1997/12/24 12:12
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #859
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 859
Today's Topics: Danger Will Robinson? [ Tantrika ]
RE: Urdhava-retas [ Dieter Dambiec ] Urdhava-retas [ Gene Kieffer ]
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ Adya Devi ] P R E S S R E L E A S E [ robertATnospamdirected.edu ]
missing pages [ "Sharon Webb" ] Re: Re: Urdhava-retas [ DouglasMF ]
Re: P R E S S R E L E A S E [ Tantrika ] Spine Chills... [ "Jeremy Chevrier" ]
Re: Urdhava-retas [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ] Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 01:24:25 -0800
From: Tantrika To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Danger Will Robinson? Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="iso-8859-1"
ok I've been reading some articles on Kundalini and keep seeing this disclaimer from kurt that essentially says "Don't do this at home without a guide" type of thing.
Since my K has been reawakened these are some of the following symptoms, effects, that it has had in me.
Positive: Increased Energy
Increased Creativity (especially in writing) Increased capacity to understand what I'm reading or perhaps increased intelligence i'm not sure which.
A buzzing sometimes, a crackling effect in my energy. A greater awareness of my body and my moods.
An ability to resonate the chakras more efficiently Increased intuition
Increased intensity in dreams More intense orgasm.
I've also felt the energy undulating up my spine and body, very snakelike indeed.
Negative: Diarrhea (can only assume the body is detoxing)
Today an anxiety attack greater susceptibility to temperature
Other than the three negative experiences, overall the awakening of my K, or rather it's restimulation has been a wonderful experience. I'm not really certain why I haven't had extremely intense negative reactions to it, I can only assume that because i've been on a spiritual path for some years now and dedicated myself to the Goddess years ago and have worked to help preserve Her that my being was ready for this to open again in me at the time. I have studied the Chakras (Anodea Judith who wrote Wheels of Life is a friend and i've attended her workshops) and I've spent a great deal of time in the last few years working with magickal energies, including the Persephone Energy, the Baubo energy and of course Aphrodite, though i've also connected to Kwan Yin and Green Tara. The time I spent with the person who helped to reawaken this in me was an intensely emotional, ecstatic and loving experience...if K is rejuiced during this type of experience is the likelihood of it not having so many of the "Danger High Voltage" problems lessened or transmuted by such positive emotions? Is it possible that if K is consciously brought into wakefulness with spiritual intent and love that it is less likely to cause so many of the very disturbing aspects I've read about?
Also, what is the best way to nurture this energy? I know to the depths of my being that this energy is the power of the universe, and it is not something I want to ever lose track of now that I've experienced it, because i feel that tapping into this would be exceedingly effect magick for helping to transform our world into a better place. Does this kind of intent also influence how the body/mind/soul deals with it?
Since my lover and I were not TRYING to do this, it just happened, is this considered a "spontaneous" awakening?
And since my lover requickened his lobido after years of it being dormant for years because of a debilitating illness, is this then also a Kundalini awakening for him, and what should I advise him to do in the time between when we see each other again?
I guess i'm trying to understand why I've had hardly any negative reactions to this energy when on the net there are so many articles that emphasize the possible negative side effects and I've mainly have experienced positive? Is it mental attitude, spiritual awareness, or the conext in which Shakti being awakend the main reasons for this?
Yours in the Goddess Joy
http://www.brainboutique.com/joywDate: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 00:51:15 +1100 From: Dieter Dambiec
To: "'Harsh K. Luthar'" , "lodpressATnospamintercomm.com"
Cc: Gene Kieffer ,
"trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu" ,
"heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com" ,
Subject: RE: Urdhava-retas Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
On Tuesday, December 23, 1997 6:05 AM, Harsh K. Luthar
[SMTP:hlutharATnospambryant.edu] wrote: > Dear Gene,
> Not too long ago, in a post to the K-list I mentioned several books. > The truth is that almost every book I picked up in my grandfather's
> house in India as a young boy talked about the transmutation of the > sexual energy into Ojas. Because I grew up with this concept and
> experienced it, it is neither foreign or remote. All the classic texts > on Yoga and Tantra speak of celibacy (Brahmacharya) and its usefulness
> on the spiritual path.
