1998/01/12 20:20
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #35
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 35
Today's Topics:
Kundalini awakened? (was sushumnamet [ Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley ]
RE: My kundalini awakened fully unkn [ TGarland <TGarlandATnospamVIPMail.com> ]
Re: shaktipat, obligations, connecti [ Meadowart <MeadowartATnospamaol.com> ]
RE: Energies [ TGarland <TGarlandATnospamVIPMail.com> ]
Re: Humor Alert !!!!My kundalini awa [ sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net (Jack) ]
Re: HRTZEN: Samadhi [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
WAS Energies/Detachment IS?? [ "Gloria Lee" <samyanaATnospamhotmail.com> ]
Re: earth energy awareness?? [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
Re: Loved by the Light [ SchrLL <SchrLLATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource [ "Kirk Anderson" <d242kaosATnospamgte.net> ]
Re: WAS Energies/Detachment IS?? [ Teresa <TGarlandATnospamVIPMail.com> ]
Re: Loved! [ SchrLL <SchrLLATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: shaktipat, obligations, connecti [ Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley ]
Re: What I Saw! [ SchrLL <SchrLLATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: Detachment IS?? [ LilEli <LilEliATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: Drug Poll [ SchrLL <SchrLLATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: Drug Poll [ SchrLL <SchrLLATnospamaol.com> ]
Clarification on Some Fundamentals I [ anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities. ]
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 14:41:19 -0800
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
CC: kundalini-l-dATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Kundalini awakened? (was sushumnameter)
Message-ID: <34BA9C0F.1B9BC91CATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>
Gene Kieffer wrote:
> Nobody has yet come up with an response to my question of a week ago,
> which is this: "How can one determine whether he/she is self-deluded or
> has actually experienced a genuine awakening?"
Kurt says:
To answer the question directly - ask someone (e.g. a guru) who is sensitive to the movements of kundalini if one's kundalini
is awakened. There is the issue of what kind of individual constitutes such an authority and how does one find one but this is
the only real test that we have today.
I have had trouble catching up with the threads but I believe your intent may be to indicate that this is where a scientific
basis might help. I agree to some extent but not entirely. There are many people who are walking around today who have had
their kundalini experience validated and still show no apparent signs of spiritual progress. Why? It is impossible to
generatlize but it appears that although kundalini is powerful, some still manage to accumulate more obscurations than
kundalini is able to eliminate.
Alan says:
May I venture simply that a tree is known by its fruits. Real awakening will
bring complete spiritual transformation, self-delusion will not. In the short-
term there may be confusion both subjectively and objectively, but not in the
long-term. From an acorn, an oak tree must eventually emerge - but only an oak
Kurt adds:
I agree. I believe the real value of kundalini is in eliminating the obscurations (kleshas). Whether yogin (compare
Patanjali's yoga sutras) Jain or Buddhist (compare Abhidharmakosha) spiritual progress is denoted by the elimination of
obscurations. The list of these varies according to system but include anger, attachment, jealousy, egotism and ignorance. So
to me the relevant question is: Is this individual diminishing their obscurations?
Kind Regards, Kurt
PS I do agree we could use a sushumnameter - but for a different reason. Stay tuned.
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 17:33:51 -0500
From: TGarland <TGarlandATnospamVIPMail.com>
To: "'Jack'" <sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net>,
Subject: RE: My kundalini awakened fully unknown to me !!
Message-ID: <01BD1F80.4B90D5E0ATnospamroc1758lap>
Each morning I wake up I wonder if this will be the day I'll
see the Snake ? But my sponsor ( internal guru ) tells me to
be patient.
[TGarland] Oh, please let me join. I don't qualify for sense of humor (I have not yet learned to lighten up), but I ever so much need to testify. :-)
(and it;s not so far from the truth, sigh!)
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 17:39:19 EST
From: Meadowart <MeadowartATnospamaol.com>
To: merlinATnospampnn.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: shaktipat, obligations, connections
Message-ID: <392dca3b.34ba9b98ATnospamaol.com>
Given that shaktipat can occur in very spontaneous situations (from a look,
contact, or even being in the environment of enlightened beings) I don't think
it's really a relationship of 'obligations and expectations', so much as an
energetic boost in your spiritual growth. Some people meet a spiritual master
once and never see them again for their entire lives, yet were transformed
from the encounter.
