Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/11 04:13
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #449

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 449

Today's Topics:
  Re: GUILT & PUNISHMENT - GET RID OF [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: Easy [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: Easy! [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: Atuning [ David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net> ]
  Self-moderated kundalini list? [ Ori <oriATnospameskimo.com> ]
  Re: Atuning *shades of gray* [ vcooper <madammumATnospamptialaska.net> ]
  Re: ENOUGH of the Avatar [ vcooper <madammumATnospamptialaska.net> ]
  Re: Avatar [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
  Re: Words and Definitions (Mystress) [ TAvalon <TAvalonATnospamtexas.net> ]
  AVATAR THYER [ yvonne harvey <yharveyATnospamibm.net> ]
  RE: Kundalini [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
  Love: was GUILT & PUNISHMENT - GET R [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
  A Dream of Integration [ David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net> ]
  Re: Atuning [ Dave08812ATnospamaol.com ]
  Not ENOUGH [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
  Avatar Thyer's use of language [ Matthew Resmer <matthewATnospamadacel.com. ]
  Re: Simply Different or Greater/Less [ AfperryATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: chakras [ Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iis ]
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ "Susan G." <Happy576ATnospamaloha.net> ]
Date: 11 Jun 98 01:11:03 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Message-Id: <357F2EA7.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

Magne Aga,

> Love is transcendental. Unconditional. Shining on everyone. Shining through
> everyone. But we live in mortal vessels. We live in the last veil of
> delusions. And we cannot manifest it fully before the mist disappear. The
> 7th phase of the 7th veil of Isis is almost ripped away; it's rending began
> in July 94.


I am not entirely with you. Who I AM with is also debatable.

The mortal vessel is the /last/ veil? What/who is Isis? I have heard
it before but not given it attention.

Are we shifting to a higher plane or vibration or something? I get
intuitions about that - that reality is becoming more maleable or that
spirit is becoming more merged/married with matter?

> > You can't know /fully/ what hate is because hate is not a full thing,
> > not whole. Any definition of it will only ever be partial, because it
> > itself is only a part, a fragment, a finite measure. One can only know
> > the whole of the whole, from which one sees the incompletedness of
> > hate, the pointless of it, the absense of meaning. One can become
> > locked in the attempt to full isolate hate.
> Very nicely said, West. I do not think anyone can tell me what is the
> OPPOSITE of Love.

So what I have said this much is true. But what is up for question
now, is wether I said these things because I `worked them out', wether
I said them from intuitions and insights, and wether they are my
reality or just my waffle.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 11 Jun 98 01:07:07 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Easy
Message-Id: <357F2DBB.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


> Yes. This is what happens when people live inside their heads.

I'm not altogether happy that my head controls my heart.

> Living inside the head is exclusivity carried to a fine art.

Like putting things into extreme categories you mean? Like either
complete trust or complete absence of trust, sort of thing?

> It is the hard
> shell that divides the self from the Self. Inside this thickening wall the
> little self, as personified by the ego, finds the safety it craves. It does
> not have to be vulnerable to anything.

So it is a security issue?

> It pays lip-service to its own
> rantings and calls them insights; it rationalizes with great craftsmanship;
> it both deprecates and aggrandizes itself to the same end---sanctuary.

I know that I have experienced all this.

> Living inside the head is to live in fear of the walls crumbling away...for
> if they do, then one might have to begin to listen, begin to feel, begin to
> live...and that could be dangerous.

I think I have a fear of walls. Kind of the opposite of claustrophobia
perhaps. If I see seperation I really do not like it. I feel
genearally that I do not have integrity, do not have security.

And I know what you mean about the mind being clever. I quite surprise
myself at how clever I can be sometimes, how I can figure out likely
theoretical rules of the game without having to live them. Actually I
think I've often said something along the lines of "you don't have to
be there to know what it's like". Hmm.

