Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/07 00:53
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #431

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 431

Today's Topics:
  Re: metaphors: astral flight, past l [ Jeanne Garner <jeannegATnospamicon.net> ]
  Re: Getting started [ "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no> ]
  Re: The Fractal *I* & DNA & Astral P [ sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net (Jack) ]
  Re: The Fractal *I* & DNA & Astral P [ David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net> ]
  Re: The Fractal *I* & DNA & Astral P [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
  Re: Surely! [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
  To question faith [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: To question faith [ Nancy <NancyATnospamwtp.net> ]
  Pornotherapy Online (was Barbie) [ "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com> ]
  Pornotherapy Online (was Barbie) [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
  Re: The rift...Awareness in Words [ "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com> ]
  i am?? [ "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.or ]
  Re: Pornotherapy Online (was Barbie) [ sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net (Jack) ]
  Re: Surely! [ MMeyers541ATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: The rift...Awareness in Words [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
  Absent return [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
  Re: barbie and lies and bbc [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 15:23:35
From: Jeanne Garner <jeannegATnospamicon.net>
To: M<kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: metaphors: astral flight, past lives
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 11:33 AM 6/6/98 -0700, Mary Ezzell wrote:

>Angelique wrote:
>> With regards to astral travelling, it is something everybody does
>>naturally, but folks think it has to be more complicated than it really is.
>> For years, I yearned to astral travel, but took comfort in a psychic who
>>told me I did not need the ability coz my psychic vision was so good there
>>was no need to "go" and look. Just look.
>> This made it very confusing years later when psychic friends started
>>telling me that my spirit would show up to visit them.. Wot? Finally I
>>realized that the travels I was making in my imagination with my ESP were
>>the same as astral travel.. I had actually been doing it effortless all
>>along, but my expectations had been to feel myself leave my body and see
>>the aka cords and the light body and all that.
>The cords and flying sound like a lot more fun. To lift off slowly and
>float up like a cloud and look down on the roof, etc etc. TAking teh scenic
>route. Wish I could slow it down to that.
>Wish I could just go drift around surveying things. The other is like
>teleporting straight to a pre-selected place, rather dull.

Mary: you can make it anything you want, but in reality, there is only
"here" and "now," which is why you're doing it the way you currently are.
You just "part the veil" that makes you think there's such a thing a
distance--and then you see there is no such thing, after all.

 ==-* My stars!
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 22:45:46 +0200
From: "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
To: <NancyATnospamwtp.net>, "kundalini-1" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Getting started
Message-Id: <199806062101.XAA11366ATnospamokstind.monet.no>

> Spiritual awakening isn't something to be taken lightly. Your whole life
> could
> be ripped apart. You may feel like you are completely nuts. You may
> become
> physically ill. You may lose all of your material possessions. All of
> your
> current family and friends may not work for your life anymore.

My I embrace You as a brother in Spirit ?
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 22:22:53 GMT
From: sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net (Jack)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The Fractal *I* & DNA & Astral Projection , past lives & K-energy
Message-ID: <3579c13a.27702058ATnospammailhost.worldnet.att.net>

We can *see* this in watching leaves put out in the spring. Each bud
is about the same, each leaf unfolds about the same. Then in a few
days they are all diffferent.
We understand that although our surface individuality may appear
different, a deeper examination reveals that each of us is an
incarnations of the All-Spirit.

Awakening last October, a great need for understanding the 'process',
filled me. Having always felt the need for a 'truth' one could put
their faith into, my search has been mostly scientific.

