Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/12/26 23:15
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #864

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 864

Today's Topics:
  Re: Awakening [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
  Re: Kundalini & Bible [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
  Re: Questions of Faith and Friendshi [ David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net> ]
  Re: Another Perspective [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
  Re: Detachment [ "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com> ]
  Re: Welcome [ "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com> ]
  Re: The Great Invocation [ "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com> ]
  Re: Women & Genius [a bit of a rant] [ "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com> ]
  Re: Your "Light Body" ? [ "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com> ]
  Re: Energy Lights [ "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com> ]
  Re: Your "Light Body" ? [ freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net> ]
  Healers/ health workers [ Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic ]
  Speaking of Mudras... [ Tantrika <hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net> ]
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 13:39:14 -0600
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Awakening
Message-Id: <l03010d00b0c9951bccc8ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com> wrote:

>... Anyway, go to my homepage to read about my kundalini awakening if you
>wish and then we can talk more.

Hi Gloria:

Reading your story of your awakening:

>I also had vivid dreams of flying, like Peter Pan I would soar through
> the heavens fighting the bad guy when it was necessary.

Is this unusual and/or significant? I thought all kids flew in their dreams.

>... My only teacher
> was Mama Mary. ... She taught me about flowing and ...

What do you mean by flowing?

>... She also taught me to keep
> silent when I saw things around other people, or when I knew their
> thoughts.

Did you see auras then and hear people's thoughts? If I did, I don't
remember it. But I've read that many children see auras and then because of
societal pressure repress it.

I did have a guide, though I don't remember him talking to me so
intimately. He was a little man, like a gnome, and he used to come in
through the window of my dad's study. He would take us all out on the
porch, where we would sit while he talked to Daddy - about me, I knew.
Then he walked off up the street toward the church. It was a source of
great frustration to me that my parents never believed he had really come
the night before - they were sure it was just a dream!

When I was 7, in a dream a little man - same one, I guess - took us all
outside and shot Daddy. Later I read that that's the age for the Electra
complex to end.
> From the age of three to forty I had a series of incident/accidents
> which were all a part of the Kundalini awakening process going on inside
> of me. The first accident was at age three,... and I went over landing
>on my head. This was
> the first of many incidents that brought trauma to the third eye area.
> The second was a rock between the eyebrows at age seven, then at ten I
> had eye surgery....

I fell forward and lit on my head two or three times as a child. As 20 I
was in a car accident and had a possible concussion. I hit the middle of my
forehead so hard that the skin and flesh are welded to the bone. I have
wrinkles in my forehead because when I lift my eyebrows the skin of the
forehead doesn't actually go up - just wrinkles.

But how would such accidents have an effect on the Kundalini process?

> What was I like? Spontaneous, happy and creative, I loved to sing, dance
> and play music. School work was easy ...

Me too.

>... but I never put much effort into
> developing the mind.

(I think you mean the intellect, the computer brain. Mind is more than
that.) That's where we differ. You stayed very much connected with the body
and with your wonderful gifts. I got into developing the intellect and got
farther away from the body and the instinctual side.
> I learned to play the accordion at age six and have continued to play
> the piano through out my life teaching professionally at the age of
> sixteen.

I've played the piano since the age of 5 and taught piano and voice.

>Music brought me to my first conscious experiences of
> Kundalini.... It also showed me what music was, it taught me that my
>body was an
> instrument just as much as a piano, and that sound and light were
> vibrations that were absorbed inside the body with great intensity and
> energy.

I seem to always - or almost always - have music playing in my head. I
used to use Beethoven's joy music to rise up to higher levels in meditation
- just start it going and go right up! But when Shakti wanted me to
meditate without words, without language, without thinking, I found I
couldn't stop the music because I was often unaware of it. I would just
suddenly realize that it had been going on for several minutes. I mean,
it's one thing to meditate and listen to a symphony, but when you suddenly
realize you've been listening to "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall," it's
disconcerting, even embarrassing!

