Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/12/30 09:41
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #870

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 870

Today's Topics:
  A View on Sexuality [ RadiantTch <RadiantTchATnospamaol.com> ]
  Re: Science [ "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it ]
  Re: Problems with auras - need help/ [ Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net> ]
  Re: Science [ freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net> ]
  Who Am I? [ Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com> ]
  Limiting Decisions (Scripting) [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
  Celibacy [ Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com> ]
  Kundalini & life [ John Lounsberry <berryATnospamcnwl.igs.net ]
  Re: Science [ "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it ]
  Re: Who Am I? [ "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it ]
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 06:16:59 EST
From: RadiantTch <RadiantTchATnospamaol.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: A View on Sexuality
Message-ID: <7a20999f.34a8d82fATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 97-12-30 01:06:14 EST, Don Benson writes:

snip<< I believe God created us for glorious, fruitful fellowship with
 and one another. I see Kundalini as the God-given sexual fuel and fire that
 empowers us to live meaningful lives as productive citizens of heaven and
 earth. I believe the most important question is -- what is the purpose of
 your life? As you begin to understand who you are created to be in God and
 what He has called you to do in this life, then you will find full and
 productive expression of all your sexual energy in fullfilling your identity
 and calling. This is bound to include significant work, friendships, and
 participation in the larger physical, social, and spiritual community --
 whether or not you get married and raise children. The Scriptures exhort us
 all to be actively engaged in loving God and our neighbors as ourselves. Not
 just with feelings, thoughts, and words, but *with all your heart, with all
 your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.* >>snip

I am in agreement, here, and am heartened to find this kind of thinking here.
This is my first post to the list, as I just joined yesterday. I love what
I've been reading so far! And here is my first contribution......

It is my belief that sexuality is very simply a form of energy exchange. If
we were to take away our "brainwashed" beliefs, guilts, and fears about sex, I
think we would realize that we are all sexual beings from the moment of birth.
Our sexuality is expressed in many ways and forms - hugging, touching, kind
words, smiles, acceptance, comraderie, etc. Any form of loving communication
is an expression of our own sexuality.

Sexuality doesn't just center in the loins - it is part of our everyday
existence, the unique ways in which we interact with the world in the giving
and sharing of OURSELVES, and also receiving in kind. Sex itself is just a
more intimate level of loving communication and play; an act that allows us to
open ourselves more deeply, to allow another further "into" ourselves
emotionally, mentally, and physically, and join together there in mutual
pleasure (i.e. the energy exchange).

To me, that is the grand purpose of sex, and why we were born with the
inherent desire FOR sex (including the appreciation of and arousal when
viewing human bodies, and sexually stimulating material). In my opinion,
being excited about and desiring sex is not "dirty" as a lot of us have been
taught. It IS our very spiritual NATURE; it's a big part of WHO WE ARE. And
it is WE who judge it in ourselves, NOT any higher power.

Because of these beliefs that I have awakened to, I no longer judge people who
have sex with a lot of different people (or those that just wish they could).
I understand it now. After all, I have many friends who I communicate and
demonstrate deep love with, male AND female, and THAT is a form of sexuality
too. Who am I to judge another for the ways they choose to exchange energy
(pleasure) and communicate with one another?

At a spiritual level, I believe and feel that we all know and love each other.
If we had a special camera that could film our very spirits (that operate our
physical bodies), it is my opinion that in EVERY human exchange, be it sex or
not, what would be filmed is our beautiful, colorful spirits dancing and
merging with one another in that other dimension. Sex is a way to bring that
spiritual experience into our physical reality (through the mental, emotional,
& physical realms) with the people we choose to create that reality with; a
merging of heaven and earth, where there is NO seperation, a ONENESS.

How can something so beautiful be judged? Yet we all have learned very well
to do so. To many people, sex is used as a form of power and control over
another. To many others, sex has the equivalent meaning of commitment, or
attachment. We attach so many meanings and fears to sex, that its true
meaning has all but been obliterated. And we humans have done that to
ourselves - no Gods, Goddesses, Universal Higher Powers, etc. ......just our
OWN societal and familial created beliefs and rules.