When one speaks of DNA being the "master manual" then RNA would be a
chapter of that manual. DNA delivers all the data to the RNA, but in
the process masks, with enzymes, all but the specific codes the RNA
needs to fufill it's purpose of forming bone, tissue, blood, etc.
However, the process or road map that RNA uses to place itself at a
particular space, just the right place I might add, to produce a femur
or liver or any other organ has, for the most part, eluded scientists.
 How then does RNA read the human 'blueprint'. DNA is the
instruction manual but what is the road map? Perhaps Semyon Kirlian
showed us the answer back in the 1940's. Dr. Kirlian showed us that
living organisms have an individual electromagnetic field, some call
it the 'etheric body'. The good doctor showed us these energy fields
through the photographic process named for him.
Many people are familiar with the 'phantom limb' theory. But Kirlian
took it one step further, he showed us that matter (a limb or a
finger) is not destroyed but changes to energy ( electromagnetic field
). Several subjects were found who had recently lost a finger. After
taking photographs of their hands, a 3D holograph was made. The space
where the missing finger should be did indeed show a finger on the
holograph. The holograph, being 3D, showed the fingernail on one side
and the fingerprint on the other. The fingerprints of all the subjects
were on file and all matched the prints shown in the holograph.
 Furthermore these holograms can be broken down into thousand
of different pieces and yet, each piece shows the whole image. Thus,
the theory of the bioenergetic template was born.

I see this post is getting rather long. If anyone is interested in
more, let me know.


Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 18:44:28 -0400
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: The Fractal *I* & DNA & Astral Projection , past lives & K-energy
Message-ID: <3579C64C.EB3A95A1ATnospammail.snet.net>

Jack wrote:

> Furthermore these holograms can be broken down into thousand
> of different pieces and yet, each piece shows the whole image.

Yes this true, but only from a *specific* angle.To achieve the Whole image *all* the little pieces are still required.
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 18:46:49 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: "Kundalini" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: The Fractal *I* & DNA & Astral Projection , past lives & K-energy
Message-ID: <004b01bd919c$fe98e2c0$9cd11fa8ATnospamsharonwe>
Content-Type: text/plain;

>Jack wrote:
>> Furthermore these holograms can be broken down into thousand
>> of different pieces and yet, each piece shows the whole image.

And David wrote:

>Yes this true, but only from a *specific* angle.To achieve the Whole image
*all* the little pieces are still required.

And I add that:
...though containing the whole of the image each fragment is blurred...and
so each of us---without the others---sees through a glass darkly....
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 16:39:31 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Surely!
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 06:13 PM 06/06/98 +0000, Paul West wrote:
>Surely we've all got better things to talk about than the `barbie'
>post.!! ... again, people don't know what it means to stop.
  Really Paul, how is it you are bold enough to criticize when only
a few weeks ago you sent 47k of email to the list in a single day??
  Keep tossing those stones, your glass house will get pretty drafty..
  To borrow Harsha, WHO is it that does not know what it means to stop??
      Blessings, Mystress.
Date: 7 Jun 98 01:12:19 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: To question faith
Message-Id: <3579E888.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


I think I have probably been a bit hard on myself just lately, and
this forum has received quite a chunk of it.

Is there such a thing as a process whereby a person extremely plays
down their state of being as part of the continuation of that state?
Is it called humility or honesty perhaps? Or humble, or noble? I seem
to recall reading someplace of someone who was `God fearing', and that
they were bashful and declining. I find this kind of intriguing.

When I take a look at how bad things could be, I am reminded of how
good things actually are. I suppose it must be the same for everyone,
almost. I'm not a hooligan, I'm not violent, I don't swear very much,
don't drink or do drugs or be promiscuous, I go out of my way not to
make enemies. Can't be all that bad. (Dont take that the wrong way M!)

So probably I am hard on myself unnecessarily. I wonder if it is part
of modesty, virtue. Somehow playing down the self seems to bring about
a clarity of mind and calmness of heart. I wonder if there is a story
someplace about a wiseman who lost the way. Probably. (Dont take that
the wrong way either M!)

I am wondering if it is not high standards that bring about these
phenomenon of constant-checking within us. The person of great faith
who constantly queries wether they are right. The person of democracy
who is always trying to make sure they are not hogging the limelight.
The person of great wisdom who knows is constantly aware in case a
trace of ego arises at some point in infinity.