In the formal situations of accepting initiation from a teacher you are
opening the channel for assistance and growth to happen on an ongoing basis.
Some people take this to mean a formal relationship of taking instruction on
the physical and subtle planes regularly and doing whatever possible to serve
their teacher. Others regard it as an acceptance of all the teacher stands for
without spending much time with them. Still others treat the experience like
Shakti Gawain, being 'energy junkies' who stand in line at every Dharshan they
can fit into their schedule.
The reverence you attach to it is really up to you. The connection is real
and beneficial, but is a free gift of the Divine. Be grateful and do the work
that is stirred up by the energy.
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 17:54:39 -0500
From: TGarland <TGarlandATnospamVIPMail.com>
To: "'lodpressATnospamintercomm.com'" <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>,
Debbie Baldock
Cc: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: Energies
Message-ID: <01BD1F83.9880DA00ATnospamroc1758lap>
Debbie Baldock wrote:
> Hi all..
> May I ask how do you balance the energies/// so there not so many ups and
> downs...?
Gloria Greco wrote:
Debbie, You learn and practice the art of detachment.
Teresa here: A follow on question:
This (detachment) is what I am currently practicing. I am in the midst of the depths: depression, sadness, grief and am feeling the feelings, detaching, etc., and it helps. But here is the problem: It is VERY hard to give up the few good feelings I experience to detachment, because they are so rare. Is that going to cause me problems later?
My guess is that I have another 6 months or so to work through my grief.
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 23:22:01 GMT
From: sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net (Jack)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Humor Alert !!!!My kundalini awakened fully unknown to me !!
Message-ID: <34c6a597.24440059ATnospammailhost.worldnet.att.net>
[TGarland] Oh, please let me join. I don't qualify for sense of
humor (I have not yet learned to lighten up), but I ever so much need
to testify. :-
Well you'll need a sponsor who has reached the 7th rung on the ladder
and has at least one key. : )>
Meetings are held whenever you want but we can't tell you where.
Coffee, donuts and a veggie casserole are served.
Various leather utensils and other aids are available for those so
Door prizes include crystals, slave bracelets and free readings.
You are allowed one guest but they must be non-corporeal.
After all is said and done Mystress has the final word.
Counseling is available for emergency withdrawal.
Dances are held each month with a different theme. This month's theme
is squaredancing and in February there'll be a special performance of
the Timewarp dance from Rocky Horror by selected members.
Welcome and please remove your shoes before entering.
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 17:40:33 -0600
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>
Cc: heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: HRTZEN: Samadhi
Message-Id: <l03010d01b0e05540a94eATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Kurt Wrote this (in part) to Harsha:
>>Is arousing kundalini (directly or indirectly) an essential cause of
>*kaivalya* >nirvikalpa samadhi, in your view, or not?
>Gene Wrote back to Kurt:
> Yes, definitely! Yes, emphatically!
> Of course, this is only my opinion. I certainly don't want to sound
>like an authority, but everything I've read, heard, felt, etc., over the
>past thirty years says Yes. I mean, if we don't learn after thirty years,
>well . . . .
Harsha wrote:
> Further I add that all the transcendental and transformational events
> associated with the Kundalini Power are incidental and not essential to
> Self-Realization.
And another day he wrote:
>And this is one thing I wish to emphasize Gene (and I say
>it with respect for you my brother), you seem to mix up the Kundalini
>Shakti with its physical manifestations. The manifestations depend on
>the movement of Shakti through various Nadis (many of which are not
>mentioned in scriptures!). A focus on manifestations misses the central
>point about the essential nature of the Kundalini Shakti as
>Consciousness. Kundalini Shakti is extremely subtle. The conscious mind
>which wishes to measure IT, itself is a manifestation of IT. The
>Kundalini Shakti upon reaching IT's Source results in Self-Realization
>or God Consciousness. All other manifestations of the Shakti, no matter
>how fascinating to the mind, are incidental to Realization of the
>Supreme Divinity which resolves the mystery of existence. The Shakti and
>the Self are two sides of the same coin.
