1997/12/30 14:13
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #871
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 871
Today's Topics:
WORLD HEALING MEDITATION [ RadiantTch <RadiantTchATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: Science [ Tantrika <hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net> ]
Re: Science [ freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net> ]
Discussions on Human sexuality [ iri <iriATnospamivyrealty.com> ]
materialist? [ freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net> ]
Uranus Opposition [ Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> ]
Fear of Death [ tgxxxATnospamjuno.com (tg langston) ]
Re: Kundalini & Bible [ jacinthaATnospamjuno.com (Danielle R Dumon ]
new email addy [ Lorianna Burkes <lady_enchantmentATnospamy ]
RE: Kundalini & Bible [ Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.co ]
The Energy of Sex [ Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> ]
Re: Science [ David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net> ]
Re: Fear of Death [ freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net> ]
John and Oppression [ Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> ]
Re: Kundalini & life [ Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net> ]
Re: Science [ freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net> ]
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 11:37:34 EST
From: RadiantTch <RadiantTchATnospamaol.com>
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Message-ID: <63e2f840.34a92351ATnospamaol.com>
For anyone who wishes to join in thought, heart, and meditation anytime on
Dec. 31 (or ANY day), for the coming new year and years ahead, and also for
the NOW moment.....Peace, and Enjoy.........
In the beginning
In the beginning God.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth,
And God said Let there be light; and there was light.
Now is the time of the new beginning.
I am a co-creator with God, and it is a new Heaven that comes,
as the Good Will of God is expressed on Earth through me.
It is the kingdom of Light, Love, Peace and Understanding.
And I am doing my part to reveal its Reality.
I begin we me.
I am a living Soul and the Spirit of God dwells in me, as me.
I am the Father are one, and all that the Father has is mine.
In Truth, I am Christ of God.
What is true of me is true of everyone,
for God is all and all is God.
I see only the Spirit of God in every Soul.
And to every man, woman and child on Earth I say:
I love you, for you are me. You are my Holy Spirit.
I now open my heart,
and let the pure essence of Unconditional Love pour out.
I see it as a Gold Light radiating from the center of my being,
and I feel its Divine Vibration in and through me, above bad below me.
I am one with the Light.
I am filled with the Light.
I am illuminated by the Light.
I am the Light of the world.
With purpose of mind, I send forth the Light.
I let the radiance go before me to join the other Lights.
I know this happening all over the world at this moment.
I see the merging Lights.
There is now one Light. We are the Light of the world.
The one light of Love, Peace and Understanding is moving.
It flows across the face of the Earth,
touching and illuminating every soul in the shadow of the illusion.
And where there was darkness, there is now the Light of Reality.
And the Radiance grows, permeating, saturating every form of life.
There is only the vibration of one Perfect Life now.
All the kingdoms of the Earth respond,.
and the Planet is alive with Light and Love.
There is total Oneness,
and in this Oneness we speak the Word.
Let the sense of separation be dissolved.
Let mankind be returned to Godkind.
Let peace come forth in every mind.
Let Love flow forth from every hart.
Let forgiveness reign in every soul.
Let understanding be the common bond.
And now from the Light of the world,
the One Presence and Power of the Universe responds.
The Activity of God is healing and harmonizing Planet Earth.
Omnipotence is made manifest.
I am seeing the salvation of the planet before my very eyes,
as all false beliefs and error patterns are dissolved.
The sense of separation is no more; the healing has taken place,
and the world is restored in sanity.
This is the beginning of Peace on Earth and Good Will toward all,
as Love flows forth from every heart,
forgiveness reigns in every soul,
and all heart and minds are one in perfect understanding.
It is done. And it is so.
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 08:45:11 -0800
From: Tantrika <hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net>
To: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>, fredaATnospamblarg.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Science
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 05:26 PM 12/30/97 +0100, Sen Ashanka wrote:
>Just like, wearing different clothes do not make the person different,
>different mental/intellectual/physical states do not change the person. The
>remains the same, the tools change.
