Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/08/11 14:58
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #559

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 559

Today's Topics:
  Re: Shakti Masters [ onarresATnospaminreach.com ]
  Re: Shakti Masters [ "Kat" <KcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca> ]
  Re: Shakti Masters [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Partial Awakenings [ hyperATnospamhmt.com (HMT) ]
  Re: Shakti Masters [ "Antoine" <acarreATnospamconcentric.net> ]
  Re: Shakti Masters [ hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Ba ]
  Re: Shakti Masters [ "Jason S. White" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch ]
  Re: Partial Awakenings [ Dave08812ATnospamaol.com ]
  UNDERSTANDING THE REPRESENTANTS OF P [ "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no> ]
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 10:07:55 -0700
From: onarresATnospaminreach.com
To: fredaann2ATnospamjuno.com (freda ann), kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Shakti Masters
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi all,

Reading all these posts on kundalini, shaktipat, mental institutions... I
am reminded of a relative whom is very dear to me. He was involved in a
church, in fact so much so that he donated almost all of his earnings to
the church, leaving his wife and children with less, lots less. The
preacher controlled his life - told him what to do, when to do it and so
forth. He spoke in tongues, but when he was really hit with the K force,
they threw him out of the church, said he was crazy, his wife took the
children and left - all on the advice of the preacher.

He is very articulate, can quote the bible from the beginning to the end,
(why not, he was in the church for quite awhile) he hears voices, feels the
sensations - all of the things that would lead one to believe he has been
truly K awakened.

To make a long story short, he is institutionalized as a schizophrenic,
taking mega doses of drugs. I spoke with him this year and I found him to
be slow in speech - (drugs will do this to one) but still very much aware
of everything around him.

I went over some of the things that happens when one is K awakened in my
mind, and put forth questions to him. He answered everything the way I
would think a K.A. person would answer truthfully. In my honest opinion, I
believe that he confused by this - he had never heard of K or anything
remotely close to K. Not having someone to assist him in realizing that he
isn't crazy, but rather on a spiritual path is a stumbling block for him.

IMHO, I believe that psychiatrists should be trained in recognizing those
who truly belong in a mental ward and those that are trodding the kundalini
path. I know I had never heard of this phenomenon, even after going through
it for years until a book fell into my hands... it revealed word by word
what I was going through and confirmed everything. Otherwise, I may have
joined him long ago...

Yes, with some people it hits and hits hard, they haven't a clue as to what
it is - only by the grace of God/dess does one come to realize what has
happened to their reliable predictable world... it has been turned upside
down, and for awhile it remains that way - until the gift of understanding
comes their way.

Thankfully - there are people like Holly, whom is on our K list. If one
should go to her, she would recognize what it is, and advise accordingly...
unfortunately, there are not that many that can spot it, since it is
comparatively new to the western world. I believe they should teach about
spiritual awakenings in their programs... Just think of all the empty
spaces that would leave in the psycho wards...

Some do not need shaktipat, they have it, they don't need a Guru, they have
the inner teacher, they don't need mantras, they have prayers, albeit
prayers can be classified as Mantras, they don't need big words, they have
simple understanding... Now, they need understanding from the medical

Just my thought for the day! And hey, I could be all wrong about this -
after all, what do I know?

Light dor

At 09:22 AM 8/11/98 -0700, freda ann wrote:
>HMT wrote:
>>>The Shakti is intelligent and gives each one what he/she needs.
>Ron replied:
>>Really. Then how do you explain those in mental institutions who have had
it accidently and/or improperly awakened and are now labelled insane
because they have no idea how to deal with it?
>freda here: (hello)
>Having survived one of these delightful mental institutions myself, I can
>give a personal explaination.
>Labels are just labels, institutions are just institutions, insanity
>exists outside the walls, moreso I think on the outside,,,,, some behind
>the walls are there because thats where they *fit* there IS reality in
>those places
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 15:15:58 -0400
From: "Kat" <KcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
To: "Antoine" <acarreATnospamconcentric.net>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Shakti Masters
Message-ID: <000001bdc55c$a750dec0$3ae6d5d1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Hi Antoine and All,

>The left and right channel can symbolise two general tendacies we have to
>"evolve" around the central balanced path. One path being to look/identifie
>to much with sky energy, male energy, yang, Shiva polarity. The other path
>to identify ourselves too much to the earth, female, yin, Shakti polarity

