Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/07 09:40
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #432

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 432

Today's Topics:
  Reflections On Compassion [ vcooper <madammumATnospamptialaska.net> ]
  a vote for not moving the list [ jenny.hillATnospammail.utexas.edu (Jenny) ]
  Re: Pornotherapy Online (was Barbie) [ Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.te ]
  Re: barbie and lies and bbc [ James Paterson <rockyATnospamww.co.nz> ]
  Re: Pornotherapy Online (was Barbie) [ AfperryATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: i am?? [ Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.or ]
  Re: a vote for not moving the list [ "Orea de Sa' Hana" <oreaATnospamerols.com> ]
  Chakras [ Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.or ]
  Re: Pornotherapy Online (was Barbie) [ "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com> ]
  RE: Surely! [ "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com> ]
  Re: a vote for not moving the list [ Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.te ]
  Re: i am?? [ Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co ]
  Re: i am?? [ Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co ]
  Re: a vote for not moving the list [ onarresATnospaminreach.com ]
  Re: a vote for not moving the list [ Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.te ]
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 23:56:14 +0000
From: vcooper <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Reflections On Compassion
Message-ID: <3579D6EE.3E70ATnospamptialaska.net>

To List,
   Herein is what is coming to me as a sum total of how I understand
you, myself, & internet relations. I put this out hoping for comments &
other views.

   Here we are - alive - living a LIFE here on this planet.
   I don't know anyone who is conscious of WHY they are particularly
here. Moreso, the inequities inherent within human relations here are
more the issue.
   What is money? Why spend all day & night working to pay people who
have even more $ than onesself? If expected to "Choose Life", how can
anyone "choose life" when it appears to be going to hell in a

   We all know people who were from 'advanced civilizations' &
incarnated here to iron out their svelte wrinkles. They only care for
themselves, it seems.
   Then - there are people OF the earth plane - they mingle into society
easilly, & never question AUTHORITY. They always do as they are told.
   Seemingly a larger group of people than previously noted : SQUARE
PEGS IN ROUND HOLES - the *nerds* - no social graces & never have a
clue. Live on visions & dreams & spend all their time plotting &
brainstormming ways to a better *life* (after death, usually). I am in
this group myself.

   The "other people" - the *unknown agendas* - the people who always
look innocent, but - somehow - they & their ancestors are fully
RESPONSIBLE for poisoning the playground so they & theirs could get fat.
Always have more than enough $ resources. Never answer a question
without another question. If they are not humans, maybe they are BORG,
or invested in nuclear energies.
These are the people easiest to talk to on the street, because they
smile while they slowly kill you with noxious fumes. The enemy...

   Other TRIBES of people with OTHER TRIBE KARMA who have ulterior
motives in common conversations, like alien ways of balancing resources
& philosophies & culture. Men who hate women & torture them. Women who
hate men & won't admit it. Women who hate other women because they're
younger & look nicer. Countries who worship MECCA more than people.
Countries who worship MANIFEST DESTINY more than people. The cruel
Christian God people who demand unquestioning adoration, or will smite
you. Asians with *bad attitudes* that they won't explain. Third World
countries with filthy factories & nuclear fission. Racial nationalists
who condone terrorism. Ignored children with daddy's gun. Ignorance
living demonically in people.

   Suddenly, we all meet people - all these worldwide people who not
only can think & reason, but REAL sentient other people, just like us.
20th century malaise falls away while we actually are able to discourse
with other reasoning creatures!

   When we stop bickering & agree to recognize points in common & not
accentuate differences.

YES - The glass is half full & no longer half empty!
Help Wanted: Telepath. You know where to apply.
Valerie Cooper * http://geocities.com/SoHo/7982/
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 04:04:56 -0500
From: jenny.hillATnospammail.utexas.edu (Jenny)
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: a vote for not moving the list
Message-Id: <v01530500b19fff4d4609ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Mystress and all the lovely K list folks....

I vote for not moving the list. As Mystress points out, we could just
ignore the spam... much simpler than all the stuff it would take to move
the list. Also, I really appreciate the digest form of the list as we are
able to get it from this source. I like Jan's idea about fining spammers
who send unsolicited email, don't know how practical that is, but still
like the idea.