I will add from my own experience that overt manifestations of Shakti are
not necessary for Self-Realization. When I went into the All (Shiva, Self,
etc.) in my late 20s, I had had no overt manifestations, except perhaps a
flash of light when I was 13. Some six to eight years later, during a
period of rapid growth, I had a few Kundalini symptoms, which gradually
went away or became unnoticeable over a period of several months. It was
only at the age of 60 that outward manifestations began, and at 61 the
kundalini process went into high gear.
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 16:49:49 PST
From: "Gloria Lee" <samyanaATnospamhotmail.com>
To: TGarlandATnospamVIPMail.com
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: WAS Energies/Detachment IS??
Message-ID: <19980113004950.14562.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
>Debbie Baldock wrote:=20
>> Hi all..
>> May I ask how do you balance the energies/// so there not so many ups
>> downs...?
>Gloria Greco wrote:
>Debbie, You learn and practice the art of detachment.=20
>Teresa here: A follow on question:
>This (detachment) is what I am currently practicing. I am in the midst
>of the depths: depression, sadness, grief and am feeling the feelings,
>detaching, etc., and it helps. But here is the problem: It is VERY =
>hard to give up the few good feelings I experience to detachment, =
>because they are so rare. Is that going to cause me problems later?
>My guess is that I have another 6 months or so to work through my
>Gloria Lee here:
Personal note here: Please forgive me for entirely over participating in
this list lately, but as my recovery time from surgery ends and I resume
having a life again..this too shall soon end.
I would like to invite some postings on the nature of detachment..as it
seems to be easily misunderstood just what is being recommended.
While I lack the background to speak from a Buddhist perspective,
perhaps someone on the list would be so kind as to enlighten us.
In the meantime, I would like to ask Teresa to describe in a bit more
detail what she means by wondering if the "good feelings" will cause her
problems later. Is this implying anything is wrong with having
feelings?? Either good or bad ones?? I do know a bit about grief. And
detachment would not mean going numb, or not caring, or denying the pain
of your loss. You say you are feeling the feelings, but - Exactly what
are you trying to *give up* here, Teresa?? I feel concern for you,
perhaps the confusion is just mine here.
My understanding of attachment as a cause of pain and suffering is more
along the lines of preferring certain outcomes to others..as in desiring
only pleasant, ego-gratifying experiences, or just getting what we want,
or possessing people and things to shore up our shaky sense of self.
Detachment, as a form of surrender, then would be a willingness to let
"what is" simply be whatever it is..without trying to push it away..a
kind of acceptance and willingness to experience whatever this reality
really is..to fully allow it and allow yourself to experience it. That
is how we try to help with grief, anyway. It sounds like you are meaning
that by saying you are feeling your feelings.. so what is the problem
with having a few good ones ?? If you are slowly, but surely moving
towards acceptance of your loss, what more can be expected?? The good
feelings may be the sun peeking thru the clouds..isn't that ok?? My
real concern here is that you seem to be judging yourself for how well
you are doing..so I may as well just blurt this out... there are no
grades given out for like Grief 101..and please do not let my questions
be taken as evaluating if you are doing this right..its pretty much
whatever helps you is allowed...so give yourself permission. My guess is
this detachment word is sorta pushing my buttons at the moment.
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 19:23:21 -0600
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: earth energy awareness??
Message-Id: <l03010d00b0e071716bdcATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
"danelle t" <danelletATnospamhotmail.com> wrote:
>I was just wondering if anyone felt on edge or angry for no apparent
>reason on Saturday. I found myself and two others who are going through
>their awakening process feeling such unexplained rage almost. It passed
>through and was gone by Sunday morning, but I called a dear freind of
>mine Sat night to ask her about it. She is a very gifted and spiritual
>person, and she told me the prana was moving rather chaotically and that
>there was most likely going to be a major disaster somewhere. And that
>I was picking up on this energy. I was shocked to wake up Sunday and
>read about the terrible earthquake in China. I am just wondering if
>there are any others out there that experience these major eath shifting
>energies on such a personal level?...
I was fighting a headache on Saturday, but I think there was another reason.
But I've read about a woman in California who gets headaches and I think
some other symptoms before earthquakes, and she can tell by the intensity
of the headache and other factors how far away the quake will be - and, I
think, the direction and how big it will be. Don't know why the newspapers
there don't just print the warnings she gets!
