Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/04/28 22:02
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #342

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 342

Today's Topics:
  Re: Chakras [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: K-list posting Members pay atten [ "Gloria Lee" <samyanaATnospamhotmail.com> ]
  Re: k list has babies-Jain Tantras [ Harsha1MTM <Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com> ]
  Re: The Guest and the Host [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ Magne Tor Ingvald Aga <magneagaATnospammon ]
  Upstream and Downstream (and round a [ "Roberto Gonzales del Valle" <93035 ]
  nadis/chakras [ trexisATnospamjuno.com ]
  Intentional growth [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Goddess and identity [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  The twitch [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: The twitch [ hall12cATnospamMEENA.CC.UREGINA.CA ]
  POEM (read or delete) [ Am <heidiATnospamadan.kingston.net> ]
  Re: A brave Munchkin.. [ Dolce Vita <lissetteATnospambridge.net> ]
  Re: Goddess and identity [ "loba kola" <lobakolaATnospamcsrlink.net> ]
Date: 28 Apr 98 15:15:20 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Chakras
Message-Id: <3545F288.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

Hiya Angelique. Thanks for the juicy info!
> The core of each chakra is rooted in the spine, but it sends out a
> trumpet blast of energy shaped like a funnel/tornado to the front and
> back.. that is what you feel.

I see. I have only recently started getting sensations in my actual
spine, intense heat and stuff.

> the sensation in your forehead is likely
> emanating from the pineal gland at the center of your head. Have you ever
> seen the "heat sensor" spot on a reptile's head? Our pineal is evolved from
> that.. the third eye ..it sees light of different frequencies. All energy
> is some form of light, even life..

It's not so much in the middle of my forehead, it's a little lower
sort of in the `brow'. I dunno, sometimes I get pulses which seem to
be just in the dip at the top of the nose where it joins the brow.
Other times if its more of a swirl or ripple it'll be a bit higher up.

I have dabbled before in using the third eye to see aura's. I have
only vaguely managed to see my own aura's base colour which I believe
it a milky blue. Aura colours are so beautiful. I dabbled with seeing
the base aura colours of certain coloured objects. Often when I'm
sitting on the toilet I will just stare at some of the coloured
sponges and see the various colours. Most nobably is green which emits
a kind of peachy aura.

> nadis

What is a nadis? I haven't heard of that.

> 1) Root.. tip of tailbone. Fiery red.

I have been having quite a bit of activity there just lately. I too
have become accustomed to associating colours with the various
chakras, particularly for visualisation if doing any intentional
chakra work.

> 2) second chakra, under the navel, I tend to feel it as the point
I've not had a lot of activity in that one. It's the sex-related
chakra isn't it?

> 3) Power chakra. At the Diaphragm, under the base of the ribs.
I sometimes feel pulses in this one. I understand it also has
something to do with connectivity to the etheric/astral planes and is
used in astral projection or out of body experience?

> 4) Heart chakra. Between the points of the shoulder blades,

I have had rippled and pulses here and sometimes a kind of warmth.

> 5) Throat chakra. Base of the neck in back, at the notch of the

I think I have only on perhaps one occasion had any minor activity in
this chakra.

> 6) Third eye. located at the pineal in the center of the brain at

I find this to be kind of a center of consciousness.

> 7) Crown. At the top of the head, or sometimes depicted as a ball

As far as I personally know this covers the whole top of my head as if
you were wearing a baseball cap perhaps. At least that is how large it
was the first time I had activity there.

> solar system, the Galaxy and the total universe.

Yes I have read there are other levels above the crown to do with
solar, galactic, and universal consciousness levels.

Thanks for the info.

Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 12:34:53 PDT
From: "Gloria Lee" <samyanaATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com
Subject: Re: K-list posting Members pay attention!!
Message-ID: <19980428193454.7171.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>I vote for keeping the list as is, but being more scrupulous about
>snipping and accurately labelling the posts. I'm greedy and don't want
>to give up anything. Holly
Yeah.. me too, admitting to greed rather than more noble sentiments
about diversity. First, its impossible to please 400 people. For
all who wish we'd just can the poetry, sometimes several post private
"thanks was just what I needed to hear today." For the intellectual
scholars among us, some are thrilled to learn this...perhaps many
other's eyes just glaze over at more Sanksrit "unfamiliarity." We could
people to just reply only to the poster with "personal stories"
and their reactions to them, but some enjoy eavesdropping on others
experiences and the confirmation that you are not alone with this
wierdness may be very comforting. A bit of humor is enjoyed by some,
(ok, so we got carried away in ONE post..we don't do that EVERY DAY!)
   So what if you hit delete 10 times for the joy of the one post that
really speaks to your interest??? If you can't stand something, but it
happens to be very important to SOMEONE..isn't that ok, that you are
slightly inconvenienced by TWO seconds deleting??
   What about that you can read 10 short posts in same time as one very
long one?? So, it it really the number or the length that's a problem??
But who wants to be limited when they really, really need to pour their
heart out?? Granted, if you can't keep up every day, may be better to
unsubscribe when you go away.
   So, we can try harder..label, snip, be brief and succinct..reply just
to the poster if what you want to say is not really adding to the
discussion. Seems we can keep our freedom to express and share, without
too many "rules"..if we are none of us "too greedy", too often. But I
also vote to keep the 'variety'..its the spice of life, after all. This
is a great bunch of people here.

