1998/08/13 08:31
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #564
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 564
Today's Topics:
house spell. [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
Re: [Fwd: TriLite Removing Entities] [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
Re: K sensitivities [ Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iis ]
re-tolerating non-sense [ Maureen Heffernan <morlightATnospammhonlin ]
Re: K sensitivities [ John Heaton <CttlemanATnospampsbnewton.com ]
Re: Rogrime ie RON [ flute <fluteATnospamtexas.net> ]
Programming [ flute <fluteATnospamtexas.net> ]
Re: Rogrime ie RON [ "carrea" <carreaATnospamvideotron.ca> ]
Re: Programming [ Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com ]
Apology for intolerance [ Ron Grimes <HPRGRIMEATnospamihc.com> ]
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 20:27:04 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: house spell.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Well, O.K. here goes.
> I have always found it hard to articulate my own house spell, but I don't
think that precludes me describing to you how to do one.
> Best if you and your partner if you have one do the spell together. Find
some time when you are both in a relaxed and positive state. If you have a
sage smudge stick, smoke the apartment before you begin. Sit facing each
other, do the grounding exercise.
> When you are at the point where each of you are an egg of light on an
endless thread of light, with the circuit of energy going each way,
starting with the north corner of the apartment, create an endless pillar
of light at the corner, anchor it to the center of the earth, and to your
higher selves. (I usually just create the forms with imagination, sitting
still, but you can physically go there.) Clockwise around the apartment,
create a pillar of light at each major corner. Lock their circuits in place
with your intention, that your unconscious and Angels will maintain the
spell 24/7. Notice the patterns and directions of the energy fields you
have created.
> Return your focus to the perimeter of your aura. Expand both of your
auras to the size and shape of the entire apartment, with the intention of
pushing out or transforming any negative or unwanted energies or entities
with the aura's expanding "shell". Claim your territory.
> When the edge of your aura is the apartment boundary, return your focus
to the first pillar, and imagine a wall of light growing from the first
pillar to the second, to the third, etc. Do the floor and ceiling, too. Be
aware of the apartment enclosed by an impenetrable box of light, that
allows free passage of you and your guardian spirits, but blocks anything
you want it to block. Put extra energy around doors and windows. Ask Angels
to guard, to warn you if any energies that require your attention are
trying to get in.
> When the house seems sealed, you can return your aura to it's regular
size and relax. I like to snap my fingers, to lock in a spell. Anyway you
imagine it is okay, it is the intention that counts. For a spell on a
house, rather than an apartment, I would start with a golden circle of
energy, created by the current of joined hands, expand it outward to
enclose the property, then spin it up into a dome, and down underground
into a bowl shape, until the property was enclosed in an egg of light,
suspended on a thread of light. But for an apartment, such a shape invades
the space of others. That's why the pillars, then floor and ceiling...they
will follow the building construction and support it, without intruding on
the other apartments.
>Because of the pillars, the spell is fuelled by Gaia Herself, administered
by your higher selves.
>When ever you have excess K., ground it off into your house spell, to
strengthen it. The more attention you give to periodically imaging your
spell inviolate and strong, the better it gets. Soon, it becomes sentient,
and begins to return your love.
> My spell got so strong, my home is actually in another dimension.
>I also gave it a fuzzy puppy vibration, so it did not attract dark intent.
The energy of Shhh. Nothing for you here, don't wake the baby. Like a baby
deer. Invisible to predators, scentless, and too cute to hurt. Shape the
spell to your needs. It is an energy construct. Be sure to give it some
safety switches, so it is not disturbed by your mood swings, but rather
helps to keep you stable. Shape it with emotion, love, and security. You
can even make it virus-proof. You can shape different rooms to different
moods-my playroom spell is different from the rest of the house. It
contained a transformer, capable of absorbing astonishing amounts of
negative energy, and transmuting it to light. All will be as you imagine.
> While writing this, druid came to read over my shoulder. Neat, he said.
