Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/20 17:39
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #467

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 467

Today's Topics:
  Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Anybody have experience with Raj [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: To Recreate Eden (was genuine or [ "Orea de Sa' Hana" <oreaATnospamerols.com> ]
  Ta [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: re personal K experience [ "Paul Torres" <island_11ATnospamhotmail.co ]
  Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
  Re: Everything wants to live - Alpha [ "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no> ]
  Thanks for the welcome [ esther steinacher <esther.steinache ]
  Re: Geometric visions/k/art [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
  My "K" experiences [ "Dhyani \"Debbie\"" <debhATnospammindsprin ]
  More Kundalini outcomes [ "Dhyani \"Debbie\"" <debhATnospammindsprin ]
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 10:30:16 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: debhATnospammindspring.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <bba17ce2.358bc77aATnospamaol.com>

Dear Debbie...

Welcome to the list! I think you will love it here. I've been subbed for
almost a couple of years and it has truly been a blessing to me.... helping me
to sort things out, understand K, to realize that I'm not alone in all this.

As I was reading your letter, I could have wrote it myself! It sounded a lot
like my own experiences. I lost everything, custody of my son included.... my
business, my home, my sanity, my life..... I now have my son back and my life
is coming back together.... beautifully I might add. So you hang in there....
hang on to the old cliche's (and this, too shall pass.... I don't know the big
picture here.... etc etc)... If you could only see the big picture, you would
understand this all completely.

You just keep posting if you have any questions. Everyone is so wonderful
here as the majority have been through what you have and can shorten your
finding the answers should you have any questions.

Take care and thanks for sharing....

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 11:25:33 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: ChuckOConnellATnospamcompuserve.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Anybody have experience with Raja-Yoga?
Message-ID: <9ab7ed71.358bd46eATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 6/18/98 12:15:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
ChuckOConnellATnospamcompuserve.com writes:

> My name is Chuck. I've been on this list for about 3 weeks. What I've
> seen here surprises me. > I expected to find more information on 'how to'
raise kundalini.

Hi Chuck... great to have you here! I've found this list to be more of a
support group for those that have spontaneously awakened their k and do not
understand what the heck is going on. At least that is the context that it
helped me with. There are many websites and book recommendations on the info
you are looking for -- I will forward some to you.

.... It seems> most of you are experiencing> random occurances rather than
directed ones. Is this the norm? Do most> of you do any meditation> or

We took a poll a while back on these questions. Anybody out there have the
results for Chuck?

> Soon after I started meditating (but not during meditation) I found myself
> confronted by things from my past. (snipped)
    I'm wondering if there> is some mechanism that is forcing
> me to look at what I think I am, and then find out that it is wrong. **
> Does this happen to others? Is it what I > should be expecting? I think
it is and I would like confirmation from> someone who has been there. **

You are par for the course.... right on track.
> is it real?, is it psychosis? Is it just my mind playing tricks with me?

The ego will go to all sorts of lengths to show you how marvelous and powerful
you are. You can choose to get caught up in it, or choose to grow and ignore
these findings. Observing, with no judgement, would help you to choose the
right direction to go.

> One other side note: I noticed that this list was started by a 'Richard
> Satin'. I didn't bother me, but I couldn't> help note how close 'Satin'
is to 'Satan'. I also noted that 'Angelique> Serpent' also conjures up an
image of
> Lucifer (the fallen angel) as a serpent - 'the angelic serpent'. (I know,
> I know - the kundalini serpent fire is what you > are getting at). It
just seemed an odd coincidence.

Paranoia is a wonderful trait of K. (Just loved that part) (cough cough).
Again.... judgements. Observe and let it go. You are learning how
perceptions work - they are being exaggerated for you to really see. They
mean nothing.

Everything in this world is neutral. It is only our perceptions and
judgements that make it valuable or not. And with your K active right now, it
is not the time to trust any perception. Take them all with a grain of salt
and just enjoy the process the best you can. Observe as you would a movie.
Your mind can make up all sorts of fantastic, horrible, wonderful, ridiculous,
ludicrous, marvelous things. You are being shown this now. Doesn't mean a
thing. (unless you choose it to).

> I want to experience things that will let me know that enlightenment is a
> real goal. But how can I tell what is real > and what is just a figment
of my imagination - or just a meditation induced> euphoria (the 'rush'

It is all imagination... all meditation induced. You can choose to get caught
up in it and see your all-mighty importance (and you will), or you can choose
to realize that you don't know what anything, including all of this, means.
Enlightenment is the goal. The journey is the means. If your goal was to
live in California and you were headed west to move there, would you stop at
the Grand Canyon and stay forever, if California was your goal? Would you
ever get there by doing that? Stop a moment and enjoy the view for awhile,
then get your butt back in the car to your true destination. The Grand Canyon
is awe-inspiring, but it ain't California. (maybe not a great analogy, but
you get the point?)

