Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/14 00:07
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #457

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 457

Today's Topics:
  Immortality.. [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
  The Void. was Re: Question ? [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
  Self? [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ John-Michael Dumais <jadumais1ATnospamjuno ]
  Re: Who is there (was RE: Why would [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  The chosen fool [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Goddess [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: The chosen fool [ WEIVODAATnospamaol.com ]
  Relationship [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: The chosen fool [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: Relationship [ Nancy <NancyATnospamwtp.net> ]
  addiction and kundalini [ "Maven Peal Instruments, Inc." <pea ]
  Re: The chosen fool [ David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net> ]
  Avatar Dave on K-list- An apology [ Dave08812ATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Avatar Dave on K-list- An apolog [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
  Re: Relationship [ WEIVODAATnospamaol.com ]
  Re Avatar Dave on K list Apology [ "L Willowdancing" <willowdancingATnospamho ]
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 17:06:00 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Immortality..
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

  One reason I enjoy doing leisurely awakenings so much, is the joy of
talking to Goddess thru the heart chakra of another. So often I get
interesting bits of information, that might not get thru my paradigms
  Possibly because at that time, while it appears that I am controlling the
situation, I am actually utterly surrendered to their needs. The only way
I can know what their needs are, is by completely surrendering to Spirit
moving thru me, in the moment. In this Tantric state, there is only one of
us.. we are united.. and spirit knows what they need, and what i need too.
It will be the same thing, coz I will feel the shadows of their stuff in my
body.. and they will feel as much as they can handle of my abundant energy.
   Because everyone is unique, I tend to ask questions as much as offer
opinions, if not more.. I am listening with my whole self. Listening to
the words they say, listening to the thoughts behind the words, watching
the shifts of expression and the shifting movements of energy in their
bodies.. I am listening to Goddess showing me who they are and what they
  I really prefer for folks to learn right away to listen to the Guru
within... so once the Voice is awakened, I turn most of their questions
back to it.. rephrased sometimes for clarity. It knows the perfect words
they will understand, tho sometimes I ask them to tell me exactly what it
says so I can assist their clarity with more questions... :)
  Their own heart chakra understands their paradigms better than I can.. my
opinions are not so important, it is all about who they are.. they tell me
about themselves, and as they do and I listen, spirit shows me very clearly
the issues and blockages that are to be addressed. Sometimes it is some
questions I will be prompted to ask them about them.. sometimes it is a
sense of where the issue is resident in their body, and as I listen I
imagine it loosening and moving out their head.. which will give me a drift
of headache if I have not taught them to open the crown yet.. or asked
Goddess/their unconscious to do so with a directed thought/prayer.
  In this way of leading by following, the conversations often turn down
unexpected paths.
  It is especially fun questioning a newly opened heart.. often the person
it resides in, is very new to the experience and so has no expectations to
confuse the surprising information incoming.
  Recently, someone I was working on/with/for expressed negative opinions
about my smoking. I "heard" clearly that he was concerned for my wellbeing
and rather than explain why and wherefore, I went straight to the middle of
the fear and directed him to ask his heart chakra if my smoking harms me.
  Big surprise to him when It said "No, it doesn't. So long as she does not
fear it."
  No surprise to me, I knew that already..
  So while I watched the energy of that idea moving around clearing his
body I explained a bit about free will and fear. When he had settled down a
bit more I asked him to check with his heart chakra to see if everything I
had said was true. It emphatically said I was truth.
   I thanked it.
    Then I asked him to get it to explain it in it's own way.
  It said:
   The body is the past. The breath is the moment. Prayers (thoughts?
vision? I don't remember exactly.. have to ask him again.. ) are the future.
   It also said physical immortality is possible.. he found this very
unsettling, but I have heard of it before.. Diamond Body like Babaji.. so I
pursued it by having him ask it about myself, instead of him.
  I asked if immortality was possible for me.. it said "Yes, with a few
  I asked if it was in the highest good for me to seek it.. It said "YES!!!"
   I sat back and thought about this for a moment. It surprised me. I am at
peace with the wheel, tho I have always had a fascination with vampires.
  I know I have worn many bodies, and will wear many more.. at least, I
thought so.. that eventually Goddess would have me discard this one and
choose a different model somewhere else.
  Now I hear Goddess might have different plans for me.. Hmmm.
  Since immortality has never really seemed to me to be a useful goal, I
find I really don't have too many opinions on the idea. Yes or no? Whatever.
   I gave it up to Goddess, consenting for Her to manifest me immortal if
that was Her plan for me, trusting that She will lead me to it thru joy and
bliss. Thy will be done..
   As I contemplated this, my own voice was giving me understanding of the

