1998/06/12 00:45
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #451
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 451
Today's Topics:
RE: AVATAR...Other names? [ "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com> ]
EARTH'S ENTRANCE INTO THE 4TH DIMENS [ "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no> ]
Re: GUILT & PUNISHMENT - GET RID OF [ "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no> ]
Shocking peace [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
Re: i am [ Am <heidiATnospamadan.kingston.net> ]
Re: various-n-sundry posts from dige [ Delirium <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com> ]
Re: a question [ "Stillness Seeker" <stillnesssATnospamhotm ]
RE: a question [ "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com> ]
RE: Avatarinventory [ "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com> ]
Re: ENOUGH of the Avatar [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
RE: Avatarinventory [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
Flowering [ vcooper <madammumATnospamptialaska.net> ]
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 01:33:12 +0100
From: "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>,
"Anurag Goel" <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in>
Subject: RE: AVATAR...Other names?
Message-ID: <000201bd9599$aec7b360$8e6335c3ATnospamjb>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Anurag wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I just remembered after seeing all those mails on AVATAR
> that the state of AVATAR is related to KUNDALINI.
> I read it in a magazine sometime back. After all chakras
> have been awakened the kundalini shakti is made to sit
> in anyone of the Seven Major Chakras. The person in whom
> this Kundalini reaches back to MULADHAR CHAKRA. That
> person is in that state of AVATAR. He lives the very
> common life.
Anurag, this would imply that there must be six more names referring to
corresponding states if the Shakti prefers an other chakra as her main
abode. Could you give us the other names too?
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 02:36:12 +0200
From: "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
To: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Message-Id: <199806120140.CAA05889ATnospamumbukta.monet.no>
> From: Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
> To: Magne Aga <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
> Date: Thursday, June 11, 1998 3:13 AM
* Magne Aga,
| There doesn't exist any dark night of the soul. The truth is that there's
| only very little light there. Consider the symbolism in the fact that
| during the crucifiction of Jesus (the pearls diving into the Abyss), all
| the disciples *slept*. All chakras was inactive, expect one: The Love
| Chakra, symbolized by John as the sole witness.
* Paul West
| The disciples were Jesus's chakras? 12 of them? What of Judas's
| betrayal? Very interesting!
Never look at Judas as a historical person only. He lurks as a potensial in
all of us. Before we picked up these mortal vessel in the present
incarnation, before we were born, we saw our Vision of Birth, the reason
for Why on Earth, very clearly. But in these mist of delusion, our Ego is
able to betray our High Self. It's able to betray your reason for beeing
Judas Iscariot was portraying the sexual chakra. This is the Chakra of
Regeneration, Creativity, the genetic code. In a culture with silly sexual
taboos, such a statement can be misunderstood. I'm no moralist. I've left
the conventional codes of conduct anyway. I beg you to try to understand.
Regeneration is necessary. We cannot live one single day without it. Our
liver for example has to be regenerated very fast. Regeneration is a Divine
attribute. So is creativity. The DNA is neither *bad* or *good* as such.
It's like a higly complex computer program repeating the same patterns over
and over again. But think of the consequences when or if DNA is programmed
to repeat errors. Think about the consequence of introducing an error in
our genetic code, causing malfunctioning mutants in future generations,
reproduced and reproduced ... as in the case of the apes, which was not the
work of nature. Or a computer program producing wrong numbers over and over
The sexual chakra, opens the gates of our past soul record. Our akashic
record. And when we have repeated errors, repeated pain and suffering life
after life, this is the place to remove it. Here lies the golden
opportunity to remove the old, outdated, unnecessary pain, by birthing new
concepts ! Swadisthana is the entrance to change the programs of
negativity, of entrapment, into new positive concepts. It's the true
birthplace of the seed of every Affirmation. We can reprogram our self so
that we no more becomes ruled by the environment, *coincidences* etc, but
can master it from within.
Through our first Initiation (Birth), and every first phace of every major
Initiation, we may feel morning sick, our kidneys may filter out more
wastes, feelings in the womb etc as our High Self wakes up and saying :
"Wake up ! Remember Who You are !". Our Self is born in the womb, through
swadhisthana, "YOUR OWN place".
