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1998/08/09 21:08
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #554

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 554
Today's Topics: Hmm. [ "Paul West" ]
  unsubscribe [ "Perola" ] Re: your shaktipat explanation, my s [ AfperryATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: UNSUBSCRIBE [ Jody Randolph ] re: shaktipat explanation [ "b bah" ]
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ "Dawn A." ] Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource [ Marybeth Gottshall
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Hmm.
Strange, the power of God's word. I think God was here not long ago. I don't think I ever felt so much love in all my life. God spoke through
everything and I felt that I loved everything and there was no seperations. And a song was playing and probably I had doubts then and
the words of the song said that I wanted God to go away, and I did, and that was sad. And it said that he is not the one that goes
anywhere. Hmm.
I don't think so many things have been faced up to in one day so I have to go, I'm a bit dumstruck.
It's astonishing that there are so many things that I `love' more than
God. I don't think I ever have truly considered religion but, well, I guess I thought God was dead. And now, that he's not... hmm.
I don't know why I think that so many things are the givers of things
when it is God that is the source of it all. If only I'd look. Everything could be a personal relationship with God, but I turn away
and shut it out. Why do I do that?
I feel that truly I am a sinner. That's not some fanciful stereotype. This has been made clear, in a loving way. But concerned, I am. Hmm.
IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk Date: Sun, 09 Aug 1998 16:20:11 PDT
From: "b bah" To: hyperATnospamhmt.com
Cc: muchmoreATnospamonelist.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com, PeltonPubATnospamaol.com
Subject: re; Aug.6 posts on Shaivism Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain
  Hi Martin, Thank you for this post. I need a "Shaivism 1a text book". 'Know of
   You wrote..."consciousness finds what consciousness looks for", 'concur wholeheartedly. But I had a funny/strange experience approx. 8
mo. ago that may be an exception to the rule.
   Approx. 8 mo. ago, 'walked to microwave to check on doneness of food. 'looked in (at eye level), almost left my zoriies. 'saw infinitisimally
small round white light "things" zooming out of the right hand wall (control panel side of m-oven near the light). These things follow a
hyperbolic-like path , more of them bonced off the opposite wall than the back wall, with approx. 2/3 of them getting
absorbed by the food. 'Stood there a few minutes staring/unbelieveing what i was seeing.
The paths remind me of the depictions and models of atoms and their electrons' paths (that i had in High School) Very strange!!! i think i
finally did check on our dinner. If any readers of this post have an explanation ?, please advise.
Thanks, barb
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 20:21:47 -0300
From: "Perola" To:
Subject: unsubscribe Message-ID:
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_00C1_01BDC3D3.55DCEE60"

Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 07:06:25 EDT From: AfperryATnospamaol.com
To: anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: your shaktipat explanation, my shaktipat initiation Message-ID:
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Dear Anurag,
In a message dated 7/8/98 9:32:30 am, you wrote:
>Anurag> Skaktipat is not God but a ladder towards GOD.
What is shakti if not God (in His/Her/Its dynamic aspect)? And may I suggest
that in essence a shaktipat master is nothing more than an instrument (a hollow tube even?), to focus the grace of the Divine to the individual. I have
received shaktipat many times over the last 11 years and I have never had the slightest doubt or confusion about the difference between the source and its
God bless, Alan
Date: Sun, 09 Aug 1998 10:16:26 -0500 From: Jody Randolph
To: PiecloveATnospamaol.com CC: rkanthanATnospamHotmail.com, KUNDALINI-LATnospamEXECPC.COM
Subject: Re: UNSUBSCRIBE Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Signing off the K list!!
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 20:59:47 -0700 From: Mystress Angelique Serpent
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: cool story..
Message-Id: Cool story about a fellas travels to India:
  Blessings, Mystress.
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 14:36:44 -1000 (HST) From: sheila stickney
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
I had an out-of-body kundalini experience at the age of 18, 24 years ago. It happened after a session of meditation, totally unexpectedly and without warning. For these 24 years, I've told very few people. Ineed to share my life-altering experience with those who will understand. During this experience, my soul floated above my body, and the only thing I felt was an all encompassing pure, unconditional love from God. The force of this love I couldn't' begin to describe. There was no sense of time, but after I came back into my body I noticed that ten minutes by the clock had passed. If anyone has had an experience like this, please e-mail me. I've never met anyone who could share this type of experienvce with me. Thanks. Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 09:40:35 -0400
From: "Antoine" To: , ,
Subject: Re: your shaktipat explanation, my shaktipat initiation Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

>im not a disbelieving "newbie". Actually, I am a very strong believer and >have experienced my own k-experiences. I just am really sceptical of all
>these new "terms" i havent heard of...not just "shaktipat" for instance...it
>all sounds too scientific to me. God shouldnt be about science, far from it.
>God should be about believing and feeling God's power. Sure, I am looking for
>a LOGICAL explination of things. But not that far as to be so technical about
>it. If ya kno what i mean. >Love and Light, Blessed be!

