Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/02 07:50
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #420

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 420
Today's Topics: Re: Crisis [ "Roberto Gonzales del Valle" ]
  Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the S [ "Magne Aga" ] Re: Lunar Spiritual Path and Solar S [ "Magne Aga" ]
  new member [ "Walls" ] Re: too damned many posts lately and [ Mystress Angelique Serpent ]
  Marketing Information [ jackATnospamcompuserve.com ] Nadis - The Upanishads, Heart, and t [ Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: The Judge [ Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com ] Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the S [ AfperryATnospamaol.com ]
  Apology and question [ melintonATnospamalison.sbc.edu ] Eruption [ Paul West
To: Cc: "Gene Kieffer" ,
 "Heartzen" , "Kundalini List"
Subject: Re: Crisis Message-ID:
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Bill Gates and Ted Turner are not the most important man in the world. In fact, Bill Gates could even be what in the apocalipse was described as the
anti-christ. You can call me mad. But it is time to spread the word of the final days. Great changes are coming after him. The internet is nothing but
a tool to use and know that we can join together in a higher level, then we won´t even need this tool.
Things have to come to an unbearable point in life -big and small- when we
can not take it anymore, it will hopefully go and light will embrace us.
It is the light workers that must believe this. Bill Gates and Ted Turner will probably take a chance and get money out of it.
bill gates III
the summatory of the letters in ASCII (the international comunicatioin code which was established before him) throws 666, now read carefully Apocalipse
18, 13.
Change is going to come, hopefully. May God and Goddes unite us all
Love, light and discernment
Roberto Lima, Peru

>Gene Kieffer wrote: ( asked to share this with both lists from Gene) >>
>> Dear Gloria, >>
>> As you know, the situation between India and Pakistan is the >> Big Crisis that Gopi Krishna was writing about. Unless Heaven
>> shows Mercy, we will see the missiles fly before the end of the >> Century.
> >GG
>I guess it is true that this is the closest the world has been to >nuclear war from the time of Cuba crisis. That is what they said on TV.
>> >> I am 100% convinced that we will see Pakistan and India fire
>> off nuclear missles before the end of the century. >>
>> So what can we do about it???? >
>Gg >As you say, God's will is the answer, of course people have the duty to
>do all that is possible as it comes to them. >>
>> You have an email list. Tell everyone on the list that there >> is only one possible way of softening the blow and that is to exert
>> all our effort to spread the word about Kundalini as the evolutionary >> mechanism in human beings.
> >GG
>I will and send it on to the kundalini list. >>
>> We must MAKE TED TURNER AND BILL GATES listen. How? If enough >> people write to both men and tell them that they must investigate
>> what Kundalini is all about. We can do it by email or by >> postal mail.
>> >> The main thing is that we tell as many people as we possibly can
>> and urge them to tell others. >>
>> We and they have nothing to lose. >>
>> Believe me, in three months Ted Turner and Bill Gates are not going >> to be able to sleep at night. They will be terrified.
>> >> I do not mean Bill Gates and Ted Turner are the only ones to be
>> notified. They simply symbolize or represent the kind of super-rich >> men who must be told.
>> >> All best wishes,
>> gene Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:22:54 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us Subject: Re: primates and meat
Message-Id: Hillary suggests:
>wonder if Chinese Snake year and Tiger year people have more of a >difficulty >being vegetarian than Horse and Sheep year people.
Interesting question. I was born in a snake year and I do eat meat. I also
feel some guilt about it (nod to Danijel), not that I think anyone else should. I take responsibility for my own feelings on this.
Anyhoo, I do seem to require meat to have the energy level needed for a
relatively stressful 40 hour a week job. There may be a way to combine the correct legumes and grains, etc. to get enough protein but I too have
certain allergies that may pose a problem. It would also really help if there were fast food places that served veggie burgers...
I have become a bit distressed (just a tad) over some of the animosity
between people I like. Mom! Dad! Big sister! Baby brother! Please don't fight! I value all of your opinions. I also feel that our strength is in
diversity. What would happen if we all became vegetarians tomorrow? Think of all the meat packers and farmers and truckers and people who work for
distribution companies and grocery stores that would be out of work. Just a thought....
