Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/30 19:07
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #489

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 489

Today's Topics:
  Re: Health Freedom [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
  Cycles (Again) [ "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com> ]
  leaves (or why i love this list so!) [ Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com> ]
  Re: love is... [ "Dan Margolis" <dmargolisATnospamabm.com> ]
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ < ]
  Re: love is... [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
  Re: love is... [ TarmuzATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: paul west [ TarmuzATnospamaol.com ]
  Aliens [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: Bizarro [ TarmuzATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Cloud control: [ TarmuzATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: a question.. leaves? [ flute <fluteATnospamtexas.net> ]
  Re: Cloud control: [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 12:37:43 -0500
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Health Freedom
Message-Id: <l03020900b1be6ffc8781ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>What the F******!!!!!!!!!!????????? This reminds me of the "updated" story
>about the frogs. Now the other frogs are eating them, they say, and that's
>why they are missing limbs.

But that doesn't really explain the *extra* limbs, does it?

Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 13:44:00 -0400
From: "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com>
To: "Kundalini list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Cycles (Again)
Message-ID: <000301bda44e$abd7e8a0$725c9cd1ATnospamcathyber.TOMEN.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain;


Mired in a black hole of some sort. All of us. Not even light can
escape a black hole. What can we do, but enter and emerge again
through the other side of space.

A kinder, gentler reality -- I hope.



[ "It is no more surprising to be born twice than to be born
once." -- Voltaire. ]
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 13:23:38 -0500
From: Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: leaves (or why i love this list so!)
Message-ID: <35992D06.E6606F3ATnospamfull-moon.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

<donning jester costume mode>

this is just great!

somebody (dheeraj) asks if a leaf dies when plucked from a tree...
and the answers start rolling in...in everybody's characteristic mode.

Lessee...(answering in my <very poor> impressions of the style of various members on the list)

My "answer" (or a reasonable facsimile thereof):

Disclaimer: I'm not trying to be clever here...nor to hurt anyone's feelings...in my opinion, I
think that maybe the leaf and the tree have realized that they transcend tree-ness or leaf-ness
and so it is irrelevant that they are either perceived as living or dead...but they both just
wickedly hum of Kundalini energy, don't they?

...various others' "answers" (some rather transparently caricaturized...apologies PW, Lobster
and Mystress!)

1) leaf=life=leave

2) there is no leaf, no life, no death

3) we are all the leaf...we will all one day become the leaf as our rotting dead bodies give it

4) In the great guru Arborigi's works, chapter 9, verse 18, lines 24-26 he writes: "if a leaf
fall from a tree, mourn not the leaf...climb the tree...gain a new perspective"...thus we learn
how the tree sees its' leaf's falling.

5) There once was a leaf on a tree
    it fell and asked "will i now die"?
    A passing dog picked up the leaf and munched it
    as he lifted a leg and pissed on the tree.

6) How arrogant of you to presume to ask such an incredibly insulting question! What, do you
want us to think of you as an enlightened being? Your childish attempt at "zenlike simplicity"
does not fool any of us...<snippage of more outrageous insults>same post signed...Lovingly...
P.S. I think that people who post irrelevant things like this should be removed from the list.

7) Your question about the leaf is interesting. You know, the other day I was walking down the
pavement near my house and I noticed the color of the light at that time of day when the sun is
just about down over the roofs of the houses...and as I was walking a sort of peace came over me
that I just could not understand at first...it was as though some great cosmic being had just
picked me up in his hands and was cradling me there. I started contemplating this, and as I did,
I began to understand it all for the first time in the last several months. In fact, suddenly I
saw a face appear in the air before me, and it was so familiar...why, it was *my* own face! The
face had a mouth just like mine, and as I watched it (barely feeling the paving stones beneath
my feet but walking on just as though nothing of any importance was going on), the mouth opened
and words came out, expressing that this vision was the essence of my own soul telling me that
yes I am worth loving...

8) The grey alien told me that all life is connected. Of course, I knew this all along, Goddess
in me has always held this to be true. My slave Poindexter asked me this very question as he
knelt at my feet. He was literally thrown across the room as I beamed Goddess' answer to him...