The only way I could think of to counteract it was to use musical tones
consciously. So I started using a single tone, which pulsates with some
rhythm of my body - it's interior, of course, not out loud. I was using it
just to keep the music from starting up, but then it grew. If I wanted to
be on a higher plane, I would take the tone up an octave or two. Or down to
get to a more physical plane. To open the centers through the head and on
up, I would hit a tone and run up through octaves. Finally I found that
the quickest way to open up all those centers is to play the sound of an
orchestra tuning up - that's one note on many octaves - and run it up some
more octaves. Recently I've been listening to whatever center is most
involved and trying to hear the note it's vibrating on (not easy with all
the background electric noise in the building) and then sound that tone -
it seems to speed up and intensify whatever's happening.

And to think I started all this just to keep the music from playing and
distracting me! And now I find you teach Laya Yoga, and I didn't even know
it means Sound Yoga!

While I'm on the subject, I've had ringing/buzzing in my ears for 20 years
or more. Thought it was getting better, but now in kundalini meditation I
often hear a lot of noise and it feels like my eardrums are vibrating. I
used to get the same thing often during orgasm. Sometimes now after
meditation I'm hearing so much noise my hearing is actually worse - I have
to turn the TV higher for a while, then I realize it's loud. What can you
tell me about that? Will I ever be rid of all this buzzing/ringing?

It was one more teaching of how God, through the Holy Spirit,
> was inside of me, moving and using my whole body to experience him
> through. My experience with music naturally developed into writing, I
> treat my computer keyboard in exactly the way as I do the keys on a
> piano.
> I met the man I was to marry when I was eleven, he was an important
> ingredient in God's plan for me. We married when I was seventeen and
> have been together thirty four years. We were brought together by the
> Holy Spirit. He knew I was different and it didn't bother him at all.

I thought I had a marriage like that, but he always had problems. Turned
out he was gay/bisexual and had been lying to me all along about it.
Finally he just wouldn't meditate except with a group and I think he had a
lot of kundalini at work in the lower centers. This once very controlled
and proper man was saying, "Let it all hang out." He left me for a man, and
I don't think I handled it as well as I could have. I think it really
slowed my progress.
> While some of this may seem unconnected to Kundalini awakening, it was
> in fact an important part. My first commitment was to God through his
> divine will....

Me, too, from the age of 13 - to God and to helping people.

> I learned that God had a plan for me and all I need do was flow with
> his will, and then WHATEVER HAPPENED WAS PERFECT. This is the attitude
> I have maintained through out life. What ever was going on inside my
> body was nothing more then God using and working through me. I knew my
> journey absorbed in God's Will was a true adventure, and no matter
> where it took me I was blessed and carried by his/her grace.

Wish I could have always been like that!
> At twenty-one I was in a car accident.... A year later I had neck
> Shortly after the surgery Mother Mary told me it was time for me to be
> transferred to her son, Jesus....

Wonderful story!!
> Two other back surgeries would be necessary in the next twenty years,
> again a part of the Kundalini energy working in the spine area. In
> spite of many physical challenges, and Kundalini eruptions, I have
> come to understand my body in a profound and real way. I have
> experienced being remade from the inside out. The brain receives the
> light and is transformed through prana or Kundalini into its God form.

Why do you think injuries and back surgeries would be necessary? I'm told
I had an undiagnosed case of polio, which caused some muscles to be
stronger than others and caused my spinal curvature. Actually, it was
getting pretty bad - looked like a real "dowager's hump" - until last
spring when a healer put her hands on me. Half an hour later my back was
much straighter. Do you think the polio etc. were necessary? When the
osteopath told me I'd had polio, I was amazed. I said I'd always thought I
was pretty athletic. And he said well, I just made the best of what I had.

