1997/12/31 13:08
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #873
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 873
Today's Topics:
Re: Uranus Opposition (a bit long) [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
The World [ Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> ]
Re: New Millennium [ "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it ]
Twelve Politically Correct Days [ GSDonne <gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au> ]
Re: materialist? [ "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it ]
Re: Science [ "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it ]
Re: Newy here [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
Heredity [ Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com> ]
Re: Problems with auras - need help/ [ Daniel James Giszczak <danjgATnospamengin. ]
Re: materialist? [ freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net> ]
Re: Science [ Tantrika <hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net> ]
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 01:12:48 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Uranus Opposition (a bit long)
Message-ID: <1328591754-3114924ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
X-No-Archive: yes
Jack wrote:
>I do see a serious problem arising. Deep down I have this powerful
>need to validate my "twin flame" experience. This is not healthy for
>me but it is a continuous struggle. Anyone else struggle with a
>similar problem and overcome it ?
Why is it not healthy for you? Is this person married? Are you married? I
guess I also don't know what you mean by "validate." You could probably
tell us more, while changing a few details, so as not to violate someone
else's confidences, etc.
If it helps, I'll tell briefly of a couple of my experiences. "Twin
Flames", or not, these relationships seemed very portentious and maybe even
"karmic" at the times they were happening.
Before I started dating my present husband, I was strongly attracted to a
therapist who was treating my daughter in family therapy. This included
group sessions with both of my daughters and myself. He tried to play some
therapist games with us, because that's what they trained him to do, but I
could usually see through him. I could sense that he often felt foolish. On
the other hand, he was good at seeing though me and my denial, among other
things :).
One day he admitted to me that he wasn't being as effective as he could be
in our therapy, because he felt a strong attraction for me. He had the
courage to say this right in a session, for which he was rewarded by a look
of total disgust on the face of one my daughters (couldn't blame her for
that :). I must have had a *thrilled* look on my face, because he
immediately told me it was against the rules for us to date. I said that I
understood, while inwardly feeling as if the world was coming to an end.
Family therapy had to be terminated prematurely for insurance reasons, and
my daughter went on to individual sessions with a different therapist. As
the weeks went by, I could not forget this man. I was obsessed to the point
of getting in a car accident, because I was so preoccupied. He was so
different from other men I had known. So warm, empathetic, and able to talk
about feelings, while also being very "male." I sent him a ticket to a
concert that I had also planned to attend. He showed up! We were listening
to the music and I was just enjoying being in his presence, when he
suddenly said:
"I can't be doing this, I could lose my job! I thought maybe we could be
friends but this is too much like a date, I keep wanting to touch you!" (Of
course I'm thinking "Good! Please do!")
But he left soon after that conversation, with most of the concert unsung.
I remember bemoaning the situation to a coworker, and she reminded me that
he could lose his job, and how would I like it if the situation was
"I wouldn't care! I'd go for it," I said. She retorted, "Well, that's
*you,* you'd be willing to lose your job for lunch!" Which is true :).
Not too many months after that I started dating my husband, who is very
warm, empathetic, and able to talk about feelings, as well as having a
wonderful sense of humor. I was able to see that the situation had worked
out for the best, as we have so many things in common, it is hard to
imagine a better match for a life partner for me.
And then there is my philosophy professor, whom I have previously
mentioned, (perhaps before you subscribed, though). He is so very charming,
and intelligent, and also a bit exotic (to little old midwestern
wonderbread me), being from India. When I sat in his classroom I often
anticipated what he was going to say next, and sometimes even finished his
sentences. He didn't find this at all annoying, like many people would; he
thought me brilliant (how irresistable is that?).
I tried to be friends with him, but the vibrations are so high that we have
trouble being alone in the same room together. I used to talk about him
with my husband, who being pretty perceptive, started to get a little
concerned. The professor and I exchanged a few notes and phone calls, and I
took more philosophy courses than I needed, but other than that, nothing
else came of it.