9) Moon shone, shimmering leaf
   fell to ground, silent green
   black blue sky, embraced

<removing jester costume mode>

Sheesh...what a fruitcake I can be sometimes!

Deliriously--Kath (neither leaf nor tree but part of it all! <grins>)

"Cor ad cor loquitur"--heart speaks to heart
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 13:32:46 -0700
From: "Dan Margolis" <dmargolisATnospamabm.com>
To: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: love is...
Message-ID: <88256633.00680311.00ATnospamabmsf3.abm.com>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dan MargolisATnospamABM
06/30/98 01:32 PM

Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com> on 06/30/98 06:01:06 PM
>>> The point of spiritual evolution, it would seem, would be to learn to
>>>see love in everything.
>>But some people may need to have repeated over and over until they
> I am suspicious of motives that are based on "what other people need".
>Were you speaking of yourself needing things repeated? Go buy a book.

I was of course speaking of myself... I can't really speak for other's
except in what my personal experience seems to be common across the board.
I often understand a concept but it takes me a long time hearing the
concept explained in many ways until I realize the concept... A person can
understand love is everything... yada, yada yada... But when they feel a
universe of love that is a different matter and it sometimes takes time and

But then again some people may realize things instantly, but I have a firm
belief if somebody were capable of such great realizations almost
instantly, they would be able to also look around and see that other people
need to have things repeated.

>>Unfortunately for you and the list Lobster isn't struggling to be right,
>> do what others expect or want from him, he's struggling to be true.
> My judgment is, that you are being silly, on several counts of
> Count 1) What makes you think this is unfortunate for anyone? Eh?

It's unfortunate if you have any desire for Lobster to 'behave' within the
realms of etiquette... I say unfortunate in a lesser sense of the word.
Lobster will not fulfil everyones expectations and be nice and follow
rules. This would be unfortunate for someone who attaches importance to
list behavior.

>> Count 2) Have you noticed that his photo in the archives is of a
>> If you think that is a true representation of his appearance, they you
>>are very silly and ought to qualify for some kind of award for it.

The lobster wishes to act in a way that illustrates his perception of
truth... That is very different from representing himself accurately.

> Count 3) What makes you think struggling is of value?

Struggling of course has no inherent value... It is a means... For some
people in some cases the only way to attain something worthwhile is through
struggling. Then it is the correct behavior.

> Count 4) If he is trying to be true, why is he posting something false?
> Why is he using the words of someone else??

I think this is a misunderstanding of the word true. You are using it to
mean representing oneself accurately. I am using it to mean an
understanding of the universe.

> Count 5).. this one is the funniest.. who is not trying to be true?

This is a really odd question...
Who is not trying to represent themselves accurately?
     A crustacean, a serpent goddess, and a 'self-styled guru'...

Who is not trying to illustrate their understanding of the universe?
     None of the above...

>I was trying to express the truth of what I see happening in Lobster.. if
>is really struggling to be true as you suggest, I would think offering
>information would be considered support. Certainly he would think so, as I
>have observed him supporting others in that way many times.
> Of course, it was not always received that way.. :)
> So now I ask you..coz it's your turn.. what's yer point?
I was trying to explain my perceptions of Lobsters actions...

> So what is it you recognize in yourself in my words, that you got so
>out of shape you had to post an impassioned defense of one who is
>so very capable of defending himself.. ??

Boy, every time I read that I've gotten bent out of shape by something I
become very confused... While my posts may seem passionate, I tend to
write very dispassionately and slowly. It's hard because while other
people seem to see my emotion, I normally see very little emotions attached
to my posts. I wish I was able to read my posts as others seem to so I
could figue this out...

> Why indeed, did you perceive it as an attack, at all??

I read it that way because I saw you ask a series of questions of Lobster
that seemed hasty and impromptu and in some ways not seeking a genuine
answer. For me when some one asks: What's the point??? They are
suggesting there was no point to what the person was saying. Possibly,
because when I want to find out why someone is doing something I would ask
a specific question regarding that subject... When I think something may
not have a point I would ask what's the point?.

