1998/06/06 13:23
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #430
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 430
Today's Topics:
Re: moving the list [ "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com> ]
Re: Barbie [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
Re: Pakistan [ Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iis ]
Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource [ AfperryATnospamaol.com ]
The rift [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
Re: Barbie [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
Re: The rift...Awareness in Words [ "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com> ]
Re: Barbie [ sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net (Jack) ]
Re: barbie and lies and bbc [ DruoutATnospamaol.com ]
The Rift [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
The Fractal *I* [ Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.or ]
Re: barbie and lies and bbc [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
Re: The Rift [ "Roberto Gonzales del Valle" <93035 ]
Re: The rift...Awareness in Words [ "Roberto Gonzales del Valle" <93035 ]
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ sunil sharma <sapanaallrightnoATnospamhotm ]
metaphors: astral flight, past lives [ Mary Ezzell <maryATnospamsonic.net> ]
nameless spirit having a human exper [ Mary Ezzell <maryATnospamsonic.net> ]
Re: The Fractal *I* [ Mary Ezzell <maryATnospamsonic.net> ]
Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource [ Mary Ezzell <maryATnospamsonic.net> ]
Surely! [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
Re: metaphors: astral flight, past l [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
Kundalini and Time [ Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.or ]
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 03:44:16 +0100
From: "Lobster" <lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: "Kundalini - L" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: moving the list
Message-ID: <000f01bd9058$22f14180$4d5b95c1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Angelique wrote:
> Interesting, that the spam on the list increased right around the time
>that I asked Lobster to stop posting jokes and he left in a pout.. some
>kinda karmic balancing..??
How Nasruddin created Truth
"Laws as such do not make people better,"said Nasruddin to the King;"they
must practise certain things,in order to become attuned to inner
truth. This form of truth resembles apparent truth only slightly."
The King decided that he could, and would, make people observe the truth. He
could make them practise truthfulness.
His city was entered by a bridge. On this he built a gallows. The following
day, when the gates opened at dawn, the Captain of the Guard was stationed
with a squad of troops to examine all who entered.
An announcement was made: "Everyone will be questioned. If he tells the
truth, he will be allowed to enter. If he lies, he will be hanged."
Nasruddin stepped forward.
"Where are you going?"
"I am on my way", said Nasruddin slowly, "to be hanged."
"We don't believe you!"
"Very well, if I have told you a lie, hang me!"
"But if we hang you for lying, we will have made what you said come true!"
"That's right: now you now what truth is - YOUR truth!"
Be Well
Pouting absent Lobster
Yam? I AM Web site:
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 03:54:13 -0500
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Barbie
Message-Id: <l03010d06b19eb39462aeATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>The recent 'spam' leaves me wondering why Barbie's K
>awakening or disturbance would be considered/judged more
>from the moral/ethical perspective than from the spiritual
>growth point of view.
It leaves me wondering why anyone thinks Barbie HAD a K awakening. If
she's in a business, she's just trying to reach all the people she can.
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 15:03:38 +0530 (IST)
From: Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in>
To: MARIE THERRIEN <marietherrienATnospamsprint.ca>
cc: fluteATnospamtexas.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Pakistan
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.980606150050.20523B-100000ATnospamBhaskara>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
You are facsinated to see the world war or I am getting u wrong.
Suffering can be ended with suicide also but it's only in this
life. I think one will have to go through all that in the next
life if one tries to escape frm them.
> Hello, I very enjoy the interesting news that I didn't know regarding
> different countries. Le me know more is facinating to see the end of the
> world -- all that suffering gone. Bye Lindamary.
> ----------
> > From: flute <fluteATnospamtexas.net>
> > To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
> > Subject: Pakistan
> > Date: Wednesday, June 03, 1998 6:03 AM
> >
> > ok.. open your mind just a tad on the pakistan thing and forget that you
> > believe that American is the world gatekeeper.
> > India fired off missels, then Pakistan just proved that they can fire
> > off missels on the Afgan border..
