Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/08 12:16
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #437

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 437

Today's Topics:
  Re: Kundalini and Chakras [ "Jose Arroyo" <jm_arroyoATnospamhotmail.co ]
  Re: What can't be cured must be endu [ GSDonne <gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au> ]
  Re: Stagnant and Vital (Funcations a [ Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.or ]
  Re: Kundalini and Chakras [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
  Re: a vote for not moving the list [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
  Re: a vote for not moving the list [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
  Re: What can't be cured must be endu [ Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.or ]
  Re: What can't be cured must be endu [ John Heaton <CttlemanATnospampsbnewton.com ]
  Re: Kundalini and Chakras [ Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.or ]
  Re: Kundalini and Chakras [ Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.or ]
  Re: Kundalini and Chakras [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
  Re: Kundalini and Chakras (Sharon) [ Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.or ]
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 10:02:42 PDT
From: "Jose Arroyo" <jm_arroyoATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Chakras
Message-ID: <19980608170242.9450.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Dear Thyer,

Thank you for this interesting posting.
I resonate quite good with your model, although I have some ideas/views
I would like to share.

>I consider Kundalini as energy.
>I differentiate energy into different kinds of vibration.
>Let me pause here to clarify that rather than being synonymous for
>Separation, differentiation is simply distinction. To clarify this
with an
>example, consider that your hand is different than your stomach, but
>are simply distinctions of the Union of your body, rather than being
>Separate from the Union of your body.
>I consider the different kinds of vibration as different aspects of my

Could it be that different kinds of vibrations, I was thinking of
different frequencies, are linked to different states of
understanding,loving,being, as a whole?
During meditation I can sense (what I guess is energy) flowing through
my body and just after ending the meditation session as well. During the
meditation session, I am as a whole much more calm and happy with myself
than during other moments. (This does not imply that during other
moments I'm not happy with myself :-))
I think that during meditation one reaches for a short period of time
another (probably higher) frequency and experiences related with such a
frequency are lived.
>The relationship situations that cause the different aspects of my
>experience to vibrate dissonantly result in disrupting the overall
>consonance of my Kundalini.
>To restore the overall consonance of my Kundalini, I consider the
>frequencies of Kundalini (of which I am conscious) as centers of energy
>as Chakras. I symbolize these Chakras as spheres, and consider the
>different Chakras -- the different energy centers, the different kinds
>Kundalini vibration -- with the visual metaphor of Light.
>Using Light as a metaphor for Kundalini enables me to visualize the
>of each Chakra as a frequency of Light. Since frequencies of Light are
>perceived as frequencies of color, I represent each Chakra by a

I never thought about the relation lightfrequency-color in chakra but it
seems quite logic now :-) The colours you are talking about, are these
the same as in aura's?

>To use these symbols to restoring the overall consonance of my
Kundalini, I
>perform a contemplation where I relax and focus on each Chakra
>the succession of the chromatic scale. Focusing on each Chakra enables
>to transform the polarization of the Chakra's vibrations from the
>(dissonant energy) to the positive (consonant energy).
>As the "blocks" from each Chakra are removed and their vibrations
return to
>consonance, the unified vibration of Kundalini "flows" from energy
>to energy center, restoring the full use of my energy to the creative
>purposes of my individual incarnation.

Do you think that all the chakras 'resonate' at a specific frequency or
that they resonate at different frequencies?
It is said that a few of the lower chakras are fully developed the
moment we are born. Others, like the heart-chakra may or may not develop
in a human's life. This would explain (to me) that some state of
being/understanding/dimension is more difficult to attain the others.
So, could it be then, that assuming that one has had one or more times
all chakras full unblocked that it is less frequent to receive Insights
than to feel Unconditional Love?
With other words, isn't it much easier to feel (for a long period of
time) Unconditional Love (heart chakra) than regular Insights (3rd-eye,
crown chakra)?

