Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/01 10:42
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #419

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 419

Today's Topics:
  Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the S [ AfperryATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the S [ Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iis ]
  Re: The Force of Self-Realization [ Pamela Ruigh <ruighATnospamyahoo.com> ]
  Bhagavad Gita (was Re: The Force of [ AfperryATnospamaol.com ]
  English translation of jivan mukti v [ "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com> ]
  Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the S [ "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no> ]
  Re: Crisis [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
  Re: too damned many posts lately [ "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail. ]
  Re: too damned many posts lately and [ Hofe1ATnospamaol.com ]
  Remote Viewing [ Jim Cook <jimcATnospamsonic.net> ]
  RE: too damned many posts lately and [ "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com> ]
  Re: too damned many posts lately [ Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co ]
  Re: Remote Viewing [ Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co ]
  Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the S [ Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Licking Toads [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 12:03:01 EDT
From: AfperryATnospamaol.com
To: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the Shakti
Message-ID: <671bf12e.35717f36ATnospamaol.com>

Dear Harsha,

In a message dated 31/5/98 2:02:16 am, you wrote:

>Alan: One point I should make though, in favour of your 'literality': in my
>experience, the Heart is the prime source of all bliss/ananda. It emanates
>initially from the Heart then permeates through the rest of me. So what is
>Harsha: The Source is the Self.

Alan: Agreed, but I don't feel it as coming from the Heart Chakra, well
certainly not the Anahata in the centre of my chest. Interestingly enough,
Ramakrishna apparently used to ask his disciples to meditate on "the heart",
but at a point physically just below the breast-bone (and which practice the
Ramakrishna Order continues to this day). This lower chakra I certainly feel;
it as an enormous power centre but it is NOT the Manipura: it may be what is
known as the Karma Kanda, but I rarely see this referred to in classical
literature. I wonder whether this has some relation to the Heart Cave and/or
Ramana's seat of the Self?

> Harsha: You often write God bless or blessings after all your posts. it is
>delightful to read. So let me say that God bless you Alan with all that is
best in >life.

Alan: Thank you. I can think of nothing more appropriate and more meaningful
to end posts with and I am glad that it gives you joy. But funnily enough, I
have recently stopped saying "With blessings" in favour of "God bless". It
suddenly struck me: who am I to bless anybody? God does the blessing although
I may be fortunate enough to be the channel. So, being the precise person that
I am, I felt it necessary to change my tack.

The end result is the same, I hope :-)

God bless,
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 21:45:00 +0530 (IST)
From: Anurag Goel <anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in>
To: Mary Ezzell <maryATnospamsonic.net>
cc: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the Shakti
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.980531214029.4866A-100000ATnospamBhaskara>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

mary I think u r talking about SUKSHMA SHARIR. But i don't know where it


> Mary
> -------
> >Harsha: /snip/ I think the term
> >"Heart" is both figurative and literal. For example, Katha Upanishad states,
> >"Radiating from the Lotus of the Heart there are 101 nerves. One of these
> >ascends to the thousand petaled Lotus in the brain." Prasna Upanishad
> states,
> >"Prana (the reference is to Kundalini Shakti) is born of the Self. Like a
> man
> >and his shadow, Self and Prana are inseparable.....Self dwells in the
> Lotus of
> >the Heart whence radiate 101 nerves." The reference to the Heart or the Cave
> >of the Heart recurs throughout Upanishads.
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 12:07:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Pamela Ruigh <ruighATnospamyahoo.com>
To: AfperryATnospamaol.com, annfisherATnospamstic.net
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The Force of Self-Realization
Message-ID: <19980531190709.20025.rocketmailATnospamsend1c.yahoomail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