But there exist a human fear of change, because birth is death. Alpha is
Omega. While beeing born into uncertainty, the tendency to RETURN to our
miserable life (*we know what we have, but not what we get*) is a fight
with ourself. Our little ego, these little *computer program*, cannot grasp
the significance of these event, trying to interpret something new and
scaring according to known standards ! It could even think about serfdom as
something *safe*. That was the betrayal of Judas. This is the possibility
for all of us - ourself betraying Our Self (contradictionary as it may
seem) - and worst of all, with the best intensions (Judas was no evil
bastard at all).
| It's strange isn't it.
| ..I've really got to work on removing the uncertainty from everything
| I say.
You may be wrong. I may be wrong. Everyone makes mistakes. But the High
Self in You never fail. It knows the answers to all your problems
whatsoever. It can solve every problem. It only waits for you to ask for
its help. All your errors and mistakes are allready forgiven by your Divine
Self, these Ultimate Light of no bounds. It's answer to all your problems
are here and now. But it never intervenes in your free will. You must ask.
Mankind must eliminate the concept of punishment. It isn't usefull at all.
You are loved, even unconditionally loved, by your Self and your Guides on
the other side, even if you make mistakes.
* Magne Aga
| Love is transcendental. Unconditional. Shining on everyone. Shining
| everyone. But we live in mortal vessels. We live in the last veil of
| delusions. And we cannot manifest it fully before the mist disappear. The
| 7th phase of the 7th veil of Isis is almost ripped away; it's rending
| in July 94.
* Paul West
| ?
| I am not entirely with you. Who I AM with is also debatable.
| The mortal vessel is the /last/ veil? What/who is Isis? I have heard
| it before but not given it attention.
| Are we shifting to a higher plane or vibration or something? I get
| intuitions about that - that reality is becoming more maleable or that
| spirit is becoming more merged/married with matter?
Sorry. The seven Initiations are the unveiling of Isis. Before the Egyptian
mystery schools was finally destroyed from inside by the black magic *male
federation* of psychopats, a rescue mission resulted in the worship of the
Goddess Isis. They allegorized what the hebraic Genesis called *the fall
from grace*, with the 7 veils of mist surrounding the Goddess Isis. 7 mists
or veils, each with 7 mists within, echoing the themes in the major veils,
hiding the Divine Wisdom from the prophanes who had misused it so
deliberatly through the Final Days of Atlantis. We do not *create* our
inherent spiritual heritage. We rebirth what we allready have. And each
initiation is a removal of one of the veils of Isis.
But while we individually are on different stages in the unveiling of our
True Self, Earth is going through it's own unveiling. The 6th veil was
successfully rent in 1966. The last phase of the 7th unveiling of the mist
of delusion, the veils which have mesmerised mankind from uniting with it's
true Self, is completed within only a few years.
It is the end days of a frequency vibration. But not the end of the World.
The frequency have been speeded up so intensivly that confusion have begun
to arrive among light workers. It is the confusion caused by the intrudance
of the electrical body symptoms in the everyday life, with symptoms such as
metallic taste in the mouth, detachment, overshadowing by Ascended masters,
glimpses of the Cosmic Consciousness, even in hours, not during meditation,
but admidst the everyday life, the problem of sustaining the two levels,
the physical and the light body at once as the two planes unites. It is a
tide wave of Change. Not for a few esoteric groups this time, but for all
Earth. Do not seek endlessly for previous examples of the present woes of
Birth of Earth. You wan't find them. Earth are about to enter a new cycle
of evolution, a higher frequency vibration, refered to as the 4th
Before this cosmic drama it was necessary to provide a new ground, on which
the principles of Unity through Diversity could be manifested as an
example, before our Earth unifies with it self and the 11 other planets in
our solar system as a brotherhood. It was necessary to show as an example
that different nations could cooperate, despite of their diversities. It
was necessarry to found a base where the seed of Spiritual awakening was
allowed to grow. It was necessary to found the New JerUSAlem.