It would be a *good* thing in my opinion if the world moved more in the
direction of vegetarianism... Perhaps better and more allergy-free types of proteins could be developed through research and development. Personally, I
would like to see this happen because, like I said, I do feel some guilt about it...
I rescued a turtle from the middle of the highway so it wouldn't get
squashed. Then I had a little talk with him about taking care of himself and set him down in the sun by the lake. But then again, I had chicken for
lunch today....
amckeon (who just couldn't stand to be left out of the conversation :)
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 11:49:54 -0700 From: Mary Ezzell
To: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Thanks for good yoga posts Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Just a note of appreciation for all these good yoga posts lately. So many words get translated differently into English by different groups. It is
very valuable to have a forum where members of different yoga groups can compare their experiences and sort out the differences in translation.
Namaste to all,
Mary ( BD )
------------ At 11:17 AM 6/1/98 EDT, Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com wrote:
>Alan: Interestingly enough, Ramakrishna apparently used to ask his disciples >to meditate on "the heart", but at a point physically just below the breast-
>bone (and which practice the Ramakrishna Order continues to this day). >
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 22:10:52 +0200 From: "Magne Aga"
To: Subject: Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the Shakti
---------- > From: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com
> To: AfperryATnospamaol.com > Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
> Subject: Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the Shakti > Date: Monday, June 01, 1998 5:17 PM
> > Alan: Interestingly enough, Ramakrishna apparently used to ask his
disciples > to meditate on "the heart", but at a point physically just below the
breast- > bone (and which practice the Ramakrishna Order continues to this day).
> > Harsha: Thanks Alan for pointing this out. As soon as I read this I had
> serious goosebumps all over my body. I have noticed one of the side effects of
> being on this list is that I have started to read again some of the books of
> my childhood and adolescence. By the way a month or so ago, I looked at my old
> copy of the Serpent Power by Arthur Avalon due to the discussion between Kurt
> and Joe Miller. I noticed that it talked about various sanskrit mantra sounds
> and their relationship between different Nadis. I had to smile. The mind can
> forget a lot in 20 years:--). It mentioned many advanced methods of pranayama
> as well. >
> Jan: Experiencing the K. related chakras and > the heart chakra at the right was never simultaneous and the existence of
> the chakra at the right was experienced much later than the others. Because
> several times during walking meditation I experienced the absence of body > feelings, gravity included, chakras are never experienced as a seat of
Self. >
> Harsha: Jan, it makes sense. For me also the "experience" of the Heart came
> after the Kundalini had gone up to Sahasarara in meditation many many many
> times over a period of two years in my early twenties. In all such times I
> would not be physically moving but in Samadhi and my body was totally immobile
> as in sleep. In my experience there are many different Samadhis possible at
> the Sahasarara (as well as on other centers on route to Sahasarara). When
> Superconscious states at Anahata, Vishudha, Ajna and Sahasarara had become a
> frequent occurrence, one day Shakti after having reached the Sahasarar came
> down on the front side of the body and merged in the Cave of the Heart. Then
> even the slightest feeling of existence disappeared and there was perfect > recognition of Reality as the Self.
During my first Kundalini awakening, Kundalini moved UPWARDS on the front
of the body, had a long rest in these chamber - an experience which literarily "took my breath away" - before continuing to the head.
> magneagaATnospammonet.no (Magne Aga): Hridayakasham (the akashic chamber of Beauty),
> symbolized by the Queens chamber in the Great Pyramid, is not the same as > anahata. First of all, Hridayakasham is the name of a meditation
technique, > used in a preliminary
> Kriya Yoga program, composed of 9 meditation teqniques. Second, hridaya is
> the name of a heart lotus with 8 blades, "the secondary heart chakra". >
> Harsha: Thanks for your sharing Magne Aga. I agree with your distinction.
