Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/25 02:39
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #474

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 474
Today's Topics: Re: Sound Meditation [ "Samuel Abebe" ]
  Fwd:a teacher who can awaken Kundali [ Mystress Angelique Serpent ] Using sound to raise energy [ "Dhyani \"Debbie\"" ]
  Aum Mane Padme Hum. [ "Chuck O'Connell" ] Re: mailing list [ Jude1ATnospamwebtv.net ]
  Re: ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Me [ Jude1ATnospamwebtv.net ] Re: ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Me [ valerie cooper ]
  Re: Wisdom Tree [ valerie cooper ] Re: ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Me [ Mystress Angelique Serpent ]
  Re: Sound Meditation [ UweJohannATnospamaol.com ] Re: AUM MANE PADME HUM [ UweJohannATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: How? [ "Lobster" ] Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 19:09:52 -0400
From: "Samuel Abebe" To: "Wonderer" ,
 "Kundalini list" Subject: Re: Sound Meditation
Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain;
 charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Hi Cathy:
I can't say enough about the inner sound. Many scriptures make strong
connection between the inner sound and the source. Some suggest that the sound and the source are one and the same. "In the beginning was the word,
the word was with God and the world was God." In translation, "word" was used instead of "Logos"
There are three stages to the sound meditation.
First one masters listening to it. This involves paying attention and trying
to hear the sound until one is able to hear it at will.
Second, the listing changes into feeling. One starts to feel it throughout the whole body.
Finally, one merges with it. Not much can be said about that. To merge with
it is to merge with the source.
You can experiment with this process by listing to New Age kind of musics. Where you can follow a single instrument as much as you can. After a while,
you will start to feel the music. If you persist with it, you will eventually lose consciousness of the self and become the music, so to speak.
It is more effective if you do this in a very relaxed mode. Once you know how this process works, apply it the the sound current.
The best thing to do of course is to find someone who is established in the
sound current and hang around him or her. When you do this, a process of fine-tuning happens and you will start to hear the current more and more.
There are many benefits that came from listening to the sound current. A lot
of healing (physical, mental and emotional) happens, the practitioner´s voice becomes soft and soothing. None linear kind of knowing starts to
develop and etc, etc. These, however should not be the focus. The focus should always be awakening. The rest is a trap one way or another.
May the Word be with you and bring you lots of fun!

-----Original Message-----
From: Wonderer To: Kundalini list
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 1998 11:01 AM Subject: Sound Meditation

>Hi list, >
>Occasionally I hear the internal aum, sometimes very loudly. A >comment on this list re controlling lightening may have planted a
>thought in the "back of my mind". Two nights ago, I suddenly was >hearing the aum very clearly. My son and I were watching a ballgame
>on TV, but I settled back in my chair and meditated upon the sound. >In the back of my mind was the ballgame my son was watching. Our
>team was down, and I (of course) was hoping they would score some >runs. Using something like Chopra's description of intention and
>desire, I wanted my team to win, but I released the desire. I >believe I sent thought waves back to the source through that sound.
>The results were immediate. They rallied and eventually won the >game. I have used intention and desire before, but usually it takes
>a few weeks to produce results. This may be a way of speeding the >process.
> >I know this could be a coincidence, but I no longer really believe in
>coincidence. I think I am on to something here. >
>If there really is anything to this, it can be used to improve the >health of one's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. I
>have read (see below) that the internal aum is a direct link back to >the source.