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 20:42:49 EST
From: SchrLL <SchrLLATnospamaol.com>
To: lconjarATnospamerols.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Loved by the Light
Message-ID: <fa191cfb.34bac69aATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 98-01-11 14:02:32 EST, you write:
> Should I purchase a copy from you or would it be better for you if I
> picked it up at the Yes bookstore? I live north of Baltimore, so I could
> pick it up there.
> --
> Louis Conjar - Dynamic Expansion Institute, Inc.
> "All Your Spiritual and Financial Needs In One Place"
> lconjarATnospamerols.com - http://www.deimarket.com
> 410-385-9500 - fax 410-654-9587
Hi Louis,
Either way is OK. If you buy from me, Send me a check for $13.00 and I will
mail it to you. If it is more convenient for you, get it from the store. Tell
me about your business. I am going to check out your web site. Mine is a 'work
in progress.' We are including a Toastmaster web site for our club plus one
for Light Matters with links to our family members web sites in Utah. Fun
Love and Light, Linda
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 20:46:49 -0500
From: "Kirk Anderson" <d242kaosATnospamgte.net>
To: "List Posts Kundalini" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <01bd1fc5$1db71cc0$28e7ffd0ATnospamtms>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Welcome Nina! You wrote:
Previous to the awakening, I possibly would have two or three a year. Not
very meaningful and mostly very entertaining, but certainly nothing like
what has happened since the awakening of Kundalini. For right now, this is
my only concern.
I'm not sure how cogent this is, as I haven't experienced any (identifiable)
K-awakening myself. But, for more than ten years (ever since I started
paying attention) I have had a fairly unceasing stream of small
synchronicities, punctuated infrequently by quite large and shocking ones.
Whereas most people seem to be nonplussed by even the smallest, I somehow
feel that things aren't going exactly right if I don't notice several every
What I'm wondering is this. If increased synchro-activity is a some kind of
a sign of (possibly unrecognised) K-A. The reason I ask, is that many other
things that list members describe as being indirectly symptomatic of K-A, I
share. Many of the relationship patterns, many of the intuitions about
social and spiritual dynamics, and other things I could name if I could get
to them *~)
I don't know. Just a thought.
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 20:53:48 -0500
From: Teresa <TGarlandATnospamVIPMail.com>
To: Gloria Lee <samyanaATnospamhotmail.com>
CC: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: WAS Energies/Detachment IS??
Message-ID: <34BAC928.D5CB8D2ATnospamVIPMail.com>
You are absolutely right. More below.
> >Teresa here: A follow on question:
> >This (detachment) is what I am currently practicing. I am in the midst
> >of the depths: depression, sadness, grief and am feeling the feelings,
> >detaching, etc., and it helps. But here is the problem: It is VERY
> >hard to give up the few good feelings I experience to detachment,
> >because they are so rare. Is that going to cause me problems later?
> >My guess is that I have another 6 months or so to work through my
> grief.
> >
> >Teresa
> >
> >Gloria Lee here:
> Snip ...I do know a bit about grief. And
> detachment would not mean going numb, or not caring, or denying the pain
> of your loss. You say you are feeling the feelings, but - Exactly what
> are you trying to *give up* here, Teresa?? I feel concern for you,
> perhaps the confusion is just mine here.
> My understanding of attachment as a cause of pain and suffering is more
> along the lines of preferring certain outcomes to others
> ... snip The good
> feelings may be the sun peeking thru the clouds..isn't that ok?? My
> real concern here is that you seem to be judging yourself for how well
> you are doing..so I may as well just blurt this out... there are no
> grades given out for like Grief 101.
Teresa here: Grief 101! I love it.
Your understanding of detachment is 100% correct. I'll try to explain my
question. As one would expect, much of my world is numb and gray. I am
still new at "mindfullness", so the feelings I notice are the strong ones,
like depression. I have learned to look at a strong feeling and detach from
it. I'm getting pretty good at this. If it is a strong mood, like
depression, I may be in its presence (and watching it) for quite a while.
Detaching does not take the mood away, as you correctly stated, it just
removes identification. The mind and body still feel the mood. Another
feeling, perhaps grief, will come for a few minutes, and then leave as I
watch it. So you see, there is a difference in the amount of time that is
spent with the mood.