And what about the long illness I had that's now cured or in remission?
It's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS); in Canada and Europe it's called
myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), which means inflammation of the brain and
spinal cord with muscle pain. With that you have problems all the time, but
you also get relapses, which are like bad flu. I found that when I got sick
I always had at least one sore spot in my spine. A one-spot illness wasn't
very bad, but a four-spot illness was awful! Occasionally the sore spot
appeared late; I once was diagnosed with bursitis, then when the doctors
decided it wasn't that, I had an MRI scan to check my spine for the cause
of the pain in shoulder and arm, and then finally the sore spot in the
spine came and the other arm was involved, so I knew it was only CFS! I
didn't have a very severe case, compared to many people who are much sicker
and have terrible pain. One woman described it as "like being in a wet suit
and sticking your finger in an electric socket."

If that happened for a reason re. kundalini, then it's happening to a lot
of people, because it's a real epidemic. Actually, we once discussed this
on a CFS list, and many people said they felt they had developed
spiritually since being sick.
> I now move from center to center with total freedom alive and open to
> the spiritual dance. My spiritual energies for most part sit in the
> heavenly heart at the third eye, the fifth eye in the middle of the
> forehead and the crown chakra at the top of the head. My head is
> filled with light always. I also work in the eighth, ninth and tenth
> chakra which are all linked to working with cosmic forces for change.

Please explain this to me! I've heard "the third eye" used as a term for
the ajna center in the forehead - you're saying that's the fifth eye and
the third is the heart center? As for the higher center, my healing teacher
has mentioned centers #8-20 but hasn't gone into it yet - guess I'm not in
the right course yet. I'm going to higher centers, but I know very little
about what they are. And haven't seen this in any books.

> Kundalini rises spontaneously while the Holy Spirit drops down through
> the top of the head. When the Christ frequency unites with the
> Kundalini life-force the heart center is totally illuminated which
> draws the frequency of the Kundalini up and out through the top of the
> head at the crown chakra. This drastic increase in vibration balances
> and synchronizes all seven centers until a point of perfect balance is
> achieved. This is a major achievement on the road to enlightenment.
> I have read many things about Kundalini and there is very little
> information available talking about the Holy Spirit and Kundalini
> force as two distinct and separate forces, that become the same
> through transformation. One comes from within the body and the other
> drops down as cosmic energy directly from the cosmic stream of divine
> will.

Then what you call Holy Spirit must be referred to in other traditions
under another name. You haven't found it?

>... In addition, light bodies are
> created so that the soul/spirit can work through divine will in other
> How does all this light come into the body? There are six wheels and a
> crown that become perfect receptors for extremely high frequencies of
> light.

Are you familiar with Bentov's work with waves and frequencies in the aorta
and the brain?

I've read once quickly through your essay on meditation - very interesting.
But I'm all talked out, and Shakti calls. More later or tomorrow.

Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 13:53:22 -0600
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini & Bible
Message-Id: <l03010d01b0c9ba488902ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Bohemial <BohemialATnospamaol.com> wrote:

>I was reading the book of revelations and found the part on the seven seals.
>Could this also be a reference to kundalini and the blooming of the chakras?

Edgar Cayce said Revelations is about the seven centers, and he dictated a
lengthy manuscript on the subject. You can get it from the A.R.E.
(Association for Research and Enlightenment) in Virginia Beach, Virginia,
where all his files are preserved. I'm not sure whether you can buy it or
whether it's a rotating file. You might have to pay $20 to become a member,
but then a member can borrow any files, keep them for a month, and mail
them back.

Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 00:15:51 -0500
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Questions of Faith and Friendship
Message-ID: <34A33D87.5DFEATnospammail.snet.net>

Mark Rivera wrote:

> I got initiated by a Guru two years ago. I am glad.

Are you glad because you've been initiated by a guru?
Or just because you're glad.

> friends of mine who I have known for years seem like their distant.

Frequency shift.
Everything "tunes" in and out.
Don't hang on.

> Sometimes I question religion,

Thank God.

> but still have faith in the spirit. In my late 20's I have found
> the "real world" to be tough.

Glad you used quotations.

> Only comfort is from my family.

Aint it the truth?

> Used to think the Guru's cared,

Is this what matters?

> I wish people were warmer and I felt better about my friends.

Be warm to yourself, feel better about you.
> I find myself celebrating God in my own way.

