Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/12/29 14:08
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #868

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 868

Today's Topics:
  Re: Science (and Danger Will Robinso [ Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com> ]
  Science [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
  RE: Gays [ Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.co ]
  k & schooling [ freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net> ]
  Poem: Solstice Song [ Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.co ]
  Re: Science [ M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net> ]
  Re: Question [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
  Re: Science/Kundalini ( Long ) [ sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net (Jack) ]
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ craig surette <blzebub6ATnospamhotmail.com ]
  Science [ Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com> ]
  Re: Science/Kundalini ( Long ) [ "Gloria Lee" <samyanaATnospamhotmail.com> ]
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 11:06:13 -0600
From: Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com>
To: The List <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Science (and Danger Will Robinson?) LONG RAMBLE
Message-ID: <34A7D87E.6404BD1DATnospamfull-moon.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

Gene Kieffer wrote:

> But let's say that somebody claims to have this kind of energy
> running through his/her system in an extremely powerful manner. Over
> the years, we have encountered a great many individuals who say they
> have this energy, etc.
> But what if these same people are still just ordinary in so far as
> their intellectual abilities? If they have Kundalini active in the
> highest centers, the brain, they ought to exhibit genius. This is
> clearly stated in numerous ancient texts on Kundalini and should be
> the first thing anyone thinks about when it comes time to begin
> testing Kundalini scientifically. Energy surrounding the chakras is
> one thing, but genius is another.

Duh, I forgot about this! <grin>

Gene...and Tantrika...the first time I experienced this energy and was
aware that it might be what I was experiencing, I wrote the list and
recounted the experience. What I left out was what happened first thing
that morning, which was that I got up early and let a mouse that I had
caught in a "humane trap" out in the garden...I noticed it wasn't doing
well at all (it had been scratching against the walls of the trap for
some time and was fatigued and shocked looking)...I thought it would
probably be okay, and I went back inside, to turn on my computer and get
my e-mail. I got the computer on and connected to the internet, and then
I thought "I'd really better check on that mouse, he/she didn't look too
good." so I went back into the garden with some toweling and sure
enough, the mouse was still there, all cold and shocky looking. I picked
the critter up in the toweling and took it into our greenhouse, where I
held it and sat with it until it seemed like it was warming up and
responding...and then let it go, in a pile of shredded paper we use as
mulch in the greenhouse...it soon made its way into the pile and I felt
better about the "humane trap"...so I went inside and back to the

I read my e-mail then went surfing for a while...I saw the page of
someone I thought I knew, and this person was nearing her degree in
psychology...I did not know her after all, but looked through her pages,
and on her links page she had "IQ tests"...so I went to one that you
could take online, in thirteen minutes, that purported to be able to
come within five points of the traditional, longer tests...I thought,
"cool, I'll do this, it'll only take thirteen minutes."

I took this test and went to the results, which told me that I had an IQ
by their reckoning of 150, which put me in the genius category. I
laughed out loud and thought this was no doubt some sort of scam, then I
remembered my mother telling me when I was young that I had tested out
at 145 ...I believe this was at age 10, don't remember exactly when but
I do remember doing this test...and my mother was upset because she had
told me this, she thought it would "warp" the way I looked at the world
from then on...

Anyway, the idea of genius and kundalini awakening going hand-in-glove
would possibly be consistent with my experience...the genius IQ (which I
still have my doubts about as far as what good that has done/will do
me!)...and the experiences I have had...

On to the latest, as "Tantrika" asked:

Yesterday, the weather was chilly and it sleeted/rained/flurried for the
first half of the day, with the typical snow clouds...in the afternoon,
around 4 (which is about the same time my first "known" experience
occurred exactly five weeks before)...the sky began to clear a bit, and
I could see some sunshine coming through. Although it was cool (in the
40s F) and the wind was brisk, I wanted to go outside and see how it
felt...so I took our three dogs down the back garden and as I walked, I
noticed that the light had a particular quality to it that was evocative
of the five weeks before...everything looked clearer, there was more
detail in the leaves on the ground, the bark on the trees, the bare
branches of the trees against the sky...then it started to overwhelm me
again. This time I was breathing the same way as before, deep breaths,
almost gasps, almost sexual in their intensity, and waves of energy not
coming from anywhere in particular, just "tripping me out" (and I have
not done psychedelics, btw <g>)...and making everything even more
intense. I walked down the garden a bit more, to a place where the tree
branches meet and leave a circle of sky clear, and looked up at the
clouds racing by, the blue sky showing in fragments, the clouds white
and gray, moving swiftly with the cold wind that had started to
blow...and the colors were intense...the smell of the cold air, the
leaves that were beginning to turn to humus on the ground, the damp cold
earth around me...it was wonderful!

I moved even further down the yard and was breathing in this same
intense way, with waves of energy still coming...and I focused on a
hackberry tree that has a most interesting knobby, corky bark...I felt
this tree and saw it as though for the first time, in all its
detail...the corky outcroppings along the trunk, the lichen on the bark,
the gray color and mottled spots of the smoother areas of the bark...and
I was still getting more intense waves...I turned and leaned my back on
this tree and stood there, hands in my pockets, thumb and first finger
touching as in my meditation, and tried to do the grounding exercise
that Angelique shares on her web pages...this exercise was successful
and I could feel my back rippling with the energy, shaking somewhat, and
I visualized any blocks that it could clear being cleared by this
energy, wherever it came from. I stood here for some time and looked
around me, seeing not too distant the neighbors' houses, some with
lights beginning to come on as the day grew darker...and breathing in
this way, chanting with the breaths oh god oh goddess...and then the
energy subsided somewhat as I became colder...I walked very slowly back
up the yard, looking at everything there, the bare branches of shrubs
that line the path, all beautiful and perfect, reaching out for them as
I walked...looking at the paving stones with damp earth between them
beneath my feet, looking at the texture of the leaves on the pathway and
the trees around me...and I stopped again at a pecan tree up the pathway
a bit, going to this tree and examining the bark, the trunk, looking up
at the branches, seeing it as I had not ever before.

I continued again up the path, still rocked by waves of energy and
breathing deeply, still chanting to myself, now it was "gate gate
paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha' as I learned from Ram Dass's writings.
It was wonderful...I was still getting too cold and knew I must go
inside but I had to make one more stop...there is an enormous pecan tree
that is very old, older than our house which is 50, very tall, and it
has been pruned many times over the years so it has the scars of its
experiences on its trunk. (The neighbor has been afraid of this tree and
wanted us to either cut it drastically or take it out...but we couldn't
bring ourselves to take out a vital, living tree just because our
neighbor felt threatened by its size...admittedly if it ever uprooted it
would cause some pretty impressive damage, but probably only to a fence
and one of our sheds)...anyway...this tree was dubbed Mother Pecan and I
spent a few minutes here touching her bark and experiencing this
tree...the energy was subsiding now but still there, and I was getting
much colder, so I went on inside the house, stopping on the deck before
entering so I could get another smell, another taste, another look
before I shut out the out of doors for the evening.

The energy was still buzzing through my body and my extremities were all
warm and tingly, and not just from coming back inside. My eyes were
watering from the cold wind but I felt absolutely marvelous, and I was
glad that this time this transcendent experience or kundalini-moving or
whatever had lasted even longer than the first.

What this all means now I don't know, but my meditations are getting
longer, I can feel the energy moving in my back and through the chakras,
and it is definitely a fantastic awakening, which I feel very lucky to
be actually experiencing, not just visualizing!

The gods and goddesses (or what/whoever!) are out there, and in *here*
for sure.

Brightest blessings--the ecstatic delirium (Kath)
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 11:25:16 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Science
Message-ID: <1328727802-794209ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Gene, I am puzzled as to why you are so obsessed with genius? I had a
genius IQ *before* the k. Other than scoring high on tests, and struggling
to get a college degree, and entertaining myself by joining Mensa, I
haven't been able to accomplish much with it.

