1998/06/22 04:04
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #469
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 469
Today's Topics:
Father's Day Kundalini Care Package: [ "j percyval" <percyval2ATnospamhotmail.com ]
I just sent email to my twin soul [ "Dhyani \"Debbie\"" <debhATnospammindsprin ]
RE: I just sent email to my twin sou [ freda <fredaATnospamnwlink.com> ]
Re: Headaches [ Rnegade34ATnospamaol.com ]
Re: digeriedoo [ MoonrisempATnospamaol.com ]
Re: Headaches [ Nancy <NancyATnospamwtp.net> ]
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ Judy <Jude1ATnospamwebtv.net> ]
Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource [ Tim <timATnospamsbinfo.com> ]
Re: Anybody have experience with Raj [ "Chuck O'Connell" <ChuckOConnellATnospamco ]
Re: Anybody have experience with Raj [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
Does anybody have experience with LA [ Hajeed <habATnospamtelekom.com.my> ]
Re: Headaches [ Rnegade34ATnospamaol.com ]
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 15:05:05 PDT
From: "j percyval" <percyval2ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Father's Day Kundalini Care Package: Links
Message-ID: <19980621220507.17483.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
hi friends,
Mystress Angelique has assigned me the task of organizing and
summarizing some kundalini links that she put together for her
father...she would also like to share them with all of you...
i serve her happily, as she serves us all...
john percyval, slave, knight, avatar*
(*and for a few dollars more, i do dishes also)
Kundalini-Related Links From Mystress Angelique
the www's greatest page*
(*in this slave's unbiased opinion)
this is Mystress Angelique's famous grounding
visualization that has been discussed here so
often...it is a very powerful method for becoming
aware of spiritual energies that are a
part of who you are...and of waking up your
kundalini...it is also a great way for those already
k-awakened to find balance and grounding...
(Mystress recommends that you read this for the first
time when you have 20 minutes alone and undisturbed
to read and perform the exercise...she has
shakti-charged the page...after you try it, you will
know what this means)
kundalini: general information
frequently asked questions about kundalini...these
are very well-written and a great place to start...
Mystress's brief and concise description of kundalini...
probably the most inclusive site for articles, info and links to other
k-related sites...by Bill Peay...
this is a great short and basic description of what
kundalini is...it emphasizes the benefits of
an essay by Harsha about kundalini awakening with
emphasis on tantra (yoga of sexuality) and pranayama
(yoga of breathing)...
"Yogi Tom" Aston's collection of articles and info about kundalini and
other related topics...
symptoms of kundalini awakening
"kundalini signs and symptoms"...a listing of the
various physical, mental and emotional symptoms that
folks sometimes experience when going through
http://www.well.com/user/selene/SENarticles/SpiritPsychosis.html or
a discussion of how the symptoms of kundalini awakening are
sometimes mistaken for psychosis...
some great advice on how deal with difficulties that
arise during k-awakening...
more good advice on how to deal with a crisis due to
a comparison showing the simiarities between charismatic christian
phenomenon and kundalini awakening...it is an amusing viewpoint by a
fundamental christian who considers both to be "demonic"...
kundalini: special topics
a short essay on the serpent archetype and its
relation to kundalini...it is on Mystress's site,
but was written by Traveler...
an essay about Moses' rod of power...and it's
kundalini implications...
a discussion of kundalini awakening through "courtly
love"...including tales from camelot that
demonstrate this power...
kundalini and gnostic christianity
a good summary of gnostic christianity and its relation to kundalini...
this is another discussion of serpent symbolism and
its relation to kundalini...it is looked at from a
gnostic christian point of view...
a discussion of chakras and kundalini from a
christian perspective...
"the yoga of the holy spirit"...a discussion of
meditation from a mystical christian
perspective...the author is a k-awakened
http://www.renature.com/krf/artrev/gnostic.html or
another discussion of serpent symbolism and
kundalini from a gnostic christian perspective...
k-related, but not k-related
Mystress's guide for healing pain with gratitude and endorphins...
"these pages are dealing with quantum field theory, general relativity
and vedanta as well as with the insight, that emerges when these are
Timothy Leary's guide to successful psychedelic experience...
R.A.Wilson's overview of Leary's 8-circuit model of human
"the Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson show"...a major collection of
works by these two geniuses...
probably the most inclusive site for spiritual topics on the web...
clearing ghosts and entities...
clearing your space of negative influences...
are your past lives your own?
instructions for mystical contemplative prayer from a gnostic christian
"the secret lives of Jesus Christ"...a brief description of gnosticism
and manichaeism...
a discussion of hopi prophecies...
an incredible collection of links to sites about the expansion of
Mystress's words of wisdom on solo experiences with sex energy...
a place where you can read about tantra yoga, karezza,
and other forms of sex worship...