Hello, Em-ily
I know what you mean.
But to know what God should or not be, I don't know.
Antoine Date: Sun, 09 Aug 1998 18:01:17 PDT
From: "b bah" To: hyperATnospamhmt.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, K_goddessATnospamonelist.com Subject: re: shaktipat explanation
Message-ID: Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 22:39:30 -0400
To: "b bah" From: hyperATnospamhmt.com (HMT) Save Address Block Sender
Subject: re: your shaktipat explanation, my shaktipat initiation

I've heard of her. She gives Shaktipat by appointment? I saw an
advertisement in Yoga journal. I think it was her.
     It may have been her, but would be surprised, as seems out of character. Her website is www.dwc.org. You can get to her home
page, articles about Kundalini Maha Yoga´ Event calendar.
Lots of Mas running around these days. Gets confusing.
    ‘know what you mean, I personally get confused by all the Dasses and Ram Dasses´. ‘am not good at names in English as it is . But
to try to keep multiple Indian names sorted out is difficult.
Did you have a choice of intensity level? :) just curious.
     Actually yes (sorta :) ) Ther were about 2 dozen people
(rather than the hundreds of people you described to me) We all filled in a Bio detailing medical/spiritual etc. problems , which Dileepji
read, looking up at audience after each page. He look me in the eyes after reding my page, amazing. I interpret this as he could I D each
indivdidual most if not all he had naver met! She did radically lower my shivers and shakes, both intensity and frequency. Again AMAZING.
   Namaste, barb

______________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1998 06:39:38 -1000 (HST) From: "Dawn A."
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
I am very interested in learning kundalini -- and I wanted to know if anyone could point me in the direction of finding a teacher in the Detroit, Michigan area. Or who could recommend a good book for "beginners". Thanks. Date: Sun, 9 Aug 98 21:15:06 -0500
From: Marybeth Gottshall To:
cc: Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: >I am very interested in learning kundalini -- and I wanted to know if
>anyone could point me in the direction of finding a teacher in the >Detroit, Michigan area. Or who could recommend a good book for
>"beginners". Thanks.
I don't know of any teachers in the Detroit Area, but I recommend, and have seen others on this list recommend, a book called "Kundalini
Awakening: A Gentle Guide to Chakra Activation and Spiritual Growth" by John Selby as a good introductory book. It's published by Bantam and you
can read about it at http://www.tantra.org/books/0553353306.htm
Good luck
Marybeth Date: Fri, 7 Aug 98 18:45:49 -0500
From: Marybeth Gottshall To: "Kat"
cc: Subject: Re: How to say?
Message-Id: Hi, Kat-
You said:
>I have trouble with words. So I need to ask. How does one say the word
>Kundalini? Keep in mind this is how I would expect words to be spelt.....
>ketchup .......I would spell it catch up
It will be interesting to see how many varieties you get. Here's mine:
Koon duh LEE knee
Marybeth Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 10:28:42 -0400
From: hyperATnospamhmt.com (HMT) To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Shavism 3- Sources Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
For those who wish to dig deeper into the study of Shaivism and as a seva to the Publishers, translators, etc. who worked so hard to put this
information into English and bring it to the west, here is a list of the books used in these reviews, publisher contact info., ISBN # etc.