We all do. But and We will tire of this and
We'll all move on.

> Just seems like there's a lot of fake friends in the world

Show them sincerity.

> and only problems make people come together, temporarily.

Then are problems such a "bad" thing?
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 14:38:19 -0600
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Another Perspective
Message-Id: <l03010d05b0c9c5993185ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Tantrika <hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net> wrote:
>>> Harsha answers: Dieter, ...
>>> Nirvikalpa Samadhi is not a state where there is no knower and known. It
>>> is a state where the KNOWER and the KNOWN are IDENTICAL.
>Sounds to me like a sanskrit term for "grokking" or "to grok" where you
>become one with that which you are "knowing". The term comes from a
>Sci-fi novel Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein....
>That about right?

No. Grokking someone or something is a long way from Nirvikalpa Samadhi or
union with the Godhead.

The trouble is, no one can really explain what that is, what it's like.
That's because it's an experience, a state, completely without words,
without symbols of any kind, without objects of any kind. (No one to grok,
no thing to grok.)

But we do want to talk about it, so we use metaphor and simile. We say it's
like this or that, but it isn't really - it isn't like anything else.

So you'll never understand it from what someone says about it. But after
you experience it, then you'll understand everything people say about it.

The best example I can think of is this: how do you explain what orgasm is
to someone who's never experienced it? I doubt if you can. Someone tried to
explain it to me when I was young - I smiled and nodded and didn't have the
foggiest idea what she was talking about!

Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 23:18:54 -0500
From: "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: <lodpressATnospamintercom.com>, "Gene Kieffer" <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>
Cc: <heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Detachment
Message-Id: <01bd11b5$60e030e0$35061aceATnospamdefault.valunet.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;

From: Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>

> My complaint is that modern gurus are for the most part recalcitrant
>in their adherence to a particular tradition and not open to the demands
>of science, which is the governing force in the "real" world of today.

Please show the Scientific proof for the above statement.
" So Far; So Good "
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 23:26:36 -0500
From: "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: <starwindATnospamgte.net>, "Ann Morrison Fisher" <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Welcome
Message-Id: <01bd11b6$743cbea0$35061aceATnospamdefault.valunet.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;

From: Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net>

.>After meeting, he told me I was too old, too
>ugly, too dried up, and I did not turn him on physically. When he saw
>the hurt in my eyes, he backpedaled and blamed it on his sexuality being
>dead, said he had been celibate for almost 20 years. In the next breath
>he praised the youth, beauty and vitality of a mutual friend, and said
>about her..." I would fuck her brains out..."

I would say this guy is a nut !
" So Far; So Good "
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 16:57:40 -0500
From: "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: "anne whitefield" <annewATnospammadison.main.nc.us>, <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>,
 "Listening-l" <Listening-lATnospamzrz.TU-Berlin.DE>
Cc: <genius-lATnospamMyList.net>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: The Great Invocation
Message-Id: <01bd1249$493a1de0$49061aceATnospamdefault.valunet.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;

From: Anne whitefield <



" The Great Invocation " seems a bit much.
" So Far; So Good "
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 17:02:46 -0500
From: "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>, "Kundalini" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Women & Genius [a bit of a rant]
Message-Id: <01bd1249$ff71c2c0$49061aceATnospamdefault.valunet.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;

>From David Bozzi

>F. Drew wrote:
>> When some one does me wrong I believe it is good Karma to kick his ass. I
>> figure it is the Devil in disguise.
>Then who gets to kick your ass?

" So Far; So Good "
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 17:10:49 -0500
From: "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>, <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
Cc: "Kundalini-l" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Your "Light Body" ?
Message-Id: <01bd124b$1f712d80$49061aceATnospamdefault.valunet.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;

From: Ed Arrons <eeaATnospamaug.com>
>We are so caught up in the physical, via commercialism, the entertainment
>industry, and sports that we lose sight of the etheric.