Some of the paid and/or volunteer work I have done has been valuable
(reading to the blind, counseling rape and incest survivors, working with
the chronically mentally ill, helping welfare recipients find jobs, etc.),
but it did not require much in the way of *genius*, only empathy and hard
work, and commitment.

To cite an obvious example, Mother Theresa did a lot of good in the world,
but she probably would not have scored very high on an IQ test. Just a
guess on my part.

I have read all your posts to the list, but perhaps I have still
misunderstood your intent, or what your definition of genius is. I
apologize if that is so.

sincerely seeking,
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 12:20:08 -0500
From: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: RE: Gays
Message-ID: <B982B2DC7C0ED111804600805F850AB21E3C6BATnospamEX-DENVER-U1>
Content-Type: text/plain

Ann wrote:
 > I expect it to be resolved by genetic studies. In
 > fact, didn't I hear recently that one gene has been
 > found that plays a part in homosexuality?

Actually, all they've found is that there is a statistical correlation
between homosexuality and this gene (or genetic factor). Not all
homosexuals have the gene, and last I heard the gene appears in
non-homosexuals as well, though that end hasn't been studied much yet.
So, what's it really mean? Probably not much. As I used to tell my
students in Statistics classes, "correlation is not causality," and here
there are plenty of indications that causality is not present.

Tom wrote:
 > People who dislike Homosexuals are people
 > programmed to hate, mostly because of their
 > belief systems.
"Hate" is probably the wrong word (though admittedly not in all cases).
And many people who think homosexuality is morally wrong do not dislike
homosexuals. I'll use myself as an example of the latter category. My
belief is that homosexuality is morally wrong, yet I've had three close
acquaintances (or "casual friends," pick your term) who are/were
homosexuals. How? Well, our friendship was based on something other than
our belief systems (in these cases, job, college, and family were the
respective uniting factors). They knew where I stood on the moral issue,
I knew where they stood, and we let it stand at that. Since none of them
shared my religious beliefs, we had no common ground for debating the
issue; only if they came to adopt my belief system was there any reason
to address their sexual orientation. And they didn't, so there wasn't.

Simplistic assertions regarding the motives of others are going to be
wrong in many (if not most) of the cases. People are simply not so
easily typecast. Of people opposed to homosexuality, I've seen and heard
people whose position was motivated by: bigotry, moral indignation,
moral compassion, fear of the "different", thirst for power (opposition
to gays was just a convenient vehicle), reason (or pseudo-reason),
wanting to "fit in" with some other group, or any one of many other
factors (indignation and compassion being the two most common in my

Come on, all of us have likely experienced being misunderstood or
mischaracterized. And many of us know the feeling of being unable to
figure out our own motives, let alone someone else's motives. Human
nature is too complex for stereotyping, whether it's homosexuals, those
who oppose homosexuality, pro-life, pro-choice, black, white, red,
yellow, green, male, female, or whatever the category du jour happens to

- Mike
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 09:44:45 -0800
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: k & schooling
Message-ID: <34A7E18D.4D5DATnospamblarg.net>

The idea of teaching K in schools is not so far fetched. In the late
60's [I was in High School] I had two teachers who offered their
students a quiet corner compleate with beanbags and carpets to
"meditate" to clear the mind, relax, and get in touch with themselves.
I attened a school which was located in a small city [bussed in from an
even smaller town]
As far as I know there was not any negitive feedback from students or
parents and the administration allowed hall passes for students from
other classes wishing to make use of the "corners"
In the beginning, many of us used it mostly to get out of class, but by
the end of the 1st quarter the slackers were weeded out from the serious
and by the end of the 1st year there were at least a dozen of us who had
made it a regular part of our day. The teachers were helpful in that
they provided us reading material and would help when asked with
teqniques which they personally used. It was really a magicial place for
us and the 2nd year we grew to a regular class-size group. Peer pressure
was all that was needed to keep the group within the limits set by the
teachers. In the 3rd year, the staff had put in a good word for the
group and the administration provided us a more priviate setting [which
had been a good sized supply room], later that year the room was turned
into a "student smoking lounge" Of all things!!!!!!!
My point is.... if you build 'em ... they'll come.
Of corse that was the 60's, this is the 90's --- even better!! There is
so much more information available today.
I think it would be benificial to at least teach relaxation/meditation,
K will move in on its own when the time is right but it couldn't hurt to
provide some fertile soil for its' arrival.
BE-IS-AM ...manifesting again...
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 12:54:50 -0500
From: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Poem: Solstice Song
Message-ID: <B982B2DC7C0ED111804600805F850AB21E3CACATnospamEX-DENVER-U1>
Content-Type: text/plain

This was cross-posted to a writing list I'm on - thought it might be of
interest to many on this one too.

