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1998/07/31 10:00
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #542

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 542

Today's Topics:
  Nirvana and Grey Aliens. [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
  Re: Nirvana [ Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com ]
  Temporary so long [ "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail. ]
  grey aliens [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  re: Nirvana and Grey Aliens [ hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Ba ]
  Okay take a deep breath! [ "Kat" <KcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca> ]
  Re: expansion [ MMeyers541ATnospamaol.com ]
  RE: Nirvana and Grey Aliens. [ "jb" <janbarenATnospaminfase.es> ]
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ "K. Velu" <SK_VELUATnospamaloha.net> ]
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 06:48:27 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Nirvana and Grey Aliens.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

  I really do teach best, what I most need to learn.
   Lately the stuff I am teaching and learning, rather than seeming
profound and deep, seems very silly and absurd.. I shrug and laugh. This is
recognition of truth.
  These days, I seem to be spending time explaining to some very nice folks
who think they are numb and depressed, possibly going insane, that they are
in Nirvana. Is that absurd and silly enough for ya?
  Seems pretty bizzarro to me, but here I am doing it anyways, coz it seems
to be the thing needed.
  Here's an equation:
  Grey aliens=witness state=detachment=Nirvana.
   All one.
  I have mentioned I channel a grey alien sometimes.. it first showed up
when I was in a state of deep grounding, deep detachment, in my mirror.
Channelling it, was something I found very enjoyable, coz it seemed to know
some pretty interesting stuff. Incredibly peaceful, and wise. No indecision
at all, coz there were no emotions to consider. All the emotional content I
could get was that it seemed.. friendly. Interested. Always willing to
help, once I got into the right frame of mind for it to come thru. Nothing
  Being emotionless seemed a little weird at first, but familiar.. relaxing.
 Sometime later, I read a description of the "witness" state. The
emotionless, yet deeply compassionate state some folks drop into
accidentally when they are under stress. A gift of Mercy, from Goddess.
  Suddenly emotions are swept aside, and everything is seen with completely
nonjudgemental, crystal clarity for what it is, and also seen is exactly
what needs to be done.. and doing it.
  I recognised that the experience of channeling a grey alien, and that of
the witness state, is the same. Except for the face in the mirror.. To be
more precise, the witness state is where I go to access the grey.. for
others, I detach then remember specific emotions and vibrations.
  The witness state is where I go to write these posts.. and to do most of
the spiritual stuff I do. Where I spend most of my time. I figured out
that it was a type of Samadhi.. (right, o scholars?) But the Sanskrit stuff
doesn't stick in my head very well. Seems there are quite a few types, and
I hesitate to attempt to spell them, let alone be certain of which is which.
  Doing my thing, letting Goddess flow thru me, for the folks who wanna
know Her, coz it's the only game in town worth playing.

   Grey aliens are instinctively scary to humans. When I do the mirror game
with a partner, I know when the grey shows up by how it blows their
detachment.. instant fear.
  Angels say, "Fear not!"... coz folks shit bricks when they show up. Puts
the fear of God into 'em, as they say.

   Yesterday I was reading an email slave lecher sent to slave druid.
   My slaves don't like to keep secrets from me, but some of the magic that
happens around me can be spooky and I encourage them to compare notes, if
they begin to doubt their sanity or anything. It's a family. We trust each
  I had been noticing lecher slipping into the witness state around me and
not thinking too much of it.. normal evolution, he is an experienced witch,
accustomed to trance..
  So reading in his post to druid that being around me and feeling no
emotions has lecher too flipped out to dare mention it, for fear I will
think he no longer loves me, was news. Reading his terror, at hugging
someone and feeling no emotions, Voice said, very clearly, "It's Nirvana."
  So I've been going to Nirvana all this time?
  Of course. Free from desire. Free from past and future, free from
judgment, just being. Eternity in the moment. Magic accessible. Goddess
manifest. Perfect Zen.. made me wonder why I'd never thought to use that
word before.. (it wasn't time) and if it is Nirvana what about the love
bliss stuff? No emotions? (No. One. Perfect compassion. No polarity.)
    Duh. Of course. Can't feel it, without polarity. It's not like I
expected... tho I always thought, bliss gets boring, so we incarnate..
  I explained it to druid, he said it reminded him of how his Dad had this
amazing ability.. in any emergency, he'd become completely calm and
focused, figure exactly what needed doing, and do it.. I named druid after
his spirit guides, whom are a council of druids. One of them is his Dad,
who was a not-very religious Anglican Farmer, in life. We'd often wondered,
how he ended up with the druids, besides nepotism. Knowledge of Nirvana
would do it..
  Made him think of himself, too, at the deeps of some depressions.. moved
outside of himself. Stopped caring, kept living. things got better.
  I've his Mom, she is radiant. She is even more radiant today, standing
again in the arms of her beloved husband. Seeing their joy made me weep.
She passed on today at noon.