While we're at it.... what I mind even more than spam is when someone
recopies an entire post to reply to it. Come on folks... really, can't you
just learn to snip out the few lines you want to respond to, please??
OK.. that's my gripe for the day... :-)

by the way, I just want to tell all of you, whether you recopy the whole
damn post or not <grin>, I really am starting to fall in love with all of
you... it's pretty wonderful, 'specially for a curmudgeonly hermit type
like me who usually prefers the company of the four-leggeds to the humans.



the tao which can be spoken of is not the tao

Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 11:09:18 +0200
From: Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Pornotherapy Online (was Barbie)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 03:21 1998.06.07 GMT, you wrote:
>Someone please, tell me what is WRONG with it. Please don't quote some
>book written 2,000 years ago. All of us are intrigued by sex. It holds
>delicious mysteries for us. Why do we deny ourselves one of our most
>basic instincts, calling it a sickness, a sin or depraved. Someone
>writes the words down, describing what most of us engaged in the night
>before and they're labeled as sick. What does that tell you about

Well, let me propose a little experiment: read that "Barbie" story, or go
to the porn sites (go to altavista and type "sex porno pussy hardcore",
that should give you a nice choice;) and browse them for a half an hour.
Then observe the state of your spirit, or if you are trained, look at your
sexual cakra (sva-adhisthana, the second, orange one). That's what's wrong
with it. It is vulgar, alienated, detached from Self, commercialized, and
it observes sex not as an instrument of expressing the love in the higher
aspects, but at the lowest demonic level - the kind that is usually used by
the black wizards that operate in the lower astral. The technique goes like
this: find someone's weakness, some lower instinct, lust, greed, fear etc,
then manipulate and exploit. That's what is wrong about it, and anyone with
even a small glimpse of intuition can figure it out quickly. There are many
ways of expressing your sexuality... as love and innocence, joining of
souls, joining not only physical but also the higher bodies... or it can be
the utmost darkness, porneia. And many shades of grey in between.

E-mail : sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1377
Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 21:36:36
From: James Paterson <rockyATnospamww.co.nz>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: barbie and lies and bbc
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 09:58 PM 6/5/98 +0100, you wrote:
>>In a message dated 98-06-06 02:41:29 EDT, rockyATnospamww.co.nz writes:
>><< I miss lobsters jokes >>
>>So do I! Can we request his return!
>>Love, Hillary
>I think it very important that people keep focussed on Barbie and the other
>fundamentals of kundalini activation. Requesting the return of the notorious
>sub-marine creature will be a further distraction from the serious nature
>and intent of this list. I suggest we make serious attempts to not request
>his return.
>Lobster (request denied)
>Be Well
Hey everyone! my original one line comment included the words a little

"I miss lobsters jokes **a little** - I wondered what had happened to him"

Anyway I am now also on the Yam list so can catch him there if mystress
stops him from being here

Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 06:52:17 EDT
From: AfperryATnospamaol.com
To: sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Pornotherapy Online (was Barbie)
Message-ID: <692c1f87.357a70e2ATnospamaol.com>

Dear Danijel,

In a message dated 7/6/98 10:11:20 am, you wrote:

>It is vulgar, alienated, detached from Self, commercialized, and
>it observes sex not as an instrument of expressing the love in the higher
>aspects, but at the lowest demonic level

Well said. Thank you for expressing that so succinctly. Mind you, as Jack
says, that does not mean it is WRONG. It is just not for me, you and
presumably others; that's really all we can say without usurping others' right
to judge for themselves.

God bless,
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 07:16:01 -0400
From: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: i am??
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Debora A. Orf wrote:

>i always get suspicious of the person who signs in big letters "I AM".
>because cant an inflated small ego SEEM like a the big picture?


Sure, some folks who declare "I AM" above their names could choose to act
from the negative, separating perspective of Ego. Just as some of us who
declare that "I AM" above our names choose act from our positive, unifying

Debora A. Orf wrote:

>i mean, there's a definite degree of wonderful radiant trueness and
>humility around those *with* the big picture, like i felt around my
>teacher, and with Swami Chatananda the one & only time i was around him.
>i jsut cant picture either of them going "I AM".....