Here's a different approach (PS new translation - not electronic yet - uses gender neutral - this ones a bit old):
The correct meaning of Brahmacarya is to remain
attached to Brahma. "Brahme Vicaranam Brahmacaryam". Whenever a person does some work or thinks of doing the work
extroversally, he looks upon the object, with which he comes in contact, as a crude finite entity. Because of constant
aspiration for material achievement the mind is so engrossed in material objects that his very consciousness gets crude.
The meaning of practising Brahmacarya Sadhana is to treat
the object with which you come in contact, as different expressions of Brahma and not as the crude forms. By means
of such conception, even though the mind wanders from one object to another, it does not get detached from Brahma
because of the Cosmic feeling taken for each and every object. As a result of this Preya Sadhana (extroversal
approach) is converted into Shreya Sadhana (introversal approach) and Kama into Prema. (Preya means attraction
towards crude material objects, while Shreya means attraction towards ultimate reality. Kama means desire for
finite objects and Prema means desire for the Great.)
Many misinterpret Brahmacarya as preservation of semen. It should
be remembered that neither of the words Brahma and Carya has any relevance with the word semen. Moreover, even
physiologically such a preservation of semen is a bluff. Either owing to the disease in certain glands or by the use
of similar other processes unless one becomes maimed, it is not possible to observe such Brahma-carya. It is certainly
right that if the natural meaning of the word Brahmacarya is accepted (i.e. to feel Cosmic Entity in every material
object), control of man's life becomes essential, but such control does not imply disobeying the laws of nature.
Control would mean to abide by the nature's laws properly. Prevention of discharge of semen by some special measures or
prevention of its surplus formation by fasting is ordinarily termed as so-called Brahmacarya.
For those who are not
married, this so-called Brahmacarya (which is really not Brahmacarya) has some meaning, because it reduces the
possibility of sexual excitement and thus prevents a discharge which may occur due to excitement while awake,
asleep or dreaming. This is because when there is no formation of surplus semen, there is no physical desire to
waste it. Further consideration will, however, show what this so-called Brahmacarya is worth. Are the prevention of
formation of surplus semen and the loss of surplus semen not one and the same thing? All that can be said is that the
first alternative is good for the unmarried and the second for the married.
Persons, who by different suppressive
methods want to prevent the discharge of semen, have bad reactions of their body and mind. Their bodies grow rough
and lack in lustre. A suppression of the sexual desire results in other desires specially anger taking a more
terrible form. In the olden times only the actual meaning of Brahmacarya was accepted. Later, when society was dominated
by the intellectuals; the intelligentsia, the so-called monks who had taken to complete exploitation, thought that
if any ordinary citizen were allowed to pursue spiritual practices they may lose the machinery of exploitation at any
moment, of which they were so fond. If the common man is inspired by the spiritual ideals, their rationality will
grow and grow. Therefore, the populace will have to be kept maimed and helpless. Fear and inferiority complex will have
to be infused in man to exploit him. They found that such exploited mass consisted of ordinary worldly people most of
whom were married. If therefore, the loss of semen was any how declared anti-religious, they would be able to gain
their end without difficulty. The result was promptly achieved. Ordinary worldly people began to think that they
by leading a married life committed a serious wrong, a heinous sin and indulged in activities against Brahmacarya.
The monks observed celibacy and were therefore, far
superior. The so-called recluses took advantage of the situation and have, without difficulty, been exploiting the
society. Whether these recluses in fact are 'Naesthika Brahmacariis' (those who do not waste semen at all) cannot
be decided by arguments. This can be decided by medical test only. It can be said without doubts that many of the
so-called monks will pass this test. Marriage is a natural function like bath, food, sleep, etc. Therefore, there is
nothing to be condemned in it, nor does it go against Dharma. When a great man or an elevated Sadhaka is not
prohibited from taking food etc. there is no reason why he should be debarred from marriage. But proper control is no
doubt highly needed over food and sleep, nay, in every walk of life. The lack of such control causes disease. Food is
essential for life; but absence of control over eating causes indigestion.
A bath is refreshing but absence of
control over bath i.e. long continued bath would make one catch cold. Similarly marriage has its uses but absence of
control in married life would cause different diseases in body and mind. Marriage is slightly different from other
natural functions in life, such as eating, sleeping, etc.