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Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 15:38:59 EDT
From: Harsha1MTM <Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com>
To: maryATnospamsonic.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: k list has babies-Jain Tantras
Message-ID: <bc7be589.35463054ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 4/28/1998 11:55:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time, maryATnospamsonic.net

<< What really helps me ... is info (like from my Jain monk friend) which
 gives sort of an overall picture, without a lot of heavy advice. >>

Harsha: Who is your Jain monk friend? Chitrabhanu Ji, the spiritual head of
Indian Jains in North America is a friend of mine. Jainism offers a very
detailed cosmology of the universe. Karma is viewed as both subtle particles
and vibrations. Many of the Jain Tirthankras (Fully Liberated and Omnisicient
Saints according to Jains) are shown with snakes giving shade to their crown.
Jain Shakti Mantras differ slightly from the Hindu mantras but maintain a
similar basic sound. Most of the Jain Tantric texts on Shakti and higher
practices (such as how yogis leave the body) have not been translated.
Recently someone at Ontario did a dissertation on some aspect of Jainism for
those interested in these matters.
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 16:55:06 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The Guest and the Host
Message-Id: <l03130312b16c0c08be6cATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Angelique speaking of Anandajyoti:
>Oy, yes it was an error but now he thinks I'm out to get him...

I never thought Angelique was out to get me, but I did wonder about Kurt :D

>no, no,
>no... a number of folks who responded to the thread with unsubscribe in the
>header got unsubscribed coz the computer thought it was what they wanted it
>to do.

As I said in one of my frantic posts yesterday: Don't *ever* try this at
home folks!

>In fact, at the moment I still haven't gotten Pegasus mail up and
>running so I'm not even able to unsub those who ask me to, let alone go
>after our beloved Anandajyoti.

Phew! I am relieved and redeemed! I didn't think it was just me. Poor
Anandajyoti. Just resubscribe yourself buddy! We all love ya!

Of course, I *was* probably the only one who panicked and resent the same
message umpty ump times! And got unsubbed by the system and then resubbed
myself on into an hysterical froth. And then my email server barfed this
morning. Sheesh. But it should be better now...

(doing the happy happy joy joy dance and then shutting up for awhile, promise)
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 12:08:46 -1000 (HST)
From: Magne Tor Ingvald Aga <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199804282208.MAA21536ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>

Hey, there !

I'm a 32 year old Norwegian who found your website after a search on Alta Vista.

As a person with everyday experiences with Kundalini, I just want to add some important point which is often forgotten among those practising Kundalini Yoga.

I'm practising something called Kriya Kundalini Yoga (sometimes performing up to 1000 Kundalini circulations (Kriyas) on a single day), and do have valuable information to share. I feel, in fact, that it is my duty. I cannot point to any single Kundalini-experience of importance, there are too many of them. I just want to add, that many people have a tendency to become one-dimensionally when awakening Kundalini.

In the ordinary Eastern tradition, they say that Kundalini shall move from the root chakra to the head and stay there. But I think they forget something. That is the fact that in order to make it possible for Kundalini to go upwards, another energy have to go downwards, in order to remain balanced. If all energy moves from the root chakra to the head, without a corresponding downward energyflow from above, one may begin to feel the environment as something *strange*, developing a state similar to psychosis. On the other hand, when the energy from above, goes downwards, without a corresponding arise of Kundalini, one may begin to feel one's body as *strange*, developing deadly diseases.

Many people do only talk about the upwards movement. But these to movements are dependant of each other. They are Yin and Yang, positive and negative polarieties. And there have to be in balance, there have to be an equal amount of energy in these two streams (the first is sushumna, the other is another nadi, which I will not mention here) in order to remain balanced during Kundalini experiences.

