Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/10 06:56
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #444

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 444

Today's Topics:
  Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #440 [ jenny.hillATnospammail.utexas.edu (Jenny) ]
  Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource [ Nancy <NancyATnospamwtp.net> ]
  Re: Something's bothering me....Help [ jenny.hillATnospammail.utexas.edu (Jenny) ]
  Re: our very own avatar needs transl [ AfperryATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: SATGURU OR A FATGURU (WHICH ONE? [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
  Re: Words and Definitions [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
  after the avatar [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
  Re: Something's bothering me... Help [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
  Re: our very own avatar needs transl [ "Orea de Sa' Hana" <oreaATnospamerols.com> ]
  RE: Something's bothering me... Help [ Adon <shamaneyesATnospamyahoo.com> ]
  Re: Words and Definitions (Mystress) [ Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.or ]
  Re: our very own avatar needs transl [ Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.or ]
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 03:28:53 -0500
From: jenny.hillATnospammail.utexas.edu (Jenny)
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #440
Message-Id: <v01530502b1a3f29b2a68ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Freda wrote:

>got ego problems of my own...

>anyone got a cure for a 7 week weeping spell....

>lost my rainbows..

Dear Freda --

In my experience, a 7 week weeping spell, IS the cure. I think maybe you
gotta just hang in there and thank the Goddess you're healing up some old
painful stuff with those tears.

Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 02:59:29 -0600
From: Nancy <NancyATnospamwtp.net>
To: enlightATnospamsgi.net, kundalini-1 <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <357E4AEC.425595AEATnospamwtp.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

Pat Panza wrote:

> Ken Wilber states: ...all of those for whom authentic transformation
> has deeply unseated their souls must...wrestle with the profound moral
> obligation to shout from the heart...authenticity always and absolutely
> carries a demand and duty...you must speak out...to the best of your
> ability...and shake the spiritual tree...and shine your headlights into
> the eyes of the complacent.
> You were allowed to see the truth under the agreement that you would
> communicate it to others....the ultimate meaning of the bodhisattva vow.

I don't know that I agree with this, Pat. No one wants to see someone
else's light blasting in their eyes. I think it's pretty presumptuous to
think that the "transformed" have an obligation to somehow save the poor
untransformed masses. (Boy, this sounds a lot like organized

This statement also seems arrogant. Just because someone isn't
"en-LIGHT-ened" doesn't mean that they don't experience truth. It's the
truth of a different plane, state, existence.

>From my perspective, our only obligation is to find the light within to
light our way. Not let someone else's light blind us.

Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 04:29:07 -0500
From: jenny.hillATnospammail.utexas.edu (Jenny)
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Something's bothering me....Help!
Message-Id: <v01530504b1a3f9ede2e1ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Adon wrote:

>But recently, the urge to know Self and raise K has grown 11-fold. It
>is the guide in front and the demon in back. It leads me with
>flawless wisdom. I find now that Iím considering not getting married
>more and more. Not for any illusory "fault" in my girlfriend. She
>is centered in the material, and I love her dearly. A healthy, sexual
>relationship is very important to her and I want her to be happy and
>fulfilled. Sometimes I think that the married life would distract me
>from the goal of Self-realization that I so deeply yearn for.

Hi Adon, Jenny here:

I have a few thoughts about this. You've already gotten some good feedback
from the list by now, but here are a few points that I haven't seen
mentioned yet.

I read some information recently from a study about how men and women are
so differently socialized that they use different thought processes and
methods to accomplish tasks.

 According to this study, most men work very linear-ly to get something
done... one thing at a time with full attention devoted to it, pressing on
full speed ahead until it's DONE! On the other hand, most women work
non-linearly, using a sort of "multitasking" approach by which they address
a lot of tasks simultaneously, moving around and around continously among
the different tasks until gradually they get accomplished... some get
finished and others get added in and there is never quite the sense of
completion that men seem to have.

The differences in these approaches also carry over into how men and women
approach living their lives.

(PLEASE NOTE that I am NOT saying that these differences are inherent in
men and women... my belief is that they are "learned" differences)

Anyway, if you look at things from this study's point of view, it makes
sense that you feel that you have no time or attention for more than one
important thing in your life right now... you feel like trying to have a
marriage would prevent you from pursuing K development in full force.
However, it is POSSIBLE that you could manage both at the same time... and
doing so might provide a richness of experience not otherwise attainable.
However, if you must focus solely on K developement, then you must... and
ditching your beloved will most likely provide richness of experience of an
entirely *different* variety.