He liked me, but was also a bit uncomfortable with me, and I didn't want to
cause him distress, so I did not initiate any more contact with him. Had I
met him before I fell in love with my husband, it may have been different.
Perhaps we could have done something to soothe those vibrations, if you get
my drift, maybe not. But I am a monogamous kind of a gal, so that was out
of the question. And I was perhaps fearful of losing control, to be
brutally honest with myself, and ruining what I already have, which is very
precious to me.
The moral of both these stories is that it is not always possible to hold a
flame in your hand and transmute it into a cooler light. Some of you are
so highly evolved (or socially adept) that you can do this. I am not there
yet. Only you know if you are.
So, first of all, know yourself. And secondly, proceed with caution.
Hope this helps,
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 21:45:17 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: The World
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971230213140.16888A-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Dear Mr. Kieffer and K List.
Some weeks ago I responded to your enquiry about our list's interest in
social and world issues, and I explained these topics do not appear. So is
that why you want to bring them up?
>>A nuclear arsenal is not such a difficuilt achievement
these days. If a nation has oil wealth, it can afford to buy the
technology to build nuclear missiles.
So, there must be a change. I do not actually foresee such a change
occurring before there is a nuclear war, however. But I have high hopes
that such a war will be "limited.">>>
When one is given a gift... a huge enormous soul shattering gift of light
and divinity.. of immortality and transmutation.. the alchemical magic
potion... the Goddess Shakti snaking through ones' tissues.. WHY WHY WHY
would one want to talk about the frozen fearful projections of a deluded
There are thousands of other lists and people who feel that such
discussions have value.
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 10:36:50 +0100
From: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au,
Subject: Re: New Millennium
Message-Id: <C125657E.003410CC.00ATnospamais.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
---Gene wrote---
> Again, I was delighted to read all that you have written about the
>"unchanging world scene." I realize that the Hindu Tradition is more
>or less emphatic about the cyclical nature of the world, the various
>Yugas, etc.
> But there is one thing that we have today that was perhaps not
>envisaged by even the highest rishis and sages of the past, and that is
>the all-powerful H-bomb, etc.
Interestingly, weapons of destruction HAVE been seen, and even used by the
rishis in India. In the grand epic Mahabharata there is a lot of mention of
use of such weapons in detail. Such weapons are also mentioned in the
war at Lanka in the epic Ramayana.
There is mention of the following weapons :
1. Weapons that seek out the target if the target is moving.
Mordern science invention : Guided missile.
2. Weapons that have the capacity to destroy a large area.
Mordern science invention : The atom bomb / H-bomb.
3. Weapons that have the capacity to destroy the whole creation.
Ancient Indian name : "brahm-astra".
Mordern science invention : --- Not yet developed
4. Chariots that go off the ground carrying the warriors.
Mordern science invention : Fighter jets.
There are many more such items, and also full details on the
art of war and battle formations etc.
Hope this clarifies
Cheers and love to all
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 17:30:38 +0800
From: GSDonne <gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au>
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Twelve Politically Correct Days
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I realize that this is not the one someone requested, (deleted mail) but may
be of interest. Came from another list. (apologies to Nancy for cluttering
up her mail box with non K material)
Subject: The Twelve Politically Correct Days of Christmas (fwd)
On the 12th day of the Eurocentrically imposed midwinter festival, my
Significant Other in a consenting adult, monogamous relationship gave to
TWELVE males reclaiming their inner warrior through ritual drumming,
ELEVEN pipers piping (plus the 18-member pit orchestra made up of members
in good standing of the Musicians Equity Union as called for in their
union contract even though they will not be asked to play a note),
TEN melanin deprived testosterone-poisoned scions of the patriarchal
ruling class system leaping,
NINE persons engaged in rhythmic self-expression,
EIGHT economically disadvantaged female persons stealing milk-products
from enslaved Bovine-Americans,
SEVEN endangered swans swimming on federally protected wetlands,
SIX enslaved Fowl-Americans producing stolen non-human animal products,
FIVE golden symbols of culturally sanctioned enforced domestic incarceration,
(NOTE: after members of the Animal Liberation Front threatened to throw
red paint at my computer, the calling birds, French hens and partridge
have been reintroduced to their native habitat. To avoid further
Animal-American enslavement, the remaining gift package has been revised.)