In many cases, quoting the actual translation is the best and most accurate transmission of the information.
Whenever a passage is quoted, the source book will be referenced. This will
allow you to pursue additional study of the sutras and/or particular areas of the sutras.
After the list/history lesson, there is a small surprise for you.
During the weekend, while studying the Vijnanabhairava, (actual
instructions on 112 Yogas for merging with the Diving), I found a section on a subject which is at the forefront of everyone's consciousness; near
and dear to everyones' heart.
A subject causing ever so much controversy, arguments, internal agitation, turmoil, conflict, etc.
What is the subject?
The relationships between 'sex and spirituality'.
This information includes some very succinct, simple instructions.
You don't want to overlook this one. :)
All of you will be pleasantly surprised. Well.... maybe not all. :(
The sources of Shaivism used for the reviews are as follows:
Siva Sutras - author: SIVA
This book is the heart of Kashmir Shaivism, Trika System. Grand Daddy of
all philosophies (imho). The other books are furthur, indepth, expositions on sections of the of this book.
philosophical background headings:
1. Ultimate Reality
2. Manifestation or the world-process 3. Bondage
4. Liberation
Publisher-Motilal Banarsidass Publishers ltd.
41 U.A. Bungalow Road, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi 110007 120 Royatettah High Road, Mylapore, Madras 600 004
16 St.Mark's Rd. Bangalore 560 001 Ashok Rajpath, Patna 800 004
Chowk, Varanasi 221 001
ISBN: 81-208-0407-4 Translator: Singh

Pratyabhyijnahrdayam 'The Doctrine of Recognition'
  author Ksemaraja 10th century
Same Publisher as above 1992 Info: State University of New York Press,
State University Plaza, Albany, NY 12246
ISBN- 0-7914-0150-2
Translator- Singh
Spanda Karikas- 'The Yoga of Vibration and Divine Pulsation' also contains Ksemaraja's commentary 'The Spanda Nirnaya'
  author Vasugupta- first half of 9th
  century- Vasugupta had clear insight into reality.
Motilai Banarsidass See State Univ. above
ISBN 0-7914-1179-6

Kashmir Shaivism 'The Secret Supreme'
 author: Swami Lakshman Jee Last of the great oral tradition teachers of this
 century. Just took Mahasamadhi (left the body) a couple months ago. Fortunately for us
a couple of his students published his talks.
 There are two books. This is one. State University of New York Press
under the inprint of The Universal Shaiva Trust
Same address as Doctrine of Recognition

******** Not used at this time.
Trident of Wisdom- Abhinavagupta/ concerns matrka / malini. Power inherent in
  sound and mantra. Out of print. Very heady. 8 months to slog through,
   but worth it. Abhinavagupta has no patience and expects
     one to have a reasonable working understanding of Shaivism. Whew! On loan
   to a friend who will explain it to me when she finishes it.
SUNY Press- Albany New York.
Vijnanabhairava- Divine Consciousness
      112 Yogas for merging with the Divine with complete, simple
      (sometimes) instructions. Which yogas does one use? Depends on one's temperament.
Motilal Banarsidass Publishers
ISBN: 81-208-0817-7

There are a few more expostions. Some have been lost forever. Some have not been translated into English. The books above are all English translations.

Ok. The focus is now on the Vijnanabhairava. The 112 yogas for merging
with the Divine.
First a little about the book and it's purpose. It is THE Shaivism application manual. All the other texts are philosophy. This one is the
goods. But,in order to really utilize the instructions to the fullest, one needs some basis of understanding of the philosophy.
To quote Singh, the translator:
 "Vijananbhairava is a very ancient book on Yoga. It closely follows the
basic principles of Saivagamna. It contains 112 types of yoga. There is hardly any other book on yoga which has described so many ways of approach
to Central Reality that is present in each man" (and woman) "as his essential Self. It is both extensive, and intensive in treatment of the
subject of yoga.
The ultimate goal recommended by the text is identification with Bhairava-undifferentiated universal consciousness which is the heart
(hrdaya), nectar (amrta). Reality par excellence (tattva or mahasatta) essence (svarupa), Self (atman) or void (sunyata) that is full. This
involves the following processes:
1. Perfect interiorization so that one is absorbed in the heart of the Supreme.
2. Passing from vikalpa or the stage of differentiating, dichotomizing thought construct to nirvikalpa stage of thought free, non-relational
3. Disappearance of the limited pseudo-I or ego which is only a product of Prakriti and the emergence of the Real Universal I (purnahanta) which is
4. Dissolution of Citta or the individual mind into cit or universal consciousness.
This is the essence of yoga according to Vijnanabhairava"