I wrote a long message to you earlier today about chaos theory and how
much I disliked it. I decided to delete it, it was rubbish.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 11 Jun 98 03:02:17 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Easy!
Message-Id: <357F46AA.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

Dear Avatar Ed,


> Dear Avatar Paul,
> As i mentioned in a previous note, I read all your posts and
> take you more seriously then you may suppose. I do believe you
> are grossly misunderstood by a number of people.

I know this is so. People do not understand themselves so it is hard
for them to see something in another that they do not see in

> What I see in your writing is a minute description of the
> *hidden* thoughts we all might think, but cannot see or admit
> exist.

You see well.

> As I said before much observation of your ego is not an ego
> manifestation, but awareness coming from a higher source looking
> at the ego.

You see very well. Is this really such a difficult thing for people
to grasp? That you can use `I' without it meaning that `I' is the
source? That you can use quite detailed clarifications without it
meaning you don't have a grip on the essense of the thing?
That the only language I know how to write is English simply means I
have to use it, all the words, not just an ideal few. If people want
to /assume/ that I have as much self as they do, or that all people
have as much self as they do, or that everyone elses outlook is the
same as theirs, that is up to them. If people are not ready they will
reject. It is quite natural. It is so easy for them to think that all
this comes from my tremendous ego. I am RUTHLESS with my ego,
destroying it and shrinking it and making it unimportant. I observe
from a higher, less involved viewpoint. I do not have the same degree
of walls or barriers to what I am as most other people. I do not stand
up to them, I do not shut them out. Painful as it is, I endure and
have faith.

I must admit that sometimes, such is the view of the ego from a
detatched and honest vantagepoint, that my ego sometimes takes it

> Perhaps it is not consistent and may require some effort
> to achieve consistency...which is my own praxis...but I sure am glad

There is some trouble with consistency because I give actual
open-minded consideration of the possibility that I am the things
people suggest that I am. I am to a degree, gullible, trusting, loyal.
People do not appreciate this very often or respect it. It is like the
many bullies from my past who always told me that I was wrong and that
they were better and that I had to be subservient to them. One day I
found out they had lied to me. Why did they do that? I was honest with
them. I was open to the possibility that they were right - that I was
wrong. I was prepared to accept that what they suggested me to
be was true. Who was I to close off to such things? I gave them
their fair hearing. I went through it all, to come out the
other end with tremendous justificaton - with justice.. There's
nothing wrong with a bit of sensitivity is there?

> you did not leave the list. You have much to teach Avatar Paul.

Thankyou for your kindness. I must apologise if my simplicity seems
cold or boring. I can be quite a boring chap.

Smiley :-)


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 22:51:21 -0400
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Atuning
Message-ID: <357F4629.9903F12ATnospammail.snet.net>

     Paul West wrote:

> To me, people of the world are very seperate.

Who's projection is this?

> Their relationship with
> the world seems to be on a very outward, physical level. Either this
> seperation is my projection or a detatched view of theirs.

You already know the answers to your own questions.Then you bury them.

> Somewhere in the equation one of us is seperated from the rest.

How many of Us are there?

> People
> seem to have definite boundaries as to where they stop and the other
> person starts.


> I do not.

Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 20:03:10 -0700
From: Ori <oriATnospameskimo.com>
To: Kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Self-moderated kundalini list?
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

It makes me sad how much is possible to be shared on a list
like this, and how much *blank* must be sifted through to
find it.

Not a criticism of the list, because this seems to be its nature,
but for me personally I have a need for healing conversations
and learnings which seem not to happen here unless I have a lot
of patience to read masses of email.

Is anyone aware of any smaller and/or moderated lists where
kundalini, healing and/or evolution of consciousness is discussed?