> >I have been looking this up on the net, and discovered shabda yoga,
>the yoga of the internal sound, and audinometry a related, but more >western sound based philosophy. I also can't help but recall Joshua
>and the battle of Jehrico, where the 7 days of circling Jehrico and >blowing the rams horns brought the walls tumbling down. [Also, as an
>aside, I have read that all reference in the bible to past lives and >reincarnation was edited out at a well-documented council meeting a
>few hundred years ago. I think much of the mysticism of the bible >has been deleted and the book itself and the christian world is
>poorer for that interference.] >
>Anyone know more about the yoga of sound? >
>Cathy >
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 16:12:10 -0700 From: Mystress Angelique Serpent
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Fwd:a teacher who can awaken Kundalini for me
Message-Id:   Forwarded message:
> >Please post this to the server anonymously--please do not put my name or
>e-mail address on it in any way at all. >
>I would like to find a teacher who can awaken my Kundalini if and when >he/she decides I am fit for the experience, and is also willing to help
>me afterwards. >
>I live in the Dallas, Texas, USA area. >
>Thank you very much for your kind assistance. >
> >
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 18:53:17 -0500 (CDT) From: Jude1ATnospamwebtv.net
To: habATnospamtelekom.com.my (Hajeed), Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: AUM MANE PADME HUM
Oh Money Pay Me Now *************
Seriously, I'm not sure of the meaning of the words. It is a mantra I learned in a feng shui seminar.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 18:33:02 -0700 From: "Lela Terry"
To: Subject: mailing list
Message-ID: Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

i'd like to be on your mailing list. thank you.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 22:04:49 -0400 From: "Dhyani \"Debbie\""
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com Subject: Using sound to raise energy
Message-Id: A really good book to read is:
"The Hathors Material" by Virginia Essene and Tom Kenyon
I highly recommend this book to everyone on this list. It talks about what
is going on spiritually/psychically in the world today and what may be coming up. It explains all the current Egyptian influences that are
guiding humanity through drastic changes at this time. The Hathors are angelic beings who were present during Egyptian times and are not exerting
their influence on our culture again. This is a chanelled book by the way. The Hathors describe many techniques using sound meditation/chanting.
One of the most powerful chants in the book is:
You are supposed to say it in groups of four. But be careful. The first
time I did this one, I tried it 16 times and it brought up too much energy into my brow/crown chakras.
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 03:54:34 +0100 From: "jb"
To: "K. list" , "Hajeed" Subject: RE: AUM MANE PADME HUM
Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain;
Jeed asked:
> Does anyone know its meaning?
Jan: There is more to the mantra om mani padme hum than can be said in a few
words. Here are some om mani padme hum sites:
Great site, tanka, story, meaning of the mantra
interpretation of meaning: http://krypton.mankato.msus.edu/~spiral/MRTweb/webart/BryceArt4.html
German: http://www.ommanipadmehum.de/
Prayer wheels:
http://www.astro.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/kam/om_mani_padme_hum.html http://shivadas.com/prayerwheel.html
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 22:57:24 -0400 From: "Chuck O'Connell"
To: k-list Subject: Aum Mane Padme Hum.
Message-ID: Content-Disposition: inline
Hi, I remember it meaning 'Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus'.
Chuck. Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 20:26:16 -0700
From: freda To: Lela Terry
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: mailing list
wow, spontaneous manifestation.
no, really, welcome LEla Terry.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 22:35:58 -0500 (CDT) From: Jude1ATnospamwebtv.net
To: fredaATnospamnwlink.com, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: mailing list
I know I'm manifesting things much more quickly these days...
Judy Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 22:40:18 -0500 (CDT)
From: Jude1ATnospamwebtv.net To: supervisorATnospamccmgate.bloomfield.edu (ccMail SMTPLINK),
 Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Message
BUT, what I would really like to manifest now is getting rid of the junk with Undeliverable Messages when I post a message to the "List".
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 19:45:14 -0800 From: valerie cooper
To: Jude1ATnospamwebtv.net CC: ccMail SMTPLINK ,
 Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Message
Jude1ATnospamwebtv.net wrote: >
> BUT, what I would really like to manifest now is getting rid of the junk > with Undeliverable Messages when I post a message to the "List".
> > Judy.
uh oh... loooooook out now!
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 23:51:00 EDT From: PShaw86324ATnospamaol.com
To: madammumATnospamptialaska.net, Jude1ATnospamwebtv.net Cc: supervisorATnospamccmgate.bloomfield.edu, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Message Message-ID:
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 23:59:45 EDT From: PShaw86324ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Interactive Yoga Shockwave
Does anyone have the address for this? Last I checked, it was under construction.
Who is Marcella Baglion?
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 01:39:01 -0400 From: David Bozzi
To: "iamATnospamonelist.com" , Kundalini , Damaris
Subject: Wisdom Tree Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Wisdom Tree
Stealth is a virtue.
To teach without personality. Like a wisdom tree.
Learn to be.
Soil womb. Fertile host.
Plant understanding.
Watch it grow. With a minimal of effort.
Nature does the most.
Archetype seed. Grows so fast.
