1998/06/24 16:27
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #473
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 473
Today's Topics:
Re: Dreams, visions and symbols [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
Re: Anybody have experience with Raj [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
Re: AUM MANE PADME HUM [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
Re: AUM MANE PADME HUM [ melintonATnospamalison.sbc.edu ]
RE: Unidentified subject! [ "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com> ]
Re: is K-necessary on the path? (was [ Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com> ]
Okay, it's basically wasting bandwid [ Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com> ]
Re: Past Lives and Unfinished Karma [ "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com> ]
Sound Meditation [ "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com> ]
awakening? [ "Walls" <MURPHY18ATnospamprodigy.net> ]
Re: awakening? [ "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com> ]
Re: Sound Meditation [ "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com> ]
Re: AUM MANE PADME HUM [ "Dan Margolis" <dmargolisATnospamabm.com> ]
Re: Unidentified subject! [ "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail. ]
Re: Unidentified subject! [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
Re: AUM MANE PADME HUM [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ John DeLuca <j.delucaATnospamwayne.edu> ]
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 23:07:32 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: david.bozziATnospamsnet.net
Cc: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us, Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Dreams, visions and symbols
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I am finding that happens all the time.. not much time to post these
days, so I send my thoughts.. and somebody often types 'em up.. or are they
my thoughts?? (shrug)
BB, A.
At 01:51 AM 24/06/98 -0400, David Bozzi wrote:
>amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us wrote:
>> *knock-knock.... Who's there?... Who's asking?...*
>I almost sent that very post today.Thanx for getting around to it.
>(whose reading whose mind?)
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 06:18:07 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "Chuck O'Connell" <ChuckOConnellATnospamcompuserve.com>,
"k-list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Anybody have experience with Raja-Yoga?
Message-ID: <010601bd9f3a$bb1866a0$975595c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;
I get it, that is what I understood to be 'empty mind'. I do look to see
the source of my thoughts.
What I 'see' as their source depends on the thought. Some thoughts carry
with them emotions:
I 'see' that angry thoughts, vengeful thoughts, hateful thoughts come from
wounded ego.
This understanding has allowed me to 'turn off' anger during interactions
with other people
(but not always!).
Integration with the emotional body is the first benefit of meditation
practice. This means we see the source of our 'thoughts', 'imignation' and
'emotions'. Realising they are empty of any reality allows us to go deeper
into who we really are. Most people including the 'evolved' are nothing more
than people who have stuck a new bunch of stuff on the same old person. It
is just a different layer of responses. Real meditation practice is about
ridding ourselves of these layers . . .
There are some thoughts which carry with them feelings
of pride - thoughts
about a good job done on some task. Some thoughts are just plain fun -
'Wouldn't it be neat if
I could fly' sort of thing (I see this as ego wanting to be able to do
something superhuman),
There are other thoughts that I just can't figure out where they come from.
They are just show up.
'I need to fill the car with gas'. There appears to be no ego or emotion
involved, It is not a reaction
to a negative or positive event. It is just practical. It's just there.
Mind Babble! Aim to be a real and genuine human being. This is far harder!
:-) I should know . . . being a Lobster :-)
Is this what you mean by trying to see the source of a thought?
Seeing where they come
from the ego? Or should I be loooking (see the third eye in there? (Ha!))
for something else, something
that transends the ego. Should I be looking beyond understanding ego? If
so (and I think it is so), then what do I 'look' for? What do you 'see' it
Not to or with or for, just attention. The Attentive Mind does not look for
because it is the Found. This is so simple. It is the whole thing. Move into
the Attentive Mind.
Be Attentive Now. Be in the Breath. Attentive. Be the thoughts. Attentive.
Be the arisings Attentive. Be the Attentive. Meditate with attention. You
knew that . . .
Be Well, Be Kind, Be Attentive
Peace to All as I gratefully implore you to be patient with me.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 05:55:49 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "Hajeed" <habATnospamtelekom.com.my>, "K. list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Message-ID: <010401bd9f3a$b8482fa0$975595c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;
>Does anyone know its meaning?