What about this place? So I ended up constructing for him a house spell,
and sucking a dark being that was hanging around his closet through a white
light hole. I can be very impatient, sometimes. The whole thing took five
minutes. No smudging, didn't even do a grounding exercise first. No need,
writing this is grounding, sacred work. We both noticed the room was
noticeably brighter when I finished. He fed me energy, and I shaped it. I
finished up by bathing the place in Goddess' light and love, shining down
from the central sun.
> Oops, forgot the fairies! Let em' back in! I don't think they are
harmed, my unconscous doesn't class them as harm.
> He just came back and said he had a conversation with Chak, who is
sitting on the bathroom vanity. He asked Chak if I was going to dissipate
my energy, making house spells everywhere. Chak said, 'she has to make one
for the planet.' Hmmm.. what's That supposed to mean?
I was careful not to draw on Chak's energy for the construction.
> So, that's everything I can think of to tell you about house spells.
> Some people use a lot of physical stuff, horseshoes and what not- the
visualization and intent are the important things, though. I usually skip
the ritual stuff, I'm a creative visualization oriented witch.
> Improv-R-Us. Whaddya mean, no spellcasting because eye of newt is out of
season? Depending too much on physical stuff is creating unnecessary
limitations, I think. Smudge sticks are nice, though. I find the scent to
cleanse my brain, and therefore it works. Supposedly, sage is to negative
energies as garlic is to vampires. Native Indian thing. Make your own-a
bunch of fresh sage, by itself or with cedar leaf, rosebuds, willow shoot
whatever smells you like in your fireplace or incense burner. Gather them
up like a bouquet, start at the stem ends, wrapping them together tightly
with cotton string (no synthetics-poison stinky smoke! and you know what
burning wool smells like....) Keep the wraps close together at the stem
ends, widening the spirals considerably as you begin to bind the leaves.
Put blessing energy into the work. Spiral your way from stem to tips and
back once or twice, tie a few knots. Set the result aside to dry. Herb in
tight bondage. They usually seem to use colored string. There may be more
ritual to it than that, if you speak to a native person, but hey...whatever
works, I say.
> To use it, light the tip like incense. Traditionally, an eagle feather is
used to waft the smoke, but I don't have one, Illegal for a non-native to
have one, actually.. I just wave it around and blow on it, declaring my
intention to cleanse. Sprinkle water on it to put it out, when you're done.
Or seal it in a jar to suffocate. Set it aside to dry for next time.
> So, that's the magical lesson for today!
> Blessings. Angelique.
Mystress Angelique Serpent, http://www.domin8rex.com
Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
8) :D ;) :0 :) ;P 8O ;) :D |* :0 :)
;P :0 ;) 8D :)
<<<< I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery
<<<< than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.
<<<< -- Harry Emerson Fosdick
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 20:50:50 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: [Fwd: TriLite Removing Entities]
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Resent-Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 21:28:05 -0600
> A few folks have asked for onfo on the "Access energy transformation"
>auric cleaning I got last weekend from Carol.. this is the series of
>questions I used to doslodge the power-chakra parasite on my slave-grrrl
> Blessings, Mystress.
PS: It also works great on ghosts and blockages!!
>>Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:
>>> Hey Grrl:
>>> Can I forward this post? It is good info, as you say, and I would like
>>> to share it.
>>You bet. Go grrl!!!
>>Love, Carol
>>> Blessings, Mystress.
>>> >>
>>> >I just learned to do this last spring. It was amazing to me that it
>>> >wasn't difficult. Seems people are far more psychic than they give
>>> >themselves credit for, and it's mostly a matter of just hands-on showing
>>> >them how the energies run. Once they feel it, they get the hang of it
>>> >quickly. I remember just rocketing into joy when I got the hang of it.
>>> >>
>>> >There are 32 points on the head, that when touched, Chi starts running.
>>> >The points relate to things like Awareness, Creativity, Creating Life
>>> >Forms, Creating Connections, Time~Space Tunnels, Money, Kindness, Peace
>>> >and Calm, Joy~Sadness, etc. Blockages in these areas can show up
>>> >anywhere on the body, and once removed, is literally life-changing.
