Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/17 21:15
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #462

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 462

Today's Topics:
  Re: Most powerful living Kundalini G [ Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iis ]
  Re: Strange List Activity [ "janpa tsomo" <j_tsomoATnospamhotmail.com> ]
  Geometric visions/k/art [ hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Ba ]
  Re: Most powerful living Kundalini G [ "janpa tsomo" <j_tsomoATnospamhotmail.com> ]
  Re: Geometric visions/k/art [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
  Spiritual Heart [ AfperryATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource [ "Marsha & Stephen" <kandulATnospamg-net.ne ]
  Re: Strange List Activity [ TAvalon <TAvalonATnospamtexas.net> ]
  Re: Strange List Activity [ David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net> ]
  Re: Strange List Activity [ David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net> ]
  Interesting (at least to me) K-dream [ Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com> ]
  Re: Strange List Activity [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: Interesting (at least to me) K-d [ "Orea de Sa' Hana" <oreaATnospamerols.com> ]
  Geometric Shapes [ "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com> ]
  shapes and such and Ezekiel [ MoonDghtrATnospamaol.com ]
  night terrors i think? [ "Zack Kaplan" <zkaplanATnospamnycap.rr.com ]
  Unsubscrbe [ Angela Mary Broad <ambroadATnospamacs.ucal ]
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 13:52:56 +0530 (IST)
From: Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in>
To: sruddATnospambible.ca
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Most powerful living Kundalini Guru
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.980617134546.7512B-100000ATnospamBhaskara>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi srudd,
   I think it's not wise to judge who is the most powerful living
   Kundalini Guru today. I think one should go in search for an
   answer one wants and one will sometime later meet the right
   person rather than finding finding the most powerful living
   Kundalini Guru today.

   As such the GOD is the most powerful Kundalini Guru and has
   lived always. Go find him.

On Tue, 16 Jun 1998 sruddATnospambible.ca wrote:

> Steve Rudd here,
> Is Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nityananda the most powerful living Kundalini
> Guru today?
> Who else would you name as the most powerful Kundalini leader today that is
> still living?
> Thanks!
> ____________
> Steve Rudd
> 905-575-8437 Fax: 575-8814
> sruddATnospambible.ca
> The Interactive Bible
> www.bible.ca
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 07:01:51 PDT
From: "janpa tsomo" <j_tsomoATnospamhotmail.com>
To: david.bozziATnospamsnet.net, serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Strange List Activity
Message-ID: <19980617140152.17329.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Baby summer in
spring's green womb

stretches her legs

she wants out





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Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 09:22:22 -0500 (CDT)
From: hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
To: Faith Cuthrell <suncrystal1ATnospamyahoo.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Geometric visions/k/art
Message-Id: <199806171422.JAA20131ATnospamdfw-ix13.ix.netcom.com>

You wrote
>I have wondered for YEARS if these things aren;t kundalini instead of
>a medical condition

I get these, too, as well as migraines. Oliver Sacks, in his book on
migraine, speculates on the correlation of migraine, these geometric
visions and religious vision. He uses the art of Hildegarde of Bingen
as an example. I've been on the lookout for artists I believe have
experienced kundalini activity and often their work has this same
geometric quality -- an English visionary artist named Stanley Spencer
is my latest discovery. I don't know if all migraine/epilepsy is
k-based but the connection sure seems high to me. Holly
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 07:24:41 PDT
From: "janpa tsomo" <j_tsomoATnospamhotmail.com>
To: sruddATnospambible.ca, anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Most powerful living Kundalini Guru
Message-ID: <19980617142441.2703.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

"Have you found Him?"
she asked me,
eyes aglaze
with wonder
and focused
on her inward

"i didnt know i should be
looking..." i started.

"You must find him...." she pleaded.

"He will save you."
She nodded most enthusiastically
then walked on.

Find who?

i walked the street
that buzzed
with the
rhythms of footsteps
hurried in fear,

Jabbering walls
spoke of
carpenters and
nails, Forests
and clouds.

Leaning against
a wall that
also the
in its jabbering
formation i mused

"Find WHO?"

"if i look
in anyone's eyes,

there i see
my parents,

the sunlight
dimmed as
evening rose.

Painting the sky
a darkening

Smiling, nodding

i wasnt sure if i'd
found anything at all,
because everything
was everywhere.

Oak tree
baby carraige
with the vines
on the
broken windowframes

who am i

--janpa tsomo

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 10:34:05 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Geometric visions/k/art
Message-ID: <006a01bd99fc$fc862520$8dd11fa8ATnospamsharonwe>
Content-Type: text/plain;


you wrote:
 >I don't know if all migraine/epilepsy is
>k-based but the connection sure seems high to me.