Hmm I would have to say at this point I have more then likely identified to
much with the female yin. How does one identifiy with the male yang?
>I don't beleive that trying to find a reason why, as an individual, one
>tends towards one side or the other will help as much, as to learn - how to
>learn - to look for the central balance as the k flow grows "bigger" and

I realize that balance is the answer but I am not aware of how to get that.
Disipline I guess?
>Working towards balance may be the hardest part, for we tend to find it
>***BORING***, at first. I wonder if MPD comes from wanting to distract
>oneself from oneself, as so many other disorder?...
>Some find breathing boring, they don't know how much they really miss...

Proper breathing is the most important thing that we can learn while in
these human forms. Prana is a force that can do wonders. How can
anything be boring when your learning? I am not sure I understood this part
of your message. My understanding of MPD is that the person becomes
fragmented because they are not able to handle emotion issues that have
happened to them. So I guess this is how it connects also with the
K-Rising? If so then how would you be able to tell the difference between a
K-Rising and a person suffering from MPD?

Thank you for your fast reply! <grin>

In L&L & Understanding,

Date: 11 Aug 98 20:14:14 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Shakti Masters
Message-Id: <OUT-35D0A616.MD-1.0.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

> > In fact, the ancients warned that K going up the left channel can lead to insanity, and K
> > going up the right channel can cause physical damage.
> I've had this nagging intuitive feeling that if I had
> been celibate (no sexual release) for a month or more
> before my initiation the whole process would have been
> a lot more gentle. Can anyone confirm this?
> Matthew

Your initiation into what? A state of needing to initiate further?


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 03:46:19 -0400
From: hyperATnospamhmt.com (HMT)
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Partial Awakenings
Message-Id: <199808111938.PAA01950ATnospampcnet1.pcnet.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Amazing how the information surfaces at the appropriate moments.

>From Swami Kripananda's book:

"The yoga sutras on saktipat (literally the descent of Shakti) go on to say
that saktipat happens only through the grace of the Guru, and that during
saktipat the Guru transmits the Shakti into the seeker. The Guru throws
sparks of divine fire into the disciple, and they in turn ignite the
seeker's own dormant Kundalini Shakti."


>From one of my favorite Siddhas, Swami Muktananda, (Bhakti/Shaivite Yogi)

Muktananda felt that Shaivism best described his own experiences.

"Many lesser teachers can effect a partial awakening, but Kundalini soon
becomes dormant again, leaving the seeker in an anxious state. A lot of
people who met me during my world tours said, "My Kundalini was awakened
three years ago, but now it is asleep again". This is what happens when one
does not have the grace of a perfected Master, and such an awakening does
not serve much purpose. Only a Guru who has received the blessing of the
Supreme Goddess and his own Guru and who has received the command to
perform saktipat, can bring about a permanent awakening that can take the
seeker to the final goal."


Hope that clarifies things.

Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 16:05:19 -0400
From: "Antoine" <acarreATnospamconcentric.net>
To: "Kat" <KcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Shakti Masters
Message-ID: <01bdc563$5d60c8a0$35f4adceATnospamconcentric>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Hello Katharine,

>Hmm I would have to say at this point I have more then likely identified to
>much with the female yin. How does one identifiy with the male yang?

I wish i would have the answer for you. If i was to be in your place, i
would ask myself what is it to me the male, yang. If i come to feel a
principle, force, energy, blabla, or identify myself as female yin, what is
that principle outside of me that makes me feel polarized this way? Why is
that yang principle is then felt as outside of me, and the yin inside of me
(or vis versa) in X situtations? How can i reconcialite them, marry them, in

> How can anything be boring when your learning?

So true... Going deeper, is there any situations where we don't learn?

>I am not sure I understood this part of your message.

In other words, I may come to think i don't learn when the earth does not
move and the air around me is not luminous from magic. I seek artifices when
in subtilities they can be so much to learn as well.

  My understanding of MPD is that the person becomes
>fragmented because they are not able to handle emotion issues that have
>happened to them. So I guess this is how it connects also with the
>K-Rising? If so then how would you be able to tell the difference between
>K-Rising and a person suffering from MPD?