Going... going...
Kundalini Resources on the Web
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 20:25:41 -0800
From: vcooper <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Atuning *shades of gray*
Message-ID: <3580ADC2.567ATnospamptialaska.net>

Paul West wrote:
> To me, people out-of-tune treat the world as something seperate of
> themselves. Nothing is sacred to them. They want careers, to earn lots
> of money, to have a big house and car, to be entertained and respected
> based on their career-status. This means nothing to me. It is
> offensive. It is like part of the whole is lashing out at itself. Why
> aren't they atuned? Why aren't they one? Why do they seem righteous?
> Why do they take /so/ long beating around the bush to arrive at
> nothing much at all?

v: while 'desires' of the earth, & 'glamour' & 'status' are all possible
outcomes of a form of 'upward mobility', there are other forms - known
as 'dharma' (right livlihood), as I understand it.
I look really young, but will be 42 in August. I have spent a full 35
years or so bein totally 'flowy' & frustrated by dictates & protocols
inherent within these western 'cultures' (bah ptui!). I have lived in
hotels & walked on city streets, as well as lived in mansions with 'old
money'. I have lived for monthes on end in the wilderness in tents in
the snow. But I have never been any other than an artist at whatever.
Guess one could say I have gone full circle thru the back door.
Now I have a 'career' that fits my spiritual path; an integration of
technologies to make my previous training in communications arts valid.
I construe this as my 'dharma'.
I cannot ask anyone for help. I cannot pretend to be a cute little
*cookie baker* so some guy will take care of me. And I have outrageous
rent now & a little girl to afford.
Do you construe this career concentration as 'out of tune'?
No. You see everything as 'black & white' - 'us & them' (or maybe 'you'
& 'everybody else'. It's just not so! All of life's aspects are
presented as 'shades of gray'.

>pw: Physicality to them is like something they don't know. It's something
> to exploit, something to serve them. They have so much self, it
> frightens me when they come along and disturb everything. They are so
> uncalm, so ill-at-ease. They are thrill-seekers, risk-takers,
> demanders of relationship at a physical level. What of the
> relationship that is oneness, that is being, that is atunement or
> at-onement?
v: physicality is the proverbial 'human condition'. We're all in this
together. You are neither less or more than the collective whole. Why
must one's observations be mired in judgements? Just observing with
detachment is most beneficial when one feels helpless!
Having to do with a very long word.
Valerie Cooper * http://geocities.com/SoHo/7982/
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 20:33:59 -0800
From: vcooper <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: NancyATnospamwtp.net
CC: kundalini-1 <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: ENOUGH of the Avatar
Message-ID: <3580AFB4.6457ATnospamptialaska.net>

Nancy wrote:
> Avatar Thyer, I appreciate that you can express yourself and not be
> thwarted by peer pressure. I'm going to take your lead on this post and
> sign off as...
> The Lord of All Creation,
> Nancy

heehee! I kinda *like* this funny farm game!
Madam Mum
*Supervisory Goddess Of All Enchantments*
Having to do with a very long word.
Valerie Cooper * http://geocities.com/SoHo/7982/
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 23:19:35 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "Kundalini - L" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Avatar
Message-ID: <000301bd9429$c4162ec0$285095c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

>Hello Students and Teachers,
>Don't know 'bout you, but I would really like to believe there is someone
>out there who has really transcended the fog of the almighty ego
>identification and can see life as it is, or at least life beyond ego
>all fucked up

Dear Friend,
I AM too. Luckily through supreme effort and the kind of objectivity that
sees splinters in others eyes I have looked at myself. The fog of the
almighty ego is there - log like. It's not me. There is behind it a kind of
perfection. A calmness, an objectivity. A simplicity. Gradually it is
growing. I try and identify it, live in it, encourage its growth. Strangely
I find it is in you too. In everyone. A shining, a Love without source. In
each person. So I know it. I know its voice and I know my egos voice. And
through knowing the difference, I understand others - for they too have an
ego and are existing in the easier option - which is the ego.
And strangely this inner aspect calls like to like, it recognises itself. It
sees beyond the superficialities of behaviour and supposed motivations and
calls for voluntary service to its depth of perfection. So feel that inner
urge and it will clear away the fog . . .
No need to believe in anything but your own potential. Found - it becomes
the reference through which we commit to change, clearing away the fog . . .
welcoming the light . . .

