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1998/06/28 22:10
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #484

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 484

Today's Topics:
  Re: Loss and Acceptance [ kristinATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Loss and Acceptance [ kristinATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Morphologic Resonance [ sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net (Jack) ]
  Poem [ "jim privacy" <jprivacyATnospamhotmail.com ]
  Re: Morphologic Resonance [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: Nothing [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: Loss and Acceptance [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: Nothing [ "Paul Torres" <island_11ATnospamhotmail.co ]
  Re: Loss and Acceptance [ freda <fredaATnospamnwlink.com> ]
  Re: Loss and Acceptance [ "jim privacy" <jprivacyATnospamhotmail.com ]
  Re: Sacred Beetroot Technique [ "jim privacy" <jprivacyATnospamhotmail.com ]
  Enlightenment [ April May <aprill2468ATnospamyahoo.com> ]
  Re: Loss and Acceptance [ kristinATnospamaol.com ]
  Hi everyone [ Dave08812ATnospamaol.com ]
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 15:10:27 EDT
From: kristinATnospamaol.com
To: mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Loss and Acceptance
Message-ID: <b1a6ce23.35969524ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 98-06-26 13:28:39 EDT, you write:

>Note to Kristin: Sleeping helps in this situation, because you will
>visit your friend on the inner plane (whether you remember this or
>not) and you will comfort one another and gain inner peace and
>understanding. Someone suggested astral projection, but I do not
>know if you are capable of producing this at will. A lucid dream is
>just as good in this case. The participants are real.

I have not been able to sleep since all of this has happen. Everytime I close
my eyes, I see visions of what happened to my friend. I all most can feel her
pain, when all of this was going on to her. I am not sure, I need to sleep, I
just can't close my eyes, its to painful.
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 15:35:51 EDT
From: kristinATnospamaol.com
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Loss and Acceptance
Message-ID: <211d51bd.35969b18ATnospamaol.com>

The past two days I have been at her funeral. It was something I could not
even fathom, it seemed like a horrible dream, like it was not real. After the
funeral, I just wanted to go talk with her, and have her there as a friend,
but she was not. I felt so alone. I am not sure, this whole thing is eating me
alive. I want my friend back.
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 20:17:29 GMT
From: sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net (Jack)
To: happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Morphologic Resonance
Message-ID: <359aa4d8.248605887ATnospammailhost.worldnet.att.net>

 The entire surface of my skin was vibrating at the same
frequency. Couldn't figure out if something was using me as a
channel/relay-station, or if i was the transmitter???
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
Hi Barb,

Usually it's just a tight vibrating band around the skull. Some of the
key factors I have come to rely upon through research and experience

0. Kundalini - This a causal spiritual process and a complete
blueprint of Human Spirituality.

1. Celibacy - I have not come across any Scientific studies or for
that matter, any references at all which would link celibacy to MR.
However, I believe that the proteins and enzymes contained in both
male and female hormones are absorbed by the endocrine system and
re-processed for use by the spinal fluid and Nervous system.

2. Meditation - is a must. There needs be a bridge between the
conscious and unconscious. Meditation is the media that forms this

3. Resonance - matching frequency with Earths' electromagnetic
resonance in the 7-11Hz frequency range seems to have some affect upon
the energy contained in the human bodies "energy template". I believe
that this energy template is the seat of the mind.
 Matching the milli-frequency of ones' template to that of
anothers' template is causal. ESP,PSI, etc. is the effect. Distance
doesn't seem to matter, and this is still puzzling to me.

 Some other phenomena I have experienced or read of eludes
Science right now. Mostly because of a lack of research. "Twin Souls"
have been with us since the beginning of recorded History. A pet
theory of mine is; Every soul (spirit, template,etc.) has a
male-female, + -,yin-yan aspect to it that is embodied by two seperate
and individual personalities. These two resonate at the same exact
milli-frequency. Your so-called other half will usually be the first
"contact" you have upon succesfully resonating your template. For lack
of a better term I call this contact a "psychic hug". When these
seperate personalities rejoin into one complete "soul" (after repair
taking place over many lifetimes or as an example : Redemption from
Original sin.) the next step is to find the next "soul" in the chain
and join with it.
 We are all "one". The "One" was broken (Big Bang : Universal
Expansion) in order to repair itself (Lucifer the 'Light Bearers' fall
from Heaven) This repair is the Universal Contraction.
 All systems act in the same way, from the Universe, Galaxy,
Solar System as a whole (macrocosm). Right down to quantum Mechanics
(microcosm). As repair takes place so does contraction, until the
"One" is made whole again. Energies most basic form is Light and
frequencies of resonance is just a part of Lights' spectrum.