I don't Katharine, more and more i look at the person in front of me, trying
to leave who the person beleives she is alone with god. Who i'm i to
judge?... Yet i know that the only act of observation is an act of
judgement, and a mode of action.

Sigh, so much to learn.

Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 15:25:34 -0500 (CDT)
From: hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Shakti Masters
Message-Id: <199808112025.PAA10301ATnospamdfw-ix10.ix.netcom.com>

Something Freda said made me wonder about a different way of looking at
schizophrenia/kundalini rising: some speculate that schizophrenia is a
manifestation of brainwaves following chaos theory -- random firings
becoming so turbulent that they reorganize in a new way; since I
believe that any marked interruption in our habitual ways of
being/perceiving can be an invitation to Grace, maybe kundalini awakens
because of the possibility generated by mental turbulence and then
contributes to further turbulence. I've known some "schizophrenics"
who felt Grace-full to be around and others who felt tormented or even

BTW Antoine's comment about MPD made me laugh out loud. MPD is just as
dangerous a label as schizophrenia and boredom is a real obstacle on
the spiritual path. So, for me, is fear I won't care about anything
anymore. Holly
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 22:37:13 +0200
From: "Jason S. White" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>, "freda ann" <fredaann2ATnospamjuno.com>
Subject: Re: Shakti Masters
Message-ID: <002901bdc567$e9e8e6a0$0e37bac3ATnospamzympho.bluewin.ch>
Content-Type: text/plain;

freda (hello):
>I have a sneakin' hunch that I was one of the *sick* going in because for
>what ever reason I really wasnt coping with life, didnt want to accually,
>my reality was somewhat, well, distored.. and having gotten a clearer
>picture, was in fact unable to cope,,,, somehow, dont know when, although
>I suspect, again, that it was when I just let go, I think thats when K
>got me -she snatched her chance - after ego had been trashed - but thats
>maybe what it took for me, a wake up call.... a good many lessons came
>from that experience, and when I think about it, it feels like, well, a
>gift, in a really ugly wrapping paper, a shortcut---sent from
>god/spirit--- I cant think of a more intense way at the time to forse me

Jason (hi):
I think that for people who are aware grace rather than destruction is found
at the bottom of the pit. I share your feeling of gratefulness for ugly
experiences. For me, they were a product of my own delusion at the bottom
of which I came face to face with my death and with God. It was a decision.
I think the capacity to find grace existed before I fell into such a pit. I
think this is capacity exists in all human beings, but often a special push
(Guru) is needed to awaken it. Under extremely unpleasant conditions with a
certain degree of awareness, the Guru within surfaces and provides what is
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 16:38:58 EDT
From: Dave08812ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Partial Awakenings
Message-ID: <fee73382.35d0abe3ATnospamaol.com>

I feel quite dubious about needing a human guru to awaken kunadilini in order
to confer shaktipat. Shaktipat can be self initiated I feel by a sincere
seeker if he is privy to the correct literature. In many ways the the self
initiated seeker is at an advantage if his methods have the necessary
safegards in regard to unbalanced energy. He less likely to be taken in by a
manmukh, false teacher is his bliss is self generated. There is enough
knowledge out there in bookstores and in various colloquia to do this. That is
the charm of the "Aquarian Age". In fact he may keep up his practice to the
extent that he attracts a truly noble guide either temporally or ethericly.
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 22:51:01 +0200
From: "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Message-Id: <199808112153.WAA18144ATnospamumbukta.monet.no>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


My attacks of migraine stopped on august the 4th, after beeing able to turn
the gravity of the mental energy inwards the spiral in the center of the
understanding chakra. Instead of spreading energy outwards, the more
CENTERED our mind becomes, the more it can contain. In the end the mind
collapses into a point (Bindu) at the top of our head, where the hear
splits (called Bindu).

When transmuting sexuality into circulating Chi (the Kundalini / light body
circulation), we first meet planes beneath the ordinary sexuality.

Our High Self needs an extreme high level of energy, an energy which our
system should be able to bear without relaxating it. Physically, energy can
be *stored* in physical organs, which are *circel-formed*: Our brain
hemispheres, the Hearth, the Liver, the kidneys, the ovaries and the

Our *ego*, these socially and genetical made *program* of illusion, makes
these organs to *expel* the *unwanted*, causing emotional and physical
diseases. The *ego* is just a small part of our beeing, and can, therefore
*get rid of* emotions, character traits and meomories unwanted.