Some people call the other energy form the light body, the immortality body. And it's descent is equal important to the Kundalinis ascension in my opinion. Any opinions of what I have said ?

I'm not talking on behalf of any organisation
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 17:47:11 -0500
From: "Roberto Gonzales del Valle" <930359ATnospamaloe.ulima.edu.pe>
To: <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
Cc: "Kundalini List" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Upstream and Downstream (and round and round)
Message-ID: <000a01bd72f7$9931aca0$7bd94fcfATnospamlgv>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hi Magne!

Welcome to the list.
It feels as you were being expected here. What a relief.
You might explain a little bit about the proper way to handle this rushes of
energy. Seems like you have a lot of experience on this issue. There are
grounding exercises and other ways of recieving light but I am sure a lot of
people here would like to know your ways.
How does kriya Kundalini Yoga works?

Well, there are a lot of questions so let´s take is one step at a time.

Great you are here!

Lima Peru.

P.S: Love makes the world go round. Let´s keep on spinning the wheel!

And speaking of round. What about ondulation? waves of that energy through
other channels (nadis?) felt in circular motion.

>Hey, there !
>I'm a 32 year old Norwegian who found your website after a search on Alta
>As a person with everyday experiences with Kundalini, I just want to add
some important point which is often forgotten among those practising
Kundalini Yoga.
>I'm practising something called Kriya Kundalini Yoga (sometimes performing
up to 1000 Kundalini circulations (Kriyas) on a single day), and do have
valuable information to share. I feel, in fact, that it is my duty. I cannot
point to any single Kundalini-experience of importance, there are too many
of them. I just want to add, that many people have a tendency to become
one-dimensionally when awakening Kundalini.
>In the ordinary Eastern tradition, they say that Kundalini shall move from
the root chakra to the head and stay there. But I think they forget
something. That is the fact that in order to make it possible for Kundalini
to go upwards, another energy have to go downwards, in order to remain
balanced. If all energy moves from the root chakra to the head, without a
corresponding downward energyflow from above, one may begin to feel the
environment as something *strange*, developing a state similar to psychosis.
On the other hand, when the energy from above, goes downwards, without a
corresponding arise of Kundalini, one may begin to feel one's body as
*strange*, developing deadly diseases.
>Many people do only talk about the upwards movement. But these to movements
are dependant of each other. They are Yin and Yang, positive and negative
polarieties. And there have to be in balance, there have to be an equal
amount of energy in these two streams (the first is sushumna, the other is
another nadi, which I will not mention here) in order to remain balanced
during Kundalini experiences.
>Some people call the other energy form the light body, the immortality
body. And it's descent is equal important to the Kundalinis ascension in my
opinion. Any opinions of what I have said ?
>I'm not talking on behalf of any organisation
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 19:31:10 -0400
From: trexisATnospamjuno.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: nadis/chakras
Message-ID: <19980428.193112.3238.0.trexisATnospamjuno.com>

I've heard so much here lately about the sushumna vs vajra central nadis
(as well as
the other that I don't remember) that there's been no mention of the ida
or pingala.
What is the relation between kundalini energy rising through
vajra/sushumna and
the energies rising through the ida or pingala? Like the vajra, the ida
and pingala
do not reach all the way to the sahasrara but end at or below anja. From
my limited
understanding, the majority of Gopi Krishna's difficulties were due to
his reliance
on the fiery pingala and neglect of the cooling ida. Seems like he ran
25 miles
of a marathon hopping on his right leg nearly collapsing from pain before
he relented
and used his ida to cross the finishline. Is kundalini running through
these two
"parepheral" nadis? Could energy running through the ida,pingala,vajra
be a precursor as John the Baptist to clear the blockages and make a
straight path
for the comming of kundalini through the sushumna? I saw and looked
through a
book on a twelve chacra system. In addition to the 7 spinal vortices,
there were
five encircling the body at a radius near armslength . A friend who does
healings dowsed these (using a heavy necklace chain) in preparation for a
laying and mentioned that they were still closed. He said that they open
in one's lifespan and I'm only now 26. I only remember the two lateral
from my hips
and forget if the others were lateral to my shoulders and the final one
above my head
or below my feet. The one I'm rather interested in that is mentioned
from time to time
is the heart chacra "beneath" anahata. Is it the four petaled lotus? My
minimal involvement with hawaiian systems mentioned both separate. With
anahata being
functional on an interpersonal level of giving and recieving love as well
as the harmonic node between the energies of the
maladhara/svadisthana/manipura and those of the vushudda/anja/sahasrara
the other heart chacra is something more
like the window to the soul. Where he had near difficulty with some of
the shaktis,
the piercing of the non-anahata chacra was nearly instant and effortless.