> > ..Did anyone notice that there was a massive Earthquake in Afganistan??
> > and just after the blast.. Now we know there is a fault line there..
> > ..Did anyone notice that China isn't saying a thing. Don't ever
> > underestimate China.. They are waiting and watching and as a psychic I'm
> > telling you.. China will clean their clock before Congress wakes up, if
> > the two third world countries escalate more. Then we will have a true
> > power.. China to deal with.
> > Right now their stock market is giving them problems.. from 20,000 to
> > 8,000 since Hong Kong was returned.. However.. Watch out World..
> > We have a very slow moving country for Justice because we get to lost in
> > the human rights issues. A country that is overpopulated may not have
> > those limitations..
> > ALSO..Americans don't realize that other countries think very
> > differently. My friend is Iranian and says.. You kill someone because
> > you are driving drunk and the *police*(whatever the name is for it) pull
> > you over, have you step out of the car and shoot you right there. Iran
> > isn't the only country to work that way.
> > Love,
> > flute
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 09:02:42 EDT
From: AfperryATnospamaol.com
To: Jackie.LaughtonATnospambbc.co.uk
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <86b51ad0.35793df3ATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 5/6/98 6:30:40 pm, you wrote:
>We would like to film the more extreme form where practioners are able to get
>into extraordinary contortionist positions.
What on earth has this to do with Kundalini? This is conventional Hatha Yoga.
May I suggest the Sivananda Yoga Centre in Felsham Road, Putney SW.15. If
nothing else, they should be able to put you on the right track.
God bless,
Date: 6 Jun 98 14:27:52 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The rift
Message-Id: <35795123.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
In front of my true self there is a seperation. It's quite a chasm. On
this side there is an `I' that observes, and on the other there is an
`I' being observed.
The I that observes does not believe it is the same thing as the I
that it's looking at, but it is. It attributes the observed as
belonging to that which it is mapped on top of. Oh yes, I am very
clever at making intellectual observations. Genius even!
There is a self-consciousness, a paranoia, a fear, and it's out there
at the other side of the chasm. All the people of the world stand
on the other side, and apparently it is they who are afraid. In their
mirror I see waryness and self. Surely this isn't me? Please don't let
it be me.
An emotional challenge occurs and the far side of me seperates from
the near side. In an almost blissful dumbness `I' observes the
seperated half of itself, thinking it is other, believing it is not
it - believing I am not it. The face becomes pretentious, the great
mask that is the ego, flares up and is artificial and the one that
observes hates this, wants not to be part of it, wants to believe that
it is detatched.
And so I is not very awake. Such is the width and depth of the chasm
that night and day are at different stages on both sides. I knows the
way everything should be, and in the bliss of its dumbness it
withnesses a great many intellectual truths. Oh so clever, so very
clever that I am. Oh yes, such a visionary, such a psychic, such a
pile of shit.
When the rift is wide there is a state of escape, and one does not
want to be there. One wants to escape from it. One cannot cope with
being faced with oneself in the mirror of everybody else. Life becomes
a mirror to ones own hell.
Such is the withdrawal and absorbtion that surely it is everyone else
that is wrong. It's as plain as day. It is intense, as I looks across
the chasm and sees that those on the other side have installed
mirrors, and so there is only the I on the other side and one does not
want to be near it. And the use of the word `one' is purely of
intellectual origin.
Inbetween there is a great swirl of imagery, and I is not present in
the imagery, /it seems/. Ideology has torn consciousness from its
foundation. There is no hope, no way, no likelyhood of success.
One jokes at the exepense of others, because of course I is not them.
They are so individual, so `I'. And somehow I is tremendously good at
telling the high truth of other people's wrongness, and yet is a total
hipocrit. How can one teach others truth and yet not teach it to
oneself? One rule for them and one rule for me. How I has become
everything it thinks it hasn't.
Maybe if the head was severed there would be a chance for the heart,
cold and empty, sucked dry by the internal infection of the intellect.
