics:
Re: Kundalini Yoga? [ "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no> ]
Re: A. Bailey [ "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no> ]
Re: cosmic Christ [ "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.co ]
Re: More talk about the swirling fun [ "Mary L. Riley" <mollyrATnospamibm.net> ]
Re: More talk about the swirling fun [ "Mary L. Riley" <mollyrATnospamibm.net> ]
Re: purity (was RE: More talk about [ "Mary L. Riley" <mollyrATnospamibm.net> ]
RE: Kundalini Yoga? [ "Mary L. Riley" <mollyrATnospamibm.net> ]
Re: A. Bailey [ "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.co ]
Re: More talk about the swirling fun [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
Re: A. Bailey an' Company - Kevin [ dax23ATnospamjuno.com (Ahau Akbal) ]
Healing Across The Internet [ flute <FluteATnospamcreate.org> ]
Del Rio/Acuna Flood [ flute <FluteATnospamcreate.org> ]
Careful What You Ask for... [ nancy <nancyATnospamwtp.net> ]
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 23:42:42 +0200
From: "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
To: "kundalini-l" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Kundalini Yoga?
Message-Id: <199808242245.XAA05413ATnospamumbukta.monet.no>
* Kyira Korrigan
> Yoga and tantra are not the same thing.
> I'm not sure how you mean "yoga is masculine, tantra is feminine"
> but I think that is not exactly an accurate picture of Hindi tradition.
It's difficult in our present language, made to describe a physical world,
to *define*, so to say, spiritual truths. But we can agree - can we ? -
that Tantra is more a living PROCESS, than a strict discipline. Having been
denoted as *The Cult of the Feminine*, it represents a dynamic process of
various methods combined.
Moreover, Tantra takes our world of maya into account as something we must
relate to. The Vedantic School, for example, focus very strictly on the
*absolute reality* - called Tao, Satori, Nirvana, High Self, THE HORISONTAL
BAR unifying the chakras in our head. Tantra also takes into account the
VERTICAL downwards moving energy which is splintered into Diversity (maya).
Through the Unity and the Diversity, we experience ourself as One and
simultaniously the Many !
The primordial Light, colourless, empty, is our Light Body - "Cho-nyid
Kuntu-zand-mo", the mother of Compassion for Everything.
But our Holy Guardian Angel, having guarded our Light Body through all of
our incarnations from our own misdeeds (can You think of any better friend
?) do not permit us to live in Bliss as a separate Beeing. We would not be
able to enter these state without help from those we leave behind.
We are Forced downwards through Diversity in order to bring our borrowed
help back to Humanity, so that we do not enter Bliss as thiefs. And these
downward movement is also the marriage between Kundalini and the Light.
We move downwards, through the realms of Shin-je, the horrible angels of
Death, "The Guardians of the Threshold", which mirror the racial karma
needed to be healed and cleansed in order to lift Humanity as a Whole into
a higher vibration. The marriage between the Two of us, makes the
foundation of the *rainbow bridge* possible. By anchoring the Light in Here
in and Now (in maya), we raise the physical vessel and All Mankind out of
maya - instead of running away from it.
> Example? Karma means (most literally) action - it is the force of *doing*
> in our life. In the west karma can mean: culpability, vibe, ethics,
> consequences, causality.
Isn't it correct to say that *what we sow, we will harvest* ? Karma is
short for *cause and effect* (Karana = cause), in the sense that a cause
makes an effect, which generates a new cause with new effects etc. I think
EVIL CIRCLE is a perfect translation of karma.
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 23:52:34 +0200
From: "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
To: "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
Subject: Re: A. Bailey
Message-Id: <199808242255.XAA05507ATnospamumbukta.monet.no>
* Maureen
Hi pure heart,
Thought it all boiled down to submitting to the Christ.
More Light.
* Pure Heart
Their rather thin and pathetic attempt to rope 'christian mystics'
into their food chain by misrepresenting the truth does not
impress me.
Their 'cosmic christ' or 'christ consciousness' is just a scam to
funnel life force into their hungry masters maw.
Jesus of Nazareth was the last incarnation of Sananda, an ascended master.
And although he is largly associated with *Church* - exoteric organizations
denying and condemding *New Age* - He nevertheless belongs to the same
profession as other masters of Spirit.
Blessings from Norway
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 15:21:37 PDT
From: "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, morlightATnospammhonline.net
Subject: Re: cosmic Christ
Message-ID: <19980824222138.9412.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
I didn't feel anger when in the past a gentleman shot me.