> Perhaps you are also familiar with Ramana Maharshi who speaks of the Heart and
> the Self. The Kriya Yoga program that you write about, if it has origins > older or different from Swami Yogananda's tradition, could you mention
the > sources. Thanks. Great to have you with us.
Many schools of meditation focus on one single meditation technique only (TM is an example). Another approach is to combine many techniques into a
deep-going process. Compare it with the gears in your car: When the speed of revolution has reached it's climax, choose the next gear ! In other
words: When a certain technique has reached it's climax, giving you a electric kick, shift to the next method ! When the same happens with the
next method, shift to the next method etc.
The Kriya Yoga tradition operates with three different composed techniques:
 "Vishuddhu Shuddhi" (4 meditation techniques) "Ajapa Jap" (9 meditation techniques)
 "Kriya Yoga" (24 meditation techniques)
Besides, the same tradition operates with some meditation techniques for advanced users: "Prana Vidya" (a healing technique), "Hridayakasham
dharana" (focus on the hearth chamber), "Chidakasham Dharana" (focus on the head chamber) and "Chaaya Upasana" (The Disciple of the Shadow).
But there exists an even older "Kriya Yoga" (name it whatever you want),
which was revealed to me in Theta state. It is composed of 72 different techniques, corresponding to the 72 steps of materialization /
dematerialization. 72 upstreams (dematerializing) and 72 downstreams (materialising) processes. I refer to it as the original Kriya Yoga, since
Kriya Shakti means "The Force of materialisation"
Kriya Shakti was the force responsible for the so called "fall of man" from their energy structure bodies to the present physical bodies. The first
humans was created by Kriya Shakti.
+ + +
I do not have any insight in Ramana Maharshis writings. I just want to add that the additional Chakras, according to my experience has to do with the
regulation of the etheric Web. There are 3 additional chakras in the head, one additional throath chakra together with hridaya. And they should be
unfolded in these steps: Head, Throath, Heart. These 4 extra chakras also corresponds in some way, I think, to the root chakra, the lotus with 4
blades - and the four qualities abiding therein, namely:
1) The ability to distinguish between the eternal (the root) and the temporarily (blades)
2) The ability to see the correct relationship between these two (SAT and ASAT)
3) The 6 qualities, of the 6 blades in Anahata 4) The Love of our inner Freedom and Biss (Sat-Chit-Ananda)
By the way, a unpleasant discovery of mine, is that I've been posting very
much valuable information in the last few months to individuals, rather than to the Kundalini list. Well, maybe there was even a reason for these
mistake. Our High Self sometimes have a peculiar sense of humor:)
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 22:41:04 +0200 From: "Magne Aga"
To: Subject: Re: Lunar Spiritual Path and Solar Spiritual Path
---------- > From: Hofe1ATnospamaol.com
> To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com > Subject: Lunar Spiritual Path and Solar Spiritual Path
> Date: Sunday, May 31, 1998 3:24 AM >
> A solar path is one that is concerned with an ultimate authority that has > some final say on the aspirant's quest. A priest, padre, mullah, guru or
> minister demands some total obedience based on theology or past experience.
The Solar path, gives You strength, support, new fresh energy, just as a
father can support his son in difficult periods.
> In a lunar path, under the soft light of the moon, everything blends with > everything else. Within a powerful king is a poor medicant. A teacher has
> within him a bit of the student. Method and practice of spirituality are all
> very individual for each practioner in order to fit that person's needs.
> One develops a love and grounding to mother earth in order > to be receptive to father sky. Introspection is valued over external
guidance. > Gentleness is favored over severity, and there is no central authority to
> cling to.
The Lunar Path wash away your negativity in a smooth, feminine way.