>This is a version of the basic theory behind how I go about increasing
>ability to restore the consonant Union of my Kundalini when I fall from
>positive and the negative -- Ego -- results in the dissonant Separation
>my energy.

If there is a kind of hierarchy in chakras and these ones related to
specific frequencies (of energy), could it be that a very very tiny
piece of ego would start blocking the crown chakra, but that much more
ego would be necesary to block the heart-chakra or other lower ones?

>I admit that this is one of the first times that I have ever written
>process down. I realize that because of this, I may have yet to learn
>better to communicate this experience based theory.
>If any of you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
>I am also continuing to be open to receive any other exprience based
>perspectives of Chakraic systems and meditations which could enable
both my
>self and others to intensify our mastery with Kundalini.

Could someone elaborate on the relation between emotions and
(un)developed chakras?
It seems that the more chakras one has been able to develop, the less
physical/mental problems one seems to have. It is then obvious that
living with all chakras developed one will live a life with (almost) no
pain (physical and/or mental).

>Please share them on the list if you can so that everyone can benefit
>your understanding and possibly engage more interesting discussion.

Thank you again for this wonderful posting. I hope that others would
like also to share their thoughts/views/experiences.

>Avatar Thyer

Love and Joy,

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 1998 01:08:32 +0800
From: GSDonne <gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: What can't be cured must be endured (humor)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>The Compassionate Harsha: As long as there is a mind, there will be mind
>readers:--). As long as no appointments are made, there must be self -
>appointments:--). What can't be cured must be endured!

I read your words and weep Harsha. Surely with all your wisdom and
experience you must
have a cure for self appointed 'I AM Avatars'!!!
  Search the record books, the ancient scrolls of wisdom, surely a cure must
exist somewhere in the worlds spiritual literature! Dont let us suffer
Harsha, I implore you.
We have enough to endure already, telemarketers, Barbie spams, and now Avatars!
   In my unenlightened ignorance of these matters the only solution I can
offer is hitting the delete key. Maybe not an established spiritual practice
but effective.

back to the lurkers closet,


ps: I note the previous spiritual semantics about everyone being an Avatar
because they are all part of "The One", yadda, yadda.
Does that also imply we are all axe murderers, drug addicts, child molesters
etc because
"The One" is also experiencing these aspects of being??
Hope this thought doesnt cause too many pple to lose sleep.:)
Wouldn't it be easier if we just were ourselves without all this 'I AM'
stuff, or is that too complicated/simple??

'I am the greatest'
Cassius Clay. Who said it all.:) 'I YAM' Popeye (the sailor

"One mans light is another mans darkness".
(nothing to do with the topic, I just like the qoute.)

Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 13:20:45 -0400
From: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Stagnant and Vital (Funcations and Definitions)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Debora A. Orf wrote:

>As we look around, we 'define' say 'oh yeah, blue sky'. what if you
>didnt say 'oh yeah blue sky'? what is left but a pristine awareness?


Before my beginning and after my ending, there is awareness. The process
of determining whether awareness is clarified (pristine) or muddied is one
choice that I make regardless of another choice that I make to name a
particular aspect of my experience "blue sky". Associating the words "blue
sky" with my experience of that which "blue sky" represents appears muddied
when I choose to consider the naming process as muddying, rather than
choosing to consider the naming process as clarifying.

I name aspects of my awareness, choose to consider my naming process as
clarifying rather than as muddying, and as an individual I experience the
named, clarified aspects of my awareness.

Deborah A. Orf wrote:

>there is only one constant out there imo, that is that everything always


I, too, understand the paradox of stasis (constancy) and dynamism (change).

Since I understand this paradox, I am careful to remember that stasis is
different than stagnation, and I am careful to remember that dynamism is
different than destruction.

And I realize that since the only thing constant is change, then the only
thing stagnant is destruction.

Debora A. Ord wrote:

>you dont need to chose, u are already there, by choosing, in some ways,
>this process of definition is already subtly awake. working, making itself
>over again. that's ok, it does that, its human-work. but that is all that
>it is.