Meaning is not very important with mantra but sound is.
However one meaning is 'All Praise to the Jewel in the Lotus'. This is a
representation of sexual union in Tibetan Buddhist Tantra and is a merging
of male/female energies or fullness and emptiness. It therefore is a symbol
or representation of enlightenment or Mind Union. The jewel in the Lotus is
also the Dharma or teaching of the Buddha or the Buddha can be seen as the
jewel, the Lotus Sutra is an important text in Mahayana and Vajrayana
Buddhism. Many meanings . . .
To really understand this mantra you would need to chant it for a few years.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 08:35:23 -0400
From: melintonATnospamalison.sbc.edu
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Message-Id: <l03130301b1b6a24ca54cATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hajeed wrote:
> Does anyone know its meaning?
> Jeed.
val wrote:
i *think* it means "your mama & daddy like to sing"...
signaLfire wrote:
I thought it was "mama plays the squeeze box, daddy doesn't sleep at night"!
"Now if I'm gonna give up my life for you people there's gonna be some
*rules* around here!"
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 14:11:52 +0100
From: "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com>
To: "K. list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: RE: Unidentified subject!
Message-ID: <000101bd9f71$a7b4b280$a46335c3ATnospamjb>
Content-Type: text/plain;
>[...] You could say, for
> example, that bliss or nothingness is kundalini at its most efficient.
> And from this you could extrapolate that this great intelligence of
> kundalini AS `enlightenment' reacts to the goo in the body, with
> compassion, and it is only when goo is there that you see it acting.
> And sometimes there's so much goo that it doesn't act, because maybe
> it's not right to.
With enlightenment, one knows without a doubt that bliss is without a cause.
With spontaneous K., this direct knowledge is absent so bliss and many other
things are attributed to K. This isn't correct and it can be shown with a
few examples. A person under severe emotional stress can produce Poltergeist
phenomena (noises, rappings, disorder, random telekinesis etc.). These
phenomena are caused by powers of the mind. However, when a kundalite
experiences the same phenomena, they are called K. related. Under hypnosis,
people can be suggested they are empaths. If a kundalite becomes an empath,
it is K. related. In reality, these phenomena are always caused by powers
of the mind. K. is the creative principle of existence, it enlivens
everything, mind included. By attributing all powers of the mind to K. and
considering K. to be a supreme Power, one is at the mercy of what one thinks
is K., but what in reality are the unknown whims of one's own (K. heated)
mind. K. can be compared to the tropical sun. It is powerful and shines for
all. Some know how to use it but others don't and can get severe burns or
worse. That this is a sad truth can be seen in psychiatric institutions.
Many persons who are considered insane, became victims of the whims of their
mind to the extent that they endanger their own life or the life of others.
The cause could be called unfortunate spontaneous awakening. On the other
hand, enlightenment in the sense of the Patanjali sutras causes what could
be called a transformative awakening. It is only possible by self-surrender.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 08:51:57 -0500
From: Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: is K-necessary on the path? (was: UnidentifiedSubject!)
Message-ID: <35910478.202B355DATnospamfull-moon.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
Paul asked this.
I'm mullin' it.
For some reason, methinks that for *some* yes, it *is* necessary.
Related item: Some doctor in ... Holland? ... has been studying aging and alcohol
and says that people over 65 will live longer, healthier, smarter if they consume
16 to 28 drinks a day (woo!)...
...this is related...
Mystress A. said somethin' about her smoking and how she knows it won't harm her...
Shamen do things that take them flying, shapeshifting, and moving between
worlds...who is to say it doesn't really happen (just 'cause we can't see them
doing the flying etc. doesn't mean they aren't doing it!)
Some people can do things that would kill others and survive and thrive, just
because of their own particular mindset...