What I see in your posts is an interesting mixture...In parts of your posts
it seems you seek understanding or learning...In parts of your posts it
seems you seek to dismiss views outside of your own and assert control of
the list...In parts of your posts it seems you seek to reinforce your
perceptions of your own goddesshood and control of the universe.

Why did you find my posts passionate and see me as bent out of shape?

>>I'll end with a story by someone else:
>>Idries Shah in 'Thinkers of the East"
 > Well Dan, I have to ask, what are you trying to prove, by posting this
>story, and to whom??
 > That you can contradict yourself as well as Lobster? What for?
 > That anyone can post anything to the list? We know that already. It gets
>proven all too
>regularly... and you have already made your opinions of that clear.
>So the moral of the story is:
>> 'The solution,' said Bahaudin, 'is to realize that people must be
>>improved inwardly, not just prevented by custom from showing their
>coarseness and
>>destructivity, and applauded if they do not.'
> Yet just this week you wrote:
>06/26/98 09:52 AM
>Dear Ms. Serpent,
><<<< It has become apparent to me, and maybe to other list members,
>Paul West at this point is detrimental to the list. He seems to have no
>ability to listen to what people are saying to him and to modify his
>behavior based on suggestions from the group. >>>>>
> And you finished that one up with a story about a Guru telling an
>eager-but badly behaved student to go stuff it up his turnip.
>> So which is it Dan? Do we tell the rude people to go stuff it, or is it
>>OK to be rude if you are a Guru but not if you are a student? (Hmmm??
>>would seem the opposite of the poem which started this thread about love
>>only being pretty, fluffy and nice smelling, not to mention pretty tough
>>for students to survive expectations of them so that they can learn to be
>>rude in the proper fashion) :) (Oh yeah, nobody thinks Lobster is a guru,
>>you said.. sorry.. Uh.. wait a minute.. so which is it?)
>> Hmmm.. what else? It's OK to be rude and destructive if you make a good
>>point that everybody agrees with and they throw a party for your
>>cleverness?? Or is it agreement is superficial and we need rudeness to be
>>real?? Um..
>> I am asking all these questions coz I am genuinely wondering which of
>>them is the real you?? You are trying to be true, but you seem to be
>>on a lot of other opinions and speaking in many voices. Why are you
>>posting stories you have not written, that contradict each other? Tell me
>>where the truth is, Dan the self styled Guru? I have lost it in the maze
>>.contradictions you have woven, in your efforts to lead and teach.

These are excellent questions and the questions that I think these stories
ask and answer... There is no contradiction because there is no rule in
life that says we should treat everybody equally. My interpretation is
that the difference between Lobster and Paul West is

It seems to me that every time Lobster breaks a list rule he is doing it
for a point or an effect, whether it is to piss someone off or to
illustrate something. He chooses to break the rule because he holds a
truth outside and within of himself more accountable than the arbitrary
rules the list have imposed. He carefully balances whether the breaking of
trust is more important than the point he is making and acts accordingly...
He walks a fine line between getting thrown off the list and being
completely ineffective in illustrating things he understands...

Paul West when he breaks the rules, admits that he was compelled to, that
he wasn't feeling particularly disciplined, that this is how he is. In
fact, his long-winded posts seem to have the exact opposite effect he
intends. He intends to post to gain greater understanding of himself, yet
these posts reinforce his lack of discipline and ability to learn.

I know that stories are not your preffered means of interaction, but there
is a third story that I would add:

   Bahaudin was asked by the emir "What is the best of human institutions,
   and what is the worst of human institutions?"
   Bahaudin replied "Etiquette"
   "Why etiquette?"
   "Etiquette is the best of institutions because it allows a student to
   properly find and address a master. Etiquette is the worst of
   institutions because it allows people to hide their inability to learn
   behind a mask of courtesy."

(Note, student, master does not necessarily mean the standard guru
definition of a student or master... but any person seeking to learn a
specific thing..and any teacher that can teach what's needed by the

> I do salute your guts, tho. Willingness to take on what you perceive as
>a cranky Dominatrix who is out of control and behaving unreasonably, must
>be an act of courage or maschochism.. mebbie both at once.