To roots, to stems, to leaves. Thriving on light.
Into a tree that lasts forever. Shhhhhhh...
Wisdom tree speaks softly in Silence.
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 21:46:39 -0800 From: valerie cooper
To: david.bozziATnospamsnet.net CC: "iamATnospamonelist.com" , Kundalini ,
 Damaris Subject: Re: Wisdom Tree
David - this poem is so beautiful!
Thankyou! i passed it on & put "copyright 1998, by David Bozzi".
I hope this is okay? vc
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 15:59:40 +1000 From: Matthew Resmer
To: Magne Aga Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Everything wants to live - Alpha = Omega (was Re : Recreate Eden) Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
      I noticed in this post you referred to a violet flame - it reminded me of an experience I had about a year ago and was I wondering
if it could be at all related.
 I was meditating late at night because I couldn't sleep and I went into a strange state of consciousness where my entire body felt charged with
some kind of energy, like it was kind of flowing around / through me.
 After a short while of this I saw a small (yet quite bright) misty, violet light / orb. The position of this light was weird because it was
like it was about a foot in front of my eyes while in my head just behind the space between my eyes at the same time, and yet in neither
position ... almost like it was in no-space (sorry, it's hard to explain).
 Anyway, to the right of this light I saw a middle aged women with a
cloak / cowl on who was saying something to me I couldn't hear and some guy to the left of it who's features I can't remember anything of ... I
don't think he was talking either.
 Then I suddenly realized I wasn't breathing and snapped out of it with a start, gasping for air.
 This could just be my mind playing tricks on me (it does some strange
things while meditating) but the violet flame you mentioned is the first similar thing I've heard of since then.
Feel free to email me your thoughts if you have any ideas, know of what
it may have been or heard of anything similar.
Matt Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 22:54:09 -0700
From: Melody To: Matthew Resmer
CC: Magne Aga , kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: Everything wants to live - Alpha = Omega (was Re : Recreate Eden)
These sort of experiences occur with an influx of the 6th chakra, don't they? Melody
Matthew Resmer wrote:
> Hello,
> I noticed in this post you referred to a violet flame - it > reminded me of an experience I had about a year ago and was I wondering
> if it could be at all related. >
> I was meditating late at night because I couldn't sleep and I went into > a strange state of consciousness where my entire body felt charged with
> some kind of energy, like it was kind of flowing around / through me. >
> After a short while of this I saw a small (yet quite bright) misty, > violet light / orb. The position of this light was weird because it was
> like it was about a foot in front of my eyes while in my head just > behind the space between my eyes at the same time, and yet in neither
> position ... almost like it was in no-space (sorry, it's hard to > explain).
> > Anyway, to the right of this light I saw a middle aged women with a
> cloak / cowl on who was saying something to me I couldn't hear and some > guy to the left of it who's features I can't remember anything of ... I
> don't think he was talking either. >
> Then I suddenly realized I wasn't breathing and snapped out of it with > a start, gasping for air.
> > This could just be my mind playing tricks on me (it does some strange
> things while meditating) but the violet flame you mentioned is the first > similar thing I've heard of since then.
> > Feel free to email me your thoughts if you have any ideas, know of what
> it may have been or heard of anything similar. >
> Thanks, >
> Cya! >
> Matt Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 23:05:29 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent To: PShaw86324ATnospamaol.com
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Message
Message-Id:   There is a miraculous, nearly instantaneous way!
   It's called a "delete key". Be happy you get them only in response to the posts you write. I get them
for every post and every closed mailbox. No worries, the computer is smart enough to figure out on it's own after a day or two that the mail is
bouncing and unsub that person. It doesn't do it right away coz often mailbox problems are temporary.
    BB, M. PS to Valerie: I reserve my juciest flames for those who are so foolish as
to repost these bounce messages back to the list.. see if I'd flamed you publically I wouldn't have to keep explaining it..:D
At 11:51 PM 24/06/98 EDT, PShaw86324ATnospamaol.com wrote:
>Lizard >
> >
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 16:11:05 +1000 From: Matthew Resmer
To: melodyATnospampowernet.net Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Everything wants to live - Alpha = Omega (was Re : Recreate Eden) Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Melody wrote:
> > These sort of experiences occur with an influx of the 6th chakra, don't they?
> Melody
Melody, Thanks for the reply, could you please explain a little further?