And how good one is at speaking /as if/ one is not these things, and
how it sounds so snobby.
Opinionated? Me? No no, must be everyone else (he sais in cursory
opinion). Oh of course, I am not good at speaking, I must become
better at it, even though one has become overproficient. Of course,
one is not confident, I must become more confident. Not that I would
allow myself to be it when it got here, I would play it down and think
there is not enough of it. Such standards. Such snobbery. Such ego.
And such absence of gratefulness, barely a thankyou spoken in his
life - he sais again distancing himself from himself.
But it's not me, it's everyone else, they are all the egotistical
ones. Even the little children have more ego than I do! Maybe they're
holding mirrors as well. How can one be afraid of children, that can't
be right.
And as one touches another in so-called kindness, is it not for the
self-indulgence of the senses. When one holds another in `compassion'
is it not for the enjoyment of being close and held. Insecurity, such
insecurity. Where are the real walls in this hall of mirrors?
Never can one ask for help. That would be failure!
But I need some help....
IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 11:36:20 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Barbie
Message-ID: <004b01bd9160$db0ea560$9cd11fa8ATnospamsharonwe>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Why do you think "Barbie" had a k awakening? More to the point, why do you
think "Barbie" is genuine...or female? That letter was a classic come-on
which could have been/probably was written by a middle-aged hairy male to
get you to respond with your email address.
I am a writer, and I am acquainted with at least half a dozen porn writers
who do it (just like "Barbie" :-)) for the money. Porn writers come in all
shapes, sexes, ages, and sizes...and are quite adept at writing from either
male or female point of view. They usually write the stuff to feed the kids
and keep the creditors away while they try to publish with legitimate
houses. You might be very surprised to know the real names of some quite
well-known writers who started with porn.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Arrons <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Date: Saturday, June 06, 1998 3:10 AM
Subject: Re: Barbie
>The recent 'spam' leaves me wondering why Barbie's K
>awakening or disturbance would be considered/judged more
>from the moral/ethical perspective than from the spiritual
>growth point of view.
>It seems to me that pornography results from the perceptual
>conditioning process which divides the human body into parts,
>from not 'seeing' the whole person.
>Perhaps Barbie....and some of us....need some help with this.
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 12:49:40 -0400
From: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: The rift...Awareness in Words
Message-Id: <199806061656.MAA10663ATnospamsandia.aug.com>
Thank you, 'PAUL' for your keen insight. 'IT' inspired the
There can be much confusion between the true SELF and the
everyday self: an 'I' that 'secretly' observes the 'i' being
observed -which is the 'i' that thinks it does the observing.
The confusion is compounded when looking at the mirror on
the wall and in society, and seeing a reflection of the *true self*.
The 'i' that is being observed and that *thinks* it does the
observing is really quite limited to just thinking..but very
clever in ascribing to the ego self those observations.
In other words *true* wisdom comes from the omnipresent
SELF and not the individual self...or, individuality may seem
quite real and ingenious but never truly wise.
Perhaps as the confusion is sorted out, the K will awaken
But, of course, these are mere words.
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 16:57:25 GMT
From: sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net (Jack)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Barbie
Message-ID: <357b74e7.8160828ATnospammailhost.worldnet.att.net>
On Sat, 6 Jun 1998 03:54:13 -0500, you wrote:
>The recent 'spam' leaves me wondering why Barbie's K
>awakening or disturbance would be considered/judged more
>from the moral/ethical perspective than from the spiritual
>growth point of view.
It leaves me wondering why anyone thinks Barbie HAD a K awakening. If
she's in a business, she's just trying to reach all the people she
I would guess Barbie to be a male. Women don't usually think or write
that way. The Barbie post screamed, 'male fantasy' and sexual
repression to me. Just my $.02.
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 13:07:51 EDT
From: DruoutATnospamaol.com
To: rockyATnospamww.co.nz, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: barbie and lies and bbc
Message-ID: <5514002a.35797768ATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 98-06-06 02:41:29 EDT, rockyATnospamww.co.nz writes:
<< I miss lobsters jokes >>
So do I! Can we request his return!