"the hindu tantrik homepage"...a comprehensive collection of articles on
tantra with a traditional hindu viewpoint...
a short essay on tantra and will...
(these links were lovingly sorted and summarized by Mystress Angelique's
devoted slave, john percyval)
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 20:49:08 -0400
From: "Dhyani \"Debbie\"" <debhATnospammindspring.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: I just sent email to my twin soul
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I don't know if I just did something dumb or not but after getting such
inspirational support from all of you just reading my story and not
thinking I am really strange, I decided to send my twin soul some email.
I have rarely communicated with him in the past two years. I did see him
from a distance about a month ago as I went to eat lunch with someone who
works on his staff. He made a point to say hello and wave to me from a
distance. He has always acknowledged me that way and we can even have a
nice conversation if I go up to his office but I have to overcome so much
fear first it doesn't seem worth it. I know it just makes both of us
emotionally uncomfortable.
I have tried in the past to communicate to him about the psychic
experiences I have had in his presence but he would always abruptly cut me
off and say that he was not psychic and did not want to talk about such
things. This despite the fact that for the first four months we knew each
other and we talking quite intimately (before the energy changed when I
woke up in grief in Nov. '94). During that four month period, he confided
to me a number of things including the fact that he had had OBE experiences
before and believed he had been a priest in another life. He also believed
in UFOs quite seriously and was certain he was going to be abducted in the
near future. Interestingly, he told me all this AFTER he triggered my "K"
experience in July '94. I often wonder if he wasn't trying to cryptically
communicate about what had just happened by telling me that his OBE
experiences had really scared him.
Well, I have not been at peace for a long time because I want very much to
tell him about my experiences. If he did crucify me thousands of years ago
he owes me at least that much. I wrote him an email message last night and
I stated in it that I know he will not respond to it but I felt the need to
at least tell him some of what I have been through. I know I am taking a
big risk but I think what I really want is the truth. I will get the truth
in his response or lack of response.
When you bare your soul to someone I believe truth will come back. I don't
care anymore what the response is because I have been living with fantasies
about him and I just want the truth. It would be nice to think he would be
open to talking to me about this but I know that won't be the case.
Another strange twist in this story is that I did his astrological chart
just after my "K" experience and I noticed a time in the near future,
August '99 that shows what might be fatal transits around him. He has a
square natally of Venus/Saturn in Scorpio squaring Pluto in Leo. Next Aug.
'99, Uranus will be making a T-square out of that when it moves through
Aquarius near these natal planets. My Mars squares all these points in
Taurus. While I am drawn to communicate with him and heal something from
the past, I also fear that by doing this it could be the catalyst for him
to commit suicide. Venus is also his ruling planet as his rising sign is
Libra (like mine).
The grief I was flooded with for three years also revealed past life
memories of him commiting suicide. I found out the very next day in that
life and also killed myself. This is why when the grief began in this
life, it felt as if he had just died yesterday. The yesterday was in our
last life together. I had never mourned his death or gone to his funeral.
For a couple of years I had been obsessed with the fact that I had missed
his funeral. This was in March '96 when I became so disoriented that I no
longer knew whether I was living in the past, present or future. I wanted
to kill myself. A therapist I was seeing at that time suggested I have a
funeral as a way of satisfying this obsession I had with having missed his.
On the way home from her office that day I remember having this talk with
God. I said I was going to the cemetary and I wanted to see a sign that I
was supposed to be mourning his death in this way because I felt as if I
was going crazy. I asked very specifically to see a gravestone with this
man's name on it. The cemetary was quite old and large. I drove around
inside for quite a while before feeling led to park on a corner near a
large tree. I spent about an hour visiting with different stones, crying
and apologizing to this man for missing his funeral. I told him how much I
loved and missed him and that I was truly sorry for whatever I did to push
him toward his death (if anything). I did feel a sense of completion at
that point. As I walked back to my car, I felt an urge to walk around back
and look down. There within two feet of my back tire, was three stones all
bearing his last name. I had never received such a powerful sign like that.
So this man and I have been through a lot. I have been told by psychics
that it would not be healthy for us to get involved in this life. That is
probably true. I wish I knew whether it was a good idea to even try to
talk to him. I do not want his death on my conscious again.
Is there anyone on this list who is skilled at astrology and might be able
to look at our charts to confirm what I think is true?