The thing is - I don't really think I have an awakened Kundalini or anything like that - mainly because I've never found out anything about
chakras through experience.
 I have had energy rushes up my spine but no notice of energy centers, bad effects like burnt body parts (hands seem to be the most common),
extreme psychic experiences or anything like that.
 I just get energy "rushes" from time to time, weird states of consciousness, a few odd synchronicity events etc. ... seeing strange
energy things (also saw something like glowing golden snow falling on and around me when meditating once (with my eyes open) looked and felt
pretty trippy).
 Problem is ... I don't really know what's "real" and what's just my mind.
 Anyway ... what's the influx of the 6th chakra you mentioned?
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 23:14:44 -0700 From: Melody
To: Matthew Resmer , kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com Subject: Re: Everything wants to live - Alpha = Omega (was Re : Recreate Eden)
Hi Matthew,
Well, I am certainly no expert, I am just learning, but from what I understand the ascent of "prana" (universal energy) that enters each chakra to open it/activate it
is supposed to happen "in order" but it doesn't do that either in order usually or evenly.
For instance, most people in industrial societies never get past the opening of
their 3rd chakra. The first 3 chakras are located in the pelvis and mainly have to do with survival; with making it in this world. The 4th chakra is a hard jump to
take because it's the first spiritual chakra. The 5th chakra is located at the throat and is the inspiration chakra. The 6th chakra is located at the "third eye"
and it carries with it visionary, shamanistic, prophetic experiences. The 7th is the crown chakra and can only be mastered through prolonged spiritual discipline.
If you are centered at the 1st chakra, your relationships would be very needy and
clingy. If you are weak in your 3rd chakra, you may have power struggles and/or be an underachiever or have a weak ego. You could probably be strong at chakras 1,3,5,
and weak or have blockages at 2, 6, 7.
Most western people are centered at the 3rd chakra if they are reasonably healthy and well adjusted. But you can get "leakages" from the higher chakras that give you
glimpes into these energy centers. They should be developed with meditation and expanded, to expand your spiritual growth, but gradually and carefully. It can be
psychologically dangerous to go too fast. One powerful way is to meditate for very prolonged hours with your tongue turned upside down at the roof of your mouth - (do
not try that at home!!)
Gee, I hope I'm not repeating myself everywhere. I just wrote this on another list! There's probably a lot more people here who know more than I do and who can
answer your question better. Especially Angelique. Best,
Matthew Resmer wrote:
> Melody wrote: > >
> > These sort of experiences occur with an influx of the 6th chakra, don't they? > > Melody
> > Melody,
> Thanks for the reply, could you please explain a little further? > The thing is - I don't really think I have an awakened Kundalini or
> anything like that - mainly because I've never found out anything about > chakras through experience.
> > I have had energy rushes up my spine but no notice of energy centers,
> bad effects like burnt body parts (hands seem to be the most common), > extreme psychic experiences or anything like that.
> > I just get energy "rushes" from time to time, weird states of
> consciousness, a few odd synchronicity events etc. ... seeing strange > energy things (also saw something like glowing golden snow falling on
> and around me when meditating once (with my eyes open) looked and felt > pretty trippy).
> > Problem is ... I don't really know what's "real" and what's just my
> mind. >
> Anyway ... what's the influx of the 6th chakra you mentioned? >
> Thanks, >
> Cya! >
> Matt Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 03:52:37 EDT
From: UweJohannATnospamaol.com To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Sound Meditation Message-ID:
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Hello dear friends, hello Cathy,
< It is so wonderful to have this group with which to discuss these
matters. I have no other resource. My friends would all think I am possessed, and my husband already thinks I am crazy. Thank you all
for being there. >>
    for me it was a long time the same problem, no one to talk such thinks. Since I was with a friend / co-worker (my ex boss) on an Meditation-Camp with
Guruji Mohan, who gave some of us a healing treatment with his "pocketlamp"... I can watch the process starting by my friend. Now every day he came into my
office, to ask and tell about his new discoveries, sensations, experiances..... its funny.