>It pains me greatly to think of her in anguish..... I donít want to let
>her go, because she said she "couldnít bear it to speak with me" if I
>ever left her.
>Is she just another "attachment"?? Even in such love that we share?
>Am I crazy for even thinking about throwing her to the wind? (I just
>hope the wind catches her and sets her someplace safe).

It sounds to me like "throwing her to the wind" is going to cause a major
shit-storm of pain for her and you.... I imagine you could probably
distract yourself from feeling that pain, but I don't think that would be
useful. My guess is that you see being unattached as the fastest way to
complete Cosmic Union... and I have a feeling it might indeed be the "short
path", but everything I've ever read about the short path to enlightenment
makes it sound like the "100 mile stretch of bad road" path, too.

I think staying with her would probably be the long path... a long series
of minor shit-storms, with lots of good old-fashioned "roll up your sleeves
and get out the elbow grease" hard work to learn how to be in the
relationship AND be immersed in the K force.

 For the aforementioned reasons of socialization, most men seem to find
that actually staying IN a relationship is a hell of a lot of hard work and
often, not really quite worth it. Women, on the other hand, are more
socialized to want and "need" to be in a relationship, and take for granted
that it will take some work to do it.

I have no judgement on taking either path. Each probably has a blessing and
a curse attached. I suspect if you drop her... it will further you on your
path and be the possible door to her awakening. I suspect if you stay with
her, it will further you on your path and be the possible door to her
awakening. (grin) Just a few things to ponder over.....


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 05:59:54 EDT
From: AfperryATnospamaol.com
To: thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: our very own avatar needs translating...
Message-ID: <ad830b24.357e591bATnospamaol.com>

Dear Avatar Thyer,
We are all incarnations of the one spirit or God, so literally we are all
avatars and you are quite justified in using the term for yourself. However,
in common English usage, the word is associated with the highest spiritual
beings that we know on Earth and therefore carries with it a special
reverence. Do you not think that over-use of the term 'avatar' would tend to
degrade it ( perhaps in the same way that the word 'Bhagwan' was degraded by

God bless,
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 07:50:39 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "Harsha1MTM" <Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com>, <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>, "Kundalini - L" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Message-ID: <019f01bd938d$b2d7c980$374f95c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

>On Sat, 6 Jun 1998, sunil sharma wrote:
>> The theoretical and practical aspects of Kundalini has interesred me a
>have also been meditating for the last 2 years without any powerful
effects. I
>would be interested to try kundalini.>>
>In a message dated 6/9/1998, 7:50:48 AM, anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in
> <<Find a SATGURU
>Harsha: Or Find a FATGURU :--) ___ Thank you. (Sorry, I am just a kid

Dear Friends,
I believe you are being flippant with a sincere seeker. Anyone who has been
meditating for two years without powerful effects is obviously in need of
serious help.
My Dear Sunil,
I would certainly try a bit of kundalini why not? I will be fattening up a
guru for your usage. Would you like siddhis with that . . .
What sort of meditation do you do? I have a meditation practice known as
'the serpent has grabbed me by the chakras', maybe this would be of

Be well
off to fatten up a guru
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 11:01:02 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "Kundalini - L" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Words and Definitions
Message-ID: <01a401bd938d$b6e6e920$374f95c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Dear Angelique,

> Hello:
> I have been observing the "attack dogs" "piranha feeding frenzy" on the
>list, with some sadness, some bemusement, mostly great admiration for your
>patience, humor and clarity.. and having observed the list for some time,
>I can offer a third conclusion..

I can see how this is what you think [oops - slipped into Avatar mode for a
moment there . . .]

> 3) The list perception that the claiming of titles is an indication of
>insanity or mental imbalance brought about by the effects of Kundalini..
>the cure for which is perceive to be tearing the title away... like some
>kind of cult deprogramming.. I am not a moonie, I am not a moonie...

People can call themselves a goddess if they wish. Nothing wrong with mental
imbalance if we try to move forward. I think the avatar is extremely sane
and well balanced.

> The list, in best intentions (aaack!) is trying to "save" you from what
>it perceives as a case of "Kundalini psychosis"... of which the
>aforementioned "Dan Gallagher" most certainly was a prime candidate.

There is no comparison. The avatar is not suffering from 'kundalini
psychosis'. No comparison.

> It is a "disorder" phenomena that happens with some Kundalites wherein
>they begin to believe they are messiahs or somehow "chosen" messengers of
>God...sometimes the results can be named as "David Koresh".
> So you see, the list is trying to shoot you down, for your own good, so
>that your wings won't melt.. LOL!