The 112 Dharanas (yogas) are divided into 7 catagories called bases.
They are:
1. Prana -- Here's where instruction on what happens to the ol' Kundalini upon awakening, etc.is to be found.
2. Japa (mantra repetition)
3. Bhanvana- creative contemplation
4. Sunya (void)
5. Experience of Vastness or Extensive Space
6. Intensity of experience
7. Mudras and Asanas

You're probably wondering how sex fits into all this.
Before the explanation, here is an amusing personal anecdote which leads into the topic.
My teacher gave a talk.
He walked up to the blackboard and wrote the word 'spirituality' on the
left side of the board. He then made a long vertical line to the right of the word 'spirtuality and proceeded to write the words 'Melrose Place' to
the right of the line.
Well, it was quite a commotion in the group. The teacher (we thought) does not watch TV. Turns out he was at a private residence, someone was watching
TV, Melrose Place came on, and he saw it. It gave him an idea for a talk.
After finishing, he turns to look at us with those big eyes twinkling, and then he reaches out with the eraser and erases the line between the two
He says, "There is no difference."
What he was illustrating was that the transcendental aspect of the Self
(spirituality) and the Immanent aspect of the Self (Melrose Place) were both one and the same; the Self.
This is the key to Shaivism.
We are awareness moving through the 'all existence'. The ground you walk
on, the stars you see, the person across the room is as much the Self as you feel you are.
Science tells us:
Matter is made of atoms. Atoms vibrate with energy. Nothing stands still.
Einstein showed us E=MC(squared), mathmatically proving that matter and
energy were interchangable. Proof? atom bombs and thermo nuclear devices (hydrogen bombs), the sun.
So what is that incredible energy and power?
Why.... it's consciousness. An amorphous, scintillating, vibrating,
undifferenciated mass of 'consciousness / bliss'.
The energy of atoms is the energy of consciousness.
Note that Shaivism refers to the Self as Consciousness / Bliss rather than 'being, consciousness, bliss' as expressed in the term ' Sat Chit Ananda'.
The reason is that Shaivism considers being and consciousness to be
synomyms. Being / Consciousness / Bliss would be: 'department of redundancy
department' :)
So.... here it is:
You would think it would be in prana base with the information on the Kundalini, but it's not.
I refer you to # 6 base. 'Intensity of experience'. This is the Base of
Yoga dealing with relationship between sex and spirituality.
As the book states:
"Even in the intensity of sensuous experience, one can have the experience of the Divine, provided one is careful to track the joy felt on such
occasions to its source."
"The first one is of the joy felt in sexual intercourse mentioned in the verses 69-70. It should be borne in mind that this example is given only to
illustrate the intensity of experience in union. From physical union, one's attention has to be directed to spiritual union. This does not advocate
sexual indulgence. The notes on these verses should be carefully read.....
Sex is an example of the joy of intensive experience derived from Sparsa or contact."
Dharana 46 Verse 69
"At the time of sexual intercourse with a woman, an absorption into her (1)
is brought about by excitement, and the final delight that ensues at orgasm betokens the delight of Bhahman. This delight is (in reality) that of one's
1. This absorption is only symbolic of the absorption in the Divine Energy. This illustration has been given only to show that the highest delight
ensues only at the disappearance of duality. Sivopadhyaya quotes a verse which clarifies the esoteric meaning of this union. "Just as being locked
in embrace with a woman, one is totally dissolved in the feeling of one-ness (unity) and one loses all sense of anything external or internal,
even so when the mind is dissolved in the Divine Energy, one loses all sense of duality and experiences the delight of unity-consciousness. The
Sruti (scripture) speaks of the union with a woman only to illustrate the union with the Divine. It is only a fool who takes this illustration as an
injunction for carnal pleasure.
2. The delight is that of one's own Self. It does not come from any external source. The woman is only an occassion for the manifestation of
that delight"
DHARANA 47 Verse 70
"O goddess, even in the absence of a woman, there is a flood of delight,
simply by the intensity of the memory of sexual pleasure in the form of kissing, embracing, pressing, etc.
Since the sexual pleasure is obtained simply by memory even in the absence
of a woman, it is evident that the delight is inherent within. It is this delight apart from any woman that one shoud meditate on in order to realize
the bliss of the divine consciousness"
and..... for the Musicians in the crowd:
Dharana 18 Verse 41
"If one listens with undivided attention to sounds of stringed and other musical instruments which on account of their (uninterrupted) succession
are prolonged,(1) he will, at the end (2) be absorbed in the ether of
consciousness (and thus attain the nature of Bhairava)
1. The resonance of musical notes lasts for a long time and being melodious it attracts the attention of the listener. Even when it stops, it still
reverberates in the mind of the listener. The listener becomes greatly engrossed in it. A musical note, if properly produced, appears to arise out
of eternity and finally to disappear in it.
2. When the music stops, it still vibrates in the memory. If the yogi does not allow his mind to wander to something else, but concentrate on the
echo of the music, he will be absorbed in the source of all sound, viz; Paravak, and thus will acquire the nature of Bhairava."