The visual effects I get were diagnosed as "similar to, but not the same as,
classic migraine," if you can call that a diagnosis. It looks like a
diagonal veil pulled across my field of vision, and the veil scintillates
with gold and white jagged light in a web-like pattern. There seems to be
an association with food allergies.

Mine glow in the dark like sparkler trails. Do yours?

Me you go fly,
A new fractal gallery and screensaver was posted to this site, 4/3/98:
USA Today Hot Site; Cosmic Site of the Night: Cool Central Site of the Day;
ENC Digital Dozen; Enchantment Award; ArtSearch Featured Site;
NetTech NeatTech: Web Best ; Eye Candy Award; Studyweb Featured Site;
Lotus Light Award; Wave of the Day; Hot Site Award; Critical Mass Award;
Best of the Planet, People's Choice Award, 1998; WS Award; Treasured Site
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 12:29:32 EDT
From: AfperryATnospamaol.com
To: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Spiritual Heart
Message-ID: <fa6000a6.3587eeedATnospamaol.com>

Dear Harsha,

You will recall our recent correspondence on the location of the spiritual
heart, in particular Ramana Maharshi's indication that it is to be found on
the right side of the chest. Well, you will be interested to hear that I have
just found corroboration of your/Ramana's statements from none other than Sai

The May issue of 'Sanathana Sarathi', the monthly international Sai magazine
from Puttaparthi (pp.123-128), gives a translation of a discourse given by
Baba at Kodaikanal in April of this year under the title of 'Man, Truth, Love
and God'. He says: "God is in every human being residing in his spiritual
heart which is on the right side of the body while the physical heart is on
the left", and he repeats this assertion two other times, including: "The seat
of love is the spiritual heart on the right of the body". He does not mention
chakras in this context.

Proof at last that Sai Baba is a secret member of the K-List.........;-)

God bless,
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 14:32:38 -0400
From: "Marsha & Stephen" <kandulATnospamg-net.net>
To: "antares" <antaresATnospamneuron.net>
Cc: <Jude1ATnospamwebtv.net>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199806171835.OAA22356ATnospamultrasparc-3.g-net.net>


the quote:

> confusing and inconvenient. I call them my "no pain migranes", although
> they are not like a migrane as it is NOT a tunnel vision type effect.

wasn't written by me, but by someone else who gets these 'visions'. after
the doc. told me that nothing was wrong, i just decided the relax and enjoy
these wildly iridescent (sp), scintillating, other-worldly geometric shapes
that obscure my 3-d vision. of course, i can't drive, read or walk around,
but who knows, they may coalesce into something one of these days...and
they are so beautiful.

could be they are simply part of the 'growing pains' that so many of are
experiencing these days.

Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 13:38:29 -0500
From: TAvalon <TAvalonATnospamtexas.net>
To: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
CC: david.bozziATnospamsnet.net, Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Strange List Activity
Message-ID: <35880D25.B1B53DB4ATnospamtexas.net>

Really, I've found on other lists that the storm rages in april and May,
occasionally a week or so into June. Then poof, relative calm for the
rest of the year. I figured it had to do with the divine foolish energy
of Spring.


Terri Avalon

Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:
> Yes, we get a few days calm building energy before the storm..spring
> solstice on Sunday.
> Blessings, Mystress.
> At 12:17 AM 17/06/98 -0400, David Bozzi wrote:
> >The full moon has past.
> >Yes. There *is* a correlation.
> >The water simmers but will come to a full boil again.
> >(just you wait and see)
> >
> >
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 15:33:06 -0400
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Strange List Activity
Message-ID: <358819F2.6AFE300FATnospammail.snet.net>

I don't really place much emphasis on the lunar cycles (and other planetary
cycles) with regard to behavior. All I can say is that from experience I
a build up of energy prior to full moons and a release afterwards.

To be truthful I am not even conscious of lunar cycles. I *am* conscious of
my own inner cycles and simply notice the full moon status in hindsight.

*So I'd just say what is important is be aware of our own inner cycles.*

To be completely unoriginal, let's not put the horse before the cart.

(who cleans the crap out when he feels the pull *then* happens
to notice it was a full moon.)

TAvalon wrote:

> Really, I've found on other lists that the storm rages in april and May,
> occasionally a week or so into June. Then poof, relative calm for the
> rest of the year. I figured it had to do with the divine foolish energy
> of Spring.
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 15:37:27 -0400
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Strange List Activity
Message-ID: <35881AF7.9BBBFAAEATnospammail.snet.net>

David Bozzi wrote:

> To be completely unoriginal, let's not put the horse before the cart.