FOUR hours of recorded whale songs,
THREE deconstructionist poets,
TWO Sierra Club calendars printed on recycled processed tree carcasses,
ONE Spotted Owl activist chained to an old-growth pear tree.
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Good Kwanzaa--Oh, heck! Happy Solstice!
(unless otherwise prohibited by law) *
*Unless, of course, you are suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder
(SAD). If this be the case, please substitute this gratuitous call for
celebration with a suggestion that you have a thoroughly adequate day.
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 11:02:58 +0100
From: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: fredaATnospamblarg.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: materialist?
Message-Id: <C125657E.00356DDB.00ATnospamais.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Dear dear Freda,
Very sorry about the use of the word "materialist". That was a wrong
word to use. I did not mean it in the sense of your definition.
What I meant was that this argument is what is given by materialists
who look for all answers in materialistic terms.
However, the same applies at all levels. The changing mind, body and
intellect are true. Nothing of these is permanent. But please think about
WHO is doing this thinking
--I had written--
>> You speak of undergoing changes mentally, physically and intellectually.
>> Perfect. Just WHO is undergoing these changes ? and just WHO is
>> these changes ?
---You had replied ----
>I beleive that would be me. MY consciousness. Which adds to the whole of
>consciousness as I understand it.
Precisely, perfectly said. YOUR consciousness.
To carry this through, YOUR consciousness, YOUR personality, YOUR mind,
YOUR body etc. These are tools of YOU, the real YOU that does not change.
If you change your clothes you do not change. In the similar manner, if
personality changes, YOU do not change. Otherwise how do you remember
that it is the same you called "freda" in childhood and the same person
that is living right now ?
What changes are the tools, the material things, the mental and
things. But YOU are not someone else, right ? You do not wake up in the
morning to ask ""Who am I today !". You know. There is something in you
which is constant throughout your life even though your mind has changed
in character. You have not put on someone else's mind, right ?
When I put on good clothes and make-up l look good to others.
When I wake up groggy in the morhing you may not want others to
see me. But it is still the same me which is making all these decisions.
Buddhist assertion that everything visible to the eye and intellect is ever
changing -- that is perfectly true. No doubts about that. But there is also
a knowledge that you are undergoing changes. Please think that if there
was nothing constant in you, then you would not be able to perceive any
change. If the Buddhist assertion were completely true, then I am constanly
changing, and I have no stability in anything, no memory, no personality.
My graduation certificate would be of no use to anyone because when I
graduated I was a different person and today I am a different person. What
name do I call myself ???
We are all in a train. Physical train, everchanging places. Mental train,
constant change. Personality train - changing. Intellect train - that too
in a
continuous change. But we are noticing these changes. If there was nothing
constant we would not notice these changes.
If you have changed so much from childhood, how do you know if you
were "freda" in your childhood, and the same person "freda" in your youth ?
Your memory would have to tell you that basically you are the same person,
although all your characteristics were changed. You are not impersonating
someone else, right ?
Even if I were to have a hand amputed, I would be the same person.
Maybe in pain and sorrow, but the same person. This is me through
out my life, I am not playing anyone else's life, but my own. I still
to the same name given to me in my childhood. If everything were to
change then what is my name ? What's yours ???