Be Well
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 00:24:49 -0500
From: TAvalon <TAvalonATnospamtexas.net>
To: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Words and Definitions (Mystress)
Message-ID: <357F6A21.75499E87ATnospamtexas.net>

Avatar Thyer wrote:

> If you find your self reacting negatively to what I wrote in this letter,
> take a deep breath, release the urge to negate, and slowly re-read what I
> wrote. I use words very precisely, and sometimes uniquely, because I am
> devoted to clear communication. If you still find that you are reacting
> negatively to what I wrote, consider asking me about it to clarify the
> issue, rather than enacting your negativity by attacking with condemnation.
> ****************************

Oh, this is so beautiful! (no sarcasm there, only pure joy) It has been
so enjoyable to observe this interaction between you and the vocals on
the list. I feel quite a bit of gratitude to the listers for the
"attacks" that provoked so many calm, centered responses from you. I am
not the type to join in most frays. I prefer to observe. But this time
..... well here's my two cents worth.

You are very articulate, though you've been exposed to the vagaries of
this crippled medium. I've seen the same miscommunications on the poly
list as well as in my personal correspondences. Without the addition of
vocal inflection and facial gestures, much that is offered by anyone is
misconstrued. There is also the sad situation that most people read
email the same way they listen - halfheartedly or not well at all. So
the medium and those who attempt to communicate within it are doubly

It is obvious that YOU ARE as we all ARE. You are finely tuned and
aware, though, more so than many of us. I don't mean that to sound
hierarchical. I'm just heartily surprised that you aren't being revered
as the great teacher that you obviously can be, if only by your example.
Alas, refer to above.

I hope that your poor introduction to the list doesn't make you decide
to leave. I for one look forward to your continued valuable

Blessed Be,

Terri Avalon
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 01:42:28 -0400
From: yvonne harvey <yharveyATnospamibm.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Message-ID: <357F6E44.586FATnospamibm.net>

Avatar Thyer
came onto the List
looking for comradeship
but everyone got pissed

Words flew by most
fast and furious
Why some caught
and some let go
is more than curious

Kundalini Rises
in each and every one
causing all our rubbish
to burn up till it's done.

Taking ourselves Lightly
is one unspoken goal
Leading us toward ONENESS
and the Single Group Soul.

The last 5 days have been the full moon of Gemini:
Air sign=(I think)=interplay between the opposites-I think and speak
*What will you learn and what will you communicate?
*What sort of productive exchange can you enter?
Keywords: "I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self,I
grow and glow."

Keep Glowing on :-) and Blessings from KY. Yvonne
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 01:03:12 -0500
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: RE: Kundalini
Message-Id: <l03010d0bb1a5238fec25ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


>>equivalents of Buddha, Ramana Maharishi, Patanjali, Shankara, Rama,
>>Ramanuja, Krishna, Yajnavalkya, etc. Women have ever enlightenedly been
>>glowing and they are humble...
>What about Arya Tara:) ?

Would you tell us about her?

Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 01:11:08 -0500
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Message-Id: <l03010d09b1a51eb4c80dATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


>Love, per se, is just an ideal abstraction.

No it isn't. Love is an energy. It manifests differently on different levels.

> Love manifests uniquely
>in each person according to their own uniqueness and pattern of

As electricity manifests differently in each piece of equipment you plug
into it. If you want better results, you upgrade your equipment. But in
this case the equipment is us: the physical body, the emotions, the mind,
etc. We can all upgrade the equipment.

>Thus, I would think, the opposite of 'love', in any meaningful
>sense, is also unique and changeable in each person.


> The opposite of love is not hatred, anger, spite or fear.. these are
>passionate emotions..
> The opposite of love is apathy.

I have heard it said that the opposite of love is indifference. Same
thing. But this is to speak of love as an emotion or soul quality.