And for those who desire, all those beliefs can be UNcreated. Sex can once
again become the spiritual and innocent expression of love and regard, the
intimate merging of heaven and earth, and the playful, pleasureable energy
exchange. A change in belief systems in conjunction with like actions
produces changes in physical reality. Follow your heart....<3 <3 <3

Barbara Ellen, R. Hy, ULM ATnospam)-}}--}}--
Radiant Touch* Healing
Spirit-guided Psychic Advisor/Healer
Healing Words, Healing Energy via E-mail
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 12:33:51 +0100
From: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Cc: gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com, gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au, heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com,
Subject: Re: Science
Message-Id: <C125657D.003E74D4.00ATnospamais.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Dear M,

--You wrote--
>I was recently chemically injured (non-politically correct terms for this
>might be 'poisoned' or 'drugged') and afterwards could not go to a store
>nearby with two items in mind to purchase without forgetting a least one
>not both of them before I got there. However, I was still able to think of
>creative solutions to problems - the ones I could understand anyway. It
>and continues to be, a very odd experience. My personality has changed as
>Who are we?
>Our minds?
>Our intellects?
>Our personalities?
>I for one am no longer sure.
>What is genius anyway?
>What good is it all in its ivory tower?
>If it has no effects, does it really exist?

A very very good and deep inquiry indeed. The discussion is the outcome of
chanelising of the K-energy.

To give an answer to the questions in the way the ancient Indians (there I
go again!)
had seen them :

Question : Are we our minds ?
Answer : Our mental state and moods keep changing, but we remain we, and
remain you and I remain I. Since this is our mind which is changing and not
us, it
is obvious that we are not our mind.

Question : Are we our intellects ?
Answer : Intellect is the mental tool to wade through tons of data and get
and knowledge out of it for utilisation. This develops over time or can
weaken over
time. This is not a constant, we are constant, and so we are not our

Question : Are we our personalities ?
Answer : Also, as the above two --- negative.

So, we are recognised by our personalities and intellect and mind, but we
neither of them !?! Very true. When we grow up, we go through a host of
and growth in personality traits, but we remain the same person throughout.
consciousness that this is MY hand, MY mind, MY happiness, MY sorrow, this
ME, the source of knowledge..... This is the real ME. This consciousness is
knowledge, only a mere impassionate observer. You know the story of your
life. That in you which is observing your whole life ... impassionate ...
non-forgetting ... non-forgiving ... THAT is the real you. That is pure
the observer.

Like when we go to the movies, we just watch the movie, we are not anyone
the movies, we just watch. We may be moved to tears at times if the movie
involves us.

In the same manner, this consciousness is a pure observer in the whole
of life, and feels involved at times and gets distorted. That is the real

Cheers and love to all
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:31:32 -0600
From: Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net>
To: "N. Eckert" <watrfallATnospamniagara.com>
CC: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Problems with auras - need help/advice
Message-ID: <34A913D4.699EATnospamgte.net>

N. Eckert wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Sometimes when things come in that are new.. they seem really overwhelming
> util they settle in a bit. Usually it all happens by itself.
> I think it may be a way of spirit getting our attention and saying look! at
> this:)
> pretty cool huh? :)
> WatrFall

You are right in this WaterFall,it is also called 'processing'. The new
'gift', as well as *any* thought, idea or concept, has to diffuse
through the totality of your consciousness. What is actually happening,
though you may not see this, is that all new concepts are being compared
against old belief systems which are deeply ingrained in your
consciousness. All your memories of all old experiences, old prejudices,
old hurts, old angers and rejections, which can also be called 'old
Tapes', come to the forefront.

Because you have grown in spirit and conciousness, some of these old
tapes are no longer useful. They are no longer who you are 'today'. But
they are still stored in the subconcious. So there is a period of
'disorientation' as all is looked at internally, and reassessed.

The easiest metaphor I can give you, that might make sense, is think of
shutting down your computer. I know on mine, when I have been working on
it all day, using many different programs, and I tell win95 to 'shut
down', it goes through several minutes of gyrations, before the message
appears 'it is now safe to turn off your computer'.

Hope this helps,


Love and Light unto your Path...THERE IS ONLY ONE OF US...Athena
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 07:33:13 -0800
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: Sen Ashanka <sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Science
Message-ID: <34A91439.6287ATnospamblarg.net>

M writes:
> >Who are we?
> >Our minds?
> >Our intellects?
> >Our personalities?
> >
> >I for one am no longer sure.
> >
> >What is genius anyway?
> >What good is it all in its ivory tower?
> >If it has no effects, does it really exist?
Sen Ashanka responds:Date:
      Tue, 30 Dec 1997 12:33:51 +0100
> So, we are recognised by our personalities and intellect and mind, but we
> are
> neither of them !?! Very true. When we grow up, we go through a host of
> experiences
> and growth in personality traits, but we remain the same person throughout.