Who do you mean by " we " ?
" So Far; So Good "
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 17:18:08 -0500
From: "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: <PHOENIX-LATnospamHOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM>, "Solar Lion" <gtaATnospamcwnet.com>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>, <VoyagersATnospammonroe-inst.com>
Subject: Re: Energy Lights
Message-Id: <01bd124c$252f1920$49061aceATnospamdefault.valunet.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;

From: Solar Lion <gtaATnospamcwnet.com>

>"A short discussion of what energy lights are,
> as related to us by the spirit guides through a medium and some thoughts
>upon the same"

Where is this from................... ?
" So Far; So Good "
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 14:43:07 -0800
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Your "Light Body" ?
Message-ID: <34A432FB.1E0EATnospamblarg.net>

From: Ed Arrons <eeaATnospamaug.com>
>We are so caught up in the physical, via commercialism, the entertainment
>industry, and sports that we lose sight of the etheric.
>>Who do you mean by " we " ?
>> *
>> Drew

I wonder also who we is, I have no interest in ANY of those distractions
mentioned in Ed's post, but I DO lose sight of the "etheric."
I get caught up in thoughts and living and playing, I would guess that
there is always something that will distract me. I am after all still
"in the game", but thats okay, a little of everything I say!
BTW I have found that, for me, although I sometimes loose sight of
things, there is almost always something to be gained from that
separation. These have even proven to be benifical for me. they can be
very enlightening in and of themselves, I can guage changes in my
perspectives, note my change in attitude and behavior.
I think sometimes it is neccesary for my growth.
BE-IS-AM ...manifesting again...
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 22:43:26 -0600
From: Ann Morrison Fisher <annfisherATnospamstic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Healers/ health workers
Message-Id: <l03010d04b0ca36a3a202ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com> wrote:

>> In June I took a workshop with a body-mind therapist in which we did a lot
>> of muscle work and also much work on the sacrum.
>> B. I'm studying with the intuitive who cured my illnesses, and soon I'll
>> begin to teach her workshop. I'll also begin teaching meditation again.
>Could you give me a name and address/phone number for the intuitiveand
>body worker?
>I'm an intuitive healer also, but a hand position to release grief
>sounnds like something I could use in my own life. I have had kundalini
>rising for twelve years, but it has been stuck now for several years due
>to grief.

Sure, the intuitive is:

 Lynea Weatherly
 The Illume-A-Nation Institute
 407 Ira Avenue
 San Antonio, TX 78209
 (210) 829-4251
 Fax 829-1525

This is her home address and phone. She also runs an Herbal College, which
includes the course I'm taking now. They have some land around the house,
though it's near downtown, and they've turned a small building there into a
wonderful room where she holds small classes, sees people privately,
channels, etc. They have plans for additional small buildings and a pond,
to make it a place people will really enjoy coming to.

Lynea has studied many methods/traditions, looking for things that work and
that work quickly and easily, that can be taught easily. She also has
methods of her own, with the help of what she calls the angelic kingdom.
She's put them together in a weekend workshop she calls Illume-A-Nation.

She charges $60 an hour or $30 a half-hour for private work, more if it's
long distance, I think. And she's open to an exchange of services, if you
have something to offer that she needs or that is new and interesting to
her. If you're near enough to come to San Antonio, I'd encourage you to
come to see her. She's quite beautiful and fey and enchanting and wise - a
real experience! She also goes to California and New Mexico to teach, if
you're near there.

The hand positions for emotions are hers and copyrighted, but she gives
permission to pass them on to anyone who needs them. I'm sending them to
you separately.

Lynea teaches muscle-testing as a method of communicating with the
subconscious/body. If you have a way of doing that, you can ask which
positions you need and how long you need to hold them. Usually it's a very
short time, but if it's long, you can ask if it's ok to break up the time
into segments and rest your arms in between. If you don't know how to get
answers, just go ahead with the grief position - all of them, if you like.
When the position becomes uncomfortable, that's usually a sign that you're

She says on that page that if a position is uncomfortable from the
beginning, then you have a Violet Light Issue and/or a vibrational
body/intuitive body misalignment, which must be cleared first. The
misalignment is easy - you just stare at some geometric figures, usually
just one of them. If you think you need them, tell me how to send you a
graphics page (I have a Mac).