Hmmmm....I guess that *was* original. : )
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 14:49:01 -0500
From: Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com>
To: The List <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Interesting (at least to me) K-dream
Message-ID: <35881DAC.3E2EEDAEATnospamfull-moon.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Sometimes my dreams would make great X-files sequences I think...anybody
got a "take" on this one?

Lessee...I was in a house, it was familiar to me but yet unfamiliar. I
was in the living room. There was a kitchen with gray cabinets at the
south end, and one of the cabinets had a “display case” underneath the
northwest corner.

The walls of the kitchen and the living room adjacent to the north were
all dark wood paneling, and the rug on the floor was a dark reddish

There was a naked old woman with a rather grotesque body in the kitchen
cabinet´s display case, and she was saying something about the energy
and moving about crouched in the case. Her skin was young but her body
was old and thin, her breasts pendulous...

I realized at this time that the house was “The Yukon House” (a house
just like one, but backwards and not really identical to one we owned
when we lived there in that suburb town near OKC)...and in the living
room where I was, there was a reddish brown sheer silk “veil” stretched
across a corner.

Inside this veiled corner there were two buttons on the wall, one a
round flat button that activated the energy...and I went inside this
corner and pushed the round flat button. I felt energy coming up through
the floor and quickly entering my body, it was kundalini energy and it
made my spine and back twist and undulate. (as it has done in waking
life quite a few times over the past two years)

Next thing I knew, I was in bed, possibly still within the veiled area,
and the energy was continuing. I was still undulating and moaning
slightly, and my husband, lying next to me, mistook my sounds for sexual
arousal...said something like “oh, I know what that means”...I just kept
on moving and let the impression of my husband next to me float
off...this kept up for a while and the only thing I was thinking was
that the energy was connected to my hormonal cycles and it was

I'm wondering--Who is the crone? I don't understand this imagery but
feel the dark reddish brown is related to my hormonal cycles, and the
energy is rumbling under the surface 'cause I'm getting major night
sweats again. And I'm not menopausal yet.

Oy, it seems every post from me is a quest for info from the list! Ah,
Date: 17 Jun 98 15:13:52 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Strange List Activity
Message-Id: <3587DD30.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

> The full moon has past.
> Yes. There *is* a correlation.
> The water simmers but will come to a full boil again.
> (just you wait and see)

Such are the cycles of nature.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 16:14:37 -0400
From: "Orea de Sa' Hana" <oreaATnospamerols.com>
To: kl List <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Interesting (at least to me) K-dream
Message-ID: <358823A9.118CF9E0ATnospamerols.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

Hi Kath,

The Crone is one of the three forms of the Goddesss: Maiden, Mother,
Crone. I met her in a dream a number of years ago, I called her the
Hag, my sister filled me in on who she was.

This one was odd, too. I was dreaming something entirely unrelated when
it was interrupted by voices in mid-conversation. It was as though the
switch on a CB radio had been flipped, these voices blared forth
completly interrupting my dream to the point that I nearly woke up.
"Yes, you may visit her but only briefly because..." I never heard the
rest of his sentence because instantly I saw the face of an ugly old
gypsy like woman with a scarf around her head and crisscrossing wires
across the front of her mouth where her front teeth should have been.
At the same moment ZAP! this amazing energy surged through me. It only
lasted about a second, but it was enough to leave me certain the "man in
charge" was about to say "because she can't handle your level of energy
for very long." I was wide awake for hours, and I will never forget


Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 16:29:17 -0400
From: "Wonderer" <mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com>
To: <Jude1ATnospamwebtv.net>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Geometric Shapes
Message-ID: <001601bd9a2e$9b4056a0$cd5a9cd1ATnospamcathyber.TOMEN.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain;

>judy writes:
> 1. Strange white and gold geometric type shapes that take over my
field of
>vision for no known reason unexpectedly. There is no pain, but that
>sometimes get so strong I cannot clearly see anything else. It
>last for approx 15-20 minutes. They're kind of neat to look at, but
>confusing and inconvenient. I call them my "no pain migranes",
>they are not like a migrane as it is NOT a tunnel vision type