Love, Hillary
Date: 6 Jun 98 18:11:53 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The Rift
Message-Id: <35798616.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
I want people to understand that my `The Rift' message was serious and
not just some casual old tripe. It wasn't meant to be a boast. I was
deliberately trying to bring to light my potentially harmful aspects
and behaviours. I myself was trying to show how bad they were, not the
contrary of trying to be boastful or to say that these things were
good. If I said I was a genius or that it is everyone else that is
wrong, I am simply observing the way that my ego works sometimes. I'm
not affirming these things or trying to suggest that they are right..
I'm just trying to describe my understanding of how the `I' is
corrupt. My message did not come from the `I' and should not be taken
that way.
IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 13:41:50 -0400
From: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: The Fractal *I*
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Some of us experience the *I* that we are as a fractal.
The individual points of a fractal are iterations of the entire fractal.
A causal look that compares individual points of a fractal highlights their
surface differences, but a closer examination reveals their iterative nature.
Those of us who experience the *I* that we are as a fractal realize that
our individuality is an iteration of the All-Fractal. In this way, we
understand that each of us are incarnations of the All-Fractal that is Spirit.
We understand that although our surface individuality may appear different,
a deeper examination reveals that each of us is an incarnations of the
Avatar Thyer
I clarify aspects of the Self that I AM using mediums. This letter
clarifies some of My aspects using the medium of language. This letter is
a revelation of My perspective as the particular individual who wrote it.
Your perspective as the individualization that you are -- your perspective
as the individualization of that which I AM -- may differ.
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 10:37:27 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: DruoutATnospamaol.com
Cc: rockyATnospamww.co.nz, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: barbie and lies and bbc
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
He's returned already.. weren't you paying attention??
Welcome back Lobster, hope you are feeling well..:)
If you want humor, there are plenty of places on the web to get it..
there are many mailing lists that are happy to send you jokes or
inspirational stories every day.
Even Kyron is happy to send you a fluffy luv 'n light Marshmallow message
every day.
How to get him to stop sending them, is another question.
In case you've not noticed.... this list is about Kundalini..
and issues of bandwidth are such, that I really prefer to see posts
actually written by members,
instead of forwarded stuff, quoted bits that are supposed to be good for
somebody, and jokes.
Blessings, Mystress
At 01:07 PM 06/06/98 EDT, DruoutATnospamaol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 98-06-06 02:41:29 EDT, rockyATnospamww.co.nz writes:
><< I miss lobsters jokes >>
>So do I! Can we request his return!
>Love, Hillary
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 13:15:24 -0500
From: "Roberto Gonzales del Valle" <930359ATnospamaloe.ulima.edu.pe>
To: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
Cc: "Kundalini List" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: The Rift
Message-ID: <005c01bd9177$45586a80$e4db11cfATnospamlgvnprotelsa>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Nevermind about that Paul. See, this is only your ego trying to point out
something to us.
We all have a dark side sort of speak. Just know it only takes a small
lightbulb to bright an entire dark room.
Love neverminds what
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 13:20:11 -0500
From: "Roberto Gonzales del Valle" <930359ATnospamaloe.ulima.edu.pe>
To: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>, "Mystress" <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
Subject: Re: The rift...Awareness in Words
Message-ID: <007f01bd9177$c35b05a0$e4db11cfATnospamlgvnprotelsa>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Very clever: sometimes Lobster, sometimes Ed.
It must be really comforting to be ironic when you hide even your own mask.
Of course, I forgot, some here are active members of your IAM list. Is that
yours or lobster´s?
Hope you answer. Know you didn´t answer my question regarding the Jackyl and
Hyde potion. Now I know why.
Be Well
(I mean it!)