Until you walk in my shoes its premature to judge me in this manner.
As far as 'working things out' - I've spent 20 years working out
the A. Bailey topic.
I merely presented my findings for others to consider.
>From kundalini-l-requestATnospamlists.execpc.com Mon Aug 24 13:39:26 1998
>Received: from lists.execpc.com (methos.execpc.com [])
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>Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 14:57:11 +0000
>From: Maureen Heffernan <morlightATnospammhonline.net>
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>Subject: cosmic Christ
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>Pure Heart ?
>You're angry and have stuff to work out.
>Hope you do.
>More Light.
>+ Maureen
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Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 06:33:25 +0800
From: "Mary L. Riley" <mollyrATnospamibm.net>
To: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: More talk about the swirling funnel.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
This is so valuable. It explains the "tests" that happen to one "on the
way" and helps me understand my life. I hope you'll care to elaborate
because this statement is co clear.
At 09:31 ¤W¤È 08/24/98 EDT, ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 8/24/98 8:41:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
>janbarenATnospaminfase.es writes:
>Geoffrey: Over half of the journey is a question of purity. The goal
> > to remove any resistance held in the mental, emotional, and spiritual
> > bodies.
> Jan: This is the essence of the entire road. Because, at a certain moment,
> the so called "virtues" will start dissolving as well. An other way of
> putting this, is that tendencies that control "unwanted tendencies", will
> dissolve before the "unwanted tendencies" start to dissolve. Many Eastern
> yogis, coming to the West, have fallen victim to it.
> >>
>I'm not quite understanding what you just said Jan. Would you elaborate?
>* I think, therefore I am overqualified *
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 06:33:39 +0800
From: "Mary L. Riley" <mollyrATnospamibm.net>
To: "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com
Subject: Re: More talk about the swirling funnel.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
The irony is that people need to purify their ability to be obedient in
order to get beyond their own egos. Thus in order to do this it is
essential to practice doing what one is told. At the same time those doing
the telling may not be worthy, or may be worthy only for a while.
Awareness of what is going on is, I believe, the only way out. Refusing do
do anything because someone else tells me to do it will stunt out growth
(individually and planetarily). One of the very great paradoxes of living.
The business of obediance is needed for spiritual reasons, much more than
for practical reasons.
It appears that you have gained this experience and I honor you for it.
Thanks for the reminder.
At 08:23 ¤W¤È 08/24/98 PDT, Pure Heart wrote:
>A note on Alice Bailey;
>If you get deep enough into any of the modern day 'mystery schools',
>at least those of the 'Theosophical/Hierarchical' variety, you will
>learn that you are supposed to submit your will and your body to
>a group of entities of dubious spirituality.
>If you keep pushing for 20 years like I did, you will find
>(at least I did) that all this energy directed at 'the hierarchy'
>or 'shamballa' or 'the masters' is really going to feed this
>bloated serpent entity, that has been trying to impersonate god
>for millenia.
>Am I saying that 'Kundalini' or 'mysticism' is wrong ? Not at all.
>Kundalini is the path home.
>Once you encounter the creative intelligence of the earth, that
>flows along the first chakra prana streams (i.e Kundalini) you
>don't need flakey pseudo-religions of men.
>Quiet your mind, align your intent, and become a warrior of
>correct action.
>This whole multi-level marketing spiritualtiy is a cruel delusion
>to ensnare those who wander from the path.
>(in my experience).
>As regards 'levels of kundalini awakening' -- do not be deceived
>by the phenomenon of awakening -- if you are already pretty open
>and pure, and your intent is clear, you could 'awaken' kundalini
>and not notice all that much!
>its the resistance that gives most of the sensations.
>True, the feeling of 'flow' will be present at times, but that
>feeling will mainly be present when there is a difference in
>potential between parts of the body.
>Lots of energy is constantly flowing through us, and we just don't
>usually notice it.
>On the other hand, a common delusion, is that when you 'try' to feel
>the flow, that is the only time its flowing -- not at all true --
>when you calm your mind/body so that you can 'feel the flow' you
>are creating a potential mis-match, thus causing more flow
>Insofar as purity being 1/2 of the path -- I'd agree, if not more!
>One kind of purity that is often overlooked, is 'thought form purity'.