As Spirit, since I always understand that I am already here, rather than
*needing* to choose I simply decide to choose based upon the options of
which I am conscious as one of my individual human incarnations.

The particular human writing this letter is delighted by my perpetual
allowance for him to create through choosing options to experience.

And of course, our delight is "one".

Avatar Thyer



I clarify aspects of the Self that I AM using mediums. This letter
clarifies some of My aspects using the medium of language. This letter is
a revelation of My perspective as the particular individual who wrote it.
Your perspective as the individualization that you are -- your perspective
as the individualization of that which I AM -- may differ.

Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 13:26:45 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Chakras
Message-ID: <00b801bd9302$9d38b980$6fd11fa8ATnospamsharonwe>
Content-Type: text/plain;


While wandering through this thread---with not a lot of patience, I must
say---when I came to the statement below, major k spiralings started up in
my body and erupted through my crown. Hmmm.... It's been awhile since THAT

>>To restore the overall consonance of my Kundalini, I consider the
>>frequencies of Kundalini (of which I am conscious) as centers of energy
>>as Chakras. I symbolize these Chakras as spheres, and consider the
>>different Chakras -- the different energy centers, the different kinds
>>Kundalini vibration -- with the visual metaphor of Light.

Coincidence? Maybe. Read it again. Again, major k chills and spiralings.
I mean MAJOR. Shivering and shuddering through my whole body.

Left the room, messed around awhile, came back and read it again...same
reaction. Very odd. Nothing very earth-shaking in that statement.
So...why am _I_ shaking?

Just read it again....Big surge from the 1st and 2nd, again spiraling up
through my crown.

Gotta be an anomaly, right? Unrelated to the statement. Well...I read it
again and the same thing happened. What kind of energy went into that text?

What's happening? Any explanations?

Yours in mystification,
A new fractal gallery and screensaver was posted to this site, 4/3/98:
USA Today Hot Site; Cosmic Site of the Night: Cool Central Site of the Day;
ENC Digital Dozen; Enchantment Award; ArtSearch Featured Site;
NetTech NeatTech: Web Best ; Eye Candy Award; Studyweb Featured Site;
Lotus Light Award; Wave of the Day; Hot Site Award; Critical Mass Award;
Best of the Planet, People's Choice Award, 1998; WS Award; Treasured Site
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 12:41:33 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: a vote for not moving the list
Message-Id: <l03130304b1a1dec15d5cATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>I really am starting to fall in love with all of
>you... it's pretty wonderful, 'specially for a curmudgeonly hermit type
>like me who usually prefers the company of the four-leggeds to the humans.

As a fellow "curmudgeonly hermit type" I agree with you! I too would rather
just ignore the spam than deal with the list moving.

I belong to several other lists that use different types of software for
their servers. They have their problems too. One list ocassionally "barfs"
and resends messages from a year ago... another one will sometimes "lose"
posts, still another has periodic crashes and shut downs for three days at
a time, and then will send the same post three times. This one we are now
using for the k list is working pretty well...(except when a knothead like
me uses the wrong word in the subject line)..a little spam is not going to
hurt me.

As someone once said "There are no solutions, only different problems..."

love back at'cha,
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 12:45:01 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: a vote for not moving the list
Message-Id: <l03130305b1a1e113e8dfATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Danijel asks the musical question:
>BTW, has anyone else had cases of returned posts from
>postmasterATnospamdelhi.nic.in? It keeps sending me back everything I send to the

Yes. I have been getting those too. It always scares me because I think I
am about to be bounced from the list again :O

Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 13:49:45 -0400
From: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
To: GSDonne <gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: What can't be cured must be endured (humor)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


GSDonne wrote:

>Surely with all your wisdom and experience you must
>have a cure for self appointed 'I AM Avatars'!!!


A Cure? *chuckles warmly*

I am healthy -- but thank you for letting me know that you are concerned.