Granted, this is a simplistic description but a lot of it has
Scientific back-up. A good way to start is with Lee Sanella's book on
Kundalini which contains a chapter on Bentov's work in

You have to wade through a lot of Bullshit to find relevant material.
I rely upon my own intuition in order not to get sidetracked. Again
this is my own theory. I do not intend it as prosthlestizing in any
way. Having been a type A ass hole most of my life. With no belief in
anything. I formed this theory after k-awakening and it has given me
something to explain why we are all here and what our purpose is.
It has also opened up a whole new world of unconditional love and
shown me the true meaning of the phrase.


Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 14:46:01 PDT
From: "jim privacy" <jprivacyATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Poem
Message-ID: <19980628214602.5252.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain


Someone forwarded this poem on to me, thought you might enjoy.

Love, -Jim

>Waiting by the Sea
>This tidepool day you inhabit contains more than
>you need. It stirs now and then to bring
>faint news of old storms deeper than the earth.
>From caves around you feelers and claws wave
>their greeting, then slowly withdraw
> and wait for tomorrow.
>Sunlight is alive when it swims down where you are,
>and you stand still, alert to take in the sun.
>You become a stone, then a ghost of a stone,
>then the gone water's brilliant memory
> of where a stone was.
>Making the day expand in your heart and return,
>you play a limited part in whatever life is,
>practicing for that great gift when enlightenment
>comes, that long instant when the tide
> calls your name.
> William Stafford
>Copyright 1992, William Stafford, from "My Name is
>William Tell,"
>published by Confluence Press.

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Date: 28 Jun 98 22:48:02 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Morphologic Resonance
Message-Id: <3596C80E.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


> 2. Meditation - is a must. There needs be a bridge between the
> conscious and unconscious. Meditation is the media that forms this
> bridge.

Is this bridge not the very thing that the ego lusts to create?
Bridges have two sides. Reality is one.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 28 Jun 98 22:40:54 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Nothing
Message-Id: <3596C676.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

> Hello
> This is the first time I've heared another refer to this 'black'.

It's the first time it has occured to me. If you want to call it a
colour it was black, but it wasn't about colour, it was blackness as
an actual state of consciousness, empty of everything.

> Sometimes I feel I'm next to or surrounded by a wall or infinitly
> powerfull 'dot' or a huge void of rushing black space.

I do not understand how there can be a voidity of space and yet a
space at the same time?

> It is just
> outside/beyond the curtin of this realtiy,

I have noticed that the curtain of the past always points in the wrong
direction, even if it there only in traces.

> It is all of space, so huge it is incomprehensible...

I don't know if we are talking of the same thing or not. When it
happened there was no `space'. It's only in hindsight, with thought,
that I might say there was space. But it was different than space,
because the total absence of walls almost made it a very small world,
but in some other way there was no edge. There really was no size
perception at all.

> black, because it didn't contain light or endless love or bliss,

I have seen now, again in hindsight with thought, that there is
/nothing/ about that state that is desirable or appealing. It was
actually kind of a state of not really knowin anything. I'm fairly
sure `I' (loosely) had no idea of anything, like whatever was about to
happen would have to be met fully and without preconception of any
kind. It was almost scary. There was nothing about that state that you
could possible have a desire of. I think you could only sort of be
there in death, when everything has just been totally exhausted.
Certainly couldn't be there out of effort or desire or motive of ANY
degree whatsoever. If I am honest with myself, I do not particularly
want to be there. I have `wants' for other things at the moment. And
the black reality CANNOT be wanted if it is to just be there. That's
all there was to it.. just happening to be there. It felt almost
accidental, as if discovered by mistake or something.

> just the
> true imense consciousness, pure mind... It held power as an imense
> sky with racing toweriing clouds and a furious wind, or a sandstorm
> or a raging waterfall but utterly silent. Is this the blacknes you
> speak of?

Hmm, no, not really. It was not a romantic thing at all. There was no
such thing as emotion nor any knowledge that such a thing existed.
Really, true innocence.

Maybe your view of it is how it might look from a seperated viewpoint?
Being there is, well, nothing.

> I wonder what it is for it seems my experiances of the divine come
> from
> being in nature, seeing and beginning to comphrened the order of the
> universe :)

In this `state' there was no knowledge whatsoever. The devinity of it
was perhaps that being absolutely innocent and new is the only way to
meet life. But in that state there was no knowledge that this was so.
It was just so. That's just the way things were. And the degree of not
knowing was so flawless (only something I can say on reflection) that
it was a state of being utterly alert, conscious, aware of everything,
unable to avoid any spec, and there were no specs to avoid therefore.
It was perhaps being `in tune' with the universe, which may be the
only true comprehension, to /be/ it, but certainly it was not a
knowledge thing.