Male and Female are complementary. The second initiation is, for example connected to Baptism by Fire (Male) and Water (Female). First of all,
Spirit gives us a glimpse of the Ultimate Ligth (Fire), but when these Fire has given us Divine Energy, cleansing with waters is necessary, because the
contrasts between the Ligth and our old ways of becomes clearer. Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 17:25:36 -0000
From: "Walls" To:
Subject: new member Message-Id:
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I wanted to introduce myself.My name is Mary, I am a married mother of
three, and have been attending metaphysical classes weekly, and practicing meditation daily.I have been wondering about kundalini, and where I could
find out more, I am very glad to have found the list. I believe I am experiencing an awakening, and the effects are a little unsettling if you
don't know what's going on.Luckily, I had some idea but wasn't sure.,tinglings on different areas of the body, beginning to see spirit,
but only beginning,during meditation sometimes I have to gasp for air, and other times feel like my stomach is rolling,(kinda like when you reach the
top of a roller coaster, and start heading down). Hope to learn and share with all of you.
Love and Light, Mary
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 00:40:08 -0700 From: Mystress Angelique Serpent
To: Hofe1ATnospamaol.com Cc: joemillerATnospamhotmail.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: too damned many posts lately and Masturbation Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 02:49 AM 01/06/98 EDT, Hofe1ATnospamaol.com wrote: >Well there is an exercise to cultivate male energy. You come near the
point of >ejaculation and then breathe in deep and squeeze all the locks and then then
>circulate the energy. That way you have plenty of energy to be obnoxious with >if you please. :o)) I enjoy this kriya a lot and have done it for extended
>amounts of time. Get multiogasmic too. OOOOOOOHHHH. OOOOH. OH GODDESS! >
> >
  Heh heh heh.. Good fun. I teach my slaves to do this then Vampire the energy off them and send it back to them transformed.. wheeee!
    Blessings, A. Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 19:24:15 -0500
From: "Roberto Gonzales del Valle" To: "Kundalini List" ,
 "Heartzen" Subject: website
Message-ID: Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Hi All:  
I have been working on a website these days.
I don´t know a thing about html (which I would to have it animated) but tripod offers pre-done websites, all you need
is love and to put the info in. Anyway here it is:
  hope you like it.
  best wishes
Lima, Perú. Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 17:36:53 -0700
From: "Maven Peal Instruments, Inc." To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Unidentified subject! Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I agree with Joe. I joined this list two weeks ago to learn about kundalini, and now I'm wondering if all "kundalini" means is "crazy,
Is it part of kundalini energy to not treat others (including this list) with respect?
Kathy Bizzoco
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 19:34:32 -0500 From: "Roberto Gonzales del Valle"
To: "Maven Peal Instruments, Inc." Cc: "Kundalini List"
Subject: Re: Unidentified subject! Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I am sorry that you got inside in such a time. But things go to and fro in this list, just as they do in life.
 Sometimes people get too deep in discussions and that is when things have to get resolved.
Now it is very peacefull after the storm, as you can see. Hope you get what you are looking for.
Roberto Lima, Peru.
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 07:29:50 +0530 (IST) From: Anurag Goel
To: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: primates and meat Message-ID:
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> diversity. What would happen if we all became vegetarians tomorrow? Think > of all the meat packers and farmers and truckers and people who work for
> distribution companies and grocery stores that would be out of work. Just a > thought....
Another explanation for sticking to non-vegetarian diet. things don't change all of a sudden. It takes time.
> It would be a *good* thing in my opinion if the world moved more in the > direction of vegetarianism... Perhaps better and more allergy-free types of
> proteins could be developed through research and development. Personally, I > would like to see this happen because, like I said, I do feel some guilt
> about it...
Shouldn't the immunity level of a person be raised rather than developing allergy-free protiens.
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 22:19:58 -0400 From: "Orea de Sa' Hana"
To: "Maven Peal Instruments, Inc." , kl List
Subject: Re: Unidentified subject! Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"
It's not always like this. People around here care a lot and sometimes
that passion gets out of hand. If you have questions, start a thread.
And welcome!