   The body is the past.
   Deepak Chopra says that we get an entirely new body every seven years..
down to the smallest atom. So how is it that a scar can persist for 30
years? Because the scar is also a memory held in the energy body/nervous
system which organizes the rejuvenating process. That memory directs the
body to keep replicating the scar.
  That's karma.
  So it is, the body is replicating the memories and experiences and
opinions of the past.. and when they are released, the aging process stops,
and reverses itself... even unto those Gurus like Yogananda, whose bodies
do not decay, even when the spirit has departed.
  So it is, that Kundalini brings up the memories, experiences and opinions
of the past that are being held in the body to release them.. thru focus on
the breath, into the eternity of the moment wherein, (as Paul West recently
discovered) there is no need for any kind of knowing. No opinions. Things
just ARE.
  Resting in the peace of eternity.

  My interaction with the Faerie have also given me some interesting
insights into the nature of Being without Ego. The Fey live entirely in the
moment.. they have very little comprehension of the passage of time, and in
some ways are very simple creatures. I can never tell how many there are
around, and if I ask them they will think it is a very funny absurd joke.
They are unified. Tho they experience themselves as individuals, they also
know absolutely that they are aspects of the One Self.. and any of them can
know anything any of them know.. so counting their numbers is an odd
concept of individuality and space time that has no meaning for them except
as a funny idea.
   They do not fear the future, coz they know absolutely Goddess has it
handled, and will care for them as they are She.. they need no memory of
the past, because all of the past is accessible from the eternal moment
they are existing in. Whatever they need to know, in the moment, they Do
know, and they never have to think of what is needed. Goddess provides.
They are happy Ground crew, celebrating creation by service to every leaf
on every tree.. every blade of grass, every seed under the Earth, every
river and rock and breeze.
  It is like a computer with a tiny harddrive and just enough ram to load a
browser, that has an instantaneous T-1 link to the mainframe of a limitless
WWW. There is no need for local storage of information, because any
information that is required, can be retrieved in an instant. Trying to
hold onto information means no new information can be brought in and the
system stagnates and quickly begins to show it's limitations.
   The body is the past.. the breath is the moment. Vision is the future.
  In the power of the moment, in the infinity of the breath of spirit, we
can release the past and create the future.
 Blessings, Mystress.
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 04:53:57 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: "Paul Torres" <island_11ATnospamhotmail.com>
Cc: shawebbATnospamyhc.edu, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org
Subject: The Void. was Re: Question ?
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 09:37 PM 08/06/98 PDT, Paul Torres wrote:
> I had an experience when I was younger, and I was looking for a
>possible explaination of where I stand. I was doing a meditation that I
>read in a book. It was called void. It was the last of five
>meditations which corresponded to earth, water fire, wind, and void.
   1234 blastoff.

> I began to feel as though I was being pulled to my back left
>shoulder, and I felt as though I was curling up into the fetal position,
>yet I knew that I was still in my bed physically. I began to see a
>glittering all around until it looked like I was out in space. I felt
>as though I actually was out in space. By this time the gentle pull had
>begun to spin me, and I was totally curled up. There was a streetlamp
>which was shining into the corner of my eye, and it became what felt
>like the sun, or some other comparable star. I felt as though I was the
>earth, and I was so peacefully spinning. I felt more peaceful then than
>I can seem to comprehend now. Ever since then I have felt as though
>there is nothing that I do not know, just endless amounts that I have
>forgotten. I had no other wierd physical sensations and I have never
>totally repeated this experience totally, but I remember it clearly. It
>was as if I was in some sort of conversation where I didn't speak, yet I
>still heard.
   Ahh... the Void. Sigh.
   Did you ever go back and finish the wind meditations??
   (a distraction.. it is difficult to speak of.)
   The void.. what is it?
   It is the creative womb of the universe
 from whence all things come..
  the darkness and the light..
and when you have been to the void,
 you are never the same again.
It curled you into a fetus to give birth to you again.
 The womb of the Mother Goddess.
 The last, memorable image in Stanley Kubric's "2001: A Space Odyssey." was
the image of a human fetus floating in the void of space and stars.
  The highest pinnacle of human evolution, where we are headed.
  The movie itself is about human evolution.. The Obelisk represents the
male creative spark, as obelisks do everywhere.. the Odyssey is not into
outer space, but inner space.. the ego is represented by the computer,
Hal.. which gets more erratic and stubborn as the goal: Unity, approaches.
Dave must in the end go outside the "body" of the spacecraft to "kill" the
ego before it kills him and ends the journey... home.
  I did not figure this out for myself, but the author of the essay I am
not certain of.. found it on the net sometime ago. Mebbie Robert Anton
  The void is a window for you now, in the back of your head. The Mother
squeezed you out thru it.. babies are born one shoulder first.. and thru
that window you can see forever..