If love were not manifesting in you at all in any way at any level, you
wouldn't be here and alive.
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 02:25:04 -0400
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: A Dream of Integration
Message-ID: <357F7840.EA2496D7ATnospammail.snet.net>

A Dream of Integration

I am helium.
I am the Titanic.

I am little.
I am gigantic.

I am fun.
I am tragic.

I am mundane.
I am magic.

I am the sun.
And the rain.

I am wise.
And insane.

I am none of what I've said.
I am something else instead.

But who?
But who?
Who am I?

I could never tell...
(oh well)

So listen...
To the sound and feel and vibe of Us
We're here
(For eternity...)

Transcending time
Transcending space
Expand beyond the human race...


The alarm clock blares.
Wake up!
(time to go to work)

Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 02:28:30 EDT
From: Dave08812ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Atuning
Message-ID: <86c0c13a.357f7910ATnospamaol.com>

Yes I confess, I have my darkness, but within my darkness is a small dim
light. I am sorry
that you can't see it. I will try to make it shine brighter next time, so that
you won't feel so alone.
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 06:42:27 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "Kundalini - L" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>, <NancyATnospamwtp.net>
Subject: Not ENOUGH
Message-ID: <000301bd9444$0ac1c540$5d4a95c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

>I've been patiently reading and deleting these posts from and about
>Avatar Thyer. My conclussion...who the hell really cares what this guy
>calls himself? Angelique likes to call herself the serpent, Ed is known
>as the lobster, I seem to remember a guy a while back who called himself
>the ox. No one seems to have a problem with these words.

Hi Nancy
Is it not obvious that more is being discussed than a word? What is being
discussed is an attitude. That is why it is important. Many people on this
list feel that there is a link between language, title and attitude. The
means of communication usually denote such an attitude.
Thyer is a catalyst in this process. Many people might find themself in a
position where they might have to consider the need for a Spiritual Friend
or Mentor or indeed several such people. Somebody who can facilitate the
process that has been partially activated through 'k'. There are a number of
people who behave in the superficially spiritual manner of 'avatars'. They
do not answer questions or provide for real needs, they merely reflect back.
It is important that people *know this is pseudo spirituality*. They may not
believe this. They may not accept this - having found nothing better. Often
they only want the reassurance of this kind of sham. If they want the real
thing it is available but they may not have developed the discrimination to
search and find it. They may still feel they can find all the answers for
themself (something very few of us can do effectively - we are our own blind
So that is why it is important.

Be Well
Lobster (off to develop some discrimination :-)
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 18:39:17 +1000
From: Matthew Resmer <matthewATnospamadacel.com.au>
To: lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com, thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Avatar Thyer's use of language
Message-Id: <357F97B5.54F6ATnospamadacel.com.au>

Hi Guys,
 I've just been lurking on this mailing list for a few months and
haven't posted yet so you don't actually know me.

 Who am I? A Software Engineer from Melbourne Aust. My spiritual
experience so far is unfortunately somewhat limited (or at least seems
to be that way compared to the experiences some on this list have
described). But this thread on A.T's (for short ... hope you don't mind)
use of language has struck me as interesting and I just wanted to ask a
couple of questions (NB : "ask questions" not "give opinions" or "render

 From what I've read / experienced concerning meditation, progress of
any kind is only really made when thought has ceased. This is confirmed
in Zen for example in the way that the koans are designed to make the
meditator trancsend logic / intellect and thought to reach their
"Selves". Other meditation techniques such as counting breaths etc are
also designed to quieten the meditator's thought processess. And it is
in this "stillness" that the meditator can just "be" (him) / (her) (or
perhaps more appropriately (it) - as our "Selves" are genderless) self.

 Considering this point ... does it really matter in what manner any of
you actually speak or use language? Language is only designed to convey
"thoughts" between one person and another, which are just that,
"thoughts", rather than actuall "spiritual experience" or some kind of
"divine knowledge".