Could someone please name/explain more concerning this energy vortex?


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Date: 29 Apr 98 02:35:53 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Intentional growth
Message-Id: <35469209.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


As an intengral function of the ego I have, over time, attempted to
`play' with the uprising of kundalini and with spiritual awaking in
general. I have dabbled in a number of mystical and esoteric areas,
although not to any masterful extent. I often found thought that doing
so intentionally never seemed to work properly, and that the main
success would come quite on its own. There never seemed to be a good
substitute for the grace of God.

Way, way back in 1994 when everything suddenly started coming into
consciousness, and when kundalini seemed to wake up, I took a trip to
London with a friend. We were going to a specialist computer show. In
one of the main train stations, perhaps Waterloo or Kings Cross, a
Hare Krishna man came up to me. He had one book left and so he gave it
to me. It was called "The science of self realisation". He of course
chatted to us for a little while about various things. He seemed to
think it odd that I looked so happy for my age. He was an American
man, deep-set eyes which seemed typical. He of course was collecting
money for drug-rehabilitation work he was involved in. I didn't have
much left after the long day but I gave it all (only a few quid). That
book just about transformed my whole way of looking at things at that
time, and the way I aquired it seemed strongly guided.

After that time I started to look for other material but because this
was of my own choosing - chosen by ego mainly - there were a lot of
things which didn't have quite that destiny about them, a lot of
wasted time and a lot of dead ends. I suppose that's normal though. As
the years have passed I've seen time and time again that things happen
best when they have a need to happen all of their own and not when you
intend that they do so. But, also over time there has been a bringing
together, a marriage of these two ideals. It seems now that I am
coming to a position where intention is merging with the magic -
co-creatorship of my reality. I am only on the fringes of it at the
moment but I know it is happening.

I don't really know why I'm writing this. It seemed like a good idea a
short while ago.

Date: 29 Apr 98 02:20:59 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Goddess and identity
Message-Id: <35468E8B.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


I have been meaning to ask for a while now why a number of people here
are in agreement that kundalini is a `goddess'? I am interested in
what has led you to find out the gender-nature of it?

I myself have only ever referred to kundalini as male, and the time
that it appeared to me as a person in a dream it was male.

Something, however, which I have been quietly monitoring over a long
period of time is the change in the /appearence/ of enlightened
entities to me, in my dreams particularly. I get dreams where what
seems to be a `guide' is talking to me, but as I look at this person
they will take on the image of some person from my past who I perhaps
had some particular attitude towards. Just recently this occured and
it took the form of my an Uncle of mine who is not much older than me
and who I had various opinions about in the past.

On other occasions I notice other characters seem to be presented to
me. Always the true nature of the entity who I am interacting with is
hidden underneath these altering appearances.

One morning I entered an out of body experience situation from within
my sleep. I was simply standing in my bedroom. In front of me appeared
a man. He just stood there. There was absolutely nothing about him
that I could possible pinpoint as a characterisation, and yet he wore
clothes and had a normal appearance. He was totally quiet and he just
looked at me. He just `was'. And as I looked at him I could see myself
in him. And then I started to ask the most sincere, deep question -
"who /are/ you?", a question totally void of authority or preconceived
answer. I did not know this man in any psychological way whatsoever. I
started to lash out in fear. I could not handle that I could not
attribute an identity to him. I am sure this was my true self. In this
particular occasion he was not covered in the appearence of somebody I

But on other occasions there have been a lot of characters from the
past being used as `masks' for who seems to be my higher self. It is
as though a constant way of working through it all. Like every part of
his interaction with me is designed to give me the opportunity to
learn of everything, infinitely. Even if he might be tutoring me in
some other way, his apparence and manner will themselves also be a
lesson. It is kind of an enlightened approach. I know also that this
man has previously taken on the image of `alien' entities as well as
horrific monsters. In fact everything that has ever happened in my
psyche seems to have been my view of truth at that time. I must admit
that the people I am now interacting with in my dreams are becoming
more christ-like and more compassionate. I figure this means progress.

There might be a point where I will observe kundalini as no longer a
male identity, as no longer being a male person, but for the time
being for me it is male and I would like to know why other's believe

Date: 29 Apr 98 02:07:05 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The twitch
Message-Id: <35468B49.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


Something kundalini related which happens to me sometimes is a kind of
twitch. But maybe calling it a twitch is misleading. What happens is
that something, most often a single finger, will suddenly raise
upwards and return to its original position, with rapidity. It's like
a kind of ordinary spasm or twitch but seems more `intelligent', like
on a higher level of order, you know.