Oh no, not me. I have not remained the same. I have gone through many
changes, physically, intellectually, spiritually, socially, you name it,
"I" am not at all constant! Except, there is this "life force" a
"something" that gives all of me life. That has remained constant. I
beleive that it is all me. My mind, intellect, personality, and like it
or not at this particular time even my body IS me. They may only be
tools but it would seem to me that they are some darned important tools!
These ARE what we have been given to manipulate THIS world. We may well
be a part of the BIG Whole but we have been given these "tools" to use
at our will to BE separate, I don't know the why of it but I doubt that
it is an accident that we each have a body which only reacts to our
commands, and the ability to think and reason - privately! -each of us
is unique, in body, mind, intellect, personality.
I will pass on the veg-out theory of observing and not experiencing this
lifetime. I see it as a gift, and I intend to BE a participant in every
aspect it that I am capable of. I just don't buy into the idea that we
are supposed to take a back seat and observe, that makes so little sense
to me, why would we be given all these gifts if we weren't supposed to
use them, really use them, I wouldn't need to be here if all I was
supposed to do is watch.
Reflect and learn? YES. Detatch and observe? No thank you.
 In answer to M:
>Who are we?
>Our minds?
>Our intellects?
>Our personalities?
Yes, you are.
Thats my opinion.
BE-IS-AM ...manifesting again...
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 10:26:16 -0500 (EST)
From: Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>
To: sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au,
Subject: Who Am I?
Message-Id: <199712301526.KAA06478ATnospamdavinci.netaxis.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Ashanka,

    Your comment that "this discussion is the result of channelizing
the K-energy" is certainly right on target. It is exactly this kind
of discussion that I believe will take place all over the earth in
the near future, beginning with the Internet. Within three years, I
believe, such discussions will be taking place on all college
campuses, over the Internet, even, perhaps, in various legislatures
in the U. S. and abroad.

   It has to happen, otherwise the grip of materialism and intellectualism
will smother everyone and there will be no chance of turning back or even
turning in a new direction.

   I very much enjoy it when anyone draws inspiration and knowledge from
the writings of the ancient sages. Thanks very much.

Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 10:02:00 -0600
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Limiting Decisions (Scripting)
Message-Id: <l03010d01b0cecae3c3acATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Just sending out some material on 1) LDs or limiting decisions (scripting)
and 2) muscle-testing as a way to talk to the body/subconscious.

If anyone requested this and doesn't receive it, please let me know.

Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 10:57:47 -0500 (EST)
From: Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>
To: at3ATnospamearthlink.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, DonBBensonATnospamaol.com
Subject: Celibacy
Message-Id: <199712301557.KAA07894ATnospamdavinci.netaxis.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Mike,

   Don forwarded your email to him and his comments to you. To clear up one
point about celibacy, I have always advocated moderation in sexual activity,
not celibacy, EXCEPT in the case of a spontaneous, forceful awakening, in
which case celibacy is essential, mandatory, for a period of time, usually
extending from about six months to about eighteen months. Spontaneous,
forceful awakenings of Kundalini are rare. In such rare cases, the phenomenon
of Urdhava-retas occurs spontaneously and automatically. But this can be
interrupted by having sexual relations, masturbation, etc. It will not
cause wet dreams, etc. But if the person knows nothing about Urdhava-retas
and has no guidance from a competent teacher, he/she may inadvertently
disrupt the process by engaging in sexual activities. That is why knowledge
is so important.

   In your case, which is not uncommon, concentration of the mind, whether
during meditation or during intense mental activity of almost any kind, stirring
up erotic feelings is natural. It happens a lot. Generally speaking, if one
in whom these erotic feelings occur during concentration/meditation, etc., will
refrain from all sexual activity AT THAT TIME, the feelings will pass.

   Here's what happens: You sit down to meditate (or concentrate on your
writing, a problem, or whatever) and after about a half hour or so, you find
that you are disturbed by these erotic feelings, generally in your sexual
organ. The reason for this is that in your concentration, you are drawing
upon your reserves of reproductive energy. It's like a fuel. There is just
so much of it available to you. But you continue to draw upon the reserves
by prolonging your meditation/concentration. The reserves are exhausted.
But the demand, caused by the concentration, continues.

   This demand then causes the sexual organs, the reproductive system, to
go into action, producing more energy. This in turn results in the erotic
feelings. Better to slack off on the meditation/concentration for a while
until your body can replenish the exhausted or depleted nerve energy.

   What you describe about yourself varies in intensity in every individual.
In some, it is extremely intense, in others only mildly bothersome. The
reason why the energy does not simply "flow up" continually is because the
nervous system is not yet fully prepared or ripe for the activity. By
slowly refining ones thoughts, actions, etc., the nervous system changes
sufficiently for the possibility of Urdhava-retas to occur. The advice
Don has given is certainly appropriate and valid.