>There are all these energetic forms we hold in our auras, to comfort
>us, and to 'protect us from the cruel world' - these forms will
>become bloated by the increased flow, and cause mental and emotional
>All dirty laundry should be taken out, by surrender to purity,
>the will must be sharpened, and the razor path must be walked if
>you want to proceed 'all the way'.
>Most 'new agers' don't understand that the path of the spirit
>must frequently walk through the land of the dead -- all that is
>impure will be burned away -- including our most cherished
>delusions -- even including the delusion of being separate beings.
>The way of it though, is that 'god' won't force himself on us
>in any way -- you must offer yourself up to Kundalini if you want
>to progress. Most people don't progress as far as they want to,
>because they don't ask, then wait. In their excitement, they take
>action themselves -- it doesn't work that way -- there is another
>non-human intelligence at work here, you must wait on divinity.
>Insofar as to whether there are 'grades of attainment' past
>kundalini reaching the crown ? That 'attainment' is merely the
>beginning ... in truth, the flow from earth to sky and from sky
>to earth used to be 'natural' for all humans. Its not some
>big deal.
>The question is not whether we can get a flow out our crown once,
>its whether we can align our intent to be a continuous conduit
>day and night forever. That is the true 'first step'.
>Take that step, and you won't need to ask what's next! - its
>different for every person.
>Love to my brothers and sisters on the path,
>>From kundalini-l-requestATnospamlists.execpc.com Sun Aug 23 21:46:43 1998
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>>From: geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com
>>To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
>>Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 23:39:57 -0700
>>Subject: More talk about the swirling funnel.
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>>Jan and others,
>> I often have the crawling ants on the top of the head sensation
>>the "ringing of the spheres" type sound is always with me, but I know
>>that there is more. Gabriel Cousins discusses the swirling funnel in
>>crown sensation in his book "Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet".
>>It has a very good account of a k awakening. He discusses the k as
>>having three "knots". The base(the initial awakening), the heart(when
>>the heart opens), and the third eye/crown opening. The swirling
>>started for him sometime after the third opening and became constant
>>after a 40 day fast.
>> Over half of the journey is a question of purity. The goal being
>>to remove any resistance held in the mental, emotional, and spiritual
>>bodies. I would say the second most important part is a will to push
>>forward to the next level. This seems to stop so many people.
>>vitality is important. That is why when k awakens at an early age
>>often have miraculous powers.
>> Many systems are self limiting. Like in Enochian magic the limit
>>the first aethyr, you can't go beyond that in that system. In Buddhism
>>you have "arrived" when you become a buddha. That is why I like Alice
>>Bailey. The achievable goal is much higher. My point is, I don't
>>that an awakened k expressing herself though the crown is the final
>> At the very least, there must be many levels of this. I would
>>appreciate any info in that direction.
>>Blessings to all,
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Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 06:33:54 +0800
From: "Mary L. Riley" <mollyrATnospamibm.net>
To: kyira_korriganATnospamdynapro.com (Kyira Korrigan - DTI,MF)
Cc: geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com (geoffrey33), kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com (kundalini-l)
Subject: Re: purity (was RE: More talk about the swir
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Although it is not easy, I too have become quite sure that there is more.
At 12:31 ¤U¤È 08/24/98 -0700, Kyira Korrigan - DTI,MF wrote:
>I sorta snickered at this one:
>> In Buddhism you have "arrived" when you become a buddha.
>It's not very easy to become a buddha. It is only in the imagination that
>this goal is limiting.
>Would you mind explaining what you meant by "over half the journey is a
>question of purity"?
> -Kyira
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 06:33:45 +0800
From: "Mary L. Riley" <mollyrATnospamibm.net>
To: kyira_korriganATnospamdynapro.com (Kyira Korrigan - DTI,MF)
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com (kundalini-l)
Subject: RE: Kundalini Yoga?
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Karma means that which causes our repressions.
At 09:30 ¤W¤È 08/24/98 -0700, Kyira Korrigan - DTI,MF wrote:
>Yoga and tantra are not the same thing. The tantras are a specific type
>of spiritual teachings in both Hindi and Buddhist traditions which couple
>meditation, right behaviour and livelihood with subtle body work. The
>tantras have a right and a left hand path - these could be compared to
>Dionysion and Apollonian traditions.
>Whatever. You can have your kundalini awaken without doing tantra - they
>are not interdependant. Tantrism is derived from the tantras, which along
>with the vedas and the sutras, make up the eastern teaching texts. I'm
>not sure how you mean "yoga is masculine, tantra is feminine" but I think
>that is not exactly an accurate picture of Hindi tradition.