  I was a breech birth baby.. and my rebirth in the void still stands as
the only time in my life I was so completely terrified I was genuinely
afraid I would lose my mind.
  The movie started out well enough.. I was tripping creative in the void,
fueled by an idea of how to earn money having fun, being creative, and
sending out a positive message. Concerns were coming up.. and each one
turned to the power of endless creativity, was making the vision even
brighter.. this kept happening. It was completely joyous.
  For some reason I got frustrated with this process, and asked WHY do
these negative ideas have to keep coming up even here in the Divine Void of
   I decided to use the creative power to banish them, and that is when
fear began to creep in.. as it increased I began to be afraid of what I
would create, there in the void with my fears.. they were mirrored back to
me magnified.. I went thru a very physical and completely terrifying
rebirth.. At one point I realized I had been thus in the womb, aware,
arguing with my guides insisting I did not need the veil.. that I wanted
only light, not what I knew was coming... the training ground I had given
    That is why I was born a week late and backwards.
  However, I did not believe this information at the time... or felt bound
continue the struggle.
  I could not get grounded, no matter what I did. Spirits, guardians and
angels were there, but they stood silent supportive guardians as I wrestled
with the demons of my free will.. also present, it seemed, were hundreds
perhaps thousands of ancestors, who lived with fear and discomfort and
beliefs that life must be hard.. scarcity consciousness manifest.. Oy..
  They all stood there in spirit forbidding me to be different and so deny
the value in their struggle. All this while birth spasms and shaking jolts
of pain racked my body like ice-lightening as I struggled to breathe..
  I could not ground thru my slave.. he was completely terrified coz he had
never seen me in this condition. Well, neither had I... I felt poised on
the edge of madness and utter loss of my mind, and at once tempted to jump
in, and also terrified not knowing if my consciousness would ever come
back.. or in what condition I would recreate myself out of my fear.
  He could dial the phone tho where my shaking hands could not.. I reached
a dear friend, who ironically was in the neighborhood tending to Jimi
Hendrix' Mother.. she came by and one good hug and I felt a little better!
   I told her what was up, and she made the connection between my aching
bones and the cranky ancestors..knocking on my kneecap and sending a whole
new set of painful shivers thru me.. "the bones carry the old information
of the planet.. the information is coming out."
   In response to my fear she said "oh, no, honey.. give them love!! You
choose to be different, you break the chain and set them free.. they love
you, they created you to free them."
  This was a very different picture, and as I made the choice to free them
and myself, and gave them love I felt a ripple go thru me that I can
scarcely describe.. I felt the ripple going back thru space time and
changing the past... changing the future.. I felt like I had just uncreated
all of my past selves and recreated them differently. Recreated myself
entirely, every molecule in that moment. The ancestors faded.. my shaking
began to quiet down.. but it was many months before I cleared the shadows
left from the event from my mind..
   Finally, it came in really understanding what I had done in trying to
choose only light.
  I had been in a beautiful creative dance, light in dark, each of the
fears that had sparked in the void, had been effortlessly turned to
limitless creativity making even more beauty.. and then impatient with the
dance, I had tried to throw my partner off the dance floor.
   Result of resistance.. I got thrashed..!!
   Very dumb thing to do, in the void.. the Yoni and the lingam both are
required for creation.
  The thrashing I had received, was a gift of the light, using fear to
tell me I was trying to go down the wrong path... following my resistance
instead of surrendering to trust that limitless manifestation and
unconditional love can come up with something better that I can think of,
for the good of all and the harm of none.
   That is the void.. it is the universe inside you from where everything
in your life is birthed and nurtured into manifestation. It is also the
chapel perilous where one must be free of fear to pass by the flaming sword
to the grail.
  Thus, preparation/purification is recommended...
  So it is now, that I give my fears up to the light.. release them out my
head to be transformed by light into something even better.. and I give my
love to the dark, to sow seeds of light like scattering stars in the
blackness of the womb, and to watch them grow into manifestation as Goddess
wills... sending love into the fiery crystal heart of the planet.. to the
light within the dark womb of our planet. .. of Gaia..