Ashanka, I cannot agree. I am not the same person from moment to moment
let alone the same person I was 10 years ago. My body changes as does my
experience. Actually I don't really believe in the "self" as it were
An analogy: if I have a lit candle, and a light another candle with it,
then another candle from the second, etc, etc....is the flame on the last
candle I light the same flame i lit it from? no... Thus is consciousness
-- > the self. If I step my foot in a stream, and then remove it and put
it in the same place, am i caressed by the same particles of water i was
before? No, it's constantly moving is it not? constantly changing?
In Buddhism we say that only *nothing* is permanent...and question even
that ;}.... so no, I am not the same person I was 10 seconds ago, let alone
10 years ago.
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:12:36 -0800
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: Sen Ashanka <sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Science
Message-ID: <34A92B84.36E3ATnospamblarg.net>
Sen Ashanka
First, are you plucking me into a group of? materialists in negating
the higher consciousness. I have not in any way negated "higher
consciousness", quite the contrary! Keep your name calling and your
accusations to what YOU know. I have mearly stated my observations and
> The ultimate is the tremendous fear felt at the time of death when
> all of the above (mind, body and intellect) have to be given up.
Really? And have you experienced this "fear" of death?
I have. Well, not accually, I did not experience "fear".
I can understand that I may have to give up this body, seems everyone so
far has, but on whos authority do you state that I will give up my mind
and intellect? Personally, my higher consciousness drives me to perfect
my mind and intellect, I am betting that it will serve me to do so, not
to bury it at "death" but to carry it with me!
> You speak of undergoing changes mentally, physically and intellectually.
> Perfect. Just WHO is undergoing these changes ? and just WHO is registering
> these changes ?
I beleive that would be me. MY consciousness. Which adds to the whole of
consciousness as I understand it.
> If you are mind, then you will not notice changes in the mind.
Whatever...that makes no sense.
<major snip!>
The whole rest of your arguement is - it would seem - relivant ONLY if
you separate me into pieces!!! Please, cut yourself into itty bitty
little crumbs and rip yourself all to shreds but I AM whole and I intend
to keep it that way. All of me, you, the universe even! is a part of
what makes me ME and I don't need ANYONE to tell me of changes in me. I
have that capacity within me and it is reflected back to me from
everything around me, Did my mind tell me that? Everything reflects
Your train story is nice---- but I am not a train. Although I have
ridden on a train so I can tell you that although my body may have felt
one way, and my mind may have thought another way, my intellect REASONED
that the truth was something else. Maybe thats why we have MIND BODY
SOUL INTELLECT PERSONALITY SEXUALITY bla bla bla to put them to use, not
separate them, I am not just one of any of these I am ALL of these
and I say again, It is no accident.
I agree if I were to fixate on any one thing at a time it would cause
confusion, as your train ride would!!! But I think the plan was to give
us many tools to be used together.
No one need tell me I have changed. I have, and I am and I will continue
to do so. And when I return to the BIG Whole I will be taking with me a
wealth of knowing, and if there is no Big Whole to return to I will have
given it all I had, with the tools available to me, as I do not intend
to waste any of what I have been given, but to use it all in unison as
that is what I BELEIVE they were given for!
I would suspect that your views and mine don't jive with one another as
to what our purpose here is, thats okay. I suggest that, for the time
being, we just agree to disagree on this.
BE-IS-AM ...manifesting again...
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:25:52 -0800
From: iri <iriATnospamivyrealty.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Discussions on Human sexuality
Message-Id: <199712301825.MAA15404ATnospamsmtp1>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Desmond Morris, for one, has written ad nauseum on the topic starting (as
far as I know) with the book "The Naked Ape" Perhaps it is worthwhile
reading some of his writings.
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 10:26:41 -0800
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: Sen Ashanka <sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: materialist?
Message-ID: <34A93CE1.4658ATnospamblarg.net>
Sen Ashanka,
just to be sure that I understood what you were assuming my beliefs are,
I looked it up.......
materialist, one who believes in materialism
materialism, 1. in philosophy,(a)the doctrine that matter is the only
reality and that everything in the world, including thought, will, and
feeling, can be explained only in the terms of matter: opposed to
idealism; (b)the doctrine that comfort, pleasure, and wealth are the
only or highest goals or values.