> This is a new and strange road I am walking down. Already I feel more at
> peace. > I don't believe this road is a blind alley. But I don't want to
walk down
> it forever if it is.

If you are at peace, then you are on the right road. It is when you get "out
of peace", into bliss or fear, that you have gotten off the beaten path.
Follow your peace and it will lead you to where you are wanting to go.

Thanks for sharing. Glad you are here.


* I'm not where I want to be
  I'm not where I ought to be
  and I'm not where I'm going to be
  but Thank God I'm not where used to be! *

http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html <~~~~ on the web now!
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 12:18:01 -0400
From: "Orea de Sa' Hana" <oreaATnospamerols.com>
To: kl List <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: To Recreate Eden (was genuine or delusional)
Message-ID: <358BE0B8.D3A0750BATnospamerols.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

"It's the end of the world *as we know it*, and I feel fine!" :-)


Magne Aga wrote:

> ----------
> * Ann Morrison Fisher
> > Goddess moves in mysterious ways...
> > The mass consciousness shift required for planetary healing....
> > Kundalini has been called the most powerful
> > force in the Universe. Pollution has not.
> >
> > We will recreate Eden, with the
> > limitless power of our Love.
> > Believe it.
> * Anquelique
> > An important image to spread as widely as possible, to counteract all
> those
> > images of decay and the end of the earth!
> Maybe the socalled "end of the earth" needs a new and positive semantic
> meaning ?
> <snip>
> Ironically, those obsessed by preaching "earths destruction", "end of the
> world as God's punishment", "ecological catastrophes" etc are contributing
> to the present darkness, by preaching fear. In similar ways, jornualists
> obsessed by "scandals", "negative news as good stories" contributes to the
> same problems they focus on, because it fortifies the present mass neurosis
> of delusions that our present problems are "unavoidable", "unsolvable".
> Let's imagine the world as a place of Peace, Love, cooperation. Without
> wars, unemployment, diseases, death. Everything starts as an image on the
> etheric, before manifesting physically. If we focus on negativity, we ask
> for negativity. If we use Fisher's affirmation, we ask that the Future is
> Now.
Date: 20 Jun 98 17:21:22 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Ta
Message-Id: <358BEF4B.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


I'd like to say thanks to the people who have written to me with
sympathies, condolences, and opinions regarding what happened to me
yesterday with a local dog. No Dave, it was not a wakeup call, it was
a reminder of the humanity I had already woken up to. I am not sure
what is so `spiritually exciting' about getting other people to wake

Thanks anyway. Healing is commencing.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 09:35:11 PDT
From: "Paul Torres" <island_11ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: esther.steinacherATnospamxtra.co.nz, serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: re personal K experience
Message-ID: <19980620163511.23456.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

> Realize that you are praying anyways.. your every thought, is heard
as a
>prayer, and your fearful expectations are what you have been praying
>You get, what you pray for..
> So get very sincere about what you want

I would have to agree whole heartedly with this statement, because I
have increasingly become dedicated to finding out about truth in my
life. This led to my increased capacity to deal with aspecte of truth.
I know things now that would have sent me to a looney bin a few years
ago, and I attribute it to the sincerity with which I live my life.
Remember, though, that this does not negate fun in any way, so have a
great time, and along the way you may find what you are looking for.

Paul Torres.

I apologize if my e-mails don't make as much sense as I want, but I am
finding that as I travel to the places where language is not needed, I
lose much of my mastery over communicating.

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 12:48:47 -0500
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center (Debbie)
Message-Id: <l03020901b1b156b5848aATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>I also finally found doctors in Ann Arbor who help people with psychic
>problems and they put me on >energy medicine which has helped

You have come to the right place. There are many wise and helpful people
here. I found your story very interesting. I have had a similar experience
to the one you describe but found my "karmic" connection to the other
person to be largely in my imagination, and I was probably "doing it" to
myself (or kundalini was). Something to think about. Your mileage may vary.