The has separated, we live in the last days of a very slow frequency
vibration, when the last mist of delusion separating our self from Our Self
is finally removed
can be compared
> > You can't know /fully/ what hate is because hate is not a full thing,
> > not whole. Any definition of it will only ever be partial, because it
> > itself is only a part, a fragment, a finite measure. One can only know
> > the whole of the whole, from which one sees the incompletedness of
> > hate, the pointless of it, the absense of meaning. One can become
> > locked in the attempt to full isolate hate.
> Very nicely said, West. I do not think anyone can tell me what is the
> OPPOSITE of Love.
So what I have said this much is true. But what is up for question
now, is wether I said these things because I `worked them out', wether
I said them from intuitions and insights, and wether they are my
reality or just my waffle.
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 02:36:09 +0200
From: "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
To: "Mystress Angelique Serpent" <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
Cc: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Message-Id: <199806120140.CAA05886ATnospamumbukta.monet.no>
* Magne Aga
| Very nicely said, West. I do not think anyone can tell me what is the
| OPPOSITE of Love.
* Mystress
| The opposite of love is not hatred, anger, spite or fear.. these are
| passionate emotions..
| The opposite of love is apathy.
* Ann Morrison Fisher
| Love is an energy. It manifests differently on different levels.
| I have heard it said that the opposite of love is indifference. Same
| thing. But this is to speak of love as an emotion or soul quality.
| If love were not manifesting in you at all in any way at any level, you
| wouldn't be here and alive.
I share Your opinions. Maybe I was unprecise. What I meant was that
negative feelings as hate, anger, fear, frustration and depressions are
unpure emotions, not opponents of Love. Instead of denying their
existence, we can purify them. We need Energy in Motion (Emotion) in order
to change Energy. It's better to be warm or cold than lukewarm. And without
Energy (i.e. with indifference) we cannot Love.
Indifference, lack of conscientousness, are the characteristics of the
black path, those who lack the hearth chakra, those in whom it's blades has
withered to a mass of putrefaction. The name I use about them, describing
how they appear in clairvoyance, is "darkness". Even these word is
misunderstandable, because these "darkness" is not the soft, feminine,
darkness of romance and the feminine moon. It's the darkness of Hell in
it's fundamentalistic extreme. The darkness of no hope. It goes round and
round. It never ends. Matter is not the most compact in Cosmos, because
matter is not so non-spiritual as some believe. The Ego is the most
compact. And Ego is Hell. If You stand in front of a dark brother or
sister, You cannot anticipate any compassion, because they have no
conscience in their character. But they Fear the Ligth. They fear love. The
fear death. The cocoon of white light is the best protection against them.
(D & G Waind. I'm terrible sorry for the delay of my post about the cocoon.
I'm admidst the harshest test hitherto. I thought the 3rd should be worst.
But at the present, I'm fighting a silent but hard war against the Police,
the public prosecutor, the Director of Public Prosecutions, and half the
establishement. The banner of this war is human rigths. It's my vision of
birth. And figthing for human rights, in our nations underground and with
support abroad, I'm doomed to be an outlaw from the perspective of
psycopaths abusing power in Norway. Have you ever seen the X-files ? The
reality is worse.)
Bless You All
Date: 12 Jun 98 01:50:05 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Shocking peace
Message-Id: <358087F7.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
Hello k-listers.
Earlier today I aquired a considerable volume of text from a website
regarding a man called U.G. Krishnamurti. I have been reading it all
day. It has been an onslaught against my thought-self. Many things
came to light, and I became aware of many unawarenesses.
This evening I was reading further and I began to feel kind of sleepy.
Not sleepy, but very relaxed, very peaceful. Almost sort of sombre. I
was finding it hard to carry on reading but I persisted. I felt like I
was sort of dying. That's the only thing I can associate it with. That
I was dying and it was peaceful.
A short while later, late evening, I went downstairs and lounged
around in front of the TV. It was not the view of things I have been
accustomed to. I began to realise that I am trying to be superhuman,
that I have high standards and high expectations. I was quite
surprised that I had expectations, they are not something I had
considered myself to have. I was really feeling this undefinable
peace, like I've never felt before.