Pretty cool....
Best as always,

Martin Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 14:11:08 +0000
From: Maureen Heffernan To: Kundalini
Subject: shaktipat/ordination Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Wondering if what I experienced at ordination into the priesthood is similar to recieving Shatipat,different or more? I experienced
spiritual intoxication and as if a bolt of lightning came down through the top of my head and down my spine then out the hands. Interesting.
More Light.
+ Maureen
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 22:35:06 -0400 (EDT) From: Andrew Alcott Shaver
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: introduce myself
Message-ID: Hi, my name is Andy and I'm 30. I have been doing
bodywork completely on my own for about 5 years now. I don't know if "kundalini" is what I deal with,
I just strive to feel better and sane every day. This is a fascinating opportunity to communicate!
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 11:46:02 -0400 From: hyperATnospamhmt.com (HMT)
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com Subject: Re: Shaktiwhat?
Message-Id: >Hi.
> >Would somebody please tell me in plain english what Shaktipat is? It
>sounds like a triangular pie.
>hahahaaha >see, everyone doesnt kno what these odd terms terms are, and in my opinion
>doesnt need to....you just straightened my point...thanx >M

Words, words, words. Just made of a bunch of letters and phonemes. Words become sentences, sentences become mental constructs. Mental constructs
bind the individual. Dump 'em. Dump the mind too.,. Establish the thought free mental state / posture.
Shakti is the creative, dynamic, expressive energy of pure consciousness.
It is intelligent and projects the objective manifestation we call the world. It is the Self's expansion.
Shaktipat is an initiation and is the 'Descent of Grace', or Shakti. Mostly
given by a Sadguru via look, touch, sound whispered in the ear or through the yogi's will.
Shakti is anugraha or the revealing grace.
The self performs 5 functions:
Concealment of the Self (now you see me, now you don't, even though I am
in you and around you).
Revealment of the Self through Grace.
You don't have to be physically present for it. (but it's more fun)
Shaktipat usually awakens the Kundalini if the yogi who initiates is powerful enough.

Date: Sun, 09 Aug 1998 20:56:53 -0700 From: Mystress Angelique Serpent
To: "b bah" Cc: hyperATnospamhmt.com, muchmoreATnospamonelist.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com,
 PeltonPubATnospamaol.com Subject: Re: re; Aug.6 posts on Shaivism
Message-Id:  An explanation? Ya want the short form or the long version?
   Short form: you were seeing the microwaves with your third eye.
   Long form: An iguana has a third eye that is a heat sensor, in the middle of it's
forehead. It mostly uses it to find warm rocks to sleep on. So do some snakes that hunt by looking for warm blooded prey. The vestige of this in
the human brain, is the pineal gland. This is the gland associated with the third eye chakra. It has evolved, to see all kinds of energy. Auras,
prana.. Apparently, including microwaves.. Your intention, to check on the cooking process, allowed to actually See
the cooking process.. the microwaves bouncing around in your oven. On another, related note, there have been some studies suggesting eating
microwaved food lowers immunity. I asked one of my spirit guides, why my snake does not like her frozen rats when they are thawed in the micro.. he
said that there is damaging effects from microwaved food, than she can detect, but it will take a few generations for the effects to show up in
humans. A DNA deterioration effect, I think. He also said, that I need not worry because the above average, higher
vibration in my body protects me. Kewl, eh? Blessings, Mystress.
At 04:20 PM 09/08/98 PDT, b bah wrote:
> > Approx. 8 mo. ago, 'walked to microwave to check on doneness of food.
>'looked in (at eye level), almost left my zoriies. 'saw infinitisimally >small round white light "things" zooming out of the right hand wall
>(control panel side of m-oven near the light). > If any readers of this post have an explanation ?, please advise.
     >Thanks, barb


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