However, I can comprehend that you may experience dis-ease with my calm
statement of Avatarhood. If that is the case, then I also comprehend for
whom you asked the cure.

GSDonne wrote:

>We have enough to endure already, telemarketers, Barbie spams, and now


I am curious -- in what way do you think that I am like a telemarketer and
a Barbie spammer, and why do you think this?

For now, I speculate that you might be thinking that I either want
something from you or am attempting to insult your sensibilities in some way.

Well, the first is true: I do want someting -- I want your positive
engagement in conversation. I am interested in listening to your positive
perspectives about both Spirit and Kundalini. Of course, you can choose
not to engage.

But as for the second, I have yet to be clear why what I am saying might
shock your sensibilities similarly to the way some people's sensibilities
were shocked by the Barbie posts.

Perhaps a misinterpretation of some sort is happening, or a
miscommunication, that we can work out and clarify.

GSDonne wrote:

>Does that also imply we are all axe murderers, drug addicts, child molesters
>etc because "The One" is also experiencing these aspects of being??


Spirit is experiencing every aspect of existence because every aspect of
existence is Spirit incarnating the All that it is for the fun of the All
that it is.

Of course, some individuals who have forgotten who they are during the fun
enact Darkness. But to provide you with my answer to your question: each
one of us has the potential to forget who we are and enact Darkness because
each one of us has the option of choosing.

My question is: understanding this, which do you choose to enact as an
individual, Darkness or Brightness?

GSDonne asked:

>Wouldn't it be easier if we just were ourselves without all this 'I AM'
>stuff, or is that too complicated/simple??


It is indeed easier -- if you conclude that it is too hard for you to
comprehend that this "I AM stuff" is simply another way of positive self

Avatar Thyer



I clarify aspects of the Self that I AM using mediums. This letter
clarifies some of My aspects using the medium of language. This letter is
a revelation of My perspective as the particular individual who wrote it.
Your perspective as the individualization that you are -- your perspective
as the individualization of that which I AM -- may differ.

Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 12:57:29 -0500
From: John Heaton <CttlemanATnospampsbnewton.com>
To: GSDonne <gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: What can't be cured must be endured (humor)
Message-ID: <357C2609.4BACATnospampsbnewton.com>

GSDonne wrote:

> ps: I note the previous spiritual semantics about everyone being an Avatar
> because they are all part of "The One", yadda, yadda.
> Does that also imply we are all axe murderers, drug addicts, child molesters
> etc because
> "The One" is also experiencing these aspects of being??

 Yes. Kinda puts a little stress on an individual if this is viewed from
the self perspective. Seems a good idea to accept unconditionally all
aspects of our Self if our self is to flourish and learn.
 Avatar, child molester...you are right, there is no ultimate
difference. To love one less than the other points to an area that needs
some attention. Kewl how that works out eh?

 > Hope this thought doesnt cause too many pple to lose sleep.:)

 Perhaps if more people did lose sleep over this thought, we could
continue our journey and get beyond axe murderers, Avatars and
molesters. (and Barbie spam *S*)

Just a thought...

John :)
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 14:04:31 -0400
From: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
To: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Chakras
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Sharon Webb wrote:

>While wandering through this thread---with not a lot of patience, I must
>say---when I came to the statement below, major k spiralings started up in
>my body and erupted through my crown. Hmmm.... It's been awhile since THAT


Perhaps those particular words that I chose resulted an instance of
communion to occur between us that caused us my meaning to resonate with
your understanding.

I comprehend that my delight with communicative clarity might tempt some
folks to choose to be impatient -- but I work to structure my writing for
the purpose of achieving instances of contact like the one you describe

I hope that you will use some of the Kundalini which that message evoked to
join into the conversation by sharing your own perspective how Kundalini
operates in your experience.

Avatar Thyer



I clarify aspects of the Self that I AM using mediums. This letter
clarifies some of My aspects using the medium of language. This letter is
a revelation of My perspective as the particular individual who wrote it.
Your perspective as the individualization that you are -- your perspective
as the individualization of that which I AM -- may differ.

Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 14:57:35 -0400
From: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
To: "Jose Arroyo" <jm_arroyoATnospamhotmail.com>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Chakras
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Jose Arroyo wrote:

>Could it be that different kinds of vibrations, I was thinking of
>different frequencies, are linked to different states of
>understanding,loving,being, as a whole?


Yes, it could be that different vibrations, different frequencies, are
linked to different kinds of understanding.

Jose Arroyo wrote:

>I think that during meditation one reaches for a short period of time
>another (probably higher) frequency and experiences related with such a
>frequency are lived.


I agree, Jose -- although rather than saying that they have reached a
"higher" frequency, I would say that because I am so directly focused on
bringing the energy of my Chakras into vibrational consonance during
meditation, while I am meditating I achieve a state of overall resonation
that is more intense in comparison to after my meditation.

However, I have noticed that the more frequently that I meditate on a
particular Chakra and correct any vibrational dissonance, the longer I
maintain that vibrational consonance after my meditation. When all my
Chakras are harmonized together and form the song that is the resonance of
full Kundalini, the integration that I experience before, during and after
meditation is the same glorious experience.

Jose Arroyo wrote:

>I never thought about the relation lightfrequency-color in chakra but it
>seems quite logic now :-) The colours you are talking about, are these
>the same as in aura's?


Based upon what I understand, my Aura is the Kundalini energy which
radiates from all my Chakras around me as a field that reflects the current
state of my overall vibrational integration.

So the colors of my Aura reflect the particular kinds of energy that I am
using at any given time.

Jose Arroyo wrote:

>Do you think that all the chakras 'resonate' at a specific frequency or
>that they resonate at different frequencies?


Yes, my chakras vibrate at specific-different frequencies.

Jose Arroyo wrote:

>It is said that a few of the lower chakras are fully developed the
>moment we are born. Others, like the heart-chakra may or may not develop
>in a human's life. This would explain (to me) that some state of
>being/understanding/dimension is more difficult to attain the others.


Yes, I have heard some people say that with regard to their Chakras.

I understand that development of any Chakra -- focusing on actualizing the
positive polarization of any specific vibration of Kundalini -- depends
upon my willingness to devote my self to doing the meditations that enable
me to realize the optimal potential of my ability to use Kundalini as an

Jose Arroyo wrote:

>isn't it much easier to feel (for a long period of time)
>Unconditional Love (heart chakra) than regular Insights (3rd-eye,
>crown chakra)?


Yes, when the energy of all my Chakras are harmonized in the full resonance
that is Kundalini, I experience Union with Spirit and become a positive
incarnation of Love and Truth.

Jose Arroyo wrote:

>If there is a kind of hierarchy in chakras and these ones related to
>specific frequencies (of energy), could it be that a very very tiny
>piece of ego would start blocking the crown chakra, but that much more
>ego would be necesary to block the heart-chakra or other lower ones?


You betcha *chuckles* . My Ego is notorious for disharmonizing my

I have found that rather than being related to one another in terms of
"higher" and "lower", the Chakras are all equally important. And so, I
have also found that any amount of Ego in any Chakra -- any amount of
negativity in any energy center -- causes disharmony if I am lazy about
doing my meditations.

Thanks for you letter, Jose.

Avatar Thyer



I clarify aspects of the Self that I AM using mediums. This letter
clarifies some of My aspects using the medium of language. This letter is
a revelation of My perspective as the particular individual who wrote it.
Your perspective as the individualization that you are -- your perspective
as the individualization of that which I AM -- may differ.

Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 14:57:57 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Chakras
Message-ID: <014b01bd930f$5ada7260$6fd11fa8ATnospamsharonwe>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Now folks, this is getting weird.