I comprehend that your particular idea of a teacher involves the concept of

I also comprehend that you can't picture your teachers declaring "I AM".
Each one of us -- whether we are considered as teachers, as learners, or as
both teachers and learners -- communicates that which we are according to
our motivation. My motivation for communicating that I AM is positive, for
that is how Avatar Thyer chooses to be as my incarnation.

I am glad that you "can't picture" your teachers declaring "I AM" because
it suggests that you are free to choose to consider Avatar Thyer's
particular perspective from the vantage of the student and the teacher that
you are, rather than being enslaved only to consider his perspective from
the position of a student in relationship to a teacher.

Of course, you are also free to condemn Avatar Thyer's perspective for
being different in comparison to your particular idea of what a teacher
*should* be.

Either way the choice is yours.

And what you choose reveals more about your motivations than it necessarily
says anything accurate about Avatar Thyer's actual motivations and experience.

Avatar Thyer



I clarify aspects of the Self that I AM using mediums. This letter
clarifies some of My aspects using the medium of language. This letter is
a revelation of My perspective as the particular individual who wrote it.
Your perspective as the individualization that you are -- your perspective
as the individualization of that which I AM -- may differ.

Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 08:20:58 -0400
From: "Orea de Sa' Hana" <oreaATnospamerols.com>
To: kl List <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: a vote for not moving the list
Message-ID: <357A85A8.7EE7A13DATnospamerols.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

If I understood correctly, the Mystress receives a lot more garbage than
we do and weeds it our before it gets to us. This may be more work for
her in a cumulative sense than actually moving the list and being done
with it. I think we should let Angelique decide this one.

Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 08:20:34 -0400
From: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Chakras
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


I like the idea of Chakras. To me, they are useful tools for clarifying
particular qualities of kundalini. I have noticed that just as many
different kinds of tool exist, many Chakraic systems exist.

Lately, I have been clarifying my own system of energy centers.

I am interested in engaging a conversation with those who have found that
their Chakras, their energy centers, may differ from the traditional model.

How many Chakras do you have?
Where are they positioned?
What do you use to symbolize them (shape, color, etc...)?

Avatar Thyer



I clarify aspects of the Self that I AM using mediums. This letter
clarifies some of My aspects using the medium of language. This letter is
a revelation of My perspective as the particular individual who wrote it.
Your perspective as the individualization that you are -- your perspective
as the individualization of that which I AM -- may differ.

Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 08:45:14 -0400
From: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: <AfperryATnospamaol.com>, <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr>
Cc: <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Pornotherapy Online (was Barbie)
Message-Id: <199806071245.IAA24198ATnospamsandia.aug.com>

>It is vulgar, alienated, detached from Self, commercialized, and
>it observes sex not as an instrument of expressing the love in the higher
>aspects, but at the lowest demonic level

Well said. Thank you for expressing that so succinctly. Mind you, as Jack
says, that does not mean it is WRONG. It is just not for me, you and
presumably others; that's really all we can say without usurping others' right
to judge for themselves.
Yes, and might we consider that mature judgment comes (if at all)
after being insidiously conditioned by the vulgarity, alienation,
detachment from Self, and commercialization. But parenting
compels the *responsibility* to judge for others (offspring) and
to engage in dialog for social responsibility in dealing with
insidious fragmentary conditioning.

Is it surprising to those who have not yet made the connection that
our social/cultural conditioning might have much to do with our AWAKENING?
This might not occur to those who thrive on fantasy.

Anyway, all of you have a great day.

Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 13:48:15 +0100
From: "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>, "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
Subject: RE: Surely!
Message-ID: <000001bd9212$89f8ea20$a46335c3ATnospamjb>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Paul wrote:
> Surely we've all got better things to talk about than the `barbie'
> post.!!

Really?? In the first place, sexual energy is so to say the "major fuel" for
K. Then, under "normal" circumstances the list can be read by youngsters
from 12 on. Also, jokingly, it is possible to see the barbie-post as just
another taste for meat. As spamming only will increase (unless legal
measures are taken to protect privacy), this is an issue too. Considering
these arguments to reply, I would say the reactions were few and very

>... again, people don't know what it means to stop.