I can share one experience, years ago, where I felt my thinking had
risen to a higher frequency. I could see all sorts of geometric
shapes dancing in the air. Each shape had a significance. I "felt"
that this was the language of the angels. For instance, a triangle
within a circle has a different significance than a circle within a
square, etc. I have since read (somewhere?) that the angels use a
geometric language. Sorry, this is so limited, but I thought I'd
share this with you. Unlike your experience, mine was painless; I
enjoyed it, and would welcome another similar experience. However, I
believe it was brought about by sleep experiments I was doing, that
produce the effect of having lucid dreams. [Carl Jung, if I recall
correctly, came up with the technique: Take a weekend, do your
sleeping in short time frames (say an hour or two) wake up for a few
hours, go to sleep again, etc. Your conscious and subconscious minds
become "fused" more closely, according to the psychiatrist.] The
lucid dreams were fantastic. Unfortunately the side effect was when
I woke up and had a rough time getting the dream to stop playing. It
looked like ghosts were being projected on my bedroom wall. That was
it for me -- no more sleep experiments! During this same phase in my
life, I remember being fully awake one evening, and after reading
some inspirational text, I was feeling superconscous; at that time I
saw the shapes and understood them. However, don't ask me now what
they signify. This reminds me of Ezekiel, of biblical reference, who
saw the wheel within the wheel (geometric shapes). Each wheel had a
significance. Anybody out there remember the song?

Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 20:02:07 EDT
From: MoonDghtrATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: shapes and such and Ezekiel
Message-ID: <a3b7a0ea.35885900ATnospamaol.com>

Subj: Re: Geometric Shapes
Date: 06/17/98
To: mrtn74aATnospamprodigy.com,
CC: kundalini-lATnospamlists.exe.cpc.com

In a message dated 98-06-17 16:30:05 EDT, Cathy wrote:

<< Anybody out there remember the song?

    I remember it well...I was a fundamentalist Christian many years ago and I
used to sIng this in Bible study (Ezekiel saw the wheel way up in the middle
of the air...). Been a Goddess worshiping Pagan for years now. Funny how I
often still hear this song in my head--thought about it a couple of days ago.
    BB ~~~Moon
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 20:52:22 -0400
From: "Zack Kaplan" <zkaplanATnospamnycap.rr.com>
To: "caroline wilson" <myspecial1ATnospamyahoo.com>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
Subject: night terrors i think?
Message-Id: <199806180123.VAA10138ATnospammail-atm.nycap.rr.com>

hi im new to this list-i am definatly interested in dreams and sleeping-for
as long as i can remember i have had night terrors and weird
sleeping-sleepwalking-running episodes- it really freaks people out around
me. these dreams are so real! i usually jump out of bed run around the
house -of course i remember none of this-im always told about it. sometimes
i run outside-lots of times i wake up downstairs out of breath- 1
particular time there was a mirror next to my bed and i put my hand
throughit like it was some sort of portal!! i woke up heavy of breath- and
took down the mirror the next day!

needless to say its time to go to the sleep disorder clinic- or a shaman or
something!! what i wouldnt do for a peaceful nights sleep!!