Having looked it up I am even more disturbed by your judgement. That is
about as far away from my viewpoint as one could get. I happen to be of
the beleif that matter IS infact explained and even CREATED by thought,
will and feeling!!!!
BE-IS-AM ...manifesting again...
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:03:22 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Uranus Opposition
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971230084952.4B-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Hi Ann and your mystery friend with the menopause and Uranus problem.
>>>s for astrology books, are you familiar with Stephen Arroyo's book,
"Astrology, Karma & Transformation: The Inner Dimensions of the Birth
Chart"? Very good! In fact, I think I'll send you some pages from the
chapter on Pluto. He also has an earlier book which I haven't read on
astrology and the four psychological functions a la Jung - intuition,
feeling, etc.>>
I am Reading Barbara Hand Clow THE LIQUID LIGHT OF SEX and it is all about
"KUNDALINI RISING AT MID-LIFE CRISIS" and she ties it into the
astrological aspects of life.. i.e. the Saturn Return.. the Uranus
transits etc. all indicate major shifts in the life of a human being. Page
17.." Mid-life crisis--the triggering of kundalini rising by the transits
of Uranus--results in the erotic emergence of thedivine self in
preparation for the second half of life, when we become holistic beings.
We give birth to ourselves for a new life."
I am not much into Astrology.. but she goes into this in detail. She then
goes into the symptoms including "Hot Flashes(And it Isn't Menopause)"
It is very interesting so far.. and I can see similarities to Rudolph
Steiner and his work on healing cycles.. i.e. that a trauma at say age 5
manifests again at age 50 to be healed. (I am not using his words here but
my own vague memory of an example).
The Publisher is Bear and Co. BOX 2860 Santa Fe, NM 87504 or
In the front cover is a note by Barbara Marx Hubbard... who says
:"Barabar H C has identified the hidden key to evolution now. It isthe
rise of suprasexual energy experienced as the passion to express our full
potential self through joining in love with others to create. She gives
us practical guidelines to go through our personal mid-life crisis to
become co-creative humans, a global species at the next stage of our
Aloha and Happy New Year... Ruth
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 14:39:35 -0500
From: tgxxxATnospamjuno.com (tg langston)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Fear of Death
Message-ID: <19971230.143936.13822.2.tgxxxATnospamjuno.com>
> The ultimate is the tremendous fear felt at the time of death when
> all of the above (mind, body and intellect) have to be given up.
I found, from one of my own K experiences, that the fear I felt at the
time of death was of having to do all of this over but once again! I
didn't fear losing my mind, body, nor intellect - I knew that I wouldn't
lose any thing I had gained in this life, other than the body, which that
was no big deal to me. I hated, frightfully hated, the thought of
spending a whole 'nuther lifetime, in but another body, finishing up what
I had started. So I agreed with myself, upon the time of that (k) death,
that even if it took 20 years to learn what I was to learn in this
lifetime, I would do it here and not another life, no matter what I had
to do. The ultimate fear at the time of death, was remembering who you
are, and knowing you would forget when you came back.
Real or illusion? ahhhh... just another k experience for the records.
* You can't ask to start over just because you're losing the game *
http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html <~~~~~~ on the web now!
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 14:58:53 -0500
From: jacinthaATnospamjuno.com (Danielle R Dumont)
To: annfisherATnospamstic.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini & Bible
Message-ID: <19971230.145906.14270.0.jacinthaATnospamjuno.com>
On Fri, 26 Dec 1997 13:53:22 -0600 Ann Morrison Fisher
<annfisherATnospamstic.net> writes:
>Bohemial <BohemialATnospamaol.com> wrote:
>>I was reading the book of revelations and found the part on the seven
>>Could this also be a reference to kundalini and the blooming of the
>Edgar Cayce said Revelations is about the seven centers, and he
>dictated a
>lengthy manuscript on the subject. You can get it from the A.R.E.
>(Association for Research and Enlightenment) in Virginia Beach,
>where all his files are preserved. I'm not sure whether you can buy it
>whether it's a rotating file. You might have to pay $20 to become a
>but then a member can borrow any files, keep them for a month, and
>them back.