Here is my problem: I have this fear that if I detach from the good stuff,
it will, like grief, move quickly, and be gone. Now, if I 'cheat' and don't
attach from it, it'll hang around just as long as I force it to. This is a
lie, but there is not much pleasure these days. I'm not very willing to
experiment with the happiness to see if it will stay for a while -- like the
depression does.
My question is: Will selectively detaching from the lousy, but not the good
feelings (for a few months) cause me problems later? Will my habits be too
ingrained .. or will there be some karma effect? Is it better to tough out
the hard situation?
That was kind of complicated, I hope it makes sense.
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 21:16:23 EST
From: SchrLL <SchrLLATnospamaol.com>
To: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Loved!
Message-ID: <4aaf6a8d.34bace78ATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 98-01-10 17:01:19 EST, you write:
> Did someone ask who are we loved by? I am reminded of a couple of stanzas
> from one my poems which is not in front of me so I am relying on memory.
> Still and Silent I have kept
> Loved you very Quietly
> from a distance as you slept
> Know that one day this Love of Mine
> will overtake; it must!
> Nothing much I can do because
> inevitably this Heart will burst
> being much too full for too long
> with unsung lullabies and songs
> but I am only too content
> to just let it go like that.
> Harsha
ATnospam->->-- A rose by any other name...This one is a keeper. Thank you.
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 18:35:11 -0800
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
CC: kundalini-l-dATnospamlists.execpc.com, keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu
Subject: Re: shaktipat, obligations, connections
Message-ID: <34BAD2DF.612A2042ATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>
> Blythe asks:
> Good morning list. I have some questions to lay before all of you. What are
> the implications of receiving shaktipat from someone? What obligations are
> accepted by the person receiving shaktipat? Do they differ according to what
> the giver and the receiver expect?
> It seems like there might be a difference between the ripple effect of
> shaktipat received when I read the Mystress's grounding meditation, or when
> my 'loose cannon' friend touched my forehead during meditation and I was
> almost knocked off the chair, and a more formal initiation of the sort
> offered by some Hindu traditions. I am pulled toward accepting such an
> initiation, but not if it means giving up where I walk in order to walk
> where someone else feels it is appropriate. I don't hear anyone involved
> saying this will happen, but I will then be connected to a particular
> lineage, and I don't know what all that means.
> With the energy gifts from the Mystress, it means that I can reach out and
> say 'hello' to her spirit and feel the connection made. With the energy gift
> from my friend, it means that I have to stay very grounded and guarded when
> I am near him, or all sorts of out of whack things occur, with no sense of
> of it being safe.
Kurt replies:
There are a wide variety of phenomenon that are lumped under the name of shaktipat. Some people refer to an individual (the initiator) merely conveying a little energy or prana to the recipient (the initiate) as shaktipat. At the other extreme some, such as Swami Rama and Pandit Tiruganit (sp?) won't accept anything less than the
imparting of samadhi. Personally I believe the deepest shaktipat the initiator awakens each cakra in your subtle body.
So I think there are two parts to your question: 1) What is your responsibility to the individual that imparts shaktipat to you. That depends on the teacher and their tradition. In some traditions you should be willing to lay down your life for that teacher. In others you can hardly be expected to recognize each other on the street.
If you wonder - ask your initiator.
The tougher question is: 2) What connection have you created between yourself and your initiator? I haven't quite figured out this cyber-initation via web site stuff so I can't comment on that. Ordinarily, when the initiation is done personally whether you have simply received some ``energy'' from an initiator or whether they have
fully altered your subtle body, I believe you have created a strong link between yourself and the initiator. We create these energetic links all the time unconsciously. Ever wonder why ``breaking up is hard to do!''. So depending on the power of the teacher and your openness this link may be stronger or weaker - but it's sure to be
a link. I wrote a number of different things on shaktipat in my siddha-mahayoga faq that you can find at the kundalini gateway and on spirit web. Check it out and tell me if you think it makes sense.
Good luck,
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 21:22:15 EST
From: SchrLL <SchrLLATnospamaol.com>
To: samyanaATnospamhotmail.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: What I Saw!