> hearing the music of the trees (litteraly) and the way
> it all conects, the patterns and the life which IS and flows through
> everything.

I would question this, now, asking what is that seperate `thing' that
the so-called seperate devinity is flowing through? And if it is a
`thing', an object or material seperation, how is there to be any
flow? For the `thing' to be seperate, at all, surely that is the very
personificaion or form or result OF the absence of a flow? And what of

In the black void state everything just was. That was all. There was
nothing to overcome, no `other', no obstacle, no excitement about
overcoming or being successful at achieving the envisioned goal.
Totally void of all of that. Not something any person could want at
all. The only way would be acceptance, absolute. To suggest that such
a thing is seperate of anything is incorrect IMO. There is no `other'
to it, no second, no seperate `thing'. It was a state of `no-thing'.
Nothing. No distinction between it and the `things it flowed through'.
It flowed through itself as itself and all that there was was what

> The bliss from high triggered by a beautifull song...the endless
> d..(oops)
> light.

I am little confused about this also, about the light thing. I usually
have equated God to light, envisioning increasingly crystal-clear
whitness all the way up. This state that was, though, was just
psychologically black, empty of all such thing. If I had had my eyes
open I am sure the illuminated world would have been there. The
bedroom light may have been on, the sun will have been poking around
the curtains. But I had no desire to look, to find that out, because
that vision of motive did not exist. And the most important thing, not
that it is any more or less important than any other aspect - all
being all - was a `God quality'. Ego's version of it is the belief it
is God. But there is a real counterpart on which that is extruded.
Just as any word may describe a quality, such as rich, smooth, sharp,
so in that way the nothing had the quality of God. And it really did
`exist', as no-thing.

> It has a shimmery sound and is purple-white....If god is
> eternal
> consciousness blackness nothing.....power of pure...existance,

You talk of it as though God is way distant from you? According with
that black state of nothing, that is absurd, and the kind of thing
that was seen blindly, confusedly, meandering around way up on the
`surface' levels of consciousness as little pockets of spacetime lost
in themselves.

> where's the
> love?

Perhaps you, and I, do not know what love is.

To be honest, in that state of nothing, there was no knowledge, no
preconception, no forethought, no memories, no intuitions, no psychic
abilities or thought constructs. By all intents and purposes, TO
OTHERS, that may have appeared to be loving. And in it, others may be
able to see characteristics of love, as you know it. But, actually
BEING there, being the thing, there was only what was. It was
acceptance, but without ANY affirmation of accepting or hurdle gone
past or thing forgiven. It was new. And there was only `now' in which
it was new. And maybe in some fancy way you could say that the now
lasted forever, but it was not of time, and it went nowhere. It was
totally innocent. Being there it was not possible to perceive as we
normally perceive that you were there. There was no seperation, and
thus no self-center. No center at all. And things were not large, or
small, or ANY size. There was no perception of size at all. On
reflection there were no limits, big, small, boundless, but /somehow/
whole, totally and completely whole and without a spec to be unaware
of or to obstruct the sheer `light' of awareness. No shadows, in the
sense that there was no obstructions. All that, existing, if in a
person, interacting amongst other people, might be referred to or seen
as or construed to fit into what we call `love'. Absolutely, there was
no issue. That's why nobody in their thought-self mindstate really
wants that. There's nothing about it you or I want. No benefit can
become of it. No profit or gain, no support of emotional security.
Nothing. The perfect friend perhaps. Equality.

> where's the light, growing, glowing in the heart...

I don't know. Maybe that is a thing that happens in the course of
time, in the spacetime continuum. No, I think many people are very
mistaken as to what spiritual light is, what light of awareness is.
When there is absolute light there is no obstacle, no `other', no
`thing', and thus no shadow, no unseen areas. Indeed no areas. You can
visualise light or love, perhaps as a lovely shining white light or a
great warmth or something. But that's not how it is IMO. In a sense it
is of no use to anyone. It's just there. You can't touch it, or do
anything with it, or have any agenda for it. Nothing to do, just a
total feeling of being utterly `distracted' from everything, in that
there was nothing to lose and so there was the greatest attention.

> I don't know. I
> know this blackness you speak of, but is it Good?

It was not Good, it was not Bad either. It was not a measureable
thing. There was no such thing as measurement there, at all. Not that
it wasn't in use, it simply didn't exist, nor was there memory that it
once did. No such thing. If you want Good, you certainly don't want
that. Any `want' is going to take you away from that void. You can
only accept it unconditionally.