On the whole you share and speak from a position of equality. When you say
things which are unconventional, egotistical, concerned advice and so on
this is discernible. The attitude you bring to communication is reflective
of how effective and transferable any wisdom is. You are also honest and
human and people relate well to that. They do not have to take the complete
package. Similarly when I behave in a way that is perceived as egotistical,
hurtful and so on, it is important that I listen to peoples response. So
growth is about sharing and listening - not just about 'being centered in

> My own opinion is that a messianic phase is simply part of the evolution
>of K. We are all Goddess, but some folks get stuck when they realize that's
>who they are, and don't get as far as realizing everybody else is, too.. .
>and everything.

Agreed. That is what is being worked on here - an impasse.

> Having observed you longer than they have, I feel no need to test your
>honesty or intentions. Far from finding you psychotic, I find you to be one
>of the most honest, clear and consistently non judgmental spiritual people
>I have ever met.
> I honor the brilliant clarity of your light, and take joy in the subtext
>of your humor.

I agree with this assesment. That is not the issue.

> You are not. I recognize your writing style from some of my own work...
>(which takes on many different styles) and it is someone who is using the
>English language very carefully to communicate absolutely as clearly as
>possible, while still realizing that clarity depends on the reception,
>which comes of the perceptions of the reader.
> What you are getting mirrored, is the fear of insanity that is carried
>within many Kundalites, especially in those who awaken spontaneously and
>spend time wondering about it before they find understanding. Which
>represents a large population of this list..
> I think of it as the legacy of Gopi Krishna..

That is not the feeling I get. Fear of insanity is one thing. I feel people
are not impressed (and I feel this is a major step forward) by the attitude
behind the mask. A lot of people on this list may in the past have been
impressed by pious sounding people - people who may have many fine virtues -
which again I say the avatar shows more wisdom then we have seen here for a
long while. However what is happening is 'how do these words empower the
situation'. The avatar may be true to his needs and completely incapable of
providing communication that enhances others understanding and moves them
forward. What they are sensing is someone who has the odour of a teacher -
but is just using deodorent.

> Ironically, one of the purposes of the list's existence is to be a
>support group to reassure each other of our sanity while undergoing this
>enormously bizarre process. How it got from that ideal to "shred the odd
>people", I dunno.
> Blessings, Mystress.

Sanity has different levels. I do not consider the Avatar odd. Even if he
was odd, he would still be welcome here. Just as Dan - who *was* suffering
from kundalini psychosis - was welcome. Just as the person offering space
bikes from soon to land aliens was welcome here. The important thing is that
the avatar represents an important principle, the movement away from
external avatars into a deepening respect for genuine spirituality and
genuine internal wisdom.

Be Well, Be Kind, Be Happy
HH Avatar Lobster
using Channel No 5
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 11:00:23 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "Kundalini - L" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>,
 "Avatar Thyer" <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
Subject: after the avatar
Message-ID: <01a301bd938d$b5ecaaa0$374f95c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

>Lobster wrote:
>>You expose yourself.
>Yes, Lobster -- you do.

Of course. Obviously. You will notice how you are never exposed. It is only
you who reflects others . . .

>Lobster wrote:
>>My style is abrasive, confrontational and sometimes considered humorous.
>>would you describe yours?
>My style is ordered, clear, concise with regard to use of particular words.

OK let us look at that.
Ordered? The assumption is that your style is ordered compared to what? Your
disorder, others chaos? It has to be ordered in relationship to something
else. Unless it is perfect in itself. In which case everything is ordered.
So really your order is just another name for chaos. If you use words in
this way they become meaningless. You will note the order of the thoughts
here and see that they have no meaning unless seen.

You do not even use the word avatar in its prescribed way. No clarity there
unless we apply to you for clarification. People can not see past your
'clarity' to what you are saying. So no clarity there.

You do not seem to have the tools to overcome the verbiage produced by your
concise speech. In other words we are spending time on the method of
communication instead of anything of value you may have to say.

Of course - obviously - that's the way I see things. So let's think - would
I agree you are clear, concise and ordered. Of course. You see I see you
Avatar and another viewpoint. You need to stop reflecting and start
absorbing . . . (and before you give your usual answer, I am perfectly aware
of what I am saying and who it is being said to - it applies to me and is
meant for you)

>When I share my perspective, those who are willing to communicate will ask
>me questions about that which might confuse them. When others share their
>perspectives with me, I am willing to ask questions about that which
>confuses me.

What is this? How avatars behave? We all do this . . .

>Lobster, I am completely capable of seeing what you are saying to your
>I am also completely capable of seeing what I am saying to my self.