If you aren't alien, don't you think this includes you too?? And then: as
you use the word "again", what was the previous time that "people should
have stopped"? Having an argument can be healthy: it can leave behind
impressions that ultimately will germinate and exercise a beneficial
influence. Or it can focus one's attention to some "inner personal
inconsistencies" that one should iron out. Or it shows things you still have
to discover yourself. The book "daughter of fire" by Irina Tweedie could be
interesting for you. It is a diary :-)

Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 16:08:22 +0200
From: Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: a vote for not moving the list
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 08:20 1998.06.07 -0400, you wrote:
>If I understood correctly, the Mystress receives a lot more garbage than
>we do and weeds it our before it gets to us. This may be more work for
>her in a cumulative sense than actually moving the list and being done
>with it. I think we should let Angelique decide this one.

Also, Angelique mentioned, several times, that the smartlist software makes
it very difficult for her to unsubscribe folks and do the maintenance work
because she has to use different programs and manually enter x-headers and
all that stuff, which can probably be pretty frustrating; I say, moving the
list shouldn't be a big problem if she decides to go for it, my question
would be whether the new server would be reliable or not, since I have a
list that has moved from two servers because they were unreliable (bouncing
mail, going down because admin was on vacation etc:).

BTW, has anyone else had cases of returned posts from
postmasterATnospamdelhi.nic.in? It keeps sending me back everything I send to the
list. Example:

Received: from delhi.nic.in (delhi.nic.in [])
 by as411.tel.hr (HiNet/1998) with SMTP id XAA19656
 for <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr>; Sat, 6 Jun 1998 23:30:13 +0200 (MET DST)
From: postmasterATnospamdelhi.nic.in
To: sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr
Message-ID: <9806070259.AA07062ATnospamdelhi.nic.in>
Report-Version: 2
>To: zg.tel.hr!sinisa.turina
Date: Sun Jun 7 02:04:19 1998
Not-Delivered-To: shiv!csrao due to Message Transfer Agent Congestion
 (Cannot reach host. Delivery attempts will continue.)
X-SMTP-Diagnosis: UX:cs: ERROR: smtp: TLI failure: t_connect failed
    UX:cs: ERROR: smtp: TLI failure: t_connect failed
    UX:cs: ERROR: smtp: TLI failure: t_connect failed
Content-Type: message
X-UIDL: 86b174a1600aad56e519a2d8644aae8b

E-mail : sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1377
Date: 7 Jun 98 15:26:58 +0000
From: Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: i am??
Message-Id: <357AB142.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

> i always get suspicious of the person who signs in big letters "I AM".
> because cant an inflated small ego SEEM like a the big picture?
> i mean, there's a definite degree of wonderful radiant trueness and
> humility around those *with* the big picture, like i felt around my
> teacher, and with Swami Chatananda the one & only time i was around him.
> i jsut cant picture either of them going "I AM".....

I agree. I also think that a lot of people use a lot of `spiritual
words', words that have a somewhat spiritual image attatched to them,
when talking about such things. I'm sorry but I don't think all the
people I've encountered who end their messages with "love and light"
really mean it. There are type of personality who are sort of
naturally drawn to things of this nature. I know that I am.

But like you say, having to affirm it, to make it a statement, is not
necessary. Going about saying "I AM", or trying to pin down reality
into some kind of spiritually-appealing phrase or catchword. You don't
NEED the lingo. I think people, me included, get very romantically
involved with their spiritual quests.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 7 Jun 98 16:12:37 +0000
From: Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: i am??
Message-Id: <357AB508.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

Avatar Thyer,

I'm still not sure that you are truly an Avatar, as Sai Baba, but I am
open to the possibility. I'm also not sure why I think Sai is an
Avatar. Just because he sais so. Hmm. Anyway...

> >i always get suspicious of the person who signs in big letters "I AM".
> >because cant an inflated small ego SEEM like a the big picture?
> *****
> Sure, some folks who declare "I AM" above their names could choose to act
> from the negative, separating perspective of Ego. Just as some of us who
> declare that "I AM" above our names choose act from our positive, unifying
> experience.