Orea Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 21:03:34 -0500
From: jackATnospamcompuserve.com To: ATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Marketing Information Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Dear Marketer,
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  Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 23:35:03 EDT
From: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com To: magneagaATnospammonet.no, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Nadis - The Upanishads, Heart, and the Shakti Message-ID:
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
In a message dated 6/1/1998 1:16:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
magneagaATnospammonet.no writes:
< During my first Kundalini awakening, Kundalini moved UPWARDS on the front of the body, had a long rest in these chamber - an experience which
 literarily "took my breath away" - before continuing to the head. >>
Harsha: I have mentioned the frontal nadis before on the list and their
importance. For some reason, I hardly see much mention in the literature of the Shakti manifestations and moving upwards that is felt in the front. One
exception is Swami Narayanananda (Ramakrishna tradition) who speaks very precisely of the counterpart of Sushmana that is felt in the front.
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 00:09:04 EDT From: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com
To: fransATnospamtelebyte.nl, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: The Judge
In a message dated 5/30/1998 4:20:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time, fransATnospamtelebyte.nl writes:
< But it was there next morning and i could see how i have used popular
 concepts of spirituality and enlightenment to keep myself down. How my mind has turned them into 'shoulds' and 'musts'. How there's a
 kind of judge in the back of my mind, and this judge knows what spirituality and enlightenment is all about. He is condemning almost
 anything i do because it's not perfect, and shows me how un-enlightened i am, and how far i still have to go....
  >> Harsha: Ultimately the mystery of existence is tied to the mystery of
perception. What is it that we are truly able to perceive without interpretation? Whatever must be given interpretation is necessarily going to
be distorted. And yet there are moments in life which require no interpretation until they are remembered. When two lovers meet there comes a
moment of being without interpretation. It may be in a simple embrace or after the consummation. When a child is held by his mother, a similar moment
arises for the child. Such moments point or indicate the possibility which is always alive in us. Self-Realization is simply that. It is infinity caught
in the moment and the moment expanded to infinity. Whether one is sipping tea, playing chess, in meditation, with friends, family, etc., that moment is
always there. It is just You. Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 08:10:19 EDT
From: AfperryATnospamaol.com To: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the Shakti
Dear Harsha,
In a message dated 1/6/98 4:17:54 pm, you wrote:
>....one day Shakti after having reached the Sahasarar came >down on the front side of the body and merged in the Cave of the Heart.
I often experience the descent of the K down the front side of my body, into
my chest area (can't be more specific) and this causes a bright red flushing in the skin of my chest, which I believe is caused by the energy release. This
has been happening for over 10 years but is less physically obvious now than before. How does this tally with you?
God bless,
Alan Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 09:52:24 -0400
From: melintonATnospamalison.sbc.edu To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Apology and question Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Apologies to everyone who I might have offended last week by implying that vegetarians have stinky attitudes. To make peace I'll tell you about my
great veggie sandwich I made last night:
Get a big onion roll and split it. rub olive oil on the insides and sprinkle it with parmesian, dry garlic, oregano and black pepper. run it
under the broiler until its as toasted as you like, then slap a big slice of sweet onion in it and eat it while its warm. Can't we all just stink
together! :)
There is a k-related part of this post! Has anyone ever had pain & numbness in the outside edges of the palm ( running down the outside of the little
finger) or known this to be k-related? The only reason I think this may be k-related is because it started up in the right hand earlier this year and
the pain got so bad I thought I had a bone spur. then suddenly it was gone. Now its in my left hand. Same place. Whatcha think?
Rave on
 crazy feeling rave on
 got me rockin&reelin Date: 2 Jun 98 15:19:17 +0000
From: Paul West To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Eruption Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
I feel I must report a new k thing which has happened to me. This has
never happened before.
Sitting here a day or two ago, I was happily typing away some message or something or other. As if flipping a switch my entire body was
suddenly active with k energy, and just as quickly as it came it stopped. And bizarrely, it had NO effect on me. So much so that I
almost thought nothing of it.
Tricky to describe it, but it was like my entire self vanished instantly and completely, for a split second, and then returned
entirely back to normal.
I had heard in places that when the self/ego starts to switch off like that it can be a sign that one is getting in touch with the
unconscious or something?
This event is unexpected. It was like a snapshot of my k `explosions'. This is the first time that such a thing has happened during my waking
I feel this important, like a gentle beginning, an introduction.
-- Paul.
IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk


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