We are told by all sorts of so-called professional experts that just about
*anything* will kill us in the long run (which I guess is technically correct,
'cause life *is* <in my paradigm anyhoo> terminal)...and yet another set of
"experts" says that the very thing the others just told us is lethal will save our
lives or preserve our bodies and minds...go figure!
Me, I'm a "dabbler"...a little bit o' this, a tad o' that...and voila! the mix that
i call me...
so for me, Kundalini fits right in with the rest of that mix...
... for somebody else, whonoze?
All I know is, "parlor tricks" or otherwise, it got *my* ADDled attention!
...just my two cents, eh!
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 09:01:24 -0500
From: Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Okay, it's basically wasting bandwidth...
Message-ID: <359106AE.CA427B5ATnospamfull-moon.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
But it's syncronistically topical!!!
I am certain most of you've seen this before but it just showed up in my
mailbox as I was typing my e-mail about choosing one's poisons or
Life's little lessons.
| It started out innocently enough. I began to think at parties now and
| to loosen up. Inevitably though, one thought led to another, and soon
| was more than just a social thinker.
| I began to think alone - "to relax," I told myself - but I knew it
| true. Thinking became more and more important to me, and finally I
| thinking all the time.
| I began to think on the job. I knew that thinking and employment
don't mix,
| but I couldn't stop myself.
| I began to avoid friends at lunchtime so I could read Thoreau and
| I would return to the office dizzied and confused, asking, "What is it
| exactly we are doing here?"
| Things weren't going so great at home either. One evening I had
turned off
| the TV and asked my wife about the meaning of life. She spent that
night at
| her mother's.
| I soon had a reputation as a heavy thinker. One day the boss called
me in.
| He said, "Skippy, I like you, and it hurts me to say this, but your
| has become a real problem. If you don't stop thinking at work, you'll
| to find another job." This gave me a lot to think about.
| I came home early after my conversation with the boss. "Honey," I
| confessed, "I've been thinking..."
| "I know you've been thinking," she said, "and I want a divorce!"
| "But Honey, surely it's not that serious."
| "It is serious," she said, lower lip aquiver. "You think as much as
| professors, and college professors don't make any money, so if you
keep on
| thinking we won't have any money!"
| "That's a faulty syllogism," I said impatiently, and she began to cry.
| I'd had enough. "I'm going to the library," I snarled as I stomped
out the
| door.
| I headed for the library, in the mood for some Nietzsche, with NPR on
| radio. I roared into the parking lot and ran up to the big glass
| doors...they didn't open. The library was closed.
| To this day, I believe that a Higher Power was looking out for me that
| night.
| As I sank to the ground clawing at the unfeeling glass, whimpering for
| Zarathustra, a poster caught my eye. "Friend, is heavy thinking
| your life?" it asked. You probably recognize that line. It comes
from the
| standard Thinker's Anonymous poster.
| Which is why I am what I am today: a recovering thinker. I never miss
a TA
| meeting. At each meeting we watch a non-educational video; last week
it was
| "Porky's." Then we share experiences about how we avoided thinking
| the last meeting.
| I still have my job, and things are a lot better at home. Life just
| seemed... easier, somehow, as soon as I stopped thinking.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 10:26:15 -0400
From: "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com>
To: "Dhyani \"Debbie\"" <debhATnospammindspring.com>
Cc: "Kundalini list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Past Lives and Unfinished Karma
Message-ID: <002201bd9f7c$12728ca0$3c5c9cd1ATnospamcathyber.TOMEN.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Hi Debbie,
I hope the new man you met helps you forget the old one. Good luck.
It's been 15 years and I have had to go through stages of sorrow,
anger, and remorse re my ex. Sometimes I actually feel sorry for
him, because he is self destructive.
You wrote:
>I'd like to hear more about your experiences. Did you go through
>awakening also? What was your experience like?
My recollection of past lives and of my time on the astral plane
before this life, all came to me while riding the commuter train to
New York. I have been commuting for many years. The time on the
train is much like meditation, sitting up straight and letting the
mind go blank.