- Mike

Solstice Song

Let's celebrate our Prophets
     whomever they may be;
'Tho they be born in Mecca
     or the shores of Galilee.

There's room enough for angels,
     and a Fat Man bearing gifts;
Three wise men and a manger,
     need cause no social rifts.

And Chanukah minoras,
     with candles burning bright,
Help others of my brothers
     keep holy every night.

At YULE, encroaching darkness
     of shrinking days desists
and grows again toward summer,
     while Wiccans dance in mysts.

Yet half the world can't see this
     time as other than
the beginning of their summer,
     as they sing the joys of man.

So, celebrate this season,
     in the manner dear to you,
Yet, realize your brethren
     have ways to do it too;

Their manner may be strange to you--
     against what you've believed--
Yet, it's true to them, who also feel
     it's *you* who've been deceived.

So set aside your rights and wrongs
     there is no rhyme or reason
For winter solstice hate in man
     let's *celebrate* this season!

Then light your candles, raise your tree
     and celebrate your birth;
and learn your neighbors' ways as well,
     we're all from Planet Earth!
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 10:02:36 -0800 (PST)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>
Cc: gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au, heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com,
Subject: Re: Science
Message-Id: <199712291802.KAA02110ATnospammail.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 10:41 AM 12/29/97 -0500, Gene Kieffer wrote:
> But what if these same people are still just ordinary in so far as
>their intellectual abilities? If they have Kundalini active in the
>highest centers, the brain, they ought to exhibit genius. This is
>clearly stated in numerous ancient texts on Kundalini and should be
>the first thing anyone thinks about when it comes time to begin
>testing Kundalini scientifically. Energy surrounding the chakras is
>one thing, but genius is another.

I was recently chemically injured (non-politically correct terms for this
might be 'poisoned' or 'drugged') and afterwards could not go to a store
nearby with two items in mind to purchase without forgetting a least one if
not both of them before I got there. However, I was still able to think of
creative solutions to problems - the ones I could understand anyway. It was,
and continues to be, a very odd experience. My personality has changed as

Who are we?
Our minds?
Our intellects?
Our personalities?

I for one am no longer sure.

What is genius anyway?
What good is it all in its ivory tower?
If it has no effects, does it really exist?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 12:21:34 -0600
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Question
Message-Id: <l03010d01b0cd96c3d70cATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Bacchus976 <Bacchus976ATnospamaol.com> wrote:

>I realize that the awakening of kundalini comes many times without any type of
>prewarranted thoughts or signs, but I am curious about how I can go about
>activating my own, or at least become more in touch with it. I do not know
>very much about the subject, but I was first exposed to it in a yoga class. I
>am only 20 yrs. old and this was Hatha yoga. The exposure was in the arena of
>information only, no direct experience. I have no clue where to begin in my
>search, or whether I should wait. There is also no one in my area that is
>accessible enough for me to talk to about it. I basically need to know what
>my options might be and I need to learn more about it. Any suggestions?

Trying to activate kundalini by yourself without a teacher and especially
if you have no meditation experience is DANGEROUS. Don't do that.

If you can find a good teacher of meditation - raja yoga or something like
that - you could begin that way. You'd strengthen your mind and your
control and establish the link with soul/spirit. In a few years you might
find kundalini awakening spontaneously - it often does when people have
been meditating. But kundalini work is not necessary to develop psychic
gifts or to achieve union with God.