> From: caroline wilson <myspecial1ATnospamyahoo.com>
> To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com; lobakolaATnospamcsr.net
> Subject: Caro's intro-a lurker speaks
> Date: Wednesday, June 17, 1998 12:26 AM
> Saturday 13 June 1998
> Hello Loba kola,
> Hello K-listers
> I read some of your emails to the K-list that you wrote back in late
> April - your intro's and rocks and lucid dreaming, I am glued to your
> letters with fascination and it made me laugh so much - joy to read
> your stories, you made me cackle right down to my core. I can relate
> to quite a few of your experiences the rocks, horses, dreams and all!
> especially the dreams.
> When I was a kid I used to walk in my sleep, have waking nightmares,
> fly in dreams with my bother in and around this old cottage we lived
> in with my mum, (we were also haunted by ghosties in this house -
> later).
> My nightmares went on for years, when I was about 9 or 10 years old I
> had quite a lot of them. Each one was different but all of them felt
> like I was stuck in half wake half sleep hallucinating off my head and
> in terror not being able to wake up, it would sometimes take 2 or more
> hours for me to come around to reality and mum would have to keep me
> home from school until I woke up. I don't have these anymore gladly.
> I have always paid attention to my dreams and know what you mean when
> you talk about different dream states of conciosness.
> I have expeienced the same deep sleep state that paralyses my body,
> unable to move or breath, that I think i'm going to suffocate.
> I got better at handling this state of dreaming and in my early 20's
> started to be able to relax and start to think and act conciously in
> my dreams , I realised I could create my dream adventure and move
> about in it better by being creative in trust in myself and, unable to
> do anything in fear=paralysed. I was going to art scool at the time
> studying painting mainly - a year later I started learning meditation,
> started to see colours around people, haunted by new ghosts and
> sometimes voices talking to me .
> I could not always do it relax that is in this deep sleep dream
> paralysed state, out of body, different world dimesion, but when I got
> paralysed like you said and was flaoting above my bed, I would
> desperately be trying to wake up and would sometimes start dreaming I
> was going through the motions and be getting up out of bed slapping my
> own legs to feel my body and thinking yeah I am awake now, walk to my
> bedroom door and walk into the hallway but something was wrong with
> the house it was a different shape or there was a window where there
> was a wall and then I knew I was still asleep in my dream and I would
> sometimes go on like this for 5 times becoming stuck in this ''Ground
> Hog Day" scenario until I became exausted and unattatched to this
> dream and become a bit more conscious again and a voice says like give
> up this dream you are doing it.
> I fall down or fall backwards and back into my body. I wake up slowly
> like i've been drugged, sweating and just starting to breath again
> like I had not been for ages, thank God I am finally really awake in
> my real room, and I am just blown out how powerful my dream state is
> and how once i'm awake how I could of been so scared.
> When I lived alone for a few months (4 years ago) on the edge of a
> National Park on the South Coast I started flying again and having
> these suffocating dreams again, but I got quite good at falling
> backwards back into my body with a "whoomf"!\
> Once I dreamt I was flying above the escarpment (top of the rigde)
> skimming the tops of the trees, which was behind my house about 1
> kilometre walk up steep rugged side of it (I used to walk up the old
> waterfall which has the largest round odd shape bolders i've ever seen
> some three or four times the size a human) back to the dream- while I
> was flying up in the tree tops I could feel the breeze in my face and
> blow in between the hairs on my arms the earthy scent of forest, then
> I started falling down through the trees quicker and colder it got
> then all these sea birds came under me and I floated down on their
> wings into my room back in bed and on the wall is a big wheel-circle
> luminous and turning almost like fire it fades and I slowly woke up
> lying on my back with my hands crossed over my heart ...stillness
> ..cold house sadness filled me I felt I had fallen from grace.
> I often dream about horses I rode as child and teenager, Sally she was
> a white stock horse a farm horse kept with a herd of others for
> moving sheep and cattle. And Charlie he was quarter horse who was bay
> brown white star on his forehead and black maine and tail and frisky
> Sunny who was all chestnut thick hair from the cold air.
> I dreamt I was riding Charlie galloping along in the open paddock and
> Sally comes galloping even faster than even we were going and almost
> knocks us out.
> Charlie was the most gentle and smartest of all the horses I rode, I
> was very sad when he died in my mid teens. Some years later I found
> his skull in the paddock they left him in.
> I guess this is getting a bit long so i'll stop for, now write up some
> more later
> I'm a Virgo with Aquarius moon, my boyfriend is an Aquarian one of
> those ones that can do anything he tries.
> Would love to hear some responses
> Hugs and love
> Caroline
> _________________________
> Get your free ATnospamyahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 20:13:08 -0600 (MDT)
From: Angela Mary Broad <ambroadATnospamacs.ucalgary.ca>
To: jb <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
Subject: Unsubscrbe
Message-Id: <Pine.A41.3.96.980617200119.32334B-100000ATnospamacs1.acs.ucalgary.ca>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hello all...
Part of me hopes this doesn't work but honestly I don't have the time to
read all the wonderfull things everyone writes....so saddening...wouldn't
it be got to just be-one and not have to do the painfully
slow...asking...waiting...no...actually this is learning and it's fun...

One final thought....

It seems the latest trend is dessolution of the ego...we must crush the
ego..why? because it is not with God/Goddess/life it keeps us separate
from that wich is love. So many say this but I got to thinking about it
and well, we want to get rid of our egos to become more enlightened, all
the masters are egoless. As if immatating the masters will bring
enlightenment and mabye it will, but perhaps having no ego is a result of
being connected, not the cause? Maybe we need our self esteem, self
confidence or whatever to keep us feeling loved (at least by ourselves)
untill light shines through and we don't need it anymore and then it just
melts away. A Metaphore: someone wants to be a rock musician and they
think that maybe if they portray that image it will make them apear that
way, they can hang with the group and slowly work their way into the
system or something and eventually even if they're not that good...they'll
make it...some do but aren't the most beautifull intricite songs made by
the muscican who cares more about the music and practicing then the image
it brings...the means justifying the ends and all that...well I don't know
if I'm getting this across quite the way I intended....it's the same with
celebecy...once you are one with your twin-self and/or life/love and
however that works...then mabye you get your love from the direct source
and don't need it physically...maybe untill then you do and it brings you
closer to God because it's a little miricle in itself...self love is a
little human derivitive of divine love...it's part of the same thing
anyways...so why seek to change it at all?

Love and Light


"It's the beginning of the new love inside..."


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