Anyhoo, I am curious about the "energy medicine." Could you describe its

Welcome to the list!
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 20:50:55 +0200
From: "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
To: <oreaATnospamerols.com>, "kl List" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Everything wants to live - Alpha = Omega (was Re : Recreate Eden)
Message-Id: <199806201954.UAA27139ATnospamumbukta.monet.no>

* Magne Aga
> Maybe the socalled "end of the earth" needs a new and positive semantic
> meaning ?
> Ironically, those obsessed by preaching "earths destruction", "end of the
> world as God's punishment", "ecological catastrophes" etc are
> to the present darkness, by preaching fear. In similar ways, jornualists
> obsessed by "scandals", "negative news as good stories" contributes to
> same problems they focus on, because it fortifies the present mass
> of delusions that our present problems are "unavoidable", "unsolvable".
> Let's imagine the world as a place of Peace, Love, cooperation. Without
> wars, unemployment, diseases, death. Everything starts as an image on the
> etheric, before manifesting physically. If we focus on negativity, we ask
> for negativity. If we use Fisher's affirmation, we ask that the Future is
> Now.

* Orea de Sa' Hana
> "It's the end of the world *as we know it*, and I feel fine!" :-)


Observe, for example, the discussions on these Kundalini-site, concerning
the problem people have in leaving the outdated past behind. There have
been quite a discussion about the "death of the Ego", for example, and many
complains about how strenious, how difficult, how hard it is to get rid of
their worst enemies within. It's a battlefield. The End Days is called the
War of Armageddon. It's no war between men. It's a war between the mortal
and spiritual concepts within each and every one of us.

Observe people who have been imprisoned, and one day, at last, can
experience freedom again. Although the traumas from the prison is something
they want to get rid of, many have problems to handle the freedom when
coming out. They have emotional dependencies to that which gives them
serfdom ! Observe how people who have escaped from dictatorships, have
problems to live in democracies ! Observe how woman who are entrapped by
evil husbands, terrorizing them, have problems to establish a meaningfull
life without them, as free individuals ! We are entrapped by serfdom, due
to dependencies to that which holds us back !

Although we honestly and conscious wants to be FREE, there are myriads of
threads, visible and invisible, attempting to prevent our evolution.

It doesn't matter whether it's good or evil. It want's to live anyway. It's
a natural law. And while trying to get free from serfdom, that which keeps
us back in evolution, whill STILL try to keep us back.

There are individuals who keep repeating the same patterns over and over;
they carry them from relationship to relationship, situation to situation,
lifetime to lifetime. Often, they cannot discern the causes of these
patterns. Their thoughts and emotions about the patterns, creates a force
field which causes the same situation, the same tradegy to be repeated
again and again.

Truly they suffer. They seemingly cannot escape from the very circumstances
and conditions which hurt them. They hold on to them. For in them is the
FAMILIARITY which spells, to their ways of thinking, life. They FEAR that
if they LET GO of the individuals who hurt them, the conditions which spoil
them, life will end.

The enemy is not the individuals or the conditions which plague them, but
"DEATH", as it has wrongly been interpreted as obliteration of life. But
there is no death. Only transmutations. Elimination, denial, renouncements
are functions of life, not preludes of dying.

The "violet flame" will renounce the chains of serfdom:

The violet flame is an all-consuming fire. It is not hot. It's comfortable.
It's desirable to be in it. Rise into your I Am state. Visualize the violet
flame 2 feets in front of your body. Place yourself in it with a sense of
joy and expectations. Know that it cannot harm, but only can help.

>From the third eye, see your own aura. See it encased by this beautiful
flame of nonburning fire. The aura, with its emotions, thought and psychic
patterns, influences all of the functions of your body. Visualize all
levels of your being as CLEANSED by this violet flame.

If any condition, person or situation limits your full I Am expression,
renounce its connections to your body and aura. Burn of the ties, binding
you to mortal ways and thinking and preventing the immortal I Am to
manifest. One, by one, in different meditations, place into the violet
flame friends, relatives, soul patterns, limiting codes and philosophies,
troubling dreams, memories of past failures. Burn of all threads impeding
your progress. Used this way, the violet flame harms no one, nothing. But
it sets you free.

Feelings and emotions, ideas and customs, associations and relationships,
physical limitations and errors are eliminated, renounced, denied. They
disappear. This is your rightfull duty. This is a divine attribute of
Yours. In Kriya Yoga, this flame is connected to the chrone and root
chakras. Breathing in energy through the chrone chakra, breathing it out
(renounce gross) through the root via the violet flame.

Instead of repeating the same incorrect things life after life, with the
same people visiting you, they soon would not find you here anymore. It's
time to pack your bags. To let go. To leave the things you don't need
anymore. It's the last step on a long, long road. Finishing up, it's time
to go. Cancel the ticket for the wrong destination. Burn the bridges to the
past. With no thing to bind you, and no thing to loose, eliminate the
thoughts that rob you of your peace.
Sing your freedom song today !