Psychological degeneration inherent in the suppression of tendencies can
be avoided only by an effort to fulfill a lofty ideal. It has been said earlier and it is being repeated that one has
to exercise control in every sphere of life whether big or small. Such control does not imply killing the desire but
controlling it. Desires and tendencies are natural attributes of a living being. Therefore, those who want to
kill the desires should better adopt some easy method of committing suicide instead of pursuing any difficult method
of spiritual practices.
Man has to progress towards the ultimate by accepting what is simple
truth. That is the path of a Sadhaka;' that is the path of Dharma. It may be a privilege to parasitic religious
professionals in denying what is simple truth in practical life, but thereby the sanctity of Dharma cannot be
maintained. It is not the path of Satya, it is what is called hypocrisy
The very first books I read in India were
> lectures given by and essays written by Swami Vivekananda back in the > late 1800s. They contain adequate information on the topic of interest
> to you. The Gospel of Ramakrishna Parmahansa would be another place to > look. Books by Swami Dayananda Sarswati, the founder of Arya Samaj, may
> be useful. In the early to mid 1900s, the books by Swami Sivananda of > Rishikesh were written. They contain a lot of practical information
> about Kundalini and related topics. Various books by Swami Naryanananda > of Rishikesh (although he is not well known) on Kundalini and Celibacy
> are authoratative. Books by Aurbindo have been found by some to be > useful. Chinmoy Ghosh, one of Aurbindo's disciples has good books and is
> a genuine spiritual personality. I could go on and on. Kurt Keutzer and > Anandajyoti and others could provide you even more names. I had
> mentioned many of these books just one or two weeks before and did not > wish to repeat myself. All of this takes time and energy.
> > You should know Gene that by the age of 21, I had read thousands of
> books on Yoga, Tantra, Religion, Spirituality etc. I slowly lost > interest in books as I stayed longer and longer in meditation. After
> Recognition of the Self in Kevala Nirvikalpa Samadhi I lost almost all > interest in reading spiritual books. Most of what I recall in the
> scholarly context of Yoga and Tantra is what I read between the ages of > 7 and 21-22. Probably others who are better scholars and have kept up
> with their readings can give you more information. >
> Having said all this, I assure you that the concept of Urdhva Retas > pre-dates Gopi Krishna by several thousand years. It is a natural
> process experienced by individuals on the spiritual path. There is no > need to associate glamor with a process simply because it has a sanskrit
> term to describe it. Beyond all the glamor and the lights, beyond all > the Superconscious states and wonderful visions and celestial music,
> beyond Cosmic Consciousness and time and space itself is only the Self. > It is the Self-Existent Reality which is referred to as Sat-Chit-Ananda.
> That is the simple but eternal Truth. What is that Truth? It is only who > You Truly Are!
> > Harsha
> Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 06:15:02, -0500
From: TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH) To: adrienne45ATnospamhotmail.com, jagdeoaATnospamsprynet.com, 73502.3162ATnospamcompuserve.com,
carterATnospamshockware.com, aca408ATnospamaol.com, davidpATnospamglobalnet.co.uk, bobcATnospamcmconline.com, 76652.3216ATnospamcompuserve.com, carriekATnospamcmconline.com,
csibbaldATnospamistar.ca, ESK5ATnospamaol.com, HH3020ATnospamaol.com, icqATnospamicq.com, irsfwaATnospamwebtv.net, jenrobATnospamwebtv.net, JCastroATnospamkeogler.com,
jesamacATnospampobox.com, scorpion81ATnospamwebtv.net, Speed.carATnospamjuno.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, scorpion81ATnospamwebtv.net, DHBosboomATnospamcompuserve.com,
lisakATnospamcmconline.com, madonnaATnospamwhisp.com, Burke_VATnospamprodigy.net Subject: Give Kids Books
> Here is a worthwhile Christmas project you might be interested in. >
> The Houghton Mifflin Co. is giving books to children's hospitals. the
> number of books they give depends on how many emails they receive: > for
> every 25 emails, they give one book. All you have to do is send an
> email to .........shareATnospamhmco.com and write "give kids books" in the
> subject line. > So far this year they have received only 400 messages. Last year
they > received 23,000 so please pass on the message to anyone who is
Happy Holidays........
I AM always always in the Presence of God.