And as I watched the TV it was some while before it finally dawned on
me that I was not reacting to it. At all. I was not seeing suggestions
being made by the people on the program. They seemed to be doing the
same motions, making the same jesjures, but there was an uncanny
absence of those suggestions which would normally elicit tremendous
reaction in me, as me. It was not affecting me. It was doing nothing
to my emotions. I had no emotions. I've never been so peaceful.
This is not something I have ever seen before in my life. I suppose
you could say that there was no `past' in it. I think maybe it's not
actually such a bad thing to lose all the suggestion and implication
and `reading into' that is normally present as the reaction of thought
and the sheer GOO of it all. The programs that were on the TV just
looked way out of this world, like I'd never seen them before. I
couldn't associate with them. The TV-set itself did not seem seperate
of me. I had no perception of it being a tangible physical object at a
distance away from myself. I looked at the family cat as she strolled
around the room, and, well.. I didn't know what it was. I could see
all of it, but there was no description, no fimiliarity.
It was a peace I have never known. I didn't know such a thing could
exist. It was like being much, much deeper, much more underlying all
things. Everything seemed to be on the surface, outside, really quite
distant. I have never been like this as long as I can remember.
On reflection I can understand it conceptually. It has already given
me insight into how that tangible, self-conscious goo that is ladened
across the whole world and that makes me afraid and resentful, is
actually the thought-me. The person I have always seemed to be. That
is just thought? Just memory? THAT is identity? That is myself?
It seems to be becoming clear, surprisingly, that if I were to stop
having that seperation from the world, it would not be nearly so big a
task to `work out how' to solve all the problems that seem to exist
for me. I could bring an end to /all/ of them with a simple change in
who I am? This is unthinkable.
IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 21:14:37 -0400
From: Am <heidiATnospamadan.kingston.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: i am
Message-Id: <199806120114.VAA06056ATnospamadan.kingston.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>i always get suspicious of the person who signs in big letters "I AM".
>because cant an inflated small ego SEEM like a the big picture?
>i mean, there's a definite degree of wonderful radiant trueness and
>humility around those *with* the big picture, like i felt around my
>teacher, and with Swami Chatananda the one & only time i was around him.
>i jsut cant picture either of them going "I AM".....
>--jhampa tsomo
how long have i been on this list now? Perhaps a little more than a year.
I've ALWAYS signed with *Am*
I know it irked some, it amused others and yet others were at such complete
PEACE with themselves, it didn't bother them one way or another.
I could have explained a long time ago WHY I sign off that way. Didn't think
an "enlightened" group of people NEEDED an explanation to something this
However; be this as it may, I may give you a teensy weensy little clue as to
WHY I call myself *Am* on this list.
You see, my biggest quest in this universe is to BE. To be, so that I can
hear all the nuances it whispers to me, so I can see the splendors of every
hue of colours it beams at me, to be so I can move within its soothing rythm
in our loving dance we create together. To be, so that I can feel its winds
caress me. And, to be, so it finds my opened channel to direct me.
Now, if THAT'S not enough for you guys to leave me BE in my desire to sign off
*Am* I will finally fez up to the other reason.
Those two "shit-disturbing" letters which annoy the hell out of some and give me
such bliss, happen to also be the initials of my real name. LOL
A few, a very few on this list have known this for a long time and
thankfully kept it a secret so I could have my FUN with it unexplained.
Thanks guys. :)
Not only AM I, but I am Am ;))))))))))
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 20:40:11 +0100
From: Delirium <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: various-n-sundry posts from digest #449
Message-ID: <35803295.CF1FFEC9ATnospamfull-moon.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
Just as I read the AMCKEON post on K-mart, an ad comes on the telly
'bout K-mart!!!
What's been *really* funny/unusual/intriguing about the past week's
posts, is the utter POLARITY of the responses, one way or t'other...
Everybody (well, okay, *nearly* everybody) seems to be seeing the
various issues as NEGATIVE VERSUS POSITIVE...
I know my own intent with *my* posts -- I was spurred to post by my own
reaction to others' postings, I was not trying to "body slam"
anybody...just reacting and expressing my own "stuff"...in all my own
"stuff"s varying shades of gray...and I cannot presume to know the
intent or the perceptions of the other list members...