---AfperryATnospamaol.com wrote:
> Dear Ann,
> In a message dated 30/5/98 3:44:01 pm, you wrote:
> > "The tortoise can withdraw its legs;
> > "The seer can withdraw his senses."
> Thank you for reminding me of this; such beautiful imagery that does
more to
> help us understand the yogic process than any amount of verbal
description. (I
> assume your quote is from the Gita Chap. 2: at least, that's the
only text
> where I know the tortoise imagery is used; please correct me if I am
> Have you read Yogananda's commentary on the Gita? (Published under
the title
> 'God Talks to Arjuna' in two large volumes). Y's commentary is
totally yogic
> and really opens up the Gita in a remarkable way, bringing out deep
> meanings that are absent from any other commentary I have come
across. Quite
> an eye-opener.
> God bless,
> Alan
> Hello,Everyone,
  I'm new to this list and I like what I am reading
as I am studying the Gita translated by Swami Premananda a disciple of
Yogananda who died a few years ago. Half of the book is a more
literal translation and the other half is a spiritual interpretation.
This week Swami Kamalananda, a third generation from Yogananda talked
about the sixth chapter, tenth verse in detail. "Free from personal
longing, and the consciousness of sensory

Get your free ATnospamyahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 16:57:11 EDT
From: AfperryATnospamaol.com
To: ruighATnospamyahoo.com
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Bhagavad Gita (was Re: The Force of Self-Realization)
Message-ID: <5359761e.3571c429ATnospamaol.com>

Hello and welcome Pam,

Thanks for your post. It's always nice to tune into others who resonate with
the Gita, and also with Yogananda and his lineage. I have read many versions
of the Gita but Y's was something else - a completely new, yogic commentary.
It opened the Gita up for me in a special way and I learnt a great deal from
it, but I must admit that I do not know the editions you referred to.

I am currently reading the 'Sai Baba Gita', as compiled by Al Drucker from
talks given by Baba; not a strict commentary as such, more a re-expression of
the original scripture for the modern era. And so beautiful with it
(particularly if you accept that Sai Baba is/was Krishna, asI do) but not a
yogic text like Y's.

It just amazes me that one scripture, and only 700 verses, can contain so much
wisdom. The essence of the Vedas and Vedanta is all there. No wonder Gandhi
adopted it as his life-guide. What a joy and a blessing it is - if we follow
its guidance, of course!

I am glad that you are enjoying this K List: there's a lot of wisdom on it and
some lovely people, but you need an active Delete key as well :-)

God bless,
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 02:29:39 +0100
From: "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: English translation of jivan mukti viveka?
Message-ID: <001101bd8cfc$bfc13740$346335c3ATnospamjb>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

Does anyone know if there is an English translation of "jivan mukti viveka"
(author Vidyaranya Tirtha) and if yes, where it is can be obtained?
Thanks in advance,

Attachment Converted: "D:\EUDORA\ATTACH\winmail3.dat"
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 04:21:32 +0200
From: "Magne Aga" <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the Shakti
Message-Id: <199806010325.EAA01254ATnospamokstind.monet.no>

> From: jb <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com>
> To: Afperry <AfperryATnospamaol.com>; Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com;
> Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
> Subject: RE: The Upanishads, Heart, and the Shakti
> Date: Sunday, May 31, 1998 2:55 PM
> Harsha wrote:
> For example, Katha
> > Upanishad states,
> > "Radiating from the Lotus of the Heart there are 101 nerves. One of
> > ascends to the thousand petaled Lotus in the brain." Prasna
> > Upanishad states,
> > "Prana (the reference is to Kundalini Shakti) is born of the
> > Self. Like a man
> > and his shadow, Self and Prana are inseparable.....Self dwells in
> > the Lotus of
> > the Heart whence radiate 101 nerves." The reference to the Heart
> > or the Cave
> > of the Heart recurs throughout Upanishads. If Jan or Kurt or others
> > comments on this or if there is Kundalini literature in other
> > traditions which
> > speaks on this topic, it would be nice to know.
> There has to be a difference in function between the "two" heart-chakras.
> the chakras, used by K, at times the characteristic burning sensation can
> experienced. In the chakra at right of anahatha this is never the case.
> is always perceived as a point, connected to several nadis. One of the
> differences is the time of activity. Experiencing the K. related chakras
> the heart chakra at the right was never simultaneous and the existence of
> the chakra at the right was experienced much later than the others.
> several times during walking meditation I experienced the absence of body
> feelings, gravity included, chakras are never experienced as a seat of