One thing I have /very/ often encountered, for some reason, is that if
a reader has an ego they will see it at any opportunity within
something that someone has written, regardless of wether the writer
had an ego. Like, if I were to say "I am intelligent", there would be
a minor uproar (hello Mechele :). If I were to use a swearword there
will inevitably be some folk who wont like it. Generally I find that
people have quite rigid stereotypes of what it means to be egotistical
and what it means not to. I think they throw the baby out with the
bathwater. An `Avatar' surely can do everything than egotistical
person can do AND THEN SOME. If you give people the slightest hint of
anything that might come from an egotistical person, they will reject
it outright as someone who is going about madly exploding and flaring
up. I mean, how far do we have to take this? What if you went `down
into hell' and saw some person there with a massive ego. They might
pretend to be just about everything, and use all sorts of words and
stuff. And then you'd come back up to `normality' and if you saw
anyone acting that way you'd say they must be egotistical. The image
of egotistical people just jumps right into the head. People don't
resist this.

I find it is very difficult to express myself, what I mean, the
/calmness/ with which I mean it, without other people taking it wrong,
at the wrong level, in the context relative to their own disorder.
Like, if I sit here and very calmly and beautifully write something, I
then send it off, and some time later someone in the world reads it.
But that person is not in the same place, not as close to `the I AM',
not so calm or relaxed or quiet minded. And they look at the words and
they see projected in the words their own hell. And because someone in
freedom can do anything, use any words, the people of non-freedom
become outraged at uses of forbidden ways of saying things or words
that `only come from the ego'. EVERYTHING comes from the ALL. Ego
isn't the devine source. And yet people isolate things as being ego
things, with an egotistical attitude. They are things which people
cannot resist, things that people are not meditating against. It can
be tremendously difficult, therefore, to convey some sense of truth to
a person. If the person is not, basically, already in the same state
of mind in which the truth exists and in which they would have found
it for themselves, there WILL be rejection of it. It is simply
IMPOSSIBLE to teach anyone anything. There is NOTHING to learn. And
yet someone in that position can still talk, they can still write,
they can still talk about where they are. But if someone else is not
there with them, if they don't /meet/ the expression on ITS level, it
just totally screws up the sharing of the thing. And that's what leads
to conflict and anger and people stating that others are wrong or that
there is ego present. Yes ego is present /somewhere/, but one has to
be careful identifying where.

I think there is no such interaction other than the interaction of
sharing, of being WITH another, of equality, of balance, of union.
THAT is relationship. I feel that if one attempt a relationship that
crosses any other seperation of levels or degrees of enlightenment,
one is surely asking for trouble. I find myself not being very
interested in having those kinds of relationships. I don't like having
to teach someone something or to inform them of something. I hate
talking face to face with people about what I'm up to or what I've
been up to. It feels wrong. Why don't they know? Why arent't they
there to share it? And how right can it be to convey such a thing to
such a person who is removed and unprepared for it? Is it any wonder
one does not speak to those that one does not feel to be on the same
wavelength as. And I mean, you could look at this, all of what I've
written, and if you deliberately look for some ego you will find it.
There may be, somehow, a state of being in which it is impossible to
map ego onto it. A state which is perfect to ALL people. A word that
slips between the attatchmental efforts of the corrupt mind of all
humans. Such is God, the pure existential foundation in which all
things live.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 08:47:01 -0700
From: onarresATnospaminreach.com
To: Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr>, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: a vote for not moving the list
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Yes, this has happened to me as well - I wondered why... because the
postings got to the right place.

>BTW, has anyone else had cases of returned posts from
>postmasterATnospamdelhi.nic.in? It keeps sending me back everything I send to the
>list. Example:
>Received: from delhi.nic.in (delhi.nic.in [])
> by as411.tel.hr (HiNet/1998) with SMTP id XAA19656
> for <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr>; Sat, 6 Jun 1998 23:30:13 +0200 (MET DST)
Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 18:23:50 +0200
From: Danijel Turina <sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: a vote for not moving the list
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 08:47 1998.06.07 -0700, you wrote:
>Yes, this has happened to me as well - I wondered why... because the
>postings got to the right place.

I think it is because someone from that server is subscribed here, and the
connection isn't working properly - Angelique, is it possible that you
either inform that postmaster about that or simply unsubscribe everyone
from that server?

E-mail : sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1377


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