During my last life I meditated regularly, and was taught to activate
the chakras by my higher self, using visualization. I think I was
born this life with a stimulated or partially awakened kundalini.
Since my early teens I knew my back pains were due to the violent
stabbing death I had suffered in a previous life.
I remember agreeing to spend time in this life with 4 people, 3 men
and 1 woman. The woman, my mother, is a not very evolved soul who
takes advantage of other souls' misguided need to suffer. She
provides the suffering in case there should be any shortage. She
convinced me to incarnate with her, because I thought I had not
suffered enough in the previous life and that was the reason I was
being returned. I now see the flaw in that logic, because I have
learned that suffering is totally unnecessary to spiritual growth.
The three men, I subsequently discovered, are my first and second
husbands and my son. I can see by his looks that my son will grow up
to look like the third man. On the astral plane I was confused about
why I had made arrangements to spend time with three men, and I
remember being told that the third would be the "love of my life".
So it is with my son.
It is surprising but everything that happens to us has been agreed to
by all parties. We just may not remember. I try to stay conscious
and realize what I am agreeing to. For instance, a few years ago, I
remember a fleeting thought that an acquaintance might pass away. I
agreed immediately that it was his right to pass on. This all
happened so fast, I was barely conscious of it. I found out later
that he died and I felt sad to lose him. But it helps understanding
that all parties, on a higher and more evolved plane of
consciousness, agreed.
Life is still very bizarre, and I'm still left wondering ... That is
why my e-mail name is Wonderer.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 11:00:44 -0400
From: "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com>
To: "Kundalini list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Sound Meditation
Message-ID: <006201bd9f80$df897600$3c5c9cd1ATnospamcathyber.TOMEN.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Hi list,
Occasionally I hear the internal aum, sometimes very loudly. A
comment on this list re controlling lightening may have planted a
thought in the "back of my mind". Two nights ago, I suddenly was
hearing the aum very clearly. My son and I were watching a ballgame
on TV, but I settled back in my chair and meditated upon the sound.
In the back of my mind was the ballgame my son was watching. Our
team was down, and I (of course) was hoping they would score some
runs. Using something like Chopra's description of intention and
desire, I wanted my team to win, but I released the desire. I
believe I sent thought waves back to the source through that sound.
The results were immediate. They rallied and eventually won the
game. I have used intention and desire before, but usually it takes
a few weeks to produce results. This may be a way of speeding the
I know this could be a coincidence, but I no longer really believe in
coincidence. I think I am on to something here.
If there really is anything to this, it can be used to improve the
health of one's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. I
have read (see below) that the internal aum is a direct link back to
the source.
I have been looking this up on the net, and discovered shabda yoga,
the yoga of the internal sound, and audinometry a related, but more
western sound based philosophy. I also can't help but recall Joshua
and the battle of Jehrico, where the 7 days of circling Jehrico and
blowing the rams horns brought the walls tumbling down. [Also, as an
aside, I have read that all reference in the bible to past lives and
reincarnation was edited out at a well-documented council meeting a
few hundred years ago. I think much of the mysticism of the bible
has been deleted and the book itself and the christian world is
poorer for that interference.]
Anyone know more about the yoga of sound?
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 13:47:12 -0000
From: "Walls" <MURPHY18ATnospamprodigy.net>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: awakening?
Message-Id: <199806241746.NAA10398ATnospampimout4-int.prodigy.net>
Hello everyone.
I have been lurking for a while, and need a little help if you
I have been experiencing many of the symptoms described as kundalini.
I meditate daily, and I look forward to it.
Recently, while meditating, I have noticed a heat on the sole of
my right foot, and an intense energy in my left hand. For the first time
the other night, this was accompanied by the sensation that something was
coming out of my left hand , I heard a high pitched tone in my left ear.