Here is a phone number that you can contact A.R.E. Press and order many
different Edgar Cayce books, CDs, audio tapes and videos. There are also
other authors with their books, CDs, audio tapes and videos.
The phone number is toll free : 1-888-ARE-0050
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 12:34:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Lorianna Burkes <lady_enchantmentATnospamyahoo.com>
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: new email addy
Message-ID: <19971230203408.16134.rocketmailATnospamsend1a.yahoomail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Please remove me from the K-list using my email address
and begin sending the k-list to my new email addy
there is too much traffic on the k-list for my yahoo account.
Thanks...love and light
Get your free ATnospamyahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 15:37:25 -0500
From: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>
To: jacinthaATnospamjuno.com, annfisherATnospamstic.net, BohemialATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: RE: Kundalini & Bible
Message-ID: <B982B2DC7C0ED111804600805F850AB21E9ABEATnospamEX-DENVER-U1>
Content-Type: text/plain
Don't forget to check your local library if you have one. Saves a lot of
money if you can check the book out before you decide to buy it. The
title of the book currently under discussion is "A Commentary on the
Book of the Revelation", 1969 by Edgar Cayce. My library carries a copy
- the Dewey number was 228 CAYCE. I've never read it myself (or any
other Cayce, for that matter), just looked it up in the online catalog,
so I can't give you an opinion as to whether he's right on, far out, all
wet, or what.
It wouldn't surprise me if the seven seals were, in part, a metaphor for
spiritual awakening (though I'd be interested in Cayce's take on the
plagues and disasters accompanying the 2nd, 4th and 6th seals - maybe I
*will* read his book after all). It *would* surprise me if the seals had
only one meaning, be it prophetic or metaphoric. My experience has been
that God rarely says anything with less than two meanings in it. To
paraphrase the old saying: "Man says many things to convey one thought;
God says one thing to convey many thoughts."
- Mike
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 10:42:58 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: The Energy of Sex
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971230095820.19732C-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
WARNING .. this is a rambling long one about Sex, Brain Sex, Gays and me..
Hi Barbara Ellen... (love the name and the Old English ballad) your first
post is quite something. Wow.. we have the most amazing people on this
list. I never tire of enjoying what comes through my box... You said it
so beautifully tht Sex is energy exchange. YES. How simple and so true!
If we look at it likethat.. then I get the sense of dolphins who are
extremely sexual.. even to having sex with humans who play with them in
the water... they copulate freely and frequently.. and who would accuse a
dolphin of being "promiscuous" or even "sodomy or bestiality"? You said:
>>dimension. Sex is a way to bring that spiritual experience into our
physical reality (through the mental, emotional, & physical realms) with
the people we choose to create that reality with; a merging of heaven and
earth, where there is NO seperation, a ONENESS.
How can something so beautiful be judged? Yet we all have learned very
well to do so. To many people, sex is used as a form of power and control
over another. To many others, sex has the equivalent meaning of
commitment, or attachment. We attach so many meanings and fears to sex,
that its true meaning has all but been obliterated. And we humans have
done that to ourselves - no Gods, Goddesses, Universal Higher Powers, etc.
......just our OWN societal and familial created beliefs and rules.
>>NIce WORK!
I can see that all my problems with men come from Sex and not from
anything to do with friendship. I have had men tell me "I want to be your
friend for a long time so let us not have sex, for I know that would end
our friendship." And I have a good friend right now who wants to get
romantic with me.. and I am hesitating because I value the
friendship so much. But you are right. It is my attachment to it. Opening
up to a human being brings up all kinds of unresolved childhood issues..
and thes are what make you think "Oh Mummy is back safe and cozy.. so I
can now get all the things I needed and did not get." and proceed to
strangle the relationship to death because of attachment.. NOT love.
YIKES::: How often that has happend to me!
And I look at so many relationships I have had in the past where sex was
part of it and so much of it was about POWER.. and that makes it so ugly.