> is it maybe a
> 'space'

Space and time are the same thing. Let's not get confused though. Yes,
in a sense, ONLY when you measure, there is a lot of space in the
universe, even in the world. You call it space by comparison of two
seperated things and judgement of the distance between them, taking
first the beginning point, and a little time later the ending point.
So for there to be space, there has to be time. Anything that takes
time takes space, and anything that takes up space takes time. But
this is the measurement of the universe. Take away that measurement
and that measuring attitude, completely, and there is no space. This
does not remove the universe. You transcend it, merge with it. And
when I say transcend you do not go underneath it or as a seperate
layer from it. You grow into it, sort of. And having no measurement or
means to measure is the ending of space and time. So that state, that
black nothing, was (past tense, as I am in time now) not a space. Nor
for that state was there any challenge or any threat or any fear or
any hurdle or any problem or anything to do. Yet there was a great
looking, attention.

> with the energy of the universe withing but God is morethen that?

I don't know. You can't truly contain the `energy of the universe'. It
wasn't a place, it had no location or concept of such a thing. Can you
imagine just being without being /somewhere/? And there was no time,
like it was frozen, and yet there was fluidity, movement, but NOT
movement that takes time. There was love, but not love whose behaviour
can be observed. There was knowing but not a knowing that had any
secrets or pockets of thought-forms masqeurading as knowledge. No
time, no space, no center, no limits, no size, no measurement of any
kind. Just being, just `there', attentive to all, accepting all, in
sight of all and seeing all.

The `experience' of being omnipresent, ie being in all places, does
NOT coexist with the /theory/ or /model/ of many places and many
things at many times. That is only an external view. Actually DOING
it, BEING it, is totally different. Just that basically nothing
exists. Not to say that there is nothing, or to say that there is
existence. Just that there was this undefinable `wasness' that, well,
nobody can ever put my finger on. You can be it, or not. That is all.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 28 Jun 98 22:45:45 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Loss and Acceptance
Message-Id: <3596C799.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

Dear Freda,

> sendin' ya a rainbow.... where better to stand and weep than in the love
> of the light of the promise of god ---shinnin' thru your tears...
> freda

I full appreciate the loving nature that you were sending to kristin
and your positive, supportive attitude. I do not in any way disrespect
that. And what I am about to say may sound crap, but totally detatched
from the continuum or context or state of mind in which you wrote this
message and in which you conveyed your support, as a totally seperate,
/objective/ observation, how on earth do you go about sending somebody
a rainbow? What is `the love of the light'? What is the `promise of
God'? And in what was does it `shine through tears'?

I do hope you understand there is no teasing or disrespect or disgust
or point-making or proving or suggesting or hating or one-upmanship in
what I am asking. It is a simple objective question I am asking of you
as truly, I do not know what you're going on about.

Fullest love to yourself and kristin. Even so, /even so/, could you
please explain?



IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 14:57:19 PDT
From: "Paul Torres" <island_11ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk, ambroadATnospamacs.ucalgary.ca
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Nothing
Message-ID: <19980628215719.25105.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

  A little while back I experienced this blackness also. It never
actually destroyed my reality, but I could see it happening. I was
driving down a main road when slowly it dawned on me that all of this
three dimensional reality seemed like a two dimensional world. I then
saw that directly through the thin, wavering, silken picture of my three
dimensional world existed an all encompasing blackness just as you have
described. It happened once where there wasn't blackness, but a picture
of another world, chaotic in nature, but I don't know what that was.
I'm sure that the answers will show themselves to me soon, as I'm sure
you will all find your meanings for your questions.

I just thought I could share a bit with all of you,
Have a great day,
Paul Torres

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Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 15:48:26 -0700
From: freda <fredaATnospamnwlink.com>
To: Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Loss and Acceptance
Message-ID: <3596C83A.6A95ATnospamnwlink.com>

you see god in darkness

I have seen god in both darkness and light,,,,

the rainbow is known, to some, as a promise from god to never again
destroy his people by flood.... (noah and the ark) ..... I am childish
in my nature, I also believe in fairy tales... or at least the happy
endings which they have... sending a rainbow was NOT literal,,, however
I can wish a rainbow into being....and four leaf clovers gather at my
feet, it is how "I" am.
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 16:03:30 PDT
From: "jim privacy" <jprivacyATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kristinATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Loss and Acceptance
Message-ID: <19980628230331.9141.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>From: <kristinATnospamaol.com>

>Thanks for that. I really like and appreciate what you said. I have a
>deal tosay, but my mind is not in the right place, I am kinda out of it
>no sleep, crying, kinda falling apart, but still at the same time
holding it
>together..make any sense? Okay, off to work.