Not so. Nobody is totally aware of all the possibilities inherent in
meaning. We are communicating one to another - this is the meaning of
dialogue. If you totally understand what is being said, your emanation would
change and I would be aware of this. It has not. You still have not grasped
what is being said. All you do is assume that people are talking about
aspects of themself (true) and that you only have to understand how this can
be reflected - that is after all what avatars do :-/ Not so. I have been
where you are. You have not been where I am. Therefore you can not claim to
understand anything but your own limitations. Similarly you have things to
share . . .

Be Well, Be Happy, Be Kind
Humble Lobster
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 07:51:08 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "Kundalini - L" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Something's bothering me... Help!
Message-ID: <01a001bd938d$b3b1fce0$374f95c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

>>Rick gives you good advice.
>>If you are taking a poll, put another checkmark in the "Don't be a doofus
>>and dump your true love" column...
>Add another checkmark from me.
>If God gives you the gift of love, why do you think throwing it away will
>bring you closer to God?

Exactly so. Many teachings, Kabbala and some forms of Sufism, householder
Buddhist tantra, Mandaenism, much pagan lore and so on insist that a healthy
relationship - with periods of abstention for special purposes is preferred.
You should have the common sense to incorporate your relationship into the
sacred. Stop fighting your instincts - make use of them. When the time is
right they will transform quite naturally without all this angst.

Be Well, Be happy, Make everything sacred
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 07:35:16 -0400
From: "Orea de Sa' Hana" <oreaATnospamerols.com>
To: kl List <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: our very own avatar needs translating...
Message-ID: <357E6F72.7EDD06EAATnospamerols.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

Hi Avatar,

When I was in high school I was accused of using big words in my speech
to impress people, when in truth they just rolled off my tongue and were
chosen by me as the most accurate expression of what I was trying to
say. Like you, I inadvertently came across as a snob when in truth I
just love words. So, I know where you are coming from.

This said, I have to admit that I don't read most of what you write. It
is not because of disinterest; I would like to know what you think. It
is that my attention span is relatively short due to a) farsighted eyes
that tire easily and b) outside pressures which include a high volume of
email demanding my attention.

This is getting to be a familiar refrain, but I will say it again.
*Edit, Avatar, Edit! * When I write anything of any length I take the
time to go back and cut out all of the inessential words and sentences
because they do more to obscure my message than to communicate it. I am
often appalled at how much crap there is to cut out, however carefully I
have chosen my words.

I would also like to mention to the forum in general that I find it much
easier to read messages when the paragraphs are short. My eyes don't
glaze over nearly as fast!

As the bumper sticker says, "Eschew obfuscation!" That one was for you,


Hope to actually be able to read more of you soon,

Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 06:33:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Adon <shamaneyesATnospamyahoo.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, jb <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com>
Subject: RE: Something's bothering me... Help!
Message-ID: <19980610133331.7619.rocketmailATnospamsend1e.yahoomail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

---jb <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com> wrote:
> Adon wrote:
> > Is she just another "attachment"?? Even in such love that we share?
> > Am I crazy for even thinking about throwing her to the wind? (I just
> > hope the wind catches her and sets her someplace safe). Your
> > is appreciated.
> What reason do you have not to believe you girlfriend if:
> >She told me that she would remain by
> >my side regardless (I wonder if she believes me?). The thought of a
> >non-abundant sex life does not appeal to her though, this I know.

Adon: I am more worried that I will not be able to give her a
fulfilling marriage in my quest for the Divine. I am meditating more
frequently, and am often absorbed in thought, and the quality time
spent with her is slowly decreasing as a result.

> Usually, a spiritual life is stimulating so your girlfriend could
change her
> view.

Adon: Good point. I have noticed some stimulation there. She is
Buddhist, and I have noticed that she has begun to chant more.

> It seems to me that you require testing and not your girlfriend. At
my job I
> had to coach students who were often bragging about their
relationships. So
> I asked them: "If your girlfriend would save a small child from a
> house, with the sad result that her face would show the scars of
this heroic
> deed for life, how would this affect your relationship with her?"
Only one
> student gave the right answer. All others were cured.

Adon: Well, I know what answer I'd give. My love for her would no
doubt grow stronger. She is a compassionate and sacrificial being,
which is what attracted me to her in the first place. I've never
based my relationships on physicality.

> Jan

Thank you Jan!
Get your free ATnospamyahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 09:33:32 -0400
From: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Words and Definitions (Mystress)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:

>3) The list perception that the claiming of titles is an indication of
>insanity or mental imbalance brought about by the effects of Kundalini..
>the cure for which is perceive to be tearing the title away... like some
>kind of cult deprogramming.. I am not a moonie, I am not a moonie...


That which I find most entertaining is the display of immediate negative
condemnation, rather than patient questioning to see if I am actually that
which they have condemned me to be.