One possible side-effect of Kundalini activitation with me seems to be
the enhanced sensitivity to stuff...from my own past experience,
And one of the articles of my old "stuff" is in dealing with authority
figures...whether it be spiritual, social, or cultural "authority"
So I'm thinkin' here that my/our reactions to all this recent list
activity is indeed very healthy...to make us realize that we are *all*
authorities maybe? (and all spirit manifest?)
...At least it seems to be so (and for) me!
Her Royal and Supreme Goddessliness...Delirium
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 22:09:51 EDT
From: "Stillness Seeker" <stillnesssATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com
Subject: Re: a question
Message-ID: <19980612020951.16430.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
> If average folks
> have alter egos,
> Do Avatars
> have alter egos?
Perhaps ego altars?
Stillness Seeker
in out
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 05:09:03 +0100
From: "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>, "b bah" <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
Subject: RE: a question
Message-ID: <000501bd95b7$d7c7ef00$8e6335c3ATnospamjb>
Content-Type: text/plain;
b bah asked:
> If average folks
> have alter egos,
> Do Avatars
> have alter egos?
Jan replied:
There are two meanings of alter ego:
1) another side of oneself
2) an intimate friend or constant companion.
The Avatars as mentioned in the scriptures are fully enlightened so they
have no alter egos (both meanings). They can act as close friends as is
shown in the Bhagavad Gita.
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 05:09:10 +0100
From: "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>, <amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Subject: RE: Avatarinventory
Message-ID: <000601bd95b7$da22a7e0$8e6335c3ATnospamjb>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Your list makes me think.... :-) Instead of following a trend, we can set
one: inflate our K. heated egos to the point were they will explode as
over-pressured balloons. This inflation could be done with titles,
achievements and attainments. The subsequent reactions will blow up the
balloons from laughter or anger - both will work. A housewife with K. can
call herself:
with children: Divine Mother (name) of (number of children) (popely
without children : Divine Mother (name) for 6 billion people (popely
A course of "how to use the mouse in Windows 98" gives right to the extra
title: relations maintenance and upgrade engineer with feedback. After
reading "The serpent power" one has earned the title of Shaktologist, levels
1...7 and reading the yoga sutras make you a yogi. 1000,000 times reciting
Om Mani Padme Hum makes a Nirvanatic and a soar throat.
Q: What is the title you earn after reading the Bhagavad Gita or the
BTW, there really exists a laughing guru. He teaches laughing without a
Have fun,
Yogi Jan-Lama Glama,
fully ordained Nirvanatic and 5-D Shaktologist
Appointments via astral wormhole 25, exit 9-25-1970 use the elevator and
stop at
Astral port 49, sixth dimension, exit 10-2-4711
No cheques accepted - payment only with gold from transmuted lead.
*** Between black and white there are many shades of grey ***
*** Between dark and light there is only light to stay ***
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 23:52:51 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: madammumATnospamptialaska.net
Cc: NancyATnospamwtp.net, kundalini-1 <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: ENOUGH of the Avatar
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 08:33 PM 11/06/98 -0800, vcooper wrote:
>Nancy wrote:
>> The Lord of All Creation,
>> Nancy
>heehee! I kinda *like* this funny farm game!
>Madam Mum
>*Supervisory Goddess Of All Enchantments*
Yes!! Now you've got it!!
The I Am statement is a huge game all about "who has spirit decided to
be this lifetime". Since You are spirit, it is a game you are already
playing.. so make it conscious.
Every thought is a prayer of manifestation. I AM.
Nancy, you really are the source of everything in your life.. you created
every bit of it, to have the experience of Being Nancy, Lord of All
Creation. You have spoken truly, tho in jest.
Madam Mum, You are the supreme Goddess of all of the Enchantments that
are the manifestation of You. Everything that is in your life you drew to
you with the magical power of your thoughts.
If taking on a great long title that requires a lot of typing helps you
to remind yourself of that Truth seventy times a day, then it is a goodness.