Dear Kristin:

You are more "together" than you know. Very very few people in your
shoes would be able to describe their inner state with as much clarity
as you have. When you see that your mind is "out of it", in turmoil,
there must be a part of you that stays steady and clear to be able to
perceive that. In other words, the one who is perceiving the turmoil is
different *from* the turmoil. Make any sense, or too early for this?

You seem to have found a calm, inner stillness in the middle of this
storm. Somewhere inside you. Maybe when you're sitting at the keyboard
to write these thoughts down, maybe then you get a chance to "watch" you
thoughts before getting tangled up in them. Might only last a moment or
two for now. See if you can't find that still place inside and gradually
let it expand. If it helps, you can "watch" your thoughts/feelings and
write them down. Don't have to Email them to anybody, just write them
down, if that helps.

Let your feelings be as intense as they need to be. Don't run from them,
you will have to deal with your feelings sooner or later. It may hurt
like Hell but I promise it won't kill you and you won't go crazy.

You are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I could do more for you, wish
I could take some of your pain and bear it for you. Write just enough to
let me know you're alive.

Love, -Jim

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 16:29:17 PDT
From: "jim privacy" <jprivacyATnospamhotmail.com>
To: lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Sacred Beetroot Technique
Message-ID: <19980628232918.213.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>From lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.
>Hi Jim,
>Glad you are here. I would recommend that you place a large beetroot on
your head and go about your worldly tasks with this reminder of
spirituality - the awareness required to maintain balance. I hope this
is the kind of suggestion you require.
>Be Well
>Unqualified Lobster
>(beetroot in place)

Does it have to be an *organically grown* beetroot? And do I have to
place it over the 5th eye or Crown Chakra? Is there a beetroot pill I
can take instead? I want the 90 days to Enlightenment Guaranteed pill
version. I just know that if I can get the technique down right, I won't
have to worry about intention. If I can spend enough money on enough
books and seminars (and beetroots!) I can get Enlightenment and still
hang onto my limited useless concepts of who I think I am. It's a plan,

Thanks Lobster, my newfound crustacean friend. I'll follow your helpful
suggestion. Let you know when I achieve that inner "Buddha-like beetroot

Love, -Jim

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Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 19:40:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: April May <aprill2468ATnospamyahoo.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Enlightenment
Message-ID: <19980629024023.29357.rocketmailATnospamsend1b.yahoomail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Jan and Paul,

Thanks for the responses to my post about enlightenment. I appreciate
your suggestions.
I do have my own meditation practice and I am also currently reading a
book entitled "What is Enlightenment?" edited by John White. Both are
helpful to me.

Thanks again!


Get your free ATnospamyahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 23:07:48 EDT
From: kristinATnospamaol.com
To: jprivacyATnospamHotmail.com, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Loss and Acceptance
Message-ID: <8ad6f095.35970505ATnospamaol.com>

>You are more "together" than you know. Very very few people in your
>shoes would be able to describe their inner state with as much clarity
>as you have. When you see that your mind is "out of it", in turmoil,
>there must be a part of you that stays steady and clear to be able to
>perceive that. In other words, the one who is perceiving the turmoil is
>different *from* the turmoil. Make any sense, or too early for this?
It does make sense, not to clear though, but clear enough to get the picture.

>You seem to have found a calm, inner stillness in the middle of this
>storm. Somewhere inside you. Maybe when you're sitting at the keyboard
>to write these thoughts down, maybe then you get a chance to "watch" you
>thoughts before getting tangled up in them. Might only last a moment or
>two for now. See if you can't find that still place inside and gradually
>let it expand. If it helps, you can "watch" your thoughts/feelings and
>write them down. Don't have to Email them to anybody, just write them
>down, if that helps.

I have always been able to find a calm, inner stillness in writing. I have
expressed most of my feelings through writting. Most I don't share with
>Let your feelings be as intense as they need to be. Don't run from them,
>you will have to deal with your feelings sooner or later. It may hurt
>like Hell but I promise it won't kill you and you won't go crazy.

I want to run away from these feelings. I don't like them at all. I don't
want to face them. I know I know I have to though, even though I am scared of

Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 00:12:49 EDT
From: Dave08812ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Hi everyone
Message-ID: <9acb76bf.35971443ATnospamaol.com>

Dear Gentle Souls,

 I have been more retired than usual, because I have hurt my back. I ask for
your prayers to help heal my spine. I have not been able to pursue my practice
as vigourously as I have wanted to. Thanx.

     Best wishes,



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