Cheers and love to all
The same Ashanka
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 11:08:48 +0100
From: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net
Cc: fredaATnospamblarg.net, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Science
Message-Id: <C125657E.00374716.00ATnospamais.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
-------hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net wrote-----
>An analogy: if I have a lit candle, and a light another candle with it,
>then another candle from the second, etc, etc....is the flame on the last
>candle I light the same flame i lit it from? no... Thus is consciousness
>-- > the self. If I step my foot in a stream, and then remove it and put
>it in the same place, am i caressed by the same particles of water i was
>before? No, it's constantly moving is it not? constantly changing?
>In Buddhism we say that only *nothing* is permanent...and question even
>that ;}.... so no, I am not the same person I was 10 seconds ago, let
>10 years ago.
Do you not go back to the same home day after day ??
Do you not respond to the same name day after day ???
Or do you have a different name every moment ???
You may not FEEL the same, but you ARE the same.
If you change, then just who are you and who sent this mail,
the same person, or someone else in your place ???
Your feeling different about yourself does not mean that
you have changed. IF so, then you have no existence,
no culture, no name, no personality.
Are you the same, or will this mail go to someone else ??
Cheers and love to all
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 08:23:07 -0600
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Newy here
Message-Id: <l03010d08b0cff4532717ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Debbie Baldock <mistyATnospamronscomputers.com.au> wrote:
>I have been reading posts for several days now and have been searching on
>the net for the last few months about the Kundalini...
Welcome from another newbie!
>I was attuned to teacher level in Reiki a year and a half ago... and have
>been finding extrodinary things happening after the attunements, now finding
>out they are related to the Kundalini... My sexual energy is very very high
>after classes.. as I am celibate this was creating confusion as to why this
>was happening..(hehehehe was wondering if I was becoming a sex maniac)..
>trying to find easily read information on the Kundalini has been a task in
>let alone the affects on the body as you awaken..
>Now I had always believed that you had to be trained to have your Kundalini
>awakened and that it should only be done by masters that had trained for
>many years.
When C.G. Jung and others held a seminar on kundalini in 1932, spontaneous
awakenings were unknown in the Western world. Now they are not rare at all.
Dr. Leo Sannella suggests that this is because hundreds of thousands of
people are now involved with meditation, healing, and other psychic and/or
spiritual disciplines. He agrees with those who see it as an evolutionary
process in man.
In Sannella's book "Kundalini Experience" he gives classic examples of
Kundalini awakenings and also many accounts from contemporary people. He
sees the process as therapeutic, not as an abnormality. If you haven't
seen his book, I recommend it.
>I had always been aware of energy but even more so now..
>How do you learn to control the enrgy? can it be controled?...
>I have always been aware of my guides and been able to share with them but
>the levels of communication have changed...
Jung says kundalini is "an autonomous process arising from the
unconscious," which means it seems to have a consciousness or mind of its
own. Muktananda and others relate to it as Mother Kundalini, the goddess
Shakti, and Muktananda says Shakti became his guide. (His books are good -
"Play of Consciousness" is autobiographical.)
If you have had communication with your guides, you can probably
communicate with Kundalini/ Shakti in the same way and hear responses. So
I'd suggest asking Shakti about controlling the energy.
When I first began this process, I was concerned about something happening
in front of other people - physical jerking or whatever. It seemed to me
that more physical symptoms appeared when the energy stayed in one center
longer. So when it started up when I was with other people, I used
visualization to move it on up and out. See the next center up and the
energy moving there, and then it does. Then the next center, and so on,
until it goes right out the top of the head. Just keep it moving. (Some
people say you should conserve all your kundalini and be careful not to
lose any, but I'm told we want a flow-through.) It's only been six months
for me, but I don't have to think about all this any more - no problems in
In private I don't try to control, I try NOT to. In meditation Shakti is
in control. I figure Shakti knows the purpose of this, knows my body, and
can control it completely and beneficently. If you have a problem or a
worry, tell Shakti. A small example: in meditation one day my stomach was
so empty it was becoming painful. I said, "If this stomach gets worse, I
need to stop and go eat." Shakti said, "I'll handle it." The pain went
away and the stomach was fine.