Or you could look for someone who teaches the sort of meditation that is
meant to lead to kundalini work and who is able to guide you in it and look
after you. Gloria Joy Greco (on this list) teaches that; she's been doing
it for many years and her instructions look very good. And unlike most
teachers, she works with people at a distance, so you don't have to travel
physically to work with her.

You can e-mail her at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com or visit her homepage at:

Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 18:25:17 GMT
From: sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net (Jack)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: NancyATnospamwtp.net
Subject: Re: Science/Kundalini ( Long )
Message-ID: <34b4eb0a.86372039ATnospammailhost.worldnet.att.net>

 Energy surrounding the chakras is one thing, but genius is another.

Let's not confuse awakening with Enlightenment. While my recent
experience was spontaneous it was accompanied by profound physical and
personality changes.

Perhaps genius follows Enlightenment. But how many of us can lay claim
to being Enlightened ?

I found Itzhak Bentov's paper on K-awakening to be a perfectly
reasonable explanation of the psychobiological effects that take place
during this phenomena.

This in combination with my own, validated, telepathic experiences,
lead me to believe the subject warranted further investigation.

It was during this investigation that I found this mailing list. Since
then, following the many suggestions, hints, tips and references given
by the members on the list, I have come to believe that K-awakening is
a real, tangible process. In other words, if it walks like a

My experience thus far has included several phenomena to which I
sought scientific data. Some explanations I found reasonable, at least
to my mind and while there may be a bias towards the spontaneous
rather than studied approach, I found a similar thread woven through
most of the descriptions of this experience that have been related to
me by others. They include :

Synchronistic episodes
Telepathy including : Empathic ( bi - locative )
   Remote viewing
Telekinesis ( PSI )
Resonance Attunement ( 7-13 Hz )

A few other phenomenon happen so rarely I thought not to include them.

In every case related to me concerning spontaneous awakening, it was
through some sort of meditation that the experience was brought forth

In some cases the above phenomena are experienced in relation to a
single subject only. This seems to be the case with myself and several
others going through a "twin flame" experience.

Being a life long skeptic I find it ironic to be on the other end of
things. I hold that my telepathic experiences are real, tangible and
in some cases validated. I also find myself trying to poke holes in
this theory. Am I kidding myself ?

Now, I try to follow a simple rule when looking into these matters, I
ask myself, " Is this your idea, or someone elses. What does your
common sense and intuition say to you about this ? "

Then I turn to Science. Theory, experiment, conclusions. What do
others, who's opinion you respect, have to say ? At this point,
passing muster, I will try an replicate the experience.

No, I have seen too much to turn back now. At the very least, this
experience has changed my outlook on life for the better. At most,
well, it would be nice if mankind was ready to take the next step in
the evolutionary process.

What it is.


Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 08:40:55 -1000 (HST)
From: craig surette <blzebub6ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199712291840.IAA06215ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>

my experiences "started"whenafter being told by an anima figure in a dream(i had been doing jungian-style dreamwork for the perpouse of achieving concious connnection with my anima)to perform avery specific ritual/ meditation involving what i now know are tantric style mastubatory sex practices
( im sorry if i appear crude or lewd,im just trying to give an accurate picture of what happened)
she had said if i did this ritual , i would be one with her.
the next day i did the ritual, which involved meditating onmy crown chakra while masturbating.
 i was to sit in zazen style (on my knees and heels) in front of a mandala made from tarot cards and candles.
my anima was very specific as what to do in the dream, but i had no idea what to expect.
as i was dong this ritual strange things started to happen.suddenly i saw with my innner vision the image of a flamingredish orange with touches of gold lion bounding towards me , zigzaging as it came.
the "lion' jumped into the area of my second chakra.there was a concussive "explosion"inmy nervous system,
with intense feelings ofenergy coursing up my spine feeling like lightening bolts.
my tounge jerked to the roof of my mouth(it felt singed the next morning as if i had been drinking coffe that was too hot)
and my head was filled with intense white light. my nose started to bleed very heavily and iconvulsed for however long the experience lasted for.
 i dont know because my experience of time was very distorted during this , with seconds seeming like hours
when the experience ended i felt very disoriented and exhausted.
i have to continue this narrative at annother time as my computer time is ending. i will finnish my narrative when i get more time thankyou for your patience.
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 14:58:40 -0500 (EST)
From: Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>
To: chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net
Cc: X-Sender:
Subject: Science
Message-Id: <199712291958.OAA28194ATnospamdavinci.netaxis.COM>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear M,