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 18:56:02 -0700
From: freda <fredaATnospamnwlink.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: RE: I just sent email to my twin soul
Message-ID: <358DB9B2.6AA9ATnospamnwlink.com>
your question:
> Is there anyone on this list who is skilled at astrology and might be able
> to look at our charts to confirm what I think is true?
gives me goose bumps.... looking for someone to "confirm what you think
is true..."
there is ALWAYS someone gonna confirm for you.... whatever you want
you lookin for confirmation,,,, yur gonna get it....
.......need to be careful however cause guess what?
he's a god too,,
and his will is equal to yours.... spooky,,, but true...
nobody is resopnsibe for nobody but themselves...
and we're all responsible for each other.... spooky, again... but
your past presnt and future is NOT written in the heavens,,,,
you create it as you go,,, the knowingness of the heavens.. may have
you have free will.... you ARE god..... the heavens are your creation
not just spooky, scarry even!
just speakin' from personal observation...
maybe it works diffrent for others...
but... this seems par for me...
dont get me wrong,,,
nobody screws this part up
better than me....
really, I'm an expert,,, :) at screwin' up that is...
duh... listen to me... Im just a baby here...
spoutin' off,,
even in my emagined ignorance....
sendin' ..a rainbow... to love you...
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 22:27:49 EDT
From: Rnegade34ATnospamaol.com
To: kmgATnospamtaconic.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Headaches
Message-ID: <a0055e7d.358dc126ATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 98-06-21 09:00:58 EDT, kmgATnospamtaconic.net writes:
<< I began seeing a chiropractor about my shoulder and back
problems and I realized two weeks later that I hadn't had a headache
since my first visit, although the headaches were not the reason I had
gone for chiropractic treatment. I spoke with my chiropractor about this
and he said that many headaches are caused by spinal subluxation, a
chiropractic term which basically refers to blocked or compressed nerves
and energy pathways in the spinal column. >>
Dear Marybeth,
Thanks for the very inspiring letter!!! It was great to hear this coming from
a patient's perspective.
I am a Chiropractor in VA Beach, VA, and my practice is a principle based
chiropractic practice. That means that I practice with a philosophy that the
body is a self healing and self regulating organism and the nervous system is
the master system and control of the body. Several years ago when I had a
major Kundalini awakening, I thought I was going to die. I was so scared that
I did not know what was happening to me and abandoned trust in my body's
healing ability. I went to see a MD would could not find anything wrong with
me. That was when I realized that I have the power with in me to heal myself.
It took some time, but with chiroptactic adjustments, I was able to move
through this period of transition with greater ease. So now, when my patients
are going through their awakening , I know how to help them through mentally,
physically and Spiritually.
Thanks again for sharing your story!!
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 22:48:44 EDT
From: MoonrisempATnospamaol.com
To: sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: digeriedoo
Message-ID: <b4f2b8a.358dc60dATnospamaol.com>
I got this back and do not know why.
I was in Sedona at a workshop called the Awakening in April and they played
the didgeridoo and I also bought a cd from them and the woman said her husband
made them too. Here is his email address. asmithATnospamtheriver.com I love the CD
called Clarion, A Call to Awaken. I am a massage therapist and the cd is
very healing for me and my clients.
The didgeridoo is also supposed to resonate with the earth's tone. I read that
in an article recently.
Hope this helps,
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 21:07:30 -0600
From: Nancy <NancyATnospamwtp.net>
To: Rnegade34ATnospamaol.com, kundalini-1 <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Headaches
Message-ID: <358DCA6C.FE95DB55ATnospamwtp.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
I stopped myself from responding to this topic earlier. But after your
letter, Mark, I felt compelled to reply.
> That was when I realized that I have the power with in me to heal myself.
> It took some time, but with chiroptactic adjustments, I was able to move
> through this period of transition with greater ease. So now, when my patients
> are going through their awakening , I know how to help them through mentally,
> physically and Spiritually.
Yes, we do have the power to heal ourselves. I think I started awakening
back in 1988 when I was 23. Started with all these weird physical
symptoms that couldn't be diagnosed. I had a major problem with inflamed
joints, particularly with the feet and knees. Had recurring lower back
problems. Sinus headaches. Night sweats. I could deal with everything
except the inflammation.
I had been taking antiinflammatory drugs to ease the pain of the
inflammation, which was diagnosed as arthritis. Taking medicine bothered
me. I really felt like I didn't have arthritis. My blood test couldn't
confirm that I had it. All it could confirm was that I didn't have lupus
or gout or anything else. Since arthritis is inflammation of the joints,
that's what they called it. When I asked my doctor if there was anything
I could do to heal myself, he suggested I go to a support group. Knew I
didn't want to go talk about my arthritis--that wouldn't cure me.