>the energy at times goes from very cold to hot, can anyone explain it for me
A common symptom, I think Sannella discusses it Not to worry.
>I had a heart condition diagnosed several years ago when carrying second
>child.. where my heart races up to 160 beats per minute.. I am now wondering
>if this is connected to the Kundalini?
Do you still have the condition? I'm no doctor, but can tell you my own
I was particularly worried about my heart/ heart center because in the past
I had problems with an uncontrollably fast heart and was on beta blockers
for three years for arrhythmic tachycardia. At the time my kundalini
experience began I had been off the medicine for at least several years but
was still being careful - no caffeine ever.
At the beginning I was told "2,3,5" - to think of the energy going to that
triangle of centers, the second, third, and fifth (counting upward).
Whatever other purpose that may have served, I soon realized that the heart
center was being protected - the energy was moving through it, but not
concentrating there.
I knew Shakti could take care of my heart. Much later, in meditation I
saw/felt a hand and arm coming right up the center of me. The hand closed
around my heart and held it, and I heard, "This heart is perfect."
Just recently, the energy concentrated fully in my heart center in
meditation for the first time, just in time for Christmas. No problem at
all. And I discovered this group/list.
Good luck!
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 10:22:09 -0500 (EST)
From: Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>
To: leydaATnospamvalunet.com
Cc: lodpressATnospamintercomm.com, heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com,
Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com
Subject: Heredity
Message-Id: <199712311522.KAA09560ATnospamdavinci.netaxis.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dear F. Drew,
So Kundalini will be activated one way or the other, when the person
>is predisposed to it. Of course, hereditary factors are a major
Really ! This is the first I heard of this. What hereditary factors affect
Kundalini activation ?
Dear Drew,
Kundalini has both a biological component and a spiritual component.
As yet we know only a very little about Spiritual Laws. We pay lip service
to "Karma," but we find so many inexplicable variations in the lives of
those we know or read about that we can never trace the connections that
make for the rigid play or activity of Karma.
But since Kundalini does have a biological component, it also is
influenced by hereditary factors in all of our lives. One of the first
questions the K. R. F. asks anyone who reports a Kundalini experience is
that the person look into his/her family tree. Chances are it will be
seen that somewhere, either the parents, grandparents, an aunt, uncle,
or sibling, will have been highly talented, deeply religious, eccentric,
schizophrenic, manic-depressive, etc. In other words, just as hair color,
physical stature, mental abilities, etc., more or less run in the family,
so too does ones predisposition towards compassion, love, honesty,
integrity, etc. In short, Kundalini.
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 13:16:42 -0500 (EST)
From: Daniel James Giszczak <danjgATnospamengin.umich.edu>
To: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>
cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Problems with auras - need help/advice
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.96.971229211629.4468B-100000ATnospamazure.engin.umich.edu>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> In the last hour or so I've had a "flare-up" of auras becoming visible
> without my having to deliberately look for them. That much is common for
> me, but this time the auras are in constant flux - color, size, texture,
> and depth are constantly varying - making it difficult at times to focus
> my eyes and see what I'm working on. Any ideas on how to get them
> settled down, or at least adjust to them so I can focus my eyes
> consistently?
Because you see them without intent, you experience one element of
aura reading without the other when both are required (you have the visual
experience, but your mind is not in the proper "mode" that you require to
make sense of these visuals.) When you learned to see auras at first, you
would first enter the proper mindset to interpret auras, and then you
would see the visual manifestation to be interpreted.
In my experience, attempts to focus while the visuals remain is
likely to be more frustrating than fruitful, driving you farther away from
the required mindset. My advice would be not to try to focus and to wait
until they dissappear, and then look for the aura the way you usually do.
Also, the constant shifting says to me that you are too tired to
focus. I experience a constantly shifting auditory phenomena sometimes
just before I sleep. I would recommend more sleep and a reduction or
release in stress.
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 10:50:20 -0800
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: materialist?