>>> >
>>> >One of the first people I had on the table (practitioner's table, that
>>> >is) was my neighbor, who agreed to be my guinea pig hehe. The Chi wasn't
>>> >running too good on one of the points on her head. I "saw" two black
>>> >marble-sized entities in her lower back. I did the procedure for
>>> >removing them -- which I will share in a minute because everyone
>>> >interested should know how to do this, I think -- and they traveled up
>>> >her spine, out her crown chakra, through the column of white light above
>>> >my head, and out to the cosmos. I told them to transmute to Light so
>>> >they can't come back. They did. Then I saw a beautiful blue light where
>>> >the entities had been, and intuited that restructuring was going on. The
>>> >energy started running very well afterwards.
>>> >
>>> >Next day she came over and said her slipped disc had gone back into
>>> >place -- no more pain. That was six months ago and she's still fine.
>>> >
>>> >If you sense a negative presence or energy, ask "is this an entity?"
>>> >Chances are you'll get a "yes". So remember the column of white light,
>>> >open your crown chakra, then say this series of questions to it, without
>>> >waiting for an answer: "What is the value of holding onto this body? Who
>>> >were you before you came into this body?" (If you feel it in someone's
>>> >body), or "Who are you? Who were you before that?" (If it is a presence
>>> >in a room or area). Then the next few questions apply to both scenarios:
>>> >"Who were you before that? Who were you before that? Before that? before
>>> >that? Who will you be in the future? What is your job?What was your job
>>> >before that? What was your job before that? Before that? Before that?
>>> >What will your job be in the future?"
What will it be after that, after that, etc.. Also, what is your purpose,
what is the value in holding onto this body, house, whatever. Is existence
pleasant? What do you want, etc.
>>> >
>>> >This disengages entities from the "now" moment, and they leave. Mentally
>>> >show them the column of light above your head, and expect them to travel
>>> >up through it to the cosmos and transmute to light. They do. They want
>>> >to leave; they just need to be shown how.
Mystress: I find it effective to also blast them with lots of love, and
persuade them that they will be having more fun in the light, than they get
now.. like, there's a better party going on somewhere else, time for
retirement vacation, thanks for all the help! Great job, you're done now!
They may try to offer many reasons why they need to be here, don't listen
to their blarney.. they are Reasons, not truth. Truth is, they are done
here or they wouldn't be dead.. Goddess gets it right. What ever they need,
they can only find it in the light.
>>> >
>>> >I have disengaged hundreds of entities this way. It works like a shot,
>>> >and very quickly. Folks find that when entities are removed, so are the
>>> >considerations that went with them. For example, I used to have
>>> >discouraging thoughts. These thoughts would come in and say "are you
>>> >SURE you want to do that? Why don't you stay non-committal and think
>>> >about it?" Turns out this was an entity whose job it was to create
>>> >doubt. With it gone, I can move forward on an impulse that feels high,
>>> >without the downer doubt energy shrouding my choice. Very refreshing! My
>>> >new freedom to ACT has served me well. I had accepted this entity
>>> >subconsciously, out of self-protection. Wrong move!
>>> >
>>> >The varieties of these considerations is as varied as negative thought
>>> >processes! Yet not all negative thought processes are caused by
>>> >entities. Some are implants we accepted long ago that are attatched
>>> >electrically to the soul's energy. Hence, we've been incarnating with
>>> >them for lifetimes.
>>> >
>>> >Some implants were for the purpose of helping our bodies adapt to new
>>> >environments we ventured into. Some were accepted out of misplaced
>>> >compassion in an attempt to heal other people by letting them usurp our
>>> >energy. Rather than create the sense of Unity we had hoped for, this
>>> >particular one creates a false sense of unity, creates Victim,
>>> >Victimizer and Persecutor instead. Most all of us accepted this one 167
>>> >billion years ago.
>>> >
>>> >Having this one removed feels extraordinary. I feel "sovereign" in my
>>> >energy; I'm no longer leaking energy to a godzillion number of people in
>>> >a godzillion number of dimensions. And with energy leakages stopped, I
>>> >have way more energy. I can hardly believe that I need a significantly
>>> >fewer number of sleeping hours in a day. With better mental focus too.