When these *frozen* energy, mentioned in my last mail, begin to flow
freely, our challenge is to rebalance it. It's accumulated potensial -
previously used to *expel* to the subconscious - can now be used by the
dawning Self, as a storehouse for higher energy forms.

The Self is a holographic use of the consciousness. The *ego* is an
isolated, closed use. The Self needs very much energy. The stored energy
exists physically in the organs, etherical in chakras and the Yin-Yang
circuit, astrally in structures of ORDER. And mentally in emptiness

When a sexual impulse comes up, it must be directed into the Yin-Yang
circuit. Ordinary sexuality pops up when one of the two poles (male or
female) are more subconscious. These subconscious image of the opposite
energy form is projected towards a person *out there* of the opposite sex.
These makes an imbalance in the inner, polar system. During the
circulations of kundalini / light, we can transform the sexual impulse to
insight, and the energy system becomes a carrier of information.

Behind (outer) marriages or affairs with the opposite sex, we often find a
less flattering solar-plexus connected urge to bind or control each other.
These shows up in the forms of feelings of jalousy. It's the influence of
forces we can call Luciferic.

Beneath these plane, there can be plays of power, externalized, or rather
covered as, quarrels, or more subtle, as rejections, cold feelings or evil
irony. Behind these, we have in the astral, what we term the structural
patterns of sadism and mascoshism. It's the influence of the forces we can
call Ariman.

Beneath these plane, we can use sexuality to realize our Self, while
gradually dissolving the astral planes.

Lucifer is the fallen angel of Love. He penetrates our emotions with
jalousy, envy, hatred and so forth.

But Ariman is the fallen beeing of Faith. In the 4th Dimension, Faith is
certainty absolute, reliablility absolute. While Lucifer influence humanity
on the emotional level, Ariman works through the mental body. Ariman is the
rperesentant of Faith fallen. It's Faith degenerated into 3rd dimensionally
*belief systems*. I repeat what I told <...> over the phone: A woman from
Hare Krishna assured on the telly that they did not *brainwash* people. And
the church of scientology claims the same. I tell You: We are ALL AND
EVERYONE brainwashed !

We have large amounts of *belief systems* inherited from relative, not
absolute perspectives. We inherit *belief systems* from our predecessors,
our current culture and so forth. We are more automatic than we know, since
these programming for the most part is subconscious.

And these error *belief systems* is not part of our emotions; they are not
disturbed emotions (Lucifer). They exist in the mental body. While driving
home from our local town, contemplating on the STUBBORNESS, the RESISTANCE
in our legal system to accept 2+2=4, pondering over the question *Why ?* -
it hit me like the lightening: It's of course their *belief system* !

When people commits suicide as members of a sect in order to travel with
the comet - Do not consider them as *mad*, as *different* from us ! That's
the scaring realization ! Do not consider Stalin's mass murdering, Hitlers
Holocoast etc as something *outside*. It's only the logic of a belief
system without compassion. While walking inside the cabinett of horror in
London (which I've done) - do not consider "Jack The Ripper" or "The
Hillside Murderer" as *them*. It's the end consequence of pure mental
activity without emotions. They lack conscience, yes. You can call them
"moral insane", "psychopaths", yes. They're without conscience, yes. But -
it's their *belief system* which is the cause !

So we have Lucifer (emotions), Ariman (mental *belief*) and even Asura
(will fallen), composing *the 3 faces of Eve* - emotions, mental body and
will split into three personalities.

An *objective* statement of Truth will never be found in the 3rd dimensial
word, due to the limitations of the language, or rather, our *belief
systems* connected to certain words.

A reposting about *belief systems*, can clarify these:

Many of the things we take for granted is not what we think they are, right
? The Indian wisdom called the world "maya" (illusion). This has been
interpreted incorrect by western translators to mean that "the word is an

"Maya" literarily means "to measure". It's related to the word "meter". So,
the doctrine of maya tells us, that the world we usually experience is not
the real world, but OUR OWN MEASURING STANDARDS (belief systems).

If contemplating over some fields, an agronom will see N acres of land, a
student of chemistry will see different chemical substances, a politician
will see economical resources. None of these viewpoints are wrong, just
incomplete. They are different shades of reality. Reality itself is the
unspeakable SUCHNESS, which Children are able to see, with fresh eyes.