I came to the conclusion that the phrase, "I symbolize these Chakras as
spheres..." was what was setting off the major k spiralings. Coincidentally
(?) while online I have been working on a picture using the 3D program,
Bryce 3D, to create an innocuous picture of a fairy within a bubble (sphere)
overlooking another dark purple glass sphere. I had put a pic gel of one of
my Pythagorean Golden Mean fractals into a light inside the dark sphere.
This caused a deep pink glow to come up inside the glass sphere.

Ok...now my Golden Mean fractals have been known to cause strange effects
among k actives, so when I realized that the email that effected me and the
picture both used spheres, I thought....hmmm...that's the connection.

And then...I made a tiny minor adjustment to the light inside the sphere and
the whole picture changed. My little Caucasian fairy turned into a
light-skinned African (!) ...and something strange emerged at the center of
the dark sphere. Another sphere, light in color, showed up, only this one
has what looks like an impact crater in it. It looks as if a large jagged
shaft tore it open. And when the impact ripped open the center of the inner
sphere a strange alien-looking landscape emerged. ?????

And now there is a vaguely star-shaped shadow on the chest of the African
boy, and the shadowy shape shows the impact of the jagged shaft.

The picture is NOT what I had in mind at all. I don't even think I like it.
But it gives me more k chills to look at it---which it didn't before.


Input, folks?

A new fractal gallery and screensaver was posted to this site, 4/3/98:
USA Today Hot Site; Cosmic Site of the Night: Cool Central Site of the Day;
ENC Digital Dozen; Enchantment Award; ArtSearch Featured Site;
NetTech NeatTech: Web Best ; Eye Candy Award; Studyweb Featured Site;
Lotus Light Award; Wave of the Day; Hot Site Award; Critical Mass Award;
Best of the Planet, People's Choice Award, 1998; WS Award; Treasured Site

-----Original Message-----
From: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
To: Sharon Webb <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>; kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Date: Monday, June 08, 1998 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Chakras

>Sharon Webb wrote:
>>While wandering through this thread---with not a lot of patience, I must
>>say---when I came to the statement below, major k spiralings started up in
>>my body and erupted through my crown. Hmmm.... It's been awhile since
>Perhaps those particular words that I chose resulted an instance of
>communion to occur between us that caused us my meaning to resonate with
>your understanding.
>I comprehend that my delight with communicative clarity might tempt some
>folks to choose to be impatient -- but I work to structure my writing for
>the purpose of achieving instances of contact like the one you describe
>I hope that you will use some of the Kundalini which that message evoked to
>join into the conversation by sharing your own perspective how Kundalini
>operates in your experience.
>Avatar Thyer
>I clarify aspects of the Self that I AM using mediums. This letter
>clarifies some of My aspects using the medium of language. This letter is
>a revelation of My perspective as the particular individual who wrote it.
>Your perspective as the individualization that you are -- your perspective
>as the individualization of that which I AM -- may differ.
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 15:13:05 -0400
From: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
To: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Chakras (Sharon)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"



That is some intense experience. And fascinating. I'm interested in
seeing where it eventually goes for you, Sharon.

But at this point, as far as I am concerned, you are the one who is the
most qualified at this point to explain what it all means.

Thanks for sharing that. I would appreciate being kept updated.

Avatar Thyer

Sharon Webb wrote:

>And then...I made a tiny minor adjustment to the light inside the sphere and
>the whole picture changed. My little Caucasian fairy turned into a
>light-skinned African (!) ...and something strange emerged at the center of
>the dark sphere. Another sphere, light in color, showed up, only this one
>has what looks like an impact crater in it. It looks as if a large jagged
>shaft tore it open. And when the impact ripped open the center of the inner
>sphere a strange alien-looking landscape emerged. ?????
>And now there is a vaguely star-shaped shadow on the chest of the African
>boy, and the shadowy shape shows the impact of the jagged shaft.
>The picture is NOT what I had in mind at all. I don't even think I like it.
>But it gives me more k chills to look at it---which it didn't before.
>Input, folks?


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