My daughter's experience is the same too.. did she get this from me? Or is
this universal in American society? So if you think of Sex as this lovely
shining star gift.. that you pour from your body to a beloved as a
benediction and gift.. then I think the perspective is much closer to what
real love should be... not attachment and not control and not power.
THANK you for this insight.. I knew it but never saw it!
As for the discussions on the gay issues... I would like to add something
that totally changed my attitude about it. I used to feel very nervous
around gays.. male and female. It came from my upbringing I think. But a
gay man would give me what iscalled "the heebies" in my lingo...and I
would just feel like throwing up and sort of my skin would crawl.. Do you
know what I mean? It would feel like what I felt when a snake would come
across my path. This ofcourse was not a natural feeling.. I think it came
from my upbringing which had many "bad" messages about such things etc.
thank goodness, I read a book called "Brain Sex" and my attitude totally
switched.. for it revealed that the sexual preference issue was
determined within 12 weeks of gestation in humans (not with other animals
apparently) and that if the little egg did not get the right mix of
hormones in that short period, it would have maybe a male body, but female
orientation in sexual preference.
Since I was a twin of boy/girl twins.. I
knew that my brother was much more gentle and soft and girlish than I was
and I have seen this same thing in other boy/girl twins. I have always
been a tom boy preferring lego and mechanical things to dolls and playing
housefrau. So I figure somewhere inside my mom we sort of got into the
same soup of hormones and I came out with a little more orientation to the
male and he with a little more orientation to the female. Fortunately, he
is very much the macho male with his wife, and thus far I have absolutely
no interest in anything but full on males..so that part turned out in
line with our physical forms. Neither of my two sisters is as aggressive
and physically strong as I am, nor as interested in a variety of
subjects and in accomplishing things... both
are very much more content with the feminine side and have not either one
achieved anything outside the home. But have raised two kids and kept
a husband happy for 25 years or more. I raised one child as a single
parent and have two degrees. Just think how different I would
have been without my brother's little extra hormone soup!!ATnospam# Thanks Roger!
Incidentally, my brother is an acknowledged genius in the circles he is
in, already studied in the universities for his work. As far as I know he
has not had the K. awakening.. but ya never know!
However, I can see how easily such tiny things as a hormone missing, can
turn things around. So this book resonated with me and I totally changed
my attitude so that now I have a very tolerant attitude to gays in my
classes and do not understand how I felt any differently. It came home to
me some time ago that sexual attraction forme had more to do with my past
lives.. as i had a girl friend from Switzerland called Ruth (same as me)
who looked like me, had the same interests as me, spoke like me.., thought
like me and had history like me and same age as me... we were TWINS! I
felt a sexual energy coming from her very strongly for the first time from
another female... something I would normally only experience from men.
Then I realized that being gay was not
about the genital parts of the body, but about attraction to that core
awareness of someone's energy.. that desire to blend in that energy and
share intimacy...
So sexual preference is comlex and I believe now that it is more about
hormone soups, and past life attractions than environment and
perversion...as I was alwasy taught. Roll on tolerance and understanding.
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 15:58:49 -0500
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Science
Message-ID: <34A96089.728AATnospammail.snet.net>
freda wrote:
>-each of us is unique, in body, mind, intellect, personality.
Uniqueness is so overrated.
It is isolation glorified.
> I just don't buy into the idea that we
> are supposed to take a back seat and observe,
It might be the best seat in the House.
> to me, why would we be given all these gifts if we weren't supposed to
> use them, really use them,
There is only one real gift.
Its' reflections seem to vary.
But reflections remain reflections.
> I wouldn't need to be here if all I was
> supposed to do is watch.
What if there were an immense, intelligent, power at work here
with your best interest in mind, but you thought you could somehow do
better and overlooked It?
> Reflect and learn? YES. Detatch and observe? No thank you.
To reflect would require an element of stillness.
And what if in this stillness was all Action?
Peace to You
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 12:50:50 -0800
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: tg langston <tgxxxATnospamjuno.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Fear of Death
Message-ID: <34A95EAA.39BFATnospamblarg.net>
> The ultimate fear at the time of death, was remembering who you
> are, and knowing you would forget when you came back.