  You folks, amazed at my posts.. me going, no big deal.. yeah no kidding,
just do it from Nirvana, no big deal..LOL! You see, silly and absurd. And

  So, then I straightened lecher out, and he had lotsa fun going into the
witness state and answering my silly questions..(coz in that state, the
questions are more important than the answers.. it's a place where desire
meets fulfillment.) To demonstrate that what feels emotionless is actually
a state of divine creativity, I handed him pen and paper and told him to
spontaneously channel an 8 line poem about me.. it didn't have to rhyme.
  "Closing the absence of chimes
Omnipotent chance of thought
Through all weeks of sentience seen
Chance means all portents wrought
See all through expectives taught
Mine is a verisimilitude of feeling
A sight of all joys sought.
My Mystress is All. "

 lecher gets his name from his proper title as Master of chivalry and
flirtation, in the Society for Creative anachronism. An infinity of
monkeys, thru him, writes a Shakespearean Koan.
  He understood what he had written better when I gave it back to him as

 "Falling into Om
We are the transmitters of thought, not it's originators.
everything is consciousness
there are no accidents.. trust to faith and synchronicity.
see past your ego's expectations.
to find the bliss of All that is,
the sight of Goddess
in the one you love.>

  So the grey aliens are in Nirvana, and cannot evolve further coz they
have no emotions. Well, that gives me great sympathy for them coz it is the
state above/after Nirvana that is really worthwhile. Dunno what it's
called.. sure is a blast, tho. When the realization of the beauty of what
you've witnessed turns into a big vibe shaking karma clearing happy
hilarious Buddha Buddha belly laugh at how silly and absurd and perfectly
wonderful it all really is.
  Ya know that classic sculpture of the fat Buddha standing laughing with
his hands in the air? I was always told that it was some kind of good luck
Kriya.. oooh bery exotic. Well, I am here to tell ya, it's a shrug! It's a
fucking shrug, the Buddha goes "So what? Who cares", trips into Nirvana and
comes out laughin his butt off. Hee hee hee, got a big belly and I don't
care.. he ha ho
  Exotic Kriya, my arse.. it's a shrug... when I was a little kid, I knew
it was a shrug.Sheesh. Silly and absurd.

  For about 10 months, I have been getting occasional messages, from
various sources to expect my full realization, this August. I have had many
years of intense Augusts, and am happy that latter years have been more
bliss than anguish.
   I have wondered what it will be like, to be fully enlightened, and I
have been told it will not be like my expectations. (Well, no kidding,
nether is Nirvana..) Since my expectations were walking on water, and
whatnot, .. flying, I guess.. well.. oddly enough I get that the strongest
evidence to the truth of it, is my current reaction to it.
   Shrug. Laugh. As Goddess wills.. don't care.. Thinking about this today,
I said "why not" and lay down and did a meditation to give up everything to
Goddess, even the things I love most, my body, my plans for the future, all
of it.. it is Hers anyways. Every time I give Her stuff, She always gives
it back better, so faith has stopped being much of a gamble.
  It occurred to me, as I was doing it, that I change the world by changing
myself,... but I gave that up, too.. I was mostly focused on me..dunno for
how long.. the phone ringing was a distraction, I got up. Not much later I
find out that at the same time druid had been at the hospital tuning in
and feeling his Mother, doing the same.. so was it for me or for her..?
Had I known, I was assisting a transition perhaps I'd not have been so
  freya called me up tonight, lonely and looking for a shoulder to cry on.
Got impatient with it after a while and pointed out to her that the numb,
don't care feeling that she gets when she;s worn out with worrying, that
she considers a pit to be avoided, is Nirvana, and has she ever noticed
what interesting things and upside down rabbit magic happen from that state?
  She insisted at first that Nirvana could not be that, no way no way.. and
I read her mind for the reason.. when she complained to a doctor about the
feeling, he gave her pills for depression.
  I told her to go straight to "don't care", and watch the magic and wisdom
unfold, then laugh yer butt off, instead of waiting till Goddess has made
her depressed and desperate to force her to do it. Oy. Duality, eh?