"Life is a short cold moment,
and death is a long, warm rest"

(Pink Floyd, "Obscured by clouds")
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 09:57:22 +0500
From: esther steinacher <esther.steinacherATnospamxtra.co.nz>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Thanks for the welcome
Message-ID: <358C92B2.715AATnospamxtra.co.nz>

Looked over at the computer and could see the shakti, thanking you. It
is a comfort not to feel so isolated and I really need to get this
grounding sussed. thanks for the info, as always knowing is a long way
from believing, love to all, with a special thanks to you Mystress
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 17:46:39 -0500
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Geometric visions/k/art
Message-Id: <l03010d11b1b1ec1832baATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi Holly!

>I get these, too, as well as migraines. Oliver Sacks, in his book on
>migraine, speculates on the correlation of migraine, these geometric
>visions and religious vision. He uses the art of Hildegarde of Bingen
>as an example. I've been on the lookout for artists I believe have
>experienced kundalini activity and often their work has this same
>geometric quality -- an English visionary artist named Stanley Spencer
>is my latest discovery. I don't know if all migraine/epilepsy is
>k-based but the connection sure seems high to me. Holly

As your K. has developed, have the migraines become any less severe?

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 19:58:03 -0400
From: "Dhyani \"Debbie\"" <debhATnospammindspring.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: My "K" experiences
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I experienced a sudden Kundalini awakening in July 1994. The past four
years of my life since that experience have been bizarre, almost fatal,
intense and blissful as well as disorienting.

I'll give you a little background information first. As a child I was
interested in all things psychic. I did spells, had seances and saw
spirits. I had a spirit enter my body when I was fifteen and do some
automatic writing. I began reading Zen at fourteen and also began
meditating at the same age. I have either meditated, chanted or practiced
T'ai Chi continuously since I was a young teenager. I am now 39 years old.
 I was a strict vegetarian for 22 years until this past year when I had to
begin eating a little meat to help ground me psychically.

I have always been an addictive person. At age nine I became addicted to
chocolate as a way of dealing with my parents divorce. I then got into
drugs at age thirteen and at age fifteen I became addicted to men.
Fortunately I got off the drugs by age sixteen. I found that sex gave me
just as good a high. I was addicted to the altered state of orgasm. In my
twenties I became a Religion major and began reading Carlos Casteneda and
Stanislov Grof. I realized I had always believed in reincarnation and
invisible forces.

My second marriage ended ten years ago. One of my greatest fears during
that marriage was that I would somehow end up fighting my ex in court over
our now thirteen year old daughter. I did not understand why I was so
afraid. Granted, he was an attorney but it was more than that. I feared
for my life somehow. Anyway, in '93, my ex initiated a custody battle and
I entered into a deep state of prayer. I prayed so deeply for reasons
unknown except that I felt I was going to be executed somehow in court. I
stayed in that deep state of prayer for seven months until the hearing.
Although I actually ended up winning more rights, I still felt the entire
episode was a replay from a past life experience with this man. I am
convinced he did murder me in a former life.

Around the same time this custody fight began, I met a man through work who
became the trigger for my Kundalini awakening the following summer. Each
time I saw this man between the summer of '93 and '94, something strange
would occur. It felt as if his energy were trying to invade me and it tood
effort to push it away.

Then in June '94, I had to work with him at his place of business for
several hours. We were standing in a public place when all of a sudden I
felt a psychic tornado whip around us. We both had to struggle to remain
standing upright. He kept straightening his tie and tucking in his shirt
and clearing his throat. As I felt and watched this, a voice spoke into my
left ear. It said: "Whatever you do, do not look at him with any
awareness of this energy because the moment you do, everything will change".
I listened to the voice and pretended nothing strange was going on. I left
there thinking this was a very strange, isolated incident. But I was wrong.

Three weeks later, I was helping to facilitate a workshop. This man was
taking the workshop and sat in the middle of the room about fifteen feet
away. I was standing against the wall facing him. An hour into the
workshop, I suddenly felt my body become paralyzed. I began to panic but
then I realized that I was entering an altered state. So I relaxed and
just enjoyed the ride. It felt like the most intense whole body orgasm I
had ever had. I could feel energy streaming into me through my forehead.
The energy traveled down my spine and up again out the top of my head. It
felt as though every cell in my body were waking up simultaneously. I was
flying. I traveled to a place that I can only explain as the source of all
life. I felt totally free. There was no time or structure here. I
realized at that moment that we are truly spirits in bodies and that there
really is no time, only eternity.