A short time after that, I started seeing a chiropractor, mainly for my
back. About a month into treatments, I decided that I would quit my
horse pills. To my surprise, I no longer had inflammed joints. My
arthritis was cured!
I'm not sure exactly how chripractic adjustments work. My sense is that
it opens up blocked pathways.
Since that time, I have become much more aware of my body and do
proactive yoga stretches and exercise to keep myself in tiptop shape.
I firmly believe that my maladies were a result of my awakening. Sure
was glad to have a chiropractor to help me ease the physical
Mark, it sounds like you have found your calling. Good to hear from you!
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 17:16:54 -1000 (HST)
From: Judy <Jude1ATnospamwebtv.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199806220316.RAA27259ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>
Strangest thing about this mail list...every time I turn around it seems like people are taking words out of my mouth. I love it!
Mark...chiropractic also played a big part in my life (actually about one year after I left VA Beach in the early '70's. I was having severe colon problems and went to see an MD. After extensive tests, he wanted to operate a put a bag on me. Being in my early 20's at the time, I wasn't going for it and went to see another MD for a second opinion. He concurred with the first MD. Then I went to a chiropractor for about 3 months regularly. Haven't had any problems with my colon since. God Bless Him! I am much more in tune with my body now. The only difficult part (I have moved quite a few times) is findinga chiropractor who will listen to me when I tell him/her where the blockage is. I found a great one (who listened) in Phoenix; however, I have moved again...so here I go searching again! We do heal ourselves, but it's nice to have little help occasionally.
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 20:30:45 -0700
From: Tim <timATnospamsbinfo.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I was at a chiropractor getting worked on. During the massage i had a
majore obe. and the energy travelled through out my body as a blue light
coming out of a vortex. now at yoga i can resume this state almost at
will. Love those chiropractors
At 05:16 PM 6/21/98 -1000, you wrote:
>Strangest thing about this mail list...every time I turn around it seems
like people are taking words out of my mouth. I love it!
>Mark...chiropractic also played a big part in my life (actually about one
year after I left VA Beach in the early '70's. I was having severe colon
problems and went to see an MD. After extensive tests, he wanted to
operate a put a bag on me. Being in my early 20's at the time, I wasn't
going for it and went to see another MD for a second opinion. He concurred
with the first MD. Then I went to a chiropractor for about 3 months
regularly. Haven't had any problems with my colon since. God Bless Him!
I am much more in tune with my body now. The only difficult part (I have
moved quite a few times) is findinga chiropractor who will listen to me
when I tell him/her where the blockage is. I found a great one (who
listened) in Phoenix; however, I have moved again...so here I go searching
again! We do heal ourselves, but it's nice to have little help occasionally.
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 01:43:21 -0400
From: "Chuck O'Connell" <ChuckOConnellATnospamcompuserve.com>
To: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>, "Samuel Abebe" <sabebeATnospamrtinews.com>,
k-list <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Anybody have experience with Raja-Yoga?
Message-ID: <199806220143_MC2-40E6-8970ATnospamcompuserve.com>
Content-Disposition: inline
Hello All, (Esp. Lobster and Samuel)
Samuel wrote:
>>What I found very useful is a combination of a mental, physical and
>emotional state. Which are, an empty mind, a relaxed body and what I term
>"grateful emotion." individually, each of these states are very beneficial
>collectively however, they accelerate the process of transformation. Of
>course one can write several volumes on each of these states, specially
>regarding an empty mind. They are not that difficult when they are
>Lobster wrote in reply:
>Good advice. Simple :-)
>There are many ways to create each of these balances. The tranquil or
>mind is very much enhanced through meditation and other mind stilling. The
>relaxed body through physical expression and body healing. The grateful
>emotion through Devotion, Love and Surrender.
>You could convince yourself that they will just arrive . . . or you can
>towards them.
Thanks very much for the advice. Alas, each answer begets another
It is becoming apparent to me that meditation can somehow regulate the
effects of K. It seems like spontaneous K without other guiding factors
leads to mental/emotional discomfort.
This make me think that the 'three pronged' method Samuel and Lobster talk
about above is just the balm to sooth these wounds. Then I wonder what
constitutes 'practiced properly'? Perhaps you could 'enlighten' me (Ha!).