There has to be a more productive way of looking at things than just
isolating the ego-level of the whole package and targetting it as
having to be responsible for being seperate.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 18:46:49 -0600
From: Nancy <NancyATnospamwtp.net>
To: Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>,
 kundalini-1 <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: To question faith
Message-ID: <3579E2EE.3566BE93ATnospamwtp.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

> Is there such a thing as a process whereby a person extremely plays
> down their state of being as part of the continuation of that state?
Don't understand what you are trying to say. Are you talking about
modesty or something else?

> When I take a look at how bad things could be, I am reminded of how
> good things actually are. I suppose it must be the same for everyone,
> almost. I'm not a hooligan, I'm not violent, I don't swear very much,
> don't drink or do drugs or be promiscuous, I go out of my way not to
> make enemies. Can't be all that bad.
Wow. What right do I have even being ON this list. Not a hooligan, but
did smack my ex with a pillow on one occasion and had lots of
fist-fights as a youngster (not out of anger, just to test physical
prowess!). I swear as often as I can. Makes me feel happier to say F#ATnospam*
many times a day and call people A!%holes, mostly my friends. I like to
drink a good microbrew but don't do drugs and am not promiscuous. I've
lost concern whether people approve of me or not, so could care less if
I make enemies. And surprisingly, the less I care, the more people flock
to me.

Seriously, Paul, I don't believe in the concept of "good" and "bad" as
it relates to societal standards. I have my own internal code and I
follow that. I do this because it provides me peace. If I don't, I'm
hindered by inner feelings of turmoil. For example, I have a very
difficult time sustaining unkind action toward others. Even when they
really deserve it! I keep it up for a day or so and then it hurts too
much to feel their pain. I miss getting enjoyment out of being really
vindictive sometimes! [grin]

> I wonder if it is part
> of modesty, virtue. Somehow playing down the self seems to bring about
> a clarity of mind and calmness of heart.
Again, not sure what you mean here. Are you meaning you're like that
person who cooked a fabulous meal and says, "Oh, no, it was nothing.
Just something I whipped up."

Then that person is looking for everyone to say, "Oh, Marge! What are
you talking about? You are such a wonderful fabulous cook! We are in a
state of ecstacy after eating your lemon pie!"

Seems to me like ol' Marge is just fishing for a complement in an
underhanded way. Not sure if that's what you're meaning.

> I am wondering if it is not high standards that bring about these
> phenomenon of constant-checking within us.
High standards from whose perspective? I have found that my internal
standards do not need the validation of anyone. Nor do I need to
minimize my talents in an effort to seek approval from others.

> There has to be a more productive way of looking at things than just
> isolating the ego-level of the whole package and targetting it as
> having to be responsible for being seperate.
Well, Mother Teresa and Ghandi had some good ways to do that. They
didn't focus on themselves but instead focused on serving others.
Ironically this brought them incredible self-satisfaction.

Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 20:42:32 -0400
From: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>, "Ann Morrison Fisher" <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
Subject: Pornotherapy Online (was Barbie)
Message-Id: <199806070043.UAA02553ATnospamsandia.aug.com>

Dear Ann, Sharon, Jack and all who contributed to 'Barbie'.

     I must confess my own righteous indignation and anger
upon reading the "Barbie post". Did anyone else experience
such a reaction? My 13 year old daughter reads my email and
we are quite open with each other. Up to now there was little
to hide, but I would not have wanted her to read that one. I
would not want her exposed to the sickness of pornography,
since it can be very contagious. Yes, indeed! (pained smile)

Ann wrote:
It leaves me wondering why anyone thinks Barbie HAD a K
awakening. If she's in a business, she's just trying to reach
all the people she can.

Ann, Sharon, why was 'disturbance' overlooked in my words "K
awakening or *disturbance*"? So much of what is described on
the list as 'awakening' comes across as disturbing symptoms. If
there is a difference, those words intended, at least, to recognize
it. But more important: can ANY human experience be unrelated
to kundalini, awakening or disturbed, *even* pornography?