I did not want to return to my body. When I woke up, I opened my eyes to
see this same man staring at me. I realized the energy had been coming
from his direction. We just staying in the most deep and intense gaze I
have ever experienced. I recognized him as the most ancient soul I have
ever known. It was like looking into a mirror of my own soul. After a
while I turned away, it was too intense. He immediately got up and ran out
of the room and the building. He was running so fast I could not catch him.

I began trying to get to know him after that. We talked as though we had
known each other for a long time. There was an immediate intimacy between
us and I know he told me things he had probably not told others before.
But he is also married with children and so I knew this was not going

Four months after the initial experience, I woke up in a state of intense
grief. It felt as though someone had just died and when I was around this
man, the feelings became a 100 times more intense. I was flooded with
grief over his death from another life as well as other past life memories
involving this same man. The grief lasted for three years. Combined with
this devastating grief, I have also experienced feeling on fire, literally,
for long periods of time. Intense sexual desire that could not be
satisfied, vivid dreams of past life memories, nightmares, voices, seeing

The grief became so intense that it caused near fatal physical problems in
'95. My lungs filled with fluid and I developed pneumonia. I could not
breathe for 25 days. I healed myself dramatically with my mind. I'll save
that story for another posting. After I recovered, a few weeks later my
liver started to fail and I had to go on an 18 day water fast. I recovered
from both near fatal experiences.

I have struggled with intense time disorientation over the years which
peaked in '96. I did not know any more whether I was living in the past,
present or future. My past life memories had literally taken over my
present reality. The only way I got through this was to allow myself to
grieve. I will describe a bizarre experience I had in a cemetary in
another posting. I received a sign from God when I was close to suicide
that saved my life.

I finally found some Anthroposophic Doctors in Ann Arbor Michigan who
helped me come back to earth. They told me I was too excarnated from my
Kundalini experience and they put me on some herbal energy medicine (metal
therapy) and gave me some exercises to do. They were the only people I
found who really understand these experiences. I will be happy to share
their phone number if anyone is interested. With their help, I have
regained a great deal of stability.

However, I have made a mess out of my physical life. My money is totally
gone. I ended up in a second custody battle last year which I initiated.
I lost badly and now I hardly get to see my daughter which is quite
painful. I am in an appeals process. I lost my job a couple of years ago.
I really could use some friends right now. It is difficult for me to meet
new people because I don't know how to talk about my life. Also, I am
still having psychic trouble when I meet others who also have active
Kundalini energy. I am so open psychically that I can get sick from this
energy quite easily if I am around anyone who is going through similar

that's enough for now.....

Date: Sat, 20 Jun 1998 20:00:38 -0400
From: "Dhyani \"Debbie\"" <debhATnospammindspring.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: More Kundalini outcomes
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I just resent a longer version of my sudden Kundalini awakening experience
in '94. The first one I tried to post got chopped off so I retyped it and
sent it again.

Thanks for the responses I received. Yes, there have been benefits even
though the energy was released in my body much too quickly and I almost
died twice.

I have become much more psychic. My conscious awareness has expanded so
much that I have become as aware of the emotional content of my past lives,
and some significant details, as I am of the present.

I had a fascinating dream in August '96 which I know was not a dream but a
past life memory coming through. I woke from this dream in a cold sweat
and it has haunted me ever since.

I dreamt that the man who triggered my Kundalini experience (I believe he
might be my twin soul) was dressed as a Roman soldier. He was kneeling
down in front of my body because he was crucifying me. I could read his
thoughts in the dream. He was justifying his actions. He thought to
himself: "She is the king's daughter and she is being killed because she
converted to Judaism. She is crazy". Then he wanted to stop me from
screaming so he smothered me with something. Next, he took a grayish flag
made out of metal and hammered it into the top of the cross. The flag had
a Hebrew letter on it. I woke up as I was staring at the letter and I
cannot recall what it was.

I have a strong desire to research this dream by searching the bible on the
Internet for the key words: "king", "daughter", "crucify or crucifixtion"
and "Judaism". But I have been actually afraid I might find out which
king's daughter I was. I know this was more than a dream.

In fact, when I met this man just prior to my "K" awakening, I had numerous
experiences of feeling quite disoriented and physically unbalanced around
him. I fell down half a flight of stairs while walking in back of him
once. And I have had a strong desire to say to him: "Please don't hurt
me" even though I do not feel threatened by him in this life. I also have
had strong desires to stab myself in the hands with sharp objects in his
presence. Now when I look at all these things together it becomes clear
that he probably did crucify me once.

Does anyone know anything about twin souls. I am especially interested in
how they affect each other positive and negatively. This man and I
actually look alike and have other strange similarities. I believe he did
trigger my "K" experience or at least we went through some type of OOB
experience together.

Dhyani (Little Deer) "Debbie"


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