>I know that modern, western seekers have different meanings (sometimes to
>the point of inaccuracy) about such concepts as kundalini, tantra, karma
>and attachment than what is layed out in the eastern traditions. We are
>borrowing from the east to describe our experiences in the west...in
>translation, we can sometimes change the words to have a very different
>Example? Karma means (most literally) action - it is the force of *doing*
>in our life. In the west karma can mean: culpability, vibe, ethics,
>consequences, causality. The way we use the word is as people who have
>been raised (many of us) in the shadow of the protestant/Puritan ethic as
>manifested under the philosophy of scientific materialism. Concepts of
>"karma" have a very different role in this situation than in India.
> -Kyira
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 15:33:49 PDT
From: "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com>
To: pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, morlightATnospammhonline.net,
Subject: Re: A. Bailey
Message-ID: <19980824223349.14674.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
If you look at the history of the formation of the Theosophy and
Arcane School groups, you will find they 'borrow' titles from
a number of prior mythologies.
The scholars I have spoken to of that era in time tell me that
a number of deviations from the basic source of H.P. Blatvsky
were introduced into the two descendants of this tradition,
and that there is inconsistency between the two.
Lastly, the initial source of my distrust of the Arcane School
came some years ago from a physical encounter I had with one of
their world famous 'masters' who tried his very best to kill me
in the flesh (no vision stuff here).
He did fail, however I did suffer a terrible wound that took me
over 10 years to recover from.
While I am not angry, it does go to show you that the spiritual
is not always this 'feel good pablum' that so many wish it to be.
>From kundalini-l-requestATnospamlists.execpc.com Mon Aug 24 14:56:59 1998
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>From: "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
>To: "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
> <morlightATnospammhonline.net>
>Subject: Re: A. Bailey
>Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 23:52:34 +0200
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>* Maureen
>Hi pure heart,
>Thought it all boiled down to submitting to the Christ.
>More Light.
>* Pure Heart
>Their rather thin and pathetic attempt to rope 'christian mystics'
>into their food chain by misrepresenting the truth does not
>impress me.
>Their 'cosmic christ' or 'christ consciousness' is just a scam to
>funnel life force into their hungry masters maw.
>Jesus of Nazareth was the last incarnation of Sananda, an ascended
>And although he is largly associated with *Church* - exoteric
>denying and condemding *New Age* - He nevertheless belongs to the same
>profession as other masters of Spirit.
>Blessings from Norway
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Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 18:40:49 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: More talk about the swirling funnel.
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Content-Type: text/plain;
Mary L. Riley wrote:
>>The irony is that people need to purify their ability to be obedient in
order to get beyond their own egos. Thus in order to do this it is
essential to practice doing what one is told.>>
Excuse me, but I'm having trouble with this line. Isn't this the same line
the Nazi war criminals used to justify their actions?
I'm also not completely sure that egos are something to "get beyond" as if
they were excess baggage. We _did_ come into this world equipped with them.
Are they the spiritual equivalent of the vermiform appendix?
>>At the same time those doing
the telling may not be worthy, or may be worthy only for a while.
And yet with blind obedience, who will develop the discrimination to discern
who may or may not be worthy?
>>Awareness of what is going on is, I believe, the only way out. Refusing
do anything because someone else tells me to do it will stunt out growth
(individually and planetarily).
Doesn't that have a great deal to do with who or what is doing the telling?
If I were a kid brought up as a racist, for example, would I be well-advised
to listen to my elders? Or would I be better advised to look inside and
find my own answers?
>>One of the very great paradoxes of living. The business of obedience is
needed for spiritual reasons, much more than
for practical reasons.
Obedience to what? To whom? To what spiritual end?
Curiously yours,
Fractals and 2D and 3D graphics
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Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 17:08:33 -0600
From: dax23ATnospamjuno.com (Ahau Akbal)
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: A. Bailey an' Company - Kevin
Message-ID: <19980824.170838.7406.9.dax23ATnospamjuno.com>
Greetin's List Folk, Kevin,
Ahhh.... Master Kevin, me was not advocating behavior,
only pointing out our multi-dimensional aspect lest We get
to caught up in the drama of pointing fingers and insisting
on our own review of the Movie. We be a sharin' here
upon this List, the Kundalini aspects which not be brought
out in other Movie reviews in cyberland.