  I asked a witch friend about my wings.. why I could find so little out
about them in the old writings. He explained, that the earliest writings
mention people with wings, but then they disappeared for a long time.
Mystics in the darkest days, simply couldn't get that far. Times were
simply too dark and hard, for anyone to unfold serpents, let alone wings.

  Now, how far we have come. Welcome to the mass consciousness shift. Folks
are spontaneously experiencing nirvana, and when they tell their doctors
they don't care, they get medicated for depression.
  Now, as I have pretty much run 4 for 4, with talking to folks about
this.. I am thinking it must be rampant. The stories put Nirvana at such a
lofty place, folks don't recognise it, and get very scared when desire
    Well, now ya know. Feeling apathetic, but being kind to folks anyways?
Welcome to Nirvana. Relax and enjoy it. Buddha laughter is coming up next.
 Blessings, Mystress.
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:29:00 EDT
From: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Nirvana
Message-ID: <5d9617b9.35c0913eATnospamaol.com>

Past and future are no more
hopes and dreams have come and gone
Its time now to embrace and rest my love
no day, no night, just all alone

>From the love poetry of Harsha (Harsh K. Luthar)
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 08:57:00 PDT
From: "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Temporary so long
Message-ID: <19980730155700.249.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Hello all,

I've made a few posts and comments in the last week or so and if others
are like me, due to workloads, etc., someone will not see them for a few
days and may respond to them. I won't be answering or responding at all
for the next three weeks.

This is not planned rudeness. I am taking a 10 day course in
Constructive Living in Vt. and am driving ~1000 miles each way to enjoy
the countryside and visit some historic sites (and have a brief visit to
one of the places I've wanted to go my entire life, Cooperstown!). I
won't have a PC and won't seek one so I'll be out of touch until August

I also owe a couple of list people some off list responses. I think I'll
finish by Friday when I'll be off, if not please forgive. If you don't
hear by the end of August it means the computer ate your message while I
was out of town. :(

I bid you a temporary so long.



Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: 30 Jul 98 15:52:12 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: grey aliens
Message-Id: <OUT-35C096AC.MD-1.0.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


Your message about the grey aliens stuck a chord. It's nothing too
important, as you know. It's just there. That thing that you know and
always did. That knowingness that just is. The things that happen and
they dam well do and it's natural.

Do you see me laughing with ya? There's nothing to do, the apathy that
you spoke of. Everything is extra. Being nice to people anyway.
Nowhere to go, nothing to do, always. No gaps of space or time for the

You're cool mystress, chillin'. ;-)

I don't know what all the fuss is about. Tall but small I'm so crap at
being wrong. hehehe. Can't help but laugh. It erupts from deep down.

I've seen and been with those grey aliens, too. They appeared as
people first but then as just normal aliens. Not afraid of them
anymore. Not much anyway. It's just all natural, isn't it? Real.

They're good teachers, those greys. They're also crap, they told me
nothing. Apparently they're not too fond of pop music, or so I was
told when I asked. I think they work on the phychological body, if
there is such a thing. Maybe I mean astral or something. The body of
consciousness, with their so-called medical operations. They're
friends now I feel. Kind of proud in a way.