>>> >Very nice. When I pull Light into my body and call it forth from my
>>> >heart, for manifesting or magetizing whatever to me, I can hold much
>>> >more Light and focusing it becomes a simple matter of intent. Grand.
>>> >
>>> >Even in very old books, but then of course it goes by
>>> >> different names and so did the 'occupants' :-)
>>> >Yeah. Only the names have changed hehehe.
>>> >
>>> >So... I hope y'all will use the procedure and hey! let's clean up the
>>> >Universe together!
>>> >
>>> >Namaste,
>>> >Carol Hathor
>>> >http://www.theofficenet.com/~popcorn
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 14:10:41 +0530 (IST)
From: Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in>
To: John Heaton <CttlemanATnospampsbnewton.com>
cc: rogrimeATnospamibm.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: K sensitivities
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.980813140552.18603E-100000ATnospamBhaskara>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> > But I think even beyond food, I have noticed that I can no longer tolerate the thoughts of
> > cruelty and violence. This means that the action movies I used to enjoy I cannot watch any
> > longer. I find that it greatly disturbs me to see our society's love affair with violence,
> > whether that be in real life or just in the movies. There is a verse that states something
> > to the effect that God cannot dwell in an unclean body. I now understand that the greatest
> > "uncleanness" comes from what we choose to watch or listen to. Much of the non-sense our
> > society thrives on is greatly offensive to our spirits.
> >
> > - Ron
Ron I used to feel the same movues i rather wanted to give up movies when
my Kundalini awakened and still feel it but now at less degree. I used to
hide my body when seeing a movie for the sound from speakers used to
strike my chakras.
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 06:52:35 +0000
From: Maureen Heffernan <morlightATnospammhonline.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: re-tolerating non-sense
Message-ID: <35D28D33.6266B4B3ATnospammhonline.net>
Hi all,
Am reminded of a story where Jesus simply would not tolerate the
perversions and money changers in a temple. He toppled them and their
tables. It is well to be in control and not let happenings effect one
but then there is a time, a season for righteous indignation.What's
right is right and what's wrong is wrong.
More Light.
+ Maureen
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 06:24:52 -0500
From: John Heaton <CttlemanATnospampsbnewton.com>
To: rogrimeATnospamibm.net
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: K sensitivities
Message-ID: <35D2CD03.8D6D7064ATnospampsbnewton.com>
Ron Grimes wrote:
> John Heaton wrote:
> > Ron Grimes wrote:
> >
> > > But I think even beyond food, I have noticed that I can no longer tolerate the thoughts of
> > > cruelty and violence. This means that the action movies I used to enjoy I cannot watch any
> > > longer. I find that it greatly disturbs me to see our society's love affair with violence,
> > > whether that be in real life or just in the movies. There is a verse that states something
> > > to the effect that God cannot dwell in an unclean body. I now understand that the greatest
> > > "uncleanness" comes from what we choose to watch or listen to. Much of the non-sense our
> > > society thrives on is greatly offensive to our spirits.
> > >
> > > - Ron
> >
> > I used to feel the same way Ron. But as I go along, I find that for myself, this is
> > not sensitivity but intolerance.
> >
> > What better test of our 'spiritual marrow' than to find unconditional love for every
> > aspect of the "wrongs" you listed above?? What better way to purge ourselves of our own
> > judgements, condemnations, hatreds and prejudices than to accept fully that everything is as
> > it should be right NOW?
> If a person wants to purge oneself of such things, then it is better to work with people who
> have committed cruelty and violence, and help them in whatever way possible to pull themselves
> out of such destructive behavior. That is true karma yoga. To think that a person can purge
> oneself of "judgments, condemnations, hatreds and prejudices" by continuing to waste time
> watching such non-sense is a self-deception of the highest order. It amounts to rationalization
> of a behaviour under the guise of operating from a more enlightened point of view.
> But, that certainly is the popular new-age mantra, "Everything is as it should be right now."
> However, it is lacking in full understanding. Such thinking leads us to tolerate cruelty and
> violence amongst us.