    It was hard not to share the blissful and not so fine experiences with my
wife, because I saw, she was afraid, that I am going down into some madness. But since last week, she was looking a football game of the world Cup in
france, I came from meditaion and was looking the last minutes of the game. I saw the players and all the people in the stadium. Wowww.... what an abound
of energy, charged myself from it. Then my wife said: 'there must be a lot of energy......' In that moment she felt a tingle from the legs, up to the whole
body, head and a lot in the cheeks. That was it. Since her experience she is more courious than affraid. We started now to talk about it and thats
wonderful. And I am glad too, about this list. A source, a mirror, advisor,
inspiration and a sometimes it is giving rise to nearly die laughing, sometimes it makes me cry.
    I write very rarely becaus I am to slow. Every time I read the post, first it answers often my questions, before I formulated them.
    Love and light
Uwe Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 03:52:39 EDT
From: UweJohannATnospamaol.com To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AUM MANE PADME HUM Message-ID:
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
the Dalai Lama said in one of his books, every time it is good to recite the
mantra AUM MANE PADME HUM or in tibetan OM MANE PEME HUNG. You can read a lot of books and discuss about it, about the intonation, if it is correct said or
whatever. Or you can do it, lets say a little bit more than one million times, every free time of your live, by walking, driving, just as loud, that yourself
can hear it, or in mind, when you are allone. Than, one time you will know, if there is a meaning but then the meaning is meaningless.
Or let it be.
Love and light Uwe
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 1998 09:10:23 +0100 From: "Lobster"
To: "Paul West" , "kundalini-1"
Subject: Re: How? Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

>Hi. >
>How else could muck exist on the ego if it weren't possible for us all >to be eteranally enlightened - which means `at the same time'.
Does not really mean much. To say someone is enlightened at the same time is
true (the over self - higher self or superconscious is perfect). However that is not everyones experience. Part of the spiritual process is to remove
the muck. You as I have mentioned elsewhere are more muck than enlightenment.
This is very sad. You try to display wisdom and end up displaying ego and waffle. We have a similar situation with people pointing out how this
'judgement' is unspiritual - that in itself is a judgement. I am aware of that.
You (that is you Paul West) are completely unaware of your spiritual nature. You are not even a real person - you just talk to yourself - a sort of
mental masterbation. As one Thai teacher put it once, to label ("kundalini rising", "thinking",
"chewing", etc., etc.) in order to perceive clearly is like following the tracks of the elephant in order to look at the elephant that is standing
right in front of us in the bright daylight. Example: A taste is not a description of a taste. Eyes shut, eyes open. Try both and you'll see the

> It must >be possible for there to be a state in which there is enlightenment
>AND there is ego-muck. And it must, therefore, be possible to speak >and write as enlightened, bypassing the ego, even if the ego still
>remains and still watches like a fly on the wall. But when this >occurs, ego cannot touch it, because it's too slippery. It is the
>sheer `letting be' of the enlightened self that enables there to exist >an ego-self `simultaneously'. So, when a person appears to have lots
>of ego, or they seem to be self-centered or selfish or horrible, it is >not such a good idea to target them with like-kind, for in actual fact
>there is nothing wrong with them.
Rubbish! You are an egotist. You are a corrupting influence. To say that there is
nothing wrong with that would be to allow falsity to masquerade as wisdom. That is why I constantly remind you - you are a fool - a jabbering monkey.
When you shut up and listen, you start to hear - then you think you understand and back you go to your nonsense . . .
There is nothing I can do about that. There is nothing you want to do about it. Therefore I will be labled 'cruel' and 'unkind' and people will find
'wisdom' in your words. That is the way of the world.
And maybe it is perfectly alright
>for there to remain all the so-called bad things of the world, without >their removal, at the same time as being enlightened, for the desire
>to remove and to get rid of is not of enlightenment. When it comes, >when it happens, which is now, and always has been and always will be,
>the chains of control have slipped away and there can still be an >ego-self. It's just that it might look different. And it may be
>possible for the ego-self to view the world in an egotistical way, /at >the same time/ as the enlightened view. So discard not anything that
>is said by anyone of any stature, because it all belongs to the whole.
Rubbish. Spoken by a walking dustbin. You are just an accumulation of
undigested knowledge. You steal from the words of the wise and corrupt them with lack of understanding.
Know this PAUL WEST. You are not enlightened. You are not wise. You are not spiritual. You do not have wisdom.
Now weep. I have nothing for you but tears.
Sadly Lobster


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