According to my observations, there seems to be some confusion about the
Heart Chakra. In the traditional Yoga-system, the heart chakra is refered
to as Anahata. Anahata means "the source of the sound" because of a certain
hum there. Of the 12 energies in this chakra, 6 of them was active in an
early stage in human evolution. Long before the present awake-state, when
mankind had a very dull consciousness, these 6 "blades" of the "lotus" was
active, causing certain types of ESP which could only exist in these dump
state of consciousness. They were "gifts from nature", and exists even
today among psychics who have ESP experiences but are not Initiates in the
true meaning of the word. When the consciousness became clearer, these 6
blades became inactive. The 6 other blades of the heart chakra can be
activated through 6 different techniques changing fundamental personality
traits. And when this occurs, the 6 earlier blades alseo become activated.

Hridayakasham (the akashic chamber of Beauty), symbolized by the Queens
chamber in the Great Pyramid, is not the same as anahata. First of all,
Hridayakasham is the name of a meditation technique, used in a preliminary
Kriya Yoga program, composed of 9 meditation teqniques. Second, hridaya is
the name of a heart lotus with 8 blades, "the secondary heart chakra".

Around our physical outfit, we have what we can call an etheric "skin", a
web so to say, which protects us against any harm from the astral
environment. Alcoholism, drugs, crime, sexual perversity, insanity, are
results of becoming attached to or attacked by lower astral species. And
just as we have an ozon layer to protect us against dangerous beams from
the Sun, just as we have borders around countries to protect us against
invaders, just as we have a physical skin which protects us from microbes
causing diseases, so we have an etheric web protecting us against lower
astral beeings. The etheric web can make us conscious about the entrance
in our auric envelope from beeings of higher or lower nature. And the main
function of the 8 bladed lotus is to be the webs regulator.

There is, however, dangerous to make these lotus the control organ of the
web in the first place. In order for the spiritual evolution to go on in
the prescribed manner, the etheric web center must first be generated in a
secondary chakra in the head (manas chakra), then the secondary throath
chakra (lalana chakra), and finally in hridaya. The chamber in the heart is
also one of the three places of resting, when Kundalini moves upwards.
During my first Initiation, Kundalini had a long rest in these chamber, a
truly "breath-taking" experience, because my ability to breath disappeared.
Then it went to the head, not trough sushumna, but on the front side of the
body, into anja and out through bindu.

The 101 nerves corresponds to the 101 subjects our mind can puzzle with
simoultaniously. Although we can only be aware of 7 things at the same time
in our conscious level (the frontal part of our brain), we are in our
subconscious state aware of 101 subjects simoultaniously. So says the
secret doctrine into which I became initiated.

Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 20:35:11 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>
CC: heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Crisis
Message-ID: <3571B0EF.6F0CATnospamintercomm.com>

Gene Kieffer wrote: ( asked to share this with both lists from Gene)
> Dear Gloria,
> As you know, the situation between India and Pakistan is the
> Big Crisis that Gopi Krishna was writing about. Unless Heaven
> shows Mercy, we will see the missiles fly before the end of the
> Century.

I guess it is true that this is the closest the world has been to
nuclear war from the time of Cuba crisis. That is what they said on TV.
> I am 100% convinced that we will see Pakistan and India fire
> off nuclear missles before the end of the century.
> So what can we do about it????

As you say, God's will is the answer, of course people have the duty to
do all that is possible as it comes to them.
> You have an email list. Tell everyone on the list that there
> is only one possible way of softening the blow and that is to exert
> all our effort to spread the word about Kundalini as the evolutionary
> mechanism in human beings.

I will and send it on to the kundalini list.
> We must MAKE TED TURNER AND BILL GATES listen. How? If enough
> people write to both men and tell them that they must investigate
> what Kundalini is all about. We can do it by email or by
> postal mail.
> The main thing is that we tell as many people as we possibly can
> and urge them to tell others.
> We and they have nothing to lose.
> Believe me, in three months Ted Turner and Bill Gates are not going
> to be able to sleep at night. They will be terrified.
> I do not mean Bill Gates and Ted Turner are the only ones to be
> notified. They simply symbolize or represent the kind of super-rich
> men who must be told.
> All best wishes,
> gene


Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 21:47:20 PDT
From: "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: too damned many posts lately
Message-ID: <19980601044720.18410.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Hello everyone.