A Violet Light Issue means it's a matter of LDs (Limiting Decisions), which
means scripting from the early years of this life, from within the womb, or
from other lives or genetic memory. In her workshop she teaches how to find
LDs using muscle-testing and how to clear them with violet light and then
white. I'm not allowed to send you the book that comes with the workshop,
but she encourages people to share what they've learned. So if you need to
know more about this, I'll send you some material.

The body-mind therapist is Raja Selvam. He lives in California - L.A., I
think. I have no address for him; his card has a phone number, which I
can't find at the moment but can get from Lynea if you need it. His email
address is:


He teaches workshops and he does see people privately. I'm not sure how
much he could do for you at a distance, but you could inquire. It might be
also that he'd be coming to your area.

According to Raja, the development in childhood of a certain muscle
coincides with the development of a psychological function(s), so you can
read the condition of the psychological function from the condition of the
muscle and can improve by working on the muscle.

If a muscle is too flaccid, the corresponding psychological function is
underdeveloped and weak. If the muscle doesn't do anything and the person
is unaware of it - can't feel it working as a separate muscle - the psych.
function may be practically absent. If a muscle is too rigid and hard to
relax, the psych. function is rigid. Interesting, huh?

Example: Lynea says she used to have a problem leaving enough food, etc.,
for her husband, Richard, when she went away to teach. He couldn't cook for
himself. At the workshop Raja noticed that, when meditating, Richard's head
would fall forward - he couldn't seem to hold it up. Raja said he had a
problem with being able to take care of himself and he worked with him.
Since then, according to Lynea, Richard gets dinner not only for himself
but sometimes for the family.

Some of the back muscles are associated with support or lack of it. In the
workshop we paired off and spent time with one person holding a hand on the
other person's muscle for 20 or 30 minutes. Some people found early
memories surfacing. There were tears - one woman cried bitterly over the
awful memories that came back, but then seemed stronger. The earliest
level brought me to tears of joy - such wonderful memories of early
childhood, some that I hadn't remembered in a long time!

Raja recommends the hands on the support structures as therapy, as well as
work on individual muscles to counter either flaccidity or rigidity and to
learn to define each muscle, flex it separately.

He considers the sacrum to be very important, so we did paired work with
one person lying down and moving the sacrum forward and back, forward and
back, and the other person with a hand on the sacrum, pushing a little with
the movement. Then we spent an hour (maybe twice) dancing. Raja said to let
the movement come from the sacrum and he periodically changed the music.
There was a lot of Indian and African music - very sexy/sensual. One man -
I dearly love him but he's a little on the rigid side - had such trouble
dancing from the sacrum that he disappeared in the direction of the john
and didn't come back until the hour was over!

I think the sacrum work probably triggered my kundalini, because it started
up pretty strongly right after that. And since then I can hardly lie down
on my back without setting off the kundalini - the sacrum is pressed
against a bed or couch and bang! there it comes.

Raja's a good advertisement for his work - a commanding and charismatic
presence, but quite relaxed and sympathetic, sometimes funny. Very
masculine, but you see a lot of feminine qualities, too. Must be into hatha
yoga or something related. And gorgeous, but too young for me, I think

>... I often find my hands assuming postures on their own,
>which I guess flows energy.

They may be yogic hand postures, which do carry traditional meanings. For
instance, the hand with palm outward and fingers up means "Don't be
afraid." You often see statues of Hindu deities with one hand in that
position. Sometimes in kundalini meditation I'm apprehensive about
something new happening or the intensity of what's happening, and then I
usually see a hand in that position, meaning "Don't be afraid, I'll take
care of you." (In fact, Sannella suggests that kundalini experience may be
the source of the traditional Hindu positions, postures, locks, etc.)

Here come the hand positions - have fun!

Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 21:11:45 -0800
From: Tantrika <hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Speaking of Mudras...
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Does anyone know of a website that shows picture of the hand mudras of tantra?



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