We have *belief systems* which corresponds to different views and angles of
reality. They are not *wrong*. Just relative and incomplete. No statement
is so Truth that it isn't untruth in some condition !

Look at physics ! Aristotle told that a stone falls faster than a feather.
Gallilei said that they fall with the same speed IF THE SPACE WAS WITHOUT
AIR. These statements doesn't contradict each other, but caused a war
between two sects in science.

Newton stated that energy = mass x accelration (His 2nd Law), and these
formula holds in cybernetics used daily. Einstein said that the Law didn't
exist AT SPEEDS CLOSE TO THE LIGHT-SPEED. These two statements do not
*belief systems*

Einsteins theory of relativity didn't abolish Newton. The old theory became
an integral part of a new and broader theory. To preach NEGATIVE CRITICISM
OF A BELIEF SYSTEM is cruel, since it's still true under certain given
circumstances. But when you feel that the energy that should course you is
blocked, when you meet PARADOXES in life, these are symptoms that your
belief system is INCOMPLETE (and not an error a priori, since - as far as I
know - the stone still falls faster than the feather)

Let's substitute wars between *belief systems* with LOVE. Let's realize
that we have error concepts due to limited viewpoints each and every one of
us, until the veil is rent. Instead of negative criticism of another
persons limited belief system, let's UNIFY it with a more WHOLE (Holy)

Anyway, let's continue talking about sex (humor is also as spiritual



The egg and the sperm cells carries our genetic system. They are
expressions of the human evolution. But, we must distinguish between the
reproduction lust and our evolution. Just as a given species is interested
to survive, although it's evolution is a cul-de-sac or status quo, so is it
that we humans has a tendency to repeat old patterns in the spiritual
realms, although they are outdated.
Anyway, both are connected to our genetic system.

Prana Vidya begins with the enlightment and understanding of the complex
dim and obscurity of the egg and sperm-cells: The sexual lust, the orgasm
lust, the physiological pressure, the survival of species, the evolution,
the egofeeding aspect.

In an existencial meditation, our consciousness explore the egg end sperm
cells. Imagine a sirculation inside the ovaries / testicles. Woman centers
their awareness in both ovaries simultaniosly. Men in both testicles.
Synchronised with the breath, the consciousness - the feeling inside the
ovaries / testicles, the experience of vibrating energy - moves in circels.
Beginning in the bottom of the ovaries / testicles, we move the
consciousness upwards into the organs while breathing in, and soft
downwards during exhalation.

These meditative process listens and investigates, feels and sense, to see
and understand the nature of the egg end sperm-cells, their unique energy.
In the egg- and the sperm-cells, the genetical system is organized in the
dual spirals of the DNA. The meditation causes a feeling, an experience of
energy, in which the holography of the cells becomes conscious.

Usually, there is are no contact between the consciousness and the ovaries
/ testicles. There is no inner connection of experience. The consciousness
is in deep sleep in these planes. By the above mentioned meditation, the
consciousness will, very, very slow but certain, begin to awake in these
deep planes. And it will slowly change our attitude to sex. The process of
awakening opens a multidude of phenomeas and perspectives, which will
change our attitude to what sexuality really is.

Deep beneath or conscious ego are the archetypes, the primordial dreams and
the collective subconscious dreamless sleep. It is the creative processes
in the collective subconsiousness, which moves our self towards our Self,
our physical body towards the light body.

Instead of allowing the sexual impulses to generate fanasies, thougths - we
connect them to our consciousness, transforming them to comprehension,
Sexuality becomes a source of wisdom, of centeredness, peace, inner
strength and beeing.

After having transformed our outer sexual poles to inner poles, to inner
Yin/Yang, we finally enters the asexual tribe energy of neutrality, the
original form of the sexual energy.

These primordial energy flows into our consciousness as clearness and


During ordinary sexual activity, there's a blood stream to the sexual
organs. Energy in polar forms aggregates around the Muladhara and
Swadhistana Chakrams. These concentrated bloodstream, causes increased
fluids in our sexual organs, usually drained away by our lymphs. But when
transforming the orgasm to a spiritual growth, the draining of the abdomen
will disappear.