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 05:02:04 -1000 (HST) From: NARAYAN
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
NARAYAN. Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 10:25:25 -0500 (EST)
From: Gene Kieffer To: mraft
Cc: lodpressATnospamintercomm.com, trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu, heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Urdhava-retas Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dear Mike,
Regarding celibacy and Urdhava-retas, I believe most of us agree that celibacy is neither necessary nor desirable for anyone seeking
to attain to higher states of consciousness. Suppressing ones normal sexual instincts leads to neurosis.
But as was mentioned in previous notes, it is absolutely necessary,
mandatory, that for one in whom Urdhava-retas occurs spontaneously and forcefully--i.e., the awakening of Kundalini--strick celibacy be
observed for a period of time. How long a period of time? This may vary from one individual to another, but certainly for six months
at least, and perhaps as long as 18 months.
After 18 months (or it might be only 12 months, depending on the person) one can then resume normal relations with a spouse or lover.
In that case, the awakened man can have, at his choice, an inner orgasm, in which the full force streams upward in the form of
radiation (and more), or an outer orgasm, for the purpose of procreation. I did not read this in a book but was told by
Gopi Krishna.
gene Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 05:42:11 -1000 (HST)
From: Adya Devi To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center Message-Id:
about two years ago i had an experience during sex which started at the base of my spine
and created Krias for five minutes. Then I said the most beautiful things, couldn't sleep saw crystaline geometrical shapes when I closed my eyes. After that I wrote a whole book and
an albums worth of music. Lately I have been experiencing teaching with the breath. A voice tells
me how to eat, how to breath, what to think. When I follow this voice my life is very blissful. When I diverge there is disharmony, but I merely
have to meditate to get to this state and things happen very sychronistic- ally. Because I have a context for this I don't find it distressing and
when I ask for what I want in a formal way ( ie meditation/respect) I und- erstand I won't receive unless I ask. I am greatful for this side of my
life, however it makes one feel responsible for the evolution of all and the planet. It seems as if the individual consciousness is directly realted
to the whole of consciousness in a very intimate and direct way. Life seems short, reflective, and precious.
Adya Devi
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 11:24:16 -0500 From: robertATnospamdirected.edu
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: P R E S S R E L E A S E
Message-Id: Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN charset=US-ASCII
DirectED - The New Way to Learn!
DirectED is a distance education school that will revolutionize the way people will think about
education in the future. Students can now study in the comfort of their own home to earn their diploma. What is unique about DirectED is that it is completely Internet based. Students attend
classes in a virtual campus that has an employment center, library, cafeteria, computer lab, book store, faculty lounge, business office, student residence, and virtual classrooms. You can visit the
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DirectED partners include the Toronto Dominion Bank, MTS Sympatico, Acer, Course Technology, Microsoft, and Computer Associates.
To find out more about THE NEW WAY TO LEARN please visit DirectED's business office at
http://www.directed.edu/bus.html Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 12:31:38 -0500
From: "Sharon Webb" To:
Subject: missing pages Message-ID:
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0033_01BD1067.EA667120"
Hi Everybody,
I need your help. The man who maintains my web pages has deleted them from the net without revealing a reason or giving me any notice. So far, he has not answered my emails. I have the graphics and MIDI files, but I am missing the HTMLs. I have managed to retrieve my home page and my gallery 9 from my cache, but that's all since I emptied it a couple of days ago. If any of you have recently visited my site and might have any of the pages in your cache I'd really appreciate it if you'd take a look and send anything you find to me. I am particularly interested in my links page as that will be difficult to reproduce.
Thanks so much.
shawebbATnospamyhc.edu A new fractal gallery was posted to this site on November 29th, '97:
http://home1.gte.net/itriazon/Sharon.htm USA Today Hot Site; Cosmic Site of the Night: Cool Central Site of the Day;
ENC Digital Dozen for June '97; Enchantment Award; ArtSearch Featured Site; NetTech NeatTech: Best of the Web in Educational Technology; Eye Candy
Honorable Mention
Attachment Converted: "C:\SLIP\EUDORA\kundali4" Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 12:50:15 EST
From: DouglasMF To: LilEliATnospamaol.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Re: Urdhava-retas Message-ID:
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
In a message dated 12/23/97 2:04:26 PM, you wrote:
< Our foundation does only two things: 1. Promote the concept of >scientifically verifying the existence of Kundalini, and 2., correspond
>with individuals who write to us. We have a modest web site you >can visit if you wish: It is http://www.Renature.com/krf
I think its funny that we try to mix our science and spirituality together.