There be a Sufi saying, 'Trust Allah, AND tether ye camel'.
We does know it be but a Movie AND We take care of the
wee ones. Fer it be Yeself that be a starvin' in the Dream.
If ye be a knowin' this then ye kin release ye thinkin' o'
separation, be it separtin' by creed, or color, or gender.
Then ye kin allow the integration o' the levels an' the illusion.
Appropriate action will the be what ye are.
God's Grinin' be with Ye...
*********Ahau Akbal**********
"Curves are happens when a
line starts having fun!"
On Mon, 24 Aug 1998 13:32:31 PDT "Pure Heart" <pure_heartATnospamhotmail.com>
>>From a certain perspective we are at the dollar movies.
>However that does not relieve us of the responsibility for
>correct action.
>One can simply call modern life 'illusion' and sit in Samahdi
>all day while children starve at your feet.
>However, due to the hierarchical and holographic nature of reality,
>simply 'going up one plane' will make the 'lower plane' seem less
>However there exists the potential for 'appopriate action' on
>all planes.
>The highest reality ever percieved by the most illuminated sage
>is an illusion to the next higher plane.
>I do not advocate 'crusading' - there has to be a trust of the flow
>to take care of itself. But we are a part of that flow. At times
>we will be called upon to take that correct action, or we are
>in denial.
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Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 18:30:34 -0500
From: flute <FluteATnospamcreate.org>
To: fluteATnospamcreate.org
Subject: Healing Across The Internet
Message-ID: <35E1F79A.4070ATnospamcreate.org>
There is a 38 yr old lady by the name of Karen Lovelace in Seattle,
Washington that needs some serious Reiki and Healing Prayers. Karen has
Lupus and recently has developed even more problems. At present she is
awaiting a Heart Transplant however Her condition is so unstable that
she couldn't undergo the surgery even if one were available tomorrow.
Shes' at home trying to manage. A Friend, named JoAnn has gone over to
help her clean the house and cook. A friend here in San Antonio called
and asked that we send her healing. Send Supportive energy to Joann as
well. If there is a Reiki Practioner or Healer in Seattle that is
available to help, please contact me and I will give you the address.
Love and Light..
"The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs
through the world and dances in rhythmic measures." R. Tagore
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 18:45:39 -0500
From: flute <FluteATnospamcreate.org>
To: Unlimited Thought Bookstore <utbookATnospamconnecti.com>
Subject: Del Rio/Acuna Flood
Message-ID: <35E1FB23.6CFCATnospamcreate.org>
DEL RIO TEXAS is in serious need of Food, Clothing, Can Openers, Candles
The town was hit by a flash flood last night. 30 people are missing, 11
found dead. 600 are homeless in a shelter.. Others are at their homes
which have no electricity, water or food. The town on the other side of
the border is in as serious or even more serious condition.
Any help you can send will be appreciated. The Following store in San
Antonio is collecting items and will be making a Run to Del Rio very
soon. If you wish to contribute or need further info on helping the
flood victims. See the address below.
Unlimited Thought Bookstore 210 525-0693
Ann and Bill Utterback 210 342-4867 (fax)
utbookATnospamconnecti.com 5525 Blanco Road, Suite 107
http://www.connecti.com/~utbook San Antonio, Texas 78216-6678
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 17:54:31 -0600
From: nancy <nancyATnospamwtp.net>
To: kundalini-1 <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Careful What You Ask for...
Message-ID: <35E1FD33.A19F6D64ATnospamwtp.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
Hi all,
Had a remarkably rotten experience getting my wish fulfilled. I've been
on this health kick--eating healthy, running, lifting weights. I've been
feeling and looking great. I had a thought this morning that perhaps I
should set as a goal for myself to lose 10 pounds over the next 30 days.
I thought about how I refuse to diet but decided that if I just focus on
eating more fruits and vegetables and less starchy food, it shouldn't be
a problem.
Little did I know that lurking and listening to my thoughts were the
wish granters. "Oh, so she wants to lose weight, does she? We'll take
care of that right now."
Presto! I developed lower abdominal cramps, diarrhea, a fever and had to
stay in bed today. But, hey, bet I lost some weight. [fun!]
I guess the motto is: be careful what you ask for. And if you ask, make
sure you add some necessary qualifiers (i.e., lose weight while
remaining healthy and fit). Good reminder for me that my little thoughts
have great power in rocking my world!
[gulping more Poweraid...]
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