And seventy times a day, someone will approach you with expectations of
what you mean by that, and you will have the chance to clarify again to
yourself and another what it means!!!! 70 times a day you are challenged
to BE that.. to the best of your ability with the help of K-fire.. and
lobsters bearing pitchforks.. and ya know what ?
Of course you may crash and burn a few times, before you get the hang of
it.... and then you will look so foolish your ego will shrivel up and hide
anyways.. so it is a win/win situation.
Prayers of wanting manifest wanting. Prayers of Being manifest Being.
Eternity and enlightenment are not in the future. They are in the choice
of the moment, here and now.
I AM Goddess Manifest. Nameless spirit having a human experience.
That is true whether I write it or not, but the reminder will shift my
vibe up a notch... every time. In my mind I always hear the punch line:
"And so is everything else". Which expands to another level: I AM All that
Self awareness.
What is your name?
Who are you?
Who wrote that post? Where did it come from? Who do you speak to? (My
Seventy times a day you will tune into the part of you that *is* THAT
Goddess/Lord by reminding yourself by writing or speaking it, by calling on
it to speak or manifest.. in the Now.
That you are Deity manifest, is what your K. has been trying to tell you,
all this time.
I really does serve your best interests to stop arguing for your ego
limitations that insist that you are less, and begin to demonstrate to
your own mind that you "get the point".. ya know?
Blessings, Mystress Angelique Serpent, Goddess manifest, Divine
Psychopomp, Winged Messenger of God, Divine Androgyne, Immortal Teacher of
snake charming rituals.
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 22:41:45 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>, <amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Subject: RE: Avatarinventory
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 05:09 AM 12/06/98 +0100, jb wrote:
>Your list makes me think.... :-) Instead of following a trend, we can set
>one: inflate our K. heated egos to the point were they will explode as
>over-pressured balloons. This inflation could be done with titles,
>achievements and attainments. The subsequent reactions will blow up the
>balloons from laughter or anger - both will work. A housewife with K. can
>call herself:
That is completely true. I stuffed my own ego full of as much worship and
adoration as it could stand, for long enough that now it is like a big fat
sleepy lizard sunning itself on a rock, that will hardly budge for any
disturbance. Too fat to be active.
Eventually I persuaded it that it was so wonderful, that it could retire
from active duty trying to control my life, and just lie around being fed
(worshipped) and sleeping.
Blessings, Mystress.
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 23:31:46 -0800
From: vcooper <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: kundalini-1 <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Flowering
Message-ID: <35822AE2.28D1ATnospamptialaska.net>
This is *good* to reflect on. This is what I am going right now, reading
thusly before a bit of reflection & translation into an appropriate
reflective activity...
It's Krishnamurti; give a moment's thoughts as inspired!
"Every thought and feeling must flower for them to live and die;
flowering of everything in you, the ambition, the greed, the hate, the
joy, the passion; in the flowering there is their death and freedom. It
is only in freedom that anything can flourish, not in suppression, in
control and discipline; these only pervert, corrupt. Flowering and
freedom is goodness and all virtue. To allow envy to flower is not easy;
it is condemned or cherished but never given freedom.
It is only in freedom the fact of envy reveals its colour, its shape,
its depth, its peculiarities; if suppressed it will not reveal itself
fully and freely. When it has shown itself completely, there is an
ending of it only to reveal another fact, emptiness, loneliness, fear,
and as each fact is allowed to flower, in freedom, in its entirety, the
conflict between the observer and the observed ceases; there is no
longer the censor but only observation, only seeing.
Freedom can only be in completion not in repetition, suppression,
obedience to a pattern of thought. There is completion only in
flowering and dying; there is no flowering if there is no ending. What
has continuity is thought in time. The flowering of thought is the
ending of thought; for only in death there is the new. The new cannot be
if there is no freedom from the known. Thought, the old, cannot bring
into being the new; it must die for the new to be. What flowers must
come to an end."
>From Krishnamurti's Notebook (written 1961/62), Harper & Row , 1984; ISBN
Having to do with a very long word.
Valerie Cooper * http://geocities.com/SoHo/7982/
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