Aw, all those cranky dominatrixes are just push-overs at heart.

     Dan M.
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 10:56:38 -1000 (HST)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199806302056.KAA00957ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>

I have been during distant healing for about 2 weeks. Prior to that
I was during spiritual healing for about 1 year. I have had many of
the symptoms of kundinlni energy release. But currently my concerns are about
the intense heat if feel around my body when I am during the remote healings
and my charka 6. I am now during about 5 remote healings per night
using universal energy. My first night during the 5 healings, it seem like my
charka 6 had been over work. This may not be the proper description, but
since this is all new to me this is the best I can do.

I have experienced the itching, crawling, hot/cold sensations throughout my
body. The itching leaves welts on my body. I am not trying to release this
energy, but I feel that it had began its process during my spiritual healing
practice. Moreover, during that time I thought that my body was just going through
the process of development to serve as a healer for God. After all, it was
God who called me into this through a dream stating at the end,
"and take no money for what you do."

I hope someone can help answer some of my concerns.

Until then,
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 10:27:07 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
Cc: "Dan Margolis" <dmargolisATnospamabm.com>, <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: love is...
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

 "I love him coz he makes me laugh.." -Jessica Rabbit. (Who Framed Roger

At 04:41 AM 30/06/98 +0100, Lobster wrote:
>Dear Friends,
>Angelique (not cranky person) wrote:
>Not cranky eh? Well, well. These things are relative and I accept fully that
>the intention and motivation were wholesome.
>Angelique Serpent - not cranky - mmm?
  (giggle) No, I usually don't poke folks when I am cranky. It is much more
fun to have a good time at it. Usually crankiness makes me look inward, to
see where I have gone out of balance, myself, to become cranky in the first
 Sometimes I look inward and Goddess sez "Go for it!".
  This took quite a bit of getting used to, but when it happens it cheers
me up so much I am not cranky anymore, (vanished in the love-blast) but
rather faced with a fascinating puzzle of allowing Her to move thru me to
dissect someone for our mutual highest good.
  (Shrug) The process still feels pretty darn miraculous and I am a little
in awe of it.
 I give it up to Goddess and it flows back transformed. Way kewl.

>> Lobster, previously persuaded me that email is not worth knotted panties..
>>I love Lobster, and I genuinely wanted to know he reason for this behavior.
>Love of knotted panties.
   Then I guess you are out of luck :) You are gonna do what you are gonna
do, and it ain't worth stretching my silk over. You already know I am not
gonna throw you off the list or anything, or I would have already. Still
tho I can wonder why you are so passionate about it.
>However the feel was very different to a malice email and I accept the
>spirit of the meaning. It was a very wholesome post . . . certainly felt
>that way . . .
  Did it? I am still unravelling your response.. But it seemed from some
of your comments that you thought I was cranky, too. (shrug) Based on your
previous experiences of me, that is not a surprising judgment. As you say,
I have changed.
  I responded to Dan's post first coz it was simpler. Your earlier response
is a maze of contradictions I have not yet managed to fathom. The
suspicious part of me suspects you of dancing as fast as you can trying to
baffle me with bullshit.. if so, then the rest of me wants to congratulate
you on a job well done. I am quite baffled, finding the confusion rather
pleasurable, and still trying to encompass your contradictory perspectives
enough to respond.

>Angelique perhaps you now understand why I am suspicious of my own motives.
>For instance if I had a tendency to place myself in the dominant position
>and say others benefited from my energy, should I not perhaps be a little
>suspicious . . . of whose needs are being primarily served?
  I am not suspicious because I am openly Self serving, and Self serving
motives are the only ones I trust. In every act of service I know that I am
serving my Self.
  Mother Theresa was nice to lepers coz it made her feel good about who she
was as a person, and expected eternal repayment in heaven for her kindness.
The lepers appreciated it, too...
  I explained that to my religious studies teacher in High School, and he
thanked me, and explained that he liked to teach because he learned so much
from the students. Made sense to me. I already knew that I teach best what
I most need to learn: so I offered my observations about you... having
given up control for curiosity... wonder.
  Cosmic Law, what we put out comes back. GIGO. Nobody benefits from
accepting my energy as much as I do from giving it. I collect the karmic
paychecks. So it sez in most sacred texts.. and so it is.. coz I belive in
it and allow it to be my motive...
  Rather than the more common, but to my mind unrealistic and dangerous
concept of giving "what somebody else needs" without expectation of return.
I feel this idea as simple naivety of Cosmic Law... which leads to an
ego-game of martyrdom and self-sacrifice that is at odds with faith in
Goddess to provide.. the path to hell paved with "good intentions", that
represent judgments of self-superiority and a lack of faith in perfection.