I started to do something unique and reasonable, then I decided such odd
behavior might get me thrown off this list. So instead of doing what the
list rules say and keep my flame off the list and direct it to the
person/persons I'm pissed at (which at this point is a large part of the
list) I decided to follow the current norm and waste everyone's
bandwidth with this post. When in Rome....

It is apparent a number of people on this list need a life. I have
gotten a lot, no a hell of a lot, of posts in my in-box with titles
like: Food, Samskaras, etc. Some of them had value, some were just self
expression of interest to the poster, but far far too many were just a
bunch of angry immature people having a pissing contest. All I saw were
a bunch of people who were all wet!

We just had a discussion about wasting bandwidth, it wasn't to encourage
it! It was to discourage it!

If you can find nothing to do with your time other than to argue with
people on a list devoted to Kundalini about who's a bigger jerk, then
who's a bigger asshole, then.... may I suggest you take up masturbation.
It is not the most satisfying hobby, it isn't very productive, but it
has the advantage of leaving other people alone. (If your religion
considers it wrong, it considers it self-abuse not abuse of others like
we've been having.)

If you want to flame me for this fine! This time just show the maturity
and the good manners to do it off the list so everyone won't have to
waste their time reading it, deleting it, or wondering why they
subscribe to a list with clowns wasting bandwidth with no concern for
the subject of the list nor the people on it.

For those who haven't been wasting everyone's time in those rants,
please forgive me for wasting your time with this message.


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 02:49:13 EDT
From: Hofe1ATnospamaol.com
To: joemillerATnospamhotmail.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: too damned many posts lately and Masturbation
Message-ID: <3c3f5d1c.35724eeaATnospamaol.com>

Well there is an exercise to cultivate male energy. You come near the point of
ejaculation and then breathe in deep and squeeze all the locks and then then
circulate the energy. That way you have plenty of energy to be obnoxious with
if you please. :o)) I enjoy this kriya a lot and have done it for extended
amounts of time. Get multiogasmic too. OOOOOOOHHHH. OOOOH. OH GODDESS!
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 02:49:14 -0700
From: Jim Cook <jimcATnospamsonic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Remote Viewing
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear List Members,

I guess that most of us know what Remote Viewing is
but how the heck does one do it .
Here's a great web site that explains how.
Download the book and practice, practice.
You can Remote View the past as well as the present and future.
Have fun and let me know about your adventures.


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 11:33:04 +0100
From: "jb" <hc19436ATnospamautovia.com>
To: "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: RE: too damned many posts lately and manipura
Message-ID: <000001bd8d48$a8dc1800$2c6335c3ATnospamjb>
Content-Type: text/plain;

In the first place, this is Kali Yuga, where Vedanta and the laws of Manu
are not on the top 100 of bestsellers. Then, there is the possibility to
capture and transform anger, frustration etc. in manipura chakra, in stead
of causing havoc in your system. Knowing this fact alone should bring relief
and shows things from a different perspective. When pissing, the simple form
of vajroli mudra can be practiced. It is far easier than the complete
exercize. If thoughts about masturbation/sex arise, use the mantra: mamet
punar windriyam. Remember, with one life-force you just can't serve two
masters and life in Kali Yuga is veeery short... BTW, as this post is 100%
K. related, no one can complain.

Date: 1 Jun 98 15:01:06 +0000
From: Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: too damned many posts lately
Message-Id: <3572C232.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


> It is apparent a number of people on this list need a life.

I agree with your sentiments somewhat. Some people just don't know
what it means to stop.

IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 1 Jun 98 15:08:41 +0000
From: Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Remote Viewing
Message-Id: <3572C3F9.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


> I guess that most of us know what Remote Viewing is
> but how the heck does one do it .
> Here's a great web site that explains how.
> Download the book and practice, practice.
> You can Remote View the past as well as the present and future.
> Have fun and let me know about your adventures.
> http://www.viking-z.org/

Cheers Jim. A few years back I was participating in fidonet, a mail
network run by a bunch of non-internet bulletin boards. One of my
favourite haunts set up a small sub-network for all things to do with
the paranormal, esoterica and mysticism. There weren't all that many
people but the people who did arrive were very alike. Kind of like a
home. We did a lot of experiments with many things, seeing aura's,
making predictions, particularly as the national lottery started up
just around then.