Message-ID: <34AA93EC.3A21ATnospamblarg.net>
> >> Perfect. Just WHO is undergoing these changes ? and just WHO is
> registering
> >> these changes ?
> >
> ---You had replied ----
> >I beleive that would be me. MY consciousness. Which adds to the whole of
> >consciousness as I understand it.
> Precisely, perfectly said. YOUR consciousness.
Ashanka, This is as far as you and I can run this one...from this point
on our
beleifs part ways
you go your way.....
> > In the similar manner, if
> > YOUR
> > personality changes, YOU do not change. Otherwise how do you remember
> > that it is the same you called "freda" in childhood and the same person
> > "freda"
> > that is living right now ?
and I go mmy way.....
The life force [known as] freda, the essesence if you will, is the same.
But the counsciousness [known as] freda does change.
Also, I am having trouble understanding why you insist I will forget
I don't errase myself and begin a new me each moment, I ADD TO my
I don't subtract from it .............
I'd never get anywhere that way!
I am in [this knowingness/this lifetime] experiencing changes so
profound that
I am driven to take an active part in my own evolution. I want more, not
BE-IS-AM ...manifesting again...
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 11:20:32 -0800
From: Tantrika <hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net>
To: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>, hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net
Cc: fredaATnospamblarg.net, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Science
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 11:08 AM 12/31/97 +0100, Sen Ashanka wrote:
>Do you not go back to the same home day after day ??
Depends, being a military brat I frequently changed abodes.
I've lived many places, and even my own home changes when I paint it, or
redocorate or haven't cleaned up, etc. There isn't anything permanent
about it. It could be destroyed in an earthquake tomorrow. Though I hope
that won't happen.
>Do you not respond to the same name day after day ???
Usually though I might not when i'm asleep or in ritual space.
>Or do you have a different name every moment ???
Sometimes I am Joy, sometimes Hummer, sometimes "sweetheart", sometimes
>You may not FEEL the same, but you ARE the same.
What is the difference between Feeling and "Areness?"
Maybe to you I am the same, but to me I change constantly, and most people
I know do, this is why they can have break-throughs in consciousness,
learn, evolve and develop. When I was a child of 1 I couldn't read so i
was limited to those stimulations provided me because my brain hadn't
developed the cognitive functioning to handle the written word.
Furthermore, at that point I was starting to develop a sense of *the other*
that things didn't exist solely because I was there. At 2 everything was
_me_, this is why that age is called the "terrible twos" because you are
being to individuate a consciousness of your own (sigh - standard child
developmental understanding) as I grew older i started to learn to *share*
and that there were others that existed other than my self - I didn't stay
stuck in the terrible twos, I don't remain *the same*, some may but not I.
My identity with "self" is something I may continue to have a
relationship with, but that "self" is an evolving growing being, and my
relationship to that "self" is one based on it's continual change. That is
why it is not an inherent "self" merely on based on continual experience.
The only thing that is *me* are my memories and relationship with that
"selfness". This can and does change consistently.
>If you change, then just who are you and who sent this mail,
>the same person, or someone else in your place ???
The same physcial person but a person different then when i sent the email
before. New experiences have occured since then. Nothing is permanent. If
the *me* didn't change, dear, i'd be quite, irrevocably *dead*. my body
changes as does my consciousness. I have new aspects of thought in me now
that I didn't have before. These will affect my perception of myself and
the world around me, so the permutations of the concept of "selfness" change.
>Your feeling different about yourself does not mean that
>you have changed. IF so, then you have no existence,
>no culture, no name, no personality.
No dear, if I do not change I have no existence. Think of it this way: the
self is the hole in the donut, the donut creates the concept of self. The
self itself is non-existent only the perceptions and ego and the
reflections of others create the concept of the personality. This is basic
101 Buddhism. I think you need to detach yourself, you are getting far too
emotional about how I perceive what I am. Why does it seem to threaten you
so much that i don't believe that I'm permanent?
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