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 08:24:56 -1000 (HST)
From: sunil sharma <sapanaallrightnoATnospamhotmail>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199806061824.IAA15026ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>
The theoretical and practical aspects of Kundalini has interesred me a lot.I have also been meditating for the last 2 years without any powerful effects. I would be interested to try kundalini.I read one book on kundalini. It revolved more around the chakras and devlopmental issues associated with these chakras but said nothing about specific meditation exercises.Maybe somebody can suggest me a book that gives directions on the practice of Kundalini.
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 11:33:43 -0700
From: Mary Ezzell <maryATnospamsonic.net>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: metaphors: astral flight, past lives
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Angelique wrote:
> With regards to astral travelling, it is something everybody does
>naturally, but folks think it has to be more complicated than it really is.
> For years, I yearned to astral travel, but took comfort in a psychic who
>told me I did not need the ability coz my psychic vision was so good there
>was no need to "go" and look. Just look.
> This made it very confusing years later when psychic friends started
>telling me that my spirit would show up to visit them.. Wot? Finally I
>realized that the travels I was making in my imagination with my ESP were
>the same as astral travel.. I had actually been doing it effortless all
>along, but my expectations had been to feel myself leave my body and see
>the aka cords and the light body and all that.
The cords and flying sound like a lot more fun. To lift off slowly and
float up like a cloud and look down on the roof, etc etc. TAking teh scenic
route. Wish I could slow it down to that.
Wish I could just go drift around surveying things. The other is like
teleporting straight to a pre-selected place, rather dull.
> When I surrendered to the experience more consciously, I did see that
>stuff.. but it's Not necessary.
> Time space doesn't really exist, so there is no "here or there" to get
> But wherever you go, there you are.. so when you go somewhere in your
>imagination, you really are "going" there in the astral.. but it is all
>within you. You are bigger than you think.
Makes sense. There was something like that in a Piers Anthony fantasy book.
A magic potion or somethign that made you get as big and hazy as a cloud,
with one foot in New York and one in Florida. Then you decided where you
wanted to be, and stood on that foot, and shrank.
> Likewise, the idea of "past lives" is also an illusory metaphor.
> When we seek to find the issues of "past lives", our unconscious delves
>into the Jungian Sea of all human experience, in the moment, and connects
>with up with an alternate aspect of the One Self which is All of Us and
>everything, to find a resonant story that will explain the current issues
>in a way ego can understand.
This makes a lot of sense with a lot of therapy etc. But I've had memories
and reunions etc that checked out closer to the traditional idea, that some
'past lives' are really closer to this life in practical terms than others.
EG being drawn to the name of an obscure religion in the ENcyclopedia
Brittanica, and going ot find the people, and fitting and being welcomed,
lots of other 'memories' being stirred up. Sure, you can analyze all this
as random access resonation or something ... like you can analyze the table
as 'just atoms' ... but there's a level where it's more convenient to take
it at face value.
> We get the type of metaphor we ask for.. I adjusted my programming a bit
>recently, and so now it gives me novel and movie metaphors instead, which
>are not so confusing as past lives.
Right. Sort out the emotional metaphor stuff from the practical (if any :-).
Still, the metaphor may be putting on too many limits. "My bamboo tea
plantation was from a past life, so it's probably not still there, so no
point in looking for it." Etc.
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 11:33:41 -0700
From: Mary Ezzell <maryATnospamsonic.net>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: nameless spirit having a human experience
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Thanks for sharing this!!!
At 03:26 PM 6/3/98 -0700, Angelique wrote:
> I was born awakened, and at this place where I manifest now I know myself
>to be nameless spirit having a human experience. That which I thought I
>was, splintered one day
When? What was going on in your life at that time? Did you have career etc
decisions to make, or could you just drift and let the spiritual stuff
happen and decide worldly stuff later?
> into infinite shards of moments and events, of
>memories that were an illusion of the past.. and I realized that every
>moment of my life had happened to a different persons..
> and infinity of persons
Right! Some scripture says it too, that each thought is a separate person,
who never appears again.
> and I could not hope to ever get them sorted into what I thought I
>was again.
Seems unlikely to.