> Real or illusion? ahhhh... just another k experience for the records.
> xxxtg
I was 3 yrs old when I experienced death. I was not afraid. It remains
the most comfortable feeling I have ever experienced, when I seek
comfort this is what I shoot for. That feeling of not BEING a body. Very
light and free. I was aware of the body, but it was different than it
usually felt [when I had it on] like I had to keep reminding myself it
was there or something. I did ask to not have to go back. But I was
already back before [they] heard me.
IT makes me laugh because I am often accused of speaking before I think.
a throw back maybe?
I was taught that heaven was where good people went and hell was where
bad people went. The good people got to forever enjoy the good things.
The bad people were punnished forever by the worst thing that could ever
I have always associated "hell" as not remembering, if everything that
had been known, flowers or gramma or the food, everything, if I could
not remember it, because I had sinned: then that would be hell.
>and knowing you would forget when you came back.
> Real or illusion? ahhhh... just another k experience for the records.
> xxxtg
I guess thats a me too, for the record.
BE-IS-AM ...manifesting again...
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 10:52:52 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: John and Oppression
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971230104544.19732D-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
John from Canada:
>> What can I do? My dear wife said: "He can't keep being cruel if
you are is nice". There has been many years of friction between us, I
have been trying to fix it. My awakening and change does not mean the
world around me has. This individual has control over me. Any advice?
(This is a major blockage in my growth.)
Well you have a big advantage.. your K. is with you. What do you learn
from the K? That all are ONE.. we are all unified. Thus this person IS
you in some very real way. I do not want to preach at you and make you
close again.. John.. but are you entirely clear about all your being?
Is there something you are afraid of? I can tell you without fear of doubt
that this person is reflecting to you soemthing you do not wish to
acknoweldge in yourself.
With that said.. I have now something you can do.. SEND HIM/her ALL YOUR
LOVE." EVERY day shower love on this being and keep it up - send it from
your heart.. send it from your higher chakras.. send it from your lower
chakras.. but SEND SEND SEND.. and watch the transformation. For whatever
this person fears in you is something you also fear.. and in healing their
fear.. you will heal yourself.
Try it.. It works 100% of the time with Demons and all kinds of entities
which do not even have names... perhaps the only beings it does not work
on are the Greys.. they are about out of range of love now so that iswhy
they are exiting as a life form.. they killed love in themselves. All
others will respond.. as love is the basic fabric of the universe.. it is
the ether through which light travels, it is the fabric of time and space.
Well that is my two cents.. Stop negotiating with your fear in this
person and just blow it away...
Please tell me the results when you can... Love Ruth
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 15:18:44 -0600
From: Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net>
To: John Lounsberry <berryATnospamcnwl.igs.net>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, lodpressATnospamintercomm.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini & life
Message-ID: <34A96533.3138ATnospamgte.net>
John Lounsberry wrote:
> Personal experiences with Kundalini and the reality of the world. I
> have changed but the world has not. My prospective has changed and the way I deal with the world. This will > help to change the world around me.
Athena wispers: "You can only change YOU ... *never* anybody else
But when you change yourself, watch how fast everybody else changes
And adds: "The way we choose to see the world creates the world we see "
Simple < but not easy > truths... from a simple mind < mine >
Love and Light unto your Path...THERE IS ONLY ONE OF US...Athena
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 13:13:03 -0800
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: david.bozziATnospamsnet.net
CC: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Science
Message-ID: <34A963DF.4D76ATnospamblarg.net>
> What if there were an immense, intelligent, power at work here
> with your best interest in mind, but you thought you could somehow do
> better and overlooked It?
yea.. WHAT IF. And what if the immense, intelligent power at work here
sent a manual?
OH, wait, yea, I think mine did.
The index reads:
chapter one......spirituality
chapter two......mind
chapter three......intelect..... and so on.
> > Reflect and learn? YES. Detatch and observe? No thank you.
> To reflect would require an element of stillness.
> And what if in this stillness was all Action?
What if?......
I beleive that is manifestation.
BE-IS-AM ...manifesting again...
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