Has anyone else had this sort of thing happen?

Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 20:45:58 -0600 (CST)
From: hall12cATnospamMEENA.CC.UREGINA.CA
To: Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: The twitch
Message-id: <Pine.PMDF.3.95.980428203726.690897073B-100000ATnospammeena.cc.uregina.ca>
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Wed, 29 Apr 1998, Paul West wrote:
> Something kundalini related which happens to me sometimes is a kind of
> twitch. But maybe calling it a twitch is misleading. What happens is
> that something, most often a single finger, will suddenly raise
> upwards and return to its original position, with rapidity. It's like
> a kind of ordinary spasm or twitch but seems more `intelligent', like
> on a higher level of order, you know.
> Has anyone else had this sort of thing happen?

 I've noticed that during periods of extreme stress, or even when
I'm just feeling less than energetic, I get these short, jabbing twitches
that hit the base of my neck, just above my shoulders. Sometimes they are
stronger than others, causing my head to actually physically twitch. Not
a repetative, creepy twitch that scares people on the bus, but more like
one sharp snap of the head about 2-5 degrees and back to facing forward.
After the twitch I generally feel embarassed, like I was just released
from the nervous hospital (everybody see Slingblade? great stuff). After
the embarrassment passes, I can sense some strange head-tingling. I never
associated that with kundalini until I read your post. Chances are I'm
closer to the mental patient than the sage (not much difference anyway,
both are thrown into altered states of consciousness, the sage is trained
for and working for these experiences, where the mental patient is a
passive recipient of them).
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 23:31:16 -0400
From: Am <heidiATnospamadan.kingston.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: POEM (read or delete)
Message-Id: <199804290331.XAA18067ATnospamadan.kingston.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


After a while you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul,
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't mean security,
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren't promises,
And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head up and your eyes open,
With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child
And learn to build all your roads
On today because tomorrow's ground
Is too uncertain for plans, and futures have
A way of falling down in mid-flight.
After a while you learn that even sunshine
Burns if you get too much,
So you plant your own garden and decorate
Your own soul, instead of waiting
For someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure
That you really are strong
And you really do have worth.
And you learn and learn...
with every goodbye you learn.

     Author unknown

I found this on the wall in the office of the women's shelter I work for. It
seems to me that it can just as well speak to a male. The "DECORATING YOUR
OWN SOUL" got me. :)

Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 00:27:26 -0400
From: Dolce Vita <lissetteATnospambridge.net>
To: Germaine Hornsby <ghornsbyATnospamtallships.istar.ca>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: A brave Munchkin..
Message-ID: <3546AC2E.54C0ATnospambridge.net>

HI Germaine
I have been on this list for almost 2 years...almost as long Lobster,
right Pal? I jump in sometimes, when I read posts from the heart.
You are doing just fine, feel free to post your poems, your questions,
your light, whatever comes up...
We are all here, we are all eyes....no judging, you don't have to be
cool..or an intellectual...
We hope to serve.
Love and light...
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 00:58:13 -0400
From: "loba kola" <lobakolaATnospamcsrlink.net>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Goddess and identity
Message-ID: <00b601bd732b$6ac7aa20$7f5cadd1ATnospamrocksoup>
Content-Type: text/plain;

i find it interesting that paul also has dreams that the same person, in his
case, a man, appears in different guises to work in his dreams. does anyone
else? i mentioned in my intro that the same woman in different guises aids
me in dreams. i know it is the same woman different faces in each dream she
appears in. and she doesnt really aid me but is there while i help myself,
like an overseer, or something, but i feel strength from her. i believe her
to be the archetypal wild woman clarissa pinkola estes refers to, the form
of mother earth. my question to the list is, has this to do with k*, is it
goddess / god? personally i refer to god as *it* not out of disrespect, but
because to me the physical expression of life is the lowest form, with the
soul being highest. since i believe great spirit /goddess/ god to be the
highest form of life there is, i dont really attribute a physical gender to
it. but i also believe in the presence of the goddesses like kali and nut
and gods like ra and the greek and roman gods and goddesses and they have
genders. im not quite sure how i integrate my beliefs but i do :) mother
earth is different, in that to me she is feminine. she is round, she
physically births all life, she moves through cycles like clockwork, she is
physically represented, we can touch earth. when goddess is referred to on
the list is it mother earth? is it what a lot of the world excludingly
refers to as god? is it nut or kali or another goddess or all of them? is
it k*? which brings me to what will probably be a very ignorant question
and i am sorry to ask it: is k* god?

loba kola


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