The lack of such thinking is what helps to the violence and cruelty to exist in the first
place. The acceptance of "Everything is as it should be right now." tells me I simply don't know
the bigger picture ...I am lacking in understanding, I don't have all the pieces and I know it.
> I am reminded of a saying by Alexander Pope:
> "Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,
> as to be hated, needs but to be seen.
> Yet seen too oft, familiar with its face,
> we first endure, then pity, then embrace."
I am glad that Alexander agrees with me.
> Yes, it is true that everything is as it should be,
Glad you do too. :)
> but it is also true that we must choose what
> we align ourselves with.
> Everything emits a vibration, and the type of vibrations we choose to
> surround ourself with is also the type of vibration to which we shall automatically attune
> ourself.
I see this from a different perspective. We are surrounded by what we attract, not
necessarily what we choose. If we truely want to know our own vibratoion...we need only look around
and see where we find ourselves. If we don't like it, change our vibration and the surroundings will
> Only a fully enlightened one can walk through mud and come out the other side clean and
> smelling like a lotus flower. If we mistake our level of spirituality, thinking that we can do
> the same thing, it is only to our own detriment.
> It is said that Satan can appear as an angel of light. I think he does that best when he
> convinces us that we can engage in the normal foolishness of the world and, at the same time,
> convinces us that we have simply reached a more enlightened viewpoint of tolerance.
Well......The road I am on does not have a tree with an evil serpent offering apples...
> > As Mystress is always saying, Goddess has it handled....I 'spose the rest is up to
> > us. :)
> God or Goddess only handles it through us.
> That reminds me of a popular story. A priest walks up to the home of one of his parishioners,
> and notices him working in the garden. Trying to start a conversation, the priest says, "That's
> a mighty fine garden God has blessed you with." The man answers, "Yep, but you should have seen
> it when God had it all by Himself."
Too bad it's a popular story. It infers to me that we humans can only crap things up...which
IMHO does more to perpetuate violence than Jerry Springer. It becomes a self-fulfilling phrophecy.
> - Ron
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 08:25:55 -0500
From: flute <fluteATnospamtexas.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Rogrime ie RON
Message-ID: <35D2E963.FFBATnospamtexas.net>
Hello xxxtg, welcome back or is that me that's been missing,
In your answer to the rogrime person...
yep I totally agree. Man injects his ego and demands you believe as he
does or your not wonderful, like his group is.
The Reference to "New Age" also frosts me.. There is a group of people
that have decided that "New Age" is a cult, when in actually its not
even a defined religion or gathering type of organization. In fact its
not even an organization. Its a generic term created to say anything
that is not mine is not good. The ancient Hindu (5,000 BC) and Buddah
(2,500) are considered "New Age".. excuse ME!!! That doesn't make sense.
Christ was a "New Age" person that irrated the Roman Government with his
mystical ways that were detrimental to the old religions of Rome.. so
isn't the closest thing to the term "New Age" the Christian movement?
As Always Jason, you find the incredible quotes.. and Einstein says
Nothing is ever destroyed only changed in form.. We are constantly
changing our cells regenerate constantly. So why is there aging? I think
this just might be another reality that does not relate itself to the
created society forms. What do you think? Is there a possibly that
there is really no Old Age? Only that which we accept? Did you notice
that K awakened people have a different look about them?
> "In biology the cell divides endlessly, but never becomes anything
> different; but if we unite cells of opposite qualities, male and female, we
> lay the foundations of a structure whose summit is unattainably fixed in the
> heavens of imagination.
> "Similar facts occur in chemistry. The atom by itself has few constant
> qualities, none of them particularly significant; but as soon as an element
> combines with the object of its hunger we get not only the ecstatic
> production of light, heat, and so forth, but a more complex structure having
> few or none of the qualities of its elements, but capable of further
> combination into complexities of astonishing sublimity. All these
> combinations, these unions, are Yoga."