If Barbie, male or female, is in business, it's a sick business and
should be viewed as any illness, with understanding rather than
with condemnation or denial. And the symptoms, which retard
the awakening of kundalini, is in good part the view of self as
being a separate object, further exacerbated in that the the self
is also viewed in parts: "wow, what an ass! what a pair of tits!
Oh, what a cute pussy or whew, what a cock!" All this has become
a 'significant' part of our culture. Are not 'Boob jobs' as
pornographic as 'blow jobs' and that's a business too.

So what is needed I think are various forms of Pornotherapy,
especially on the internet. If I understand correctly, Mystress
offers one such form. But there could also be Aesthetic Pornotherapy,
Psycho-pornotherapy, Mandalic Pornotherapy, Tantric and Taoist Pornotherapy.
Hey, how about Psychadelic Pornotherapy; that'll blow your !mind! :)

Seriously, I would like to see a Pornotherapy Web Page to handle all
that sick traffic. Anybody interested?
Ed previously:
The recent 'spam' leaves me wondering why Barbie's K awakening
or disturbance would be considered/judged more from the
moral/ethical perspective than from the spiritual growth point of
view. It seems to me that pornography results from the perceptual
conditioning process which divides the human body into parts,
from not 'seeing' the whole person.
Perhaps Barbie....and some of us....need some help with this.
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 22:09:53 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Pornotherapy Online (was Barbie)
Message-ID: <003501bd91b9$5cb3b3a0$b6d11fa8ATnospamsharonwe>
Content-Type: text/plain;


>>Ann, Sharon, why was 'disturbance' overlooked in my words "K
awakening or *disturbance*"?

Because you apparently thought "Barbie" was real, not fiction.

>>So much of what is described on
the list as 'awakening' comes across as disturbing symptoms.

I, personally, don't feel that a writer trying to make ends meet by
writing/selling porn is showing disturbing symptoms. There are loads of
people out there who want it...and perhaps even benefit by it. Thank
Goddess I never had to write the stuff, because I don't like it---or any
kind of hack writing---but I'd do it if the wolf was at the door and I had
no other choice. Some of the nicest, kindest people I know write fantasy,
and that's what porn is---fantasy. It's all show biz. What I do object to
is child porn and the spamming of people like you and me who don't want or
need it.

>>If there is a difference, those words intended, at least, to recognize
it. But more important: can ANY human experience be unrelated
to kundalini, awakening or disturbed, *even* pornography?

You betcha. IMO, most human experience has nothing to do with k except in
the most esoteric of discussions. I see nothing related to k in back
biting, hypocrisy, world war, or tuna harvesting. Nor do I see much
evidence of k in patriotism, mom, apple pie, and the American flag...not to
mention Sunday School or the Boy Scouts.

Or perhaps I've just missed the spiritual qualities of cock fighting, NFL
football, over-eating, vandalism, anorexia, bear baiting and gang wars.


A new fractal gallery and screensaver was posted to this site, 4/3/98:
USA Today Hot Site; Cosmic Site of the Night: Cool Central Site of the Day;
ENC Digital Dozen; Enchantment Award; ArtSearch Featured Site;
NetTech NeatTech: Web Best ; Eye Candy Award; Studyweb Featured Site;
Lotus Light Award; Wave of the Day; Hot Site Award; Critical Mass Award;
Best of the Planet, People's Choice Award, 1998; WS Award; Treasured Site
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 22:18:34 -0400
From: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: "Roberto Gonzales del Valle" <930359ATnospamaloe.ulima.edu.pe>,
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>, "Mystress" <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
Subject: Re: The rift...Awareness in Words
Message-Id: <199806070218.WAA15013ATnospamsandia.aug.com>

Dear Roberto and Paul,

I am Ed the crab, not the lobster, being that summer water sign.
Sorry my name confused you and that I seemed ironic. I truly
was/am not hiding my identity. I have not been writing much
to the list except today.

Furthermore I will say that I admire and respect Paul's insights
and your loving nature, Roberto. I do read all your posts.

Perhaps I didn't communicate my thoughts clearly; that doesn't
surprise me. My response to Paul was not so much a response to
his thoughts as to his self awareness and honesty.