Meditation - When meditating I can suppress my thoughts for a while (I'm
not sure how long, I lose track of time) then a thought pops up. After a
short while I realize that it is there (and I don't want it). I make it go
away and try to stay blank again. Sure enough another pops up and I go
through this cycle again. Am I supposed to examine the thoughts that
come up or let them run their course and die on their own. Should I try
to keep the mind blank? Patanjali states in II 11'By meditation their
gross modifications are to be rejected'. Vivekananda interprets this as
subduing the mind waves until keeping them subdued is automatic (even while
not meditating) 'thus anger and hatred are controlled and checked'. Am
I doing the right thing? The question is' what is the goal of meditation'
- self examination or mind suppression or both? Should their be an object
of meditation (something to focus on) or focus on the empty mind? Perhaps
strengthening concentration is the only goal here... What are the objects
of concentration/meditation at each of the steps along the way (in simple
terms...) I wish that I really knew how this magic works. It would clear
some 'blocking' doubts.
"The relaxed body through physical expression and body healing" - OK, I've
long had the relaxation part down, but what do you mean by 'physical
expression and body healing'? By 'physical expression' are you refering
to very relaxed body language and general relaxed state? This would go
along with keeping the mind calm... What about 'body healing'? Is this
physically (through earthly means) or by 'projecting health, love and
healing' to you own and others bodies?
As for 'grateful emotion' - is this 'thankful for all lessons and just to
be here' - a positive, thankful frame of mind?
I know that doing things properly always helps achieve the desired goal
sooner and more smoothly. I also know that 'all roads lead to Rome'
(eventually). I just want to get on the road with the shortest travel, If
not with a map in hand, at least with some suggestions from people who are
walking - I'm still crawling, I want to walk too!
Thanks in advance for what I know will be thoughtful replies!
By the way Lobster, your web pages are great!
And thanks to all for taking the time!
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 23:06:43 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "Samuel Abebe" <sabebeATnospamrtinews.com>,
"Chuck O'Connell" <ChuckOConnellATnospamcompuserve.com>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Anybody have experience with Raja-Yoga?
Message-ID: <000301bd9da5$2ae11280$ac5595c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;
>>Hi Samuel,
>>Good advice. Simple :-)
>>There are many ways to create each of these balances. The tranquil or
>>mind is very much enhanced through meditation and other mind stilling. The
>>relaxed body through physical expression and body healing. The grateful
>>emotion through Devotion, Love and Surrender.
>Couldn't agree more with you. Which ever way one goes about it, the
>combination seems to do the magic. That was my message.
>>You could convince yourself that they will just arrive . . . or you can
>>towards them.
>Please talk more about what you mean here.
>Have Fun!
Hi Samuel.
For those undergoing sporadic, undisciplined and uncalled for experiences
that they align with 'K', there are several options. Riding the storm -
acceptance is one. However the most effective is to stabilise the swings in
the three bodies (mental, emotional and physical). I am guilty of neglecting
my physical vehicle but have worked hard to correct this imbalance. Other
people may have emotional swings or mental states that are unusual and
difficult to cope with.
Now people think it is only spiritual practice that will create balance.
However their are many systems of physical health enhancement to choose
from. Martial arts are one of the most rounded systems and develop balance
in mind, body and emotions if the style is genuine. For the emotions the key
is relaxation and there are hypnotic tapes and videos (some are rubbish -
some outstanding - you will need to enquire) that produce very tranquil and
healing mind states.
For mind balancing there are many forms of group work and counselling that
give insight into the individual and enhance ones understanding.
What is important is balance and a stable core. From this we can allow the
various states to 'happen' and are less likely to be swamped by their
Be Well
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 15:03:36 +0800
From: Hajeed <habATnospamtelekom.com.my>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Does anybody have experience with LAMA-Yoga?
Message-ID: <01BD9DEE.EF451060ATnospamc01ws163.s01ws01.dom>
Hi There!
Just joined this list.
Does anybody have experience with Lhama YOGA?
Long time ago, I knew a little intro of Lhama YOGA taught
by ASTARA School of Psychic, California. The objective of
this yogic exercises is to wake up the KUNDALINI source
located at the base chakra (tail bone). The meditation uses
visualization method (if I'm not mistaken) to bring up the
KUNDALINI. So does anybody out there have experience on this?
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 06:57:44 EDT
From: Rnegade34ATnospamaol.com
To: NancyATnospamwtp.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Headaches
Message-ID: <b1999a04.358e38a9ATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 98-06-21 23:02:56 EDT, NancyATnospamwtp.net writes:
<< I'm not sure exactly how chripractic adjustments work. My sense is that
it opens up blocked pathways. >>
Dear Nancy,
Sound to me like you know exactly how Chiropractic works, probably better then
alot of Chiropractors....LOL
Thanks for sharing and you're right, I have found my calling and my passion.
Feel free to submit any questions you might have about what you read here to the Kundalini
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