   Those are great questions. What good is genius if it just sits in its
ivory tower? If we examine history, we will probably discover that almost
all of the great inventions, discoveries, etc., that have benefited human-
kind came as the result of some genius. Of course, genius can turn
malignant and become terribly destructive. The Unabomber is one of the
more recent examples. He needn't have turned malignant, but he did not
know what was happening to him internally. If he had been knowledgeable
about Kundalini, he would have known that he was becoming increasingly
eccentric and he would have taken steps to correct the problem.

   Men and women who are born with genius can certainly turn malignant,
eccentric and even schizophrenic. If their parents were to know about
the ramifications of Kundalini, they would be able to recognize the signs
of eccentricity early on and provide their sons/daughters with the advice,
life-style, etc., to ward off the problems before they became too deeply
ingrained in the nervous system and brain. That is just one small benefit
of having the knowledge of Kundalini more widely known.

  The men and women who become geniuses because they have awakened Kundalini
later in life--i.e., after they are adults--will not sit in their ivory towers
but will do all they can to be of benefit to their fellow human beings. This
is because there is a difference between a born genius and one who becomes a
genius after awakening Kundalini as an adult.

  If the individual has impurities in the blood, and serious deficiencies or
abnormalities in his/her vital organs, etc., either Kundalini will correct
these problems or else the individual will become insane or die. He or she
will not become a genius or Cosmic Consciousness.

  It is somewhat analogous to the birth of a child who has very serious
mental or physical weaknesses. Very often such children die at a very early
age. It is not too frequent that they survive well into adulthood. This is
also true of the "second birth" brought on by an awakened Kundalini. Either
the individual's weaknesses can be corrected by Kundalini or else the "second
birth" is aborted. This happens time after time after time. By aborted I
do not mean the individual dies or goes insane. Of course, this happens. But
generally speaking, the "second birth" just doesn't proceed beyond a certain
point, well short of Transcendence or genius.

  One flash of the Kundalini Energh into the brain is sufficient to transform
a person's personality and change that person for life. But that is not the
same as becoming Enlightened or Cosmic Conscious. One flash of Kundalini in
the brain is a tremendous boon, a great gift from Heaven, an enormous
achievement by any standards, something to strive for. From what I have
learned over the past several days, the K-list includes such fortunate

All best wishes,

Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 12:22:03 PST
From: "Gloria Lee" <samyanaATnospamhotmail.com>
To: sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Science/Kundalini ( Long )
Message-ID: <19971229202204.23695.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>From: Jack
> Energy surrounding the chakras is one thing, but genius is another.=20
>Let's not confuse awakening with Enlightenment. While my recent
>experience was spontaneous it was accompanied by profound physical and
>personality changes.
>Perhaps genius follows Enlightenment. But how many of us can lay claim
>to being Enlightened ?
>Gloria LEE here: While I usually take a hike at the very mention of the
Science word..I more than agree here...I too was told I have a very high
IQ..and as someone else mentioned, it seems to have done me little good
as far as making my way up in the world. Perhaps the old texts which
are cited by Gene Kieffer referred to the knowing of ultimate truth by
an enlightened person as some form of genius.?? I do not know but that
our definition of genius may have even changed since then..to deal with
advances in science, people like Stephen Hawking, who are able to
understand complex physics..Is that a goal of Kundalini?? Doubt so?? The
many phenomena which DO occur with K seem to bypass the thinking mind
and go to some form of direct knowing, as mentioned later in Jack's
post. The greater heart intuition is yet again another form of knowing.
I just have never associated these with genius..people's descriptions of
awakening posted to the list do not evoke that impression either, lovely
as they may be. What do the rest of you think about this??
><big snip delete>

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