   The main thing is to try to have a moderate sex life. What is moderate?
This depends almost entirely on the constitution of the individual, his/her
age and activities. You have to decide for yourself. An older person, deeply
engaged in intense mental work for prolonged periods, must curtail his sexual
activity much more than a younger, healthy, person whose main activity is
mostly confined to physical work. Definitely one should not engage in sex
every time the urge strikes. Self-discipline brings its own rewards. But
an iron will, beyond the bounds of moderation, can certainly cause nerosis.


P. S. I mailed a few books to you about five days ago.
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 11:08:19 -0500
From: John Lounsberry <berryATnospamcnwl.igs.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
CC: lodpressATnospamintercomm.com
Subject: Kundalini & life
Message-ID: <34A91C73.1F07ATnospamcnwl.igs.net>

Personal experiences with Kundalini and the reality of the world. I
have changed but the
world has not. My prospective has changed and the way I deal with the
world. This will
help to change the world around me.
  I carry such high ideals and feel the kundalini energy flowing
in me, I find a few
cruel words form my boss can cause my heart chakra to close up.
   What can I do? My dear wife said: "He can't keep being cruel
if all you are is
There has been many years of friction between us, I have been trying to
fix it. My
awakening and change does not mean the world around me has. This
individual has
control over me. Any advice? (This is a major blockage in my growth.)

I believe that those in this position will find themselves in the grip
of the life force, the
force of evolution, We still have to deal with the world. There is no
question in my mind
that the Kundalini is a physical symptoms of this mental evolution.
That means that we are
responsible for bringing this evolution to the rest of the world.
  Consider that during this change we have no references to our
new experiences. Our
understanding in our world has been built on our life experiences and
our education.
We seek some point of reference. We read and study the lives, teachings
and books of
these remarkable individuals. We hope to find some truth and guidance to
explain what is
happening to us. I have learned a great deal and I am still
  To share a few things that I have found to be true.
  We have 7 primary Chakras only 4 we can influence. The first
at the base of the
spine, the seat of Kundalini. This is based in the body and can be
tuned with a healthy
body: diet, all aspects of fitness, I personally have been able to
achieve athletic excellence
in marathon canoeing. I have been able to take my body beyond limits I
never thought
possible, and in the midst of reaching to break a physical barrier of
exhaustion, energy has
flowed from kundalini and flowed in from above through the crown
chakra, making
breaking barriers a spiritual experience.
   The second chakra is based on mental stability and greatly
influenced by financial
stability. Our ability to sustain ourselves in our world what ever
form it takes. This can
become a very materialistic motivation that gives us security for our
day to day existence.
   The third is our emotional chakra, this will open when we
learn to give love and
receive love it seems to be that simple.
   The forth is the heart chakra, a focusing point for the
balanced and open first three.
   From this point we serve, serve for the betterment of the
human race, in any
capacity presented to us to do.
   The above three are influenced by Grace. We may meditate on
divine images,
contemplate the beauty of God in the universe, but these chakras are
influenced by the
Holy Spirit and entered from above.
    I believe it is possible to force a premature awakening. By
forcing kundalini into the
brain without Grace we run the risk of many undesirable side effects.
    Patients with divine meditation for guidance may be a more
natural method to take.
Live a life of service and one day grace will happen and the Holy Spirit
will enter
through the crown and meeting the heart allowing the divinely prepared
brain to receive
the kundalini.


  I have lived a life of following a higher purpose and I know
there are others out there
that seek a higher purpose. Gopi taught me an important thing, the
factor of grace.
  I have followed a life of meditation seeking direction and
clarity of thought (seeing
and feeling the Kundalini energy moving in me!)
I have had many deeply moving experiences clearing and opening chakras
allowing them to
have the prana energy flow in. I have studied Gopi Krishna read all his
books met with
him and spent time with him. Gopi's efforts where to create awareness
of Kundalini and
publish his visions.
    I have had most moving awakening take place on August 16
1997 at that point
I changed, all animosity was burnt out of me and I awakened to the fact
of what is real.
    After August 16, 1997: I have had a heightened sense of
awareness and a sense of
vision which I cannot explain. I feel an energy flowing in me that must
be released,
sometimes I feel it throbbing in my back mostly the lower spine recently
the upper.
   It feels good to talk to someone who may understand this
controlling force that
dominates my life. Please feel free to contact me.
Planted in human beings is a powerful reservoir of psychic energy which,
when roused to
activity in the state of Kundalini, can lead to a transcendental state.
Gopi Krishna's personal experience: Suddenly, with a roar like that of a
waterfall, I felt a
stream of liquid light entering my brain through the spinal cord... I
felt the point of
consciousness that was myself growing wider, surrounded by waves of
 Use this network to learn, grow, and help each other. To each of you
who are truly
seeking, Perhaps we will meet on the path. Its our
responsibility to teach.