Message-ID: <ac859b90.34bacfd8ATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 98-01-10 23:42:43 EST, you write:
> >OK!!!! What did you see?? Curiously, Gloria Lee
There was a fantastic experience of being at a retreat on a mountain top with
others when the Light appeared over the tree tops. As we watched, it changed
and became individual points of Light. There was bliss to spare and much awe.
I will send a poem. Look for Light Poem. I will include my new web page then.
Love and Light Linda
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 21:26:54 EST
From: LilEli <LilEliATnospamaol.com>
To: samyanaATnospamHOTMAIL.COM, TGarlandATnospamVIPMail.com
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Detachment IS??
Message-ID: <36f1eff8.34bad104ATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 98-01-12 20:00:28 EST, samyanaATnospamhotmail.com writes:
<< I would like to invite some postings on the nature of detachment..as it
seems to be easily misunderstood just what is being recommended. >>
Detachment to me means..
1. realizing that my children belong to the universe. Their souls shared
with me in this lifetime to love, nurture, teach, guide, protect, enjoy and
eventually release.
2. loving my husband enough to know that someday he too will be
returned to his rightful master and wanting this to be so.
3. appreciating that I am NOT the only person to see light all around me
in the world. It means being lucky enough to realize that I AM the world.
4. not getting all full of myself when I know my mother-in-law is calling
on the phone BEFORE the phone rings. Understanding that these psychic
things happen along this pathway and sending an extra "Thank you"
skyward for the warning !
5. forgiving myself for being human, for sometimes reacting in anger,
fear, frustration, sadness, grief, guilt, shame, hardness, short sightedness
... and loving myself anyway. It means standing outside myself, when
being inside is just too uncomfortable.
6. feeling more love than seems humanly possible at times and riding
the waves of bliss through what must surely be some pending explosion
of my heart, only to realize that my heart could NEVER explode.
7. but most of all, it means accepting ALL that comes my way as
divinely intended for my highest good, no matter how uncomfortable it
may be. It means faith, and hope, and trust and above all else, LOVE.
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 21:51:00 EST
From: SchrLL <SchrLLATnospamaol.com>
To: WHYASKATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Drug Poll
Message-ID: <36f2641d.34bad695ATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 98-01-08 23:27:23 EST, you write:
> Thank you for your response. Sometimes I still belive thta throwing the
> drugs away was the right dession. I feel like they are the only thing that
> help at some points. I just wish deppression will go away, and top liguring
> around. I geuss it will just take time.
> Thanks
> Christine
Sometimes life gets to be a bit much. We all need help at one time or another.
That is the tiime to get well enough to find out how to change your life
around. Then some day you will be well enough to not have to take the drugs.
Meanwhile, keep trying. Reaching out is good!
Love and Light, Linda
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 21:58:31 EST
From: SchrLL <SchrLLATnospamaol.com>
To: WHYASKATnospamaol.com
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamEXECPC.COM
Subject: Re: Drug Poll
Message-ID: <4f1e1d21.34bad858ATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 98-01-09 00:07:03 EST, you write:
> How did you end up centering yourself so we, and leaving your depression
> behind?
> Christine
Centering is something I learned doing yoga and bioenergetics. Centering and
grounding go together. My book explains, however, you can practice by doing
simple things. Try walking and paying attention to how the ground feels on the
souls of your feet. Imagine a straight rod going up the center of your body.
Get into your body and become aware of your senses. Sufi dancing is a
grounding technique also.
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 19:04:44 -0800
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: "heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com" <heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com>,
"kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Clarification on Some Fundamentals Invited
Message-ID: <34BAD9C3.D1857770ATnospamgeocities.com>
What are feelings? As I understand it , it is the response created by
our heart., mind, emotions, and phsyical objects on our minds.This can
happen in two ways, I believe.
One, sensations from the outside, through the five sensory organs, and
Two, also through the ego, emotions, and the spirit.
Can all type of feelings touch the heart?
Or do all feelings generate or emerge from our ego?
How would one diffrentiate its source as to where the feelings are
emerging from?
Any comments or suggestions are welcome on the list, as there are many
on the list who are so well versed on it.
Feel free to submit any questions you might have about what you read here to the Kundalini
mailing list moderators, and/or the author (if given). Specify if you would like your message forwarded to the list. Please subscribe to the K-list so you can read the responses.
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