Osho says some great things about this. That spirit is faith, and science is doubt. Just a thought.
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 10:07:38 -0800 From: Tantrika
To: robertATnospamdirected.edu, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: P R E S S R E L E A S E
How did spam end up on this list?
At 11:24 AM 12/24/97 -0500, robertATnospamdirected.edu wrote:
> >DirectED - The New Way to Learn!
> >DirectED is a distance education school that will revolutionize the way
people will think about >education in the future. Students can now study in the comfort of their
own home to earn their >diploma. What is unique about DirectED is that it is completely Internet
based. Students attend >classes in a virtual campus that has an employment center, library,
cafeteria, computer lab, book >store, faculty lounge, business office, student residence, and virtual
classrooms. You can visit the >campus at http://www.directed.edu.
> >All DirectED Students will receive:
> > Acer Multimedia Computer
> Lexmark Color Printer > Windows 95
> Office 97 Professional > Books
> Prepaid Internet Connection for 1 Year > Access to DirectED Web Site
> Toll Free Support for 1 Year >
>DirectED programs are certified and registered with Department of Training and Advanced
>Education. >DirectED is a member of the Better Business Bureau.
>DirectED partners include the Toronto Dominion Bank, MTS Sympatico, Acer, Course Technology,
>Microsoft, and Computer Associates. >
>To find out more about THE NEW WAY TO LEARN please visit DirectED's business office at
>http://www.directed.edu/bus.html >
> >
> Date: Wed, 24 Dec 97 10:31:58 PST
From: "Jeremy Chevrier" To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Spine Chills... Message-Id:
I have experienced "Chills" of energy wrigling up my spine in a snake
like fashion all of my life. The chills are so intense that my body shakes and jerks a bit. I get about 40 of these "chills" a day. I
get them more in cold weather. I also can induce a chill by pumping my perenium muscle(between genitals and anus). My mom has these same
chills daily. I think this is some type of Kundalini energy. Does anyone know what has been happening to me all my life? Is this a sign
of an imbalance? Is it a sign that I have a certain ability that I should look into and foster so as to advance spiritually? Please
help, I am very curious about these odd "chills"... Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 13:40:28 -0500
From: "Ed Arrons" To: "Kundalini-l"
Subject: Your "Light Body" ? Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Lately I have been contemplating the development of the 'light body', or
whatever is the next quantum step up in frequency from the physical.
The development of this body would seem to be a commonality in all religions and spiritual paths, and could be the platform or matrix from
which to begin the actual work of creating spiritual unity in its diversity.
It seems that more attention given to this development would lead to discussions which are clearer, more cohesive, and less caught up in semantic
What does your religion or spiritual perspective have to say about your "Light Body"?
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 12:59:08 -0600 From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: Urdhava-retas
Gene wrote:
> Regarding celibacy and Urdhava-retas, I believe most of us agree >that celibacy is neither necessary nor desirable for anyone seeking
>to attain to higher states of consciousness. Suppressing ones >normal sexual instincts leads to neurosis.
I agree wholeheartedly there. Look at the "Heaven's Gate" group for a
recent example.
>the awakened man can have, at his choice, an inner
>orgasm, in which the full force streams upward in the form of >radiation (and more), or an outer orgasm, for the purpose of
I am surprised no one has mentioned this before, but I have heard of a syndrome where a man has this kind of "back up" and it is not at all
healthy; can lead to serious prostate problems, etc. If you're just talking energy flow or radiation, that is one thing, but for secretions to back up,
I just don't know if that is safe, strictly from a physical health standpoint. Has anyone ever discussed this with a urologist? I'm serious.
Feel free to submit any questions you might have about what you read here to the Kundalini
mailing list moderators, and/or the author (if given). Specify if you would like your message forwarded to the list. Please subscribe to the K-list so you can read the responses.
All email addresses on this site have been spam proofed by the addition of ATnospam in place of the symbol.
All posts publicly archived with the permission of the people involved. Reproduction for anything other than personal use is prohibited by international copyright law. ©
This precious archive of experiential wisdom is made available thanks to sponsorship from Fire-Serpent.org.
URL: http://www.kundalini-gateway.org/klist/k1997d/k97d00582.html