   That is what I tell people whom I give gifts that are priceless..
  I don't want them to get stuck in distance thru gratitude shyness, and
feeling indebtedness to me, when I am already amply repaid by bliss.
  I am follow my bliss like a path laid with jewels and chocolate Goddess
has marked out for me. It's the only game in town. Her favorite carrot for
leading me around corners, once I have surrendered to being led, is
curiosity. Where's the bliss? Peek-a boo.

>> Count 3) What makes you think struggling is of value?
>No pain. No gain.
>(remember the knotted panties)
  Yes and no. The panties had knots of resistance. They shredded and I
threw them out. Goddess gave me better ones, but usually. I don't wear
any. Much comfier, to surrender to being naked but it is still fun to
wrassle sometimes. Hmmm.. definitely more fun to wrassle without panties..
  Life is not meant to be a struggle, panties don't get knotted once you
figure out you don't need them in the first place.

>Be Well, Be Happy, Be Kind
  sage advice.. shorter and sweeter than the borrowed poetry.
   Blessings, Mystress.
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 18:33:01 EDT
From: TarmuzATnospamaol.com
To: lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com
Cc: CC:CC:CC:dmargolisATnospamabm.com, SerpentATnospamdomin8rex.com,
Subject: Re: love is...
Message-ID: <43a1939c.3599679eATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 98-06-30 08:55:22 EDT, you write:

<< Angelique perhaps you now understand why I am suspicious of my own motives.
 For instance if I had a tendency to place myself in the dominant position
 and say others benefited from my energy, should I not perhaps be a little
 suspicious . . . of whose needs are being primarily served?
Given this an archetypical male position...Angelique is safer saying it than

Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 18:57:38 EDT
From: TarmuzATnospamaol.com
To: WEIVODAATnospamaol.com
Cc: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: paul west
Message-ID: <1a6fb2c4.35996d63ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 98-06-29 14:51:15 EDT, you write:

<< don't really want to get involved with this whole thing, but I felt like I
 had to say something. I must say sometimes I cannot stand all of Paul's
 messages and so on, but sometimes he really has some good things to share.
 The past few moths I have received many private posts from Paul, and have
 learned many things from him. He has helped me in many ways, and expanded my
 knowledge of myself. Must say, I have used my delete key many, but the ones
 that I have read, I have learned something. Okay . . . just some of my

If you put a hundred monkeys to typing...sooner or later you get Hamlet...our
lifetimes are shorter than that...

Date: 1 Jul 98 00:03:51 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Aliens
Message-Id: <35997B6D.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


Here's a thing.

Almost 4 years ago soon after I first stepped into the world of
electronic communications I started to intensively gather every
available text file I could lay my hands on from various bulletin
boards, anything the slightest bit related to paranormal, mysticism,
ufo's, whatever. When my kundalini started up I recall that I read a
small file on it, as that was all I could find, and I seem to remember
there being a reference to experiences of aliens. I think it told of
how some people going through k processes would likely need help and
guidance due to the extraordinary changes in consciousness and
reality. I seem to recall it mentioned something about internal
alienation, meeting it, confronting it, getting past it, and how it
may manifest as very real experiences. That pretty much then proceeded
to happen to me.