But another thing we did was a bit of remote viewing. On one occasion
I had called up one of my best on-line buddies who lives in London and
we had a real-time chat, but like IRC but just between two people. We
used to have real long chats and this time round we got onto the
subject of remote viewing and decided to experiment. My task was to
describe the room he was in. It actually went quite well.

Now, I have observed that anything I do for the first time, or with a
similar mental state, has much more success than if I've gotten used
to it. The first time around was real productive. I came up a with a
number of things, such as metal tubing and black leather, which turned
out to be an exercise bench. I saw a big tall wooden wardrobe and
whereabouts there was a stack of cd's. I managed to see what wall the
computer was facing, where my friend was in the room, and where the
door was. It was quite surprising once I got into the swing of it. It
was real difficult not to try and invent things though. One had to use
intuition and try to listen, and to intensely ask what was there and
to be shown it. We also did some off-line experiments which were not
quite so successful.

I also read a book just recently about remote viewing, fascinating
discoveries about entities living on Mars, about things from the far
history and from the future.

So I will take a look at that website. Thanks for pointing it out.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 11:17:10 EDT
From: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com
To: AfperryATnospamaol.com
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The Upanishads, Heart, and the Shakti
Message-ID: <13dd09b9.3572c5f7ATnospamaol.com>

Alan: Interestingly enough, Ramakrishna apparently used to ask his disciples
to meditate on "the heart", but at a point physically just below the breast-
bone (and which practice the Ramakrishna Order continues to this day).

Harsha: Thanks Alan for pointing this out. As soon as I read this I had
serious goosebumps all over my body. I have noticed one of the side effects of
being on this list is that I have started to read again some of the books of
my childhood and adolescence. By the way a month or so ago, I looked at my old
copy of the Serpent Power by Arthur Avalon due to the discussion between Kurt
and Joe Miller. I noticed that it talked about various sanskrit mantra sounds
and their relationship between different Nadis. I had to smile. The mind can
forget a lot in 20 years:--). It mentioned many advanced methods of pranayama
as well.

Jan: Experiencing the K. related chakras and
the heart chakra at the right was never simultaneous and the existence of
the chakra at the right was experienced much later than the others. Because
several times during walking meditation I experienced the absence of body
feelings, gravity included, chakras are never experienced as a seat of Self.

Harsha: Jan, it makes sense. For me also the "experience" of the Heart came
after the Kundalini had gone up to Sahasarara in meditation many many many
times over a period of two years in my early twenties. In all such times I
would not be physically moving but in Samadhi and my body was totally immobile
as in sleep. In my experience there are many different Samadhis possible at
the Sahasarara (as well as on other centers on route to Sahasarara). When
Superconscious states at Anahata, Vishudha, Ajna and Sahasarara had become a
frequent occurrence, one day Shakti after having reached the Sahasarar came
down on the front side of the body and merged in the Cave of the Heart. Then
even the slightest feeling of existence disappeared and there was perfect
recognition of Reality as the Self.

magneagaATnospammonet.no (Magne Aga): Hridayakasham (the akashic chamber of Beauty),
symbolized by the Queens chamber in the Great Pyramid, is not the same as
anahata. First of all, Hridayakasham is the name of a meditation technique,
used in a preliminary
Kriya Yoga program, composed of 9 meditation teqniques. Second, hridaya is
the name of a heart lotus with 8 blades, "the secondary heart chakra".

Harsha: Thanks for your sharing Magne Aga. I agree with your distinction.
Perhaps you are also familiar with Ramana Maharshi who speaks of the Heart and
the Self. The Kriya Yoga program that you write about, if it has origins
older or different from Swami Yogananda's tradition, could you mention the
sources. Thanks. Great to have you with us.
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 12:43:47 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
Subject: Re: Licking Toads
Message-Id: <l03130300b198a58513a3ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Jenny wrote:

>I like it when someone licks my toes... I've even been known to reciprocate.

Great minds think alike! :D

(Maybe we could try just licking the cows too?)


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