So, in addition, these technique must complement the previous. During
inhalation, the consciousness, the energy and the feeling moves upwards
through the divided paths of the lymphs, to their meeting point, further
upwards to the left part of our lungs into the hearth center.

The Prana moves upwards. It reches the hearth. And out from the hearth, a
divine white light, carries the Prana to the rest of the body, causing an
experience of the whole body simultanously, not one single part, but the
whole (holy) body. We experience our whole body - our inner , real form
(svarupa), beeing filled with these white light.

Svarupa is a meditation in itself. These is it's strongest form. Filling it
with the healing energy of prana from our hearth.

(Yet another technique from Kriya Yoga published on Web. Wonder when
someone begin to hate me ?)

Let me tell a bit about the movement I'm a Boarder-member of. These
organization, "The People's Movement Against Misuse of Psychiatry", "FAMPO"
for short, have among it ranks people with the highest education. These are
people having paid a very high price for their moral codes of conduct. They
are not *idiots*, they presents a massive influence factor and *danger* on
the mass consciousness.

One of them having (...) have worked in the UN system, as diplomat in
Thailand, the Former Eastern Germany, Geneva, Switzerland and New York, US.

She has been imprisoned in psychiatric clinics MANY TIMES due to her
rebuking of corruption among the people in power. They even did the same
with Her daughter. The same story. Illtreatetment by the Police for hours,
before beeing sent to a psychiatric institution illegally - against all
laws. And - LIES about the person, written in order to make him/her
political *no-risky*.

Another person, Joar Tranøy, was the main revealer of lobothomy in Norway.
After his digging into the dirt, he lost his job, "berufsverbot" as Nazi
Germany called it. He has himself a dr. degree in Psychiatry and

And Dag Hiåsen, a person with a degree in Economics, which they have
terrorized to the inconceivable. He didn't take it so seriously, until he
discovered that steering wheel of his car was loosened - a discovery he did
not get before the car was in movement.

(One person whocalled us was found killed on a mountain).

And me ! According to *psychiatrists*, I have the *delusion* of a mass
murderer on the loose. Falun, Sweden, is a place with beautiful natur. But
among these nature, one would find remains, bones, from people inable to
pay their drug bills, and therefore killed, axed into small parts and
spread over a large area. Interestingly enough, the Police in Falun
verifies the story.

And the person who did it ? He's still on the loose. At the moment, he
isn't so very far away from where I send these email. He is an archetype of
the psychopat. It's just the kind of persons one would see in Madam
Tusseaus cabinett of horrot.

Together with 3 other persons he has been test shooting a weapon in the
mountains nearby my place of living. He had a list of people, containing a
large part of the local Police station together with persons he *disliked*.
One of the *disliked* was me. We all have Guardians, since he and one of
the 3 other persons once was at my door (i didn't open, because I was
preoccupied) with the mission *shoot me by surprise at close range*. His
name is <...>. 12 Years old, in the late 60's, he lied on the roof of a
shop centre in our town, shooting at people coincidently passing by.


Since my personal dissolution and decrystallizing of the 4th astral plane,
the plane of *self-esteem*, the plane of our relative *identity*, it's
something I cannot return to ! When returning, we just find *loose ends* of
belief systems, relative viewpoints, an *ego* unreturnable to. The 4th
astral plane have to do with our *feeling of ourself*, in the sense of a
job, a carieer, nice car, reputation and all that kind of crap.

After experiencing the ego-dissolvment by a 24 hour experience of extacy,
that end-result of 50 Kundalini-rotations in August last Year, there's no
return. I wrote in my Diary that that day I "saw my local Village for the
first time in my life" ! I drowned in the Beauty of the colours on bottles
of Coke inside a store. Outside, I drowned in an extacy of the nature. I
drowned in an extacy of looking at some flower decorations at a wall nearby
a road. There was a cosmos of beauty in everything - and no one to see it !
I was like a child seeing the environment for the first time in my life !
With these in mind - combined with the present fights against the
power-centers, one of the best weapons is - humour !

I know that Jokes doesn't get better by retelling, but - The abusers of
power, spending so much of the tax payers money in irrational attempts to
plague me, to steal my Self from my self, these Child which plays in
unexpectable ways, probably have a *belief system* implying that -


While my present *golden embryo* meditation in Kriya Yoga implies that -



Blessings from Norway



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