Paul said afterwards:
I am simply observing the way that my ego works sometimes. I'm
not affirming these things or trying to suggest that they are right..
I'm just trying to describe my understanding of how the `I' is

The point I thought I was making was that the ego cannot observe
itself clearly, that such observations really came from a 'Higher
Self', even though it *seems* to be coming from the ego self, and
by recognizing that Self one begins to identify with it. But, as I
concluded, "these are mere words."

I do take you seriously, Paul. Much more than you realize.

Not Ed the Lobster. (But I do enjoy his wit at times. ;))

but Ed Arrons,

acknowledging the Supreme Essence within.
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 22:02:59 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.org>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: i am??
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.980606220011.13732A-100000ATnospamwinc0>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

i always get suspicious of the person who signs in big letters "I AM".
because cant an inflated small ego SEEM like a the big picture?

i mean, there's a definite degree of wonderful radiant trueness and
humility around those *with* the big picture, like i felt around my
teacher, and with Swami Chatananda the one & only time i was around him.
i jsut cant picture either of them going "I AM".....


--jhampa tsomo
Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 03:21:49 GMT
From: sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net (Jack)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Pornotherapy Online (was Barbie)
Message-ID: <357b0722.1998044ATnospammailhost.worldnet.att.net>

What is the big deal? Pornography, geesh. A lot of people, especially
here in the US get so uptight with talking about or displaying the
human body and it's sexual functions.
Granted, sex can be shown in a poor light when it reminds us that we
are indeed animals. Is that the problem?
Why are these things forbidden? Don't look you'll realize we're no
better than the other creatures we share the planet with. Or is it
that some think a glimpse of a penis or vagina is going to bring
humanity down a peg.
Someone please, tell me what is WRONG with it. Please don't quote some
book written 2,000 years ago. All of us are intrigued by sex. It holds
delicious mysteries for us. Why do we deny ourselves one of our most
basic instincts, calling it a sickness, a sin or depraved. Someone
writes the words down, describing what most of us engaged in the night
before and they're labeled as sick. What does that tell you about

Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 23:58:49 EDT
From: MMeyers541ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Surely!
Message-ID: <9c6124f0.357a0ffbATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 98-06-06 19:50:53 EDT, you write:

<< Really Paul, how is it you are bold enough to criticize when only
 a few weeks ago you sent 47k of email to the list in a single day??
   Keep tossing those stones, your glass house will get pretty drafty..
   To borrow Harsha, WHO is it that does not know what it means to stop??
Blessings, Mystress.
Yup, Paul, I'm afraid I must "second the motion," as I just (kindly & gently,
I thought) made the constructive criticism to you about your coming across as
self-absorbed in a private email so as to avoid getting caught up in a public
"flame war"...but, gosh, gee, you seem to prefer "hearing the sound of your
own voice" rather than using this list to learn something. So shut up for
once & "listen!"

Thank you--Michele (now actively using her turbo-charged Delete key)
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 20:52:11 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "Kundalini - L" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: The rift...Awareness in Words
Message-ID: <000301bd9112$34000fa0$9b4a95c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

>Very clever: sometimes Lobster, sometimes Ed.
>It must be really comforting to be ironic when you hide even your own mask.

You also seem to have confused me with Ed Arrons (who is a person in his own
right). It is indeed comforting and ironic that people are so confused by
behaviour they think I am someone else. Fortunately I know who I am but that
is between me and my lobster.
Ever since my Kundalini snoozing I have been aware of peoples intense desire
to find out what makes me tick. At the same time I know if these efforts
were focussed on their ticking they would have the answer to all their
questions . . .

>Of course, I forgot, some here are active members of your IAM list. Is that
>yours or lobster´s?

Well Dear Friend as a member of the list it is yours as much as mine. I set
it up. The moderators are not me. The list is completely open at present. So
ownership is perhaps a joint endeavour. The web site I also set up and
encourage people to contribute. Anyone is welcome to take over the running
of this whenever they wish . . .

>Hope you answer. Know you didn´t answer my question regarding the Jackyl
>Hyde potion. Now I know why.