Then my entire body felt as if it had the same intense vibration as a
rocket about to blast off. This vibration occured right after several
'tapping' sensations at the base of the spine..Is this kundalini, oob, or
I also recently have had alot of 'old' shit from my past come to
the surface that I thought I had already dealt with. Mainly related to my
Sometimes I feel shakey, when I'm not nervous, and get chest pains, and I
know I'm healthy.
I see things that I've never seen before, like these geometric
shapes someone else mentioned recently, I see the outlines of beings, one
was within a cloud the other day! It was beautiful.
please do not misinterpret all of the 'phenomenon' I've mentioned as my
only interest, as it isn't. I merely seek understanding of what is going
Even as a child I was drawn to these things, so I believe it is a large
part of this life for me.As it is also for all of you! Thankyou for
reading, sharing and loving.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 14:40:11 -0400
From: "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com>
To: <MURPHY18ATnospamprodigy.net>, <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: awakening?
Message-ID: <001001bd9f9f$862db200$aa599cd1ATnospamcathyber.TOMEN.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Welcome Mary,
As you can see from our posts, your experiences are shared by others
on this list. I've been hearing the ringing on and off for years,
and was not certain what it was. I have finally realized it is the
internal aum. When you hear it, focus on the sound, let your
consciousness float with it. Recently, I too have been reliving
stuff I'd rather forget. It's part of the process of healing and
cleaning. No matter how old I get, it still pains me that my father
rejected his children from his first two marriages; I was the first
born and his only daughter. As long as this still hurts, I will have
to reexperience the pain. Reliving the pain of this rejection gives
me the opportunity to re evaluate it with any new maturity or
perspective, enlightenment, etc. I have gained. For instance, the
last time I wallowed in this, I realized that I needed "bad" mother
and father earth parents so I could move beyond such attachments on
the earthly plane, and depend upon my divine mother and father, god
and goddess, for love.
Peace to you,
Mary wrote:
>Hello everyone.
> I have been lurking for a while, and need a little help if
>I have been experiencing many of the symptoms described as
>I meditate daily, and I look forward to it.
> Recently, while meditating, I have noticed a heat on the
sole of
>my right foot, and an intense energy in my left hand. For the first
>the other night, this was accompanied by the sensation that
something was
>coming out of my left hand , I heard a high pitched tone in my left
>Then my entire body felt as if it had the same intense vibration as
>rocket about to blast off. This vibration occured right after
>'tapping' sensations at the base of the spine..Is this kundalini,
oob, or
> I also recently have had alot of 'old' shit from my past
come to
>the surface that I thought I had already dealt with. Mainly related
to my
>Sometimes I feel shakey, when I'm not nervous, and get chest pains,
and I
>know I'm healthy.
> I see things that I've never seen before, like these
>shapes someone else mentioned recently, I see the outlines of
beings, one
>was within a cloud the other day! It was beautiful.
>please do not misinterpret all of the 'phenomenon' I've mentioned as
>only interest, as it isn't. I merely seek understanding of what is
>Even as a child I was drawn to these things, so I believe it is a
>part of this life for me.As it is also for all of you! Thankyou for
>reading, sharing and loving.
> Mary
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 14:51:00 -0400
From: "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com>
To: "Kundalini list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>,
"Duke Phillips" <dakotaATnospamcet.com>
Cc: "Kundalini list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Sound Meditation
Message-ID: <001d01bd9fa1$08a7af00$aa599cd1ATnospamcathyber.TOMEN.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain;
>Usually, after I have been meditating, I've noticed that my ears
>'ringing', sometimes more loudly than other times. Now it makes me
wonder if
>the 'ringing' isn't maybe something much more meaningful. They even
>'ringing' while reading your post. hummmm......
>Duke Phillips
Hi Duke,
Today I read that the internal aum is the sound running through the
cord which connects us to the source. I think hearing it means we
are closer to attunement with that source than at other times.