John from
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 17:26:53 +0100
From: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: fredaATnospamblarg.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Science
Message-Id: <C125657D.00595D4C.00ATnospamais.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Dear Fredda,

Your argument is the perfect argument used by the materialists in negating
the higher consciousness. What you have expounded is true, but only to a
limited extent.

Our mind, body, intellect are us to the extent our clothes are us. These
coverings, tools, to be used and enjoyed. But, over-involvement with these
tools and sense pleasures leads to a mass of confusion and finally great
sorrow. The ultimate is the tremendous fear felt at the time of death when
all of the above (mind, body and intellect) have to be given up.

You speak of undergoing changes mentally, physically and intellectually.
Perfect. Just WHO is undergoing these changes ? and just WHO is registering
these changes ?

If you are mind, then you will not notice changes in the mind. To give an
if you are in a moving train, you will not notice the movement of the
train, but, instead
feel the ground moving back with respect to your position. Relative motion.

Similarly, if you tell me that your mind has undergone changes, is this
fact been
told to you, or you have noticed this yourself ? If you have noticed a
changing mind,
then there MUST be something else which is watching this change, otherwise
can you notice the change ? The mind is changing RELATIVE to something
is not.

Same logic is applied to the body and the intellect as well. Anything
cannot be static (logical) and hence cannot be the ultimate truth about
Are you not the same person as 10 years back ? In spite of complete mental
intellectual and physical change, it is YOU that have changed. YOU have
up, YOU have felt the moods, and YOU have grown in intellect.

Just like, wearing different clothes do not make the person different,
different mental/intellectual/physical states do not change the person. The
remains the same, the tools change.

Makes sense ??

Cheers and love to all
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 17:42:16 +0100
From: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au,
Subject: Re: Who Am I?
Message-Id: <C125657D.005A6D26.00ATnospamais.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

----Gene wrote---

>Dear Ashanka,
> Your comment that "this discussion is the result of channelizing
>the K-energy" is certainly right on target. It is exactly this kind
>of discussion that I believe will take place all over the earth in
>the near future, beginning with the Internet. Within three years, I
>believe, such discussions will be taking place on all college
>campuses, over the Internet, even, perhaps, in various legislatures
>in the U. S. and abroad.
> It has to happen, otherwise the grip of materialism and intellectualism
>will smother everyone and there will be no chance of turning back or even
>turning in a new direction.
> I very much enjoy it when anyone draws inspiration and knowledge from
>the writings of the ancient sages. Thanks very much.

Dear Gene,

Thanks a lot for your encouraging remarks.

Love to share your enthusiasm in this direction. This is something we would
all love to see happening.

Unfortunately (or fortunately ?) I do not share the same hope as you. I
the inspiration. This is not to say that one is disheartened, but to say
that the
nature of this universe is such that the populance will always remain in
same turmoil as always. 5000 years of ancient Indian civilisation with 2000
years of Christian civilisation up to date has not managed to make much of
dent in the scheme of things.

This is the nature of the world, this is what is termed in Indian context
as "maya".
This word "maya" denotes illusion, false bondage, false sense of ego etc.
world is trapped in this illusionary belief that material gains is
happiness, and
only a few strong-willed persons can take the reverse path and see the
and lead others to It.

This is what makes life meaningful. To see the order under the apparent
of chaos. To see the white shining light source through the darkened light
reaches all of us. To feel the unity of spirit and consciousness present in
and every of us. It is through K-awakened energy that we can feel the
consciousness and rise above the limits of mind/body/intellect and then see
our true Selves.

This is why in the second paragraph I have used the word "fortunately" in
brackets. If everyone sees the light that is one conclusion of creation. A
conclusion. If everybody (without exception) is in the dark, gripped in
materialism, then that is also another conclusion of the universe. Both the
and the Indian scriptures speak of destruction of the creation when
becomes bad.

The Truth is beyond good, bad, beyond the intellect. The supreme spirit
has no mind because God does not think.(!) God is that which knows
So, what is there for God to think about ?? God is pure happiness, pure
consciousness where the observer becomes one with the observed. This
is not a state of mind, but a pure blissfull experience.

Cheers and love to all


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