 So, does A.T's use of language actually add / detract from any of your
experiences or current levels of development? If you can't understand
him, isn't it just because you have differing perspectives, or differing
techniques of expression (eg : I can't understand a single word of
Chaucer - Author of Cantebury Tales from a LONG time ago - but that
doesn't automatically mean every word he wrote is wrong or rather every
thought / conception he had in his own mind is wrong ... as long as HE
understood them, that's the important thing).

 Basically, what I think I'm asking is, isn't it only ourselves who
understand our own ideas due to our individual perspectives on reality?
Isn't all we can do with other's ideas is hope to gain a glimmer of
THEIR understanding of them (by asking and even re-asking for
clarification if neccessary) and either discard them or use them as a
guide? So, really ... "Are thoughts and language all that important?".

 *shrug* I don't know ... I'm not even sure if I completely understand
my OWN thoughts here (I've written rather a lot - my apologies if any of
it seems like rambling), but I think the basic gist of it is what I

 Anyway, I'd be interested to hear any answers / thoughts / ideas anyone
has regarding this.

 Just to throw a curve-ball at myself (yes, it can be done :)) - I once
meditated on the phrase "I AM" and had one of my most profound
meditational experiences. This in itself was simply a "thought", a
simple linguistic "expression" which completely altered my state of
being; or perhaps actually allowed me to see my true state of being

"HELP! ... My spirit's drowning in a sea of logic!"


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 04:55:35 EDT
From: AfperryATnospamaol.com
To: thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Simply Different or Greater/Lesser
Message-ID: <753f1e6c.357f9b88ATnospamaol.com>

Dear Avatar Thyer,

In a message dated 10/6/98 8:47:48 pm, you wrote:

>In other words: I consider that folks to be simply *different*
>manifestations of Spirit in comparison to me, rather than *greater* or
>*lesser* manifestations of Spirit in comparison to me.

IMHO, spirit per se is One and therefore we are 'qualitatively' equal at that
level. But spirit's manifestations vary in the degree of Divine power
expressed which may be greater or lesser: Christ or Krishna are not just
different but also greater manifestations of that power. To say we are all
equal at the level of manifestation seems an awful arrogance. Why do tens of
millions flock to Sai Baba while my meditation classes are only attended by a
few? :-) Could it be something to do with our respective levels of spiritual

But be that as it may, how do you differentiate in words between these
differing manifestations of spirit? If the word 'avatar' implies no
distinction, how would you describe the status of Krishna, Christ, Sai Baba,

God bless,
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 14:22:46 +0530 (IST)
From: Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in>
To: b bah <happyhunaATnospamhotmail.com>
cc: thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: chakras
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.980611142043.6341A-100000ATnospamBhaskara>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Wed, 10 Jun 1998, b bah wrote:

> hi,
> i can.t remember where i read it, but someone , this year i believe,
> wrote about chakra no. 41/2. if i remember correctly the writer said it
> was on the right side of the chest. well mine is on the left side of my
> chest, over approx. 11/2 in. from where the heart chakra is supposed to
> be. i have felt it open many times., can also feel the chakra above my
> head

, the entrance to heart chakra between my shoulder blades, and very

I have felt only this one.

> weird the one in the air behind it.
> i hope others respond telling you their experiences also.
> 'loha, barb
> ______________________
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Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 23:58:30 -1000 (HST)
From: "Susan G." <Happy576ATnospamaloha.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199806110958.XAA16756ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>

I would like to clarify the meaning of kundalini. I realize that this one word is an expression. Here is how I preceive. The word expresses that one has opened up to spiritual awareness and has begun to evolve the soul. Also that one has become or starting to become enlightened to a more power depth of feeling "love,joy, empathy", and that when the Kundalini starts to open up one may feel alone,scared, and quite emothional. Within the body one may feel weak in the legs, hear things, feel levetated and dizzy. It is a very nice word in and of itself and if I have the meaning correct, I have learned that this is a long process and may take years. Please write back and confirm or clarify the meaning (experence) for me. Thank-you :-)


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