I would like to know if there is anyone else here who had a phase of
alienation, perhaps as the very terrifying thing of encountering your
own unconscious mind, in which you perhaps met with or interacted with
or viewed (in dreams and so on) `alien entities' or representations of
the soul at a very early stage in the path perhaps appearing as such
beings. I would also like to know if anybody here is actually an
abductee, as there seems to be a very major consciousness-affecting
transformative process alike kundalini - which is why for me the two
were married, and maybe are the same thing. I would like to know of
any experiences or dreams people might have had along these lines of
perhaps other `dimensions' or of interacting on apparently `astral'
levels with entities of any kind, and how their appearence may have
altered over the course of time.

For almost a year, at least, for me, alien abduction was a
tremendously big issue, very very personal and very difficult to
handle. There were great upheavels in my mind and way of looking at
things and for a time I seemed to be in another world entirely. Very
seriously detatched, alienated, and for some while most of the things
kundalini was getting up to seemed to be a paintbrush sharing the same
jar. I had some quite horrifically terrifying experiences and really
solid, genuine fear and paranoia. These days I do not, as such,
believe I am `being abducted'. I haven't thought about this for some
while actually, and generally I feel that alien abduction was only an
/appearence/ for something serious happening in my consciousness. But
I would like to know if any of this rings true with other people.

Any takers?

IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 19:12:06 EDT
From: TarmuzATnospamaol.com
To: deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com
Cc: serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com (Mystress Angelique Serpent),
 dmargolisATnospamabm.com (Dan Margolis), kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com,
 paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk (Paul West)
Subject: Re: Bizarro
Message-ID: <52f9984a.359970c7ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 98-06-29 14:15:51 EDT, you write:

<< Still enjoyin' the K-ticket ride here on this list as the complexion
changes yet again...it may
 sound kinda cheesy, but it seems like the joy and the sorrow and the
struggles of all
 humanity...whether small and "irrelevant" or big honkin' tragical...they seem
to all get their
 voice on this list...how microcosmic!
A bit like a micturcosm of a macroclasm

Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 19:19:19 EDT
From: TarmuzATnospamaol.com
To: lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com
Cc: CC:CC:CC:lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com (Lobster),
 kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com (Kundalini-L),
 dmargolisATnospamabm.com (Dan Margolis)
Subject: Re: Cloud control:
Message-ID: <1a6fb2cd.35997278ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 98-06-29 10:21:28 EDT, you write:

<< First of all I am a very, very, VERY humble person. I wish I was more
 (I am sure that is possible).
 You mean to say that when I speak * I LIE * This cannot be. This is
 impossible [Lobster goes into shock and has a long lie down] Oh well I have
 thought about this . . . and I concede it may . . . and I say may . . . just
 may, mind you . . . be true. Some people know this - *I am exposed*. And I
 thought I only ever spoke the truth - *shucks*.
 The truth is I am arrogant, egotistical, prone to delusion and so on. I have
 as much chance of being a Guru as of being a . . . a . . . Lobster. See -
 that was real sneaky LOL.
 How are people going to differentiate the real from the false? By being
 exposed to both and using their inner discernment. How are people going to
 learn kindness? By being exposed to harshness and having to find gentleness.
 'Thank you very much' - we can learn this without your help Lobster.'
 Can you? Do so! Help me to do so . . .
 The reason I am here is because this is a place of transition. Some people
 are for the first time exposed to experiences they do not understand and
 aspects of themselves which are strange to them.
It is better to lie about lies than to lie about truths...I also can only lie
as an earnest seeker of the truth...that is the best that any of us can do...

Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 20:16:51 -0500
From: flute <fluteATnospamtexas.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: a question.. leaves?
Message-ID: <35998E03.4984ATnospamtexas.net>

E=mc2 as per the Einstein character...
Matter is not destroyed only changes form.. So the leaf will change form
and become something else. All is energy all is movement. Is an atom
alive? Water becomes steam with heat and solid with cold. We are
protoplasm and cells in a dense form.. If we evolved to a less dense
structure and different vibration, are we still alive??
..here lobster, lobster, lobster.. (I think I need a bigger box)
Date: 1 Jul 98 01:10:32 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Cloud control:
Message-Id: <35998C88.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

> It is better to lie about lies than to lie about truths...I also can only lie
> as an earnest seeker of the truth...that is the best that any of us can do...

Sometimes when you are out of touch with the truth a lie is a means of


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk


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