> I went numb for a few years, hoping not to find all of the pain that I
>forsee, wishing to be average, but recently I have come to regard my
>abnormalities as being valuable.
And they are.. experiences of loneliness and isolation are not uncommon
with Kundalites.. I went numb for a while too.. spiritual winter.. it
sucked and lasted longer than I'd have preferred..
     Blessings, Mystress.
Date: 14 Jun 98 00:54:02 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Self?
Message-Id: <35831F2A.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


In my great long posts, in which I probably really don't consider
other people, I am /so/ completely convinced that `I' is absent from
what is being seen. It is so convincing, I cannot resist. I say all
this stuff and I get real clever about the way things seem to be, and
I really believe that what I'm seeing is real.

But then a while later, on reflection, it seems that I was a bit lost,
in a kind of mental cloud, where there is tremendous self but
strangely there is no `self' that I can pinpoint. I try to look for
myself as seperate of the whole thing, but I can't find it. I am
determined to, but the harder I look for it the less I see it.

So now, somewhat more peaceful, I am wondering, a break in the clouds,
if maybe there is `self' that really is me, that can really exist,
that can really be. Maybe not a self I can grasp, or a self I can
understand with thought, but a self. I mean, an actual identity. An
actual individual. I never see such a thing when I am in those

I think most of you are right. I am just not very spiritual. I come up
with so many ways of trying to convince myself that I am, but they
don't last, they don't hold ground, they don't mean anything. They
just make me feel ill and lonely. Maybe I have got totally the wrong
end of the stick.

You know what I really felt when I had written that text about `Egos
truth'? I felt that I could see God, that I was omnipresent. That I
was the all. It excited me to think that I could be seperated and yet
joined. All those opposites, all those seperations. I just can't admit
it to myself can I.

I think I haven't got very much self awareness.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 14:24:38 -1000 (HST)
From: John-Michael Dumais <jadumais1ATnospamjuno.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199806140024.OAA23714ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>

Does anyone know a therapist versed in Kundalini phenomena and alcoholism recovery in the Tampa, FL area? Please email. Thank you!
Date: 14 Jun 98 01:52:57 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Who is there (was RE: Why would anyone...)
Message-Id: <35832CF8.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

> What are you sorry for? Self has no gender. Only in a few countries on the
> European continent it is known that my name appertains to a male. Indeed,
> the pronunciation is like "yan" but the "a" is like the "a" in father and
> short as the "i" in dim. As the gender-issue is quite predictable, I am
> sorry if it brought you confusion. But I won't change my name for it or
> place [M] after it, nor will I stick a male spiritual title to it. Self has
> no labels too.

I see then that I had imagined that you, as a seperate entity,
separate in my mind-view, judging by past experience (the past
operating in the present), might have had `a thing' about being called
a woman - like I have observed many men doing. Maybe I just saw them
do it because I do it to myself, and in turn I thought it of you.

When I was younger some kids found it hard to tell if i was male or
female. Being a Taurus, ruled by Venus which is femenin, it was
actually kind of borderline at that time. I didn't very much like
this, I thought it was obvious I had to be male.

Incidently I have been having a great increase in appearences of
females, very attractive females interested in me, in recent dreams.
Goddess, I think.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 14 Jun 98 02:07:18 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The chosen fool
Message-Id: <35833056.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

Me being such an idiot, why did k choose me?


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 14 Jun 98 02:04:17 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Goddess
Message-Id: <35832FA1.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


It has not normally been an approach of mine to view kundalini as
female. There is huge reference to it as female but to me I have
always thought of it as male. This might be changing.

Lately I have had dreams (as usual) which have had a lot more women in
it. They are of course images of women from my past, but they are very
interested in me, they seem turned on by me or something, sexual. In
the dreams I am somewhat surprised by this, being seen as so
worthwhile by these women in a very `essence' sort of way.

I do think k might have had a hand in what is happening to me at the
moment. I am finding more self awareness, and becoming aware of the
fact that I have for a long time been in a great dreamworld. I am calm
at the moment so I can admit to this and doing so gives a feeling of
honesty. It is... different... though, to think of this k as female,
as goddess. My image of God is heavily male.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 21:17:22 EDT
From: WEIVODAATnospamaol.com
To: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The chosen fool
Message-ID: <6730caa1.358324a3ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 98-06-13 21:11:34 EDT, you write:

 >>Me being such an idiot, why did k choose me?

Why did K choose any of us?

Date: 14 Jun 98 02:19:04 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Relationship
Message-Id: <35833318.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


I can relate to people when they are being emotional. Does this mean
`I' am emotion?

Does an inability to relate to `more enlightened' people indicate that
I am not one of them?


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 14 Jun 98 02:38:55 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The chosen fool
Message-Id: <358337BF.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

> >>Me being such an idiot, why did k choose me?
> Why did K choose any of us?

What I mean is, if k has chosen somebody, is it more an recognition of
their foolishness and egocentricity than a recognition of their
greatness and their spiritual achievement (which in the egoist's eyes
are the same thing)?