> Yet, when I surrendered to being All of them at once, with
>Goddess and a handful of aliens and past lives thrown in, there was a bliss
>of unity that was much greater than the infinite sum of it's parts.
Here you're ahead of me.
> All of your judgments about who you are.. good and bad.. go foom to make
>way for something bigger.
In the meantime, on the way to that ... I sometimes find a stage where I
feel like a 'nameless spirit' who is too small and pure to have any
attributes at all. 'A disembodied point of view', as someone said. A tiny
little spark or star that moves through the various identities.... As
through a carnival fun-house....
More later,
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 11:47:45 -0700
From: Mary Ezzell <maryATnospamsonic.net>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: The Fractal *I*
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Yes. Maybe another metaphor might be:
Think of some seeds that all have identical DNA. Still they will grow to
different trees because of different soil, wind, etc. But each still has
the complete DNA in every cell, so a new tree could be cloned from each,
which would still have the same complete DNA info.
We can *see* this in watching leaves put out in the spring. Each bud is
about the same, each leaf unfolds about the same. Then in a few days they
are all diffferent.
At 01:41 PM 6/7/98 -0400, Avatar Thyer wrote:
>We understand that although our surface individuality may appear different,
>a deeper examination reveals that each of us is an incarnations of the
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 11:47:47 -0700
From: Mary Ezzell <maryATnospamsonic.net>
To: sapanaallrightnoATnospamhotmail, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I must be getting pre-cog, I'm answering posts before they're posted! :-))))
To repeat:
Hm, I wonder if there's some confusion about the word 'kundalini'.
Here are some different ways it is used:
1. 'Kundalini energy' -- which rises from base of spine to crown of head
2. 'Kundalini yoga' -- techniques for
A. opening/clearing the chakras to prepare a path for the energy
B. awakening the energy and getting it started upwards
3. 'Kundalini experiences', symptoms, awakening -- the experinces people
have which often accompany the rising of the kundalini energy.
The rest of this is at my previous post:
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 22:47:38 -0700
From: Mary Ezzell <maryATnospamsonic.net>
Subject: Re: Getting started
At 08:24 AM 6/6/98 -1000, sunil sharma wrote:
>I would be interested to try kundalini./snip/
>Maybe somebody can suggest me a book that gives directions on the practice
of Kundalini.
Date: 6 Jun 98 18:13:53 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Surely!
Message-Id: <357986E1.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
Surely we've all got better things to talk about than the `barbie'
post.!! ... again, people don't know what it means to stop.
IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1998 15:18:58 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: metaphors: astral flight, past lives
Message-ID: <01aa01bd917f$f5673de0$9cd11fa8ATnospamsharonwe>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Mary wrote:
>"My bamboo tea plantation was from a past life, so it's probably not still
there, so no point in looking for it.">
There is no past or future except as experienced with the narrow confines of
linear time. Your bamboo tea plantation exists in the present moment...and
your present "Mary" life interacts with it, and it with you, in the now.
Date: Sat, 06 Jun 1998 15:32:09 -0400
From: Avatar Thyer <thyerATnospamfreenet.grfn.org>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Kundalini and Time
Message-Id: <199806061932.OAA20888ATnospama.mx.execpc.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Sharon Webb wrote:
>There is no past or future except as experienced
>with the narrow confines of linear time.
I experience both the Past and the Future as metaphors for the Present --
metaphors for the Now -- that is Time.
I have noticed that Time is only narrowly confined when the Past and the
Future are considered to be separate from the NOW, rather than considered
as symbolic for the Present-Now.
By weaving Kundalini into Time, I intensify my ability to create because in
addition to being one of the points of my power, the Present is also one of
the powers of my point.
Avatar Thyer
I clarify aspects of the Self that I AM using mediums. This letter
clarifies some of My aspects using the medium of language. This letter is
a revelation of My perspective as the particular individual who wrote it.
Your perspective as the individualization that you are -- your perspective
as the individualization of that which I AM -- may differ.
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