Everything you said in your message I second.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 13:30:25 -0500 (CDT)
From: hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: re: Nirvana and Grey Aliens
Message-Id: <199807301830.NAA16170ATnospamdfw-ix12.ix.netcom.com>

If 5 years ago, somebody would have asked me to imagine what a
k-awakening was like, I would have answered with phrases like
love-flooding, bliss, feelings of incomparable intensity. When it
actually happened to me, I was astonished to find that although my body
was having extraordinary sensations, my emotional state was utterly
dispassionate while "information" was downloaded into me. Then I
started laughing...

Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 14:58:58 -0400
From: "Kat" <KcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Okay take a deep breath!
Message-ID: <000001bdbbfd$3aa42d80$37e6d5d1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Hi All,

Not to pleased today. I just got back from a trip and found that my brother
accidently crashed my computer while I was gone. All the messages I was
going to respond to are gone. Alll my favorite links are gone. Everything
is gone. I will be leaving again this Saturday for a few days perhaps a bit
longer. If someone has been waiting to hear from me I would have to suggest
to wait until next week when I get back. I'll post a message to let people
know that I am back. There is so much I want to tell the group right now
but I am concerned the conversations would just get started and then my
brother will crash the computer again while I am gone. I will be
unsubsribing from the list while I am gone this time but I promise to try to
get everything caught up when I get back. Ron I no longer have your address
but because of some research that I have done I now have a time that I was

I'll be on the computer tonight and tomorrow so I will unsubscribe until
tomorrow night.

In L&L & Understanding,

Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 23:23:32 EDT
From: MMeyers541ATnospamaol.com
To: janbarenATnospaminfase.es
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: expansion
Message-ID: <9a0666eb.35c138b5ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 98-07-29 23:55:20 EDT, you write:

<< It is also possible to become so small that you can travel through the
entire human body.
Michele: & thus that 60's movie itarring Raquel Welch, "Fantastic Voyage."

P.S. In Dan Millman's "Way of the Peaceful Warrior," I believe the main
character expands to over 100 feet tall as well.
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 11:11:24 +0100
From: "jb" <janbarenATnospaminfase.es>
To: "K. list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: RE: Nirvana and Grey Aliens.
Message-ID: <000601bdbc6b$92e44d40$71f14dc3ATnospamjb>
Content-Type: text/plain;

> So the grey aliens are in Nirvana, and cannot evolve further coz they
> have no emotions. Well, that gives me great sympathy for them coz
> it is the
> state above/after Nirvana that is really worthwhile. Dunno what it's
> called.. sure is a blast, tho.

Jan: There are many names for the state after Nirvana: Nirvana without
substratum, kaivalya, liberation, videha mukti (controversial). The Buddha
hinted at it as non predictable from any previous state, a kind of microcosm
on its own, where the 'normal' laws of nature are no longer valid. Some say
even the karma of the present life is exhausted in that state with the body
still alive. No longer being subjected to any karma means absolute freedom.
Yet another way to put it is that K., having transformed everything, has
transformed herself too, being the final transformation. So this state is
very rare and therefore held in high esteem. In knowledge of Reality it
makes no difference with the preceding state.
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 06:56:07 -1000 (HST)
From: "K. Velu" <SK_VELUATnospamaloha.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199807311656.GAA03290ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>

Hi friends

    I need few answers from you, Before then I will brief about myself,

- Deviation from normal life started before 1Yr 6Mths.
- Initially I felt myself as a snake
- Then my mind was always in a confused stage
- Started getting some very good practical thoughts
- Extesnsive sexuall thoughts
- 2 cont nights my entire body was spning from feet to head and an excellent
  feeling of flying in the air for nearly 2Mts.
- Excessive heat alwayes, Most people will cough when I go near them.
- Able to redirect the sperm to brain. And prolanged orgasem, with out ejaculation.
- Thinking me as the altimate force in the world.

Now questions,

1. Will this excessive heat always remain in the body.
2. Will it affect my ability to give birth to a child.
3. I never had a Guru in my life, But still I'am being guided by (Whom?)
4. Will this change my sexuall behaviour (Even if donot allow)
5. I have defined my self as to what I want to be, And I have decided
    there is no compromise in this. Will this be a block to the KND devlp.

 Eagerly awaiting your answers and suggestions.

Thank you,

With Regard's
K. Velu


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