> -Aleister Crowley
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 08:45:42 -0500
From: flute <fluteATnospamtexas.net>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Programming
Message-ID: <35D2EE06.5442ATnospamtexas.net>
I think probably what Ron was trying to express was the fact that
we are programmed with the things we see and hear. With K rising and
Reiki we are in a completely different Reality. One that can be
objective about the world around us. TV bores me now, I can't drink to
any excess my physical environment has changed and I find my thoughts
are constantly creating the reality I work towards. I dearly love my
creative mind.
Your every linear thought that is projected from..your mind.. creates
and completes a cycle or pattern. All the universe is a pattern.. Even
in Chaos there is a pattern. If it is not chaos then the pattern changes
and its something else.
What you say.. positively or negatively sets up your expectations for
what will happen. So if you listen to and relate to all the society
demands around you and flow with their reality.. YOU ARE NOT YOU.. you
are just a puppet. TV creates a "I WANT" situation with the
advertisements. (ack! If one more person asks me how I feel about
Beanie Babies, I'll scream)
Try using the words I am, I will, I can, I choose.. instead of I need
or want.. and watch the reality change.
Flute in her own reality.. and loving it.
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 10:20:07 -0400
From: "carrea" <carreaATnospamvideotron.ca>
To: <fluteATnospamtexas.net>, <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Rogrime ie RON
Message-ID: <01bdc6c5$791c59c0$ba75fdcfATnospamvlogidyu>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Hello Flute,
>As Always Jason, you find the incredible quotes.. and Einstein says
>Nothing is ever destroyed only changed in form.. We are constantly
>changing our cells regenerate constantly. So why is there aging? I think
>this just might be another reality that does not relate itself to the
>created society forms. What do you think? Is there a possibly that
>there is really no Old Age? Only that which we accept? Did you notice
>that K awakened people have a different look about them?
Makes me remember about a quote, i think i have read from Angelique.
Goes like that: Our body is said to change all it's atoms in a seven year
period. Yet, some keep a scar on the skin all there life. Why is that?
There is deep wisdom, for me, in that....
>> "In biology the cell divides endlessly, but never becomes anything
>> different; but if we unite cells of opposite qualities, male and female,
>> lay the foundations of a structure whose summit is unattainably fixed in
>> heavens of imagination.
>> "Similar facts occur in chemistry. The atom by itself has few constant
>> qualities, none of them particularly significant; but as soon as an
>> combines with the object of its hunger we get not only the ecstatic
>> production of light, heat, and so forth, but a more complex structure
>> few or none of the qualities of its elements, but capable of further
>> combination into complexities of astonishing sublimity. All these
>> combinations, these unions, are Yoga."
>> -Aleister Crowley
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 10:25:43 EDT
From: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com
To: fluteATnospamtexas.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Programming
Message-ID: <3ce7d642.35d2f768ATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 8/13/1998 6:46:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time, fluteATnospamtexas.net
<< Try using the words I am, I will, I can, I choose.. instead of I need
or want.. and watch the reality change.
Harsha: That is true. That which watches the reality change is Real. Use no
words at all. No need to watch reality. Simply Be Real.
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 09:10:36 -0600
From: Ron Grimes <HPRGRIMEATnospamihc.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Apology for intolerance
Message-Id: <s5d2adad.055ATnospamihc.com>
I guess I should apologize to those who were offended by
my comments (quoted below). I was merely expressing
my own experience as it relates to K rising. I didn't think
that these comments would necessitate some accusing me
of intolerance. So, If I have offended some people's choice
of entertainment, my apologies. It was not my intention to
touch off a bit of a storm.
I will be more careful in future posts so as to not step on
other people's lifestyle choices and sensibilities.
- Ron
>But I think even beyond food, I have noticed that I can
>no longer tolerate the thoughts of cruelty and violence.
>This means that the action movies I used to enjoy I
>cannot watch any longer. I find that it greatly disturbs
>me to see our society's love affair with violence, whether
>that be in real life or just in the movies. There is a verse
>that states something to the effect that God cannot dwell
>in an unclean body. I now understand that the greatest
>"uncleanness" comes from what we choose to watch or
>listen to. Much of the non-sense our society thrives on is
>greatly offensive to our spirits.
> - Ron
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