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 19:47:23 -0600
From: Nancy <NancyATnospamwtp.net>
To: kundalini-1 <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Relationship
Message-ID: <35832BA1.273AD727ATnospamwtp.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

Paul West wrote:

> I can relate to people when they are being emotional. Does this mean
> `I' am emotion?
> Does an inability to relate to `more enlightened' people indicate that
> I am not one of them?


In answer to your questions, my opinion is that you think too much about
yourself. Stop worrying so much about you and find some ways you can put
your attention toward others through work, volunteer activities,

Just a thought.

Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 18:57:06 -0700
From: "Maven Peal Instruments, Inc." <pealATnospamhalcyon.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: addiction and kundalini
Message-Id: <199806140151.SAA07150ATnospammail1.halcyon.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Seems like depression is a common experience with the practice of
kundalini. What about addiction? Is this also a common experience with

Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 23:12:38 -0400
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: The chosen fool
Message-ID: <35833FA6.47D5F6E0ATnospammail.snet.net>

Paul West wrote:

> Me being such an idiot, why did k choose me?

Perhaps a better question might be why does one choose idiocy?
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 00:20:32 EDT
From: Dave08812ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Avatar Dave on K-list- An apology
Message-ID: <4370f617.35834f91ATnospamaol.com>

I am sorry! I will never again utter the words as- and f-rt again on the k-
list! It was uncalled for to say as- and f-rt! Please forgive me for saying
as- and f-rt on the k-list.
I implore you! And it was downright uncommon of me to brag about my yogic
powers with my penis. Actually it is quite ordinary, but I digress! From now
on I am a reformed man, who is just full of kundalini. I apologize!!


Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 00:31:45 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Avatar Dave on K-list- An apology
Message-ID: <010201bd974d$6ce588e0$9fd11fa8ATnospamsharonwe>
Content-Type: text/plain;


Actually, I was fascinated with your claims of yogic powers with your penis.
Do you plan a demonstration? Have you cleared it with the coast and
geodetic people? And may I have the popcorn concession?

You me go fly,
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave08812ATnospamaol.com <Dave08812ATnospamaol.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Date: Sunday, June 14, 1998 12:36 AM
Subject: Avatar Dave on K-list- An apology

>I am sorry! I will never again utter the words as- and f-rt again on the k-
>list! It was uncalled for to say as- and f-rt! Please forgive me for saying
>as- and f-rt on the k-list.
>I implore you! And it was downright uncommon of me to brag about my yogic
>powers with my penis. Actually it is quite ordinary, but I digress! From
>on I am a reformed man, who is just full of kundalini. I apologize!!
> Love,
> Dave
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 02:01:36 EDT
From: WEIVODAATnospamaol.com
To: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Relationship
Message-ID: <9dbd82ab.35836741ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 98-06-13 21:37:32 EDT, you write:

>I can relate to people when they are being emotional. Does this mean
>`I' am emotion?
>Does an inability to relate to `more enlightened' people indicate that
>I am not one of them?

Your posts today have hit me, and got me thinking. At some points in my life
I have questioned everything, some things that you are questioning. You are
searching for other people to tell you who you are, and you are the only one
who knows. No reason for others to tell you about yourself. I would say sit
down and think. However, I think you are doing too much of that, and too much
searching for answers, you hold your own answer within you, not in what others
say . . . Okay, just a thought.
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 23:31:30 PDT
From: "L Willowdancing" <willowdancingATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re Avatar Dave on K list Apology
Message-ID: <19980614063131.3143.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

So...Is it Avatar or Dave?,
I'm going to use "Dave"
I'm far from always being politically correct and appreciate a good
sense of humor with or without a few non conventional phrases. Since
you don't get to see the smiles from others when you're posting to a
list, maybe I should post a thanks for a humor break. You don't have to
be sorry for bringing some raunchy humor to my day.***I have to admit I
stopped following the whole Avatar arguement awhile back and happened on
this post on accident, but am glad I did.
Thanks for the grin,

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave08812ATnospamaol.com <Dave08812ATnospamaol.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Date: Sunday, June 14, 1998 12:36 AM
Subject: Avatar Dave on K-list- An apology

>I am sorry! I will never again utter the words as- and f-rt again on
the k-
>list! It was uncalled for to say as- and f-rt! Please forgive me for
>as- and f-rt on the k-list.
>I implore you! And it was downright uncommon of me to brag about my
>powers with my penis. Actually it is quite ordinary, but I digress!
>on I am a reformed man, who is just full of kundalini. I apologize!!
> Love,
> Dave

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