I also find it very educating.

I am reminded of how it is to be condemned. I am reminded of what happens
when individuals blindly condemn others based upon what they think is being
said, rather than patiently clarify that which is meant, and discerning.

Given my experience here so far, I am reminded of what it is like to be
nailed to the cross of other people's prejudices.

Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:

>So you see, the list is trying to shoot you down, for your own good, so
>that your wings won't melt.. LOL!


Rather than being shot down out of fear that I might fall, it would have
been nice to have been asked first if I knew how high I could safely fly.


Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:

>However, I continue to refer to myself as Goddess manifest, anyways, and
>eventually the list got tired of bugging me about it.


I comprehend that making such a statement will instigate negative reactions
from those who are ruled by the urge to condemn. But regardless of their
condemnations and accusations, let me affirm power to your continued being
the Goddess manifesting as you choose.

Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:

>My own opinion is that a messianic phase is simply part of the evolution
>of K. We are all Goddess, but some folks get stuck when they realize that's
>who they are, and don't get as far as realizing everybody else is, too.. .
>and everything.


Yes, I have noticed that. I have also noticed that some folks are so
paranoid about others being stuck that they are stuck.

For example, Lobster posts seem to indicate that s/he thinks that I am
stuck -- even though I have yet to demonstrate stuckness by explicitly
expressing that "I am the One True and ONLY Avatar who is spiritually
superior to everyone else". From what s/he has written, it seems as if
s/he operates from the mistaken idea that I have yet to realize that
"everybody else is, too".

Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:

>I recognize your writing style from some of my own work...
>(which takes on many different styles) and it is someone who is using the
>English language very carefully to communicate absolutely as clearly as
>possible, while still realizing that clarity depends on the reception,
>which comes of the perceptions of the reader.


And what a tricky game using English to communicate about spirituality is,
eh? So many words are negative connotations associated with certain words.
 So many phrases are parroted to impress, rather than to express, that they
have become meaningless platitudes -- and prevent people from comprehending
new arrangements. So many people are programmed to react blindly -- and
negatively -- to certain words and certain forms of expression, without
looking beyond the surface (which in this case means: without questioning).

I have said it before elsewhere, and I will say it again: using the English
language to communicate about spirituality is one of the greatest
challenges I have ever engaged. And it is turning out to provide some of
the deepest learning experiences (conceptually) that I have ever known as
an individual. Ordering my language using written English is the process
that perpetually teaches me to transcend my particular prejudices
associated with the particular words that someone may be using so that I
can commune with the underlying pattern of their meaning. And as I've said
earlier, watching others choose not to do also educates me about the
consequences of that choice.

Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:

>Ironically, one of the purposes of the list's existence is to be a
>support group to reassure each other of our sanity while undergoing this
>enormously bizarre process. How it got from that ideal to "shred the odd
>people", I dunno.


How about fear? Fear of meglomaniacs to be precise?

Now, I can comprehend being cautious without fear of those who walk around
seeking to Separate from others so that they can establish their selves
upon high pedestals of spiritual superiority. But when some stands up and
confidently says "Hey, folks, I AM" -- without saying "And you are NOT"
and is mistakenly and repeatedly blasted as being spiritually superior in
the face of evidence to the contrary, that caution starts to seem fear
motivated to me.

Avatar Thyer


If you find your self reacting negatively to what I wrote in this letter,
take a deep breath, release the urge to negate, and slowly re-read what I
wrote. I use words very precisely, and sometimes uniquely, because I am
devoted to clear communication. If you still find that you are reacting
negatively to what I wrote, consider asking me about it to clarify the
issue, rather than enacting your negativity by attacking with condemnation.

Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 09:46:56 -0400
From: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
To: kl List <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: our very own avatar needs translating... (Orea)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Orea wrote:

>This is getting to be a familiar refrain, but I will say it again.
>*Edit, Avatar, Edit! * When I write anything of any length I take the
>time to go back and cut out all of the inessential words and sentences
>because they do more to obscure my message than to communicate it. I am
>often appalled at how much crap there is to cut out, however carefully I
>have chosen my words.


*chuckles warmly*

Give me time to learn how to do that without compromising my point and I
will oblige.

In the meantime, thank you for your comments.

Avatar Thyer


If you find your self reacting negatively to what I wrote in this letter,
take a deep breath, release the urge to negate, and slowly re-read what I
wrote. I use words very precisely, and sometimes uniquely, because I am
devoted to clear communication. If you still find that you are reacting
negatively to what I wrote, consider asking me about it to clarify the
issue, rather than enacting your negativity by attacking with condemnation.



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