My Dear Friend,
I try and operate outside of my own tendencies. Because I have an extensive
and complex ego this is not always successful. When you do not like what I
say, I am still offering the best I can, when I ignore you - then you should
note this. When I am 'abusive' it may be for a variety of reasons. You
assume it is because I am being unkind. Not so. Now that may be outside of
your knowing or understanding but it is part of my knowing and
So when you confuse me with Ed Arrons, Lobster, Ed Jason, Jeckel and Hyde or
some other fantasy. Know this. I am none other than Roberto at heart.

>Be Well
>(I mean it!)

I know you do. Why shouldn't you.

Be Well
I mean it. Why shouldn't I.

Lobster (not Ed Arrons)
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 21:47:03 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Absent return
Message-ID: <000401bd9112$34e1e420$9b4a95c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

> He's returned already.. weren't you paying attention??
> Welcome back Lobster, hope you are feeling well..:)

Very well thank you. As always I thank all those working on healing. Those
with unkind thoughts - oh dear - I am sure there is no one like that here .
. .
Thanks for the welcome back. I never left. People assume that Lobsters do
not lurk . . .

> and issues of bandwidth are such, that I really prefer to see posts
>actually written by members,
> instead of forwarded stuff, quoted bits that are supposed to be good for
>somebody, and jokes.

Your preferences are all very interesting. However this list is devoted to
Kundalini and as you may know but have perhaps temporarily forgotten -
Shakti is in all things. Kundalini as a spiritual activation occurs through
the personal integrity and energy of the mind, body and spirit of very
spiritual people (like myself - in fact I am so spiritual that some people
are amazed that I don't just ascend on the spot). Now obviously as a highly
evolved individual I have superior knowledge which I can share in the way
that the knowledge chooses to unfold or I can pretend to be a person
interested in psychic unfoldment.
However as a notorious egotist and stupendous liar it is far better that all
my claims are ignored as so much flim-flam. Though of course as a 'Goddess'
people should treat you with the respect and awe (yes I say awe) that such
novel claims deserve . . .
Therefore I shall continue to behave in a way of my choosing. I shall also
be more than happy to learn all I can about the notorious and mysterious
serpent energy that has transformed people into . . . into . . .
well a variety of words spring to mind and those who are calmed and at
peace - long may it continue. For the rest please assume I am once again not
here . . .

Be Well, Be Kind, Be Happy

PS. Those thinking I am somehow opposed to k may notice the striking
similarities between Ageliques and my response to the nice lady from the BBC
. . .
Bhajan's form of Kundalini yoga. We would like to film the more extreme
form where practioners are able to get themselves into extraordinary
contortionist positions.
>Do you know of anyone who could help me?

Dear humorous Friend,
Try a circus.
You require a performer I take it? Anyone with any serious capabilities
would have nothing to do with your program covering 'kundalini yoga'. Until
broadcasters like you realise that genuine spirituality does not pander to
'extraordinary contortionist positions' but is a genuine attempt to develop
and evolve the individual you should confine your efforts to the
entertainment industry.
Try a circus.

Be Well
Respectfully Lobster

Lobster Web Pages: http://ds.dial.pipex.com/town/park/gcn23/
(Java Script removed - should work for MAC users and those with older
YinYana, Alchemy, Sufism, Time Travel, Satanism and String
Yam? I AM Web site:
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 21:58:26 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: <DruoutATnospamaol.com>, <rockyATnospamww.co.nz>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: barbie and lies and bbc
Message-ID: <000501bd9112$36286de0$9b4a95c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

>In a message dated 98-06-06 02:41:29 EDT, rockyATnospamww.co.nz writes:
><< I miss lobsters jokes >>
>So do I! Can we request his return!
>Love, Hillary

I think it very important that people keep focussed on Barbie and the other
fundamentals of kundalini activation. Requesting the return of the notorious
sub-marine creature will be a further distraction from the serious nature
and intent of this list. I suggest we make serious attempts to not request
his return.

Lobster (request denied)
Be Well


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