Entering samadhi and meditating with one-pointed focus on anything,
including this sound, will reveal its true meaning. While reading
these explanations on the net, I could feel energy rising through my
spine and tingling through my head. I feel these pages were
spiritually charged.
It is so wonderful to have this group with which to discuss these
matters. I have no other resource. My friends would all think I am
possessed, and my husband already thinks I am crazy. Thank you all
for being there.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 12:34:11 -0700
From: "Dan Margolis" <dmargolisATnospamabm.com>
To: habATnospamtelekom.com.my
cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Message-ID: <8825662D.006B3C0D.00ATnospamabmsf3.abm.com>
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Dan MargolisATnospamABM
06/24/98 12:34 PM
I don't remember the exact translation... I heard about two years ago but
this is what I recall
OM - Universal Sound
Mane - Compassion Outward
Padme - Strength/Force(I think)
Hum - Love
My memory is a little fuzzy and I'm not sure I've got the right definitions
with the correct syllables...
Dan M.
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 12:43:05 PDT
From: "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
To: island_11ATnospamhotmail.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
Message-ID: <19980624194305.13241.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
Paul Torres wrote:
Is there a possibility of a pre-kundalite to have a clearer, more
encompassing point of view than a post-kundalite?
Sure. Be clear that having K active is NOT enlightenment. So as regards
point of view K active folks are just like any other folks, so compare a
bright clear headed person who's worked on his/her way of viewing the
world and they could be way ahead of someone with active K who is
wasting his/her gift.
Paul wrote:
Does everyone here believe that Kundalini is a necessary step in the
path of enlightenment, or can it be reached without the experience?
Well, using the definitions and terms of those who have studied the
subject over the last few thousand years the definition of enlightenment
is: Kundalini reaches and "opens the pedals" of the crown chakra.
If you haven't done that you are not enlightened. You may be very
bright, but not enlightened. As far as everyone's beliefs, if that is
not what they mean it would help a lot if they didn't use those terms
and call them Fred and Sue or something besides Kundalini and
enlightenment. Those words have had that meaning for millennia and help
define each other.
As to your whiteness, numbness, etc. My first question would be: Were
any substances used by you that night that might be thought to alter
consciousness (beer, grass, acid, magic mushrooms, etc.) and if not that
night at any time prior to that night (and any can be many years
The whiteness sounds like the LSD experience the hippies labelled
"seeing God". Actually rather correctly. It is like the experience that
enlightened beings have of the divine. But it isn't! Simple test, it is
not under the control of the person experiencing it. Which tells us that
it is not enlightenment.
For some that experience was the start of their K experiences. Often
they were not good experiences. They had no background, education in K,
nor teacher. K once awakened and will stay active at some level, though
it may rest from time to time. Moreover it was awakened forcefully, so
in a sense it was forced awake against its will. (When that happens to
me I wake up pissed too!)
Good luck.
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Date: 24 Jun 98 17:52:17 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
Message-Id: <35913CD1.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
Jan, I followed everything you said until...
> On the other
> hand, enlightenment in the sense of the Patanjali sutras causes
> what could
> be called a transformative awakening. It is only possible by
> self-surrender.
Patanjali Sutras? Is that a kind of bread or a foreign cake?
Let us not be wise in this fashion.
IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 24 Jun 98 17:47:57 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Message-Id: <35913BCD.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
> >Does anyone know its meaning?
> Meaning is not very important with mantra but sound is.
I tried a mantra once. I've received a book by some hare krishna's in
London in 1994. I took in the normal hare krishna mantra and one night
before sleeping I recited it a number of times. I must say that that
night I encountered something quite frightening. Maybe it works, in
that it brings things into the light, or maybe it just makes a pattern
in the mind. You have to let go of the mantra in order to go to the
place the mantra is supposed to be taking you.
IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 11:48:25 -1000 (HST)
From: John DeLuca <j.delucaATnospamwayne.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199806242148.LAA14796ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>
looking for current address/phone number for Lee Sannella, M.D.
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